HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-19, Page 8$ 6lwtrsl Shearers Consider A11 the Troub4 at an End. ▪ 940 ARBITRATION COMMliS10N p announcement from the beaJyuart.rs of t the Auerican Railway Union that a deter i mi..w1 effort is to Is toad• to ipvoke the • Federal laws against the members of the 1 .en.•.al '.lar sgen As11uciat:.11 anJ that w it a the, ,reel w view a couf.rrnre will ire held to day between W. W Irwin. ut Mtunraiedir the principal comae; fot the men arrested for pertictpetfon tai the i Homestead {tots. ami • Lumber of h»cal ate •rti-ye Mr. Irwin. It I* Cat A. ie nue. un ter way to Chicano in company with A • prominent member of the Knights to • 1.*le.r who was sent to enlist hie eefvtc*s • in ttelmdl•tsl-4hr 1'Dion. • The otitieipatel he up of bushiest en a remit of the .ywl•atl.tie strike order is • wed by the rwl.teaeutsttre• tat the allied t trades. mail the appeal to the KutgLts of late., of lir Sovereign, did not taverna- ., Ire 10 auytvinb'le *Juno. The must radi- cal rrl.orte kept the total that has so far resiceided within 15.000. It 1. claimed. ✓ however. Chet sei.inv of the unions are so aituetad that they eann..t shat duan at oats and that the full effects of the tie nn til! not la apparent before the end of the {Uptake Sai'RAatriTO. Cal., July 1:. - The Soothers' Pacific l'ornpany broke .the biocide at Zaoramento yesterday sad the engin* that hauled the first train out lies OH It. hack in a slough bl the aid, of a br..ken.brid.'e with three of td» cars that l mal.. try, the trait, ✓ l n ter the wreck in neve and.lino of t - stegnani water 1}t, -toe bodies of nisi - f•• neer who Ite.d the throttle rind th sal: discs wbu were guarding hien. Th4 dead are 9...gin.er awtnrl (irk sol pnvate+ Berne. Lubbewlen and ('larks.. Severs) other men were iijtired and vas of them will probably the. This 01 West- ley IMgatl, alter a private in battery 1.. of the Fifth .lrtia.rr. One of lite arms sir torn from its thicket mud broken in three plxtw end hes ' w w b k IMOl ussset.sles App.l.ted by a -rename t'ievdaW Bas S.. Pewee Mye.d le- vselic tine the Strike Tie l'rape.0 iee neat to the . _ oieeesst Maoaeera. Cue au0. July 1': -The west Important development in the latter attoattuu is the t t 1 1 1 t 1 a is as ro en. The strikers deny rs.puosibi.tty for _111el dissent. '1'le r leaders hovb esprts,ed hoar et- at it slid hope tits it will be the last art of Tio:ence in the strike. They any that they cautioned their turn taut to oppose the law and to arced violence of sort. The s tiltets are raiding Teti one seetiiona-of the city for strikers, with setas They have found ).any guns and other weapons. CBlrsO.u, July 13. -'Whatever {tufo:e hl the t 'Weep./ railroads are now baveig rasemtte" trivial to compatlsun n ith the con ditiome which misted • week ago w* to be cowerthy of anention, and themes -lily no. ptuydig *motion gives pentane that a normal date of •ff.ire on ah Tines will:be restored within s day or two Iteh..ria of r.ilewele to the inners' Managers Aomori& slap are all tat oke. strain and uidieste that the strike is over s.r far as the rsilro.als are concerted. Su :oufident ere they that the ttnubie it over that they haws decided W close the bureau of inform4uoti ( 0 nectwl with the tnrtittitiun this evening • At the hasslquarters of the America& Hail way ('ntoo then was no falling off in the-nihansom or an the clams of Ultimate Victory. The officer* insist that the strikers were resettling tlrm. and that they were be- ing reinforced.' ! The rev,* received from the 4.lirers of the various local trade erganizsti,ui placed the number of men that had gone crit in re.pou.e to :he cell st 11.000 to ;hi,felit but 00 anthentie figures were produced to prove this state- meot. • The cflir•ers end directors of the union held • brief cottfenoee with W. W. Erwin. who hos beeA retained as epochal coulee -I. but no dollen. line st policy was {sapped out. rovnix0Toe, Jnly 13. -Tee mat to the rVnit.