The Signal, 1894-7-19, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. JULY 19, lel4. Biu ,fill, a7atamp IYLRY THURSDAY MORNING SW G. tiNtlWpttt•/. fns se in= auell l NeeahearS* tone . of Nb..rtpaNa .s nssatte. u salvo/ea, $ 1 re meatla sh 1 r me year. lleredat as sated. the pries pr gyre Leena as Teo lobes.. Tor label Is • "mediae receipt of the 4a so wblch you ere paid op. dee tall it Is sot eMwed te 1.11 into armor. Whet' • ohe..e of eddies l. destred. tooth the old sad the sew •ddror sbeold be Ore•. Advrsenat sues i4�•1 ...4.ta.r ws,al ulrert.meets. Sew ptr Ilia• for srst lessrllo.. and 1 Deal per lice iter seeds subs•yuoat insertion. M..aursd by a ...pgrareal scale. Redeem cards et eta Ilan and under. 55 tee veer. Advertlesme.0 of loose. Foxed. Strayed. e•tleas Vacant. Situations Wanted and llneleete Clamors Wanted. sot exceed:ae t 1kt5• asnn pateti. 1per .Fods. 14eae• •• lsle asd nnies oo Sale. sot to loosed SUees. 61 for drat mon•h, too. per sub- PU4nentmsalb. Larger &deo.. in pruporttor. Any special notice. as o*tect of which is to promote the pecualary benefit of any kali• withal or mammy. Id be considered ea al- wertisement sad charged accordingly. Loral not ire' in nonpareil type one Dent per word. so mottos leas thin tic. Loc•I notices V ordinary reading type term emu' per word. No notice for les Ib$s NM. Notices for cheerio* and qt her religious and beaevol.st nest tunas hair rate. C.mmeretel t••asr.rl £dvertl.emruta. A limited number of dup�lwed eleven** meal will be inserted at the Runge r 1•••• : Pte loch. one in..rtL.n....... . . . eu w four insertions 1 at " three months. fttl - .. _. sir moons* ..._ 3 'n0 n one year..... .. S as Mo edverta.ement less then two incne..n hath will be ralculate.t on stxtre Siva*. $ ger rent. disconntallowed lnr Dash pay men •s an three wont tax' cant act ; la p.0 eeu:. na. e.x lle.thii..nd lA per cent. on • re -tett. Thee a>lndltices will Mannerly entoro•M. Amu" ••rite elilial" a.el1vea7. 5 distort bee who fail 10 receive Tits 5/11Y1L retul.rly. either by rawer or b, mail. win seater • favor by .egwn,Gf d us of the fact at as early • date se powinle. Rejected manusertpte ren not be return. d. Correepondeece must be wrttteo on one eg•te ot paper only. PwbWkers w«te.. J. C. los Touaeel, of Ooderich. hes b..en .1 panted Local Travelling Agent for the town Alps of Oodetich. Colborne, Ashfield end W. enmesh. Local postmasters over the di•(rict are also lispowered to receive subscriptions to Tin MINA% All oommuaiwtlons must be addressed te D. McOILL1CUDDT. Tug 8wx•LL,, t7•UN. Sedalia. Oat. THURSDAY. J CJ.Y tt, tit. TEE ed T tdosa are .)ford( A date in intention latest information *bout the rem meth to and eight or ten t r,;anIra- t to be estaitiaheIi there. rpo`rt., the defeated wadi Tot•tnto hiss signified his •omiti a member. etas% he., Widest to the bolding d Ye clew. TIM ambos od the council Thursday last held to the original .rental of the park, but insisted upon coa,Psttastion for any injury dose to the grounds, and in addition called for and obtain ad 110 for the privilege of using the town water by the circus. This ie not the tirst time within the last twelve months that the mayor has attempted to riche roughshod over the council in the making of illegal arrangements with out.ide .vowpaniee. About sic months ago he had to be called down for his action in regent to the telephone service of the town, and on that occasion the town solici- tor, in an opinion to the council, spe- cifically stated) that the mayor had uuyueetionably overstepped hie au- thority i■ making the arrangement with the oompanv, without consult- ing the council. 1 t is to be hope.' the position of Mayor BtTLIK it now ti red 80 that Ise will, in the time to came, not seek to arrogate to himself powers that ar - not warranted, and in so doing set the people of the town in commotion. if he is really anxious to be active in public vert ice there are ample oppor- tunities pportunities in Gown for him to exercise legitimate authority by taking decide l action in clearing out the foul nest.. which have, .luring his incumbency. stripe the name of Goperich a hiss- ing and a byword . but up to the Present he has worked upon a differ- ent Zine. and "has done the things he ought not to have Clone, and lett undone those things which he ought to have done, and there is no health in hitn.- SNAP SHOTS• PKKYUt:K..AST, the Chicago .•rank who .hot Mayor HARKIso•o, of that .