HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-26, Page 1LOOK AT THs DATR YOUR LABICL THIS W1M>oZ_ SEE THAT YOUR MAMit is MARKED UP IN ADVANCK. sec Tf1:119 L A.I INC 1STEW8PA PIELR OF HURON OOT VOL. XLVI. 2475 GODERICH. ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY, .JULY 26, 1894., D. tlwI1.WCIIDDY, v� LOOK AT THE LABEL ON THIS PAPER AND SEE IF PAID TO DATE. TH AFRICAN LETTER.1 Ii•es. • +-a t the �..eb.ry of the l THE DOINGS AT OTTAWA. (naumea L 18'6 this dutrwt was pr IltMfib colony under tem tee Historical Bketoh of the Cape• roe ante\ "submerse ire seam antra - e ..plivel/..e between the Owte* yid I.asti & relay Faille •tI gal Ili annex the ..ern. Ti,. :Ilusiv Correspondence. rl: sonic long time l lust, been silent, pot for tack of subject m.tt.r to mike wpy, ate from forgetfuloees, but that tytnuattag ..wry of all good re.lutions, procrasttnatioo, is as subtle and soothing hen in South Afrisa as to any other pert of tee world, sad 1 hove been its victim. 1 wrote ye, last from Helmets when 1 apeot • very pleas.mt siz mouths but the yellow lever eases fotoed me to seek ►bo more solubilities though lees geaul atlricephere of il:d Eagles& Six Summer 'meths spent hr'we's Leedom and the south of England on the down of Wiltshire ted •mo.g the .tale. of I tweet., the loveliest epos of beauty for • quiet holiday in the dear old land, agate restored the gagging energies and re- oupersted the health midst log slightly tem general debility brought &bout by • too long amours soder tropical •uua Attrectd by the s ticl.g eswep.per accounts of tM rspiJ developesot and good commercial prospects 1 onus score turned my face .-..i..tor-wards and i de time, moist the .&r ful protection' of the good steamer "Ar•wa" mow is sss.eetto° with the Cana dun t'&eifie, reining between Van mover anti 'ydney, i had the eausfacttoo of enter mg in my diary, " Crewed the Equator to day for the .lath time without • suit from Father Neptune or any of hu host of offerings and after twenty two days •teamt.g from Southwmp- too we awoke nos morning to find ourselves lying at anchor is Table Bay, wttl Cape Town testlimg white sad ooaly in the I/Nls valley and among the ravines and .'klarb" TH1 %11•1•)w Or TAnt.L v01'sTAf3 Tat I.IOs . IIEAO. 111 un to maks my lettere from ben inter - eating to your readers I must take • ntro- Ime glance at Cape Tnwn, Cape Colony mouth Atria Republics, and vie resume of their history sad how it ktpp-- that tae ooustry s principally pop- ulated et -Lb the Dutch whale the Eorlub s the dominent race. its now sourly two Modred and fifty years saw the Dutch Fast India Company, • trading; company mintier to the Rntiah East ladies Company, won its tradtag bsadyuart rs In Patera* sed Holland - took possession of Table Ray woody with the object of having always in radine•..uppbee for their pulsing ships u their long journey wooed the Caps. From the tint settlement the Hot te.tota..tarslly resented the intrusion of the foreip..e and natty were the ooadtcts that took place and lot over • hundred years the Dutch colony •tp.rieocd the hardships of poverty and were harrssesd ow all sides by their as fnrod:y black mets►btrs, showing • paralla' almost to the difficulties that b.esttheearly mitten in America. (Itis Modred and ten years after the establishing of the colony the iobahttaats numbered about ten thous ad. many of whom were Protestant Frenchmen, Hogus.ota, whom[ the remota hon of the Edict of Nantes compelled to leave their ceatry. The people to town were knows and aro known to this day as burghers" sad mill country people are " beers.., The various Dutch governors were sutra= lib the uncommon severity of their despotism and gradually the "biters.: began to "trek" remove -with all their beleagirgs, .wonting of seesaw, little and wives, bale the intsrier, nal i, �i, THL •OITaoL OF Tie T* -INrtb11,.. iiov[RfOtis. For many years the Company lost all con- trol over tbe.e rsbo4Mag wanderers, who, through their .smodio habits of Ufa, became deplorably ignorant, and their ohildres el today have inherited a large aerosol their igbnrance, supernities, and realms habits, sad it a bow an every da item u the ••wspapen to read that Jams van Rio - lack •r dish liorgboni at PM yam der Stiff or some Misr D.tek �[1ri[r.b with kis sous and sees' wives, sMb ehdldrum, their fnesd. asd aalhbew are ••trekking" to 11•r:,• go j.d, ammedoes. !ser. Ueele sesiteep (titkat.*evia.padeea, Y -ec agree er the R ►le Pim et abode, es ib• walls of the ons D fere Millag wee t am early I hiteh eiders ever ire ke.bed years ago ted steadies today b �yy.prd Mari - are shoat a tt ssS's-threw (� .base i write. The Rwldise Weeders were bated by %e Dutch is Pere as ante as were the lat- ter by the Kafiri sad llektestets, gad that hitter feelnlg of mail hatted sed enbjse- 4•a to the power mites at the Mist time a er lees is the tersest .