•d States of putting down the railroad striae u. the west is estimated by (:overs- • menu officials at fully SLOW 0911. - MonenaAi_ .lniy 13 --The big Chicago Nrike u wakutg itael( felt here in differ out way.. The railroads and steatuehipa are profiting by it. while the Richelieu .t Ontario Navigation Comtsny are feeling at by s heavy falling off in their passenger tralbo Tile 4 *naLau i'acifir trains fur the west are the benvieet yet known. The paralyzing of the fntalit traffic fr.•m the Amencart west basiven a buten to the European market* and the stestu.Lip lines are beginning to reap a benefit. The boom ie being felt moo: distinctly in the cattle bide. tote*ro, July 14 -Engen. C. Debt who ordered the great railroad strik.,mnde one mon ineffectual attempt looking to a settlement yesterday He drew up a formal proposition to the general managers agreeing to have the men rctnrn to work at once provided they be reinstated with out prejudice. Thee proposition was taker. to Mayor Hopkin* wbu presented it to Chairman St John of the General Managers Association. The ;association was not in •..pion, bet after individual members had been consulted it was re- tained 1.. Mayor Hopkins without answer and with the information that no ism Mune anon whatever from Nobe. Howard Md Koliher could be received or considered by the managers ase.riation P,••_,dent Delo wee used by • reporter 'if he had s.id the strike was off He replo.l " That statement is • nare (abn mann and has cannel harm to oar ranee LIMN ne one that the strike has been de eiarnd off. or anything which could be twisted into that me :tog. All 1 said was that . prop...111 ,0 had been rode to the pits ty rnsI s era hooting toward• • eettle went of the strike.' N AXnuX..rovt, July 14, -The President was somewhat ,annoyed yesterday by the p.ra,.t.nt attempts tit Isom. enartere 14 Make it appea lbs be lied appointed an arbitration boar 1 let the ryrineet of :hs labor I -•den Nothing is (nether from ' the truth. The cuwmiritn which he has 1 sgrwl to appoint. ■tJ•r the law. has no power kayoed that of making s general :n Tstlg.tam of the strike orf the nilrn.rls Which led to Isla proclamation D wit' have no authority to investigate the differ - mesa bow: en the Pniiman Company and iM em!'l.,yee A •egatos Maas 1).al.. s Tbe.oaTo. Juts It -David I,,we. • me ran saes on t\$OISnd Trunk, did not es • tags booking down on him while he was at work at the Western oaten market tee noisy, and it ran him down, wetting off ▪ litgs elms In hs Andy He lived only *Ise iniwae& . J THE SIGNAL: GODERI:H, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 19. 1894. NEWS OF THE DISTRI`°i I^ 1 7118 STRIK SIT1TAT1O9u. & C0.1 W. ACHESON & SON From our ows0erreepeadeste. are,..wtas • tall rasp el a e x ,x • s non is S.Aetiasten sire Taos lasses n* Mad •aywhere 5i. -sews e/ tete Gwent, ll♦scesnt la peeled tee Ile Weal NIUCEFIELD• Trt oat, July 10. 1W. M$.jues•, of lielleville, is speeding • few well•esrsed holidays under the parental roof. ,1 r. and Mrs, J..lannewo, of t:droku:g. Itakota, are visiting their many (rends here. The loep.ctor of post oboes •..tied our office yeaterlay and we are credibly inform ed there will be several prosecution+ for vi tat:oa of the Canada Postal Act. C. F. Harter M. 1.1'. foroato se reported M saying that "in all in the by* elections to come. Mr. Meredith will sweep the c)uairy.' Poor man he tonal have been thtakteg of "eggs We believe we are credibly informed that a prominent Pare Conservative wiil Le prosecuted for tampering with • Deputy. I:elurning Officer's lust of voters. to the meentiws it is hardly necessary to pus any eutilneata. I tire t • M 1.1101*. The many fru nils of Mr. sod