HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-2, Page 3TEM elICNAL GOtAillida OIC?., TfURP•bAT, AUO. t, OW. 0111011i111117. s NIOHOI. O* LA4a.—sD�XNeTAAL seta MeVikest 00m. sad i s&ti tss�fer manse Meal of NOW �, >u - RDISON. aLrD. IL. Gas sad vitliwar OieF-Uk nes es. >1v itlldfeEll. Dg, HVttl1TER. ?YRII«:N, OUR n•batOOsgrei Mee— mow • (tam 1FIt{si pi.t.l. 434, D17- *U NNOJ1 s sa4.Z►tlNON, Se M .- a • *Mhos,. i.iljplL CIAliP1ON i JONNir3{sTaO` BA ReRIR- °.oea-Over w •s'• Mesta More. 1o.. o CION, tl. C., M. V JOHNurit.N. easy to Ione. Lt►FTl'S Id. DANCEY, BARRIIdTER, Selasitar.Oaavgsaosr. to.. ate, 1$0007 te lea at bweip rates. Horton's imam Op- posite ceases* dotal. uod.riok. Ont. NSW i- 14. LEWIB, BARRISTER. PROD. Moe Beath bate& 113L1 O. HAY8. SOLICITOR, &.e. Oso•, fluence of o.tsee and new street Roderick. over telegraph Deet. Pri- est* trends to tend at dowses rates of Labe - ere. V ARROWPROUUDFOOT, BAR- •. JTU♦.w tlswPwb"" ftAMERON, BOLT HOLMES, '.Jsso. to Ohne sal Sze.Ooiere h.. 1) . C. SS. Q.C.; P. Heft ; trotter Holmes. O. WARD. CONVEYANCER, lea ug sad 07 sirtor Il. saBsVftte *okay' asid es e • r se SS. desset p .Rrm.tio.s, dwtN•tt.ea ass solemn decker twee ,e or s.7 action, suit or pis - t. the H Court d Justice. the Court of Appeal tie saris. tN M u,7 t e!wt7 w Inflates tsar1. W sad nobsansened- w drew Oen. L. for Is eIrpb.r.0urtamte of Ontario LOOMS MIA SJlIMPIMPIIMIMMIN l MEAGER, CO %VEYANCING AND i naorsece aloe. opponto.lseUu.b Meal teuarnc L. ` fo.RY TOLYNDON MII)RTt}ti(:Y et •d ger past. Nelle discounted. C. isLAGER. Ales sppw.tt. Martin's Mast. tieda- rich. MONEY TO LOAN. — $25,000.00 t4iyyt.. Panda to laed atdi per cont. an •sA4. IAPit,$ t. DANCBT. IGeb.'s block. ippstts (bnnerae H•t11 Oaasileh sm--tf FJ. T. NAIITEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • accident iasar0.os ammo ' et lowest !Kb 011e, -Cor. Notth.et. ale iliettaew, Yted- li00000 TO LOAN. A PI'LY TO W C&YSRON HOLT & 11101.Mut1+. Gode- Nes. tee. MONY TO L1 ND.—A LARGE amaareatastgetPrivate Funds for Investment iYAllOW&PUtse CUTOUss TT Appy RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN- Llt. aerea�teeos Ra • 1 E sod Moony rPoIed. M.ss 110 et�ld o aipaates stralsrh Meer. st the lowest mSe of interest trawl in tsa•77 was to snit tM tt/aswer. Mee- area Imil ib door tress axes Ream. West ttarea_ _Bode td•ohaa$lii a IRMUtate. GODERICH M*CHANIt11 INSTI- TUTL LIBRARY AND READINU- R0011 cot. .f East arrest •ad Square Inp Oars Opsa trim t to i r.u.. and twin 1 M le r. a. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 11 LIBRARY. Looting /Amity, W.eM and lNetafested Papers Mymzuwu. etc., on Pile. 11(EHBlifteHIP TiMRRT• ONLY •I.M. Rmause fres ass of Library mid Re.dlnit- Agelkatless few ss b•hlp reeelved b7 H.R.11111 617 aTIVL•t, =Inn WEL THOMAS OUNDRT. AUCTIONEER eM es��aae� sYsderb►. Oat, &Natsee Mere 111atomi ism Obi. Sam at erre to to •e7 dart.f tis eesmer. tits TURN KNOX, 0IIRAL Ava slower aad flet Having W i'~d etgssi see M fieri theeact he b ta a pealliense ails ne estrumai M MsMR1•t Mania's Hotel,M hb 6.4..,,„ P. O., emelrj wended M. l= ENOX County A-,tiu..st. Mitt Dental AnII0Wheementw TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ETHEL...CBTORIDB AT DR. E. RIQHARDSON'S *e0TAL PAli[.Sa, INIIIA NODU MOCE,1M1T-STNEET 0001110a, ONT. _ft affords.e taMmlmd satbtaaticn. afar • la .0011 zit= P res& te es i.have at�apna r W ��t!t• artltbt is eta la eedwieho the latest 01f! . r"t,vary w1Mh to wmn.060age0deseevtterr ezirsetimi "Peiee e. sold vaPy ag a lite Meg si to ms•. pain Mlle /weft eesever s`w Masai i■ tmow he relesreisharmlwawater. abhnkaLFa st the s. onIk arra me It la Pyalovely .•sews.• an w 1111110114 yP*s••r•iee et the satul eg: N, Mr r•ttea My,hs�a wWmstern ■Is v DL b. RICHAROSON. s.ue.