The Signal, 1894-8-2, Page 71
Everybody knows, "Putting oil' till to -morrow what you can do
to -day," is bad policy.
So the ware applies to shoppers, who, TO -DAY, can tiny
Parasols, Challis', Prints, Mullins, Gloves, Hosiery,
in fact all Summer Goods, CHEAPER HERE than anywhere eke.
For the next few week, we will give
Tremendous Bim Cuts
in the above-mentioned line.,
Come in and examine, for at the Low Cut Prices you cannot help
but be interested, whether you want to buy or not.
These Goods are not yet out of season . if you have a purchase to
snake, then do it now, and save money.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Rood, at the highest
market price.
pew pea /Stades.. Lamed Meek tete Maw
deed Who Wed tarerrlrd tier.
Now York 8'. : Harris Friedman, •
travelling, 28 years old, who
wetly had a oten's farafdiag pad. renal
6855 Broadway, Williaae.kare. disappeared
• year ago after ..11iag kis stock for $1,600.
He had bees married fear years and left hie
wife sad three children penniless. Mrs.
Freedman ret.raed with bet children to bar
parents, who lin u 106 Montrose •Venue.
fwo mentis atter her btubaed went away
she beard that he wee working as • clerk is
• cloth tsg store is )'ro,idess. She went
there and found him. Whets he saw her he
ran out of • back door, sad the next she
beard of him he was in Cased•. A month
ago she learned that he was back in Provi
share, •sol after obtaining a warr•at against
bun io the Lee Avenue Potts Court tor
abaadosmeat ale went to Providence again
to carry out a seems to get him back to
I iluam•burg es that be could Le arrested.
When she fogad him ate kissed and
bagged hum '.d told how happy the chid -
rims would be to nes hum F nedmau said
Ysold•'t think of leaving Providence fuel
thee, but when Mrs. Freedmen told bum
(Fiat her father was willing to advance him
•i00 sr, that he oould start again us business
i• tet .Iiam•burg he exprewed a willingness'
pay • dying runt to his old home. He
„el with his wife to be there oa Sun•
day . t sad that she should meet hue with
the i i Friedman arrived bate on Sunday
ifternoos d met his wife at alubtro.e
avetue sad •war street. After kissing her
several times Cyr asked her if she had the
mosey She poiated to Policeman short of
the d ouities I)epai��ment, who st oil • few
fat away sad who had • warnmt for Fried -
e•:1. Mrs. Friedman saad he had the
short palled the warrent out ot his pock-
et 11hos Friodntae saw him he turned
pale and tried to run away, When be found
Thal to couldn't escape be demeaned bin
wile for lading hum into • top,'. is.
cared that he would 'as revenged. If ends
takes to the Bedford avenue police eta
where. on being marebed, . bag commute
gold .ud greenbacks was found tied About
Ito waist. When he was arraigned in the Avenue t ourt we•t.rd•y be had nosh
tog to say further than .bot he bad been ,
.Aught by trickery.
"1 hat wee the °sly way 1 could get him
here. said Mrs. Fn.dma.. " Hempen my
dower of $500, sold out for 11.600 the
horses my father had give. him $1,500 to
star, and thee. after securing all my jewel -
err, standard nae •mol my children. %Viten
1 kissed him is Providestoe 1 mat hated to
de it, but 1 knew the success of .y .chemo
depended os it. I get bum hen, the rascal,
sod Im going to have him punished. In
Providetu:e be told me that he was al poor
ss • church mor, had I paid • week's
baud for hiss. Whoa be was arrested be
had a bag full of smeary That's the kind
of scamp he r."
Judge (hotting bald Friedman is $500
hail for triad oa Thursday.
Waterlog tirdrw Tluts.