Mrs. Cooper. formerly of the M111 Tack•tenutb, but now of Biennia, wtl regret to learn of the death of their 'Myatt/toe, Frederick t:. Mr. Cooper died in the 'General Hepta at 11'euipeg on June 30th, of •.use tsttsuinatien. Ile had for tae past three year. been ♦n employee of the l &sadists Pacific Ilailway at Winni- peg. and was htghly esteemed by nix feilow- aorkmeu. He was just entsrieg manhood, being only 20 year's and 3 week& of age and was • promising young man. The remains were tutored iu h:.te,ash where his parents now nsnle. The sympathy of many Huron fiends sill he ruteoded to the bereaved parents and f&wily. Seaforth Expositor. • BLUEVALE. Ti I..o*r, July 1:. --`lrnre-M the jarn to ore cutting their Fall wheat: Wm. Smith is moving into his ot•tl house this week. , Aix MCNera, rester, wine visiting hen last week. - r. ..c 7 CJI ."&lessra.`Ch... Wheeler aidJ. Young sur dated here. .lectin Messer, of Listowel. su.dayed in the village 54 tickets were sold at *literate station for Guelph on the 7th of July_ Jai. Nadia mhohad hu load tae is huff k Stewart's mit is getting armed n:tea lye Mrs. Jas. Pomeroy Intl i retest. of Lon dos, were :sure fug old ai,lualntau es here bast week. ttuite as etciliDg penis of football was pla)ad bore on Saturday evening between 1'erubsrry sort - Bgeorsls, re.uktug in a i awe - - DUNGANNON. Nome- The local agency to frungannon for 1 HJ 1.114.01•1 u at the osteo of J. 1•. Ward. J. 1' .conveyancer. ac., who will receive e1. :ere lair subscriptions, •.!remising and •eb »ata. and le auGur,eed 10 give receipts for amounts pied for taelbaw Tet*utr,.luly 17. 11. .Iia During sar,week Mts. FM: - burn, wile of Bev. J. Fairlawn, lett here to visit at 'Ibrootu. Ih a..a•.n,irt. Acnoa . \Ire. 'W. .1. S.nylh u visiting relatives at Kiscerint. Messrs. T. E. Durbin and D. Bickl., Ieft I. ere on Tuesday morales en route for Manitoba. VIA l.odench. 11. wish them a pleasant tour and safe return %Puri• III t:,,•11u..1,r. TH. hi,. ti. deserves great credit for laving given a re- bleed tabulate.) statement of West Huron's !mount which ritually leaves no room to doubt as to successful return of Mr. Isar row, %I.I'l' , for aoo•tier term to the Pro vin Is! Parlament. H %1s to. As the hay -rep us Dearly tie Dished and Fall wheat rapidly matured, te constyueoce of excess in head and dry wencher for the last week, some of the farmers were obliged to leave the b.'a•:os of the crop hey to abeyance in order to re cure the Fall wheat crop. Tits 1'itecl - I in Thursday last there must have been a lune attendance at the circus in s oel•rtch as teams might be see, paring early in the morning en route for the circular city, coa.eltng beaus and belles. u also more aged people to take in the sights of tie mets. unite • number of our toe molecule were there Tit Ifni. `everal or our citrons, as al - *o a large representation of Itungsnonn and Nile Lodges of the Orange Order, took to the eelebrstion ot the battle of the Moyne, on Thursday. They report a very large as .emblege of the brethren from all pninta besides • host of citizens. The weather was excellent for the occasion. Thus another 12th has cone and gooe. Rtt• W*•rst.. Owing to the elreesive heat and drought which have prevailed for the past few days our eitt,eas and others are agreed that • good shower of rale would be acceptable as is would 1» the means of cooling the atmosphere, make travelling snore comfortable and benefit root crops and pasture which are to some extent being marched from heat and drought.. 