( every hied i»taw The eMaeglieli seen eetab- manicatiou ts i imbed iteerietep�l A smote en The std vs TADS, Mica act arse required a Min of ever a Whoa poem& hues the British Oevsrreswt t• compensate the sinters ter their thirty %eared slaves. .ad plasm& the ownership 11 'sobto 'moral . eaedMeem�tthe .sedial°. peseta Ahem the 11116 ab. (*mreFre* State was Osaa(ad. The keen �t di••atinded with the &assist of mea- 1 grant d by Gregg r. r IsslHalm prohibits AY eased at three Ulan tbin 1p•� of them, H t• eeYasbl, trnkkbsd ' acmes • that tihem, [ Grasse River lees veleshery ctrl_ ranShane dy sew helms as the ••esemr M Oeste ...1 sadng , 600 sennas seshmang es ere• of SD y 100 sellas Above isi•Vose a reeds= lady of MMw'Mskbi' Metal where hr Ilse phis* wow 10*%v bassi the lltgelaelus w'aa'O1 Issas fled lees chinned • protein pouse tiof C bbay, but ten years later a es en •kaeMCr was greeted grousing a I Whatie(3oing on at the Capital sew antics aod • distinct legislators lot Natal shish today is • self (overflies British colony. The meet important di- vision of Soeth Alma outside of ('ape Colony u the Trayemi (beyond the Vaal nveri ors. it as more suitably owned TI/L .ui'TH ArKI.'AH Karr ltl.l.'. This island block of country lies directly north of the (range Free State, of which it is abut double the size, and is, so far ea government is corseted, • separate and in deped.st Republic, the boors having con -- piste lateras, sell-ge•erstnent, but acknow- The L.ir., rtaal r.b,Id, r.11e, .1 Ire May - 'mime.' Thee areas teslae na.ret. sty The floor ./ lbs tee..l.e • tier tamale/ rurr.l. Ta[ tenet ocrrespenieaoe. )TTAWA, July 21. -Waiting until nearly all the members have left for their homes, the t:overnmeot, in the dying hours ledetng Her Majesty as Suzerain. Thu part of the session, lay before the House a series ei loath Africa lake Natal ted ib. orange of railway subsidy resolutions mvolmis, an Free State wee settled by wandering hoer, expenditure of the people', money amount - who trekked from Papa 1'uiony and began tag to nearly five million dollars. is that a farming sad nutmeg cattle north ..f the Va;I Impure deal' Are thepeoples reprmsnte- i River. The too offehuots from the parent fives to have niobium to say about the mat - River. assumed a republican form of govern- ment and ler yeah aeeohationa were carried ter' There was nu earthly reason why ..n for the union of the two "pts head ' re these subsidy resolutions should net have publics, but It has never been ae' omplisbed. boon laid before Parlt•me•t early io theses - la 1860 a peculiar hietc.riel optimist took area, that not only the members, but the Semi betw.es the two goverument . Prom tomato", should have en opportunity of dent Pretono.is. of the South African Re- pabhc, mated leave of absence, which was kuuwiag when the money was rotog and granted, for six months, and .when the to record their protest if they thought the "Read" ducal parlament) met ague that mousy was hemi s.iu•ndernI. "e are told angina body received a letter from their that the revenue is declining : thea there is truant president an.nuneing that hia was to be a heavy deficit tit" yea, ; yet the Inisg in the Orange Fres State and had o;oeeru.nant can ass [ta way dear w Soto taken the oath es president of that republic, away "early five million dollars towards on which naturally caused some feelings of .lis. 151111 10g railway enterprise, often of a doubt - satisfaction among the premdeat'• late poi- tui character. A few wire -pullers club to- ittcal s•pporten an 1 terminated in war be. gether and secure • charter ; they next se- twee0 the two young eounlriea which lasted sure the peonage of a subsidy, and they for two years. From . short history of look •bout for Wye' ti who, for a price, take these stirring times 1 read that many en• the road off their hands. They the° set to easements took place bet wees the coutaad- "ark to lie. "hare "lather ruad can b° pro- 1nAt parties attended with jecte.l, slwayv is • locality where thei:ov- eronre0t can find some justification for vot- ' ••1(11T Il ...r.