Warine garden playa, as oommosly
practiced, is an absolute injury 1 vegeta-
tes, far the maca that it i• not dome
plentifully MOu.b. Whir the earth i. dry
W hot, the •ppIieatien of • tittle water
e•ly ierrsesss the best sad bee • tendency
to wake the .wit .ere sotemprsssed and drier
that before. The most of our soil are
tars or less calcareous, •ad the action of
the esti heat has the same afoot as heat
sdlselimatrae. The earkemlc add l ex-
pelled. and brought tate ooaact with mois-
ten, twat is generated, •.d aaloss sufficient
warty u applied to overwesa the boat vege-
tation suffers. A sprinkle`` pot shield
never be mei u time of dreerht, salon tits
s 1'f `tend ib. reels of the plea is at the
I .sated, .ad the
weetiog tame, wham„ dew p's she oto f alter
This u in ,with napintural
c 611
•aserdaass with enter•! 4.w.
Nor lad .',.545 seldom appear together
W, ftwtkee, wore Ware wares refines -
tea the
s e ne
the 'tea is slaw with reentera
e, --L are good fur the
Pule, lad esters water maybe weed. but
eNly db ens exposed te the s sir before
u Streets liquid from the
*death to warns plate and sb'MbiZarbe
end atter diluting until very work.Ph• of M
maturing te myoid making •
.n1.... wl around the *Ms.says
so dig there er ler beim en the
Banat rides .f the bill • few imam away,
sod ea roam nes Fess lima • peiiful
w•: dry
'hes all ►.e soaked is. te-
sad them whit ws
lqu.ak dry earth. Farmers.
The MUNI lassysed M ranted to
Legal re.dresee.ta
New 1 ork Iteoorder 'To pt married
Mos an easy tins( to the young mos whose
hasp lightly turns to thoughts of love. Rut
ttbm it crews to the actual ceremony there
area tbouaand and one terrors which sur-
round and threaten to overcome bin,.
Marriage in some rates is easy: it others it
ie ea difficult as obtaining • divorce.
A well known Philadelphia' was about to
be married to a beautiful young woman who
lived in the Sate of Delaware. H. bad no
idea that the marriage laws of that State
were of an appalling nature. He had se
cured his townie and thought that was all
that was .ecems ry.
" Have you flied your bond yet said
some one to hem the day before the wed
"Wh.tgasped he.
•' Your bond," repented the questioner,
• You know every man who is married in
I this sate has to file • bond for the protec
tion of the Sate."
The bndeeroom was rather dubious. but
was Melly per seded that this was •
' I'd mos a kerne about it in the morn
tsg," said he. So he went to • friend who
was a legal light and said
"See hen. They tell me 1 have to glee •
bond to the Sate when 1 gee married.'
" Certainly. Haven : you done so in •
surprised way.
•• So; 1 mover heard of such • thing be
tore. What tiled of tend a it '" 1 tit, any real estate will do.
" Rut 1 haven't acv real estate.-
state."The kwyer looked at horn a moment.
Them be solemnly said
" Haven't you any friends who own pro-
None tb"t 1 care to ask to bind it up
that way. I can't ask my bride's relatives,
j1ea know."
His trend looked at him pityingly.
" 1 ea oa.'t postpone the wedding, can
" What "' fairly shreaked the unfortu-
(N averse not, of course not said the
right, soothingly. But the poor
brido*oom looked •tnckss.
" 111 tell you what 171 do, old mac. I'll
toad to thamatter for you' Don't give your-
self uy more concern about it
The young man-about•to ne-married then
grasped his hand. He could net speak for
• moment, and them he poured forth his
thanks. He peeked up his oat in a relieved
sett of way and walked to the door. Then
he turned.
" Be the way. 1 forgot to ask you how
large is the amount of the bood required
• Fifty tents," said the lawyer.
?be We et Mw MMeat&
Re .-- WWI •
engerect- mew ekek
emationg e r!W. Oa ofyaenfLie. totem
bee We sot a sloth. i*. a
litio digressMiro or ate.
