HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-8-2, Page 21
In Mies to any irregularity of UM
FIgesaM. Lam, or Vowels may
prevent serious
coast -go e n c ea.
headache` Hoo-
ses, bilious-
ness, and ver-
t i g o indicate
certain NAO.
tIonal derange-
ments, the bast
remedy for
Which is Ay.r'. Pills. Portly Vege-
table, sugar-coated, easy to take and
quick to assimilate, this is the ideal
family medicine—the most popular.
sal,, and maul aperient in phar-
macy. Mrs. M. A. Buot:awELt..
Harris, Tenn., says:
',tyer•. Cathartic Pula cured me of sick
headache and my husband of neuralgia Wa
thluk there 1s
No Setter Medicine,
and have lmduced many to use 1t.
'Thirty -tee years ago thts Spring. I was
run down by baud work and a stiecr.slon 01
Bolds, which made me so feeble that it was
an effort for Ise to walk. I consulted the
doctors, but kept sinking lower until I had
grew up all hope of ever being better.
Happening to be 1n a store, our day. whero
medicines were sold. the proprietor Iwtleol
my weak and sickly appearau,w. and, alt"r
a few questions as to my health, rec.,m-
Oended me to try Aywr. Pills. I had little
faith in these or any other medicine. but
concluded, at last, to take his advice awl try
a box. Before I had used them all. 1 was
very much better, and two boxes cured me.
I am now lee years old; but I holier° that
11 It had not been for Ayer's !Int.! Pouts
have been Io my grave long ago. I 6
boxes every year. which make .10 boxes up
to this time, and I w told no more be with-
out them than without bread.'. —II. H,
Ingraham. Rockland. tie.
Prepared by Dr. .1. C. Ayer *co.. t.owen. More
Every Dose Effective
He Promised to Love Her.
B eing leer nw'baad. Mee 1b..gbl ib, sad
ane B1gkI to neat Mho Wbeeeeer
Mlle a bp* - not Me
roller Interfered.
M breath. The Utas Nese yeast
The .'boson. steed ready
,s �tist bi.. By dogma tb. W woataa
Wawa dews, sad the eke desoaoisd s
"If I let yea go, will you moult moos the
way home '
' No, dare" said to Utae man, meekly.
" Will you ever soma tee •gats
If., deer."
"Will you Wee who!'
•` V.. dear "
" Will you always love wt.'"
.. 1'IS, dom."
" Win you *vet love anybody odes
" No, gear "
•• Win you slws)s be kiwi to me
•' les, dear."
" Will you ever speak cross to tn.'
"• No, dear."
" And you woa't go away and leave me!"
" No, ds•r."
" Aadyou'll sever drink another Irop''
"No, deer."
These are some of the questions and an-
iwete that the polos who were the e a
remember. They are only mplew While
the quesuo•tmg was going 00. ex Filmset
Commissioner Emtl 11.1,, of New ,IerSev.
who u • cottager at the beach, came in.
Her koew the couple. He said they were
respectable people, and went to work to re
cowed* them. He ,uo.eedd w well that
they started for New 1 ork oo the last
•• If you an afraid of her, ' cud Captain
Allen to the little man before they lett, "1'11
send owe of my mow up with you.-
ou.'The little man lust looked at ham
I'erkaps if the little man had aoaepted the
offer he would have beau happier on the way
up. for as moon as theywere
b n theiag tratn
the big brunette began P
again, The little man stool it and lust
looked at her until Woodlaw0 Juneuonwas
reached. 'Phew he leaped up rod made tor
the door The Rockaway branch crosses
"der the Brooklyn branch of the I.00g Is
land Railroad at the jb uit tion. The little
tthe pa.sengoe
mac wanted to jump.
wouldn't let him, and attar • while they t0
duced him to take ha seat by the big won
man sgum. The ,Duple crowned the ferry
and were loot to the big crowd in New
York New Yoe* Be.
Week e0ltkrslls *see.
Two men employed by the city govern -
meat, says an exchange, were conversing
lately about their work.
