HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-26, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : OODERICA. ONT., TH URBDAY, JULY 24, 18 1. 5b Apia, ;Y/CRY THURSDAY MORNING RV er. MealleasaraMe. Me em Feb' 1-- 1 sed M, Neethasres1. �MarMh. gamrf► Tear .f as•amrmptsea t as .tooth. 5. advisees. roe maaths. le N as year. •• I M eralit willMrew sed, the lois. Mr Ms N Lest at Teens Label. Tor label is • ewdlag r.eelpt of the date le which yen ars paid up. flee t It is sot allowed to hll I.1. arrear. Whoa • climate of address Is desired. bah the old sad the now address thesld's ghee. Advertises* Melee Legal •ad attar casual adveral••meats. leo. per Moe for /rot la.erttea, anal omits per line eR mob ewbs•awt iwrtlea. "Measured M 1 mai& ▪ ladies Dards et six Item and ander. g5 per FeaAlvertlesme.te of Loth. Pound. Strayed Vssa.t, $Melbas Wasted and Chaasa. Wsq.d .M ezo.edieg 11 tempered, g1 par opal• 1. ter ptiltsr swift. N.. M. s td s Ifsdm. 01WM eine. In pwportlos. =MOW .Ntin eldest est •f ink* is to /rwm�tm w �aaiar7 Masa of me isdl- vida.l er ;. to be oassld .'s M ad- vertisement ggi charmed acoordlaen • Local notices in 'nonpareil type one cent per word. .esesiesslam than tic. Loma macs. 1. ordinary reeding tne two Notices for churchesword. 'notice other religious and Malevolent isetltations half rate, C.mansereear Ce.tract Advenleessr.ts. A limited number of displayed advertise Mt. will be inserted at the Rolbwfag rete• : Per lash. one insertion Off M four insert toad........... I M " throe months I • " elI months 1 • one yes" ....See No advertisement Hos thea two Inches in length will be calculated en above basis. 5 her cost. discount allowed for comb payments ea three moat be' contract : la per Dent_ on six maste, and 15 per Bent. on • year's, Them as.ditbns will be strictly enforced. Ab..t ••Tl. Maul° mellvery. Subscriber who fail to receive Tea flrowat. regularly. either by carrier or by mall. will miler • favor by acquainting us of the fact tt se early a date a. possible. Radecled manuscripts cannot be returned. corresp000enoe must be written ou one side •1 paper only. P.M4►er'• Rediae, J. C. Le Tousel• of Ooderlch• barn been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town Mire of Ooderich, Colborne, A.hfleld and Was warmth. Local postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tux 8roo A f.. All communications must be addressed to D. McOILLICUDDY. Tran ewe•... Telmeh s• Call 1111. Aederich. Oat. oODZRICH. THURSDAY. JULY fit 1$N. THE Windsor Heron' publishes the following One of the most interesting speakers at the barracks on Sunday last was Mahlon Johnston, of Cleveland, Ohio. He a well known in this county. when he has been chief of police and kept • billiard hall at the same time. but about eleven months ago he met the Salvation Army, gave .p his life of sin and is now going hack to Essex, Ingersoll and other towns to try to inaneao. those for good whom he formerly led astray. There is in Goderich a retired billiard hall man, who, if the Salvationists got hold of him, would be a power as an exhorter. and we would all rejoice if he were gathered into the fold. THE recent strained relations be tween our esteemed repreeentative,the Minister of Militia, and that warrior bold, Major General HttsnEKT, are, we are pleased to note, somewhat relaxed, and the signs of internecine strife have almost entirely disappeared. This is as it should Ste Anil now both of our high-uppy-up military men may continue to wear stripes down their trousers at the expense of the Cana dist taxpayer without resentment against his fellow. Tis sweet for brethren to dwell together in har- mony. THE DOMINION ELECTION. AN early Dominion election is `got an improbable event. Everything goes to show that the Government is preparing to bring along the political contest at as early a date as possible, and no attempt has been made to conceal the fact that preparations are being made with that mad in view. Some months since the contract for the ballot boxes was let. Inter on arrangements were made for the revision of the voters' lists and the improvement of the Fran- chise Act - Then, by means of the inte colonial