HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-9, Page 311>taaifa�,. moi• p11IOHOD.-Diwa gtedsdoh. • is�ta.. asset 11 R. t RICHARDSON, L. .6211M1 iii, IredllseL (nit. HUNTER. PHYH*CU. , SUR Nest . , ttigbt sal* frvo Br1t1!�r'�� Hetet g NI4gA ON A BHAM(ON, esiwassas. kr. C. et.ar. D Aaxon.- Yert►+4 ore. Modal e0bw0l• Legal. C• AMPION A JOHNSTON, BARRIS- V mm Wtdyse. NGederlek- yAoss-•Oyer Jordan's Ikua tltore K. CAlll- YION, Q. C.. M. O. JOH TUN, era to pas.. (JFTI'S t DANCEY, BARRISTER, L BoWeiter. Osaved.eeer. Li- etc. peau at WW1. olenau . Hl. �� Oatl 1, h pour Consortia N, LEWIS, BARRISTER, I'ROO- ter 1a bleO,{tine Omura et Ontario tab Colborne hotel. stir a BAYS, SOLICITOR, tea. �isra•Y sf Square anal W. - urs Wearer!' epee. Pri- vate 'r4 vMe sg et lower rates et utter- e d- rtit- GARROW A PROUDIUUT, BAR - men, ♦hares eo►Ioltor.. aa. (ode tape. J. T. Oerrew. . W. Proudtoot. CAMEK3N, HOLT (� aH.O..LryIlIB, Har. stere. /olt.asew I. r. if.1e. ho• d. Huls . 0. lfanssea. (i0.: r, J. O. WARD. tatsa •.d re - gigs At., sod •a..teel.a ter ball. .Adsvita et moving sr mimes deadens. W sutra. ear or pro dyers &rimeassai toe M Coen of Justice, the �.s1 tor Ontario, sr in say Como, -Court, Ail tewmsaettoes asretu1&ego.t,ftas•d i` -1t P.O.nd wear ale aa/H1Neass. t SE:AGBILOONVEYANOINO AND �. Iaamsaossfild.. opp0Nte,]IYt1L'SHU s1 walrus. `1 UN BY TO LEND O:TItiRAnn 1 1 si Sjpor boat. Ness dtecousted. C. ISKAOKR. sees opposite Martin: Hotel.tsode- orb. MONEY To LOAN. - $ 1 Private Pm& to land st K Par oast la aasAy. wrrl 8 L DANCRY, Horse's bent. accents (:dborae Hotel. Oodenck. Mitt L'• J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • efilMeel Iailata.M yeas ' at /'e+t resew thee -bre. Uaetf•,at sad Seamen suis.. _ _ tbti0 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W ClMZHON idols t HOLMES.Tn D- esai. sa MONET TO LEND. --41.L A R U E tlil.ent.f Prtt.se Fatale ler tworemwt edleiree mese es es at PAn-cllose Mortgagee. p T RRADOLIYFE, MINERAL IN• ,..urwao., Real Sedate sad Money Lowing Attest. Only drugless asmps•lai Hp.awMd. Mean le lead os Wraith Issas, at the lower rate et Iaterest( a5lmB, ray way to salt tat aorrower. )foo-/ee- ead door from Senora Wan *woo. G dd0- Ise Nealiaa ' Institut*. / 1ODEItIOH KMOBANIOIF IN111- lT TUT[ Idlfi&aY AND RZADIDRI- MOOM, mor. et Ilse mega •ad Square Isp Make. Opts teem 1 to r ►stn„ •ad hon T se la r.II. ABOUT 9000 YOL% IN LIBRARY. Ledling Ileily, W.tk(y sad fllwtrated Popes Manuisbee, etc., ow Pile. ItimalIhaHIP TRAM. ONLY *Lee, grsauag tree nes of Library and Reediaa- Room AtioneatU.o ter nombe eklp received W W erra. Lefler H. 81TM. ORO. BTIVIN, Sedate& Mas* Ida Mag. /111111121111111011111111X- • T8o11IAg OUNDRY. AUCTIONEER ted =arena. Ane. Ooderich, Oat. • et Anew. sad I�s.ashire nee Ina Co.. flan DMrlet Mataal las. Oa ale at redid M in say pert el the meaty. 11611 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUO- ttosesr sad Land T.ila $.r. and rtai. Oat Havtag bad maeldmakle sapwisnea b the r o ortu 4. kS d •astWowe padailcone tlo. to w llenaa. estrured le ardors left at ✓ anio'e Keri& or asst by well te hie aalte^ ggyy..r� ch P. 0.. oarerany aneaded to. JOHN Ot0?i treaty Asetteseer. *1111t Dental Announcement. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN THEL-CB�ORIDE aT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S SSSTax ramosta. Oef0l WISE SLOOP b11E1T-STREET .ODHiiOs, ONT. it mann N enllente�ds esdstaetlw. after • atammaie Mw. t tics lthe del saadst peisss.isb l Mem.to tiaE . I bare the only diad Wmat se nee to eedarsk. the Mesa w�itrei wsrrn.ted serer the extraction se tasteo steam of myk1114- is nosey atti.r, as•4 tatty NUM pals in the Maw HITHH3L-0PICLORIDHI le a se.