�4 stab Sean waft IMO ea Mnf. II. 1•t.glipenser, A remain gate elf tub cloy was eat win[ •.. , r d err r e • 1ar � - 3 THE LATEST FASHIONS, A JENNESS MILLER TAILOR-MADE LINEN DUCK GOWN. Tb. Dietteeniebl.g CMr•.Mrlettee el tile Latest Omens- The Pallets• Mer i. Togas Tb. nm.re Hata Kira by W.11 Uree e4 Women Tble Sea... Soule of the latest and dressiest gown have long, Lull panniers widen are met by jabots of law so wide that shy RN in the entire dlde it the skirt This g..rhltur. is Seel, sit course, only un very handsome droners. sod M adapted to Jemmies hiller models with good results. A moot crea- tion in due-ouloted taffeta- "doe" is a soul, clear browu-has a waist plated at back and front. a wide jabot of pale, cresm•solored Motion lace tet is sea rem, very fall sleeves showing a harrowge of tite lace set ou in jabot style, .id tbelskirt powdered anti paneled with the jabots 4 lace as describe 1 sbuv.. This, is sot cuarre, a very dressy guwu, dodged Inure for e :nage or dinner use tbau for the prom- enade. Its fall primers cannot be worn by stout *omen, and even ahnder hues altu0ld be careful out to etagger le them. The skirt is sewed to a Jenuseo Miller clubfeust. The sleet -es an not r long as thaw of street drowses, and the wait'. is cut • trifle luw at the neck. Cmpwn, perhaps, is tie moat poi uLr fabric wort the season. It eotuse i't a sounder variety of colors, and at its b. -•t is ahusu with • crinkled surface and a mo- hair thread. Sometimes, too. it ba. • corded .test, and amt• -amen it is i1,wsrt J. but in any of then drogue it is pretty mud destr.bb. A valuable angIiistiow heti m the Mut that crepon toilet toe draped over silk to *Low its folds properly. Soca ails of course, should be a. sift ass pumibiw "'effete is used for such purp es sat.r..y this mason. Grenadine is now shows with a mixture of silk and wool These good. .Lu* dew ens, stripes mitt the boned. effect, est feed - iowbl. recently in stylist. woe.. l'anvaa crepe is another variety which isattractilig high favor. Tor goods .Lows criek►.d. plain, lace, si,k and oasis stripe.. 11 to mot et the leading novelties. In thick gts,.j, the .•..vert suiting* take pieced. ore, the brown .std lene n,txtureo bong toe latest fay..rire.. It :• a .tugrl•r fact that the demand tor these color mix- ture, in fine washer, goods cha:.gss web tit. advent .t every room. Last sprang people wanted c..eg;.,u:erate patternr of t.;ack and whit•, blue sod gra,. and now the (al has changed amain to brown and blow, and blue aid green. There is • new matt -nal called worsted dock, and there are w.wy varieties sit wash JgN't.a rnLla DLCI GUw1. silks which launder quite as well As cotton. New eballles am in with borders in large flowers. these pstteri.s being especially adapted for t•.►-gowaa There is a great variety of patterns in linens, the embr'ld Bred spots showing all a lore tangly and in cotnbi nut tun. The latest thing in organdie shows a pond lily floating on a lake of palest green -which is, of course, the groundwork of the material The new m,t.lin.• chiffons cud, un fact, all the summer sidle alum • woudruus march of progress from month to moth in the way of beautiful dw:gns No woman needs to be shabbily droned this se&son because she can afford only s cotton gown. The figure in the illustretion shows • tailor nude gown of linen dock which is appropriate for travehug, shopping to any of the plainer uses of ween weather. In color It is a clay brown. the waistcoat being r with gees*[. The short, natty jjaacke shows a full role. on the bottom. The smart revers ars the fall length of the garment, and extend out 01,1 the shoulders I. sharp points The sleeves show that desirable woleration in fulness which oar system recommend& The wartcuat is pique, the groundwork being the exact shads of tb. dock Baiting. The four in - hand its 4 dark green pun eprtgged with dark buff. The skirt is plata in (root and pleatel full at ,ides and back. The stylish straw hat is In slay brown. with ',prtgged actin trimming to match the w.tatcumt and W.