HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-2, Page 44 THK SIGNAL : GODZRIOH, ONT., TIl (IRSDLT. AUG. 2, tRW. EYe $igul, NYSBT THURSDAY MORNING (<T s. a aaC.MT. Nes ellGedafisiao.soi Mena area. Teem. en- SMa.ry0MS se siesta. ta .tease. • Y Yee is«mobs, MO year, le armed, the prise tier raw bee. ee Lean es Tear label. Year babel r • .10.dsr receipt of the date week yew ars paid up. See 'Asia It is set to fall into arrear. a change of address is d.alred. both tis old •ad the sew address .bootd be Alyea Adverebtna a•b. .Let ..d asb•r enrol edv.nie•mestL let ..t tar stet sit ime. rad 1 ran par At RR�t.orto�b, �onbtpwt 1sg.rUos. ;morad by • Detissg(t ami. Harsass meteor els limes and undo, 15 per roar Advertisements of Imet. round, Misled, antrlie•s Vacant. Mastless Waisted and ia0lsees Cbascw Wonted. wt exceeding 1 IIII aontarwflal pr month. Ifae.s>• ea and Fanner as Mel& tot to .nosed 1 Lane, e1 for tarot month. 70e. per .ub- sagsent month. larger .dvt.. in proporttoe. Ant .pee& notice, chs object of which i. to Mw.mmre the pecuniary benefit of any tadl- vldeal or company, to be oon.idered as ad- vorU.ement and cirri/ad •ecerdimer• Local notices to orapareil type one cent per wird, so notices ss thea tilt. lila t maims b ordl•ary redia, type two meta per word. No notice tor leu thea 50.. Notions for churches tied other religious and bsevolent Institutions half rate. Ceaseertal Con estrrt Adrenne...•s., A limited number of displayed advertise M wgl be in.erted at the Renewing rates : ]� IgOk, eve insert ton. 0 10 four insertions 1 OD " there mnntha ......... ! ro tlx months ___.. 100 kmiOce year 5 0e olvrtl.eme.t low than two inches in Ip will be calculated on shrive t.. 5 per e.nt.disoount allowed for mph payments w three trent he' coni rut. 10 per oast on ax mo•tha'. and 15 per meet. on a year's. These essditlo.s will be strictly enforced. •be.t "Tbe VIwsal" Uelliv.1y. Subscriber who fail to money Trig Noir .1. regularly, either by earner or by mall. win stater a favor by aaquatot las us of the fait at as early • date as Masi hie. Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned. Corte.goadence mast be written on one side of paper only. r•bu.ber'. J. C. Le Tousel, of ()ederieb, has been tip pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the town- ship of Ooderich, Colborne. A,hdeld and Wa. wenesh. Local postmaster@ over the district aro also empowered to receive eub.crlptlone.to Tag 4r.traL. AO own= uaications must be addressed:le L. MoOIL1.ICUDDT.Tea 0At, Telephone can M. 9odmfsh. Oat HOD=RICH. THUIMDAT. AUG. 2. iMI. AT this season of the year t:odenclt has usually a good representation of trsilsient guests, but this year the in- flux of Summer visitors has been par- ticularly large, and they continue to tome. Our hotels and private board ing houses have done a good truce the teething at the beech has been better patronized than ever be fore : and we lean that the t i.itors are well pleased with their outint: on Lek. Huron's shore and hat, hail a good time generally. The people of Godench welcome the visitors and wish them many happy returns of the glad some occasion. A LITTLE binl .or -something else has whispered to Tiis SIGNAL that our esteemed temporary meniber,the Hon. J e rtes CASA R PATTRRUON, Minister of War for Canada, and a coming can dicate for knighthood and other jim crack recognitions of favor from over the seze., is laying pipe. in North Es- sex for a renomination. The 'Prion advanced is that West Iluron is too far from the base of supplies-- i. r. HIRAM WALRPR'e chdlue look -and the uprising of the patrons in the Huron Tract it was feared would work against the eandidsturr' of a real War Minister with gilt epaulettes on a faring tunic and stripes down his trowsars. A LOYAL MOUTH ARTIST. `HERE are quite a number of hien in Canada who are pxsseseed of mouth capacity altogether out of cempari.on with the extent of their brain power, and a star of much magnitude in that particnl•r class is GeoRo. TAYLOR Doname police magistrate of Toronto, and a feather bed colonel in the Cana- dian militia force. A jingo he was born and a jingo he will die --at least that is the purport of every public address he makes, an.l when he speaks his language is lurid with threateningtt of slaughter and the hor- rors of war against the opposing forces, for • sanguinary man is the colonel. Recently the choleric alone' want to London, 'England, and since going thither has undertaken to instruct the British