•• How m"ch can you do In • day:" asked
•• When I came to this place last Fall,
he replied, with • smile at the r.eollectioo,
" 1 was .suite 'fresh,' and I worked .with -a l
my might. 1 dad • big day's work seers
tame," and be specified the amount'. " But
I have learned better since then. I do
shoot • third of what 1 did at first," and
he seemed to feel quite proud of his lnereas
ed worldly madam.
When 1 am paid for a day's work 1 do
it,' said the other.
" Everybody knows your practice,. and it
will make you unpopular with the rest if
you persist an benne so exact to the minute
in the morning, and in worktng your full
tune or over at night."
,. 1 am (sillier to take the risk," aid his
friend, decidedly. "It will be the first time
I ever saw It work to • n1.n's disadvantage
to do his duty honestly and faithfully."
"There is no use in being so particular,
said another an the mune line of work.
"when you get your money just the sane,
whether you work or not."
It might look so ms the surface, but even
on the low ground of expediency, faithful -
nets eras beet.
Troublesome investigating cawintltteea
hive a fashion a of comae around at times
and making • good deal of disturbswx
where they are honestly conducted. it no
not the really useful workers who are real
ly weeded out. It ie the nature, too, of all
dashogset proceeding to multiply themselves
and sometimes losing his place is the least
of the sells that befalls such • workmen.
In these days, when even perjury seam
two commne, • young man cannot pay too
great y410810 have hie character rooted and
rrounied in truth. Nothing short of this
will save him from a thousand ppitfall&
•• Keine toned out,' is • small coosideration
compared with being dishonest . and being
dishonest in the matter of time is the same
an principle as being too free with an em•
pinysr's money. The responsibility is not
the least lessened when that employers
the government of the t'0ite.d Suites.
The fist year ot • boy's buuoesa life
often decides mush with regard to his fu-
ture course. When the Duke of Welling•
ton stood in his later years overlooking the
playground of his boyish school days and
observed the skill sad science and ender
•ace of the lads, busy with their athletic
games. he said with warms interest and sym-
pathy : " It was here that Waterloo was
Moo "' Many • youth has won or loot has
Waterloo in just such unconsciousmomewa.
That eras • saw day for Napoleon.but not in
the least more disastrous than for one to Imo
the battle of life.
Their peters Assured.
Family Frieed Pardon me for speaking
plaint , but how can you hope to su meed
soc,ally is New York • 1 ou say your fam-
ily is of obscure origin and only moderately
Miss Parr Van New (oosadentlyl --But,
have you forgotten that pa has had appeo•
daeitie, and sea has a set of. ism cream forks
from Bigamy's"
glias hingland'e casino. of i.ockaway
Each vas gathering tt• evening crowd.
The Zulu warriors were dancing • Zulu
dance on the front steps, Tom 'thumb, the
polacemso. was strutting arouwd them ad
miringly, and the husky-vosced crier was
aasounc.og shat to the next act the Zulus
would walk barefooted on • red-hot griddle,
when from the inside of the casino cams the
weeds ot strife. The trouble was just
•boat the cdntre of the building, where at
• small ntan and a very big woman. The
woman was • brunette wtth very black
eves that lrapp-it, and muscles that were
apparently capable of soapptay anything
she cared to. tine was handmciely dressed,
and wore damonds an 'profusion. She had
Dome into the costa° only • little while be-
fore with the very little man, who wore •
gray suit and d,amond duds. He had been
The moment the couple entered the place
they engaged in what eau apparently a
very interesting and at tones exciting con-
voration. Ae the things recited an the be
tzlog were going on, th. woman drew
bacher arm and sma eked the man along
side the head with her open hand. The
smack ser heard inside and outside of the
budding. Those who at near the couple
jumpeJ up. The door manager of the place
oame running over, and putting hie hand o0
the woman's shoulder, said
"Madam, madam, we (marmot allow that."
" Unhand me, villain," said the brunette,
an dramatic tones. " He is my husband.