—Jennies Mider Monthly. more Smart N- at.. The first shapes Been in spring and au- tumn are rarely to he relied upon as be- ing tbe correct style for mammos and win- ter wear. They am usually eon.picoow., sad are feelers seat oat to try the popular testa The jaunty little cavalier hate worn • 7P0r 0Rs Mee yielded their place to the jlOaiherg. tad • •udlbd AIpi.e. some thing on the pian of cid-f..bios.dEog- lislt walking hat nese ffemberge wen .t fins enhi only by two high priced hm4 tors in town. hot ton now le bought ,s a mo.t any .hop Not quite the same. but aflklently like to make them ptbfaetory and vastly more economical Sailers are pretty mesh the same se we remember them They have wide brim, .ed median' high °rowel, trimmed as nen- al with bead and 1st bows of ribbon. Th. fin straws are mote in favor thin the soaves enol Trimraed sailors resemble those of two or three seasons ago, with gnite narrow brim sad " e.ow. The correct thf is et point tad Ste% bet markt up •48arpt; at the 1aai. A big A1674611 bum of blurt mtulre dbb•• ♦M pal itireetly across tie crows, Lite beck loops falling over the turned op bask main, and with a darted rhine.toue buckle. Another of white Mahone was trimmed with lilacs, purple and white sod • soft scarf of purple geese the exact shads st the lies This hat was ouvered will fi- les ahoy., end Moues* the brim, sud lbw scarf emit atoned the low trona throng► tlw beck of the bat, falling lu a long etsd, which ouold be twisted eruond the neck - Au exquisite eoufecttuu was trammed with mae.es of dil.reut colored roses, said just a touch ur two of black velvet ribbon to .uphastse the freshness and beauty of the straw .red dowers. Large black hats with ostrich feathers are always worn -this year, perb.pe, not so mu -:hes usnal, bps those omen as el- •reately picturesque. The finer straws, like the old t.s,L.nal Neapolitan, are meek used tied trimmed with feathers. HOW TO KEEP ICE. A Mtl*•Msw. Mat wile\ C.rtmlaly is worth Ru.wlag. A eery Ample but little known methuo of Issapiag toe Is to draw a piece of thick flamed tightly over some deep vessel, like • bowl, dot lnttnee, and fasten it there. The ice is placed en top of the drumhead and covered lour.-ly by another piece of flannel. In ti.ia condition the ice keeps cold and even freezes to the flannel Thus a steal piece of ice can be kept near the patient ell night, so as to evert many weary :narrh•ii up and down stairs to tole re - I rigerator. To Irene the ice • sharp needle or hat yet is the best thing. Force it io and you will be aetonieb..i T.. see how ',nail,' it will .lirhie the ice. -Vesper L lievrse, is Youth's Comp..uion. __ Preservl•g hags. Any method of prm ration to be efTec- :eve must be applied when the eggs are quite fresh and must aiw,at the exclusion f the air from the mall* of the obeli. 'lite buttering .roses is very simple. as toted.,) by the leathered World. A very atrsd. piem of goal butter should he placed between the palma of the hands and rob- bed well over the inner surface of both hat.& when it io thoroughly melted. the me to be bmtterel should be taken fa the kande and thoroughly .,total °Ter w1122too Invited butter. The thinner the env.r.g the better, provided that the whole warfare be covered. 1 he buttered egp then be pieced in a basket is seine, eool plane sed heed not he mor- al un they are wanted for use. The other p mss sit preservation is by putting them Ice caster. A large earthenware vessel army ki,..l to tauet suitable f•.r this purl There are several methods which In detail, but ail are equally eMcacio The simplest plan is to till the To -eel ir,t ed to be used with w5101, put in it a cou of tre.d sized pieces of im- slacked li The exact quantity used is not of conseqnwoe, provided that them is not enough. to saturate the water. As eridenee of ill► there .horrid always be • film of lime the surfaee .,f the water. The hm.