people on the question of loyalty, from the Aagwavers' stand- point. The United States is the doughty colonel's bete noir, and the mention of friendly relations between Britain and the United States always arta upon him as with hydrophobic syntptouse. No argutneut appeals to Dastsot'e Main, but everything that is said causes him to p,., attacked with frothing. of the mouth tarot ars ter- rible to behold. His alas* " brook " along this line Itham nate hint a laugbi g .beak la , BMWs sad aww.l of 1te Loadw 1 uet• epapci• lute calBt.'tt him dose after • feabion that oan hardly be flattering to hu jingo feelings. In ad- dition to that the leading newspapers of Canada and tb• Uaited States have caught the laughter from over the ssa, and as a result the colonel, who prev- iously was known only in his magis- terial capacity as a dispenser of ,jail tonne to drunks awl petty criminals, has row blossomed out with a reputa- tion as an international firebrand not outclassed by JOHN Reeser', of CIa cagtr, or J xaIr1AH (I'Dt tOvAs Rosso, formerly of New York and now of Nowhere. The Chicago Tribune rubs the war like I)s-yaw• against the fur as fol low. : Mr Dawes, • Camila detente to the or«tt•� of the Imperial Federation league is Loadoa tree bow making • fool of niai- mlf. 1■ his address at • semen of the league Thursday evening he said, " great amity was 11t is the United State. te- ward 1-:agl••d, tet osly the better educated rad higher ammo there wore friendly to (:rat Britain, that the was mats - tensed *sly trough fear of tie British cavy .ad 5.000,000 Canadians, and that if Frs•os and Russia should combine against gs5lead the ('sited Mutes would lois them." 1t goo without saying that the uteruses. of this Comedian alarmist ere as silly as they are false, and that he has, as an [Englishman would say, made " • blooming w " of him • self. For, is the first place, there is no enmity betw.a the l'utd States and England, or Iwtweeo the United States aril ( tit da. 'rhe United states does not want to annex C'an- • da and the Comedians tbeineslvee know hey are in no danger of Ming kidnapped and forced into the Union. N hen the proper time comes, and it is approaching rapidly, remade will Dome over andoin us of her • word, ord, and I sgtand will make no ob- jeetios. She will loin the Carom by the natural evolution, pobtic..l and industrial. John Ball ma sleep o' nights. t'eele Sam has so designs upon Mrs Canada to the mooed place. I)aisen's assertion that the l'oited States would join Freese and Russia as against Eagles"' shows that he u • silly, bumptious Tory who knows nothing of the tredittoos of foreign policy of this country. In the third place, and it is mon to the point, if the occasion of war with England should arise or if anything else should occur which mad• it seeesuary for this country to sake CMoeda, the Kritah navy and the 5,000.000 Canadians, or even if there were 50.000,000 Canadians, would not stand in the way of annexation. If the United Mates wanted 1. it would to over the river and take lir io • week's time. Mr. Renison need have no fear,, however. H• probably has none. He is only psis[ before the Rritiah pubis' as • held, bed. Tory jingo and getting up • Logs- don repittstine tor patriotism. In • word, hes " talking through his hat,' and his .apenogs an too silly tor serious mend eration SNAP SHOTS. 11 it person were not toll go it would he hard to belied, that the treat in- tereolonal conference h. pone to • close, and that sot • ripple could `es found upon the trend of events to show where the last or•tenal bubble in favor of interoolonialism had bunt. Tariff refonu at \Cashingu.n seems to be a lo.g way off. and the Canadian fernier will have to c•otinue to r►e.n under the curse of oommncel isolation unless he segs tit to ship hu hey, railway ties. cord wood and mastoids to the Antipodes. .I At GOULlr caught the eye of the public by watering his stock, and now his ten t:erge has secured Europese snow crstic recognition by placing his stook on the water. it is le•ginning to look as if the patrons were in pieta= to stay, and at we approaching 1ltisaui.e elections their /res ace will be parNeularly noticeable. The way that the members of the parks eowmittse of tins town attend to their duties ought to frisks each of them the recyiest of • lather medal. HM1. Jto11V T'o'rn.. ter tit reported as saying that the prevent Parliament will rte its full term. Jur, is evidently talki•g through hie cap. 1f things keep on at the present rate there is danger of the Eastern embrog- ho beteg tangled up wits the European warclesd. COUNTY CURRENCY. Brussels . Mrs K. Paul has • olwmtie ea which upwards of 150 beautiful Powers may be counted. Grey : A lino brood mare belosgtsg to Thomas Str.