& aaaeatbetie that Sever abets W Miro la the oast 1. henries ss water. seit the MSM mltveo knows es earth le Heir teeththe taste ms ltabawsasltive le psis- resNlvety sweeten* ]a us eebeM. .. rales of abs tlotainl t • qtee�lh My'5li. ?'Isgmeabwe l and r�rtt4y den.. _1r eelnia W Del S. 11110RARDSOW. renes g IlpMuaee. It oat Ute Parisian twines who awe at- aradlted two or three team a . wltb Iia "h1Nshtu,asbl. craIt et lateens. purine. "4st the skin, by whoa the very blond bs- ▪ t magnetic. sad new they leve saosher Macer. lam .bjeetl.tmY., pur►aps,1101 but vary gaww.eeMa It is • meshed by NIA tales eyebolts WI, he.leis. A am Wl s. threaded wed dash hair. ie draw. *vest the skis of w eyelid, Ier.1.g bag .iiad ' after (i. b "61*- a -r . le mid N be *.I -'----thee remoter ba.kll.1 MSW M e'.11 IM we.r.r'e sya % eT iteanci.wett.Mt► b 'is .ren yet THE SIGNAL GODSRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, AUG.. 9. 1894. BIC ?IR IN CHICAGO More Property Bann/yeti Titan thea Mlle ('unlagration of 1872. THREE MILLION DOLLARS LOSS 111f1111aa. .1 roes et Lumber Destroyed T.aetker With Cleetrle Appar.t w., Car Memorial. mol Naltdla5. -Over a Half Mlle heroes •ara.4 Over. CRs.5o . Aug. 2 - Flames last nizbt de- stroyrr! tors proper r and m shorter apses Of thine tnau any pre which hue stetted Chicago eine. the bug ruu8agretltu iu 1872. Over lg1,00U,000 worth of lumber, r..-ot trical rb.parutle, carp. car wheels, castings, solves, potent*, buildinins and other material*, were m.nsuuied in a .lariat;; fumes "i Oyer a half elle ntivarr Iv 'Lin lees than three 8. -urs. The scene of the fire was what is known as the lumber du ruler. 9 M territory burned over was bounded by A.bsnd •retlue 011 the east, the 'with branch of the tlucago River Orr the south, Blue Island avenue ou the north and Roby street on tar arid. Then wen many ...aunties among the firemen and spectators. it,. only death w tar as heard was that of a boy who fell trout • lumber piir in • river slip and was drowned. The firms whose property was destroyed up to l0 o'cl..t:k and the estimated 1.....s areas follows. ?demure. & hula►e. *kettle eunrjj.any, works completely drlrutelWas pee.), 000. Wells & French, Wannfactnnn of ear wheel-, lore $zipUU,UIMn, Pettey, l.uw & Cu„ lumbar dealers, 1I.UUU,00It fret of lumbar Destroyed, 1.•.. $100.000. Martin Lnua er l'umpany. 38,Ii10,000 feet of lum- ber sand the offitee a.usnnlroi . lues VW, • 0471. R. E. Comes:, cotter parte mid blocks, loss B130.000; Barber Asphalt C.,.. • asehalt stock, two-storey brick Minding Sial ma cl.twery destroyed, Was $1:,1,000.. 4 lslc nu stove works, los. $230.000. Lougiev, Lowe & Co , timber yards, tum $IOU.,JUU. Shoomakc & Higbee, nanny lumber pods:" IMO quarter sated, lows $100.080. Keysto0• Lumber l'unpan., yards partly destroyed, $130,000. Edward limes Lumber Com- p}p,sh.nl, sada dsseruyed. lues $380,000. •y •kelleld Rattan Co., works destroyed, Isms $73,1106. Itr.:Bitha ,ischia' Cu., l.... $30.000. Four frame dwellings occupied by em playas 01 the burned out fines were dr stn.yed; hes, including content., =10,000. The Montane. will pr,babiy not exceed WI the amount of keen. Thieves M work la Wldrll.ea. Loslros, Out, Aug 2 -Robberies in Middleex have been more freqnsut ut late than in many years part. Murray Smith. of coneeeSko 6, Uwemeter, reports that *nog his abeeuc. on Sunday evening hie Pique was broken lute. A pocketbook in Mr. Swath'* pants packet was emptied of iW and the wallet left behind. A pocket - ho k of Mrs Smiths containing $,i bas not been seen since. A young man work- ing in the Tie:rntT is suspected of having commute! the theft. Three We. 1111s•d 111 an 8 ueleel... fd.A,sVILLR, Ont., Aug. 3.-tt Tuesday a .ad accident occurred at the works of of the U A R 1'. S. Ry., in the :(laity ut thirty. Ray. .4 charge of dynamite ex plated, Dietautly killing three teen and injurng several otheta 'cue names of the unfortunate men are as follows t.wrge Manton, from Jlettawa. Keller, from Po- wer Rapids; the ether being an English- man. neon unknown. and only lately out from the tnd country. Fire 3 j8e Mors. 4011 Werke. Stehle, lig. 1.