•itv last Fall. wa..Iu:y exe(uteel Fri• .lay last. Every effort war put for- ward Sty his counsel to save his meek. but every effort failed. The silly season is now open. and our Conservative confreres who Rtill claim that 'Non AT must go, are feel ing quite natural and are uhakim: a blithimane chirrup. The disclosures at 1 Ottawa -would leail Out• to believe almost that the Government had at 1 Ottawa a sort of thieves' paradise. JOHN is a sash of toil from wayblck. in about tialp_a_ O4$ngent cow by- law was put iu tion in Goderich. The neighboring s of Clinton and Bayfield have fou ' such a bylaw to work satisfactorily, and it is about time Gotlerich gotl'iatp the progressive procession. This town has a bigger ambition than to be rate.' as a .row pasture. THIS Journal would like to know what to to be *et otapliahed by the intercolonul conference recently hell, save and except the passibility of getting a tinpot title for that eminent prnfes.ional politician. Ilon. M.x( . ▪ gtZt* Belvieu.. There have been oceans of talk and landslides of gush ing sentiment but not one scintilla of practical good ha* bean necomplisheel. oyHOSB eminent patrons, R. C. Hays. barrister, and Edmund Campion, 11. C., are, we are informed, working overtime in a disinterested effort to evoke a protest against the recent election is Wast Huron. They have bean aided and assisted, we under /lead, by the equally eminent pat- rons who walk under the hats of RICHARD RMDCLIIYa, who is on the Dominion Government pay roll, •n.1 anal JOS. BItCK anti .1 Admit MtTcn*LL who want to get on the superannua- tion fund, and county treasurer Hol -ass, another homey.banded son of toil, who is endeavoring to make his calking and election sure in the event of a change. of Ilovernment. But what hes .1 Seas CosteoLL1' nod Amor Yotlro and Joe Balt. and TOW Gine to say in the matter! CUTTING HIS OOMS. THE action of the town council in amending the contract entered into by )payor Benign with the Cook A 'Whitby agent, was a prover one, and the m(rmben who took a decided stand en the question are (t -.serving of praise. The original arrangement would have allowed the circus to camp upon the agricultural park, to beikl • high lame for advertising purposes •rested a large section of the Court Hesse quare, and to avail itself d the town water and other privileges, for Yes sum d S25, without say I een*eatwtion for injury dons to tits mei by W plated*. up of tis The Britannia ea. ol•1r)ttc•1 in the sailing contest with the V ioilant Tues day at Belfast Lough. \ow listen to the eagle scream. The Duchess of Kent iia.. called her boy Edward, but ;what will Cs,ret.L •HopKIlbecall tite little chap t It was proved conclusively week that Mayor BL 1 LHR did not the town in foto. There was quite a circus in town Thursday last in more ways than one. last own BOOKS AND PERIOOICALS- Hiarga's Wsxr:i.r for ,lure 14th coo - tains two pages of vivid illustrations of the Chicago strikes, from sketches taken on the spot. sad • strong anthem on the labor situ- ation by W. A. Rogers HARrxas RA/AR The speed fashion features of Harper's Hour tits week are • Freiob garden party gown and • French teams gown -both very distinguished end effective toilettes ; and • page of bicycle costumes, showing how w .men should at their wheels and how they should dress. This illustrative pap is wcompaaied by a practical paper. written by Ida Trafford Bell, .ed entitled " How Women Should Ride the Bicycle." In the near future the itasar will publish as article showing what s neemeary ID order to be enrolled among "Colo.aal Dom*" er "laughter* .f the Revolution " This as written by a lady whose family is one of our real Colonial Robles, and who is prominent a these patriotic erels. HARP'SA M.•trrxt.v.--The old rule for distinguishing • mn•hr000 from • toadstool, "Emit, and if you live We • .whroon," dose not satisfy tis• average perste.. Neither does it seem to satisfy IV. Hemli- ne Gibson, who has prepared .n article en the subject for the August Harpers. Ac oordiag to Mr. Gibson, all large fungi are mushroom, the toadstools with the net. Moreover, many supleessat-leoltiag meth rooms whioh the public bus lebNNd "toad- stools" ars very good eating. est the only daagorow ta.