•has died last week. It will be • heavy loss te her ower. Blyth : Jas. McGill. Blyth, has cold his tine rrsidesee, and two Iota on Disaler street to H liigram, for the am 1 81,150. Ushers' Phil. Rowsiie sold his farm of 50 norm, ego. 5, Uehor.o, es Meod•y to Mr. John Prost. Consideration, 118,- 200. Wmgbm W. F. Rrocksn"hire was • r•ttat• from Wiseman lodge to the 1 twmd lodge sestang at Chatham this week. (armee Tows clerk Coate and .notable Whatley .re be eenisg experts n the ware 1 tromp, saunas 161 is three efglta Cantos : Miss L. Rebook oldest dangh• tee 1 Rev. J. W. Helmet has passed her Seal .zsmieetes. as • K indergarten feaster. Castes : Mr. Dartford, of the G. T k , had the misf•rteme oke other day to f11 off • Amos, Gd break • 0.1.11 beam is eve 1 bee lega Safra • Ilr. J. 8. Lyme. 1 Wiese seg, sad a•u u-ew 1 Mrs hr (ilea, of 4a•frih, did is that oily a tise&ay, July M. S..hrth : llasd.rth bet bees mads a 1 ratty fn- ..seems, and F. O. • • eowGpepoma r r, bee boss .worn ie as Washout ' John arrest ftNtbed.t- anding the howl 1 his meehr-s-mw, Mrs. Pella& wet ted aro met week. in M fated yea. H1pa r whir wresell.I r the brisk - pod r$_ksy. Jib Tito, 'rear Hoar, Wettbaler had the sentertens to tail •ed didseate kis area Whlgbm : Mayor Haran ie bony head, tog sesame brisk lees se the site of did as. Pad'. coni. Tl. Myer a ens 1 the meet enter siv' pr.pry sews s tewa liremel.: This week James Ilea. the welekesww Wrasetr drug.* perehened the drag Waves el J. r Pepper, Gra- ham hlwk, Theme', red bee takes pease tiga Servile : J. L Stewart hes &s- al his Mere property ad batdw {s Kuban to Ile. As/r.., 1 Utterer Mr. Stewart has come to rads is igmesd- rill•. ('remarry *beat Iweety-five applies- ages:were rea•hed fn- the amass 1 amebae for tMbasl Sutton No6. Petr Mc(.a.gties, 1 Ne. 3 school war the .hate•. Clstes : We are Derry tie bars 1 the death 1 the tuba' child 1 Harry Sta.- bury, which aoo.md s DeMeit loot week Mrs 81•sbury aloe hes bees esrio.siy iU, buts batter. Caere.: Thea RuamU, of Riverside Farm. Cabers., bee 4tw•.sd of his wal- know. y hall, " Riverside Here," to Hos. M. H. Coebr•ae, of Crompton, 1,?.., for • Wafters. Rremeh : This weak we rested as elegises photo .( Salem 4,rmsreare form e rn 1 Brassie, new living in Gortbla, (k- 1.kori•, socompgaid by he nos as '•, bay- ele built for two.' Safrtb tames Beattie hes this week shipped at -out 26,000 Iba. 1 weal, bvisg rot cared of holding it for the Amriwa tar- iff bill to paw This represss is the chp of • good many sheep. Morris Mrs. Samuel Walker is visiuse her mother, Mrs. E. Olvar. The latter bas bees trembled with a oaaser and has bees undergoing • course of tratm•st with • specialise is Micbigsa. Morris: Dr. E. G. McCaoy and ,1. 1'. Phelan, both of Ciaciseati, Oltio, wbe have been visiting their permits end friends is this cooties for the past two wake, re- turned tot 1e:Amno t es Jelly 26th. nemesis : About 100 west os ihe choir excursion last Th•redey to Sarnia, some ruing as far se Detreit, when they saw the Blue Ribbon rasa The Kennels cheers did well, getting two •.wad prizes W Ingham : The Uddf•Ilowe of Wughom have arrsnad for a monster excursion to Toronto on Amsted 811*, over the God.rich. Warton, Southampton and Ktuc•rdee branches of the Gr.sd Treat Ra.lway. Grey W. M. McKay. wife and dealt - tor, of SL Joseph, Missouri, were vatting relatives and friends is this locality ter a few was. Mr. McKay bee beau in the West for b or 8 years and is ero•tiennu. grey : Wm. Isubow and -John Mea- dnw. polled • plump acre of flax on the Knight farm,(iny, the other day m 7 nears. W. Bright sod T. A. McLauchin measur d it. Thu is a chance for record break - r,. Seatrtk An owl ttew in through a transom of the i)ominoes Bank the other e vening. Whether :t wasted " •ecomtoda- tton." or had got tate the wrong shop, the obliging clerks !were unable to •goer um l.rev (In Wdoesday of last week Wil Ilam, second •es of James Bishop, was totted in marriage to Mir Auntie Stereos. of Toronto Rev. Jae. Ross. B A.. perform at the ceremony at )lelville church masse, lar noel•. Satorth U. It. ttt'ite0m ihaa w1.1 the oatmeal mill to Walter Thempson,the form- er proprietor. While he had it Mr. Wilson put about five