conference an effort was made to draw a herring across the scent on the tar- iff question, so that the Patrons and eters who were clamoring for a re- form al the fiscal relations of this country would he diverted from the attach. Aad room recently some .15,000,' 000 in subsidies have been voted by the Government to railway., most of which are running through presum- ably doubtful constituencies, and the granting of the subsidies i. only • thinly disguised attempt at bribing the mid oonstitweaoieg. For these and other reasons which are epparewt to the ordinary eye, there is eery reseal to believe that • win are es the ewe d • gissauel oleo Kea, sad it weald he well he Liberals te dews tam Nide leets and be pre- fer IA. "TURN THE RASCALS OUT." IT is a well-known tact fiat the plac Ing of Palms candidates in the Geld during the Provincial elections re seedy closed was ta test the strength of that organization in • political eon - test, and the test has proved se satis- factory to the leaders and members of that Order that in the forthcoming general elections we expect to see eves stronger efforts pet forth to ob Min Patron reprassntatiion on the door of Parliament. The Patron platform is a practical onslaught on the policy of the Domin ion Government. It is a protest against the extravagance involved in keeping up the mimic royalty of Ri- deau Hall ; it is voicing public senti- ment against the unjust taxation of the manses for the classes by the thieving policy of Protection ; it places on record the opinion of the toilers against corruption in high placer which the Government at Otta- wa and their supporters have con- doned : it hes pronounced against the infamous gerrymandering of consti- tuencies by the rending of county ls,undaries ; it asks that the bribing of constituencies by railway subsidies and ,-anal appropriations shall cease ; and it prudents throughout a strong and earnest plea for economic govern- ment and purity of administration. The tenor of each and every plank of the platform is against the present Ottawa Cabinet and its venal support- ers, rind it in to be hoped that when the day of trial comes the Patron or gani7ation will render an unequivocal verdict in favor of the contentions which they have embodied in the var- ious planks of its platform. in that case there will be no future whitewashing of such men as Cocn- RANE, TL'itr'oTTE, ('AsoN. LAxt.evtw, and the scores of other political har pies who have fattened at the public crib and feed upon the lifeblood of the people.. There shall is no dividing of the people's patrimony amongst greedy camp followers whose sole- claim was for party service of tits cleanest type. Then there shall he honesty in de partrnental administration and itteg• rity amongst the parliamentarians. The tide is rising against the pres- ent Government and the actions of the ' brute force majority " which sup- ported it blindly .la1K the closing hours gf the recent ..etnion will go fur to give impetus to the movement against it. The people, although long-sutiering, are rot deaf, and dumb and blind to Ottawa rascslities, and the day is coming, and is not far off, when the amen who t. hitewashetl the mica's who had been impeacher' Ise fore high parliament will have to ren der to the electors am account of their atewanlship. in that day there will be a general shaking up of the hang ere on of the present 1;ot-eminent, and many of them will meet the disaster that they have earned lay their venal actions and dishonest methods ; and the Patrons will aid in the gaol work. THERE SHOULD BE A CHANGE. SOMETIMES we resil in budget speeches by the Finnice Minister, tool in florid election addresses by the Hero of Haldimaad - the rotund MOwTAscs about what the Govern- ment has done for the farmer, hut outside the aforesaid budget speech and the florid election address, what the Government has .lone to benefit the Canadian farmer is not noticeable by any means. What has been done by class legislation and governmental incapacity to injure the farmer i.. seen far more easily. The curse of Pro- tection has cast its pall over the farm- ing interests of the whole country, and the incompetent action of