-A terrific fire broke oast yesterday is the premien of 181%4 'au adieu til ('onlp•my. consuming most of then outbuildings including the barrelling honses, agitator t.nk., bleach -r and several hundred barrels of all. The loss will be hairy. The rreitlenoe of Charlet Belt8 111 the enjoining block was entirely eooenmed. Admitted Her Peyary. HAMILTON, Aug. 3. --Matilda Bryant, the young colored girl ono swop 0111 an m formation charging Peter 11'aaliams with an offence under the Charlton act admit- ted in the police court v-.eterday that she had perjured herelf. She was sett by Magistrate Jeffs to the refuge at the Mer- est Reformatory for .n indefinite rim. Mrtow. Aeeedeat to • Tssmetee. NIAGARA, Iint., Aug. 4. -David Cole- man, a teamster, while coming trom SC Catharines on a load of teed, mat with • very serous accident veet.rday. It seems while alining down a hill he slipped from the load and the wheels of the waggon. which contained over two tons, passed over his ankle, nearly wavering it from the limb Amputation may be necessary A Railroader Killed at Tared. Tarim, Ont., Aug. 4.-t'ornelins Wood cock was killed here y.atenlay. He was sitting on the beck end of a band car, and had gone some distance when by Minn meas be gag 81. head under tbe brake and they came down on it. breaking hie neck. He knees • wife sad large family. Two Colored W.m.a 15441.4. Ftrrr-ata, Ont. Aug. 9. -The Michigan (.'ental train struck • cerriage containing two colored women, Mrs Simpson and daughter. in-law. The eider Indy was killed instantly and the other woman died In • few Maury. An inquest has hems salted. Attempt 1. Mase tee MIassaM,- . Item . Amp. 1 -What MOO P«esM regard as an attempt to bare Nr Elmira Reformatory occurred yesterday. The ( nerds detected a man trying to beak Into the windows of the inetnation. Five guard. find at bin without effect. Th. Tramp Har Hi. R•.rwg.. OTTAWA. Aug. fin -Six buildings wars destroyed by fire at tastiness° Point, P 0., sear bore. The Ere was et by a tromp who had bees rebind .8.11., In . moble. Loss, 15, 000; L..eeano..light Venose tilted by • urachus HAMML**, Ont, Ant, 4. -J.mpe R Elliott, • respeelsble farms living about tiaras miles from this village, wee killed Thursday evening by getting est.agled In Ida binder. tee.w"t.r warmer Killed. Talw.wavea, Oat.. Aug l -Name. 1lt•t•. $ farms, hying soar hon, was 811104 at ► s own gate b hie heMain away ..d t bwwhg hhome him fret •f SS Hecto • Obeid tairtinieer lotuses. LAtr►AZ, 1t,S., Ary, 1 -An hfast (AIM of Wilier Colleen. M (*feel Jae. - .61111. 1•11 bas •well and was GREAT HOUSEKEEPING, Roo Dowser$e aervl.e r r..1.r.ed ta a Whit...* .'. r.t«.. rac.ptine 18. White Honer in and about which a large corps of servant.. are en• pl.yed. says the St Lucie Repaints, the t'01111.tue Veaderblts. 1n tines great New York bonne, recently ealargwl to occupy oats whole aide of • city square, require the ousuint attendance of • larger uumber of domestics than any householders In this country. In the winter esteem. when lir and Mrs. Vanderbilt are at home and entertatuing, twenty two servant* at1 down to meals an their own enson,slious, cheerful basement diulog•ruum. They idyl las the home, and in summer are either pat on bund wags, or. It toe Newport ...tams', meta t.open.tl, are trau.lerred there aluug with wine half - doaru mru from the private stables. Thee men, who do not lavm in the house, and who, with lb. three fortsleand one plumb tn. are known as the "uutsiJ. help' by regular servants, brings the list of steady e.g., earners a11 lir. Vanderbilt • private . u, ,:oy up to the number of 'thirty-three. Now, there isn't • housemaid, butler, valet or stable by who does not feel Lint or b.r.elf in great luck to secure a place with tis V.. .:orb''!.. Employment under that rant ,seate handsome wages, the twat luxurious living and pleasant