Have 1 not the right to bat him
" I'.p perhaps. assented the manager,
" but not hero
The little man all this while last stared
at his assailant, and he looked relieved
when he heard the manager's dominos. The
brunette subsided The manager turned
and walked just half the length of theplaos
and then he turned again. He was Jost in
time to see the bis brunette tike the little
man by the oollar, twist his head over to one
side, so .he could get a fair show. and -then
pooch him in the neck She drew bock
every time the length of her arm, and she
banged him with all her force She banged
him and eh* banged him. She took a fresh
twit en his collar and hanged him again,
and all the time the little moo just screwed
his eyes around and looked •1 her. He did-
n't say • word, and his arms hung luny at
his .id.. The big brunette kept right on
bangle` him until the floor manager rsacbed
the table sed he forced his way between
them. Then the hig brunette .sseobed :
•• oh, the whelp ' 00, the rar'tniat ' Oh
(►h "'
Policeman Hall sad Burns and foot
Thumb came rushing in.
" Oh ' Oh ' (M •" shrieked the brunettes
" Stop shouted Tom Thumb.
" Ob ' Oh ' Oh ' ehriekd the brunette.
The tete big pohiossaan laid bold of her
and Tom Tbnmb took the very little meas.
The etation•honee is a b'oek away. The
keeette fought and sets earned, and the little
✓ n Jost looked et her. RT tbe time the
MOM= was resod every loins being in
Heekawsy Beach was In the preosseies that
pir.wed the poli.sams sed this, prisoner.
The .'mart the party got in the statins
to breams. leaped at the little man se if
ee would tear him limb from limb. But
for phoneme tended with her aadheld her,
and the little man jest Inked at her.
Cep'. Allan ordered that they be pet in
e@pere a ewes' 1� ilgsbrunettete
u•d .etiemksg. peY
the little seas. He would only shake his
bead. Al i.tervoi. of 10 erieetea l7yf,
Aller led tie HMIs w to the deer .f fib.
MOM where to �fe.rste ems held. Her
Mask .yes meta whom .b* saw him,
and she weeld scream
' Take hies away t Tale it sway
By end by se mid "Dries _ to ma."
era a t was tweesi t. her. 11.n dm lit
sen et him with • togas -Leers that made
to *APT b.pAag driver.
" Tee e1N.is,' i• said. " Tee Seems
ter •sma Tee M doses bates errors tea
A ins mese a tet your elle he r -
" FOLLOW Mg otos."
There was no was like Yat, '1)51. et Foot,
Nur an) .d the time. I knew:
A•' ieeemtae It was we. w►y. u' coarse •e went
an' died,
Which <" pow what the bast sten du.
so II's knock oat year pier. aa' Inflow Ma!
Ani k'. aaW. up ear Wipe. an• follow see '
1)y, .rk to the drum �� 1
rolk'w me me
'Is tears d.•• tooth. t1•• '•n1. day beat
Alm paws the de Might IIarswaab,
Au' she wore; tate 'er (wed 'rause o' wilds' i
for 'le reeds, would do.
With 1 t. Just what • net..
'15 girl .br pees+ with a In.mhardler !
,i�f n L le t .niers
11, e " girl a.,nl,l d.,.
Wm, h is Juni what sg
11.11., . 111 to
.\..' IJ.. 1 us err u1' 11 • bun �h, for .hob cut
t - 1 ler i.i.,k 1. 1
We fought 'lawn •clod la.t week 11 were
Ne Imre than a rowel or twin,
But t stirs. k leaw,-
rrI'hard. an I wish 1 'adn't
Whi.1. Is just what a .run can't do.
'E was oil that I'ad 1n the way of • Mend.
An' Tye 'add to and .4new;
for to art the
But I'dI1
d(lar ,p an' :Arlie
WWI. k t. It'. Just boo late 1. do.
1, 11 ' 1 ire k vitt 1 our Innen An. 1011.'" Ii,.'.
