HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-26, Page 66
FRR/1(y1011, OF 11ERKICK VILLt.
A1TA('asu IT MALARIAL nyeai V.)Ll0 ID
IT atm'Uea -Two ravel. oasis to it
leo USIA HI. — TOM •L=oa tet %'oat
trutwyeaaile mango tots AD%ICS or
A raise,
nem the Smi1k. Valls It.o rd.
Mr. Freak A. Forguaos, partner of Mr.
Itisbard South is the marble breams at
Mtsrnekeilie, is well known to most rem
dents of that tornado. He mot through
• a Mare that sourly bromeht hen to death's
door, and is an interesting chat with • re-
partee of the Rimed told of the Means by
which his remarkable nouvery was broe`ut
N lune begaged in my business es
marble cutter at Kmpton." said Mr. For -
✓ um, " 1 was taken ill in %lay, 1893, with
-.tarsal (ever. After lbs fewer was broken
1 e oatinued to have • bed eoegb,followed by
vomiting and •xcouciaUag puns to the
,ion.. h. I wits under the treatment of two
different physicians but their medicine did
me .o good, sad 1 oowtinusd to grow weak-
er sad weaker, and it seemed se if I had
gone tutu a decliose About the middle of
September, I was strongly urged by • friend
to give Dr. William's Pink Pilla a stud. 1
MO not much hope Uut they would help
me bat from the ume I oommeeired the Polk
Pills I found myself beginning to improve,
the vomiting ceased and Melly left
me altogether. 1 vow stronger each
day, until now 1 weigh 130 pounds. At
the time 1 wee taksu ill I weighed 197
pounds, and when 1 began mom 1)r. Wil
Sane Pink Pills illness bad reduced me to
123 pounds. so that you will see bow much
Pak Pills have done for nae. 1 never felt
better in my life than 1 do now, although 1
occasionally take • pill yet, sod am
without a part of • bot in my poeket. 1 be-
lieve that had 1 not been induced to take
Pink Pills 1 would be in my grave to -day,
end 1 am equally coevioced that (here is no
other medicos, cau equal them as • blood
builder sad restorer of shattered systems.
live bores cured me when the skill of two
of the ablest doctors in o totarto failed, and
and when 1 look back to the middle of last
September and member that i was 001
able to stand on my feet, 1 topsider the
change brought about by Pink Polls simply
m. taco lona •
Dr Wellman' Pink Pills strike at the
root of the disease, during it from the sys-
tem and restoring the patient to health and
strength In cases of paralysis, apisl
troubles, locomotor wxu, scrum, rbeum-
•tam, erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, eta,
these pills are superior to all other treat
moot. They are also • specific for the
troubles which make the lives of so many
women • burden, and speedily r -tore the
rich glow of health to pale and sallow
cheeks. Alen broken down by orerwork,
worry or emerges, will find is Pink Pills a
certain cure. Sold by all dealers or rent by
mol postpaid, at 50 cents • box or six
boxes for $2 50, by addressing the 1)r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Rrockeille, oat., or
bobe.ect•dy. N.Y. lteware of =notations
and substitutes alleged to be •' just a
The A.tb.r of "melt, Hwa."
The sweetest temper rn the world can be
ruined, sod therefore I would oar, vete
take heel to your ways, writes "The
Duchess' in answer to the our, tiro "Whet
Constitutes a Guild Husband'" in the Ja'y
Ladles' Ilene Journal. If you here the
14ok to "Arno. on a good-tempered man,
sad gain ham for your husband, see that you
prize time gift, and that you do not abuse
Gum him smile for senile, ted bear with hist
as he is sun te bear with you. 1 have seen
owe or two eases where a fretful girl, rely-
ing t a much upon tbe sweetness et her
husband's temper, hos ended at lair by
turning that sweetness isle gall.
Therefore if God gives into your keeping
• bright sad kindly ,pint, take care that
you do it no emery.
• Deg Wub ■ wsri.e Le..