work. No body 1a ever asked to bear more than a lust *hare et the daily labor,. t to the tap door of the Ione ars the .ervaut. ginner* There na a nice suit, consisting of sitting room and what is known ea "the other," eel nude for the bou.ekeper. lin. Perkins. She is a clever• capable person, who bat been with Mrs. Vanderbilt • number of years. and has control of all the wunteu domestics except the nitres and Sire Vanderbilt'suwn personal maid. lir.. Perkins looks after the great hien cruet She Is the bead of the laundry , every morning inspects the bedroom, drawing•roaon and .errant.' Boron, manages the m:.ids in order and resat• nese, discharges ant engage" them and keeps all the hon.: arc -mita Any do. wIlIk ttoablea err laid before her in the "Bice, hen tae maids retort to bur every morning; Imre sire keeps her nooks, and once a week him a halt hour'" interview with firs. Van•lerbi,t. drat Prtkbu& throws had her meals .creed Ft her own kitting tont and in eves .capon* conducts helsrlt as becomes the well-traimel English housekeeper she IL finder her diner c• ntrol are the two Mandre s s two chawbernnatda and two I wr a yi.Ie, who know that they moat not only obey Mrs. Perkin*, bast dao hare a Cate for the ke.0 eyes of Mr.. Vander LiIt. who never cornet* ur forgives twice. She began her lamed i:fe with but one maid - of -all -work in a .tnall 110,151, and 'snows by exact exp. -nettle just bow buu.ework Wight to he dune What is known as Mui tsu,lerbilt „ Boor eottarets of to. •bwlr.a.w, bethrotnn •ud mornlI g r. .nu, the mistress occupies her self, aid over thee and little stied's' cur- sory she lea fall charge, gn:cs to the ex- clusion of We Perkin*. Iter own maid Vas. Vanderbilt changes many timer, for constantly rr.re6ug.he require the eery. ton of • *omen wi0. cats stand sea Toy - *41s.wuh equsurtnr:y, knows the life of hotels and the art of 'hasty peeking- Su during the winter there is usually a French maid employed. and at the beginning of spring her pl.ce ne taken by w capable English woman. who understands the ways of the world over the water. From the .tandiemit "(the servant Mrs. Vanderbslt as regarded as a mistress witase faults and virtue. aur 'gutsily balanced. She a unusually severe, but ,fury gener- oma she pay* handmade wage, and her gifts at t'nristmas always "0010 un the forth of a goaslly check. Lin her private care her raid iiaa the nicest quarters; in the hotel she I. tip is quite luxurious fashiort, and in the foreign cines Mrs Vanderbilt give her maid a live or ten -dollar bi11 extra "to buy souvenirs with," as she- ex. plains. No maid must ever appear before her is other than • black gown severely simple and immaculate apron. Sine exacta that her children be always most c,,arteous to the 'eremite. Every week for three day" the clever sewing wumat helps go over her own and her Daughter-' wardrobes; a pro. tensional packer cornea 10 prepays the bag gage when a journey most be undertaken, and Mn. Vanderbilt r au ideal traveler. One steamer trunk and a toilet satchel s all the baggage rhe admits un • sea voy- age, and she never leaves home unattended by a centaur or a capable traveling valet. Four Ineal. are *erred in the long bass. rant dining -room A great gong rings for breakfast, luncheon, tea and dinner, and no hotel in New York stirrer such ample. tempting and wholesome meals as the white capped chef prepares and the scullery maid serves on the broad table, with its nice appoiutmenta of limen, glass, silver and china Round the table gather the butler. at the heal, the house badman, the men who are called the engineers, and look to the can of th0 cellar and heating of rho hoose and conservatory, two electric light men, the chief, his boy and the scullery maid, the heats laundress and her assistant two ladies' maids, one for Mrs. Vanderbilt and one for her young lady daughter Gertrude, the nurse for little (Hedy'', Mr. Vanderbilt's valet, two chambermaids, two housemaids, • chairwoman and sewing woman. To Mr. Vanderbilt falls the duty of managing the men servants In the home and stables He is quite ea exacting es his wife, but always kindly, considerate and pays high wages He follows the family rale of never placating or argeiug with • domes - tie. (rood wages aro Oren, the worlds never herd, end the hoer. ere easy. therefore no grumbling is eoentenaneed by the heads of the house Mr. Vanderbilt ie a groat stickler for respect from his servants, also immaculate neatness in tbelr dream. Fie8 brat of the day and evening is portioned .at for every employe When • gnat dinner party is on hand an assistant eine( eons to the kitchen and two more foot- men ors supplied the butler. Improved Umbrella Rask. The illustration shows the usual style of drain Ole umbrella reek, but having in this Ogee an improved Whin of wood. This bass has • shallow drawer In which Is fitted ■ e(re.lar pan of line, ncenpying the epee. directly un- der the tile to oateb the drip from the umbrellas. This ob- Tlates the necessity of Tres .w. lifting the bravy oraau.a STAID. 810tes .ylfader every Um* wet embroil bare bees pinoed in the tart. With tie applisothe eta little 1u pnnity and tastes, .trek se saimilla load mar be mime not only • very convenient, bet an ornamental piece of fsrwitura- Anerie.n Agrieve it er at.-- --- r.* w.r8tat waw A pair of rubber gloves palaill W1 end are wily kept eras. IV HOME-MADE AWNINGS. SIMPLE METHODS OF SCREENING WINDOWS FROM SOL'S RAYS. A HIel *beat Yr.11Natural £..l..,r How le Wake Them Shade With- out Weeplana Out Ike Air A5.lap s.1 Striped Thektrug. When the direr rays of the sun strike • window it is always we11 to hay. 01101 kind of • protection, {{a+rticularly for south and weal window& \'hues wok. • good awutue i pWra r*r wwxletert, bnt if trained clues to the window, as us- ually done, they keep snot the air as well as sou. To prevent thin a Itght frame, tear illustration 21 should be attached to the upper pert of the window. reaching at least cote -taint of the way down. anti extending out about 18 or 9u &Lienee frotu thewit.duw casing. 1'8e vines should tiro be tranted over *hat frame and will thus allow of • free circulation of air and exclude the sun at the mune time. 1 'heap awnings may be made at home that will protect the wurduws almost as well as those costing several dollars • win- dow. buy wide-stnlsd bed.ticking, It yards fur each window. Scallop and bind one end. flake a trams by nailing to each side of the window. a strip about two niches wide and twenty inches long. Tu the ends of thee u..,l • strip the same width and ut length to reach. Then tack the upper mud of the an uing cloth to the top or the window Stretch tightly and tack sxutely to the projecting frame be- low, which alumni be ou about Ilsjaway be. tenni top and bouom of the window al- lowing about a quarter Wt • yard of the walloped end t, lauj'ov.rthe frame. (See hills:ration Ii,-Ilrauie• Judd Farmer. MO'yhER'S HELP. .t Unworn M Tese8l.. Children to "Look tleaeant." 11'liy will mothers to en thoughtless in irtheir little our.` Children are amen Inure reas..nvnle beings than the ayer.,;(0 parent r"..ares, end at a much • unser aqr 10 .11 n•na... uu.ypiord begin to esrra•&..e their rees"Ill114 powers. Yet one ..o 1; 1 not inept... tno to be the care 10 judge from the rystcul of training t. tier fol:owed. .lohurny, yon bad boy! Come in right sway. Just look at that toy, Mrs. Smith. You may well hang v.nr head and be ashamed' Dunt scurf: at ms that way, sir' There' gt. into that corner uutil you can look piesea.it 1" Now, 1 ask auybotiv, is it in human nature, tar any other kind of nature, to -'look pleasant" under such circumstances as the..? And was Johnny really -asham- ed- amen hr hying bus head? Not s bit of it. 1 fear 0 Johnny Ovate asked to define his