• at -bottotu w11 do no harm, Wit rather goo tgl it wi.i lessen the risk of any egg% bet cracked when being tut into the lune w r. The v. -.eel be filled with eggs at ono,. or thew uky be added day by day. Caro mut he taken that the eggs are all covered with water. and to prevent evapor- ation a cover to iii vessel ts of advantage. In ease there i. .poration or leakage water most be sad 1 from time to time, and if there be not im on top some fresh slacked lime should added by sprinkl- ing it in the water. Unless it f. certain that all an fresh, ev egg shunld be ex• grimed before placing in the lime, as ice this process one bad fregnently leads to a lot being spooled. { oma pit is added to the lime by .old ha Lap Ta A writing pad that can and need on the lap, will convenient, particularly carried .pont found very summer, when 007T0x11.11T *111110 PAD. one likes to Barry all possible work doors. For /be foundation of shown herewith. out two pieties of board the desired .isa; cover them th gray lineu, drawing it smoothly ova • S id. and gluing it down on the The pockets and eon,en are covered 4 same mane•*" over buckram. laving outer edge loose to fasten over tis half of the ped. Stitch them of the but skis and bottom, and add loops of 1 blue satin ribbon to slip the pencil, pen holder and rubber under. Above them fasten a pen wiper made of light blue felt or fiann•1, anti to the left • blas envelope to hold stamps. A sheet of Light blue blotting paper. slipped under the corner, eompktea the upper half of the pad, Glue the two pieces together and pleat the ped ander a heavy pressure. Decorate it with • few flowers ea the corners. and fancy lettering on the pockets.-Am.rlaaa Agri. t of pad. A fgtmss.ek Is. 1b° ateh..... A Immmean will often prove a home to a um poems) who has grown weer) of the bed. it ism M Mown ammo • soma fro. • dose hame to the window mated and my be oven hes( eight over the bed where the patient two .Tip into It et win Than ars light schen hassnessks that are riglat sed Maah A lao k dNNW jseis Noars sob as allt mmpee gsalb b every Web of the body that k a a �t list Died woman de met try their rusting properties cacaos 1 Who Visa, �EIbi•Iy--SiOeargis1 I seal med. ntaaA Reda NORA Mira teal 1=yie pay. ant e s lbsy am yew sib mi MYflTL IIARYS1' 1 Over 'Ferowa 14madred HorPerlin la a Washington t'onflturratMtn. Fi iEMEN CRUSHED TO DEATH Tbr.. Stet with a Terrible Pate .-yews► also Melll.g risers of a wb ar.ewee - seeeral Misers Reser/ay le - Jared Damage Phoned .s 11111301111130.00111.ea.,es. WAsnrluroN. July 20. — rite warehouse and stabled of the George W Knox Express l'ompany, occupying • . er a quarter of • block at Second and 11 -Areetw northwest, were destroyed by fire yesterder. Three firemen Lost their Itema her 300 hear, draught horses, nearly ail of the company •expressexpr*None and the contents of the large storage balding were burned. The Company's Expiate Com.ny's stable, 'Idiom Mg the Kuox braiding to Nie north, was alio almost entirely c ntolu:ed. About 150 borers were then, but a., were taken out by the hardest kind uf w.,rk uu sue part of the citizens sad p.duoe,n-•I1 Eight two storey houses uu the alley north uf the Knox building and two small frame hooses Wick of the Adan stables were destteyed. Stx or eight other hon-.- were mom or less damaged. The total loge will exceed • quarter of a million dollars, about half oueered by insurotee. The the was di.c .vtred at 2.20 a.m. A n umber of men who were sleeping in the Knox buildingwere awakened by smoke. They found the entire rear sit the second fi.vr of the building iu flames, sad bad Laths -tune to eacsl.e with their lives. Five lllilitetw later • general alarm we. turned o in soden five minutia mon the entire fire depertmeit of the city was on band. The horses of the Knox Company could nut be reached. There were 1044 of them. and they were on the agoutistorey of the bmWu,,. The Knox buadiug was a four- storey ourstorey structure of brick. Shari tly after 3 a.m. the moat terrible incident of the fire occurred. The firemen nal car: ted their hose tutu the barium; wurrl,00,4 through nue of the large reardoors. This don was held up by weighted ropes an 1 the men lad just entered this their the ropes barhe.t through sod the he•ry woolen dour fell penning them in. Tile worleof emttiug through the door was immediately began wet was all but finished when the flour* above fell with a crosh. Ti,. iwtueuae wei_rn ht but out the doer and crnehed three of the firemen to ., ate. 1 hree others were with difilealty rat ed out (•1 the debt-. .1:.e BIG FIRE IN MONTREAL. A Whole 111..ek t►.etroye• he Fire -Fire- mien Nae. a harrow Eecap.. ,, M,Tor.tt., Jhly 26.