•g•es�m this part et the word is unmeant cant Iookiss pure white obrelh- shaped masbroten, the deadly Amia.ita. Fifteen meanies sad edible .deb eeme are illustrated .ad deeoribe4 is Yr. Gibeoe's snide, me plusi1yy that • seam, if he mot them to W rambles. mold not ladl to rortespis• Nem. Tis Cat•ot•w MA11471s11 p -o* J01.1 The Csmadisa Magsrhs is always • mamas* visitor. The July sam►sr r on mesileit owe sod reflects great credit ea the pablisb e ra' W• true the pa►lic is p•i.a tt that hearty cement' when it richly ihearvea Th.cement' of this nember aim as tales : I The M.pereateral in Msebetb, Waller' Towueond Tb. Criminal and ArtYehl • Predeetisn of Mn.stresiti., Artie �Sse� w ell, M. D ; A M of dot M.lree.U., t. Css.eees Nellie Wilma ; Three Poses' Ae.eg the Kukiioes, J. W. Tyrrell ; Pap- o ose and *415Tbumss P Gomm1 Ria, KrR Yates f um •NeentA I �a~� RK! Douala 1lsleseu. isn•trS DAsaades M ebb pact of lhe Soliloquy. W. JAL : Gull -Der 111prls in Private MiSimme if 1M ISM Rl+bad- AestraIa, J. lamiters Parte; The (banged ear T1wenM, wen 1M pW M 1M► Oise* : la Sent welters Wilk gCilYms;1' i she leggy et lisp ab Wel Moak lab Ogilvie. D. L 1, F. R G. 1, Gable int. S eedem1ii. O.elada, tiara M. MMmateastl* : seek Nailesa Tae Deuesales roa Marren nils is wiled the Aat..0 Aammessm.at Mu.1er, and se the Darwinist lemma d side peed .crime that W yet ewe to hest The dhEi p tf Myles is uaammlly Mite and atdreeli ea/ N the fleet &atheistic repremsseffles a lite Amens Modem. and there is besides a iUm ireledA .mast isWsa.idletlar w.w4.Ibs4 siias�a n ti•le &►y. the pias be •ed wire aammilhig the W- hew to Nos.m Nomads by et well when leets es -L (:. Reath and ILditk Themes. and there r she • rala•M& pNapFs� ea rebate Scheel Towhee se as R.plsymwt t o Woes. The Shot article sf • series es the Kinderrpr .s appear is this sembr, and ahead prime of meek orris* te both p.MM and private teaater. la the C rias A Girl's Lilo and Week as Ritile (Isis Harvard Asses) r dhoribed. Farther is- u treetioa is Mem a tits making el •ltae- fmeatal .milds item crepe sad these moors, is limit Iron Work, and in the l lti- vanes of the Voice ter Siooiag sad 1)eehat- • tioa. The instea.live talks es the Rale• now btwew Mother asd Daughter are emanated, sad in the papers os Health there is meek geed salvias ea the proper mercer for both body sad hraa. limps are considered u the Huta oe Meets, Fruit, end there is • saa�stiv. dscri$tien .t • Cotton Widths'. Thee are also the usual nlnstrstd papers as Knistiy, Croeh- u ae, Nettinq, Tatting oto., eta '��� end eonppuuoa pais of the lleliasater is (tee I teller • f ear. Slagle Copies F,ftes. Cents Address d leder, N The t)oliasaNr Publish- Co- et Tomato, Ltd., 33 Richmond St West, Toronto. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. Dustin Ramer . The Woodatock Soati- sel. Reviewo.gresta that J. result Hop- kins, who wants "queen of Canada" tacked on in some way •hood he created • knight of the garter. That might do. er then is soother dissipation that would snit. It was once said a a prominent then IS Rogla.d shut Her Majesty would 'resent him with the order et the Thistle Daly she was afraid he might eat it How would it snit J. Cas - toll' Hamilton Times Mr. Muter suddenly opens the aperture of tie knowledge hoz to say that " the people are just begtnnuv to understand the potioy of the Oateno f /pee- salon.- Mr. Marter means their tactics. They, once upon a time, hod a sick calf, • silver medal bell, a tuberculosis scan, an enehovr sauce outrage and a real lire politi- cal plank-Meenial .mesons. Rut the calf got well, the bull proved too touchy to be monkeyed with, the Spec.'s brand of Koch lymph smashed the tuberculsie plank to smithereens, and now the Empire to.. back on the one item of policy by demanding tem sessions of the Legislature within sires months. No. Mr. Matter, you bad n,. •' policy " ; your tactic was " anything to Zeas Mowat." The people understand the e itu•tien pow. MARINE NOTES. Vote weather for bathing. Crib No. 1, South pier w*. musk a Mon - 77 -7 day. Bas fishing a rood oo the river at pre ✓ ont. Schr. Kolfege had • new l,bboom put in last week. Schr. Cataract ran in here for shelter on Thursday. Ste. Cambria called here, bound up, on Wedueday. Str. !March, bound up. called hen on 1Vdnesday. Government courser Petrel ran in hen on We,ineadey. Dredge No. 9 a preparioe to leave for Fort William. Capt. Babb keeps • large line of dress goods on display Scbr. Carter left 011 Saturday for ..ore Bay to load lumber. Schr. Kolf.ge left on &loads/ fee Joh.