•Hat. t.w..n i.ir[." isr a subsidy. These railway subsidies an In one engagement alone, we are informed one way er another prove a powerful lever with • ser.ous solemnity belting the else- for the Government about eleetuo0 times. c0tnsta0cea, as many as eight pennns were \\'rete the railway subsidy resolution was before the House u0 Thursday killed and wounded not to compensate moved Limner moved an amendment that before the mossy for this pouring out of his country's blood was paid over to the railway companies the Pretonous resigned his presidency of the auditor geeeral should iovesuvate the ac - Free state sed returned, like the prodigal. counts and also that • system of "audit " to he warmly embraced hy his forgiving should be introduced to see that there was country and was duly installed again as iia no crooked work after the suhsidies have President. I do not knew is the history been paid. Sir .John 'I'hou.pon opposed of any country a parallel to this piece of this motion and he called in his majority to sinal presidency. In Marc), 1877, when vote it down. No, this would be too reset Barger was prrsideot, general diseatistac • check on the dealings between the Gov - Don crept into the administration of affairs moment mid the railway corporations or and the British mmmissioeur, lir contractors who are often very generous in The/philse sk.pstose, who was i0 Pretoria, responding to the 4.01er0me0t calla about the capital of the rep.blic, oo • special corn- election time& mammon was peotiosed by large and 'Mimeo . r•a*AY i411•1•n. tial bodie. from *11 part. of the c0o0ery to The (deeervative majority by vote in the on.ex the republic and make it part of Cope ('olo.y which a month later was d.• House have declared the Gevernmeat not dared part of British territory. This, 0/ responsible ft the a.ivandering of some course, displeased a lane onmber of boas, ft25O.000 on this cefebnted work. Haggart es well as some of the foremost politicians and burghers. Paul Kroger, who is now president, with others, went as • deputa- tion to England to protest against 100010- LHon. TMy even visited England twice with this objet and after the two journeys, and a lengthy correspondence with the Lame authonttes, they were no nearer getttag tbe annexatiee resciadd than if they bred re- mained at home. On their return after the mooed visit to Kurlaad, at • great mass meeting, a committee was appointed " te take further measures for,regaining the u- d.p.od.0ce of the people." elm 4.t10inT wOL*I.r.y then proceeded to the Transvaal from Keg. had and more than once made the memor- able amazement that England would never relinquish Mr sovereignty over the coun- try "so long as the sun was in the heavens," and a proelasnato:a set forth that it was the will of Her Majesty that the country 'Meld remain "tor ever ' a portion of the British dominions. The hostilities which quickly erned proved disastrous to the Rntish, as we J1 too well remember. The crowning disaster of Majsba Hill. coupled with the tardy reoognition by oar Government that the annzatfoa. out of which hostilities acres., was morally indefensible, mused Sir Evelyn Wood to oonelads • trite is March, 1880, bringing to an and • amiss war which bad the effects of making the Eaglishmae the wenn-bow w in the South Afno•. Republic. is 1886 gold reefs of the rich- est prospects were disoo•erd err where new the great mush -recta city of Johaames- berg L flourishi& and today the output e1 god tem this diatriet, embracing • few square miles, is .ensuing fabulous. While Jskaasnb.rg rivals Melbourne in its pre- pertiesaNiy marvellous growth. unitarily as H dose, wilts eight years, a popartioa of sheat skty themend. D. R. Mot. eerlewm Amides* se a asthma Nt*aiai, Oat, July 10. -Mr. Stuart Palmer, • yo.og man from Nes York, about 110 years of age, who 1. summering Item met with a aeries sad /what may prove fatal accident. Mr. Palmer was h bathing and while diving .tr.ek h1e bed en the bottom Injuring W spam and pb1tg paralysis of the bol CyeMii.e live .4 *Hose w Mk.diag m, are doubtful of hit recovery. A =Nta11 wormers Leas Krwra4L, Oat, July 19 -Yesterday the bares sad out bafldlags to Chea Stewart, Inks road. Ash were de- stroyed by fire tnpsthee with his hinder rod atoll 18 toes of pressed hay The lees wUl be beewees woo and $1,600. The Om was eared by tlhiedr a prying with aM-beq No etwmem Sem es*eta'7adlwea~wee. Seed >6 " S.aiakt " Seep weepers bearleg the weeds (" Why talar a Weems Leek JId Sesser Thee a Mw'► te Laver Brea. Lit, ea On[taak. TerwM s re wW waive by past w psi, Oster% law leets .ivsrYiqs, soil well worth hamlet This is r may way le deeerMs year hum The map le IM bent is the aerobe salt R .la 'sly cwt is p u M mad is the N yea brow the i era ALAI per ami ries kae. 11 is trying to throw the responsibility upon the friends of the Minister of Public 1Vorhs, Col. Ouimet, while the latter holds that Haggart and his deportment should be held responsible. W'tes I state that there is a family quarrel between these two members of the Cabinet I state what 1 knew to be a !met Subsequent developments wi1l estab- lish what 1 say. There is en interesting` beta fight going on just now In misisterial circles. The Coaesrvatiyes of Ontario, I refer to the Tory members from that pro- vince, are up in arms over the way they have been diegnod by the Qebec Tories. They say that they had hardly got through defending the t ;ova