8riin•• C411 t is with deep and pro found regret that we have to chronicle the sudden demise of one who was about three years ago as esteemed and highly respected cttbro of our . !lege in the person of M o,nae I:nrdon Anderson, of Arden, Mani tots The deceaeod during last week was attacked with inflammation of the bowels AIM after flee days' dines succumbed to the hand of death Ho remains arrived at his father's residence, via Luckoow, on Monday evening, the 16th, and on Tuesday were interred in Ihtngannon cemetery, being escorted thither by a very large concourse of sorrowing relatives, friends, ac.launl antes and former neighbor,. Then were u pwards of one hundred eebicls present The deceased wee universally respected by all who knew him for his probity and integ • ntv of character and hie gentlemanly dem.& ser to •11 with whom he rime ie contact lie a was • consistent and realnus member of the Methodist ebureh, and preei•.us to tocateg' i. Manitoba. he, by his uprght be•ringand I walk le life es haerneih • true Christian, pined the esteem ..d ronlMenos of the e members of the *herrh. During • nemher t of years he filled prominent positions 01 y 'roar and !shtor for the ionic As he was • • member of the t' 1) F the flongan.ns 1'onrt as aims the I..teknow Court laid his remains in ?heir last restive plain with the b solemn rites of the order. There per • „. Paztiionalile AB S midsummer sale IN X 1 p+ X STRAWS During July we mark immense Bargains in all Depart - a n d FELTS menta. Read this partial list of Goods at about HALF PRICE : GENTS' FURN1H1NGS. Fu:! hoes a e ery Department. 4 ('•:1 and examine goods and prices. C. B. SHANE k CO., Id. loss's Bock. Cor. Square and 5foetrusMt. KEEP KOOL with one of those .lrliat:. TANS which ons bre purchased %cry cheep TE POPiLA B0OK STORE and then euioy your e t reading sole of those tory interesting )intake which have ,Inst t*,tt received and ere very Asap. Then doe t fail to procure nae of those gsmicogzi of the latest design, that will nut throw you out. A visit to the 191p(-tAit MiOF: STORE will coeyin,.e yen of the place to buy. -. My •tock comprises KO, iK' ret all ..ods, Superfine Stationery, Wall Pa- . pers, Window Shades, Cur- tain Poles. Sporting Goods, Pictures and Pictunifr#ming. Postage '+tamp I.Iteeie. D. B. CALBICK, Th.•Popular Reek soon.. t.wlr rl.-h. sympathy of the continuality in their sad heroes en:cot. Notable among those present weir a;Dultibef of the venerable pioneers of the township of Colborne, A.hheid and West Wawa.eah, vi:, Messrs. Chad 1ar,in, Wm. re 1 .\lobe Voted. John Morris, Geo. .hepp.. 1102h McMatu, and criers, el: of show hate reached three score and ten years and upward, and even fourscore years have beta attained by some of those mentioned den. D. 1 ule, .principal of lockeow Public school and tt:r genial .wuoty clerk, 1V. Lane and wife were pre- sent. 'LEEBUHN. Mo.i•At,.luiy 1•,. \1w Tina l.urdoo, of "neppardtou, has been vetting relatives here last week. .John Horton attended therecent rP es bytery of Huron meeting at Rrucebe:d, ,la•. etraclwu, engineer. formerly of this place has been visiting his parents ,D tiode rich as well as has relatives here. Zi Imo.t every fimtly in our midst viewed the circus proceanon to 4,odertch and Isaacally supported it Thursday of last week. . l % Hi- N t. • 1'..ccrtur. - During last week the popular form of John Knee, of t,odench. was io our raider. lestaad of the hammer he wielded a wrench, with great skill putting to,;ether • btn•!er he hal sold here, and totting the :ads litho help him that the grain cradle would soon be a forgotten relic of husbandry. hile nd . cradle thatis well kaowt r uto husbandother ry, and can he worked by feet or arms in day• light or darkness in all seasons of the year, could Dever tae cart ou• by superior *0'ec- .foe. 1 he hall of tha 1. O. / ,. T , No 21.;, was papered inside last week, the work being done by three of the slaters, who did the task very nicely and at the last regular meeting • vote of thanks was tendered to thein for the able manner to which they had done their duty, by their fellow members, which now makes their hall one of the tamest