• n on Harbor to load lumber. The l'tty of Owes Sound was in on Wed- nesday with lighthouse supplies. Su. Cambria was u on Friday bound up and took on p•sseagere and freight for the Northern ports. str. Monarch was in on Saturday, bound dews. :he had • large number of passing - ere for the East. Adventare f• Mine takes of the fisc weather that prevail* and ('apt. haxter's beats are kept busy. The English yacht Valkyrie, that rood tor the American sup last year. was sunk while sailing to the ('Ivds yacht race on the Firth of (-Idye, by colliding with another yacht. A shipment of potatoes to Chicago trees Detroit was made hs the str. Hoary Jamas, A Jam, being the fon ret time on record that potatoes have been *hip to that port from Detroit The rad strike made * Dine .lacer slangs in transportation mat- ter A rather unusual diversion was enjoyed on Menday by the people s the Mate aid none the docks at Detroit The (.rum - mond tog Crusader. Capt. James ('sniff, passed down about towing • large raft of telegraph poles, As the torr pasty the city, the head re/tamer. John (9ookey,gave en estraerdin•ry performance by welkin/ the tow line,about 1,000 feet n• leogtt,frem the raft N the tag, varying the fest by slit- ting asd lying down en the repo der the manner of professional reps -walkers. The middle of the rope was under water sod • considerable sea was rolbsg, but he stuck to it all right, sad as the tow passed the lower part of the oily he made the return trip. The fest was mimosa by ma.y hundred* of people, mid the peer' verdict was that it far •roseded any feat 1 reps - welkin( that has ever bees eon there. While he was w•Iki.g the lime whim pas tag Pon Heron, the tag suddenly showed h er monis, slseksahg the rugs •end lettier him fall into them Nies enrr•nL, hot helloes caught the Timm, *ad had on until the life- boat came and p u sd kin up. Amherst - berg Ra STEWART CASE ■ e. sseware gays • VMS te PMtw--t'w.. gT.h*eded 87 aha Mom Meade a 8*e newest*.. N Malo.. Pt Tntr, N. 5 . July 16 -(coed sews gnaw Oaten travelled, fast es had was, which de proverbial fast Many here knew that Mr. Alia. Stewart, mf Spnapee, P. K. i., had been for essay year's afflicted with kidneydisease sad gravel. It was know, est, that n t Zest year he west as had that pu- s*.,miss pot him dews as Sk.ty te die Nan. Mr. Stewart mead public opinion Mgeab. for he haps seine Dedd's Kidney Pills said tea bores .f them corapieray wed him. Whoa he paid • lyi.e visit it Ibis am • fou Lye age, A. reeetved maw e.s.ratelamiens on kis r•st.wtlso te shad improved sppearams. Dade. Piss hese sewer tend es arts IM1NION PARLIAMNT Tim net Atisatie Service Bill Mose Tbrosgk_tde Committee. FRENCH TREATY AND SURTAX oo•or.wao.( Gasttew•d w Setae I.1obtllty of a.eds *hipped M Nmglls8 Porta w se -.hipped t. Vra.es & M.e aaye•N1 Ie the Mrs Tau. OrTA W a, July. It -The bill extending • subvention of *750,000 for• test Atlantis" . rvis went Omagh the commutes stage la the Howe ou Saturday. There was • long discaeeiou. Mr. Foster, in reply to Sir Richard Cart weight, said he did not think the merchan- dise *hipped iu the fast 'tearusrs to Eng- land, re -shipped by • vivo* lino to Yvan would be admitted into that oomntry ■ filer the French treaty tree of the surtax dentrepot Neither he or the Premier would give eny assurance that goods ship- ped in stsam•re which ogled at an English port en route to Franca would escape the surtax. Mr. Amyut, however, read the French customs law to show tbele was no doubt that gouda shipped to France in a steamer which called et English port on route would n ot bare to pay the surtax. Sir Richard Cartwright poiuted ono that while the provisional contract with Mr. Huddart for the 'orrice ountaioed a pro- vision for a s.ound ten years after the ex- piry of - the first tan -year cuutr•ct rhe bill before the Hones did not extend any power to the Government to incorporate such • proTteiun in the filial contract Sir John Thompeou replied that the aid to be given In the second an year period would be in the form of payment for ser- vice rendered, in the tsrrIage of malls. It would total 1400,000 being a guarantee of 3j pm cent on the capital of tin company, ,1,300,000. Before the orders of the day wen called Mr Laurier asked the Speaker why a writ issued • not beau iued for• an election in Quebec Wen The Speaker replied he had hot been formally and directly informed of the varaucv by any member from his place in the House. Mr. Laurier immediately offered • formal nut i Scatbu. Railway subsidies •mounting to $1.523, - 000 were brought down All are re -votes The Delegates al Iae.tre.1 Motiyn,At, July 16. -The inter colonial delegates were given a grand reception hen daturdev. They were received on Ch. excheog• by 'V. W. Ogilvie, preside,* of the