nment in the McI;reev-. Connolly- !Angevin scandal before they were asked to stick by the Government in eweanoy there had been no crooked work in connection with the Carron Rude job and it did not end hen fee they have bad to stand by and declare that Tur,otte had act- ed straight and had not forfeited his seat is p•rliamwt Then they ked to whitewash Cron and his friends. I. it • weeder then should be one kinking Tal 1lrarori. The work .t the sessien is practically over, and what has it amounted to' Nearly five million dollars have been voted away, as i stated beton, for railway subsidies: 11750.000 has been voted for a fan Atlantic steamship surviee, while in tie dying boars of the eessiw: when it wee tee tato for the Homes to dacu.s the items supplementary esMmates were brought dew. Tet out of the tresswry 11,800,000 her saadry public weeks. The Geverwm.st well knows that e asy of the Hesse will trot hear isitician and they delay bringing tie estimates down until the majority of the es.mbere have left 1.r their homes. We have shoo bad presented to the House . "Tariff dill," a hill that was to relieve the bertha of Jac. Wei It was set • week attar fes Minister of Fissile, introduced his bill, sad the feet west to the o,sstry that the Goverss,ent had nt..de sweeps' rededies, in the eue- tmw &Cie, that the preset of n.t.rati.s 2a� yid from that oat ail the day W pard, es Friday, the Minister kept ea aeMerinl the nates of duty te the old nab meta sew it Mtamd, as a msuum..t of the tieaub MaUag the (levernls.t is prepared M die ia order to deceive the siaste at,, Tbe vesey hill hes hese dropped es hes Jae the frs.,iies est. A YAWL'? 4PA0a1I" • No Monger schism .f the discard the prevails i. the Cahoot maid be asked thaw the sews that took pee la the Semite n. Thursday between Sir Freak Smith sail Wishner Angers The letter bad tiearg, of a O.►ersfasat haves.. hilt He proposed an ameadmest that heti boos ed is the Livery," etc, will be published is early numbers of 1 arper's Weekly. It:will bg illsetrnted by Carleton, and the estate novel will he eoataiaad is two tomes of the Weekly. HAarla's BAZAR. - l ouotry sad garden party toilsti., designed by tbe leading modiste of Parr, wt11 appear in Harper's Rarer from week to week during .July sad Asgust. " Beyond thr Ureas, of Avarice," Walter Ilosa it's now novel, will be the lead- ing serial .tory a story which promises to be of surpassing interest, ..d which to its title suggests • subject that Ma seldom in abs history of this °oowtry hese more Jlur log tuts at the present period. HAarI5's MA...t/t\t. 'Trilby' end. in the August Harpers', and the same number metuas the seemed instalment of Chutell Ihid ley Warmy 'a story entitled "The 11:01d.. Nouse." A more complete change of scene from the old world to the new could scarcely have been effected, for ND. Warner's story is intensely American and modern, and its developments from month to month will be awaited wish eagernem. The Isle in New York Pity is faithfully mirrored in Mr. .medley's drawings that illustrate the text. Tut. M[THoui'•T MA..,, s 1 r„u AI.:r.T, --Thu number commence with • very at• tractive article by Mrs. Judge Cermet', if l;seawall, enusled, " A Rainy !Day on Mout. t Her m,n, and Soens in I►amascus," fully illustrated. Another paper, with tine en- gravings, Is. " Over the Semmering Railway and Through Styria," by the Editor. " lin. taatba,neand Her Good Work.,' by Mary 1;. Rursett, shows how close the groat Eng- lish statennan'• wife was to practical syn• patby with the unfortunate classes of society. Another ph thud hropic article, showing forth *pontos charity, is entitled, " A Colony of Mercy," by Kate T. Sizer. Toe methods of the Salvation Army aro considerably worked ieit nn tbe.e Lina " Light in Dart Planes, describes mission work at the Floreace Nightingale Mesion, New York. The Scotch parsonage story, "Spindles and liars," illustrated, gives glimpses of native character which are very interesting. The Cornish story promote some pathetic scans. This number toads the temperance story, " The 1 tragoa and t he Tea -Kettle." `hurt papers on'•Chns- ttan Art and Symbolism," " The Barren Ground of Northern Canada," " Methodist Deaconesses," and • review of Mr. 6 Rob- inson Lees' book, "Jerusalem illustrated,' with notes of the various Conferences, give the readers of this Magazine ever one hun- dred pages of excellent reading matter. Price, 82 a year : 11 for air months : 10 cents per number. Toronto : 1\'illtam Brigge. S'ttt:v[Hi MA"AZINE for August is a fic- tion number, as it has been the custom ter seven years. It swains six complete short stones, by H. C. Bestow, T. R. Sullivan, William 11. Shelton, W. Gaily Hewitt,uc- tare l'iaon., and Harrison Robertson, the author of ase of the most famous stories ever