.111.'11's Aguish .dfy.err .w fpr• Au' f•dt.,w use
Vh. 'ark 1.. t tae fifes a raw lin'
Folio• nue -follow ear
Take 'nu awe) • 'E'r. dour where 11ea br.t
men go.
Take 'tut aw AY . Au• the gun -wheels turnln'
Take sl'tn. a.we) ' Tbrrr's more from ID. Ila.e
Take Y*Y, with the limber an' the dram.
For 1t's-Three rounds blank" an' follow Ire:
.11 ' ta'. -Thirteen rank" an' follow aua
Oh, u•• 11*. love- 0' 1.1 ~11.
14011,.w or =Satins we '"sur
- Rodsanl Kipling. to the Pall )dell Madaxius.
Dodd *ever marry a teas who lied fie
blood d another ea W bands and ca Ne
and. " be passed end mewed to dream
andiregaled end did not break fie
silence.)ltimes deer,"
be I base menagain p aptly. 'lee one nos
the stars attay off in tits unrissobablalob hie band
heavens. But my-. -- -
—her rawest*. even . nut even to speak
with her. except es we have met and
parsed in the atiest. She has never
married. and 1 know t1at Abe bag grown
old. still loving me. as I have grown old.
loving her "
Atter tho be leaked me to tell him
what 1 had done, and I did this lee brie!-
ly as 1 could.
"You say Its has not long to live?
Will you come with um?"
Ifo started up eagerly. drawing on his
coat. We went out together and I led
the way to the hospital. where 1 had
left the other.
The touch of human sympathy that
we had given him hail mellowed the
poor outcast. and silenced his jeers.
The meetiug between the two men was
affecting. The long years seemed blot
ted out. and their hands clasped. as
they had done in their youth. The
stranger had grown weaker since I lett
'•1 am dying. Willis," he said broken -
ly 'tit maybe but a matter of a tow
hours. I ve wroogsd you. and 1 want
your forgiveness. I know what 1 have
wade your lite. 1 have been wretched.
and weak. and miserable as any dog that
walks the earth. But I accept it all as
the just reward for what I did. 1 pro-
voked yj m beyond human endurance.
cous{aelleit you to fight, be ansa I hoped
to kill von. When I fell it would have
been only right if I hail died. But I
lived, saved through the exertions of my
Too ~PP raver mad ear 111►.Isa res.
age of Matz.
Aber Mr. broads lett the mattes be qv
perkomml • amen reek epee demoverieg
that • peaks. et beak metes w1.1 he rasa
worm se the dry trete nowhere abet his
M. m is the Pailmsa
" 111 go to to Superintendent's Ales
asd stake my lose kimono," be I
std be aid. " I left • package coo
116,000 to beak solos i. a Pullman 11•r sot
bait as beer ago," said Mr. Sosdds to the
' Whi.k train
"The ass witch arrived at 9 15."
" Hare yes your Pullman cheek '"
Fortu.ately he ed, sad this enabled
this wpanstemdaat to orad fur to
He eons arrived, for be bed sot yet fia-
malted UM, report of his trap, sad was mill is
rho b.fld1F.
" Coo lmetor, ' es a the sal er le s a kat,
„did yes see anythiag of a package t=ft to
your car .
No, sir."
•• Parise distal turn asytbui over to
"• No, sir."
•• Briag the porter hots."
H. was brought.
.. gid you sae anything of • small picket
after the massagers left your oar
Yes, Gab.'
•' Yea haven't tared it is
"Why, leo, s•h. It was a let of mossy,
I have .hinted to you that I believed it physician. and then together we wade
over the Odd Bean told me his own up that lie. and sent it to you. t knew
story it would he the et cry of stones. what that would do. Then, when 1 was
There was something about the man. well again. 1 drank and gambled until
thraongh all my acgoaiutance with him, poverty and the devil claimed me, whob
whish had impresme with the feel j 1\ , until I became the ruin you now
lug that his whole life had been one
see. I did not think ever to cross your
lung tragedy Yet, there was no more '
genial. companionable man in all the
club. Hr was replete with anecdote,
with gentle humor. with the quality
that is known as "the milk of human
path again, but I ant glad that it has
happened so. 1 can die easier for hav-
ing !aid this.'