- • ane of the fiercest and most destructive „1 fires for the ares attacked broke out .an ttie pretneres of Mere. 0. H. I.abbe R Co., "t. James tenet to 11. Labbe & Co. are wholesale furni- ture dealers and here a large bock on the street, which extends through to Inspector street, andis occupied as • atm mud work - »hop. In ;he 1 remora of the store • quantity of tow was kept, and this was 1,rand 111 a blase a1*.nt one o'clock. A sound of breaking glean war beard and dame, were seen pouring out of laobbe's premises, adjoining the residences 127 aid 1211 Inspector street. .%fter a little delay • ladder was run rep and luta a dozen fire- men perched precariously on the not too otid roof and directed two streams of water on the datum, The red dames leaped on*hueshigh and scorched the gallant men *.. lives were seen to be bsi,gittg by • thread, for the heart of the fire wax incandescent seemedand water seemed a rain foe. A moment later and then a ery of horror arum and filled the street. A scmnd of rending and tearing fell on the ears anda load crash followed. with a cloud of dust sweeping through the smoke and all knew that the building hal collapsed. Many reportedthat several firemen were underneath the ruins This proved, happily. not to be true, but two priests were sent from the readiness' Palace to he in realineto •drmtnteter the last rites. te \%lien the sthoke and dust cleared away the firemen were found clinging to the roof and it was said fist only one had been injured. The premises were totally de stroyed. The premises on St. James.trewt were the property of J. It. Mnrpl.y, of Kingston, and were valued at 630,000. The tour• storey building facing Inspector street wee the property of Lahoe & Co, and valued at shout $ 3,U01►. The whole stock was valued at ,,0.000. Labbe & Co. were in- sured for 840,000. THE WORK OF GRAVE ROBBERS. A Stele. Itedy resod Atter Three ars 10 the Salmon River. CORNWALL.Ont., July 98. -While two Fort Covington boys were fishing at the heal of Plum Island, et the month of the Salmon river, they discovered what looked like • human body in the rashes • short distance from the shore. They immedi- ately went to Dundee and told what theyat had se. A eorotter (rem Huntingdon win sent for and went to the plass India cated and found the body. It was brought &shore and it was found that the eyes. te naand part of the foes were gone The hands and feet were mutilated. but other- wise the bodywas in a good state of presedowsedserration. The corpwas dowsed in black and around the neck was a bedconl, Imo p rutted away. The coroner did n inquest riot eonsider an neees••ry, bat wig - gamed that word be sent to the relatives of -he late P. Parcell, of Fairfield, as in hl• pinion the body wee his. Subsequently e Purcell of the Pare.family came over and intthe clothes and the fact that • piece torn from the skirt of the coat they eight that their long•lo•t relation had discovered. r Parell died in Nova Rooth on May 1. Hie corpse was embalmed by • tat undertaker sod brought to Fair for interment, the funeral taking at Flanagan's Point on May 6 (In MI May 13 the `rave wee epeeistbody removed. it was originally that the body was an.bored in dee r in the river, but It (mould act be 1 though dragged and dived for by tett e . Should this have been lie MOM - the body diseuvered on Flom , Wad in • at M Mr. Pmrobas • l tt blain at the • •f the Rt them 1bethree ' -tam and w been released by the rotting 44.48. • ish sad Y n edow teese N tis ghat, IMO WA. Ail M. -Yesterday 1, wee rakes tom tis it ben beta reatemod.o skis ` id* tea ile= bine ea, mak Zit fa • os.. til.la • .... N1AOa AA eke Way ne Iyer at I'ar I f you must' draw the line at and have, like thousands of other people, to avoid all food prepared with it, this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable short- ening, which can be used in its place. If you will U5E COTfOLENE instead of lard, you can eat pie, pastry and the other Fie, things" which other folks enjoy, without fear of dyspeptic consequences. De- liverance from lard hascdnlee Buy a pail, try it in your own kitchen, and be con- vinced. Cottolene is sold in 3 and 5 po pails, by all grocers. Made oily by Th. N. K. Falrbank Company, tia'.11toge.. W Amain* WONOERFUL SPELL OF TAJ MAHAL • /.w tag tae mals.