the Dominion Government in the failure to protect the Canadian cattle trade from American infections duoaaex has practically shut our tanners out of the British markets. The alleged "cheap breakfast table" cuts no figure in the calculation of the Canadian agricul. turist so long as • tariff wall tuts ofl his market with the United States and governmental iacapacity breaks up his export trade with Britain. The cause of good times in • t•oun- try dome not hang upon the mouth- ing' of politicians, but upon careful, economic action of statesmen, indus- try n.du•tr'y and thrift •wa the part of the toil- er, and a bountiful return for the la bor of ted husbandman. 1 n Canada we have a prolific soil and an indtea- trious and thrifty people, hut despite these factors for bene6eial resnita, an extravagant and corrupt Government, gelded by a fatuous trade policy, has beamed .p a public debt without ems measerate basset, ansi has made the bsrdeae ei the people almost utiliser SNAP SHOT& The lost Of the allied pruisibitia► oommklsi.s .p t. deeds $1*000, aid the sad r .es yea It ►.p bees the mast ex- peastve h.mheg of ell the iambi,. Net the pews* Oey.rumene hes pat are the people, save .sd wisps w N. P. The American visitors who attended Me W Bagels* oneveaties is Tommie ire week were in e.stsetes ever the flees city, and admired eveaytbky sheet it, from the gsiet tabbatb to the meg idesat wafer privilege Protests were entered Tuesday Inst amines Dr. Rrtmmor, the P. P A. midi - date for Ram Termite, mid Hes. J. le, Gismo, the asu-P. P. A. candidate for limsUtea. At this distaaos it looks mighty lake • saw-st. The councilman who brings in a stringent now bylaw mad has it carried through will sera ler himtrlt the prates of the majority of the readmits of the tows and the eternal goodwill of all of the Mei- ten. The rainfalls Friday last and at in tenals daring the weak did mon for till agriculturist& in this district thes parlia- ment did donne its Hag session Nis year.! President Dees of the American Railway Ilan is both for trial for as. tempt Pru.ttia u sot held for conta.pt or •aytkiag elso. The aneual meeting of the Liberals et North Bram was held Tuesday lass. Let's .se --North Brune are then any Lib- erals in North limos! The session is past, and parliament hes been prorogued, but the tariff reform foreshadowed in the budget .peach was not materialized. The IIPN• 1►uminion reformatory for boys is to be located in glengarry, ted will doubtless give Big Ron- a pull at the uom- inr glacial". Some of our confreres: are discuse- is the 'Attention of reforming the Senate. The oil ,way to mend the *mate is to end it. The Patrons are sharpening their scythes tor the Dominion election cam pa go. THE MODEL FARM PICNIC. The (.hoeing lines were writtea in the whoa of The Guelph Mercury, by 1(. K Keraigkam, of Raciness, cm the occasion of his recent visit to the Guelph Agricultural College. Excurswni.te from this district who were down 3E the occasion will appre- ciate the ver.ss of tee genial " Khan. ' Down in Ontario county from gu•lph w far away, They've broke the book of Summer and ne- ighed up the hay, The old man says t6 i • girls and boys may hare • holiday. They thinned the turnip., pinned tater., cultivated corn, Were up es bright and early in the peeping of the morn. They earned • great big holiday as ours aa you are born. The girls left off their churning and starch- ed their pettico•ta And little %nil. of pleasure nn from their happy throats. The farmer boy forgot about the wheatfield and the oats And facies now are beautiful, yestreeu were tired and plain. They cars not if 'tis cloudy or if today 'twin rain, And off to Guelph .weetheartine they're rushing on the tram. And sweet hearts walk beneath the upon the famous farm, Close to/ether for a day, united arm in sem, They shun the wise professore, and is it Sr harm Many • little whisper and many a hist 1 got That sweethearts is the shadows were put ting up a plot To wed this f.11 and settle on the fifty sore let The scientific people showed them how to boodle hay, Bet, ah ' above the wooden, the music and the They asked tow the Duchess beton they went away. Aid Dryden proudly