feeling* he would state in m.01 unmis- takable terms that la was "triad," which in children's parlance stands for any de- gree ..f resentment or anger they mq hap- pen t,. fret. Not tong ago, murder was committed by a young mat, .red the .trucity cf the crime was increased by the fact that the young unnderer hal bine In hie wind for years a resentment for punishment given by the murdered matt inn childhood's teacher,) while the student was a little boy. Of wore. it Is ■11 spretaily atrocious. and yet it is to be doubted if a child treat ed in the way spoken of above ever entirely forgives land oertutlly never forgets/ such treatment, even thungh the wore be spoken by a mother The mother who thus ad dreams herchi:d .•utnrnos two greet error/ -one, that of reproving her chids.before • third party: the second, that of setting him an example of ugly tone and manner, for followiinr which she imwrtiiately pun• ashes him by ending him into the corner till be "tan look pleasant ''Look ph -mutant !•' Would you look pleasant think 7..s.. airtime one who had undisputed authority over you should hold you rip to the scorn and ridicule of those shoe opinion you Yalu.! 'limply because childhoso.l is a time of short memories for many things. is 110 re. son that the first ruing should not be biter, or that all resentment should be attuned' •rely forgotten. 1f childhood is the time for abort memories, It is also the tim0 tot unusual sensitiveness, and • reproof tha: arouses anger instead of ours:ration doer infinitely more barns than goal. Rotten that a child be never reproved than that its punishment be such as to cause it t cherish resentment. What is the first mental process after such • wren., as the foregoing? "Johnny' fees that hs mother and her neighbor an evolving some amnrment at his expense. He can but feel that his mother le likewise venting • pertain feeling of anger on hid The idea of hie mother feeling sorry that M is a "bad boy.' enters his bead, and, indeed, it is to be doubted 1f it avec enters hers either, as It is bat too often that this seutimeu( is 0o factor in the OW. c. I Children are punished entirely too much and reasoned with entirely too. little. How is • child to distinguish between real right an 1 wrong when the same punishment is meted out for • torn dress me for • 11nt When the muse words are used in the re prod for • broken cup and a broken com- mend01snt' Indeed, If parents would carefully sift out the punishments which they adminis- ter for their ojen satisfaction from those which they alminieter for the child's good, direly eliminating the former, punish gen. would be much reduced, harmony wonld be much greater, and we would have numb butter, noire thoughtful, mon re spoon bias children. -House and Hon. Flab sad O.iss Paha Pans in wnich fish or onion have been rooked should h• washed and scalded , then they should be filler) with water, In which sboold b. pet at twpoonful of soda for every two quarts of water Pease then on top of the stove for half an hour or more. Tide will inmate the removal of the flavor of fish or osbna Masada* Tea and Cof►..r.s. Tea pets. eo*re pole sad 'Mondale pass •honld br washed in hot weepy water and rinsed in boiling water. Use • woods skewer in remove every panicle of .sdt- skein that may Mi1ga in the spears or arra of the pot•. Wipe p alma , dry sad 'epees he the .n• .red dr. if pa.ibl.