thousand dollars worth of improvements in the mill, and it :s now one of the best is the province. Exeter The death of Mos Agnes: Fer- guson, daughter of Mrs Elv.bath :Fr- gtieon, in the 29th year of her age. took place o• Sunday last l seceseed had bees ill but a few months, and until recently the thought ot her demise was not entertain- ed. tilpgham 1 ler esteemed townsman, J. A. Mortes. Esq., was h000red by the 4'rani Lodge of A.1 & A M. s being elected to the office of t •rad Registrar of Ontario He is working up rte M..ic ladder, awl in • few move'yare will no doubt be 1 •rand Master. Wroxeter ( aids have been received from England annowaciag the marriage of goy. John a Humphreys to Miss Bessie Davey Elford, on Tal} lith. Th. many friends ot Mr. Humphi'ii•s is and shout Wroxeter wish him and hill bnds long life and prosperity. Stephen : An immense storeroom weigh- ing eighty two pounds and me•ntting near- ly six feet. was captured by MW.Ms. Will Dempsey and Robe. F.rery, of Stephen, at Thread Bead the other day. Apparently it had gotten in beyond the breaking and ootid sot get out again. Tacker,niith Henry \lonteith, of the Rad cos.. L. R. v , Tuokeramith, hes the home of heist the first to &liver what of this arm'o'r growth is the Seeforth market. Thio what was delivered at Ogilve'• siU os Wednesday, Jay 25. it was an exol- 1ent sample and weighd 634 lbs. rumored. Brussels Upwards 1 150 hada are en the pay roll 1 Brunets Flax Mill just new. -Palling will be •beet finished this week and the mill ie expestei to start a Tuesday 1 this week. -Manager Bright expects te have about 700 tame 1 2.x to beadle. It is • splendid crop .ad will yield well. Rtaey : Tie sew votes' list tor 1894, was peeled up eu the 17i11 inst. Of 703 on list 594 are qualified to vote at all eleetioss : 89 so rote at musiotpeJ elections only : and 90 to vete at the Legislative Assembly only. 02 this somber 348 .re eligible as jurors Of the somber qualified to vete ale at entinieipal e1•Mios•, 35 ars wawa. N Median Last weak G. A. Hoed, formerly 1 this tows, ed brother of Mn. John Cosery, while worbing • jointer is Wawa R M•leoalre's funttsre factory, Kinwrdise, the third Sager hie right bed came in contact with the knives, ad is • twinkling the digit was mangled to the first joist. Mr Hood, will be obliged for • weeks to carefully nares bio injured hand Teekersrith . .lobs Murray, el Tookr- smith, returned bean from Algoma •e Thursday Mr. Murray has • 1.r., i. the Hera settlement, seer Pert Wheals'', and be hes hese tiers awe early is Jeer teak - lag impr.vsmenta Ne esy. that although the weather hes hew very dry thee* this serer, rope ere belches w11 and premise • geed yield. He ay •11 ib Mann ponds settled there re dame well and like the awry. U.berse : The let lee lfid 1 psraoes is the beers ip who see ri..ws/ es wrens the heo*bim, wee pasta up by she tewa- ship earl' es the 17th ei Ne math. The teed some el awns w the the the yr le 1131: est yew M wee SIM se Maethe. hes hese ea heroes• el A Mere are 10 pa sees g05I .d le owes both at obi Logliimiwit Amway doeciesolaulm:U pomma el whom de ere ammo. at soma ebbe mama WAR Ill meshed their H'ak IN T11E Ufl18NT A Despatch 'real tpaarw eaye 1< Hu Hew Detlar d. THE COREAN KING A PRISONER Ms is sas.ed era Meld by the J./e•ess- Cbi.ses we're. rrw.e.ted /rem Laneltat tlthevs. r...ed by Coolies, (ler TbMr Way as set rases. Loxpox. July Ti.-Tbe Central News hes this despetch tram Shanghai "War hes been declared between Japan sod China The Japanese have seised the Kai 1 Corea and hold him prisoner. Rives Chine steamers are on thnz way to Corea Most of the troops aboard them are Coolies armed with bows and arrows. Some Chinese steamers which have arrived at Cores harm been prevented by the Japenees from landing troops. It is re- lented that the Japan es artillery suck seem of theta. Los nos. Jely 9/. -The Japanese and China.) officials have necoivd numy de - * patches from their home government.W.hile declining to say much of the tenor of these despatches, the officials .gate that the onrpect of an ageeeutect between Chios mind Japan remains.atnfactury. Lytto ia, July 2.8. -A telegram received at the office of the Peninsula and Oriental Steamship Company says positively that war has been declased between C'bine and Jape'. and that hostilities have com- meuced- .evral morning dailies print this d• - gotta' from Tim Taro: "War has not been declared officially either to Tuki3 o: Pekin. It is Wisestit In