bro.ght her eat, the waiting creed to please, The breathless crowd, is wonder, expected her to wheeze. Alas, the little lady -sed wouldn't eves e.eri.. Tb.hampiee liar in the crowd fell with a sickening thud, And at hie f.11 • royal shout nn o'er him like a sped • The Duchess simply calmly stood and quiet cheered ler eud. Joke Dryden, o1 Join Dryden, no guile is thee Is Need Thou and the Duchess were the Does the peo1.le aeroled rowed • Vse're like the ileebsa, Dryden you're pretty safe nod sound. Now ekes the Duchess has a oalf, let all the worl4 with glee Fill up • bumper with her milk aad drink at mambo, That both the flatness sad our John, Noir life times lo.g may he. Tom Krum. JOURNALISTIC. The Antes Free Prem eemmwo.d at twsat5N velums resset y, mad is • orsdit to the prolamine. Memo power to it The Chet.. New Res fes mashed re- upesmable middle age. bet is as chirpy as ever. Peddle Holmes also Ueda time to aot as .hist-ueashersee of hie tows is a meet sasleot miaow. The Jimmie Pest began its 22•4 volume bet weak, sad we esegratabite it epee by- isa attaissd bte smjrity The Pest im Neves with •o. and is a rod .spriest of previ.eW Cassius jesrsansw. H.lwesviL. ' On Tmeday as Fred Ta- bus* was wrbtng r tie slaw. • hmm kiebei dim ea tis kssd, swwdah, him ea- eewesbma lfiiimat ase was gees said, sal Oleo bests had mooed /OasA.enesea helm M ettgalr R1ISION OF TII USI'S Preliminary Wort Will Commute M the First .f August. A NEW FRANCHISE BILL Wilt w t.tred.ead neat Tear to Cover the Portion Dropped This messloss- Ratos of seeder Twine he eke Northwest A new rentYaalar7. OTTAWA. July 18. -When the Hoot MN on Saturday morning kir. Davin asked if the Government would deliver binder Was manufactured at Kingston Peniteu• nary in the Northwest Territories at the same rates as they were doing is Outerio. Sir John Thompson mid that the Uovern- pont could not afford to do this without a low to the country. Reformatory at Olo.garry. In reply to lir. MCLaunan Sir John said that if. suitable alto could be procured in Glengarry tar • reformatory, for whiob $10,000 was put in the estimates, be would select onelliere. Revasloa ..f tie ../me. Sir John au moving the House into coma moues on the franchise bill explained as to his droppiug all the bill except as to the revision of the list acts and the changes in the redutributal districts. The tows for commencing the revision wax August 1. He would mntrodum a bill next year carry- ing arryiing out the other portion of the bilL Iaurier said that It was probably as good that the Government hal tett the bill t.o the last day of the session because tt they had another day they might again change their mind. He tboaght that the first of September iustead of the firm of August would la • better time for oum- menciug the revision. They were within ten days of the firer of August and at the work had to be attended to by members of Parliament he soggeNed that the first of September woo be more suitable for them Sir John explained that the intent:on was 10 Commence as soon as poesibte after the passing of the act. so that theprw• limivary luta would be ready by the first of t )ctober. It was finally decided that the revision for the preliminary lists would begin ou the Aral of August and he finished by the first of October, and that the final revision would comn.ence•on the tint of October and be concluded ou February PS. The Hoes Prorogued. The House met this morning and cleared rep all remetning beanies. Assembling again at 3 o'clock formal prorogation took place with the customary eche. DROWNED WHILE BATHING. A *.d Accident Which Happened to s Thamearllle toms lm a.. THA.x%VILLE, July 23.-A aid accident happen estenlay about two miles of Morrell dock whereby this village loses a young and much -respected citizen, Mr. ('has. E. Beller, sou ..f Henry Buller. Wath some friends, among whom wan his brothers, Alfred and Dougald J , his brother-ln law, L C. Decow, W. F. Law - once, William and Bert McDona:d and Hiram Richardson, he went to Lake Erie to spend the day. He, !serene* and the MacDonald brothers went out bathing. The water at the time was a little rough and the waves were running very high. The other members of the party were sitting in tn. carr}age on this shore waiting for the bathers- Hbo .11 started to came to laud after being in the water about half an hour. when the demised dropped behind the others and was apparently seized with cramps and sank abeat twenty rods from shore when the water was not mon than four ft- t .'seep. A... on as his companions missed him they turned back to rescue him, but ou •ccount'.