HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-26, Page 7THS SIONiL : GODWCS. OJT'. THUR$DLY, JULY 26. 104. 7 THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE! LOOK HERE! Evegbody knows, " Putting off till to -morrow what you can do to -day," is bad policy. So the sante applies to shoppers, who, TO -DAY, can buy Parasols, Oha'lies, Prints, Muslin', Gloves, Hosiery, In fact aU Summer Goods, CHEAPER HERE than anywhere else. For the next few weeks we will give Tremendous Bim Cuts in the above-mentioned lines, " Come in and examine, for at the Low Cut Prices you but be interested, whether you want to buy or not. These Goods are not yet out of season , if you have make, then do it now, and save money. Butter and Eggs taken in tuarket price. JOHN T. cannot help a purcheee to exchange for goods at the highest ACHESON. WILD HOGS IN ARIZONA. The isemener*e• Trews* *fluter et Mime erre AnessIry. Sao FRANI-lsto CRNoalt-ts the wildest of wild hop live bath above sad brow oars, en the Colorado laser. While the summer warn lying at (.amus (tome Lading s few dais sure, l die with oro, • Gas rad of therm on the opposite shore cur down to the river to feed en the beaks, • hen the gram sed weeds were mesa, mad to get a drink of water. They paid so atteuties to the beat, or se the lathers at were. After loafing armed for • while, as old boar awn* out of the brush, ud, on spy'sg us, gave a "swab," ad away they all weal. Hardly a day passes that the Imbue sad cattlemen do wt rue open them. Them bards rein to b. more tumid them site. When the lea Thomas Blythe was trying to mita a calmly at Ludo. forty-five miles below 1 Imo en the Colorado, be rot down • barge number of very au full-blooded Berkshire and Poland -Chins pip, and •.urn - ed them loose en the roots, grass, weeds, tales, and tsewjulte brume ; bred, multiplied kept fat, and filled the low sad tele Mode with a large aueabr of fine porkers. ]ever seeing a human being, except now and then • lone ladies. they soon be .me wild ud wilder still. and scattered until the lowlands sad woods were fall of then'. Notwithatudimg that the coyotes daugktor.d the little as is great numbers they have increased our it is estimated that at the present time there are more Mae 10,000 of them rearms* .p end down the t oMxado sod Hardie Riven, from their meths up u rib as the tide rums, or fern h rty•ti.t to seventy miles Ibis ride of the gulf. They go wherever they phase : nothing stops them in their course. When the t'olordo u at ata Good they will 'roes it from shore to shore, efts sear the Hardie, where it is four miles wide when at its highest rouge. Their range gimes them the Men of food -wild, sweet potatoes, tales, &rate fish. ohms, dead turtles, asd "sawed along the river bank at low tide. The e unmolested, except now and them bare a buster who Gado hie way down to the neer. Most of the human giro the wild swiss • wide berth, tempt new and thou se they Imre to spy a nice little roaster ou the ham aim within easy rise shot. A few yeah ago • man and his family were hvtsg • tow mitre below the colony, es the bank of the Colorado. He had a pair of eery One, large *rebounds, witt.h the own- er claimed could run down and kill an wild bog in that repass Ose day be took don and nflo and west for • mice little cos, amt right for the oven. He bad not gone far Moore be footed a largo band of home, sed turned the dugs roes on them. No soar had they orad when out of the tarts near by jumped aa esormous boar, • asester, who. with mouth wide open, Ps eg so attention to the dogs, made for tla hater. The better drew up to rifle &'td find, but op mine the boar, the does nip- pag him .t eyery jump. Tee beater fired • eocoad shot, but on cane t1. beat. Tbie buster turned wad tea for a mesquite tree a few porde distant, tbs bog close to his bola He dropped hu pa sad lumped for Ute, gruyere/ a limb of the tree jest as the the bog grabbed his mats sad ton o.s-Wf of them from him, fest he we. sere, just out of timer. The rep all this while ma (tabbies the bog by th hisd te whish the beset paid co tos The mad boar reined the bark of the tree s hie greet asks sod sere is kite areal► Taalty be tensed ups the dep, kiutssely killed one sad wosmdd the other se that it died seem after. 