government circles that it will not be de- clared kr several days. 1f the exchange of notes now proceeding result amicably the collision that have already taken plan" will be mutually disallowed: otherwise they will be regarded as caw beet The tranept-rt, which was souk by the Japan- ese, was the Kuw-Sbang,owued by Mathie- wn & Ca It is reported that all were lust The Math±nacos hare taken over • number a Chinese commit/ vessels: here- after they will sail their steamers ander the British deg. ''Telegraphing between Japan and Cora has been stopped, therefore no direct re ports ran be obtained In Yoko:ems, where nothing is known of • declaru.on of war. The Jsuane.w authorities stopped on Sun- dae the Nirgaeaki mail steamer bound for Shaughai" New Tone, July 9S -A San Franeieoo *racial says: Lucite fi Foote, who was C nited States idolater to Cora from 1885 toll:IOC, gives the following statement in regard to the torten troubles: Japan has undoubtedly invaded Cores for the purpose of weakening the indueuce of China in that kingdom, and with the expectation of strengtheutug bet own political and com- mercial =pittance there For matinee 1'!.ius 1.aa dominated neighboring states, more by her finesse than by ber prowess. She has lung claimed and still coutinues to notwithstanding the treaties made with western {ewer, suzerainty over Curs& This claim Japan has constantly ignored, until it bas come to bean exceed- ingly sensitive gne•tion between the two nations. Cors occupies to the orient runes the same relation that Turkey does to Europe. Aware of her own weakness and impressed with the supremacy of China, she hes looked to that empire for moral of and physical rapport The influence Chins ha therefore been paramount •and has perhaps been exercised dowdy to Japan. lVar between Japan and Corse would neceeaaril,y involve China If Japau was vtetortous it would virtually destroy Chins influence on the peninsula and give to Japan that value which she deeira re.tresl ltrebYt I•ats•ty Killed. MouTasai., July 28. -lames Ricuanla.n. • well-known liminess man, and member of the former wholesale leather him of Has, Richardson & Co., was kdiel out- right by the Son train on the Montreal it !Sorel railway at Longwood. Mr. •:chard son, who was very hand of beenug, was walking along the track when the trlin caught up to him, and before it cuold be stopped he was struck. The unfortunate gatleman had hu neck and one of his arms broken and was no doubt instantly killed. Mr. Riohardeon had retired from business some years cities and resided in Longuenit He was 01 years of age, and had been a resident of ihie city for thirty years. He Dame from (Inaba and laves • wife and • daughter amt four sons. Luded MU Career 1s Mo:rater, July 28.-1',interline [Mercy, whom death is announced from King•ein, was serving • life suteuce for laving atterxpted to murder Constable Baignet, wbo is now . aptain in charge of No. 11 station is hfochelagi ward. The crime wee committed on July 31, when tate omoer was taking a man tamed Murray into cus- tody for drunkenness at St Au:i • Market. Do.rcy, who was ion of • group of loafers in the neighborhood, picked up • shovel tbu wee lying near and struck itaignet on the back of the bead, fracturing his skull. He was tattoo u, SL %lucent de Taal, but was subsequently transferred to Kingston pwttentfare. where h. did. By far the greater part of his life had best spent in reformatories, prisons and penl/entiariaa Rwekweed P.rtemee Durglsrlswd. Roc co, ion. .1 sly L9 -The poetofAes here was broken into by burglars yesterday, the sate blown open and 41900 in money and $30 in stamps stolen Mr. Pruners, tbs postmaster, was awakened by the alnico and he jumped up and ran to the window. Seeing three then standing in the street, he called to his brother, who Nape in the bark part of the building. that burglars were around. At this thee the three men jumped In o buggy and drove oil rapidly in the dhmetion of Anon 'lobe burglars in their light left babled • ped revolver. Word was at ones sent to Ooslph, and ('hof of Polies Randall het telegraphed throughout the country to be oa the lookout for them. new.. etapbeemw's Deweprar.f Toaou,o, Joy err.-1�...d 0. iltegheo- sea, of Rea Toronto, warden el tYa aunty el Trek, orb let for O.alle e. the= e ying he to* had some Imaim sae ee to 4. that tows has met yet iters heard of As tar Ye knows his messes red MUbaldo ars about even. A doll d surpass a expressed et the of ler ftephsswo.. as int ber k.sws to be 1a dille.itfes there are euey who would bye tomo to be seeetaaea •. tor -.Poen' song eo, HAIOAz. idol Jaly 111.