•f the muddy condition of the water they were unable to find the body until aboulatx o'clock when all hope of resttecitatioy was goue. The remail. reached Thamesville after moh,i_ht The deceased leaves a wide and one child -- t As English Elisbemler Arrested. time*. July I -Major Sherwood, chief of Dominion 'police, bas received • telegram from Hamtjton. stating that Henry Freeman Jaynes, who some time ago skipped from London. Entg., taking with him POOP of his employers money, had been arrested there. His family re coolly left London for Cared* via Ant- werp. The superintendent of Dominion pdtee was advised to watch the arrival of the steamer Waudrabam and to shadow the fatuiiv when they arrived They reach- ed Vu-bec on the 17th instant and were followed to Hamilton, when Jaynes was found. He lived timer the name at J. O.a, rare et Le•g.s Pointe. M.rtTarst, July 28. -Longue Potato, near Montreal, the scene d the great asylnm fin a few year. ago, was visited by another bad fin last evening. The Are broke out an tin farm hose of Job• *Mi- nim on the Longa. Pointe road. The flames spread quickly and the whole farm hones was soon In dames The .aaletanee of the Montreal firemen was asked and one engine was sent to the some At oom lime the fire threatened to become general. but 1t was got under control The loss w111 amount to shoat $8,000. Demme storm Is Prime edward Island. CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I., -hay 23e -A seven thunder and lightning storm posed over ben yesterday Two bones w ere shatters& A man lying beside a stove was struck by falling bricks from the lute and stunned. F. S. Adsinsalt and wife, in a house In Abrams village were thrown out of bed and Injured. The side of the bones was ton badly. Two boys were thrown from one side of the room to the other. In some parts of the country deep trenches are torn in the road and telephone lines are eolsiderablp damaged. C.ss.sa wort» D..teeyed, Owen 1toCRa, Ont., July 18. -Yesterday a dleassrnes ire broke net In the Owen Sound Portland esment work., destroying all their valuable m•ehinery The work of eminent was saved. Owing to lack of storage room and an oven supply of meant on hand the weeks were missed down some few weeks ago loss prebablj 1$.000, os whleb then Is a rupre.d jwis>rsne $11,060. The eases e(th. re le mimosa. some... won r,mast Ilrw . Dowevtla,a, July IL -Them was a largely Mseilini taaest5of the iseruss hem en IlMerda . u w► Y was deaYed to proem the t� el Ram R Rar- meet The muse. it 1s smdmawed, b y the heads a their amimiNq end act gee - MO win be massed N masa - 01D URZIE MOODY $UICIO r --- Rho try.e.4 M Ue.k.'MM A4lo.raed les a weer. Ou►usavu.u. J sly I& -The ewam.r s Miters os the death of Wale Tusk, wife .t William Wady. whose eeaaestba with the Williams tragedy Is well knows, was Mid hen ea Saturday evenieg, Mt Joao:knit was doee aid the inquest was ad for • week to await the remelt of the pot mortem maamlaatioa This wuma05, mysteriuo. death on Fri- day immense is esoluag unmet autoroo la the oommuulty, and nrtviug again fee public oumm..t tin mardl of the Wil- liams couple and the trial and c ouvicOoe of ltao W berrell as the num guilty of the erten&. Slum the thus of the tragedy Yea Meudy has bows uwtally unwound, the cause bolug attributed to the suspicious est afloat among her neighbors by the tongues of gossips, who seemed boot on axing stigma on the Moody faintly ria con • neotaun with the crime. The woman was engaged at bier huosehuld douse wb•u she fell to the door and expired a few minutes later. Dr Station at this plan, who was sent tot, expressed the opinion that death was due to strychnine .ted an inquest and port mortem .xaaninatwu were ordered. There are some who prefer to believe