• be: aeatet el All Mea •f the aey. The Rev. Francis Tiffany in the Christ- tlan Register : The Taj is not a building. 1t is Arabian Night's dream, in which a buil.iiug plays a queenly part. it is a tropical orchestra, in which earth, sky, Prove, waters. &,wars, precious stows, moon orl.ed domes, snowy pinimeles Wend sod dos- tutu nue ioedahle bu.urt 5)118- 34.007. All aleng on the way from Calcutta t-• Agra had 1 s. -en alabaster models of the I'aj, and sad to myself sadly, "1s that 011" The models lett out ray the golden Mood• from the sinking sue, the .hinmg waters from the rung moon. the lover's soul from hta matron' rug only shot and nothing more Rut 1 must, perforce, use a few brute figures sod unroll my take measure. Co. enters the inclwore of the Taj by • superb gateway, through whose lofty arch he looks along the reflecting surface of • marble payed awl, bordered on either aisle by wide paths and beds of dowers and (lank - .d on either side by line, of dark, spiry cypress trees. backed with groves behind. la tie .-uta at the end of this magic avenue standar the Taj ; and *1th how suyerb • net- ting ' The marble platform on which it rest' is s square 313 fent each way and 1R feet high. From each bf dm four corners ' prim:, an indescribably graceful minaret, reliexed in Its ascent by three hanging gal- leries and surmounted by the beautiful Sarc•nic cupola. Then in the middle t ads the Taj, like the pinosilee, all of snowy, ex.luwtely carved marble, the tival of iia marble dome 220 feet aloft en the bine ay. Further, as oee gull looks out from the gateway, stretch to the right and left the great tropical gardens, beautiful with palms, mimosa, and tsmannde, lightp.l up try the splendor of th. plumage of the dart• mg psraluets, and with • glory of markt, purple and gold in the trsihng vines. 1 do not know whether the Taj is the most beantifal building in the world or not. 1 never want to know. If Foetid demote skated em oo- strated to me In tea immutable axions anti ten immut.ble deductions from them that it was not it would make no difference. I only know that in Its 000mbination with earth aad sky it presents the most fmsry like scene 1 have ever witnessed. 1'e doubt it here is to be damned. Thought is not ; ha e•joynnemt it expires. The mind floats away, dissolved in the fermis of Words- worth', lines : " Sens•uoe, soul, and form all melted into him. They swallowed up his animal being. In them did he live, and by them did he live ; they were his life." I saw the Taj by early morning light, by ,unset lieht, and by umoonlitht, when every trace of materiality was so (bemired and simperded in ethereal ,pint that it seemed as thou{h all barren were melted away, and the hying hen •ad the living them nowt clap re another std feel norther out of sphere. Aid yr no glare, even of ieroest aoosdsy, bo power to break the poetic spells Parental mare is life's MD frequent waste, ageism its verdure, wsil- sprtags of delight, lotus had of dreams, so Libyan desert ase airmail. And just with- in iia inmost Winne, illamiwted not by win- dows but only throagb the (roomful open- work sprays of vines sed newer* o*ineled in marble .crease, the blare of the mid-day .uasitio• le tzaasiaired into • soh. ,eldsm hags, se apostle twee am the the bar.hant seatde tr•o•Iernred into melediesa main. Int • strata kw wag by toe most dhas.rdsat vex., even wee, it • strata of • ribald song. and forthwith it is taken up es by a °heir of liege& wed sent eiroliag through the teen. lovely vibrating vault above, sweat atad ).inions ee over Bribhem floated the hymn of Me nativity. No word in repeated ; only, as it were, the theme of the winged musician is takes up and reveled in its divine latent, revealed se be, tee, should pater hear it, stored sway and enriched is the rectifying memory .t trod. All ..sures se If by an instinct of chests parity that will be sullied ire anthem; dietordaat or profane