HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-26, Page 8rm•, - too, ktC.+f' 1'HE SIGNAL: GODRRIOH. on.. THURSDAY. JULY 26. 1$$4. DOMINION PARLIAMENT. What Ia8Nn From th•Otltil•r'F Whist ie areas Mese Wahlu the Malts rarllaase.t -The Weekly Bodge. Prom the (.pIW •eestt.as ot r.ba.r Imp.rtane., HIW$ TOMS Oi A WEEK Tea lsapereane seems m • Waw Waives !.r mese Me•eefe. • A tile quarry M being aooea..faly work at it Sh.rbot lie. Tb. Canadian team woe the Raeolbgb challenge nap at !tidy Thursday. ed slight .erthuuake sleeks wary telt in 5t. Loan and 1lewyhul un Wdliewl.y. R -loris from Western Oul.zw tadlcate dist tie peach crop will be saaalL A republic has been ptoalatmed In Hon - Wale, wail Sanford K Dole President W A. Cornett, formerly 1,1 8t Cathar- Iltee, was drowned at Sault Ste. 1Ian. on Wdueeday. Mrs. Juhn S Melville. aged 60, nom. witted suicide by drowning at Midland on Friday. The members of the Michigan Pew As iodation were eut.rtained to Quebec City on Friday. A Tolc.no to a northern spur of the Ilargun Hata range of muuutaiw, Artaoea. is beoowing active. A young Scutebman named Dalgleish was run over and billed as Whitewood, Man., on Weiluedar. St. Petenbnrg health authorities re- ported 208 fresh cases of cholera and 82 deaths iu that eity Thursday. Russia has decided to build a railway from Samarocand to Ferghaua, on toe threshold of the Pamirs. A big trial order for paper Lu been given a Cauadtaai manpfectur.r by a Slob boom* newspaper cvuipany. Lege. the Italian anarchist who attemp- ted to kill Premier C'rirpi, was seuteneed to teeny years' iuiprisuoment, Maggi. Puguley, an employe of Sterling's . shoe factory, London. was badly injured in an elevator accident on Friday. Mev. Austin K. Deblois of St. M'artin's. N. B.. has been appointed President of Shortliff Rapti." College, Alton, 111. The viabilities of Robert Buchanan. the English author and playwright, are given at $63,Otht, with no available assets. Father lanp'evin and Father Cheerier, both of Winnipeg. are spoken of as prub- abA euccesure to Archbisbup 'lochs. It is reported that a steamer has been sunk off Star:ftauak. Province of GA's, r Russia, and WO persons wen drowned. Thomaa Tiwmpson, aged 18, son of Law yes Thowl.on, was druwue.l while :min- ing to the river two mars above Aitnouta The Wabash express on the O. T. R. left the rails at Winona u.i Wednesday ands bad aecideut was na,rowly averted. The Sriti.h Consul -(..tiers! to Corea has hero brutally maltreated by Japanese sol deers and retirees refusal by toaauthori- ties. Sir William Harievwrt Announced tar. the (Summon+ of 'Wednesday that the Gover. went Lov.rd t.. proruh'ae Parliament by the end of .tn''ust, The 25th anniversary of 'belaying of the eastern ilubmanue.eable was celebrated on Friday emoting at the Imperial Insti- tute. Loudon, An explosion occurred TL'nrs Kay in the converting mill of the Homestead, Pa , Steel Wurke Four men were terribly burned. two fatally. Sydney Dent, the twelve -year-old son of A. Haut, barrister of Mitchel, was druwoed nude bathing in the Mail pond at that town Thursday. Leading labor leaden in Cincinuati elate Sovereign will be oneted and that 1.d'owd.rly will be placed at the head of te Knights of labor. jj W. H. Herr. known al the champion opium amnatglar of Pudget Sound, has been iodictad by the United States grand jury at Tacowa. Wash. i Henry Silverthorn, a young Esau belong- ing to Thumb' township, wee killed by a rate in at a gravel pit on W. J. Moon's farm near Woodville friday. , I'atrick Killeleagh. • shoemaker :5 years .f age. .hot hnnsell et Brantford Wednes- day night and died Thursday afternoon He had once before attempted suicide.. A uicide - A large number of workmen employed by C'ontrector Feeuey on tb. Soutanges canal went un .trike Friday Memel* they have nut yet received their pay for June. Frederica Wilson and John McDottaki, who were brought from Guelph to Bolt on a charge of housebreaking, were Thurs- day sentenced to two years in the Central prison. A eyehole struck the village of Wilmore, in Jessamine .