HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-9, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODBRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, An:. 9. 1894. • welted, surelyshould have a nes • 0 baa M� in life. If anything were needed SO all we hats acid about Toroato'a• ditiou, it. ire furnished by the editorial deliverances .4 The Tot World, wherein the story of blue ru to the unfortunate real estate owte is presented, and where for Ioug t detuut.i has been male to w-ipw ou eredlt sued, .. rear, pause ....ser 1 d by statute the deadly n,ort;;ttge rote M per ► IOU le 30 unto Anel everybody knowa that'•Bu &. Look as sone .i. I ter BILLY is as loyal to Uie Old Flag for retenuc purpoitta, as .•vett the .d tor of The Telegram. , m rVaaA[iMS 'VERY THURSDAY MORNING S1 111011111.1.1111C11114141.S. aloe el p ua� a 30 ..d ti. 3 ort.-- re,t. d Orrteh. Ontario. Terme .r Msbaorlpf.a l se meal e, it advisees .... .... / 1t M 'suzette. tart tbat Amanita'it shippaug 10.000 tons of butter to England, and that jttltld her exports of all kinds 01 agricultur- tft1 ra) products will be greatly incr mated .doilal y 1 this year. This w the market prom to ised our femora where meat, are in raised M 1 i tents per Ib., and where rs they need not our barley, animals, he' wool, or aught etre that our fanners t raise. at -an insult to intelligence go fur- te 'titer ? ' HONOR TO PRESIDENT GAUNT. i- '�` II E Pride of A -h,tieki " anti the " Pioneer lodge of lloierich town- ship dont appear to 1* having things as all their own way in the onslaught for upon County President (l oaf el That he able Patron has struck out front the tli shoulder with such effect that he has r- Kites hu viUiiier. a black eve and e they have forsaken argument and Tour label is • eandium receipt of the date to while you are paid up. nee limit It 1e ant allowed to fall into arrow. When • chaser of address is desired. bosh the old and the new address should be s,. en. Ado emersion mase. Legal sad other casual advertisemears, 10c. per Ilse for aro insertion. and 3 mete per lire ver each ewsn nen'q 1 iuflpreire. Mes.ured b =leads. of six Innes and wider. a0 par Firer, Advertisements of Lost. Found, Strafed, 5tt.•tiene Vacant, Situations Wasted sad Be.la.ee Chances Wanted. ani .xoeedlag f 1 nonpareil11 per month, .ter. no Bele and Parma on (tale. •ot to exceed 8 here, 11 fpr ere( ewer e. Silt. per ..,b eesuent e.ont1. Larger •dyes. in progenitor. Any special nosier. eheohjrct of which u to promote the pecuniary hrs.tit of any :indi- vidual or eoo,pany, to he cone!derrd an ad VSetlrmru, and ch. riled .eet.r,i Intl,. Loral nude.• in nonpareil type one cent per word, no notice. lean then etc. Local stone in ordinary reading type two cents per word• No notice for lees thou Sato Notices for churches and other religious taut benevolent iset atalons half rate, Osmmertise Contract edvereteemea1.. A limited number of diepp�le�Fcd adrrrtlar meets will he Merited at the tfollowing rate. Per inch, one insertle.a. M e. " tour insertions I ,f' " there months.. ... S.r. iii months • .:....... ... SOS One year.... S d, No ad.eetisoneu Aar thea two inches it Magth will be calculated on •hove haat.. 5 per rent. dieeo.nt allowed for cast, payments on thr.r maethe'centra.-t; le per pent o' sir months', end IS percent. on a year's. These ooudltionr will be".trotly enforced. Abseil "'The Musia- l" tartleny. eulrcriber whe fail to r e/me 'l1* ISw-ate reetularly, either by vender er by Mall, will meter a raver by sequu,.tleg W of the fact at as early . dntsue pue•ible. R.yeetrd m•nurrr t, cannot he Wormed, ("erre.pu0Aence must be w eines m one nde of paper only. Publisher's 5.etr.. J. C. Lc Tonne'. of Coderl.-h, hes been az pointed Local Travelling .agent for the town- ships of Coder:ch, Colborne, Ash$eld sad Ws we nosh. Local poet marten over the district are also empowerxl to reunite eubrcriptiuos to Tut SIGNAL, Al! eommunicatious moot he addressed to 11, McGILLICI'11DT, Tax 'to%♦L, Telephone ('.11 W (foderich. Out. - . - - COD!(IIIUII. TECR4DAY. AUG. A !