-A dlosprMh from tll Jd.'A jt[A. Garet J.fi ae.s s TAM" 'beam ram ibNweM peaseday, aweed rMembled end �.ni an bug N[W TOPIC[ OF A WEEK The /mpute.e lissei. Is • /.w Weida ler a.orliamassia t whoa. abut ear rets eeoarrd Wailes. &.1a Yossgeiuwa, t)•hit The fl,neh horror. Yriday passed the anti Ausreidet bill IM to 96. The news that war bee been declared between Chute and Japee is eoeArtaed. James Kafue s Cu., Tummy, bays •ashesel, with liabilities of .1/1111,0410. Major Draper, formerly chief of pollee in Tommy, diel Wednesday truing. [Elgin Sadder was crowned while bathing u Wo tiraud river near Brantford. Tbo beat is eaosealy. le Europa, and many deaths freta sunstroke are reported. This Thiugvalla Liu. Wednesday redwood witssterage passage rates trona New York jig. e Extensive .sperlateute with au sada- grand trolley are to be made u Wash- iugtua The electors of Chicoutimi and Sague- nay voted Thursday in favor of repeal of abs Stud sot Ten-thow.and people atteudel abs Win- nipeg F-ahlbi.ton Thursday. It was Citi- zens Day. The b'llttth anolvreary of the e.tabl1k- meet of the Back ot England was eels - braced Friday. 1be nuuvtctiou and sentence of John Y. McKaue have been sustained by the New York Court of Appeal "Coo- D.ary, • life convict, who killed a Moulreal volteenau iu 1973, died is 'Unmake' penitentiary Friday. A lodge of the Patrons of ludustry was organized in Toronto last Wedueday night by Grand Premise' Mallory. About 500 persons left Petertoro' on Wednesday un • pilgrimage to the shrine Of St Anne de Beaupre. Choler' is spreading with alarming ra• pidity to Austrian Galicia. Trate aero.. the Hernial' frontier Inas limo prebibttd. A. Ill Vette was Thursday eentuced to • year's Imprisonment for embezzling tram the City of Winnipeg's .taking fool At Doylestown. Pa., ehureday Wallace Burt, • half breed India's, was banged for the murder of au old couple named Right- ley. ightley. Mexico has asked Chili to join In • uwnetary conference W consider the estab- lishment of a rano between gold and etl- ver. James Richardson of the wholesale leath- er firm of Hua, Richardson A Co., wee run over and killed by a train at Longtietul t tie. John Diueen, au elderly mom; was ran down by • trolley in Toronto. Thurwday, receiving injuries which caused his death that evening. Report. from Illinois. Iowa, Michigan. \t tscuusiu, Nebraska and Kaoaae (thew that we heat on Thursday was the great- est to rears While repairing a fence at Castlefttd. Renfrew county, R. Ferguson, a washy farmer, was crock by lightning and in- ' .cantly killed. Fierce forest Ares are repotted in S.oean County, B. I'. The towns of New Raver, Three Forks end Watson weralmottoem- pletely deotroyed. While Flaring on a raft at Beekville Friday afternoon Leo Shiuniek, aged seven years, was drowned. His body bas not yet been discovered. The 90th anniversary of the battle of Loudy's Lime was celebrated on the battle- ground on Wednesday by the Lundy'. Lane Historical Society. (}.urge Curtis. aged 11, did of lockjaw In Hamilton ou Wednesday. Nine days ago the lad stepped on a rust,- nal', which cawed a wound, In his foot Twenty-one head of carte on the KA- penmeutal Farm at erando.. Menu.. have been slaughtered. owing to the existence of tubereuliais among the herd. Mr. J. Murray Smith, Manager of the Montreal branch of the hank of Toronto, did soddenly at hie einsmer residence, Besurepaire, on Wdueerley morning. Rev. Dr. J. B. Mc(A•iuugb, editor of The Philadelphia MetE,rdiet, and one of the best known Meth dist clergymen in Philadelphia Conferee,* did uu Wednes- day. The British back Vm. Ls Chants has been wrecked off apo St. James on Pro. vont eland, 60U sides from Singapore. The eutirs crew it thirteen men were drowned. The Sultan of Morocco has arrested Maley (hear, his brother, in order to break up a conspiracy a: Fu to overthrow him. Maley Omar is raid to pave been at the head of the platen's. In the United States Senate Friday afternoon the mesion of Mr (lemon that the tariff bill suould be sent back to eon- ference without instruction was adopted by a viva veer vote. Hamilton hoard of Edooatlon decided Friday night W sell the Pearl, Market, Wellington sad Hauer street schools, and to bond two ten -room schools, one In sash end of the city. Brdstreel's states that 39 bedew fail- ures were opened from the Domtolm of Canada fur the