0. thou Maned he attu- nes to the tree whet est the barter. H. flsarded him mat' ft was dark. Twos did w nen pt dews sod tory to get kir rico, kat ha fee was ea Kinard mad drove him busk tethe tree. Deming the might the wear Mt- Daylight emu rid es did Will. The nes W 61444 mashed ties mese ed pa m their hoed when dews same the old he atter them attar pared. The Art et Oasis. The !Quilt of Persia, whom valuta, t o late Upper ef may. some Fara ep, w.. takes te the partermmes . wag asked hew to liked moor. He eemteesed that the a- iwiy of it wee pwtay lode, hat that sem Per that the e..heetse had jest beim PUT - tem imply superb, The Itmpaur •t • (lave orders kir tb rrpetatss• of the " Ne " said the Shah"that's set It." trW ter wr piatM• • Ne,- re- tYbr. royal ter It's me that. Prue* tar suborn lopes be tam. the* mar Wiled Shen. eMHMiaMtiral- le..hui '. the pose I was trying M tell roeSs Ise w Ir. sod the nesse CONCENTRATED EXTRACT. Tea mach wt itself bosoms" s psis. Heater. The soul of women arm to lova-Mrs *warner The soul is an enigma. t ,04 is the solu- tion. -Dodges. Tbe pure refreshments of life are the moral sod intellectual. All the devil wast to begin with is one demon. Dallas News. Cheerfulness is health : its opposite, mel •seholy u disease. H.liburto.. No sae a useless in this world who IIRht else the harden of it for another.--IJ.ek Plenty of sleep is conductive to beauty. Sven • garment look" old when it loses its map- True:dignity is sever gained by placa,•ad sever lot when honors are withdrawn_ - M&minger. Bowan of desperate raps : the darkest day, live till tomorrow, will have parsed away. -Cowper. The treat happtsese of life, 1 find, after alto onsa in the regular discharge of gime mechancial duty. Schiller. Help from without is often enfeebling in to effects, but help from within Invariably invigorates. Samuel South. The utelligesw which hee converted the brother of the wolf into 'the faithful guardian of the flock ought to he able to do something towards curbing the mn•timcte of savagery In civilized men Thomas H. Huxley. THE TESTS - Of I lignity Never to forget yourself Of 1'ssel6ehnees • Never to remember yourself. Of at lark Not what he earns, but what be spends. Of Happiness The art of forvetting un• happier. actual Unhappiness The habit of forgetting pMsms. Of Beauty Not that it is perfect,but that it always attract& Of • Millionaire -Not what he spends, hat what he earns. Of • Goodtemrtide-How much you en key talking to him. Of Purity -Not what it he not seen, but what it has net touched Of Virtue -Not what it does not do, but what it does not want to do. Of • Student Not how much be ksewa, bet hew much he wants to know. Of ('harm --Not bow deeply you feel it bat how keenly you remember it. Of Fa&cisatien-Not how keenly you re- member it, but how mush you forgot. Of • Reshot- -Not that he ever dopier ideally, but that lesnever depicts falsely. IN • Fine Man -Not the karat that be does not do, but the coed that he does do. Of the Went Pessimism Leading a poor life, and the preaching what you prsc- Lae. Of a Woman's Power -Net how exclusive- ly you think of her whim she is then, but hew often you thkik efbar wises she is not thus. MARRIAGE ODDITIES - At Remus marrisgss the wedding rise was placed as the thok Is Spain wear is which • wedding ring has boss dipped it good for more eyes. la Sere& sad Rumania the groom gives t5. bride • tap with the heal of her owe shoe The wedding ring has at es* time or an- other boss wet at the Numb "d every Smear. . Java, ee • part of the marriage ear. assay, the bride warms the fest of the proem. Four nap were easel 'n the marriage ememeny of Mary Stuart to t5. unfortueats .Thew of the wedding riag is Bred sated is Egypt. where tthe ring was the emblem