*L STORY OF TOIrOKTO'$ 1100r." THE Ecenii.g Teiegiii of Toronto, has taken exception to our'account of the collapse of the Toronto real estate botuu, and (Makers allueionts to sotneoni' whom it'profewsen to .pot a* the vent er of buy last week ;s rorr•e-•pon.ie•neI. on the rlubjet•t. We do not think, Thy- ' Telegram hr'Telegram knows the writer, and, cer- tainly, he is spot at official of any Government, nor is he now. nor was he ever, the Owner of any real estate in Toronto, so far as our information goes. Who the writer ie is neither here nor there : the real a ttest.ieu., ern: 1. Whether there was- a. lxhorte in Toronto ' '. laid the utenrnary ptees'of Tor- onto trot ,declare over and mer a,ain that then' was no Boom, but that the balloon prices were the result of heal- thy growth, sed ba.e,i tau genuine value• ' • 3. Did the bomer's not pay the Toronto newspape1x by exttnsiee- ad- vertising to say that, compared with American cities of similar size, the real estate of Toronto was cheap ' 4. Did the same commercial press of Toronto not 'lenourpce every wat n- ing voile which pointed out the (Ian - ger of playing with the fire of Tor- onto real estate ' 3. is not a very large portion of the loss sustained) by the cit -thus of the plague attributable to the Toronto press, which kept on puffing up Tor- onto's great field for enterpri,fe and investment, when the whole outfit was only bubble *del '1uick.*anel 6. Has the boom burst, and I.*a any misery resulted therefrom • ;. Is the editor ot tics Telegram or his britbren of the trade buying any Toronto real node at boon prices, or any other prices And, finally, is Toronto not flat on its back, with confidence shaken, hops' stutterer'. mid thousands of people it retrievably ruined through not alone the loss of all they possea*cd, but cwrwed with mad !'find to the *take ofd the deadly mortgage covenant. which moat continue to *tllict them with palsy till a law is paseed relieving A SUMMER HOTEL NEEDED. DURING -the present reason . it h been shown that a see ity exists a Summer hotel in this town. T regular hotels have. I•wn tilled wi guest*, the boarding houses hate ot"e flowed, and still the people from ou 'ids.. air- peolitis - In to . upend a fe weeks in this favorite Smuttier resor $one years ago the question erecting a Targe Summer hotel w agitated by the fitiard of Trade, h the time wag not then considered ri for going on with the scheme, own to the fact that it was then consple w• taken to *huge. The " Northern t. Light Lodge,- of which he it a soon - of icer, hoe also taken up his fight and as has parsed the following, resolution. Ut whie•h sleeks f.ir itself : Pe "Moved by Joh* H. McPherson, seoosded try Chas. Thorne, that we, the members of l^ Northern Light Lodge. P. of 1 of which r- our :o.. .. president, Mr. James (:aunt. eta that Goderich was not up to t times in battling and !„*ting ,eeOI nualation still *t.•awl,oet s ri•iee. Since that tittle these wants have bee tilled, and the r•,ult i• that .lurit the present season then, has been steady influx of tisiters to such au e tent that the present aecowmal*tl"o as-base-Taitto the tittermoat A good, well -termitic -tee' MuuuuF hotel would be a capitaf'inte-t men and would not fail to secure a 1'atro :ago of the beat paying kind. \V hope, therefore, that some effort wi 1,e made to -tart the hall rolling. he" tat h000rorl member, seeing the efforts cow• u bring made to certain quarters to 'met re - pr mien on our president for the stand he woe obliged tee take in the recent provincial contest, by • withdraw reg his .uppnrt from t,; toe 'called Patrols candidate, Mr. Com- a nods-, an•i after having the matter tally rob plainer' by brother Gaunt, meld's:roue of taw,n, this means of publicly eeeresatne our confidence in brother -la., taunt es • Patron. and our appreciation and endorse- r neat of our esteemed brother's conduct at t, a most critical time whereby he, .t the risk n. of great personal calumny, stood loyally. by ,, the princtples of our order, u expressed by 11 our grand sad county associations, sad ex- posed the treachery and duplicity being practised in the name of Patronism. And we hereby pledge ourselves to use every ed•.rt to further his candidature at the coming Dominion eleftton, knowing him to be as good a 1'atron as ever, and to be worthy of the confidence of every true Phtroa and independent elector 1• the rid• te(( and he it further resolved, that If the effort tying made to trwmetorm our Order tato a sectarian organization, or to affiliate it with such, is successful, we will withdraw bodily from the tattoo thder. THE INTERCOLONIAL CONFER ENCE FRAUD. - of other woe,: th.tn fraud can fit- tingly give exprepion t•, the charac- ter of the meeting of the colonial .lel egates, which. ,was toilet( by Senator BowaLL it Ottawa, to dis.:uaa colonial trieh•, anti to lige on he ober old mother Iatul that( she Bite it pretense* to the products of the col- onies o'er tine imports from forteigu .'ountries : but it was a special f( :fuer of the conference to talk ov.