- nnty, Kentucky, and scarcely • house escape l wreck or damage A dozen persoua were badly cut and bruised. A threshing machine engine on John C'ase's farm, near Kent, Ghio, exploded Thursday, blowing one man's head off, fatally u.ynring a second and seriously in. jilting • third A gang of robbers held up two trains near Red Fork, 1. T., Thursday, but secur- ed only $13 and a jug of whisky. An ex - preen meseeager, who showed fight, was knocked senseless. Oral Britain has oungrstulated Italy apou the victory of her colonial troops over the Maldista, It is said Italy voea• pied Kassala iu accordance with au under- standing nderstanding with Britain. President Iiar.iner said Thursday then was no present prospect of the British Government abandoning the plan of slaughtering rattle imported from Canada at the port et laudiug. Fifty thousand dollars in counterfeit money, which had been gathered in by officers of the Secret Service, was destroy- ed at the United States Tiessury Depart- ment, Washington, Thursday. T. great Bapliat convention was opened in Toronto on the 19th under far -able auspice Crowded and enthusiastic meet- ings were bead lar various churches through the day, the Massey )Heide Hall bels, crowded at the principal seesione. The colonels of the Prinee of Wales Rides and the 6th Feathers both deny the truth of the statement rode in the House by the Mini.ter of Militia that the pro penal to amalgamate the two corps came ortgluelly from the officers of the regi- ments , Prominent business men of Chicago, being impatient at the delays of Congress in coming to some decision on the tariff question, have united in an appeal that some definite 'motion be taken at mei The petition la 'agues' by ninety eight of the Lergest manhente of the city. An ex; :..:40t of 400 ponnds of loose powder at Fort Paileskl, near Savannah, Oa, Friday, fatally wounded ("rrdaace- Rergt. W4111am Chinn, seriously injured Mary Washington, hie souther le•law, and tet en to the fort. causing several explos- ions of ammunition and doing mneb dam- age to the straitens. i TheYasonl-Grand Lodge of the Pro - via.. of Ontario concluded lie annual meslis, at Hamilton with the eleetion of omeers for the ensuing year. Yr. W. R White, Q. C. of Pembroke, was elected Grand Mester, sod In a ciose mantled be- tween Mr. F. T. Malone of Tomato and Mr. Wm. Olheart, IL P , of laeamgvpfe, for tie Irshomet a Deputy Grand Mastership, Mr. Often devawa, July 17,-1u t %1V'v vu the touta glr uta Tliom leg Ma a thw at the Northwest Terr tones Act be NMI a thud time, Yr. t.cyatthy moved an auw•dme•t that the Territories be granted full power to de.l with the question v education. Ibis meaty the abolition o Separate a- hm,a in the Nprihwe.L Th Territories are cuWpu.ed of re1,1100 prop1•, 13,000 of whom are Uatboli.•a Mr. Yo earthy argued that it was orepoaterotu t here a ..)urate system for 50 &foal) aliuorily 1.1 the population. Mt. rias Hughes morel an amendren that all tbeulogioal teschiug tan d o.e awe with In scb•wls. The amendoeut ..f Ur II Wart by, he said, allowed Separate *chow if the province wished tt, Litt he w,.