vast week mildest 43 last week, Min the week s year ago, 11 two years egoaOd 90 three years ago 1'61 Keewatin Water Power Company exposit 1s furors power for Winnipeg sa- tabli)imenis over electric wires from their new dam The current will have to ba traesstttd over 140 mile@ of wire. The body of Patrick Purnell. the disap- pearance of which our three years ago re4.ed widespead Interest. has best lethal SesMeg la the River St Lawraoa below acpkte.' point, neer Dundee. Matthaei If. Parry, 1S years cid, was arrested Thursday at Fort Wayne, iid, ter tkr.at.slag to blow up the b s01 bundles s the tows. He ie a roadie of dime .ovals, and bike Luded abteieery. The steam yeah' Aleft of Clayton was art in two in a collision with the Winer Islander et Round Weed Park, River 8t. Lowness, Friday. The seas pamengem ✓ ed erew of the Alert were weed. Wm. Marts, as saeoavlet, and case of the most skilful aopksf.itere in the Ualted Dena w s .named la New York Pri/ay while in the as et mekleg °center • tett ver dollar& He was held to 136,000 bait Charles Wilcox, soared, aged 14 years, was banged et fat. Louis Thursday fee tet w arder of another aggro sassed Moss The murder wee asaasbnsd by � over the offseason* of • .oloreb girL Thr UMW Mutes treesaq look Thaw •it idest :ii•011: s�.m�0`.., am solenxi1flee gaped M O6eI Aida ea the[lowedarm poled ever maid df lista 1HIfl•h the I-y.sr Md } pah5ssa dreamed to ria ....1 .t them b.. was wasr fir gene atilt rte fire li=ogggiglaib' ANI. • • in . THRE1 OYS DROiND Lost Thele Lives While Hatkiag lir the St. 'Marie* liver. GIRL DROWNED AT TORONTO • Toms ale. Kind by • Web threw a matt-CtertYasd trey Dv.w.ea as regi nae* ay --Tales .t Taw. eels Told by Cass - ales wtaem. Se Jost, N It, July 30. -Kraal & Reel aged el, youn1est Loa al James R Rawl, collator of ooMouts of the port, wee drowned ria Katneb.oasis river at Rothe. say on Saturday evauitig. He had been taking part in raw by the Rahway Leod. Club and ctallsagod • companion to an extra mos. The challen1e was soaped and the two young men stared. Reel f11 behind and when tome disease* out his competitor ou looking round was horrified tone Ra l'. empty canoe drifting with the tide Five the pwition of the limbs and the fact that there wee no water in be M.omaob, the physicians who viewed the body believe Reel was stn.ken is hie water from beast failure or brain affection, rw- salting frost over-exertion, and that 11f• was extinct ere be fell into the water. A• Aged Mimosa aevwrsly Sureoa. Mooniest. July 30.-A very ad sea der' occurred et Three Rivers and may yet pet-ve fatal to an old and much rssptetd la iy of that tonality Mr.. Philipp. Ileac woe sitting in tine of her •partmenls, when enddenly • lamp which stood above her tel, • d io doing w was Smoked to poesy shy • il was won ablaze and neat started in tbm room. le attempting to subdue the daises Mr. Pleau's dress uoegbt Ars and she was soon anti -loped in the dames and wink' uudoebtedly have been roasted alive but for the prompt arrival of her husband ami some of her neighbors The Sressee tura also called out and subduing the Sumo . Mrs Plan was a: once placed la bed aud medical amist•uce summoad (wing to her advanced age it is doubtful whether she will recover. Killed .. she Trek Near Haaalltea. llantypx, July 30. -An exprem trate on the U. T. K, coming from Toronto, raa down and killed a mon who was walking between the tracks near the Dee janiln. canal bridge about two miles from the city. The body was brought to the city, but the identity of the man could not be learud. The body is that of a young man, 18 or Ill years of age, neatly droved but with no money in any of the pockets. On the curter of a handkerchief found ou hie person the name "Wbeuuore" was tis covered. The young man bad evidently walked a considerable distance, as the soles of his shoes were worn thin Cormier Whits has ordered au Inquest to be held this evening. Drowsed in Number Day. Toaosro. July 30 --A young man named Sheppard hired a rowboat on Saturday from Walter I1•an's boathouse on the Humber Bay, taking with him two .sten, the Mires Johnston. They had not goo* far before the boat upset and 11 were thrown into the water. A gentleman wont to mbar rescue, but the elder Lim Johnston oak before he could Hach them. The Voting matt and the reamer alat.r wore swags& sa1.1y w lard. 'They hod swine her • l•ret M use ether h'a*bY•, bet on renewer of the eueetwe of the water the proprietor adrlasil them sat to S teat sod mimed to him Me bast /net Arrows .4 rim et.se, Pasareeu, (Jai, July 10.