Board of Trade, and a large number of members and given an enthusiastic rc.p. tion. The delegates presto wereHon. F. 13. Senor, Neer South Wales; Sir Henry De Villiers, Cape of blood Hope; Alfred Smith, New Zealand: Sir Henry John Wriion, Victoria Mr. Ogilvie welcomed the guests in the mase of the )bootieal Board of Trade. lie called upon Mr. Suttor, as the senior ensinber of the con- ference, to say a few words '.to the boys." Mr. Stator paid &merinj tribute to the people of this eunnity. The delegates were teudered a grand dinner at the Vi sot Hotel in:the analog. tt'. W. Ogilvie presided and 300 or 400 representative bneities men were present. The delegates went to gutter to -day. UMpaN Over a Separate Palmed Plot. OTTAWA. July 16. -The Public sdioul supporters of .solus 13, to the Township of tiloucester, os,r Ottawa, are in no sma.l didlcuity just now, fur they and that the school Lions. door as locked and the trustees are defied to open it again. The lot ou which the school stands was over fifty years ago set apart by a man named Johuston f ,r religious and educational purposes. The school trustees es eptly offered the put for sale, and Mr. Jounstom, jr., who had fallen heir to his father's farm surrounding the school. thereupon took possession of the property. A con- siderable poniou of the community think Johnston has no right to pursue such • course, and as the clans setnng apart the site iu dispute for 'rebut,' or cburch pur- oo•se did trot name any person or persons by whom the property was to be held_ There is to be an interesting time oven it 0.88.4 the Mtge or ai,*SM. Ioarttnowovtit., tine.. July 16. -Two explosions in quirk succession were Mand by the re•idente in the vicinity of the Drummondville fount; Railway Station on Saturday morning. It was diwovered that bnrglara had effected an entrant* in the e.eretary's once of the Drummond l'ouoty Rallrowl, which a. in the station, and had blown upon the two safes tber.tn. Something over $2,000 was carried off The robbery was committed by three masked men. who previous) overpowered the two night watchmen and locked them up in a box car Th• O,.e. Wood. Men Agan. Nerd Frees. ST. Join. N. R., July le. -(deo. O Covey, who ten years ago got into trouble on account of his proclivities for swiud ling and "shoving the queer," is again locked op on similar charges He bar gained with Henry J, Albright, gamin County, for supplying s 000 is valnele money for 5500. AI gist agreed to go into partnership with Corey, but ahem wards got .cared amid peached. It is be- lieved the authorities have • clear cos against Corey. Albright is out 1100, as he paid that sum to Cony at the opening of the negotiation& Tw. Drowsed White 11stkl5e. O uAmiOTTvTnwp. Jalr 16. -Two Phita- delpbiwnti Mr. Shelmerdine, aged 19, and Mies Wilcox, aged 40. were drowned while bathing at Rrackley Point. It is supposed they went b gond their depth. iioo�m.• otnere, bathing • distance .way, saw :hem Hosting on their backs end beard eerears, bot suspected nothfag as such amnia are d summon ooeurrenee Soon after they saw Miss Hill, another Philadelphian, Wen bathing,holding up the lifeless body of Min lifelessileus. The body of 811dmudlne has net been found. Death P. a Pill press a tpaes, HAan.rotr. July iS.-Ties Tipwd, • earvenue and contractor, fell tree the roof of • barn whish be woo .noting for Mr Holsten, • farmer no the third enc. eeeston ut Anew/stet. and sigelantsd Injuries of • fad astute from width he dived a Nem sise attar. Dr waSd at Pert 1evev. POW Ont meat Om.. July it -The hedy of Albert Walker, 17 year. of ark who was drowned at Poet Dower pier dCity et Owes ewarrive/ Io bytee W- eed we aloes 1e Ne bowie lie amuse. DOMINION PARLIAMENT Genova, July 11. -Hoa. Gee. resew, Mintesr at Please* moved nnmroadie' d ►sennusHome d O;somedayanee ys.da7 the of the hill to ratify the Frsneb treaty. He suit la •a very short dr .Hobart Cinwright ant very strongly oppose N. treaty, but held that It was all in favor of Erases •pd against Cando He showed that the problbi- tival•fa sn•( On wine grower were opposed to the treaty. and that u wu.W redoes the revenue whoa Canada could ill afford to luso it Mr. O'Brien. tomssrvaUve, moved u amendment: • • While this Hou. ie 1.1111.4 at all times to sanative say treaty at which on fair and equitable terms will odd te L'auadtaa trade, it is Suable to .meat to the treaty that has been made with France un the ground that it will out prove net pprocai is its results is that it gives to Frames greater •dvaaiages than ('.nada receive, being unfair and ameyal. Ines sorb s, according to un• of its Was, Francs h entitled to the benefit of all eum- merefal advautage• which Canada may hereafter it,. to any other turelgu coun- try, and not sorely in tend trotters, while Canada is only to participate 111 any re duchies of duty granted any other tattier in any of the articles enumerated in the treaty. 