that tete jeleeu was admauistmd by others, but the general upinlon is Nat the wurnan did by her own hued. Hesse the result of the nulling is watched with coru.derable Interest T. ChM. ted Me, .f eke rade. NIAuaaa FAILLE. N.Y.. July 2I -Secre- tary Seers-tary Parkin.. of the Cataract Construction Company, has received uncial notice from President Langmuir, of the Queen Vctorie Park Commission that the pr•Itmluary plats of the power d.vedopmoat on the L'seada side hard been approved by the commission and by the °utero Govern- ment. This leaver the way upeu for con- tiuniug the work of preparation for coo- Nructing the power tunnel wheel, pats.stc., ob the t'auada side. 'then is no ltttle an wrest felt het. in the matter and many ere wondering when actual operations will begot ler. Rankine is reticent on the subject and gives no ides when the impor- taut step will be taken. tflgllaa Wm. a e•ssod dime. Kixusruwx. July 23 --Tine Vigilant and Brumaire on Saturday sailed their tenth race, Britannia having •ir..dy woo S and Vigilant 1. The Vigilant, when two - third'. of the race was over, had a lead of lm 17s on the Britannia When the mound mark in the the thin' round was Dowd, the time was Vigilant 5.19.15, Bratanuu Th. Vigalaut won by three min- utes and inutesand thirty nine eecuud., without ao connuug the use allowance, said to be one minutes and ten .ecuuda Italy'. Trtampk Is Ifamala. Rust, July 21. -Premier C'rupi .poke in the ;oust* on Saturday a,uoernaug the defeat of the Yandt.ta lark Beek 'and the oce9Qat1u12 tet Kasea.a The triumph of 11a1y s colonial trouts, he said, would be fo:lowd by ozceli•e% results. The Mah duos now would probably patty in their COWES of pillage .ted murder. He himself had been opposed to the oecapa:ion of Msasowah in ISM. but the Italian dig outs raised could not be hauled down Fight Itetweon apalardsand IS slay a. PARIS, Jniy ^.9. -The Matin'. Madrid curre.pwudeut say. that the tioveruur of the PWlaplauc Luanda ba. telegraphed to the (iurerutucut au account of a fierce battle between :vanish troops and flatiron Mtudaa.ao. The Span:arils were sur- prised, but they recovered speedily and drove the Maleys from toe field. The; lost 14 killed Mtn. (dang an officer and 4s wounded. The Yal•ys left 27 dead ou the 55.id. A Morose Is ties Reek M.s. Goma., Ja:y 2J -It is now certain that 141) pmenou. went down with the Dalian steamer Columbia.. which culuded with the .t u e RRussiana u, r 1 .adtmir in the Back Sea a few days ado Ail the eyidnce badly tnculpatea the kn,atan ..amen who aban- doned the Co,uinbaa and her crew and patronises* to their late, although the vas - e el floated as, hoar and a quarter after the cuilaiun. Claude Ont. NI. Divorce. Ettanao., July 23. -In the Court of Sessions, when Lard Kylleeby has been bearing evidence in the action for divorce on the grouted of infidelity, brought by Claude Alexander of Ital lochmy le, Ay rsbire, against his wife, formerly lady Deans Monlgomerie, youngest daughter of the late Karl of Eglington, judgment was ren- dered on Seturdas for the petitioner. Reese Speaks at Mrr, DuBois', Jaly 23 -O'Donovan Rows spoke at length in Birr on Saturday after unveiling the monument to the Ysnchestes martyrs. He Y.d that he doubted the sincerity of the government in the cease of home rule. He detected In England the oma old hatred at Indent The meet- ing pawed resolutions favoring amnesty of the political prisoners. Tho Trial er Raaf. towels. PAsrs, July 23 -Remarkable promotions will be taken doing the trial of haato Cssetrio, the murderer of Precedent Carnot, which will begin in Lyons on the 27th. On hie way to the court and back the prisoner w111 have • wrong polio, and mili- tary escort. The eosin house wi11 be guarded by infantry sad a battalion of I Verged Halt a Willie. Dollar& L.oron:. July 11. -Ernest Haseberger, • Donde* jute mereb•nt, has been arrested for forging bill. !or 180.000 on Sahib banks and 110,000 on Continental banks. Among bills of the 1e clam then are maid to be many of the D..lasb. bank. PrIsir Wl..es, M Rlatey, I.oapoa, Jnly IS. -Ames the winners of the prizes la the contest for the Queen's prism at Risley were: Kimbell who won 