-. ,rd t see til Separate schools wind off the lac of Use earth He attributed the strike an.l anarchistic outbreak• atlithe United States to the otlseoaring of Europe wh got their education where theological in stitultous had control of e.lacatio'i. The amendment to the amendment out got two vete., Mr. Hughes ht:i self au Mee Mined, Antinaboia. The hal was read • third time. Mr McCarthy's amendment being defeated b 114 ria) • to 21 yeah Correa*. July 18. -Is. the Hones Limit. Col..ue. 1 udalr brought up the question o< the .,uspenriw of Cbl. Powell, the Adjet taut General oe Militia. by Major -Genera Herbert. Tile Colo.et, who repetition 'foot. Norfolk And who is • follower of th Government, read, from the law on the subject to show tbet the Adjutant t.euen Was moot unjustifiably .tupeuded b Major Garret Herbert, who command lbs Catutdian mantle. Ile pwit:ted ou that there wee au tartan; fallacy that the Major General was an Imperial officer, an above criticism. It was true that be bel rank as an duper lel officer. Lut Wrens ttevertheie.a an officer of the Causation Goverument and under the control of th Sinister of Militia. Ile held that the Major (1 1 was totally' unaegtaint.t with the needs of the•Catielian melena au, that the sooner be resigned it would be Ms better for his own reputation and ti interests of the force. Major Sam Hughes. who represents N ort Victoria, declared Major-General Herber as commander of the mandato be a [allure The Minister of 11i1t1• defended th Major General to some extent although L i11 out say he wee right In suspending th Adjutant •e:eneraL The mallet dropped without shy motpue being made on the subject The omtcow will be that Cuadra wall likely hersatte appoint its own general from tie Canadian melitis In the erening Sir John Thompson said that the charge. which Yr. Tarte has made in the House against the judger of Quebec were nut sufficiently explicit• to warrant hitt to allow an enquiry Into the Gama He wup:d, however. nuke a depart- mental inquiry into souse of the points Tabled. • Orrawa. July 19. -There wait very good progress wade with the business before the House yesterday and the outlook is that prorogation will he reached on Mon- day next, if not on Saturday. The Premier announced that woruii.g sessions wool.) commence to -day sad would be held until the end of the session. The whole of yen tiorday's atteruoon wmion sear devoted to a dieetiision of the money subsidies t. railways Tito flet batch ..f resolutions amunoting in all to over $1,400,000, were adopted. At the evening sitting a vote was taken oft the James St George Dillon. of Mont• esel, divorce bill, which Las had such a narrow run in both Homes of Parliament so far. last night it was carried and imply passel by a vote of 67 fur and 22 against. TLe opposition to tate hill was that both parties were Catholics and the church is against divorce. In the House at uigtit Sir Richard Cart- wright moved a strong resolution condemn- ing wJ cen.nnng the (iovernmeut for the Curran bridge affair at Montreal. Mr Haggard admitted that the Govern- meot was rubbed, but w far has not besot able to catch the thieves. Cartwr:ght's amendment was defeated by 36 yeas to 34 nays. Orrawa, July 20. -The }louse divided yesterday on a mutilation of Mt. Mttlock to throw out the bill granting to the Cali. *dim Pacific railway drawbacks nn ma teruJ to be used iu the construction of new iron bridges on the road. The amend- ment to the bill was defeatef by • large majority. It haul only in all sixteen sup- porters. The bill was read a second time. The whole of the afternoon session was devoted to the passing of another Istch of railway subsidies. They totalled 13,102,- 000, all of which were passed. Sir John Thompson stated that prnroga Mon would take place on Saturday after - . 