-hod kited,
afire a'.
sus The, tilde'. glove se lark 1.. Meer
Windsor, .duly Z5. -Hoary laframboi.e,
• fanner of Sandwick West, was the vie
ties of an accident yesterday that may ter-
mist faal:y. He and his son eadeavored
to lasso a ,ole that tor several months had
Ines running w11d. They succeeded in the
1•esoiag process, and as the colt plunged
forward the rope is ammo manner wound
argued the elder Wrambotse's leg. He
was thrown violently to tee ground, and. as
the •toidst oserred in the woods, be was
drspsd through the underbrush and drawvs
over k.p. Ths young man, after several
futile attempt" to catch the animal, drew •
knife teen hoe pocket, cat the rope, and
saved hu father from an almost e.rtas
death, but not before the m'. was terribly
bruised from the blewe against the trees
and fallen timber His face presents a
Mkt •, heel badly lacerated
eo.e.g in sennet with the aadsrbrasb.
was uee.eoiosa for several hours, and5
ke• eon took him heirs u • esuveyaae..
Hu body is covered with a 000mtless num-
ber of wouno•, but the doctors ..tends
hopes for his reoivery.
mow a Opal Ohs Mr •
1f you want your gray heirs diahem.rad
by • spoiled and ruined nen, adept the fe-
lt/wee directions :
1. Let him hove plenty of spaadimg
2. vomit kin to don W ones cos•
pniom@ without restraint or beetle.
3. Give him • latch key and allow him
to morn home labs is the on mim.a
4. Mab• no equines u to ware end
with whew he spends his leisure ..menta
6. Dive bis to nodersa.d that ,masers
make • god eab.uaa for .orality.
6. Bath him to 'rpm* pay for ovary
cot .t helpf.i.o. 10 Ohre.
7. Allow ►hss se messy • seat in sherds
with bs boys roarer Om the pow with him
fed etlle
s Permit him to retard the Monday
8oh.e1 tmmi/ahb for a boy en the verge of
teeing mashes&
' rm-mo mom $bM • ..aura -pias ,uu
,(aM+wvo r.r sired flabb Y.M. • N.,
ire ,>. ws ono at Php,, ,�yero
Miss, stay i hoes nail t r s' 11«
:Iter t' m ilbiLii
Loss of Flesh
15 one of the first signs of
poor health. Coughs., Colds
Weak Lungs, D11e41sed8loo
the Crenm of Cod-liver O'-,
cures all of these weakn s•: -
es. Take it In time to avert
Illness if you can. Pkyaieiar-s,
the world over, endor3 it.
east N linked Sibstitites!
Scutt • a•twM Y.nevi;1. A.1 Ur•. sea • to.
v t
Athlete l have no Rivals tet
Tb. sky, unlike w most cheerful
when bluest.
Life is but a poor nal
bitten. Bonaparte.
Never merry Mt for but lee that
thou lover what is lovely.
Make yourself .11 hooey lad the Hies will
est you up. -Italian Pr.verb.
Life, however .hon, al made still
by wast• of time. --Johnson.
Athlete Cigarettes, more sold at
brand than of all other Cigarettesbland. tf
Every man should try to live so that the
world will not be made very much better by
his getting out of it.
The best cough care is Hagyard'. Pector-
al Balsam. It heals the lungs and cures
coughs end colds. 1m
The most modest little pond caa reflect a
picture of the sun, if it is absolutely at rest
in iteelf-I'arlyle.
To remove worms ot all kinds from •hil-
dren or adults Dr. Low's Worm syrup is •
safe and sure remedy. 1m
Flies follow • red-aosed man because they
seem to know that he will soon take •ome-
thiag with surer to it.
We do not like to be lied about : but
most of us probably hr more about our-
urselves than anybody else ever does.
Ir. Low's Worm Syrup curs and re-
moves worms of all kinds io cbildrem or
adults. ('rice "the. `;old by all dealers.
Rabies are cared for so • special room at
the new Congregational church at aliddl.-••%lass., while the pinata attend the ear -
1 f.
r-I•. Ritchie k Co., manufacturer of Ath•
lete Cigarettes. Our production is over
three quarters of the cnmsumptiom of cigar-
ettes au l anaaa. tf
It is '.other's fault it he he ungrateful,
Gut u 11 0,1130'11 I do not rice. To find one
thankful ran I will oblige • crest many that
are no: to. Seneca.