11 u further unequal and unfair la this, that while any increase in the duties on the clans of wins, wbk•h under it Primo* is to have advantages in respect of entitles France to denounce the treaty. Canada t• not platted 111 the minimum tariff which is to be enforced so far ea Canadian product& mentioned therein are oonc•rned, and in the opinion of this Hoose is unfair and tujust to the great mass of consumers that duns should be lowered as, by the treaty. they ore to be on articles of Inzory while high duties are to be maintained on many of the n•c•ssar is of life and this, tow, at a time when, owing to the tolling revenue, the duty an U be spared. " tirr*wa, July 12. -The Freuch treaty pawed the committee in the House ut Commune yesterday and stands for a third wading. Hon George Foster then moved: "That it 1. expedient to provide that the Hover nor in council may enter into a contract for • term not exceeding ten years with any individual or company fur the per- formance of a fast weekly steamship sr• vice between Canada and the Untied King does, making connection with • 1•rench port, on such tortes and conditions as to the .arnage of mals and otherwise as to the(iuvnrour in -council seems expedient, for a subsidy not excediug the sate of $750,000 a year. • The Miuieter of Finanes went uo 0, 01 plain tbaLthere would be four new vessels equipped wit!. all the tuoderl improve menu ut a first clam line of steamehipa. The slued is to be 20 knots an hour and the tarrying capacity of the steamers is to be 10,000 torte register. The boats would give s freight and passenger ser- vice They would carry S00 first class and 1,000 steer.g• pawenger& The cost of the easels ward be from 1400,000 sterling to 6310,000 sterling. Sir Richard Cartwright, in criticising the resolution, said that it was not possible to navigate the St Lawreace as • rte of 20 knots. The river wee too dangerous for that speed. The resolution was adopted. Orrawe, July 13. -Mr. Tarte yesterday afternoon male his long -expected charges against the judiciary of the Province of (Ember. lie declared that fur the tat twenty yeeire tneni Hari u•511 • Tentaoe regime of terror to Quebec on account of the judges having been chosen exclusively from one political p..ny. Hu charges were against Judges Bosse, 4)oimet and Tether Judge floras he accused of parti- zanship, particularly in connection with the McGreevy litigation. Judge tioi set be charged did not reside in Sorel, •e the • judge of the lth.rict of Richelha was by statute required to du. Moreover, though living in hots reed, he had charged the Government fut tratelliug fees when he held overt In the Distinct of Montreal. Judge Teller he cbrgel with partizau.hip au forcing {notions to insert their iegal ad- vertisements in certain Coaierytive news- papers, to the detriment of Liberal papers. Mr. Tone proposed no resolution, but left the case in the hands of the Govern- ment. Sir John Thom complained complained of the vagueness of Mr 'l tote's charges, buttoned the House to hot him reserve• hs decision as to parliamentary investigation for • short targe. He promises 58 inrestigatiol into the charges of alletal collection ut travelling expenses by Judge • Mont. OTTAWA. July 14. -'ole case of A. J. Tnreotte, Y. P., was diseased in the Houle yestenlay. It was brought upon • motion of Mr (brood'Jaequ.. Cartier) to adopt the report of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, which exonerated Mr. Tar- cotte from the charges preferred against him. These charges were that he was • Gov- ernment contractor, or rather bolding • contract from the Government with the Militia Department through a thins party, This is • violation of the Ind.pendertee of Parliament Aet The case was ventilated before the Privilege* acid Elections ('om- mittce and by a majority the commtttoa decided that the chargee were tut proven. On the motion to adopt the report Mr. Edgar proposed e1 amendment to the effect that the charms were proven The resolution adopting the report sad exonerating Mr. Tu,cutte was carried by 82 yeas to 33 nays. • majority for