00n. A motion of want of confidence by Hon. Mr Laurier against the Government for paging to the Connolly'. 143,621 for the Kingston graving dock while a large suit tie Government war pending against t 6rni. was defeated in the House by 61 nays to 2i yeas Grrawa, July 21. -At the morning aamion of the House yesterday, oe the motion to receive the report of tie Railway Committes, Hon. Yr. Laurier moved en amendment providing in effect fur the Investigation of railway accounts in the Pe€bc Accounts Committee, in the same manner as other public acooaata The House divided o0 the amendment, which was lost by 20 for and 30 against. The House then went into commute* on other resolutions, after which Sir John Thompson. bill to amend the Dominion Lsetlon Act was taken up and gran a third riding. In the Horne at night Mr Daly, in aa. tower to N4,. Liuri.•r, said that prorogation Weald take ply-. on Monday. rhe tariff bill was ansa a third tone and pawed Mr. Haggett withdrew hie railway pees de r ticket bill. which provided that before a rebate would be given for the r.• turn of a tleket a receipt would have to be given the company that the party caking the refund was the owner. Meow.. Villa. Sutherlan.i and Mukrck opposed the bill, nod Yr Haggart said be wonvd drop it Mose Tssvdrset Whether es plsa.ers bard, ter basis., , take en every trip • butt'• of d Jere es it beta meet leassealy and lr an Ms iMwr+yyvs vsr and tanwaM, preventin• fees, headedh• bad ether farms sf Woken.' Per gain in The. bsnles by all Ia.dtsg Illato iiwd y th. C.lartraia Os. nnlp. C.BSIIANE& C anlbewtaS a tell rases st Fonab!e Hays IN STRAWS and FELTS GENS' FURNISHINGS. iglulI trace in every Depsrtmeat.' 4'CW and a ravine goods and pre es. O. R. SHANE &.CO., Mclean'. Knock. Cor. [timer and Montreal •t. KEEP KOOL with sue of tho.e Artheis TANS which tsar be purchased very cheap at pt - THE POPULAI BOOK STORE and then eoloy yourself reading some of those very interesting Books which have just been rexivcd and are very cheap. Then don't fail to procure one o! those $.&.3 O,'Z$ of Use late.: design, that will not throw you out. A visit to the Pt/PULAR ROOK STORK will convince you of the place to buy. My stock comprises ROI ,KS ot all kinds, Superfine Stationery, Wall Pa- pers, Window Shades, Cur- tain Poles. Sporting Goods, Pictures and Picture Framing. Postage Stamp License. D. B. CALBICK, Tae tpspela. Mak more. 41a/eriro. NEWS OF THE DISTRI" T. From ourOntaCorrespondenta- there Is Mere i bat a asset lee Wound Anew here Klee-\ew•et tYr (.only sperla117 Iteperled for 1 ke aigeat. LEEBUHN. Moynav, July 23. HenryHorton, for mime tame at lack Ste. Marie, has returned. Wm. M. Shaw, of the Circular (sty, is enjoying our lake breezes. Mn. Henry Kelton, of Windsor, fcrmerly of this place, who is up in t:oderich vision return, hu been ening old friends here. ."