Re.root insurance •tatiatice show that if
the w lfe lies tint, the Husband on an aver-
age Nov; vas nine years : whole if the hus-
band dies first, the wife ssrvtvea eleven
It:hat canes bed dreams el a question
that has never been satisfactorily answered;
but', in nine cases out of ten, frightful
dreams are the result of imperfect digestion,
which • few doses of Ayer's Sarsaparilla
will effectually remedy. 'kill delay -try
it today.
r without am -
Progress, the highest lesson of state-
Men at some tune are masters of their
The simple heart that freely asks in love
obtains. •
The society woman is the element of good
Better • little chiding than • great deal of
heart break.
A man in earnest finds means, or of he
eanoot find, creates them.
Some meg weave their uphustry till
their own remota is entangled.
Moderation is commol' firm, and firm-
ness is commonly sucevaful.
No woman is educated who is not equal
to the 'unmask' ma.agemene of • family
Oh, bow portentous is prosperity '
How, comet -like, it throatier while at
There ere few wild beast more to be
dreaded tban a talking man having
to say.
The memory has as many moods as the
temper, and shifts its soenry like •
Cocoon is vanity driven from all other
.hitt., and forced to appeal to itself for.d-
He that knows the world will not bsbash -
fel : he who knows himself will not be im•
•Menti ANIe. the Poor.
A leading Americas journal, write, ss
tire important subject of airbag thew who
really seed is need of aid, remarks as fol.
lows :
The ('lurch of Christ is the wiriest and
safest •Looser of Chre.taa b...6ce.oe.
Give the bread of life to the poor and
bread for the body .ill solo be provided.
fee hour of %bought for the well-being of
others as better Ors • week of self-i.dul-
Look not every oma ea kir own things,
Mt every man also apes bite things of
U.s dollar gives to help the unemployed
tet hcmorable work is worth $10 gives in
All tkmg. therefore whatsoever ye would
that mea ah.ald de umt* y+a, ores do To
note them, for this it the law and the pro.
MoAAm hour of kindly sympathetic fellowship
with the lowly is their Manilla homes
brays M
them mese of renal es.Mrt •.y
thea s gift of nosey sent by
as enireeternate aseeg+Mem.
.Task-fthe says " No " to wlytriy yo.
sty, M ms% the'
'l'n.-11101 shwy.. Mem -I mild her
if she p.rsimd w ben 'Mimi, ohm aid
r Yob
i ens Miniid estoseki tat Misr .iib «mmga and and Nmgb. I
ase (r d4.. het hiI ..L&ly I lWllteii Dr.
1 mrs itteme► of wen Strawhm'. , .red
slow 1 tem OWL tis .pollemt remdy for
slyilY my lU. Yea a! =edea, Ofa
And Mae* Tided Ile 5...*, ace/ /f4wvMtoa
•' Asima*s tore prestostd to .,arts of
pontos between the taut sok •d seven- eenariaa, for itlun.. by tb.. te
barna. ►sings or Private ,..peaty," anid •
lacy.. 1. speaking of the s.r*sadti.s of
•molest legal premium and 1a.s to the N.
York Sun, "and wore subl.ctd a due farm
to trial, )udg.tsenosMlalackeat, and ,t -e t
often Chet o death in some cruel monism
When the anima) was capable of pby.teal
serum it wee forerallly arr.s.d •
brought brore (mart sad then imprisoned 1
this reediest, prim ef the pace. The pub
Me prworttur prepared • formal accu.atoo.
Wieners* were thea examined and the'
dep..itioms taken as to the truth of Lb
sharp. 1f the Aerge against the ace
beset was sustained, the .ws.icuoe followed
the court solemnly pr000uno•d seater*
upon the culprit, which, it a spial cues
was followed by public exeoution, wet
grew.lorm•hty, the coodemtnsd anal be
lag sometimes dreamed m the garb of men
The mode of death was by burning, hanging
by the legs. mutilation or maiming accord
n.g to the gravity of the offence for whit
punishment was to be indicted.