the Government of doe. Mesa McCarthy and O'Bries. and Meese McNeill, Dickey mid Weldon, ('oussr••tivs., voted against the Government. uncut* Pager 5111. Destr yed. M.aan-oa, Out., July i3. -The Lincoln Paper Milks at Merritton Mew struck by lightning sad damage to the intent of 147,000 was does The stook room, print- ing and bagging departments, with esve ai small buildings were destroyed and mnrh valuable mashin.ry was Injured. TM mesons! from St Catharines was called into action. The loss is *wend by infltrats* in the Hartford and els ether companies It will Mat least three .narks before the mills will be to fail operation again. ttwdd*a IIRMO a Taswta. Toa sp,o, July 11 -Charts R Rena, J. P • retired lee dealer, •'eminent Re former mold Roman Catholic, was found dead In his bet yesterday 5 bis rastdance on Pembroke street Death de supposed to have bees due to heart disease MOM kg • Pell Pam • Chale Maino, July 11 - Jells 1Ulnon, • retired farmer, living la tkbv`gpihaf the past year. fell off • chair and limbs his mask while whitely'sbhg • mom Is hie boom He dist le • hew aipMa else 1badle Terrey b MMI. -.1. MoSTwsAL. Jay 11 -A verbose tas5d (MRN., arias •t Ogee lit. Peet, near the .kyr wee Mei bon dSMeie felt W aigttt A FENCING MACHINE. Sow r M Abse o...te.«w mod Grow .a.e • Moog then The wells. elbows is the UMst,MMa. , ods••d tiro. the Geese Judd Fwsef. wOl data wire sad peke' fon.. sod ••a be emeireeted for •bout • dollar. Get • blacksmith to wed together two 0 m • . agar YIN. m aal'mwa pieces cf burry tire, wing 2 in. from east for the weld and leaving the other sed• straight sod about half au web apart A dole should be drilled is each end. Make &pother similar piece of iron 54 1n. loag with a bole in we end for • butt and two boles 14 -la apart in the other for the wire Pnt the end with one hole be- aeon ♦Sween the two 6 is parte of the other place of iron and pane • bolt through so that the middle pice "HU swing freely This for one pair of wires. Each pair needs one of thew, Fasten then at the welded part to a piece of bard wood 2 -in. square and 3l ft long by making a little'sorties to it the welded part, burtug a hole and bolting tt fast The top and bottom ons should be about 3 ft apart with • middle one belt way be teem Bore two holes in the 2.2 stick and pat In two pins for handles. Run the wire. through the two holm and the ma chine is Wady for woe*. The wire can he crusted or given • full twist as desired and this is .11 that it will stand and retain its fall strength. Mak. • tension by penins a good strong bolt through three pieces of 18x4 in. bard wood at each pun of wares and chaining fast to • toot. The tension is regulated by,tbe bait• C.eatry Lawao A writer in the ladies' Home Journal sets forth delights of the lawn in well chosen language "N',:uu,d addo so much to the attract• lienees of a coautry house, be it large or small, as • neat, we11•kept lawn It is the .etttug fur the home and without it *veer thiug seems incomplete. It is • picture without a frame. The pictui• may be very lovely. but unit! the frame is added we are riot eatbrie.l. 1 hat• seen sumo hooses that needed only a smell lawn to make them seem almost perfect Wituout it they gave one that sense of being onto- is0.pd. wbivh always detracts from our en *trauma of anything. About many coon try mimeo I see great dower beds, brilliant with color, for tonic o: that velvety green sward which its w beautitgl to it.elf, and which adds sweat a rha1 in to the humblest cottage os vel, 5,5 the costly residence, sued 1 wonder it their owuere understand what • .tet*►- iniac aim making in giving op all the ground to dowers. Flowe1• are bean• tiful a.ed u', are in. should W without then:. b.it they s,.,.ul 1 never crowd out the lawn Its cool. refreshipg color rests the eye and giros an air of repo•• to the plea which is eminently home like in its iudu once. Passersby often panes to look at it and say, 'How pretty It is," while the brightest bed of flowers would fail to .t - tract their sits.:tson. r irw Coup. *brute • tiosimb a pddMlsas Is a lana u there roma tar them. hos bower beds east ivied about it dolma tram its Massy to .toad of adding N 1 Thor are hum sad henna 835.5 evolve themsuives, tom thea, while better this sew at ail, este semi esttl.tamssry. They always leek Am depth soil Ashman d said whish b to a good lava what the phi. le $e velvet The eel, way u which a rally sae laws sae be .ado is to bogie prep.rly and wort along proper lises soUl yrs bora that thing of beauty whieh will he a joy for ever, it it te geveo proper mars" Tub now gee taw Lowe. Says the l'ountry Ueeti•.