-P000tt Ata ..t t. - John Hillier, son of .:to. Hillier, Woodstock, who tea years ago spent the Summer here, died at hu father'. ✓ esidence after an flim..e of some time, on 11'edneaday the 18th inst. While hen he made • large Mete of friends who extend their deepest ivy mpathy to his parents on the lou sustained. RE%t:a.st. 511. C'ot XTs'A'. a., --- The genial downpour of ram Friday afternoon put the women folk in 'he brightest of good humor, as it brought to them aa abundance of water for washing purposes. The men's views of the rain were not so favorable, as it checked their harvesting • little and their good intentions by getting the women to go to the lake and have a genuine wash of the household linen. +las, LANES. Trsanar, July 24. Fall wheat_entteng is general now. The crop is rood. Slay Nellie Howard arrived home from Alpew last week. Mies Margaret Howler, who has beet in Alpena for some time, arrived home last week. Joe Scott has been laid up for • week with • •ore lout cause by haying ► fork run into 1L The much-needed shower of Friday ere- nism has revele quite a charge in the •tmes- pbere, crops, kc. Slim Mamie Uourtae u at present boa.. from 4.od•rich, whereshe is engaged in the millinery business. Haying, which was interrupted bywheat county, in now nearly finished. e crop is better than war expected a while ago. Mn. McIntyre, of Wingham, seeompani- ed by her two children, was the guest of Nn. Joe Scott for a few days ,dorms put week. Mrs. S. Math*, nee Nies Carrie liddwin, of Detroit, is speedo)/ a few weeks under the p•reotal roof here. He husband who aeoomps.ted her up returoed home last weekp_ -We are credibly afetmed that .1. J. Hogan hu resigned his position of head masiean on the [ady Dufferia " and pp we presume it would be very apeariate to call him Dean Hogan. So soda ..other ro manes 1s real life. DUN LO PJ - Moe DAV, JI t.v 23 Mies Etta Horton, ot the Circular Town, enjoyed • Masson' net, of several days hers last weak. fes •mte Smith, of the Marine Village, is .pending her holidays hero, the guest of Mrs. Robertson. • 'TiWnova LCoiEr.--Tnsady morning last nae of our kotww,,.s dieeovord s weasel in her summer stook hose. Fare she could prepare to eject it Grimalkin was os bud and with • bound pounced epos the unpitying foe of the feathered tribe with less nserey and dtspatohedlc This fest of the(irtmuktw hos wen foe him loud praise. }rem the farmer's wives and .navel their hearts greatly to knew that nm of the ene- mies of their fowl is wiped out. Pum has misted grist pnviiepas as • reward. - ThIr-. t. lwrtinvm.---The statute labor re costly dope hos mesh improved ser popular prrmnen.d., Nigbtmgab-at , that leads to the lake The lownshtp fathers bars alas repaired the bridge that menu the brook, Mt have erred meek to not having a ruling 0. 1. The ha edtsb sew. asm.4 ad, ebe bay Mass their bettor Wyse est Yi11r Midst nelighe Y Ids the water w1116 eresiy, as W. ACHESON & SON Midsummer Sale During July we mark immense Bargains in all Depart- ments. Read this partial list of Goods at about HALF PRIDE : DRESS GOODS Black Cashmeres, All Wool, 44 inoses wide, at 351:., worth 45c- C'ream All Wool sed silk Mixed Stripes, 4J moba wide, 3ia-, wen b0c. Silk .ad Wool Plaids, 40 inches wide, at 30.., g.oel valise at 450. R•suutul Black Wool t.reaadaes, new, at 10o. a yard : our muter 16c goods. Black Silk Greaadioes, 35c., reduced from titin. PRINTED LINENS All marked down to 15c. • yard, were 25c. ('ambrioe, L.vaatines, Batistes, all at 15c. and 20c. • yard. Wool Challis., all grades, reduced. HOSIERY Fut Black Cotton n every size, wouteas and children's, at 10c. a pair. Pure Silk (:lovas and Lisle Gloves at 15c. end 20c., worth 30c. a pair. 20 I) lien Fancy Hem Hutch Ha.dkerokiefs, at 1e each, worth 5e. each. W. ACHESON at SON. Also UP TO DATE. Ladies' Belt Buckles, Souvenir Spoons, Birthday rings, etc, a full line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, AT JEWELRY EiiPORIUM. C. A. HUMBER & SON. iRJOPlIRINCI- WdRReNTED_ eel ARE CODERICH BATHING HOUSE. The subscriber, having added greatly to the extent of the Goderleh Beach Bathing House, is now