The Old Bean put his arms about the
kindness.- as you mayhave gathered dying man. and his face down close
beside him, d I heard him whisper
fro ui slwue of these tales that I have ..My dearlet the dead drat
told you. Yet. them was a certain bury its dead."
ggrt'asce under -current in the man that We remained with hew through the
hal utter caused me to wonder st 1"rest of that night. and through the fol -
reason. While I desired his story with
lowing day, and hr•.ngs,h the next night.
all the keen avidity that a newipe ser j He grew graduate weaker. and his lite
man is capable ot. I had firmly wade ape went out just as the sun of a new day
wv i ttnd that I would never suggest had risen When it was all over, we
this desire to hint—tor 1 was confident went back to the club and there my
the tale would come of his own accord friend wrote a brief note.
••W ill. veru take it to this address," he
some day. And i it "
d 1
In the lighted street in fount of the asked nue. "but wait." he added. "you
club, I was approached one night by a should have the right to read this."
miserable vagrant who asked time fax He unfolded the paper and laid it be
alms. Not from charits, but 1 fess !tore me. turd I looked and saw these
it was the easiest way, I pat ail land I words
in my pocket and gays hull (roimJ As j .The hand of God has turned back
I handed it to him, the 4 ►11 Bean
down the atep.i. He poured lee th
turned to stone when he saw the
gar. and grew all white. like one wh
suddenly struck with (teeth. And
beggar. seeing him. stayed the
that had been stretched forth for
coin. and leered at him and called b
jeeringly by name. I sees.' 1,.oki
trout dr»' to the other. knowing that
was witnessing tete enlwinatiug seen
of a great drama. yet powerless to coos) feet
prebend its meaning. Atter a paumiI had thought to find an (Ad woman
that wits, doubtless to more thane mo- , ! —a woman grown old before her time.
utent, but that had span one infinitely But I found her in the ewert and ta11
is .try imagination. my friend came maturity of womanhood. 1 tr111 not try
down the steps A4,wly, and glia ed his \and tell you of her. She was worthy to
hand ott u,y shoulder. His voice was tine been served for seven time. the
quiet, but vibrated with a etranur. dreg • yen y@us Jacob served fur
„till the leaves of the book of the peat.
Edgahave rFreemat come n.m Wehewerethfriends
r is again. at the laet: and my hands and
hdd j my soul are tree from his blood. May
1 come to yon?"
e ' When I had read this I saw already
the dawning of a new and glorious day
for the (►1.1 Bran. and I trust Due had
already dawned for the poor outcast. 1
went with a light heart. with .peeling
Nes awes M leteseetf.
t►ver•o.o1d.aem baa been the
a mac. 11 is better not te
rather ta remember ourselves,
e tempted go thought • viewable sorra.
mentioned by the Washington Stu.
He had applied tor work.
• • 4e you want to do ehdrea fer us '" said
the reette lee es whom he had called.
Deed 1 does."
"• Well, 1 des't know. Von look u if you
were homage -"
• Colonel 111 toll you de troof 'br.ot date"
•' well. es se., is palely home@', bet 1
kain't he "
.. Why .M.••
,"Kanas 1 ais't lead 'meat 'samrisee.. I'm
wifeteed watermilliom all ripbt eaoegh, but
1 bobber had se 1na-ter foe. tsmptatioss
wid oleke..
hen left is
: Precisely. Were u it sow
It was predtseod from ac inside pooket.
Mr. Sesdds' eye@ brightened when he saw
to roll ' That's it,' he exclaimed. HS
'ousted the mosey, and it was all th.re,tbe
entire $6.000.
" Look her, porter," said the superin-
tendent, severely. " 1 sant to know why
you did not, bring that package to me the
moment you put your ringers on at."
" Why, rake'. replied the w,witb as in•
jured air, " I a'posd de gemman ed loft at
for a tip, ah. `That s why, ab.