an 1 best Temperance halls of the order for the promotion of the good eaiw of temperance The voters past and OW e- Onu have always been to the front to d., Use best to forward its interests. Navel r ♦',stover• -•*1.1'1'. - Thetreek of • hay fork broke with • euddeo crash while at work last week in one of the farmers' lama This muee.l 1110 row rope to break in the centre/hong the driver and team a quick check forward, hut 411 man aged to keep their feet aground firmly. lo the barn the e.nderich man in the mow made a rapid spring from the talking timbers while the Dunlop man oo the load unload t ing had to make • ,untp with several winter- malts omenmalts to escape the dangers unhurt When all was over the Dunlnp man's mechanical ksowledge soon repaired the break and the hay fork worked all '1 K next day DRESS C+OODS Week Cashmeres, All Wool, 44 inches wide, at 36c., worth 45c. Cream AI1. Went and Silk Mixed !Unpile. 40 tsci a wide, SW.. were b0e. Silk and Wool Plaids, 40 inches wide, at 30e., good video et 4Se. Beautiful Black Wool t•r.nadiaes, new, at 1Oc. a yard: our regular Inc. good.. Black rtlk 4-renadines, hie ., reduced from boo. PRINTED LINENS All marked down to 15c. • yard, were 2Se. ('ambri •e, I.evastio.s, Batistes, a1! at 15e. and 20c. • yard. Wool Chalkier, all grades, reduced. 3OSIERY I..t Kuck Cottoo in every sire, women's tad children's, at 10c. • pair. Pure Silk causes and (.isle rauses at tae, sad 20c., worth 30e. a pair. 20 Doren Fancy Hem Stitch handkerchiefs, at lc each, worth 5c each W. ACHESON & BON. UP TO DATE. Ladies' Belt Buckles, Souvenir Spoons, Birthday rings, etc. Also ti fol:.:: ., AT .I E'4VEL1HI . E.MPORi t•M Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, C. A. HUMBER & SON. REP A.1RZig G WARR4NTIC 1)_ .yl id& 01'111'11E 11l 11I►N T1►.4 T., ng the tmrnld asl,, Arm°e'entta ie Th. Gi•litt for the Local Mill A weekly Sliest of teem, ten. erne pp to NB everybody tiro and gent Clipped sad 4..dea.ed Frees Every Pk VII... , Irsngemao was hard to find. Clmaim Samuel Hill, of town, well• known a• co ardent tri.od of the Molt maim A•mv, has shown hu sympathy and good- will towards it in O meet peacticel ussner, d tiering lust deeded ever to the Army. To. ruoto property worth 110,00). Tucker.mtth : Al union showaf the tiseth Huron and Tuekeramtth Branca A ncnitur- H a1 Soctaies will thus year oe held st Sea iforth on Thursday and Friday, the 27th land 28th of September, this being the week following the Western Fur at tondos. Clinton A tow dart aro a nos of "ani uel Hill was killed, Le Torosto, by • trope OW. Myth. 'Archibald 1)ixoo, son of Job Dixon,-ot it,xbert., has opened a law Ohm to K.y•n. t,erri. : Some person or i (rwas stol Ib of moirion.ry money from The Metho dpi church here. Morns: There wM au Insurance of 4n00 0:, the barn and :tables no the Hanna farm, reeeotiy destroyed by tire. Morris W. E,tlart has old his (arm, lot 7, coo. 1.1, Morris, to Mr. Parr, • for- mer resides*, of'Blyt1b, tor about 92,300. .Sinton-: There were recorded with the town c k for the six months ending .June 30th, 24 births, 11 deaths and 12 mar- riages. (L'ntnm Nine car lords of cattle left here on Saturday, some of them for town t among the lot were +l head fed by Stew htry I/rue. ltru.•il■ Messrs. good Brea , of this toe -1, hare remove 1 their stork of 1,es to and en• es:f,om Brussels and tare opened out a rognem. l!intr1to Most of the 1i anTemen from the. •ectinn spent the 12th at Wingham, as 300 • eke{. were sold ter tart place •o•i os• ly 20 fair PArk}.1:1. Wiogham Mrs. W. F. Hroekenshir• went to toe iin,ptisl a: !maim, co tt'ednal~ day, where •h* will have an nperat:on per- tcrmed in the course of a few days. Wroxeter - h2 wrote here at' the en- trance examination. They were under the charge of Slims Robertson, of Wtogham, dauihter of Alex. Robertson, Colborne. Clinton