efeierwiy. Amu; the Nee 7.o&lesd satiw the most bmpsrtsat part of the oseemeey is the teeri- M mock raffle. The (brook Chetah replays two :nage is the mortise steamy-crr el gra, mad the ether of silver. it= the marriage • rriage le always mttosdod by s "jslr Igbt b.sweos.frlouM of the pass W herr fa Raw t5. bride wens . wreath of Sewers. • dress ed apes atUsg, ..d be bee Angi aroma with hereat. She Aber the MOM sew&. SA Ilrear 31 ries.., rad them 1.r wwft Are est prensoused a bib N► like M Wim" 47th r Do - flan SAM S eekm ginimsea.b wig a pa r d Blood should be rich to health. Poor blood Anaemia; diseased means Scrofula. Insure means blood Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, enriches the blood; cures Anaemia, Scrofula, Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, and Wasting Diseases. Pftysicians, the world over, endorse It. IMO N ItciNM by SitlIkts! Orme stew., Mumma all Dram's'► Ina ••1. CRISP AND CASUAL. Athlete Cigarettes have no Rival& tf Lord Salisbury s Alien Bill passed the ss.ond readier i. the House of lord. Tues- day. Norway Pise Syrup cures soughs, carr, n hoarseness, sothreat, asthma, br.no►itis, etc. les 1. P. (.ormaa, editor of The Ottawa Free Prem, died recently from heart dour. Athlete Cigarettes, more sold of this brand than of all other Cigarettes com- bined. tf The steamship psmssger &gents in Mont- real knee eat down the steerage rate to Brit•is to alb, The British Badge( Hill passed the third reading 'n the Hour of Cossmoos Tuesday of last week by 2a3 to 2611. A doyen teen were blown to pieces by ea explosion of dynamite at the Stockton col- liery, near Hazleton, Pe., recently - Debs, Howard, !Caliber and 'of the A. K. I'., were seat to jail 114:Cktego because they would not secure $6,000 bell each. A Detroit dispatch says Frank L Gil- christ, of Torooto, has been arrested there with 110 pounds of smuggled opiom in his Peen The steamer Richelieu struck • sunken log in the Salmon River recently and had to be beached to prevent her foundering No one was hurt. 1'yrus Hicks, of North Gower township wee killed Tuesday of last week by • team which he was drivi.r rennin. away and upsetting • hay rack upon him. Some people laugh to show their pr etty tooth. The use of Ivory White Tooth Powder make' people laugh more than ever. . It's se nice. Price 25c. Sold by druggists. 2w Thos. Forel, • young farmer of Forest, was run over by • mower and killed. Later in the day & netrhbor's child drank a cupful of embalming fluid at deceased's home, and .early succumbed to the poison. ('omstipation, headache, billtoumees, and bad blood are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Hitters, which sot upon the stomach, liver. bowels and blood, curing all their die 50011. 2w The Vigilant woo the yacht race at Haag - or, Inland. she was six minutes .head of the Britannia and had completed three ,quarters of the course when the jure of the ttntamia's pit broke and she retired from the race. POLITICAL PROVERBS. A vote for sail &int ler essythng else. Shuger dost make • M.P. no sweeter. ('rum's is the Fust uv July *v relig- geon. A Nashua s gord&em u mierzur.d by the goodness of its wimmeu. Giv • pollitishun all the money he wants and he'll do the b&llaose. l'olliticks kin choke the life oaten the beet government that 'veer existed. Ureses sum .tatesmea taint had cher (mend' yit ant no sine they tont deddern a mackerel. Ef P-ian int to warn petticoats the;far- mers had better lump the fess and run fer the tail timber. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Never boy sweet potatoes in large gaan- titre. Yellow curtains are the bet for lighting .p • room. Never allow year carving knife to be used to cut bread. Provide a separate kali& Cold r&i.water made string with soda. will take out machine cel grass spots that have bre on white muslin present& Ap- ply before the goods have boss pet is the rads. Blue vitro' pulverized •.d dissolved is bailie( water sod put int.' whiteiweeh gives • beautiful Mss fiat sad will gty. • nice •p- pwssm to walls hadly masked. Is pmuisg don. carpets "pied oewspa- pre over the Beer, then pat elven strew every over the paper sad put dews the :Jr arp a will last longer with thisliming than will way ether. The dust will sift through •s�rWi Pper- A FEW THINGS TO AVOID. Never fail to keep an •ppoistuet. Never delay isaneworisghMte sor return- ing books. Never till long stenos el which you your self are the hero. Never net'.vieess 'peeps by amnia, ie 1•e. at Amok, theatre, hseture er Sea- eart Neer "tip 'trod• who'are harrying slue the street sod_ �wis them ler 10 or 20 mn.tu Never rill epos people Out .5 bedtime sr diving dinar or bean they are dowm.sslm in t5. moreing. Never whim yes see two people asg..d l ..resin ark ow ki wad enter epee • ear ediaw.. a se maws Neer spelt dimeareathelh of yen par- iah sr of year liners Peeps easy la m� aeyour wit but they will .deeptse yes far Meer Mrs le alk sheet "this, thee sed geyWq," a ens who to tepee a wed Orb monis. poor os • haat fir ..,Hing Never talk whet green sea lane mr de. kg, swyrdmi she far par sownosses, 'RA es ▪ tett epos a atria web, Oggaba. see=i14 galena, WOW 44161ilifi hog TERROR ON IA TORPEDO e..' - Th▪ e v.Mo d the 'majority e as ptror( of jwaio& We sever desire orderly what w. desire Me who km ma • good oaraary e5.5M mum take epee him the i d beet. Eesoseg is the her Fahey, bat be who acts epos this prisdpr• is or as holm& mos. We eases& onetime fate sad a•owity, bet we ma yield le them to *.oh a smear as to he greater than 1f we our. The Sudsy Is the code of sur irlieatson drawled t4 theseht and revadenoe. It th- rills to Mr .eldest solitude sad to the &shiest twisty. S'eo peopsoder le sae sonstir hurl ser bet withosI makes. it rear they are ihisk. ing of themselves and isytsg litho traps fee Poverty hard, but debt is horrible. A an mmight as well haft • rooky bosom sad a scoriae wife, which are said to be the wont evils of ear lite. Maw Ma mob MN mf Thew. "I)e yea este," said • dearly pretty liths girt. ••I p Jost akar • great deal. sad i sever haft any t.: ...'te trouble that the other girls tell rte &boys, •sed 1 do be hue it is breast I it ea eusiable." It seemed as odd ruses sad I .eked sepias - atter "Well, you ase I hardly ever ggeo uy- when without b•viag the our ntss►tr ap- e v.oh ins •ad say : 'Klemm see, mem, bet I'bask I have met you beton.' Ye know that is the regular phrase. Well, I always took up frankly and study ►u face • misuu in perfect goo/ faith. • r son to tarn red and get wobbly. Thea i say with careful oosrtmy, as if de- siro.• te save kites emb•rtas.mest, 'I .m sun you .re mistakes ; I know I haft sever sees you before.' 1 have sever ksowr an isetant apology to fail, mor • fellow of this kind to set way other way then desirous to appear the gemtlee•n for which 1 seat a bars mistakes him. I always smile frankly bow, sad pain on, and men than once 1 haft Dotard that the men bre followed me respectively at • distance, and 1 have known it was to prevent anyone elm from trying the same thine he failed .t. The Mat fame Mirk. Pinafore Chronicle -Telegraph : There i. • tale of • hat connected with last evening's wind storm in Allegheny which, sotwith- standm•g all opinions to the cestrary, can be vouched for by half • dozen eyewitnesses. A prominent Alleghenian was taking a drive on Perrysville avenue with several members of his family, and started home shortly before the storm broke loose. A good part of the distance had been covered, when, on reaching • point in the avenue where • street branches id the north, the wind carried his straw hat up the side of the hill. In the blinding dust storm which followed, he thought it useless to try to re cover the hat. Aoother eighth of • mile was covered, and the occuputs of the carriage took refuge in • residence. All were gathered on the porch in front of the house watching the progress of the storm, when what should coos ftyns down the street but the missing had, '''geed merrily on by the wind. It sailed