Sick headache and coestipatioa are
promptly cured by Burdock Palls. !Cosy to
take, sere in effect. lm
ruin of
boast, but
I..t we also
Chlor las "• 'poke u 1111. 1 t�
"the nu' tilde favor, h.• said "go -`
with this man. find !rias shelter and 1 was her slave from the moment I
food, and whatever else he may need. salve her 'i chuff have Giles dowuat
her♦ feet and worshipped her when she
Do for him ail that he asks. fur l owe
sate to the
him a great,debt. 1 will wait for you +Ifs must love von. or he would not
herr." have trusted vow with this message.
He turned, and ;eat slowly np the Tpu\him the% 1 wait toe his cowing.
Melt- wain w i have any attention ;hl,ll I tell von the reel? No, I think'
not. But I may say to von that
my friend has found the Foran•
Youth. for his step is lighter. his
filthy Alla iwisiel with drink. he was eve brighter. his smile more joyfnl, hie
loathsome in the extreme. He mum -
i voice merrier and hie heart more full of
bled now' 111 a maudlin way. and stag j tie milk of human kimdness even thea,
gertd from sheer we;dtness 1 soon i it was br fum 1'et kit Rain it mr loss
wet that his mind was hal[ guar. end for tbere,*re no more cosy hours in the
that he was ill and miserable. Want club aleoite, and no more stories of the
Old Bean.'
poesy) temommenNne.m.
"Aad wirer dem per Mahood think the
baby res,atbtm?"
' He thinks it
brother et iia"
• I 4ide't know veer helebsd bed •
" He hers'% 1t died when It was two
days old." _
A Some crap.
A lady Named Mem. T. C. M. A
B�evifnnjg le Ke..., Oat., whit eta team
beatlss er bl mbr.y'. kidney mad Uvea
Ogre, hes lerwirdd • e.agmeat M the
dew Pm it eempletely eared her e! le-
W whim. y virenosh
• t amikleilei leer
ttr..N.a fttlieh . e.m*IiesMlee of al.m.sa
yielding es beaky a this remedy Meld
to the ellaw before ear. I do not need Itree
to tell you much if him. He seemed
the worst of het class. Draw•d in rags, I to n o
r .embte@ i1. noel* •
bad done almost its worst upon him.
He easily submitted to being led. and
I took him, first. to a placed where he
was lrthed. and cleanly dressed, and
fed. Then, I saw more clearly how lit
Tolstte. T.mpernwe. Opera.
The news \that Cotmt Tolstoi !bas jest
(to we went written a I.o►pnlar opera is. at a fitst
tie strength was in hew, and
forthwith to a hospital, and l procured
thought. s.,n .'what startling. t Ire' u
• bad for him them. After the physi-
cist, speedilymaanhrel, however. on learn
hal examined him. he told me that ing that the Work is significantly enti-
tled The Distiller." each an appela-
the spark ,•t life hung only by a thread. Pion rudely dispel the idea that the
it might be s matter uta few boon at I greet Russian may at length have stray}
the moot, but a few days, before the I led flow ?hoose didactive paths which he
end would e. It was tar past laid- has followed s,) ineesaantly of late
the club J
night when lett him, and returned to years Tolstoi besides being a tags
Th. Oil Bean tram alone in an upper
room A dim light burned on the table,
• low fire in the grate The a.na1 ac
cessories, tobacco and liquors, were not-
able for their absence
He looked up when I entered, and I
saw that be was still very white. I
thought I ('onld detect the signs of a
sever. mental struggle—a etraggle for
self controL A sad smile fitted about
his gentle month—a mad smile, yet Dae
that was not utterly without joy.
Ile motioned me to a chair near the
grate, and i sat down and weitrd for
him to speak. This he did after a time,
looking dreamily into the fire the while.
"it is a memory from the past, ' he
said. "more --a ghost from the grave.