► 4 r boar or 11tIar. • , ottobene. " Take a hole and put some dough around it, then fry in lard. " This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard. which as we all know hinders digestion. In all recipes where you have used lard, try the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results. With COTTOLENit in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy the regular family bill of fare. (•oItolene Is. .old In x and $ pound palls. by 11111 grocers. (fade Only by The N. K. FaIrbank Cont pa ny, Melltn.tea W Ana MIAs MOXT1R1LAL a SCIENCE AND PROGRESS. The principal minerals found .0 the :, rol me that recently fell in North llwko•• were ahyse, nickel and oubalt. It has bees computed that since the prac- pce oI emlrlmiing began in 4000 1t (' , down !o 700 A.1►., when it Drastically ceased, probably as many ea 730,U10.CLObodies were emtalm.d in F.gypi of which the greater pan are y. t . u.t>r • ed. Smokelr..1 powder has been followed by • chemical combuatlos tilled • "fog cera for " A German named F(e,lum is the 1n - center. It is ..hell which when it exple4, s ewhroude,o driknees the troops 01 which it n aimed. It oleo causes soldiers to cough. ('loth rssmulacturen have leaned to mix cotton anti wool so thoroughly that mere feehog will not detect the presence of cot• ton. The only sure method in such cases is to boil • piece of the goods in • solutioe of caustic potash, which will eat up the wool and leve the vegetable fibre tutees. A Chines. engineer, educated in New Haves, luno., is about completing • tele- graph line 3,C(0 miles long, across the (:obi desert, from Pekin t. Mushier, Chinese Turkestan. It Ins been three yeas under rosette:lion, end poles .n places were haul- ed 600 mike. Breach 1 •cs.act rt with the Russian system. Additional evidence on the abject of the supposed heat from the sun's rays is fur cosh- ed by an experiment recently reported in France. A balloon with reentering instru- ments wee sent up • distance of ten miles above the earth's surface, when 48e teat - pe rat um registered was found to ire 104 deg. Fahreohet. The results of examinations of European statistics by M. Lagoesu go to show that u among occupations consumption is most prevalent •mo.g persons whose work is se- deat.ry, while prisons living in the open sir enjoy an almost complete immunity. From &nether point of clew coneumptinn ap- pears to increase in towns rapidly with t!e density of populstioe. NOTES FOR THE CURIOUS. Europeans pay 3,360,100,000 taxa per vers A Russian is not l.vsI1 hits/r until be is 26 years old. There are lees than 300 pure blooded Greenlanders. Une-half of the wealth of England is in the possession of 1,000 individuals. Over 4,000,000 people in the United Stare lis. upon the waves paid by railway Athlete Cigarettes, more sold of this braced than of .11 other Cigarettes com- bined. tf London bridge s 920 feet long. 66 feet wide and 55 feet in height. 1t that five semi elliptical arches, the centre being 150 feet. In New York any it takes people from twelve to sixteen swards to get Into and out of cars. In Leedom it requires thirty 'moods. The bet ooaeh cure is Hagyard's Pewter - al Balsam. 1t beak the lungs sad teres coughs eon colds. In In the.ixteewth century no lady was con- sidered in full dress unless she hada mirror at her brat It wa• oval in shape, about 416 inches in eine. The osteopaths of Rome contain the re mains of about 6.000,000 human beings, and Moe of Paris 3,000,000. The slur were formerly state quarries Dr. low's Worm Syrup cures and re- moves worn of all Italia. in children or .dolts. Pries 2fie. Sold by all dealers. In Spain it 00.. £20,000,000 to maiatuo the army and only (300,000 to educate ate children. It r the exespiha to And • Spas nth fanner who N able to teal er write. So Meese well r•saa. Oh ' no daebt ; bot the question is, why doesn't be behave as well a he amass • What ia the sso 01a mas'. being to odd and 0oa1rwry that nobody knows what to make of him, noes. he •a apologist rias an interpreter always at hand to a:plain. Isn't it just se sheep, in the leer ns, to be god matured Std petite, se to be morose and surly ' Mid doh. net • stow foal better in hue own onset heart white her eercioue of being attrsctiv. than 8. dem when the ahrinkiso and aso.rtein air of those who are obliged to appeaser him, proalaaar that he r ogerei.e 1 Certainly as dere, for ear theogits are always busy