•r „owe pleb a hereby tate respective colonie- could open up a trade wilt each oth er, rind .ftp and buy largely amongst tbetusel vera. It wo., in vulgar hinges: e, enougl to wake a hone. !angle aro->earL of the .\ultra,Iirati dele'gates' talk about l'*rt wla requiring Australian/meats, fruit,,, butter and wool, jest as though we Lay r,nt enough anal to .pare of such emu e1itles . and when the loyal knight hunting Ilelegate, were on the sui.p•, t they were fairly glowing in r'f.re. w n to the /Off they could tate from Cumuli', such as wood product., paper. pianos and organs, lett never a inentiotl was made of taking any 44 our agricultural products, for they all knew frond the Blue hooks -of Canada that the It)outinion shipped in 1 '93 to Austraii* and New Zealand only at<:N) worth of :agricultural products ( which was composed of one barrel of flour aa.l the balance in a case of Scotch haggis trout the Caledonian So- ciety of \'ancouter to their I'r•tt,n•n in Melbourne. \'i -t thew are the market* our tuft hunting politician, want to present to our fanner, w here the cost of freight would eat up ten time.. the 'able el our emirate pro- duct s, mita in t,11' case of the very (test we could posildy nraiuce, even under a hot -house systetg, the freight would eat up the receipts and leave the .hip pet In .loll, The 1'nitei State* purt•hssedd, 'lur- ing the time the eoloni'•s bought the ?:tor worth, no less than' $N.fs ,IAA worth of farni praise.. from 3ulalja. lad 13127.300o,000 worth of fish, 1pmler. minerals and other pmducta, while against * total of a35,000,o1x1 of ex porta to the State" lite flit' Dominion. we have R3:111,10s. to all alae colonies n.l poser -mien. of the empire. When the fernier- of Canada tee this coutrist, noted hstsieling the M. (Badley pill, end retie.t how vastly in creased email 1,' oto exports to the States under :4 trade treaty between them of that knotted( scourge ! the two neigh l.oriiig peoples, surely There ere few finer character" in their eyes will Is. opened to the con - many ways than the proprietor of The , atructit,• insult of proposing, or even Toronto Telegram. His generosity talking about, wirier trade relation* and ehsrity know no hound*, and with Australia and the ('ape, whose mach of his life has been spent "doing people need nothing we produce. troorl by stealth," but it its unworthy I if course, let us have free trade with of kis _journal to fume over * ,tete all countries, but what goof can it din went of plain anti well known truths. Ito us to cry for trading with the Toronto eeanot lose in the end by a moon at.l it's as rraewtahle to talk vrgoeoss allowing up n4 Iter true con of that sp a to look for ople at. a dis- dition, for it must hasten the day of tome ne 1:1,000 miles baying sant as insolvency act ao much nwdwleri by heal us they don't want, because they theamads et her esfortunate people have enough of the same and to spare. wbs. Wei stripped of all they pox. The cables of this week inform us • SNAP SHOTl3. Now that I:_t, non'' o4.,•tion lets been protected the conspirators are .wesnng that they had no hand in putunn up the job on the mesh.r elect. Thi• allegations of the petition are of an omnibus variety, and run all the way from pitch and toss to killing tbe.Oppe.• toot candidate. ' - - .1 aur esteemed cote,.,., The Even- tag Telegram, of Tomato. ouatinuea to at- tack the high taxation of Toronto and the tnetuitous mortgage ovenrgt, yet, when Tec Si'., .i. refers to these blurt upon the city's fair fame, The Telegram Mee in a rage and yells " Slander .lata.•, E. flaunt, .•aunty prw,i•ient of the Patron Association for Huron heel been lumping upon his ..sil.ate with spek. ed oboes, sod forced the Tory organa into name caking, for lock of evidence to dot i t prove his vontentions. - If thi- pr..t••.t business ire.; wu'.