pant, streak an opposing current of air, and, wheeling &bout, paused for a moment in front of the residence, where it was secured by as owner, and found to be uninjured, rare for the dust gathered upon it during its Bight. a5ss.well, It ia said to be an old story, this of a man named Doherty, who was dulling with hu squad of recruits is Leaden. Do- herty was nearly six feet two in height, and at th.t time the sergeant -major we. • man whoa height was only five feet four. t me this day be approached the rgaad, look- ing sharply about him for some fault to find. All the men squared up except Doherty, and the sergeant -major at once .cco•ted him. • Head up there, man '" called he. Do- herty reamed his head slightly. Up ham. sir " Tho head was raised spin. Then the ..cast -oyer managed, by u•sdiatl toe", to roach Doherty'. ail*, utile it her, with the remark " That'. better. Don't let me i••s you with your head down again." By this time everybody we. interested .t oestug Doherty staring .way above the ser- geant-ajer's head, whom • voice from above said, in • rich brogue : , Am I to be always like this, sergeant - major . " Yin, sir." " TMs 111 my good-bye to ye, sergeant - major, for i11 *iver tea yez agar.' t■teerNtas watt Fay. Rochester Post-gzsEes. e - ( One of Um hest whist players in Rcobster mends to us the beads played bLhi* 5. Meads .t . recent .itt . N.rtit-Ware-in taenia tai king .1 spades, a*efTluda were as follows : Kart Sp.dm, 5 sod 4 ; Diamond", A., K., Ku , 4, sad 3 ; Hearts, A., K., 6, 5, and 2 : Clubs, A. Boutb--Sp•dcs, 9 and 8 ; Diamonds, 10, 6, sad 5 ; Hearts, Ka., 10, sad 9 ; Glebe, Q., Ks, 7, 6, sad 4. Wer-ap•ies, A. wad 3: Di•meed", 7 sad 2 ; Heart", 8, 7, 4, sad 3 ; Club, !, 8, 5, 3, sed 2 North--- K., Q., Km., 10, 7,6, sad 2 : 9, sad 8 ; Hearts, Cl. ; Club, K. 10. The wen was six spire, mad, as North arranged his cords, he hit sero of wis0sg the erne. He had sever trop►--•sd they were act ' meetly uma0 " -sad he had • "haw et trio! be both dub •sed diaeemda Ret, as • atter et fact, be failed to get u se the aid, mere to the MIN of his oppesemat 1�y Kest tock her tricks ki amisimies l.dieg the king of dammed., kkig et h earts, w of rola, •d &ss el dimmed& Thew be1mp.•dtt diaiam add,+..wrhisk hie Wog •� a..G.. iss,�w bash • ,e:u " dlltn.ed, trumped. SWM petsghie maim .4 temps. while Narth was obliged to throw away a trump them, the odd h•vms, here eared radar hie cad the _pre pima Nott, is much Sung dura hi" els eablreed brmps, with temarka aid for Temetes hard we. eT.rr Mira 'tether -Deal yea behove is the . eine d taken yr. 1.--01 sums Ida way, my dost, If et11 leis tonne .1r b+ hwisei w"i " of Ilemtgli''lair far aid Freud' Mailers straggle Desperately N'ilk Flaws sad Wave. FIRE CREPT FOR THE MAGAZINE Alter a Used right the tee. Come Out e Ahead 1a e. ttaettt.A Stew fame Life A Steeralt Wk. Attempted to Forage "duos t• _ *mew Paws, July 21 -The new torpedo boat Lw liroudeur ran tato the harbor at Bon logos yesterday at • high rate of .posil,aud was at mum abandoned by her crew. She bad been pertly burned and was filling with water. Ice Orusdeur was attached to the fleet now mant•svering in the channel. During the early morning she oulltded with the armored cruiser Jean Bart. The first ex• &initiation of bar hull stowed that she was badly damaged and the water was euteriug so fast that it would be • ram for lite to get der auto port She was headed for Book.gu. Fur was piled on her fires until she was runniug twenty-eight knots •n hour. Her boiler plates grew red but the woodwork caught Sr. and the flames rapidly spread beyond the control of the crew. The twenty men maiming the vessel lumght the are with desperation, preserving perfect disci- pline despite their growing agony as the Games Spred toward the magazine. Ouly ooe man, and he was • recruit gave up bops and tried W jump overboard. He was caught in time, however, and was put in irons. Eventually the Are was checked when but • few feet from the magazine by the influx of water through the hole made by the Jew Bert, mud the men were thou able to quench it Water continued to fluty in and th• ve,e•1 would have foundered with all on board had she been kept at tea half an hour longer. • yt P. U. CONVENTION. The Ml.tallea .r nage Creates Nisch Euthusiaam--Omeers for '13. • Toao%ro, Jniy 21.