Did you eye(' hear of a dog having •
voodoos leg 1' I know s mais near where 1
live who ►&m • small dog, owe of whose
frost lege was crushed some time ago by a
wmmou wheel. tieing something of a surgeon
his master carefully amputated the crushed
leg, mad when the wound was Neale I pro
vid.d the dog with a light and strung
wooden leg. dots
the course of time els dog,
which u • very tatelligent hose animal. be
Dune aware that he could rest his weight
epos this wooden leg and use it for 511
ordteary personas. la walking or rotten
the dog always used his artificial Itmh, but
if h. has occasion to do any fat running or
leaping be will gracefully hold up the
wue•es leg mad depend solely upon the
ether three hash, esrrio s required. always use
iatereetier experiments were made
Ira Summer on spiders' threads. A thread
having bele obtund, one end was emnt.11y,
Axed with gum to • support, &ed to the
ether and shell weigito were attached ,fall
it broke. le order to compare. froom
tea, the etreegth of the thread oris any
,heel thread of the snare thickness :it was
m semary to. determine its diam.tit. Ilia
VMS done by mesas of • powerful micro-
scope, rad to wee foetid that it would re-
ybrui,. 26,000 treads l mace • idiom one reit
When it is reae-kared tali mesh of these
thr.ads u oestpasd se tile!, 4000 weeds,
the tenuity is Bees to be almost t.00seely
Ode, matt would req.' a
10.000,00. to weskit
ems tech. As • r .f them tests it was
hosed, oocredible yi it may seem. that
n pailleto• amid is, Chickpeas for thickness,
sereally streager then out free, nearly as
strong se eopppe r, sole. plat imam, silver, and
&heat nee haltas strong as ,cosi. it may
net be geeersely ksowe that spiders' threads
ars owl to Mppert small weights is several
delicate ° tido tasad for afor this
purpose tae! are mach more enitebls than
Y7 ot!K reeriul. ('hambors' .lournal.
Mea immerse ew.at.
" There'. one they" be remarked face
tiNdy,a the tax ..censer Swished eswm.ra-
Meg the Yarrow items on the lust, " that 1
never ter.'.
' What M that," molted the aelseenr.
" My brae,. ileo fealty man.
" CA, well,- relplied ibis las .milt, tek -
lags peed leek at ►bans ' there an lots et
veils Nap we sneer mak mb..e."
Illarenrcab. J. Hoeg 011.e
wtaed. Qd, age e 4 have .•M Ayer',
IMIni. tory far several ppm. _end
have alar. them ,,logo •fen in
Obs eewt hem,eierl mimes Irma • die
ver, mad eve
P ailemes Seriestir the Ilse*
.Pelee era g.w. %e.
New York Sm : Use et the ab•rwt .1
New Jersey pekti lies is aetbsvfty for the
statement that Patentee puts have laughed
Igo ous of s irk Us le am sgeseally hand
beam bachelor .i 32 New Jose,
and u known armee hie irteads ae else of
the most RaaWi Mea s. the !hate. After
the legislature &djoareed his political
Mende not ►t- •ppeieled eslsdenter el a
Pate:lea trolley ear. All weird hai. eM
Fell il oke silk mill girls A.d•'1p AM/
!bout b2m among th......su. AM/ Mnes-
11s was.$raotd by smug the good -leek -
mg little conductor lump up to ring the bell
or reword • fur.. This, though only /seder.
• ily fumy at tint, grew is homer as each
girl bemoans oseseiew that other vie w«•
watching him as they rode on h5 oar fry
day to day. They called kr.- "S' „
& mong themselves, and soon It's Pae aria%
that if his car contacted say ' .11 .111 girls
they all ssntled a mimes whels.vsr a tam
was rung app,
At leyth the 1.asbful bachelor eosided
bus true to • !:land. He was *domed to
hold w to tau ooadectorahip through the
hard tom.. Aeoordmgly he smothered his
feelings for • time. the day the traveller
sot off the trolley wire rad be couldn't
reach the rope that hangs irows the arm.