but lgseres it and tow above it Mee a edsstlsl 100100. F,V1 the .lespiag toms& [tiers, the wile and wetter wire died he ntilldtirtt pomp. mid le mailer memory of wheat an ass miracle of Beauty was evebad, ,etggeem so oag M ef pais. " After re's dtfol fere she days well." The Freels -AM R1ssNe. Viewer Tibbs*, -Rang that mew ! I always have te 11.48 ter 'fen 1 w make her s1aad MM. Little Naphs* Mee Oa etty)—is that the °ee flint tllvssthe whlp*•i atie.0 RIIAa 811x,-1 .ma mesh has mar itmg es ears oxhide Mrl�l!ft, tit►.iar1F - GREAT =e- - COTTON SALE GREATEST VALUE EVER_ SEEN IN GODERICH. .A Good 36 -inch Cotton, 10 yards for 40 Cent., A Heavy Sheeting, :16 inches wide, 10 yards for 00 Cents. An Extra Heavy Sheeting, :16 inches with', 10 yards for 75 Cents. IF THESE AREJOT THE CHEAPEST YOU EVER SAW. DON'T BUY THEN, 500 YARDS OF 12 1-2 CENT PRINT FOR 10 CENTS. 11 Ladies' Summer Capes at wholesale price --a real snap. Short end. of Carpets away beIow cost. LACE CURTAINS. As usual the greatest value in the County, In S4 -t. -Crean and White ; also by the )ani. hear in mind, we have none of the Ir to _'0 cent tram to utter, but it large assortment of first class.. stock, di- rect from the makers in Otssoow, Scort.sNI.. slur CARPET SEWING MACHINE is a great success. We can Make a :io or 40 yard l.'arpet in about two hours. All orders promptly executed. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County. TO TBE PEOPLE OF GODERICII AND VICINITY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 1 beg to announce that on July I st i took possession of the I:oot and Shoe Business formerly carried on by Mr. E. I)owlff7c, well and fatorably•kaown.to you. How,tno;, after twenty years of service faithfully done, and, 1 ail pleased to know, fayonibly acknowledged by the public of this section, has decided to retire from business, anal on his retirement I have accepted the responsibility involved in hereafter .sm.lwctiug the trifle which his shrewdness in business, general tact and accommodating manner had succeeded in building up. For the past eighteen years, an nutny of you are aware, I have been identified with the business, most of the time as sales- man anti general assistant, and nn that account feel assured that I have become so in touch with the r,luireplents of. the customers of the establishment, that I shall not only be is a position to retain all former patrons, but bre able to draw others in the time to come. Hoping to receive the hearty cooperation of those who patronized my predecessor, muni waking promise to carry on the busi- ness on the sante straightforward lines that characterizes) all the deal- ings of Mr. 1N►wRllt1, I exten.l_a hearty int1144.1ou to the public generally who desire to .lo business in the Boot and Shoe trade, to tall upon Yours per'}• truly:, W. SHARMAN, Jr., Successor to E. 1►ow!t1Na. (:oot:nu-n. .I my 3, I M9d, SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK Parasols and l'mhrcllas, (tile latest). (,loves as usual up to the mark. HOSIERY . . . Black, White, Cream, Slate, Fsan and Tan Shade, in Silk Lisle Thread and Cashmere. SPECL&L VALUE . . A Targe range of Tri uu'ling Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military. DRESS GOODS . . . Cashmeres, Henrietta and Whip Corda. Cashmeres in White, Creme, Skye an.1 Cardinal. Leq.ding Shades in Nun's Veiling•. DELAINETTES In Sprays, Buds, Spots and Stripes. A ull line -of Sinallwares, includingPearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 boes. I•apeetems kindly SelMltei. t Per lent. M.reatl kw Cask. 1084 Draper a*d Haberdasher. Choloe Family Orocerles The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R.W. RTINCIILLYS, Illepsa.a Street, ihmlerfeb. STOP AND EXAMINE A few .f tba many antidote ere are minim at HARD VAN MICRO. Harvest Tools SI?!Tai11, ingATBl$, !DWI, ILAX211 AND MUM MINK PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. This ('i1.RRMtATsn 111 UROINE AND ATUNTIC NEO ENO WCKIIERY OILS. BUILDERS' HARDWARE: ITOCE COMPIATI AND MEMO RiORT. DAVISON &N aL P, CO., wall... w1ls.ig U fkbeeoribo for "Tho Irl" --E s year