-TLe great Baptist convention assembled here promoted • magniaceut spectacle yesterday at the salu- tation of flags. Secretary Dr. Wilkins was in comtuand Ladies were chosen a standard-bearers of the state flags and under the escort of the speakers for the re- spective states they marched to the plat- form, where one minute speeches were given by the representatives of the -various delegations. The great audience rose and greeted the marching standard bearers with the hymn "Onward, Christian Soldi- ers The r.ceptiou given the banners of e ►ntario and Quebec when they were raised w ail magnificent, the audience ruing en masse &tad singing " God Save the Queen," followed by cheers for the tlueen and the President of the United Sates. The following officers have been elected fur the ensuing year of 1895, the election being recommended by • committee and r«"tired with applause and general accla- mation: Pre/oder -John 1f. C'bapman, Chicago. \'ice- Presidents- Frank Harvey Field, New York ; J. N. Sheustone, Toronto: Hew. lieu it. Taylor, Georgia. Recording Secretary -A. M. Brinckle, Philadelphia Treasurer -Frank Moody. Milwaukee. FIVE MINERS KILLED. A Shocking A.-cldeat 1. a *Ise In Franey !wattle -. Ptxo Ortovt, Pa.. July 220.-A fearful accident took place in the mines id :iamstowi seveu wiles :from here, last evening, just as the miner* were being hoisted oat of the colliery. A number were in the wagon, which had just started, when the pulley underneath failed to work and they were crushed against the top rock, five being killed instantly- They are. John Itaudenbush, John Llewellyn, L. A. Tat, William Clark and Charles Woodman. All live at Williamstown, are married and have children. Their bodies were horribly mangled. Fatal wreak os. Ike Sem** ALBANY. July 20. -The Chicago express on the Susquehanna divmiou of the Dela- ware and Hudson Canal Company's rail- road ran on to an open switch at E.per- •see, craabiug into several cars standing on • side track. Fireman Palmer, of Oneonta, was killed. Engineer Truman Austin, of Binghamton, was seriously in- jured and will die H. was brought to a hospital in tide city Noue of the passen- gers were injured. rhe engine win de- molished. The opinion prevail* that the switch was turned with evil intent and this rumor gains credence from the fact that • Pullman ear was on the train. Dr.wsl.g se Ntdlasd. Misses, Out, July 21.-11rs. John 8. Me1.i11., of Nis place, was found drowned in the bay here yesterday. Before day- break site left her house. The other mem- bers of the family did not miss her until 8 am. She had been ailing for several months and her sister, Mrs. Oregory, ar- ranged • ..arch party at once. The body was found about half • mile from the house in three feet of water with the face downwards. Mr. Melville is in Muskoka in *shingle min Deceased we. about 50 yews of age and leve one eb11d, • boy. toe Gtnpte5es at Walk.rvllle. W AI.gesyu .Lx. July 21. -As eau were engaged 1. mandating stead pipes near the Ontario Basket Company, with the main pipe on Walker road, for the purpose of teetit.g, the vans beret with terrible fora, blowing • bystander named Yates fifty yard. over • fence, breaking his leg. Two of the men working on the pipe had their lop broken and were terribly braised and two others had their feces terribly emt by the stones and dirt throws op by the force of the explosion. They were all taken to thif Wlndarr Hri�1ai. ''/teed M • Groins. Mt. Wooivmsa, out, July 11. -While load- ing gravel os the farm of W J. Moore, sear this plea, Henry 811v.rthota, • yomtlg w about Iha years of apt, was tk lied by tb• earth ears. la ea his Whoa • deem' noshed atm it was feud that lag& lad boas iisamtsew. , his