It ,soma so ridiculous now that if th
facts were not spread oo a,. whew records
of the court that took copulates of th
oases, 11 would not Le believed by bayou
today that us France in the latter pan o
sixteenth oratory 1572 seventeen hogs
were triad, convicted, and sentenced to be
haatnd, down, and quartered, the cnme al
lotted against them being the mut 'tattoo an
devout in. of infants in their cradles. Still
if one stop. to ponder over what must hag
tees the economical condition of the rim
that the asaoctation of swine and sleeping
babies was so clthe that .he latter becam
may food for the former, it may not
the court records to tesUfy to the Nicole.
relation/ of demob beast to the laws ot tha
credulous age. In 14;A, near Dijon • bull
enraged by • lad who insisted on fishing
through a field an which the animal was
pestering, charred upon the boy. '.d placed
Lim forever buyomd the pale of the angling
brotherhood. Tbe bull was arrested, tried,
and convicted, the accusation against kis
being that he lied ' furiously killed • young
lad of 14 or 15 years. He was sentenced to
he publicly hanged until dead, wad be was
F:ven horses were visited with capital
punishment in France for the killing or
maiming of human helium.
" la Sardinia the law was also very rigor-
ous against animals, and i•dical puashment
was visited against ali offenders except the
ase. This anima), for some reason, seems to
have escaped the death penalty for his of-
Isocea. For the first offence one' bis ears
was cut off. For the second hie fiber ear
was chopped from his head, and i e was
ncorrigible and taken • third time Aerie.'
with crime he was declared forfeit t• the
crown. Thus, at this distant day, doesn't
atom to reflect much credit on the crown, for
presumably the puouhmeut for a third of•
fence was greater than that inflicted for •
first or second. In what estimation must
he crows have been been in Sardinia 500
years ago, if it were greater punishment for
mule to being to it than 11 was to have
both ears cut on
.• Rut compared with other prosecutions
nd procedures under the law of that time,
hese and similar actions rational
and of good cause, Thus, in cases where
hystcal setrure of the offender was imps-
ibie or impracticable and its appears In
met not to be had, the law handed the
malefactor over to the ecclesiastical authori-
iee to be dealt with. Such offenders were
ocusts. rats, flies, caterpillar, and the like of
only thine., which wept about withort the
ear of the law before them, devouring the
rope and pesterinr the people. Judgment
gains% these offending outlaws was fiercely
u rled in the shape of aesthtema and reale-
tenon. In the prosecution of culprits suck
as these legal forms were observed, and the
accused were assured the right of assign-
ment of counsel for their defence. One of
the latest cyeses of the kind on record is a
rosecution brought against caterpillars In
-stenos to 1585. This was argued with the
greatest solemnity and taxed the learning of
both lawyers and ecclesiastics, so acute
ere the many poets of kw that were urged
to and con. The legal and ecclesiastical
battle over the caterpillars lasted so long
bat when the case was closed and the court
ready to proeounce its judgment it was
ouod that the rate, havIng rot through
nth their work of de%asation, had doup-
peered from the Jurisdiction of all court'
" In 1510 pro.ecution was enterer) against
horde of rat that were eating up the
barley to the south of France. The rats
were defended by the great lawyer of that
ay, l'ha.sseux. He urged in behalf of his
lfests that there was no legal mode of pr.•
opting them from returning to the place
hence they had come, and that there was
i way open to them where ca -s might not
e in wait. Besides hie legal points be
brought many scriptural arguments to hear
n favor of the rat, and he woo the came.