prepared to accumn,odate the public. A flag will be hoisted at the Bathing House when the water is in eoodition for Rath• mg purposes. When the •• Blue i'eter" does not fly, intending bathers need not go to the trouble of going dors the hill to the beach. Bathing Suite for [lire at moderate chargesmason Tick eta at reasonable rates. Particular attention given to the care of Indy and Children bathes under the per- sonal supervision of CAPT. WM. E3 A1333, tl; l'BOPRJMTOR, mind you these precious yoaag mortals ars highly valued in our burg, and we hope the township fathers will vee to this and have a good stout ruling firmly erected, so as to last until the Dominion Government pulls it down to build a .to•e bridge for the cannon to cross to be used for the fort that may he put on the terminus of Nightiogele-st., oa the lake bank, some day -perhaps very ASHFIELD. Tttawuay. July 24. The ha neap will be rather light in this vicinity this season. Farmer+ are busy at their fall wheat har vest. The crop will be • good average. The prospects for an abundant harvest are very .ecooraelne at the preeeat time. Mr. B ,wer is going to put is a new cider prem in his stern sew midi on the 12th con .aeon. Some beautiful monuments havo been put into loos cemetery this year to the memory of departed friends. Mr. Spears, an old remident, of Ashfield, died last Friday Etorniag. His remains were buried in Desisseso cemetery and Weill followed to their Ind waling place by • large coso..res of friends and neighbors DUNGANNON. NOTira The local agency in I)uapsnos fes Toe Sunni is at the .taste of .1. Q. Ward, J,P., wave aaeer, '.a, wba wW receive r- dd�.nr� ter nMripUoee, elven Waasg and )N I wbrk, sad la aatberra issd 4 sirs ceipu ter mama!' said ter the sane Trader, July 23. Rrniunto Hour. Mrs. Fairbairn, who tae bees at 'remote, arrived home ow Moa• day. Os A WI.ITIN.. Tor a Nn. W. C. Gir• via and children are suiting relatives sod fr:eade at Harri.tob sed other po..1.. Rtrrs'ssp Hors. -Mrs. J Y. Roberta returned home, from visnUng friends at Ratak sed other points dans, dee week. isinwu. -thaw.... 1%aber, of Merriten, it an a suet to his brother, lbes (hatter, of 'Mogi of Ileahorville, tetwahip of Ash- V.ay par_ --Ws regret to inc. to state that Mies Jennie Meelevtas ia vary i11 from iaflamalatios. Ws bore she will goes re COM'. TIME BROW. W. .adesstead ilia Ask - geld and Wass Wawaneab Fall Shaw will be bold is 1►awga.aow o. Tburuday and Friday, Dec lith sad 121b. Holton A Wi'.rr--tAraa Nivea., who hes bees att..ding the university ad Torew- te for some time, r yeww.a wbtMve. hen. W. eongrat.late him a hie seem= ew pies kw Ms etramloaliaa. Dr soaepe'Ie A away -O. Tlanday of lent week the __kava .f the Uetb.diso tame, se ohm wow of tM Fi .I leriee ehsdr, took la the a rseree t 5. ase l essore fermi% sad at whit* thy mai hav%g had a geld lift and excellent ooamort, be. tip well plumed witn the trip. Haaenrr -The farmers in this and the anrrou.ding vicinity ass busily engaged in harvesting their Fall wheat crop. They re- port thus far an average crop. The next i• order will be the threshing machines brought tato ngnisiUon. San Sze".-i/unng last week lin. Mc- Caig aCaig received • letter that her coo, .1. Wm. ley 54.4 atg, who was living at London, Eng- land, met with a sudden death by being drowned in the river Thames. W. deeply evmpetiire with her in her sad atfiiction and bereavrrmsat. Aa IDtNT.-During last week as Mrs. D. MoNiv.ha, of Ashfield, was pecking eherrien she unfortunately fell and injured me of her shoulder -blade bones. A. she is being attended to by 11r. McKay, we look for a speedy recovery, and hops that the iniories she received are not serious. INTgnr1tT of Ar O1.1i Plus..