The car was reeding still. and tt was (allot
girls who had nethiu,( to do but watch the
little conductor. Every time he jumped
and named the rope the girls laughed.
This woe too much. When the month
ended he notified the *tread emettpleey that
M was going 10 teat. to labs • MO da hes
former trade
e.eermaube rer a MMynea.
Philadelphia Record .1 Bristol
who, having been • tiller of the soil thirty,
two years, might be espected to know a
thing or two by this time, memos as un•
sophisticated in the ways of fin de meds
rogues as if be lived beyond the hounds of
c•volintoou, and Dever read the newspapers.
He does not get any Philadelphia news
paper, but chance bruught a New 1 ork
journal under hu eye reoently, and he
eagerly Doted the tempting offer of &n
advertiser to disclose upon receipt of ,10
the secret of " How to keep butte! Iron
getting strobe." Vusioos of largely in.
emoted profits from his dairy promoted him
to mail the money, for which he bas re -
erred the advice : " Kat it.
• teasI.ess Ultnatse..
Chicago Tribune : An °Rice boy in the
employ of a real mute agent on Clark street
struck for higher wages s week or so ago,
and on the refusal of hs employer to grant
the increase he walked out.
Inst Monday he went back to the others
and .mgmiested that the case be arbitrated
" 1 Nave nothing two arbitrate," was the
He went •way and returned again yester
Wull you arbitrate to find out whether
there's anything to arbitrate be inquired.
"See here, my boy." said the real estate
agent, taking s handful of papers out of a
pigeonhole in his desk •• The ooly things
to be arbitrated are tits,, bills. I can't par
hem. If yce ma you may take myjob ind
1'11 walk out
The boy us still cousmdermeg the proposi-
Ieter._INa IadI. sdsal.ty et • Pr este mai.
Scald' I'ost-Intelhge• er : The 1 -sited
outer penitentiary at McNeil's Mead hsa
lost one of the longest term prisoners that
ever were identified with the mnuttut•
,lack, the yellow mule, has been laid
rest. He will be remembered by ev
person who has any knowledge of the
on ram the year 1871.
When the contract was let is that y
slanting wharf wee built end a t way
laid, and old Jack hauled the stone d ms•
tercel for the prison that was hied . by the
ships. He ba been used about t , e prima
since its occupancy in hauling w id sup,
plies rad m ploughing the garde , kc Hs
as been in service at the primor twenty•
three years, being eight year o d when bei
arrived. He had many mut . in but day
among the " trusty " Bions
Amber Perry who was w
years, ova tell Ivy am
ctnaestwu with old Jack.
useful in the search for
and aided arterially in
ing used in muting the
prisoner had escaped.. He will also be re-
membered by early eittlen, as no femme was
ever built strong or high enough to keep
him from getting .'A the other side and lift-
ing • sheep or p up by the back with his
teeth and carryi g hum about the field for
his owe am • t.
idea for many
ag iecidente in
Jack sae always
pad prisoners,
heir recapture, bo-
ttlers that.' 'mother
M. 1 pays only forty two, yet the
oldest ber of the French cabinet.
Mwroe is ageing rapidly and grows
to r ►le Tesayees.
or 134,000 francs has been collected for
Gemmed .00aaeot in Parts
A Wieoebyo Iodise girl from Nebraska
is one of the brightest mediate at Smith
James G. Blaine was • member of bat ewe
social club, the Eebo Valley, at Aar Mar.
Verdi charges that IM►akeapeare stale
'The Merry Wives of Widser' front tie?
old -tie,. abolitionism will have • errand
reunion tomorrow at Prohibitor Park,
States island.
liesry W. Grady, see of the grams Georgia
orator, bas )rt been admitted to the bar at
• tl&ats.
Mrs. James Brows Peter ad Kyrle
Bellew w oe the reamer Pere which r
grar•nti.ed as Nagasaki, Japan.