b. prosecution fell, and the rats were
ordered to return to their native place at
once. The record does not say how the
lodgment was received by the devastating
" In 1560 • pest of small Hes which was
pro..cuad at Marines escaped the dire et -
roots of the anathema by the skilful hand -
log of their ase by counsel, who defended
them s the plea of Char extreme youth and
small site This *trek the learned rind pi-
ous court as irrefutable argument, and he
ordered that, if the flies were dnveo away,
bass driving them must provide them a
spot to which they could retire and live
" it was not until 1587 that • seam of
• utter ridiculousness and folly of .1) this
Lod of of procedure broke upon the author -
tee, and the awakening mine duruag the
ria) of • cams tigaon.t metals insects that bad
tanked the vines in Savoy. The counsel
ending the is...ts was se acute sod full
resource that the prosecutor became so -
meted in trying r onset and refute hie ar-
ms., and made the °Meal tender of
he right to the moused insects .f retiring
• osrtain losality. Counsel for the de-
emss asked and received • delay is the pprroe
mediae to consider this near. Two days
ter they cuts into court sad dedia.d the
offer V the mama of their Moms, b.esato
the land was sterile mid produced snthi.g
pou whisk their elisma anal(' On
is the prosecutor joined Mum, and • jury
esparto was musics. d a amide it. It
was daring dm sa m ...1 this Miry that a
times .f • mass eases, tar is vans et
is time, showed by argument .red red4..b
bow silly all each pro...dinge wers,Undl the
'try .n reported. num was the inn ass of
Mu kdmd on r..erd,amd the revolutiss Wart-
try of .spats ie the MFm. p}seestc
sass rim m M. reseal et all
prossonting law and the sbsstoatts of
the promant swear alt sdlmr a pte.k - against the
flew the urea Owe farm tanner a• a.apert
r hstr 'Mees.
Prettily -dared dildres trtewed w oke
etraiae of tae 'cello, roared • bot at the
dancer as she •prowled 10 to tercet, tile.
Cursed to obit play again, oe w•.derwt
tilt is arm, slssg the beauttfal dries uy
Ow lake shore.
It is net • promieisg place for pennies
and the group- -two boys and bye gtrI.,
habeas .tads thou way tarther towards
Clark Bonet_
A car has stooped at a oruesl•g ; at the
corner u • saloon. The stag u .farted
•gado, the shuttle, the split, aid the ur-
chins glide in a.d out among the omlook
ere, Men gave nickel. Women hide
their facies from the da.oe •uCi soliciat,os.
Look., various kind., are dittoed toward
the denser. She u candor alike to them
all. She mute teensy mosey.
Again sad again is the some enacted,
with smell variauou. Toward the west
the group travel.
A .top u made. Under the flare of the
electric light the money is counted. Not
enough. With fest weighed and heavy
limbs, the grotesque thing u repeated re -
h peed. %Vita dtlticulty toe small creature
rises from the ground.
e It u now ten o'clock and the tide of
travel lessees along the street.
1s it enough . Fedi peony s even
counted. Frock has a store of them. There
is • dispute. They tight. I'he elder boy
pmts • kick that settles the quotient.
They go on with lagging, wesry steps to
their home. It s on the same street as u
that of the people by the lake shorn. Th.
street Ilhio ruin east and west. and,
though short represents the 'Iwo ends of
Rotors an unpainted .hell, two stories in
height with • basement, the group stops for
• moment.
A allow cantle lights the interior of •
part of the collar. d\ Rhin a room 16 by
20 feet three mattresses are spread oo the
floor. Without covering, partly dressed,
men and women alike occupy these. A
wooden cradle, • crazy table whereon the
tallow dip, stuck in the neck of a bottle,
stands ; two wooden chain, • tub, • scat
tertd deck of card., and • small cook stove
constitute the furnishing.. drown the steps
greasy and slippery with accumulated filth,
stumbles half the group.
At the noose the sleepers half waken ; •
hag, old, shriveled, with fierce eyes and
snake -dike lock., eagerly opens the door.
A question. Simultaneously dropping
to the Hoot and drawing out trom their !lol-
lop places their money, the children
are asleep, as though in a drunken stup-
Ity the fight.of the candle the silver and
copper is counted ; with a snarl u u placed
in the yellow old creature's bosom : one
glance about and at the open window-, the
light s snuffed out, and only the snores of
the sleepers '.d the emanation of an odor
that s sickening remain of the picture with
Seven different families, of no kith or
kin to each other, other call this place
home, Each has a few fest upon the
floor at night ; seen pays rent for the
The sole. income and support 1.f the whole
n umber comes from the chuldreo who po up-
on the atrettaliegging.