-A very sad madam happened on the railway kiwi Moot fear Mlles death of ham as Satur- day. Jo.•pb Robles, a lah saw. who 1s very deaf, was walking on the teeth whoa the ergine of the mall thin seru.k blm, {itemise him about forty feet red boding bite in the ditch with ea leg and both •rate brok.u, and spine Injured sod the skull ersehed lu ou .one eds. When area he bed • oat In his arms and a dog leading with a.bain. Neither were injured. Hie injuries will pnrve that t1..wnbag as reel ai.•tey. I'var ST*JLOT. July Id -A sod drown - log eeoWeut took plea here !set • when Mr. Samuel Waage of CI= ob►o, loot he life while bealeg to Lake Krim Then was eamedseab a see as and tee undertow semis to have earned him too far eat sad be became exhausted be fon he add get book to the shore The young own with several other from t'leve- Ised hos been supping at the Fraser !tones for the past tee days. • Nerle.e Qsarrel t.Mwee. /area Maeda ('NAn.alr, July 30. -Un Friday two mer tamed Joseph Laadry, aged about fel, wet Benjamin Spell, aged 25. while working for Jobe Liddy, Harwich township. had a quarrel, when Soria knocked the old roan dap and kicked him to the abdomeu and side indiettug Injuries w serious that Landry 1. now lying at the point of death in Chatham general hospital. Snell, who has been arrested, clatuis that he was eddy efuoltug" with Landry. A Widow Attempts 11.1e4e. HALLEYILLa. July 30.-A well-to-do widow named Mrs. Thompson attempted to commit aaiouie at her residence un Matta street, tbi city. un Saturday. She locked herself lu • room and Aired • shot from a 22-catibr. revolver. but it did not take effect. She wee removed to the jail, when she will be examined as to has sanity. Killed ay • Siete mesa a Celt. Starner*, Out., July 30. -While bitch- ing up he horse, ou Friday • yuung man tamed Charles Moray of tin towsehip of Twcker,mith received a kick on the Abdo. men fungi • Dolt, which terminated fatally to Sataniay night. Hie internal injuries woof each a nature that doctors were pomades. to do auything. Fatally lryused in a runaway. mega HAsntuet, (Mt, July 30. -While Pat- rice i . Meta, aged !9 years, who lives three miler from here was bone -raking 00 I Thursday, the horse ran away throwing him 1,010 the rake lie was seriously in- jured internally ad about the head, ftum the effects of which lie died yesterday. Three Itoy. Urew.e.l. Teaxg itivtas, Jule 3t,). -Throe lads :lamed Vandebunoteur, Verre tte and t:nilmette, aged twelve, were drowne-1 Isere while bathing to the Si. Maurice river. Th• it belies were recovered ye.ter day -- A• Ates ala. Kllied. llawtmarar. tent, July :JO. -Laurent llarltek, aged :5. was kt.led on Saturday by • pile of Lumber 1alLn: on top of hue Tex SIGNAL is tidy •1 a year in advance. OLIDsoL us nrou , anti it's ' hot KEP COOL 1 ors ao f your heap , and it doesn't cost much if you go to the right place. We're not waiting for the end of the season to make Clearing Prices this year. Now, when you want the Goods, we make prices that must clear them out. Some sample items Ladies' White Lawn Waists worth 50e for 29c worth $1 25 for Tic worth 200 for $1 25 " Laundered Shirt worth 1 50 for 98e Cambric Blouse " 1 00 for 59e Black Wool Grenadine Dress Goods worth 20c for 11 is All -Wool, Double -Width, Black Ground Challis, new designs; worth 60c for 29c All -Wool, Black Ground Challie, very latest patterns ." 45c for 29c All -Wool, Light Ground Delaines " 40c for 23e Union Detainee 25c for 16e Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Waists 40c for 25c Fancy Whip Cords 40c for 25c - " Shot Effects . •' 50c for 25c fig Ladies' Untrimmed Hats, worth from 50c to 73e. to clear at 12ic Ladies' Black Sailor Hata, worth 23c, to clear at 10c Ladies' Jackets, our dose -marked prices from 34.25 to *5.60, every garment new, for *2 Ars Art Muslin, for Curtains, 38 inches wide worth 124c for fie Boys' Blue Serge Pants, lined worth 60c for 33e Men'. Goad Tweed Costs, unlined worth *2 50 for 11 90 Men's and Boys' Straw Hata, homemade cheap at 1Oc for 7c Embroidered Buggy Darters worth 75c for 49e DON'T FORGET that we are making the greatest cu1c in prices ever known in Goderich so early in the season ; that we carry ererything necessary to wear for Women orMen, Girls or Boys ; that we sell as we buy, at the closest possible Cash Store Prices. rR�S WV* meNtit. 1 1 2 0 R T r el FAY rMil i. i ri ft AMU 51E.4 flE5.!I . EVERYTHING TO WEAR.