C. T. Taylor, • eo.viet is the prima at
Frankfort, Ky., fell dead apes reeeiviy
the news that he had hems pardoned.
The Mimes Iola &ed Lra Rogg a• empany
their dietiersishsd father, the geyeesor .f
Texas. on his trip haat.
Robert P. Porter, ex seperi.teadent et
the seseue, is reported entirely empowered
from his d&nsroae atta.k of eheestausm
Adlal Ateveeses's presidential boom is
apparently dye to the hat that he has had
so little to do with the prow. adesinWrm•
Rim Titus, r.eently admitted to the hes
m New Werk, has bees offered • 1. -.five
law lectureship, but wry she prefers to
Steer*, meanly desm&ed, was the only
violinist peesHbsd tie ma.ieip•lisy of
Goma to play se the famoes Mtrddivaries of
RT_4.aber iapsan le said to hays hem
eared the edMMib .f the New York
('o.wtreW AtiserIbar M a -hug el M-
(Xo • year.
mode 510.000,000 out of his
TES litttleAL is SLIM •,raarrat Mw...a
1•.e N seat te rev friesja
'IOW m. male 111•41:41 Oletre-
e( Ire eewm.gysgy_
Sett water foe washing purposes le a
n.eeedty. Te mese tits semseity .lateru
of various Made Is)s b•ilt, but the duet
lodging oft the sod. together with dead
leaves,mid warless subeteneus whirled
abort by the Sled, will be ,..geld by the
wrier tato tb.'imps. Roles. 1t le Ire-
yaentl elected, this foals tie water &ad
gives it • had odor. The W*4r. non, re-
eugraved from the AaMisw Agrtealtur
i.t, shows a plan far a chasm se arranged
a to avoid skis dilissItv.. •... '; ewer'
Pips• ♦ histes,l of 1MWGg taw
'414.. 1 fat tie SWIMS Of rotor a tit.
0512,1 w •, mations, down the Inner sur -
'ace and ores near the bottom. Then,
.n,ner.: the .-ietarn fills with water sod
oyerduww, the angulus surer the dl -barge
pipe et the buttoui, thus carrying off wbs)
ever sediment inlay have been deposited.
.to the tuba:me a that are washed front
the roof into the cistern Idways settle
grarinally to the bottom, each hard rain
that fills it to overflowing formes them into
the m
e discharge pipe and earring the
tto the dram. Such foal sediment
(ane, a good ueat for dtaease germs.
Where the ground is of drat texture it is,
not necessary to brick up the sides, but thei
cement may be laid directly on the earth.
Pegdn by laying out a circle about • foet
large &cruel than the intended eine of Or
cistern. fig this arse down three te e.ts
thou 'lig tate . ostesu three tuoltm smeller
on all sides. tout lemrtug w earl! ou which
to place the colleting stones three fbe
low the surface. to 're out of the y of
the frost. Cover it by laying n op
volute ..les of this shelf tw loug
hat roues, eighteen lochs* ! *pare
Then lay two stotues acres the ends
of these. &.:d a tau -bole of rotation inches
rquarr will be ft It it now ready for
plastering. se Portland cement. one
pert to come t to two of tine, clean mud,
giving the e a good layer clew to. to
the cover, to loader from time roof baring
been inter 1 iu or bear the top. N w dig
a duo. - urn suns eonveu3i.t point of
'Hoch.. and lay the ov-rtiow pips by
begiuui g at the bottom of the cistern,
pasaiu .1 out uear the top. IT may be
male f common round two inch drain
tile, ring that part it inch is 10 the obi -
tern ell covered with cement. 11' hen all
is c apl"te place a crib of plank ..ver the
hole, through which. it may be entered
b weirs of a small ial'er. then cover
tit earth, routidim_ it we:1 up.