sitting ie iadg. moot an oar own velum Dean 'Nm, - 1 was ssgeri.g very noel' Iron diarrhoea. sad meld get nodigig to sure me. A primed *ski so of lir. i.wi.r'. Retract of wild Rtrawl.ny,and a few da.m e.mpley cared ms. Tans L (lass*.. _ Yat., Saa. - GREAT COTTON SALE 1 GREATEST VALUE EVER SEEN IN 000ERICH. A Good 33 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cents. A Heavy Sheeting, 3d inches wide, 10 yard. for 60 Cents. An Extra Heavy Sheeting, :i6 inched wide, 10 ares. for 75 Cents.. IF THESE ARE NOT THE CHEAPEST YOU EVES SAW. DON'T BUY THEM. 500 YARDS OF 12 1-2 CENT PRINT FOB 10 CENTS. 11 Ludes' Summer Capes at wholesale price -a real snap. Short ends of Carpets away below crest LACE CURTAINS. As usual the greatest talus in the County. In Sets i'n'ane and White . also by the sari. Bear in mind, we have none of the 15 to !0 cent tr•w,.n to offer, but a large assortment of first-class stock, di- rvt from the makers 111 (ILAsta,w, Scot LAND. (iur CARPET SEWING MACHINE is a great success.. We can make a 30 or 40 yard Carpet in about two hours. All orders prolnptly t•xecuteci. COLBORNE EROS., GO D E R I C H. The Great Carpet and Laoe Curtain Warehouse of the County. TO TIIE PEOPLE OF GODERICII AND VICINITY. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, I beg to nI111ou1N'e that on July lot I tookMseetsion of the Hoot and Shoe Business formerly carried on by Mr. E. I)snwxioa, well and favorably knoen to you. Mr. 1)owxtoti, after twenty years of service faithfully done, and, I ant pleased to know, favorably Acknowledged by the public of *Isis section, has decides to retire from business, and on his retirement I have accepted the responsibility invokers in hereafter conducting the trade which Isis shrewdness in business, general tact and accommodating manner had succeeded in building up. For the past eighteen years, as many of you are aware, 1 have been identified with the lousiness, most of the time as sales- man and general assistant, and on that account feel assured that I have iecome so in touch with the requirements of tha enatonlers of the establishment,- that 1 shall not only he in a positionto retain all ni Corer latrans, but bw able to draw others in the time *come: Hoping to revive the hearty coopenition of those who patronized my predecessor, ansi nuking pro►nise to carry on the husi- news on the same straightforward lines that characterized all the dieal- ings of Mr. 1)owNixll, 1 extencl w hearty invitation to the public generally who desire to do business in the Boot and `hoe trade, Zo call upon Yours very truly, W. SHARMAN, Jr (IODIHICH. July 3, 1591. ., Successor to E. DONNING. NING. SPRING ECHOES: \ ��tttttr NOW IN STOCK Para�els and 1•nibrellas, lthe latest.). Gloves a.s usual up to the mark. HOSIERY Black, White, Cream, State, Fawn and Tan Shades in Silk Lisle Threads and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE • A Targe range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair anti Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military, DRESS GOODS . Cashmeres, Henrietta, and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White, Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nun's Veiling.. DELAINETTES In Spray., Burls, Spots and Stripes. A ull line of Smallwares, including Pearl and Linen But- tona,2and 4boles. taspertteu Madly twinned. a rev l'e■e. N.e.., for Cask. .�.1\47.71NTIZO 2064 °raper and Haberda▪ sher. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNCIMAN'3, RlemMw rhea.. eedmieb. STOP AND EXAMINE A few of the ntssy articles we are inland •t iiARD PAN PRiCitp. Harvest Tools 10T? , IMAMS, 70111, LUIS AND 11:7111t2 !ROXlst. PUBS MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. TAN tat XXX LAROINE AND ATTIC RED ENO MACHINERY OILS. BULDE IR ' I1ARDWA: STOCK l'IMPLS rte AND PRICED RIGHT. DAVISON &T. a. r. WI1afia8ea, Subscribe for "The Signal" -$l a you