* or Aaa- rtgt.u.-the remains of James Speen, of the township of Ashfield, were interred is IMnga.noe csepeterry on Sabbath afternoon Imo He was aged about ninety yeah. The deceased war very industrious and guesses - fel in Memos( and hes left his tsrsavd family well provided for. i orivtr- RN,onnt. Tana Hounay',- A. McKay, principal of 1)unganaou'sorat•f ;annalist. returned home last week .iter a trip to Clinton, Toronto and other pointe Him brother, Thomas, who has charge of a taboo' in East 'born, is also enjoyiar hie holidays ander the parietal reef, bv dia- oasuibg musk en tie beepipalr sed ether - 141110. ('110,1111 ,c Flirty. -A Tears age John Hamtleon, of lied 1n hie orchard an apple tree which slid net bear much fruit, and on which he grafted • num- ber 61 pear scions He states that omaose• in the experiment is shown by having five well formed pears on one of the arbft.. Mr. H. is • straw advocate of the aid adage . Never say fail." (,nwvat•mtc.trr. We, aloft with the numerous friend. of W. C. (;tnin, proprio ter of Dungannon elodhies and tailoring establishment., who daring last week was attacked with lnSammatis., whir► woe promptly ebeeked by msdieal treatment, an pleated to knew thee his illnne area of short d.rstisn, and he is emporia. bis want- ed elate of health. Wgr,wwt Some is Or Ratti. - OT Freda naming of lest week we wen favoured with ee • Newer of rain, whisk was of i.saleulebie bam6t to Syria, and root wore, as otos ON amain d•sass phev, whit* woe Mr seum Ian provisos owswelvsl warn, m tio thermometer regkettdeg ha66 to to &grew ie dho shady sod whom *aping to the we, from 100 t. obese 113. Then Evernsae,wo Mtaiumilleirr.- The fro* aesperseng anisidiaboostra arida bon reassaly boss «..w.is rapidly .F polashieg stries ani whoa ." _._haaa_-.tri. ,Irv-. e-...".y.i..�.-�.. Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE WEAR OT YOUR BOOTS? If yo are not t oLLOCK'8 Reliable Footwear next tinrand you mit De Pleased. Mune.' Glove Grain. Lured or Buttoned, _ .8a Women's N e 1.00. " Polished Calf, 1.25, " Butt Dongob, 1.50, Ladies' Oxfords, Turned Solea, ,7/4, Polished Calf Oxfords, J. D King'. 1.2s. .. Tan Oxford .90. Goodyear turn, 1.60 Men's Pegged Sole, Looe or Gaiter, just 1.00. " Whole Fox, Laced, 1,26. " Fine I)ongola, Laced or Gaiter, 1.75, Working Boot., .75. We buy direct from the manufacturer and get a gtuir- antee as to quality. Every pair must be Solid Leather and well made to find a place in our Stock We sew rips free and put buttons on with patent fasteners. We guar- antee satisfactory wear. We do reputing neatly sad promptly, and tura out flee ordered work. H. B. POLLOCK. Fowler. Old Stand, Goderich. JAS. ROBINSON'S CASH STORE. OUR MID -SUMMER SALE IS NOW GOING ON 1 FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS. BARGAIN S JAMES ROBINSON, CASH STORE, JORDAN'S BLOCK. le setisipat.d, will 1. sassed to non. is LIM ton W", Nte'aesa.verr. gan ir. sad o! eoanF.try,RoeoslTis. pdeserveepri" a The Old Reliable large patrotasge for t►s:r esergy and plod'. They expect to have the establishment ready for work at the proper inns. Thq have, we are informed, secuned the services of an expert to conduct the busmen. We beams ak and wish them the best of wee= in the ir new enterprise. On Sabbath deet. Rev 1). Regere. pester of Dwiaa.oe Methodist circa t, preached • vary impressive sermon in coot eches with Ube meant ial serrios relates, to t4.e late T. I k. Midi/ram. The reversed gendarmes