If a pump i, used the mctiuu pipe should
fnrru.hrel with a .trainer. and should
reach to wit tots a foot of the bottom of the
eisterte. Where a citron cru be built
directly under the kitchen it is very con•
vetrient to connect it with • pump torr the
kiwhensiuk. The c.pet: Ito of •eistern my
be approximately , *.rertaiued by allowing
avec gallon* to the .ubie foot. lir, if it
is round. multiply the dime -tor by the
averse, depth. in feet. and the product by
dee and vete-half. The result will be tie
capacity in gallows.
A Malady style or Narrow.
A deep wheelbarrow le inure useful than
one built on the old pian because tt j ill
hold more, and the work of building melt •
barrow it 001 mach greater. Aurone who
owns a *Lee! and iota belonging tom old
.rl•tr5NiZNT WHFEL&Aaao.•.
wheelbarrow can early .ronetrmet one by
drat procuring two stout pieces for the
shafts and mortising them together firmly
just behind the wheel The next mortis.
must come two inches from the ground on
the legs of A. From the mortise the door
of the harrow moat reach forwent to k,
where it is supported by two false loge
mortised into the ehafteand reachtug with
in two inches' of els ground. Ti.. aides
may be solid from the Myr err, or if pre
ferred, they mny extend ouly to sue top of
the shafts, teed from this point movable
side -boards may eztewd upward. The
only disadvantage in having the body
solid le in being forced to remove most d
the load from between the handles, says
the !grange Judd Farmer. This wheel
barrow s especially nsefnl Iu carting
leaven, et.. and to handling heavy stones,
which are loaded upon it with ease, be-
t -apse so sear the ground. if one desires
b. may arrange • mwrsble bottom, which
will permit the load to be deposited
either' tipping by merely raising the
Viae Tour Pen vise,
The grapevine grows I. almost any soil.
but doss not lu.rish unless the ground
is well drained and well eneiele.d with old,
well-rsttetlmaoure. Tts,itnattuo should
be fully exposed to oro sun and fry riren-
halion of air. t lumppse.s are so easily raised
o wl bear m atlendantly that we ran con-
scientiously recutomed every poreux to
plant at least en.ntgh for his own family
n es. Tort or three Hum well attended to
will be sufficient Tia first emeideration
is earliness. fair ant choice would he
Moore's Early, whish poem w all the good
qualities required. lieseelpl. the Delaware,
a medium steel berry, bena delicious
grape. Third. Woritgo velieh is superior
to the t onecml The Concord is • good
grape, hardy Mil posh's. but Mtan ore,
taken by frost before tho frets la tips We
mounter the Warden imperial. rs
in ninny -
epee's, ripening a wee earlier than the
Concord. For white, the Peeklingtnn has
done very well with tee. It ripens with
the Concord. i have .ret tried the Niagara
1 honght toe wase het they torsed ant le
1•e mese trader kind that freed every
wisher. Race saes it grown at • neigh•
bor% plass; M did well. i1 ant ripens with
the !Jotted. (f yen have teem ter *sly
these elate.pleat Moore's Emr, Wombs
•b 41 01p ter the Ass iodd he
Emean*, well sad east-
for asamoilia=fer
A Little Daughter
cif a Church of England atiahater
Iursd Of a distressing rash, by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Mr. Rit•nAwn
Hittite, the well-known Druggist, 90T
Met;ill st., Montreal, 1'. Q., says:
I have sold Ayer's Family !Medicines
for 40 years', and have been nothing but
god said of them. I know or many
Wonderful Cures
performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla,—ons
in particular b.dng that of a little
daughter of a ('hntreh of England minis-
ter. The child was literally covered
irons beset to foot with a ted and ex-
ceedingly troublesome rash, from which
she bad suffered our two or three years.
la spite of the best medical treatment
available. Her father was in great
distress about the case, and, at niy
Teromnraudation, at last h.•gan to ad-
minister Ayer's Sarsaparilla, two bt.
ones of whit h. effected a complete care,
init. It to Ler relief and I r fatho•r'5
delight. 1 aro sure, vrer.- iso here to -day,
be would t..ti fug in the strongest terms
am to the merits of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Peltier' ti- Ior. J. C. Ayer a Co. Lowell, Rare.