meek brag bertha Detea.d was a re- sd idsetrioes man. peasrts, w5. the In t5. of Thee* hue the sympathy d the tom Wane er,tlae. sob ta-A.atewy Rhl.p .. by t5. Natural mein' M t5. rives I. frsia ..m. deet so w •masa HE NEWTINSHOP: Owing to the great increase of our business, we have bad to enlarge our promises. We will now be in a position to show our many Customers some of • THE FINEST GOODS IN THE TRADE, anti owing to our small expense, all we ask of you is to come and examine our Good and compare Prices, for we feel confident that you will say, as many others have said, that the New Tinahop is the place to buyStoves, Fur awes, Cutlery, Kitchen and fairy Tinware, at the LOWEST RIDES. We are agents for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, which has been proven in l:oderich to be the most economical, ail well as the clean- est Warm Air Furnace in the market. No dust : no gas. WORSELL & CO., Agar tier the Howard Furo•ses. The Pesatte&l T/semiths, 6assUteait.. Oodsrich. GOOD, BETTER, BEST. C •• Thr %sine Tells The were." are worths to express comparative ale grecs of merit. E.,11. EDDY'S Mata-ites are above any comparison. The BEST are E. B. EDDY'S IATCIIEZ. THEY A R E PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E fi . POWERFUL TO CURE mitiorsuva LEES. 11 r'i llTS A IBX. They do not nauseate or rad: a..: weaken the system gin pills and other purg..ti•, .. out they tune up the G eer and u."o.ch, and Fri., theta ..OcIeni strength to do their k n.,turaly and well. They Curr 4..m. ' dilutionItypep.ia, Indigestion, Headache,!tali,"t.. Pimples, Sallow n.ue and all diseases ami ng Gua. impure W.I. of ,l, ,;_ nh Ii'' - Ask Year ersaal.t far Thiess. PLANING MILL ESTAULISMEDSI156. Buchanan & Son, rAwvrACT amrlte SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kinds 00 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES had b.lfder'.' material of every desertptlos School Furniture a Specialty. HUGH DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the cities where be Ass See. selecting IIW SPBIIU (100DS. He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Goods in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Pnces to suit the times. 11. DUNLOP. cap AND WOOD YARD. Spm •/tend a gives to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Itoedguseten for all pedals of HAW, SOFT i IUCKSNITN COAL het e."•1 d1am wwasa1m. eM mtf ea heat. s.at otmfrhq ms. -- ChM. J01014e PLATT, Prop. MAO. GODERJOH Ste am Boiler Works. IBTABLIcHSD,Imo.) A. S. C H R Y STA L, Svrvvaor to Ckresta! d' BlaekJ Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright A Tui,ular 33017.es/aisei ja`s►t� w $alt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc. Also deniers in Upright &pd Horizontal /elide Valve Kagisee. Automatic Cut-Ote gemmae • pecialty, A11 sines d pi s *ad pipe -Owed constantly on hand. Retimates furnished ea snort notice. Repairing promptly attended te. F013- If P. O. Box Jt. Ooderich. Oat. Warta-Opeeaite O. T. R. Kation. Ooderica. * nentifjc Anitriman yrc,st '°'ps•s,""' gym• =te' iossw.A.' rw r7*5. a PATENTS CAVEATS. TIME BASIS AM COP IIWTS Obtained. and .11 beatn.m n tks U. S._Paten OSeee attended to at MODLR4 TE P Our MSc* le upside*(b U. 8. Attest Of- ae., mid w t ear sDWm Pates', Is less Mme has those -emote from WA=J)u1VeTON. !lewd MUDS,. OR DR/ W NO. We ad - rho as to p•tontabiUt Ire* N .o et.e :rt make PO CHIN I',V/ rior 4*'J V/.• TI IN PATENT. Ws refer here, a etmm the Poser, the Supt, xf * Order. Dir,. sad be aerial• of the U. 6Pt..t Mee. For etreular, ady/os forme sad reargues to astir otters to y.me awn State ortyirritate r • saiwN h.. Oges.tt Pets Ones Washinevea. n. O WHY Deas 011 . BARRY, Oh. Oogbrieh furniture deals, mad undertaker, keep the best leek of furniture and and.raakeds ',applies! And how is M that he ores sell so ammo! BECAUSE He finds that it pays is Ike long t7tu. Hie insets le t " tall Prelim sed Wok Re fan,..' He .6. mikes a NFa • eat bGfisae if *Sara h"`'' fag abisObita atilasli imai"