The silver cup woo by the pupils of the (.olleytate last week, in the relay race, was presented :by them to Mr. McLean, tea,:her. M they were leaving here. t Rotes A son of W. T. Whitely the other day found • pocket book which eon afoot a small sum ot money and deposit receipts for $1,400: he soon foetid the Owner. Exeter .J. Darling,lately in the employ of Messrs. Pickard & Son. in .wmp•nv with A. Forseith, will go tato the drag boanees, possibly in Brussels where they are novo- eating for the purchase of a drug stock. y Holme.vtile Last Thursday while I.ro. Youogb:ut was hauling gravel into the cut n line, one of his hones stumbled and fell as he was turning around, tad broke one of is lees, the break was 50 bad the it was e thought best to kill the horse, which they did. Seaforth Burglars effected an entrand tote Mr. William's residence on 'I oesday night last, and whilst the innia•es were asleep ransacked the house, srrnnsg some. where is the neighlorhuod of 130, part of which belonged to a young .moo boarding u1 the house. • t:thel Daviot Milne had to kill • tine registered Frood mare on Tuesday on ac- count of her having one of her hmnd let 1 broken by • kick from another horse while in the pasture field. She was a valuable animal and the accident will prove .suits • loss to Mr. Milne. WIMAN OUT ON BAIL. 4 $Mien* &.11 alma pull sp by a tremens' rensd. N t e 1 4.10 , .July 14. - The reason why a Charles Rreadwey Rouse, the ecteetrie t Broadway millionaire merchant, west on the bail hoed of I metas 1t'man yesterday to the extent of $50,000, has lust leaked t out. Mr tylman sail to explanation of the echos Wroxeter t 1w oy to ill health Mr. ',chamfer had to sell out his gents' tunrhiag nd tailoring ('•ton. Re will return to rt1( 1 reee. D. . Ross, of Armeels, has get he steak and Rohe. Ross will manage it. Tuckersnith While Harry Thompese was pulling the tripping rope of • hay fork be other day, it broke, letting him fall backwards off the load. He 'track on • piece of timber and received a seven shock. ('hetes Rey Mr. Newcombe, of town, carried a watch which ran uninterruptedly for 40 years. When be concluded to duper an1Yte, the watch, likely out of sympathy, did likewise, and it refuse! to go any long. sr. Walton Mrs. Sags sold 371 &cresol farm land this week to Desoto Md'ostg for the tum of $3,000. The land adjoins Mr. Mo• Culag's farm and will add greatly to the property even if Inc had to pay a good pries for n Morns on Wednesday of last week the been ..1 marriage were sefsmairwd he tweet* Thomas 'keltoe, 7t11 eve., sad Mise Fe hemi Marshall at the residence of the bride's parents. Rev. t.*orgs Ruegts per formed the ceremony. Wroxeter Rev. Mr. Kerr, of Thames - ford, haw taken cheep of the Methodist church pulpit. He has made • very fa.or able impresses. This ellen\ is ssdergeisg thorough repairs, se preasbise has hem *en- acted in the'--ement Morrie The funeral of the late "hilly.' Biwa seek plans on frldsy aftsr..m, Rev. Paul, of lir.sssls osedsssisg the ssrvios. r. /Mews woe hors is Oa. (•tsps, Ireland, iu 1$19 and seas to Cl•esde in 1004. Ile "Charles hirn.dway Pour was one o1 the first merchants i ever anew after coming t. New 1 ark city from 4'nada. H• called upon me in DIGS to make a statement of his affairs, and 1 took great interest in him. "He was raemog • greet many stores Io this enuntry and ('amid• sed spread oat so murk tea• he tent into trouble throw • law ince repealed through my efforts. a was o Ludlow. •crest Jail in i865 and 1 seat him Christmas dosser then that year. Sub- •sisestly 1 meds myself useful in adjusting his affairs sad ultiwtely sound ho re MOW "New resn.