Curesothers,will cureyou
A Peculiar rad rra.Y*.l tarteaHy /n the
■lentsan II1d..
Chicago Record Kitchi-ta-Kipi, or the
Big Spring of the Chippewa, is really one
of tie wooden of Mmehiran, if not of the er
tiro Northern country. Kitchi-ta-Kipi is
nearly circular in form, and nearly 200 feet
in diameter. It is 65 fest deep--• great
bowl of water, clear as au and green as
emerald. When the ,tin shies, and the
wud does not ripple the surface of the
water, at least six distinct shades of green,
varying from the hg►tete to the darker,
are to be men. It u averted that under
favorable oo.dttioes, all the prom atac rays
are reflected.
The water is so clear that • penny or a
dim or toes • pin tray be watched in r.5
Right to the bottom, and once there. pecul-
iar property of magnifying pos•emed by the
spring makes the article look several times
its real ate. The grains of Mod can be
seen at the bottom, and the places
where the water bode to at the bottom look
like so m•ay small craters. There are doz-
er of places where the water burrs io, and
they vary in size from the diameter of • dol-
lar to three feet. la former days many dol-
lars' worth of silver coir were thrown upon
oleo altar of the spirit of tbe sprung, bat in
these times vimtors are obliged to be content
with throwing pieces of too into the great
depths. 4.asrled trunks of olden prohect
into the sprang. These am draped with
moires In oke most f&.eaetic manner, ell m
the bnghteet green.
Many iateresttng legends are told of
Kitebr-ta-Kepi. Dee Is that there were two
brays suitors for the hand of • beautiful
Indian princess, to a tribe located many
miles from the spring. At last the dusky
maiden declared her pret.re.oe, and the re.
jested motor being wild with rageplanned
to be revenged. When a bo he h Isarn•
ed many of the mysteries of the ntediciae
mm, and so he dog • root and brewed •
medicine that would produce a slow decline
and death. Thu be succeeded in getting en
attendant of the prince- to give to her.
The lustre of her cheeks died away, they
became hollow, mid her voice Dewe clear and
sweet became husky. She lest courage and
courted death, sad her lover became frantic.
Ons eight when he was toter, in sorrow is
Ms wigwam, the spirit of Kitcbi-to-Kipi ap-
peared to him.
Take your loved e.e," it mid, " red fiy
by night to yon mo.stain. As • firefly I
will be your guide. Follow tae. To the
great bowl of the healing wasn we will
The young brae. did es he was directed
sod the ,tory of the light is told in poetical
laagnuge. Dyer hill a.d hollow, through
n r&npe and across mad down streams they
west .1.til their Joensey was laded. The
prince. drank of the beating waters •.d
was cured. Filially (hair trail was found
and they were followed by the rival, bat he
was trapped. The eseemdnl suitor caught
Mm mewing over the "meg to tate • drink
mid peeked him la. TM sides are a steep
as • wall, mid, being kept from swimmer%
salvers, the primmer Lally sunk, his face
green with rye. The Ldsaae have always
believed that it is th. I.Aeede. M the
drowsed Indian's face that fishes the
, prier so Pies,.
Anetber lityeed s told that mites the
drowning of • great gree. aegis is the
sprier, had it is card that if see bee • treed
ianagiaatios be eau see the outlines of the
peat bird lying with estetr.telied wings to
this day.
The famous spring to 'nested fourteen
miles from the village of M•aietiq.e. that
at it dews • brook into India. 1.1., No deep
se a he sadly navigable for mime and row-
boat One way of maim the sprigs. from
Mantriges is to drive to ladies Lake. organ
the lake is • heat, and then intoned the eat -
let to tag sprig .
•stole ,.,ales.