180, Davideoa 112; hell 110, Ogg tri. 1■ the shooting for the 8t (hoage% Tape Humbert' woo d. Tire Seeerge In St. r'.seteberw. Sr. Perrasetso, Jay *-The sbeisra epidemie is rapidly spreading. There are 1,000 patients, mostly teeter; bawds gad boatmen. Is the hospitals Is this city. The n ew arm average two hi5adred daily and the deaths one hundred, as assemmm Yewip.pmp Man eesesseed, Noma July toe el the ases.hfet� V l is Meshy W brei mabusM M be meths end need Ave headaed Est lila >>si ba W Yeas ewppm...11 Vb• Mr, 011eaugOWOil Dem*, Jul 15. -The Wel of r SW garrison whit Wadsemeh seemel Mete hits week ended en th~ezZ wllbwg et s. himdl.lfid ea tee aassass TROOPS LEAVE CfliG AGO "'"'t tttt.a.ea ae1i••d.rs, 5*s W bow ry, waM h 01 inns k. Vad ti. wmt d tbmtr von. aimed sad har wort The awe woes - - ameglad sed began whew they left ea Tie Federal Uoyentmeat Mlle 0f els ' whew bor m .slim No Weseingtee Moises � Wes made 15. s of Wer. t. woolen .551 lima 0.. Tame, troop'. wow, manillas the Mallet, pee. to drive away say sesames so mal . d `►.gads who might small Me Rel - Orders were received last •g st the bd-q.arsan of (ieaeral Mute tar the withdrawal at the federal troops now ea duty la sad about thin city. It 1• nowint leave the local situatloa in Me soblocalat eke euy ellen% backed by the tour regiments of state troop still ou duty. Aoourdiag to the order, however, all of the regulars soaps the Ninth regiment of Sackett, Harbor, N.Y., which will be steamed at root $ erldw lsdeenitely as • reserve fords within easy Dell if they .hosed more is train, but the railroad vassals say they have all the mea they wish. Regular pas meager trains or. run guarded by troops Total AeeMoate t. La... Lucas, Ont, Jaly 10.-WSU. Mr. S Kelly, a farmer living at Loom Cronies. in the township of MoGUlivray, was milk lag Ms sows one of tin ether .owe ran at Me oras be wsa milking mud threw the MN over, •laghtee with bar two forefeet mem his breast, teem the effects at which be iinger.d in terrible sgmy uutU noun, whoa death relieved him from his staffer - lag. Another •octdent occurred yesterday evening. William Ione, a boy IS years old, sun of Yr. George Ise, • farmer re - "Whig on the i1salL o o..:asiaa tet Ma.il- herny, while in the act of unharnessing his bursas got *mangled in the hansom The bores got frightened and ran away, and the boy, being unable to extricate blmselt, was killed. PULLMAN'S MEN AT WORK Datta Labelers Ask ear Ra-/amtatessont and are Aeoopiad Trate A realer, Arrag.ed-- A Plat to neetr.y a Orldgs Line seeped la Okiakesae. C•ICAoo, July 17. -The aaao.oaamant that the strikers N halms& were on tete point of surrendering and askingfor em- pkeymoot In the palace car worat the reduced wages, is smarmed. Thomas Heethoote, leader of the Puller•& striker*, admits that all his influence and that of the other labor leaden was required te prevent a general stampede of the work- men, and officials of the l'allmaa C.icpwly say they expect orders from beadgsmldss any day to open the car shops, w high ha,. been closed more than eight weeks. , Wyo., July 17. -The memo ben of tete A. It tL !tore tied at Laramie have voted almost uiantwooaly not to re- turn to work. The following telegram tele received from Debs: •'Ltoads in the hands of receivers occupy themes" position as all others fa this strike. The proposition was made to the tleueral Manages and has been refused. our _position u doubt;Jstrwws in cou.eq•euce Renew every effort and carry it out to • suuh. Then is nothing to be afraid of. We must and will win. (Selggued) K. Y. Drina" Carcauo, July lid -There was • ernes tlonel climax yesterday to the troubles that have disturbed rallruad circles during the pas throe weeks when President E, V. Debs of the A. R U. and hiacabinet, Via" - President Georg. W. Howard, t3weral Secretary Sylvester Keliber and I_ W. Rogers, chairman of the executive commit tee, were taken to tin county jail sad l.