published i Scribner s, " How the Herby was %Von." All those stories are dia- ti.guished by an individuality and delicate fancy that maks them of unusual .tuality, even for the high standard of short fiction in American magazines. Mr. Benner, in •' Frisch for a Fortnight," describes the adventures which befell • strict clergyman while living with • French familyon the Bros:, near New York ; Mr. Rortson's " 4h. and Journalism " is • love story that end. right : Mr. Shelton, in " The Missing Evidence in the ('ase of the People genus 1►angerkiog," te1ls an old•fashiroed deter atm, story of the most ex0ftur kid:Octave l'ranne's " The Find of Books " is • peep into the future, when books and newspapers will be furnished by the phonographin• steal of type; "An Undtseovered Muder," by T. R. Sullivan, is • tale of real imagina- tion, while the element of simple pathos is furnished in the little sketch, " Awaiting Judgment," by W. Cr'aily Hewitt, an Eng- lish writer new to Americas readers. The Betio. is beautifully illustrated by Um - Wipe, Sterner, Hatherell and the distia- geiabed Fried' artist, Rebid*, in addition to the short fiction there is se amu.inr ia• stalemate of George W. Chide% aerial story, "Jobe March, Southerner." THE DEATH REOORO. SNEVD. --Thews ..pd, a well -knows and mush reep.etsd bourse m.a of (rode - Ash, passed away cm Thursday last after • preleased illness, u his 66th year. He was an old resident of this senior, ad was held in esteem by a large .irate .1 ao,uaint- mess. The fusers! Sunday last was ander the *espies. of the C.O. F..0d A. O.1 7. W. esjoiatly and was tweedy attended, the fusers! rites of loth orders being celebrated at the grave. R.v. Jas. Bdar aro otlaciat ed. Brethren from ltrsgs..oa, 7Clintor, RSamiller, Auburn and the local ledges took part in the proosssien. His wife and dssgbtsr who survive have the sympathy of the entire oesawnrity. Driteamiow--Donald, wooed eon of Neil Deseessor, of (trey. died or Sunday, July 15, sheat 12.30./[ofasswtion of the Iusgs. He had sot been fettling well for a few weeks bet was able te take the milk to the eases* fa tory a Thereday and was up and deemed we Friday. A pbysiai•r wsa sailed bet too rte to render mash aid and the vital spark fled as stated above. The de- ceased was herr ea the 1111 me. of Grey, where his Must still midi& (Men.. -Last Astrgjsy, July 14th, the -eeseeger Death asked *del., the mooed sed dearly beloved d dee(ittsr of Teresa, and sad Teresa O'Neil, of blestreal, formerly of anomie, away. 8M died et the home of her parents, 40 St Hoary sliest, of Ansi aged 10 years sad 43 days. The t was made at Arthur, (Welling. tee al..) esmsotory. Caaes.se by Sir Joh Rueter : A vb lear .g cow bertag to Sid. Trask, whet Is eke • absg of sue (atMaetSa. l.md.. Road, warn kIlyd by M.� without et/ells, osad N. MI.i•taw jpolll y� peccaries paerieg le the 1114 early Nowell wW with S1r p�k alai sus Small Tsasday voneshg. Wises dktew.nd every ttF..ld set W!d p••••010•000.the••••010•000.••••010•000.Attanew*pems e 81 rd pair Wes harmed .t her. . persisted g Me eon "111••• M W wins wee u.esud to half her Tata.. Sae leder. Tbe s.Sartsent was hewgpr auks 1 Ian.. R her, .t 1►s (atetea teed by Mises, but N was de'ested. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. H•a.1rt's WWI LT. -- " Miei�dafeBMW a aged ted, os e1 "Am * p Pang.,' e1(Dis*ati 'heewy, are h.vi.g a sew Miler pet fa oars sew ssaeke Mask wonted, the ad Iles, stew Issag ~vim, MM. lead ddb► Mme The great is helm sloes b, the wig inestiet Misr maser, A. Omelet, of Ong► FROM OVER THE BORDER. Neave Note* from Washington Will There he any Turtle Leeklas/on T- rees/deal eleveis.d'. wrat[at Talk Is The .reale-senator testa nears -The *agar Treat. Tut N.oitaL correepode ce \‘ASHiNGTuN, July 23 -- Will Piero be any tariff legislation at th•s Damien otl'onyrees' That is the conundrum which everybody in Washington has been try fog to gums ever since l'reatdeot llevelud, through chairman Wilson, sprung that re• markable letter, favoring the original Wilt on bill and opposing the Senate hill, on 1'oogrms and the public. At this tome there 1. a dead lock apparently as firm as a granite mountain between the House and the Senate, each standing by its own tariff bill: but these Congressional dead locks have • way off getting unlocked just at the tome that everybody thinks they have be- come permanent and this one may not prove i an exception. Had the 1'reetdent been , more diplomatic in the language he u.ed I nonoeralug his party members of the Senate then would be more probability of an agreement : also of future harntooy in the Itemocratic party. It is stated that the letter never would have been made public it Mr. Wilma had not ascertained hat a movement was on Mt to suthorl/c the House conferees to I agree