A thght of at4re leads to the upper story.
lo the back room with her l'e,n' -the 'cel-
lo player has her abode. There is a
boarder two of them in the shape of •
man and his "son." They all occupy the
same:room ; the ".ons" supporting the lady
and her bard. r.
In • .male roast, scarcely more than •
closet, opening from the one a sick baby
moani Ly the side of • woman in • drunk-
en stupor. With • curse muttered in her
sleep, one fat arm is thrown across the
child's abdc men, Its peaked lace Mame.
• bluetits color.
The little street dancer pulls the women
by the sleeve;violently with all her.trength
. he tugs at the mw of flesh until the Tube
is reteued.
With bleary eyes saving, the wretch half
"The money "' she greedily cry," have
you got the money
The pile is put into her hand. With •
grunt it u pushed under the head of the
bed, a blink or two of the red orbs, and the
dancer i. alone : her mother has gone to
deep again.
Carrying the small oil lamp in her hands
. he goes to the cupboard built in the
wall. A .warm of flies burr about se
the door u opened. A bit of tainted meat
is there and half • loaf orf a bread.
Neither is toothed. Removingher dress,
it is rolled together, and wet her head
upon that for • pillow, on the Sar. floor,
the weary eyes close and the dancer, too,
A day laborer, with • huge bull -dog as •
comp•moi, occupies one room of this build.
1 am able to ears," said he, " by hard
work $1 or $1 50 • day. Every one of
Owes children bring home sit less the. $2 •
Spent for food Not much. They are
off by half -past four or five in the morning
to get that from the big hotel.. it goes
for drink and gaining -- that where it
There are 20 families in this house,
every room except mine being occupied by
them, and to my certain knowledge not
one adult member of any one of than is s -
gyred in any sort of work or pretense of urc•
"Pa* ;CM
Those children, poor little devil keep
them all going. Sometimes they do sot re -
tarn till night. 8omootimes they come creep
imp( le after midnight.
The cause ' They cams '.hero they've
got the money. They know sough for
Some times Pve got up in the morning
and stumbled over ever 'em lying down
under the saps there in the seller. Toe
dead tired to climb the stain, and the
air down then in the bs.emeat these would
kill anybody but Mem folk.. i've eels it
lift yellow Irks steam trmm • washtub some
' ib these children belong to these
pe,ple ,..
Moog to 'em ' Oh, yes, they
to 'em holly and soul. Whether they le
their ewe flesh and bleed, that i et.a.M
And not •a.tb4 word was forgetter -
Mass Psemmmm..
Rio -1 ... Immisd hen • third Mir to
The rows ..w.
IAa-It eaebat Tenho ss If bo night be
old osa.Sh
M he.. bill_ 1t1... ho gotogigit
t.NUM.1 lege &Myst
Weiroesler °onsets@ A Aetona«. dosses
Congr gationalomfgroaoe M l'Mtedal( in
1 Op the report e1 Mspmfbrename d
is dwtle., at the cid-wed prayer mooting
.f the church rm osty told • verysib
tory of s►ildi.b eenfs.i.s of armor £
little Pltaguld `Ehod evident! boss
mostly impress.( by the ,uspara at
her hems M the entertaigmesmt of the dale -
gat., oh. woo +rmosMy weeding, is mom.
sem teeth Ne M'ne el No Lmily, ter his
elites, sad holy broke wt with the
•'Rs.h Uhe hypwto..ent. leer
ummdMee Miry a the dskyiie.
oil rpilmm• 11 le rr armmbon► bo bean
is ries:
YOU will find
that it will do
what no other
soap can do, and
will please you every
It is Easy, Clean,
Economical to wash with
this soap.