•l, i further there will he• either a great dee! ot ."uwiog off' or else the Province might Ger 0f well ha -se another election. J.IA'S ?ORCE RUTTED Twenty Thousand t'hiuese Trot*, Yarhte Upon "rout. FORMAL DECLARATI,.N OF WAR Jaya Apologise* 1. tinged Britain for the Loss el the Kew this; light So a sl.. Yyars*lp. sett far the Ar r baaJors Called Nwee. Loauoi, Aust tl--The Exchange Tele- greph t'ompauy declares that war between e as China and Japbbeets de - eland by Jap•n. The admiralty has ordered Vice Admiral Fremantie, who commands the British equa.irun of the east Ardent coast, to eew approach Chiuose and J•i..porta. and wh,1e ubaetrn,g strict heutrslitr, to watch the progress of operation& Private despatches .ay that Japan has (-Wee' tier legation and recededher stat• uo tater arid all her osults from t'1,ua , Toalo, Aug. 2. -Tice Japaueee govern- ment hes instructed Its minister in lou• don to apologize to direst Britain :or tiring upon and *asking the transport how .'L•tug suite she was dyne the British flog. and w inform line �ritain that the com- mander Of the J.paueee cruiser did not know the Kow Siting war • Lettish vessel until after the fight l'aptaiu (ialewurthy, of the Kuw Shing, and tummy other persons whowere 0u boat(+the transport, were rewardby the boat of the Jap.ueem e warship Naes- .i SHA'•A1 Aug. 2. -At 11 o'clock in the morning tat July Y:, the day after the att..ck on the Chinese traurcortr *hair resulted in the sinktug of the Kow the Japanese warships Tsc*chlo and Hip,' Dead. *a attack upon the Chinese l'ie'n 1 nen. After • long *ate desperate fight the Japanese vessels were beaten off,nt the Hiyei be* disabled and rendered belplese. The Ches1 ten though badly dawaged, succeeded In reaciouc pun in safety in company with two gunboats, which also took part in the engagement, andiewent into dry dock for repair* aft r her two days' lignii's, Ad vioes from Yaahan state that the Chinese are ttrou_ly ant:vie:1:r.t there and that repeated attempts hare been made by the Japanese trope to di:sludge thous.In every instenee, however. the .ttaokiug forces, •tt'-r nerd fought eugsg-uteua, were :.pule,' at all potr.ta by he!ry losses. A portion of r..• Chinese a. ',Leis engaged in these b,tt:w were the best trim's* of tate northern army of Vicen,y Li Hun, Chang. loose The Chinese lowere small. The C..iuew• wiuistrt w::l leave Tokio today. The Japanese flag was hauled ;a down (ruin the eouaute yesterday. The light has been removed from the month of \iu,jpu river Eight jfue.f.sn warships ere reported to be 'Ownto sail from Vladi v.sW1. Fifteen htu,drei J.peuese wereae killed at Vnan. Lor..r ., Aug. 3. -The Times' despatch from Shanghai says that report* base been received from foreign ofti•:iile at Seoul, the capita: of,'Corea, that the Cnine.e, under tie:tend Yea. uta Suuday lam de- feated the Jmeinessi fumes near Arian. 1t it .deal that the .:epitome withdrew to Seoul Twenty thousand )laneaurian Chinese troupe have crossed the Comae frontier and are marcIia:n upon Simi Tice- Sass,;bat certw.pondent of the Times say, ria ingmry into tis. Kew Shia;; affair was c.....lected by the eons- maeet..::ers of customs alt 1 .0 'Twin in the ptweeLce: of the' f...MHO .consuls It was r.• OUucl:,..4 yerd*y. rorty -five survivorsstand thhqi� tau tee morning of the 25th the Japwuree/or.lered th- Kow Suing to anchor 0111 the Isiu.J , t Shopaiowi. The tram tr- pert remained there until noon, being twice Oslo -des). ithout having given any proryesrtou vis wap struck with torpedoes and suuk. ,, The Japanese tired Iran gat - lingo at the swimmers lung after tate Kow Suing had foundered." The Daily Chrontc:e'• Tokio correspond- ent bays that the Japanese concent- rating it conee rating off Keogh It a. at the mouth of the Seoul river, and • great uaval .:ght t. ex- pected. . Tee Emperor hu divested Li Hung Chang of tis Yellow Jacket to conaegtence supposed remimum* in prosecuting war. Twenty thousand Chinese . have crossed he Yellow River, and 9,0(3') have lett uuyden for Seoul. SHANGHAI, Aug. 4. -The action of the mperor In divesting Vocetoy Li Hung -nem; of the order of the Yellow Jacket as fallen like s thunderbolt here, as it is eared ti* incident wisp lead w his cos lets over:brow. He te regarded here as be ot.ly leader capable of Duping with apan Iu the inevitable lone war. The Op.-ror has berth in3nenoed in hie action y members of his fsmiiy hostile to the tcerur'. pro European policy. 1t is ex- pected that Si, Robert Hart the British presentative, will &avert his authority id support 1.i Hong Chang. The soldiers beheaded .t Tien Tin for eeertion pleaded in extenuation of their once hunger and exhao&tiea Before ey were executed they teas stripped of heir onifo,m. and their - of. The example has terrified 'Ale army. 'An eifet has gone forth that the army B re v. double pay henceforth daring the az with Japru and a large bonus has been tiered to o3ieers oompetett to n•vig•fe e Chino naval vowels and tran.porta LONDON. Aug. 4 -Sir Halliday McArt- or. counrillo, of the Chino's legation and • new ('bines" minister celled at Osborne owe yesterday and the minister presented redentiale. While at Osborne the minis - ✓