• the interesting point, at tldence which still exist* will tell. 1'port he wall he wrote that before he was w) ear. of age he weekl he worth 11:500.000, red before 60 would he worth one mllllne. He kept his word 1 hare watched hu balance sheath .ear by year and know of is wonderful nerves To day he s worth t least $3.000,000. Hie sales last year sg en mi ins ha bee f thekik G am num i. • ren of th • 1 gr.golsd t 11 dollarm.' . (rorn Terme* poles H. was aged 411 - --- - rearr. The ohm' tiles were "Neeconducted e by his former pastor, Rey D. I " Why do yon suppose that men said Rows, wisest 1 y (fey R Fairbairn there tea Infuse in my fes • R ._. t • wide. and two children " t eh, Mame. your gold testi, yen to moan his Ines. They have the macs. , know." Stanley Ito Friday last Mrs. Thomas Fraser received the sad intelligence of the death of her mother, Mrs. \laloolm Cameros of Dakota. The faintly formerly lived on the second conce.aion of smitten. SL• loaves behind her • husband and fire chil- dren to mourn her loss. Exeter : While returning from Mitchell the ether evening, 11"m. Yeo by some unae- eoantabl• means, travelled about twelve mils out of his way, arriving home in the I early mon. ilia mews of travel was • hi - eyed*, and no doubt the rapid rate at which he rides caused him to pari the proper turn ing print. He bas, however, sold his bi • cycle. iesfarth lames tiny, well known throughout thug county, and who usually ' made Seaforth his headquarter., died a few day ago at the House of Refuge in Stnth- roy. Mr tiny was well educated and of • quiet and gentlemanly disposition, and was • moot skilful and competent accountant. Rut for his unsteady habits be might have eoeupied • high Fsition in both business and •octal circl Faster v. yet. Hurdon, who has been sub -manager of the Mol.on's bank hen for some time, received order@ last week to ro i to Rid/meows as manager of the branch there, and together with his faintly, left on Friday for that place, where he sunned. Mr. Mahon, who take. charge of a launch at i Sorel, Que. Mr. Harden'& successor is Ei- eter i• Mr. Ward. ate acoolatant at the Melange bulk, Loedos, Gut. Tnokerenith The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wei. Cooper, formerly of the Mill • road, Tockeet•ith, but sell of Rienfaii, Manitoba, will regret ts Imre of rte death of their third see. Frederick 4: Cooper. Mr Cooper died is the geeoral hspit*l at Winnipeg on lens u)th, of , acute infl•mmahen. He had for the past three years been an employe of the ('asadi•a Pacific Railway at Winnipeg , Rayfield It le our painful dui tieor week to recd the .death of Mrs, H. E. Ed- wards, wife of nee rel nur neediest s, whim oa•urred on Monday afternoon, the 9th int. The sad wrest ern wt wholly unexpected, as the deceased had been ill lar some tier prInte e, and her d.eth was looked fn, u e lf time. Mn. Kilts.{' was • natl.. of Wales, havine bpi kilts tiers no Oct. 2,i1i, lade, and has !Nei M Hayfield for same seven yearn.__ DUNLOP Mnrp.v, J, t r 16. Mee John Gillespie of Exeter to visiting h en. Mtn May MacQuarrie, of Bay City , Michigan, is visiting her sister Mrs. D. Iawson Miss Carrie Stirling, of Garfield, Goderich township, to enjoying • pteaaant visit lie her cewsine the Misses Allen. - %harrows. Mrs. John Connors and Mrs. John Macdonald, of (lalerMa, enjoyed • pleseaat traines% visit to friesd• hero Mena pia y of last week. The farmers shout hen are shill se the mere with haying and Me psis ►vvshing - Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices, ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE WEAR, OF YOUR BOOTS? I fy uare not, try f OLLOCK'8 Reliable Footmetr next lime and you will be Pleased. Misses' Glove Grain, Laced or Buttoned, $ ,tt, Women's " " 1.00. " Polished Calf, 1.25. " Butt 1)ongola, 1.50. Ladies Oxfords, Turned Soles, .75. Polished Calf Oxfords, J. 1). King's 1.23 " Tan ()shin! _90 Good •ear turn, 1.50. Mons Pcglretl Sok, lace or Gaiter, just 1.00. Whole Fox, Idlct,I, 1.25. • Fine 1)ongola, Laced