()wing to the great increase of our business, we hare had to enlarge our
premise,. We will now be in n position to show our many (2ustouters '.,me e.f
and owing to our small expense, all we ask of you it to come anti examine our
Good and compare Prices, for we feel confident that you will say, as many
others have said, that the New Tinehop i,, the plate to buy Stoves. Furnaces,
Cutlery, Kitchen and Dairy Tinware, at the LOWEST PRIDES.
We are agents for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, which
flan been proven in (:oterich to be the most Peonoiii ical, a., will a. 11:.• clean-
est Warm Air Furnace in the market. No .lust . no gas.
Agents for the Howard Yurnaoer. The Practical Tinemltb.. Hamilton et . t:alerieb,
" Tae tamer Tell.
Tbr .tory.'
are words to express comparative de-
grees of merit. E. B. EDDY'S %itches
are above any comparison. -
The BEST are
mars tel LeZEMCA ,
They are not a cure sit but are the Lent rnerth iolp
i.r..,en t.,. Ililiolw:e.•. Hrada. he, (.,nwipat eat 1y.
t,epei). Indi,:ntu.n, Pieter., S,IIor.,ea. awl
r:.wa - (r,m intr.:re NI. Awl :.tis ishlei. et
Your larasrtst Ler siker....
Buchanan & Son
Dealers in all kinds ot
Sham Boiler Works.
8huoc i.r tot tomato: L• INe 44
Manufacturers of all kinds of Mtetion-
ary M1srir•.e, l.'pright tet Tu'.,ulnr
Salt Pau:, Hooke Stacks, SI.. et Iran
Works, etc., etc
Aliso dealers in 1.• plight aril Horizontal slide
Valve Engines. Automat.. CUT tut r:r.,rmes a
pecialty. All sites .f pi e end tire ening
amsaantll on hand. Estimates furnished on
snort notice. Repairing prom tly attended to.
2:111-1, - P. 0, Hoz (oderich,
Werke-Om:Melte O. T. Ft Station_Ood.rick.
Sekafitle Atnerban
Agency for
And builder's, materal of every description
School Furniture a Specialty.
RIOtI'r., Ma.
Por Informatlee uwt free H.n4hooli write to
MIANN • IY). tett SIM*ow.T. New Toast.
p�lrp�a vt pt.ere.. for serertne patents 1n Montle'.
tb panne
taken out M r la brought orate
e pa $c b7 s notice giver) fro of cline Laths
�cieutific mericuu
. Ptrreb tw+n of s Mseitl.e la
wr0,r t PWeml.nt' Its. It. M. xo
Vena oihe,wld be outhai tet. wesll
i�5U , term areadwr= art
bas just returned from the cities where he
has been selecting
He has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times.
H. i)l; N IAP.
Sp..W attention glum to
H..dgwarten for .11 grades of
(heel weighed on oldest market or m Reale..
Om Omy Prowse before ming ern wears.
Toesebeme eseneemea.
JOHN 8. PUTT, Prop.
Obtained. and all business In the U. p Frain
otitis attended to at MODRRJ TN Phis,
Our onlett1. opposite the U. 8. Patent 04.
es, and w i man obtain Patents 1. less time
Ilan those •emote from W ASHINOTON.
vise as to patentability free of -ha d
maks aks NO CII AROE C"I.tss charge
We refer, herr. to the Poe .
ttwur. tee mem.
X home Order LNth
v..lad to sdleW. of e
U. 8. {�t Ogee. Tor atreular, mires
term. '.d hapesess to serial dense to Tar.
awn Sate Of Denatv writ. 10
orisessertit Mid* N rot..
011ee.Washingtion. D. O
Deal OHO. BARRY, t►.
Hentrich furniture dealer and
undertaker, keep the beat stock
of furniture and undertaker's
supplies 1 And he. i• M
that be osn sell ao ebeap 1
He finds twat it pays dm the
long ran. His moils is
" Sena Prelim and Web Rib
Herta' He air slakes s
s! meters heti.� ►k. a Wen
big destrhera an=
Mold always es bawd. 1361i