The beet pans;ere w.atstios.L Thee
Mr. Perry wee vr.11i.g •►oat his prdm,
to s.mp..y with his brother fres the
You raise se ener.aeem Det of tenamess,
Jebel,- said the els dweller. What is
the werld,do you de with them r
Well," mid ler. Perry, " we eat s
men r we esu, and wR s .s test est we
Dau Soma. —I wee searing eery mesh
!tern dierrbn., and meld gat .ml►i a ..
sere we. A fried tell em d Dr. Fowler's
Marge. al RWSimembeim and a 4w
a for
poi three yew* liMeelneVnerlenl5=1.
and Ives test bed ONt leu PACK ADM OF 'rest
freer NaAwleO.T.
FOR, 431- Q_
I eoold think of, but it did zee no pod.
My .came said 1 mad
lassoes, it is the lot media's@ ever
meads, aad 1 leek three bottles el it. with
the Insall that it leas ooam rtonged
me. 1 think B.dak B1Mees.
bobs toe les dat',.s and es • booed
is the
IIifEST IN TWE wow',
and am glad to recommend it to all my
friaade. Mme Ir1Aas McDwuin.
(leu :torus., Oat.
price 35cTs
Specific and Anridofe for
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye
pepu alespl.-ne-, pelpitetion of the
Mart, liver co.pl&mt, oearalgte, lo- et
-emery, bro.c1tw, aonsamption, g&ll
stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary
diseases, St. Vitus' donor, female meg-
Wanness and general debility.
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
McLaou'a armee Rssovayon can he bad
from all draptim. is Iowa as well .s from
all teed between Owes hound and
8safortb. Brussels, Durham and Tomato.
1117 IT.
Tem OAuAaan PAtMro RAILWAY Oat
THtaeaape has Rem emabbYsd to give the
polities atd+law service with Air rad per
IttR 2eMaemt l els sin tarn primitivism and I.
Ur b a mimmgeemetim /gppmrt xpa geteses. i sorry pees who
1pw Irdetmi mite tW Cemim,am
Maas. with all Ile ase emibltm
h s Uteeel. Canada and Kreps.
s wires to aU te eta
MM t
Leel Idesager. Oderte1
INSURE! 11000 019E3T10N-
/RICE2S ers.T■ipODr$1( eo. ter
It will effectually allay or prevent fermentation, and preserve all
kinds of Fruit, Syrups, Saws, Spice Fruits,
Vegetables, Cider, IBC -
Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like It. You
will tind it less than half the trouble and expense of any other
For Oder it is cheap, and decidedly the beet known method of
keeping it sweet,
k ull directions inside each package.
Sole Agents for Canada
aural lemurs Sell T.lepaed Is.
Gederlrb. One
Paris Green,
Insect Powder,
—each Guaranteed Pure, Fresh
and Reliable. •
IBB' IDOL by using HiRE'S ROOT BEER (a b..tt!e makes 5 gallons!,
or P( -RE LIME JI'iCR. etc.
W. 0. GOODE, Chemist.
Preserving.Kettles, Tin Pails, Cream-
ery Cans, Watering Cans,
4 Gal's Coal Oil for 40 Cents.
Sign of the Hig Kettle.
can supply you with a good article at a low
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, (Mass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Spring is at hand, and after Housecleaning yon will want •
We have the Largeet. and Cheapest A.sortgasnt in Town.
- Bairn buying call and get prices.
• 50 - TOILET SETS - 50
New designs to select from. Inspection invited.
At YQIt!
Have added to their pI&$t badmen one of B. J. Nssb's Latest as W
of (My Helinedi, also ebe *wit lies al funeral fersiehings le the ,sonans♦,
and .re new peepn.sd to eemd.et hoorah Ise pries 1'safonablla
This department will be erietiy •Oledad M ivy hie eve Willies, who, bdn6
in the eepOj imp tkui of the 4M D. Ootfor an rase Ma ram W a
knowledge tie busier, sad by preempt Meatier hope to Awe part oft
public patron... Pemsmb.r obs phis. -'•Wase.&, «m year way Ie. the ytA
ease. Oivs tis a sail
N• J. B1OPHB1Y & sox.
i In
a Sid
1C PT &UT TO lysin
i • .0 .,e m
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