That man—that poor wreck and effigy
of a man ---was the friend of my early
days. We loved the same woman,
quarreled for her. and fought. It wax
in the south and in the time when hot
blood carried men to the dwellingg
ground. Ws fought beneath the arched
live oaks in the (Nd Parish road below
the city where so many of the foolish
youth. of New Orleans have met i ran
him through with my sword. and left
him for 4~1 upon the field. i was
forced to Ay. with lily seconds The
p*ysicias was a stranger to me. • friend
of his He .tent me a paper later. meek
et with an account of the dnel, and the
.death of my opponent 1 went abroad
Before leaving 1 tried to sae her-- the
woman we had fought for. elirtew that
she loved me, and not him.'
He and was Shat so long
that 1 ht he had tear
blade a li moTIIl ~a IBL$ lie
attention. He looked up at Mm awl
saNlad again.
"i have been h.ek in the Vials bra,"
he add. -Those ars pteas.nt meseri s
there. as well saattdetn�m it Is to
ved 10_4
p wane . s that far ale ME
floes=age erahre e M give Yea* 111=
'aa Jrd
ma sb' tW tee
tartan. is a rigid teetotaler. and has fre-
quently inveighed ,against the drinking
habits of his coon
T. Well 1.
In boiling maeamn It Is a mistake to
permit it to stop bailing for a moment
until done. Have plenty of salted
water in the saucepan at the bailing
point when the sticks are added, and
when they are tender throw in a glees
of cold teeter to stop the cooking sud-
denly, and drain at once. After that it
may be served in various nays.
eonL6le•t of the en coal ramta..
First Tr.mp—What's the *atter with
sleeping in the coal yar.1 W night?
Record Tramp—You'es a ape one ter
toiler They ain't bin no still coal dere
fer a week
A tiIM..
ll eawh.r.
Jones—flood heavens, You are going
to pay me that •10 you owe, Let tae
smith—Yes. here it u. And now do
me a favor—don t ten anyone. I can't
do this all around` yknow.
ow. --
rheas *pea* ene erseeee.
Temperance Orator—Even an law
rent baby has a 'lniederfnl influence
av*r a mar
ata• ole k !feat—R t you are,
*transit. 's what drove me is
drink. ,
or•.-lermif r.ee•loost.
A new passe proof parekment, called
"gla lne, h.. been introduced in Eng
tBeing transparent, m Its
gees, It ma is need to proem=
coves of • book and .t the arses U.
rased Its artistic Mediag, 1ta title, ate.
easegoe .f Asama..
181161/104•0 hoe lit Mve
ea of la!
daatallm a 10 the et the faith
Good cigars are
now h iqh
because of
tariff laws.
is makinu
p pe-smokin
popular because ' it
gives more for the
J. B P ►C 1 siitbacco�1. Caaa V
The Signal
His faro was peached aid draws.
With faltering footman. ►. weeded his
way autos g the buetlitsg throng.
Anne h. polkaed.
' Bled err," h. .uddoaly .telaimed,
" will vole not give me a loaf of broad for
my wife and little oars'"
'Ilse stranger regarded bum sot un-
kindly. " ho rejoined, '• to
Far b. asfr.mm.,
take adrastage of your &mutatioe. Keep
year wife and little oases, my man. 1 do
not want them.'
Turning mom his heel n. walked sway.
gat•rLawaN, 1 haee used your Yellow
Oi mod eve found it un.luell.d for barn*,
sprain., .'aids, rheumatism, croup and
mold.. All who use it recommsod at.
2. Ufa.. Hisao?, Montreal, Que.
Mysteries ol the
ease mere sols attempt le to
Joh PrhMl.g Ihs, whisk are maser-
psayd eater the cities his the prompt
ad p mammies et ell chasm el
priatingRmA p.rtsiel et floe •aae.aee-
mee. mums •eseetkug yea —a
e ia reed et, sad in .eek ca.. we .ell
oh yew patronage,le•llmg ccs ideet
tab err Ahem to Ile e. will meet with
tie approval of Pr ;PPP
ott meadia
useful sins is kept in the full
bleeds of While saa.e as letter
Zaettcx .kt oAks
In this line we have a very large
stock of fine writing papers suit
able for every class of beldam
r. e.ented in this locality, ma
laid and wove, limas,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as may be required.