to the moor important Senate amend- me0t• and that sixty Democrats had prom • ised to vote for it, which with the solid Re publican would have come dangerously 'tear to panting such a motion. .As •hewn by his j letter Mr. Cleveland prefers no tariff legie• i tatios to the Senate bill with its duty en Deal, iron ore, and other o-oelled raw ma- r rials, o the letter was made pgblic to prevent the surrender of the House. The conference oommitwe will resume its meetiafts this week, but with each side in- structed to stand by la own bill there is , little probability that any agreement will be roaches by the committee and less that It would If reached be accepted by both I House and Senate. Public opinion may bring about an agreement when it has had time to make Itself Wawa in Cooper. There can be no doubt that the public wants I this tariff boatmensettled at this session, in buena, • that buna, con ham. • chasm, sad it ought to be an easy matter for each side to I a give sad take until a oompromiee upooes which both can stand without 1/of dig. pity is rescind: but only a strong pressure !& of public opinion will make them drop their personal tight long enough to do it. It will be a long time before those who heard Senator Vest, in the coupe of • very belligerent speech antagonizing the course of President Cleveland on the tariff bill, tell what Senator Hill's delouse of the Presi- dent reminded him of will forget either the words or their reception by the Senate and crowded galleries. Mr 'Vest said • The speech of the senator from New 'York re- made me of • desperate murder case in which 1 was counsel for the defense, and where 1 was obliged to plead the aboormel ms moral weaknand obliquity of my cheat, which made him incapable of committal, cram.. After the acquittal the man came to me and said • ' i am obliged to you for having got me off, but 1 would rather go to the peottentIar.. y for lite than hear that speech amain. Representative Msiklej. n, of Nebraska, has introduced is the House a hall imposing a duty of 1100 en each and ramlien Immigrant aving in the U. l., exo,ptn those who come at the request of • relative who is a eitl7en of the United States. The exception noted u interesting in view of the recent ruling of the United States Commis sioser of Immigration, that itis • violation of the .lien 000treet law for foveae born citizen• .f the United States te .end for their relatives an Europe and promise to ob- tain or give them employment on their arrival. The gold reserve in the treasury is down to 161,000.000 which is lower hy several millions then it by been ,lose the reserve fund was established, but it does sot seem to M worrying any ot the officials to any marked ex teat. SteatiteTSteatite oommittes on territories hes practically decided to favorably report the bill for the admission of Ancon. and New Mexico, but whether notion tion eau b. OW • than at the present session will de- pend largely upon eircumstanose yet to be developed The eurgtreat investiration has been re. for the purpose d investigating the o . made in the New York Herald that oertti0 Boasters periured themselves when they testiff.d under oath that they had sever bought stock of the sugar trust. While this charge is .n limo with masers n which have been *arrest heeines the Senators testified, it is regarded as very doubtful whether it ass he substantiated by legal evidence Cast itis behoved that ste. e ach evideoe is i■ oxisce, but that ostt will be heed ever the beads of guilty Senat- ors for lobbying purposes instead of being submitted te the ievestigeting e0esmictes. mess ew ler them Mimi is that when it was gives out this. the oasmittee would met reopen the investigation the guilty ease frightenedwefrightened by • published awry intim- ating that this evidence would be used be. fere w (head Jury to gotmw me indiott for perjury against a Su ssater. 11 ea .serep el rise perms had as order for the nerekses of sew creek, writhes sed eigsed hy • 'seat w mo Who has ewers that he ver bought say .l el the eek, it is easy toimagism that it weedbe • powerful whip. COMING ANO GOING. John iiharmas left on Tuesday Cur Wood- stock. " Donley Jobotoa masted Blyth this week. C. Mcl'hatl arrived home from Buffalo on P'nday. F:. X. Lewis, barrister, was in Clinton o0 Mosday. Mass Jaffray, tel Celt, a mating Mrs. C.A. Nairn. L Swer:s, of Hayfield, eras i tows ea Sssarday. i. J. I'ndham lett on Friday for • trip oil nt iCambria. ea Frank Beattie, of Slorth, was is tows ea Saturday. Miss Mary Crabam, el Detroit, is vsltinr friends in town. ca John T. Healy, typo, of Chigo, u boli - slaying is sown. F. Hammy, of Denver, Col, s meting In town for • few days Mrs. Turner and three children are vie. Haig at Manchester. Mw Ede I.utto°, of Kincardine, is Se- eing friends