•a; The Hydrangea is an extreme- ly useful pleat It is •Leel lardy. has largo, bright green foliate. mid le ewe to Bower eveyser. The large heads of rosy white dowers last • leas thea An- other bydraugsa, Titolaaa Hogs, las per white dowers. butts tit them will otteo produce blew dowers, esu whim eat►iyy is done to bring it about. free Is the sal will take the champ. li is mid, as .11 alio • tow drupe of •.mosi5. lant•use .re spleudld plash far the purple, as they are faith ens lovers. Gly them plenty of water, and it seems never too hot for them They are pink. snap and other colors. Some have • fussy to grow them as standards, training them with umbrella like beech 1 the Tree Uherk/. Casamb•e. This cucumber is different from the mar mon species, altbough In the market 5a•11 pickling cucumber generally are knows' as gherkin& 'rhe true gherkin is • moire of Jamaica, the baba of the plat more hake the dilute cucumber. and Sha .Moos of na oortty the ..line. The surface et the iron is thickly set with spiny ripples, o! oval form and very unlike • caea.her. In sae it grows about tau Inches in le.gtb by au inch and • third in its largest di ameter . color, pale gam, dash. greeds\ s hue. very seedy and pulpy. For footling it should be picked whet. •boat halt grown or when the skin can homely broken with the finger tta*L lu all .talcs of its growth it is comparatively spongy, and is the pro ecce of pack!:ng absorbs . large quaouty 05 nugget_ - A w1..t.a Leta.vy. Dairy products, poultry and fruit Mea be prudutel anywhere. •ud if intelligently marketed direct to consumers, Ming int mediate profits much In •x05ta of those obtained by t..• city manufacturer for hlr goon& dairying has some marked ad- vantage over other kinds ut farming. to that the soil ...etched, the cost d traw- porlatwn. proportionate to value. lase than other products, while the revenue is a sure and eous,ant ono .very week 10 the year. Payment for graal or fruit is delayedrill the crop is harvested, and dem with tall tire to quantity or prks �_Kpe- M� the se- heartenel farmer mustslr�•NNvsNe - before getting even • Mitres IS Mai 11rMMF of crop (11.11111:. This is ata ae1� aph ter. for am man san make • real seas.* d • bus.ner be does sot love. Warks/a. for Outdoor. Fn.•itstas ate fire plants for outdoors in summer. lite them partial shads., plenty of jot ruont unit pte„y of water, .ud there is biotin ..b tae tome. Tney do nut lik. to be under tin drip of iter; but such • place as tic• abadv sods of a Luau snits them exactly. In much the same satiation, though it w,ll take more sou than any tern I kuuw, for fern it le, the Nephralepia tabsrosa thrives. The fronds are graceful, and beside its use w the lawn, it is are excellent Dote pleat la water. ULD SOL r� no^tctty , and iclost s hot. KEEP COOL 1 mite o 1; J your health, and it doesn't cost much if you go to the right place. We're not waiting for the end of the season to make Clearing Prices this year. Now, when yon grant the Goods, we make prices that must clear there out. Some sample items : ladies' White Lawn Waists worth 50c for 29c worth 11 25 for 75c worth 2 00 for S1 :5 " Laundered Shirt worth 1 50 for 98c " Cambric Blouse 1 00 for 59c Black Wool Grenadine Dress Goods worth 20c for 111,c All -Wool, Double -Width, Black Ground l'hallie, new designs .. worth tlt^rc for 29c All -Wool, Black Ground Challie, very latest patterns " 45c for 29c All -Wool, Light Ground Delaines 40c for 23c Union Delainee 25e for 16c Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Waists " . 40e for 25c Fancy Whip Cords 40e for 25c " Shot Effects . , " 50c for 25c Ladies' Untrimmed Hata, worth from 50c to 75c, to clear at 121c Ladies' Black Sailor Hata, worth 25c, to dear at 10c Ladies' Jackets, our dose -marked prices from =4.25 to 15.60, every gartnent new, for 12 95 Art Muslin, for Curtains, 38 inches wide worth 12}c for tit Boys' Blue Serge Pants, lined worth 60e for 35c Men's G)otl Tweed Coats, unlined worth 92 60 for 91 90 Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, homemade cheap at 10e for 7c Embroidered Buggy Dnaters worth 75c for 49c 4. DON'T FORGET that we are making the greatest cuts in prices ever known in Goderich so early in Me season ; that we carry ererything necessary to wear for Women or Men, Girls or Boys ; that we sell as we buy, at the closest possible Cash Store Prices. EVERYTHING TO WEAR.