Acute. kitad►t
are not so generally used, they 611
an important place in commercial
correepoudence. See what we'se
got ander the above heads.
$t.\% ♦halo
I( the " pay-as-you-go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are moue men
who get so many darners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is cam
piece in this line with four aizew.
good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cent* columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after •
delinquent once • month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round—
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes,and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
handl. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from :5c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle cons
tuercial and legal Sizes exclusisely
omtntr(tsa\ rextAag.
has already been partially mule
prated in some of the }reads ah.ove.
There u, however, a vast amour
of work under this bead that to
enumerate would .nom then take
up the entire apace occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at THU
The latest discovery to the scienti-
fic world is that nerve centres located
in or near the base of the brain con-
trol all the organs of the body, and
when these nerve centres are
deranged the organs which they
supply with nerve fluid, or nerve
force, are also deranged. When it
is remembered that a serious injury
to the spinal cord will assts paralysis
of the body below the injured point,
bemuse the nerve force is prevented
by the injury from reaching the para-
lysed portion, it will be understood
how the derangement of the nerve
metres will cause the derangement
of the various organs which they
supply with nerve force; that is, when
a nerve esntre is deranged or in any
way diseased it is impossible for it
to .apply the sane quantity of nerve
knees when in a healthful eoadi-
tios ; bozos fibs organa which depend
teen it for nerve form suffer, and are
unable to properly perform their
work, and as a result disease makes
its appearance.
At least two-thirds of our °broleie
&ima.aw and ailments are due to the
imperfect setion el the serve sentries
al the base of the brain, and not from
a derangement primarily originating
ii the organ itself. The great mis-
take of physicians in treating these
disease is that they treat the organs
and not the nerve centres, which are
the cause of the trouble.
The wonderful cares wrought by
the Great South American Nervine
Tonic are due alone to the fact that
this remedy is based upon the fore-
going principle. It cares by rebuild-
ing and strengthening the nerve
centres, and thereby increasing the
supply of nerve force or nervous
This remedy has been found of
infinite value for the cure of Nervous-
ness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous
Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful -
nese, Menta Despondency, Nervous-
ness of Females, Hot Flashes, Bien
Headaohe, Heart Disease. The Milt
bottle will convince anyone that a
ours is certain.
(South AmePiean Nervine is with-
out doubt the greatest remedy ever
discovered for the care of Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, and all Chronic 8losaaeh
Troubles, because it sets tbroagb the
nerves. It gives relief in one day,
.led absolately effects a permaaen4
ears in every instant/. Do not
allow your prejudices. or the rein -
diem of others, to beep you from
using this health -giving remedy. It
is based os the result of years of
e isnti1e research sad 'Cady. A
t ingle bottle will soste nes the most
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in melee
tion sometimes, but we make it
easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
.samples to be had. Cal and see.
"ch Tosromtva
of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached.
We aim to excel in all the (litter,
est kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
Cardia and► We1teta
This head coven a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to • neat calling card, from an or-
dinary •dmidion ticket to a tasty
business card or • handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Our facilities for turning out this
Clain of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bilk of it i•
done by mm. This line also in-
JAS. " IIIsON, •
Wbp]4N1 and AEent !br
'tab= is af` „-+41 s ya.la.ee•
11.104.St TS
which our three fast.riinning job
pramss are able to turn out in •
surprisingly short fiats.
%%V. SANA.
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty el
them- being our airs
in this reaper& A notice of ale
will appear is To twat flee of
charge when bills for same sive
#\\ iC%Wks OS Ni orbs:
in the typographical printing HO
ern bo &eV- hi this eetablinkomt
in an expeditious and orate*
manner .ad
fih►r 4 these shit‘‘ lot Some&
vetV% rtttksoevattke.
We named our thanks for poet by
ere end Miele a matiaa_A.o d va
I kVILVI!T eii#I►.
ilea_•.._ oa+r.