in town. • ali Percy Shepherd, ot Tomato, is ening his parents in town. ,__.. Mus Yates is the guest of Mrs Blair,Auburn, this week. Mies Flora 1►oyl. is home for her holiday's from Chatham College.Miss Cooper, of uoderich township, is visiting friends in town. Maes Alice ,Sates, of Ware, Mass.. is vu• Wag her parents u town. Miss t'lara hates left last week on an et - landed meinto Hay City. Mies Trainor, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. sad Mr. It. 1:, l:eyoelda. Kincardine Reporter Mrs. Daniels, of (.oderlcb, is at .1. A,.drew's. Will Roberton returned to Toronto on Timidity atter • pleasant holiday. Exeter Times Mn. G. Kemp and chit dree are visiting friends to I:odench. Expositor Mrs. W. Pickard and family have gone to Coders\ for two weeks. Miss Kate McLeod is milting relatives i■ the neighborhood of Ripley thee week. Miss Maggs Burrows leaves on Thursday on • vont to be sister near Parts, that. Messrs. W. T. Yates and A. H. Carr, of \Vingham, were in town os Friday last. Mow May Young, of Clinton, is ,tatting in town, the guest of Mrs. l:obt. Johnston. Haydn Williams left for Muskoka Tues- day last to put In a portion of his holidays. ('harts t;arrow, who has keen •tndyisg t Toronto University, a home for the hob. days. Mise Iona Burnett, of Berlin, is visiting t the residence of Samuel Cox, St, Patrick's treet. AUCTIONSALES- - S�ALLES• partheir ties All &him les .111 lama free solos 1.501.4 h this ,fat es te the time et We Arur•wr arm. -Amities sae e1 bermes, barsees, sorts, budgies, ha, es leterday, Mess pi at 1 e.ek rim., at Saidabad, 0.Lb nsh. Me ewe. Tereus 0v0eet. Ase4w.M. Kincardine Reporter • Mrs. Seeger, ot Goderich, has been theguet of Mrs. Pem- berton. Mies Susie .Junior, of Clinton, is vutt.ng in town this week, the guest of blies Sarah Morgan. Leo. McIntyre has returned to Toronto alter a two weeks' mint to his parents an Saltford. R. McLeod, of Seatorth, has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Goderich. Brussel. 1'nt : Mies Elks Wilton has gone to (;oden.h, where she hat taken a situu,o0. Lueksnw Sentinel Mimes Minas ('raigie sad Nyda Hutson, of Coderich, are vuittag hero. Miss Ilertha Farrow is visiting at Mut- vale, Hruesela, Ktpley and Kiacardie dur- ing the holidays. Jas. Addison has returned from Victoria Harbor where he had been Inspsctinr lum- ber for the pier .mento.. Capt. K. Morrison, of the fire tug, Detroiter, Detroit, hitch., is spending a few days with his mother in tows. Windsor Record • Ethel Heater, Vic• Loris ave., left Thursday to spend her vacs• tion with en•t Io derich. Glgar I)osglaafrids ; , of the coelom. depart- ise0t, Toronto, is n town enjoying old Huron's brewer for • few days, Geo. (;ox, J. P., 6th emaresion Goderich township, is, we are pleased to say, renew, snag from a stroke of paralysis. Free Press • Mester ('baster Mehra leaves tonight (Friday' for Cionp Mc('.u- bery, Coderieb, to spend his holiday.. W. M. Andersen, of St. Louis, Mo., was is town Saturday last. He was attending the funeral of his !mother in t/ungan.00. Thee. Burrows and Gen. Healey took in the excursus to Sarnia and other places last week. They report having red an enjoy able time. P. 1.yen, sr., left cm Sunday by the tag Tbempien for a visit. to Port Heron. He was accompanied by his brother who cache up on the Thomson. Mrs. H. Young, who has been vuitiayg Mr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jainism* Reid, left en Wednesday for her home in letrott, by the ear. Cambria. Mies Skelton, who has been attending the ('ollogiete Iaseitute here dories the peat year, .11 town Tuesday last to ,pend tee bolid07. at Norweh, 1 ant O. (i;.• 614... Dad his son, ,Julian, .1 tet, Lown, Me., is the guest of Capt. Gibson, Mayfield goad. They are taking mesh pleasure oat of their visit. footer Times : J Rieke, who ie teach- ing school in Goderich township. s home far viatica. H. is looking well and is well reamed with the people and minutiae, John Graham, !r , employed In McBean'• saw mill, bad the erisfortumo to gat hie log mashed between two Ings on 'Thursday lest, as a emesque.oe hs was laid .R ter a few days. Free Pries Masten Josh Ferreira, Fred F.ltiott, ('heater Melanie sad ,laik 11. Dewar, .f imodes South, have gone to ramp Met nehr.y, near (:nderieb, foe the Summer. Lsekmow Sietti.el r TM Kirk, with D. McDeaald, has gone mar :62 esu, where be bas waist a geed ARE YOU IN ARREAR? If Bo, Pay Up and Be Honest. If yes have Received %Oiler Io ray 1 p N tee at see, II yen ba.e.'o bees 4ell lied Lest ■t year Lobel awe bee Mw 11 Mud.. THERE art. • nunlbrr of our .ul� scribers to whom we desire to talk plainly. They west Tui 'il... tI. and would feel an- noyed were tbu office to wase sending It tc thea[, but they never think pi paying for the paper when payment is dee. tine dollar iu advance will buy • copy of THY. Si..