Marled his appreppriate and ado oaitary re - (Narks on thy words as captained in Penn first epistle to the t onothan., 15th chop. 57th verse, and from w Li.. t • deducted that the only .ay to obtain a tree and derisive v ctory over death .nr the Kisgof Terrorem it is esnreomt.s armed) is hi living • comae - crated hfe w bile here cm earth. Then w.. a large atomism, preeent, amongst whom were the venerable permits, brothers ..d mutere of the deceased, as also other rela- tives. The serrioe was very impressive sad solemn, and expressive of consolation te the bereaved. Trx .S►o`AI. L 11.00 a year, in advance, Hare 11 seat to your frtsnna X Here's a Pointer When you ark for a s cent plug Io cent plug 2ocent plug Vrai DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not Induce you to buy any other In order that he may mak• • larger profit COAL ALWAYS ON RANO. NOW is the tines to purchase your HARD. (X)AL The best and only SCRANTON HARD COAL in this market at $6.50 with 10 per cent. oft for cash, staking it $.'3,f(5. All Coal Weighed at the Mar- ket. WM. LEE Orders left .t IAltpi>>, R Lill aloey promptly attended to. WILL EXCEL ALL (YHERS Canada's Grist INDUSTNIAL -FAIR- TORONTO SEPT. 3 TO 15, 1894 VAST I10p7•TsslsiTs TA TLS. EXHIBITS AND ATTRACTIONS GREATER AND GRANDER THAN BYER BZFORE. ALL ENTRIES �CgpLpODUD�gAUGUST I1. Tbecha4 Sw.esMias su •1 Rat�.mirseer. •r J. w.TISMT adeic. iiire4Intronse. VOL. X TNh:"BOC A Sed Mo17 l sue Mera .IAN tapes se Tel 4147 new mer ra I uv.SWnat epi work) Ise of examples of at sac* fallout to t1 a.d favored 0omi • iesihofarichn the wheat pit or our fortunate not fluence in hu loot c..11rmuoity, the gas, or rideable I nelrbborheed abundance sad e ,,,.trier where fa to krep body and ween wealth ov. p warty stricken, .malas 0oa.5p. • loos! Jar • soaid inflate the favors t her .apfrlortty and an enlargeme mal proportioes Now, the city to picture in the presumption, sed outman were ata :he people, ane .illartere sad dwel looked town om some order of es and more to be after the essohie blessed NOWT ' - outatde treats. ties of the C. P. tial its way hers I '•clue of asett.l *owe gambling Us pie of tier feet as i' 't Teal. t!r 1•3111, Mee etiam I sad, .eetag how es the daily addition they not alone join sty lot gambler, b diced their parent or, as it was 5 savings is the Ire nal estate dist h flea •.1 more lima IA of nature years:th sad It is not too rat atm now living m . tory of mtapl...d ram sad shame Mt will lee forgotten. The city resolved au rural popailatim w•adertd profits f moue anti speculate oltiona: facilities wl m thrwgh high m are carie out acuter mt Iarge,ready male, from whest •rhe., ted it. meromaiy Low's', we . siesta CLble tacihtes To relr clean sod wealth on real '55 kstud te gai} ,, talat d tomatun t s I .id alike and aakl ten well, for daily peep). and their 10 As towns, .dingse s rase, who, aloe ' fe weehh, the oretfort a•.idestly Imbed A rite sorlTow:AI W bluer deepp•i g rs, wha ibis a.1wbattyoule wilt larks days. The ii••tcep.tioa of Tb tits sed tree v.dem he Mm rest sasses tdrwt.ing clewed., e u owe much of the alar of the v4 5. aidly Ivy the 1 ....in . ehd a id•reld net p ui ivy ao m.eb ha beer,.,,,, wh. p•p•r f.r ablasj• I nary limit., .-1 n lob.. ate ocj., Mmst the crtao .red nes, to the iil-hated Int of dosttga 1n 1 d+• bore„ d -vivo sen held rep Ivy ih. 'B rad eems.eta w reel • .4 Iia las bat b httyood tb.wpp} alultihrlowieta tel, bof pon :them ps sadkilsesi.Wit., 1t lane d ♦* •• tM • t*slhl r hi Ick. wY • Astir 01 d�iss� Ae fr t r la4 �e dl►er fit'rets.., or �I* of saam, 1I.a! .lit',"6 ,-,,4