or Gaiter, 1 73. Working Boots, 75. We buy direct from the manufacturer and get a g'tar- antee as to quality. Every pair must be Solid Leather and well made to find a place in our Stock We sew rips free and put buttons on with patent fasteners. We guar- antee satisfactory wear. Y1 a do repairing easily and promp:ly, and turn out line ordered work H. B. POLLOCK 3 i Fowlers OW Stand, Goelerirh. JAMES ROBINSON'S - CASH STORE - CORS Il'S_ LLWI$ I- QNEach DORSET. E.h section of the Corset i. ,o formed as to maitheft* virtu -al lines of the hely, awl readily conforms tri the figure of the wearer: It is stayed with strips of highly teulpeenrl tiprinZ RitIt i li Steel. E'sch Steel for stay a is Nickel Plste+l, highly Polished and guaranteed not to corrode, Metal Tipped to prevent the ends{ (rout cuttir.1 through the Fabric, and Electro Msgnetireol. 11',• are also showing ether lines in l'orwtri, such as the long Waist 1). ,l• .\ , Yatisi, 6116, 11,11., May, Fairy, this Hygeian Waist tar School Cbil. They pare no eyusl. We are :bowing this week ('hollies front 3 ctt per yard up. See our Factory (otter{, :k•.. - .-, :,c. 6c., nail ;e. Tak,, a look at our Towelling at 4c. per var.!. Take a'luili at our Muslin., Pec and : c. per vd. Table linen, 1:.v. per yd. A Line of Late Curtains at Pc. per pr.. Taped all around. We arty giving extra {saute in Parasols. Try oar 75e. Kid Gloves. Meng Cotton }lose. ie. per pair. A line of Men's Cashmere Home at 24.: take a look at this line, they are worth more money. A line of Lashes' Leets at 4.. V... will not he undersold by any Store in the Trade. Iliglte,t Prier Paid for Rutter and Eggs. JAMES ROBINSON. CAM $1'03Z, - JOZDANII BLOCK. i. rapidly .omisq in, Agents m machines are erltosget .0 setting up new binders, as/ amo05, t them we nonce John Knox. of I.o.ler eh, who is ready to serve the forso r • ,rueeo with • will, an I the way Jot■ thread. the Doodle shows that h• keens how W kept • sheaf as well as handcuff s traregressor of the law. Rig was the bustle on Thursday morning of .art week in all the bo *.. ot our nutty. The holo folk, ably seootded by their papas, were hustling up their rnammse to get tl esti reedy to go in and see the circus pard. u (:oderich. Ns one had to be ¢.II. ed Dor any reproof for the morning chorea, for the little Does, all who went were la time, you bet, and yule• A Dunit.er took a the big show and ter musesm, which gave sati,tact too. Old echoo!ma se of Mester Gni Morgan. who for rem* time was a studs.' of our sent of learotng sort at the Porter a Hill 'chi ol three ye n . • O. will be glad to learn that he has pared the entraaee etamiDalIOD at the Padua Higb school, maltase the highest mark in arrt.hn.etic in 'he county, getting 93 out of the 100 mark• All friends hen will congratulate Professor Morgan oo hie e on's moons. The latter with Fury, shoe has lately undertaken a mount course is 'forfeiter, will both be with the Emeralds in September, winch nay vlsit (:ofench .rasa. Orden left The Old Reliable COAL ALWAYS ON HAND. NOW is the time to purchase v..ur HARI) COAL. The best and only SCRANTON HARI) COAL in this market at •6.50 with 10 per cent. on' for fatal,, making it s} esti. All Coal Weighed at the Mar. kets X Here's a Pointer • - a WM. LEE st 112617p11:$ R LIE'S *tors promptly attended to. WILL EXCEL ALL OTHERS . Canada's Great 5 cent plug When you ask for a INDETRIA 5 cent plug io cent plug 2ocent plug 01' T111 POPULAR DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. -FAIR- TORONTq !SEPT. 3 TO 16, 1894 Tan Iwrs•TR*INT/ TIM TRAIL EXHIBITS AND ATTRACTIONS GREATER AND GRANDER THAN EVER BEFORE. ALL ENTRIES CLOSED AUGUST If. The Beet Holiday Ostia, atm Tear. Mesa Nr.arstese es an Railroad& J J, 1111 111•4011. a J. ■IaL. /i,sdd..fhammerer. reeeer•e• 11) :"ea *e* ,i„ OK .NeRC M As w.oIscifrOvw ,_ -aVF Am*Aar