-, u. for • whole year, and the man or woman who cannot, or will not pay that amount should hate the common honesty to pay all arrears up to date au 1 muse tak- ing it. The:expense of running a paper like Tir W... it. runs over $50 • week. and the em- ploys must be paid weekly and the pleat and material connseted with the running of the eeneern must be paid for when due. For this reason we expert esery honest .uheenber to pay up at once. The other fellows we don't want at a11. We wet every honest subscriber who is [advertently tet arrear 10 '\ amine the label on his paper, and to pry all arrearage o0 or before the first August. After that date a blue pencil mark will be placed alongside of Hoe item on the ,•per addressed to every delinquent, and if that hint be not sufficient the matter will bre put In /Hilt. t fur list must be .11 marked pall rep. even If we have to cut it in two. S"becrtpttonshersafter mast be (ash when ordered. THE CURRAN BRIDGE STEAL. Montreal Witness " In any otbercoun• try than In ['.nada such revelations would be followed by the resignation of the l:ov- Cnn meat. " TorontoWorld Tarry. Hun, .lchn Hag- gett and the 1;•ieroment at ()Mier& have frankly admitted that the department of Railways and I'anal. was grossly defrauded by the contractors and others identified with the construction of the pow notorious Curren 'badge. Some of the Government officers have been dismissed In disgrace others may fellow, and there is every reason for refusing to pay sixty thousand dollars and over, the unsettled claims of St Louts, the contractor, until he clears his skirts, if he out, of being • party to the fraud. Toronto Empire . It is Nutto apparent that the public have been robbed iso a large orale In connection with the ereitton rd the Curran bridge over the 'Achim" canal in Montreal, and the revelations bay• laid bare dishonesty of a very ttasrant kind. There seems to have been systematic swindling tarried on in cotnectlot with the work, and the public funds have been etploited to • shameful extent. The evidence brought nut both in the preliminary enquiry and be- fore the parliamentary committee indicates • very oomplet.e system for hoodwinking the department and making the country pay an Immense sum which want into the pocket* of dishonest person. Toronto News 'Ind.: But the main fact ID the business is that the robbery which took place an co0sectron with the Curran bridge a the direct result of the weakness shows by the iovernnient in deal- ing with proven boodIers is 1R•tl and sub .- guestly. Had Sir John Thompson carried out his pledge, given three yeah yo. to let no guilty man escape the people of Canada *001(1 cot to -day be mourning the lose of 8143,000 i■ Dee contract. Had Portray, Rurg.es and every other suspended official been dlsmiseed : kid Arnold., McGreevy and ('otnolly been allowed to spend their Lull time is jail : and had Caron been dis- missed iemissed :is ,disgrace from the House, Government boodles would have taken warning • ••i y a result for every dollar spent in the last two years the people would today have a dollar's worth of work to show for it. as dispenser with Jonathan Miller, the pito Lal beat e1 the Albion. Mies Adelaide .leekell, of near Exeter, who bad been taking up first -else work at the (.11egiate I.etilute hen during the past year, returned to her home Toesdey lest, having written on her ezamittatioo. Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Arnetrl.g, ot Ise - eon, are oocspyinv the house of Mr and lira C 1:. Armetron(, (luebec-et dons* the .beene of the latter, who aro iday• Mg to the province of New Bru.swie K. Campbell, Jac McKay, and D. lir. Nielsen, who had been working on one ej Stookey & ('ram's dredge, on lake kit; Clair, arrived how nn Friday per SV. Cambria, the dredge having rid .p for • time. Menem. Barclay Coyle sed Prof Harter, of Wyandotte, Mich., were visiting at the residenive of .las. Doyle, Church et., derby the west. They owns from sorsa by wheel and left os Weds sdav ler a trip to New York. DUNGANNON. Wsl.inenAT, July M. CoNnot.tte. s. --The following resolution et esedelwee has hem received hes Mrs. Meliaig es bebalf of the oosgr.ptlo. of Rr.kim, thunk The congregation of Rrehi.. church, Dungannon, hami.g a letter read on sabbath, 27d Wet., showing that your beloved son, .1. Walley McCaig owns to e death hy drowsingwhile is the p•• lormence .( his daises, desire to e evens to you their heart -telt sympathy sad undid- secs, in the bereavement ea sedae.ly sail enespeowdly eeme apse ye. Ceeeessrl- leg 7001 M 41,d rix ..Aside., essefert and en►miesiss, to His seder the try• in. dispesea4r of Hi R. A. 111rtmtr. Ushers* i Pia. add his lam. d 50 acres, nee. a. es Mealy M Joh Prase. 15.100. •