• e„rcerated as priauuen of the United States fur violation of the injunction tamed July 2 by Judges' Wood and Urossrup, restrals- ing them from oumbiuing and °onapparing to hinder interstate commerce treSo or toe movement of United States mails. The impala/unseat of the chiefs of the Railway l•niuu was not in any sense aa arbitrary proceeding. Although predi- cated upon what the courts regarded es an open and denial violation of orders pre- viously mooed an opportunity was afford- ed the defeodanta of presenting hoods for their appearance an court a week hetes. lot ase a.forlag la Turkey. Coxara7Tisorti, July 20. -TM suffer tag caused by the earthquakes is more widespread than was at first supposed. The fuss of property is felt pure keenly every day by the homeless and half- fad families wine have camped in the parks and cemeteries The local relief fund is entirely inadequate to the emergency hen and in the provinces, sapecially in and around Adabazar, the Cbalaldja and OS lora The sufferers hats been helpless in their wretchedness. As soon se wommant cation with the provintos shall he nsmred the reports of privation sad disease will probably 'eight to remelt the city. eeont»at iekl.ass•. tadtg.•.t. MoxrsaAy Jaly le. -Montreal C'hioa- men are very much Maimed over a disci - This proposition, however, was rejected sion of the Muotreal cooped to impose • un the ground, aa emphasized by President tax of 1100 on Chanty laundries and they i.bs after the court had r•uder•d iia nisi- I propose to fight the tax in theooartn rams, that the principle involved was one .utirely too serious in its nature to An lath Powe/ease 110111409. admit of the defendants availing them Buwrn.an. Jol7 n0.-Patrtek Kill. - selves of any technicalities that might be %sno . aged 70, an old pensioner, shot roganled as hopholes iia the law. flood. himself in the abdueseu last night. He meu ugerd std o the union le•d•n, but wee removed to Me hospital. when he their overtures were declined and the pri- died. It Is .opposed the old gentlatian omen suffered themselves to ed taken to was weak•miadet jail and lucked up. Then, nukes iia the A N.a.dred Perseus Drew.ed. meantime they Mould tin of incarceration, ftaaug, July 2l. -The Vusaiache they miff rsmai,n until Y dudes* hnorutnp;. taus rotes that a *teenier has been sank Csa. ado. July 19 -The stampede of ' a![ Slerlftanak, Province of Ikota, Russia, Pullers,: strikers has begun. It had been ! and loo persons ween drowned. expected ever sines Orbs sent his later to the railway assuagers offering to surrender An A. et C. Smash 1. mantroat as If his men were given employment again Mowr*a.at+ Jaly 11.-A branch of the T • break cam• from • Americas Railway Union has been formedh Quarter eT leastei• I L Yostreel with about 3.5 members c 1... D SOL zuspnow, close r kEEP COOLIt'st 1 ter or your health, and it doesn't cost much if you go to the right place. We're not waiting for the end of the season to make Clearing Prices this yeah. Now, when you want the Goods, .we make prices that must clear them out. Some sample items : Ladies' White Lawn Waists Se worth 2 00 for $1 25 " Laundered Shirt worth 1 50 for 955c " Cambric Blouse 1 00 for 39c Black Wool Grenadine Drees Goods worth 20c for 11 }c All -Wool, Donbie-Width, Black Ground Challie, new designs ..worth 60c for 29c All -Wool, Black Ground Challie, very latest patterns " 45c for 29c All -Wool, Light Ground Detainee 40c for 23c Union Ilelaines 23c for 16c " 40c for 25c " 40c for 25c w 50c for 25c Ladies' Untrimmed Hata, worth from 50c to 75c, to clear at 121c fatties' Black Sailor Hats, worth 25c, to clear at 10e Ladies' Jackets, our clone -marked prices from $4.23 to 15 60, every garment new, for S2 911 Art Muslin*, for Curtains, 38 inches wide worth itic for tic Boys' Blue Serge Pante, lined worth 60c for 33c Men's Goa) Tweed Coate, unlined worth $2 50 for 11 90 Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, homemade cheap at 10c for 7e Embroidered Buggy Dusters worth 75c for 49e worth 50c for 29c worth 11 25 for 75c Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Wets Fancy Whip Cords " Shot Effects . DON'T FORGET that we are making the greatest cuJc in prices ever known in Goderich so early in the season ; that we carry ererything necessary to wear for Women or Men, Girls or Boys ; that we sell as we buy, at the closest possible Cash Store Prices. • reaVib cit&I$M0t�it EVERYTHING TO WEAR. t