HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-19, Page 3IDOSIMORIffe 1E $1OeOL/01 LA$-D*DSNTLL 171= amen g= DR, 111. .IIOHARDSON, L D. 8., and vttase Mr 51:8CWIllatearrvrimit Velit- .-1T le e1M1e UK. HUNTER. P-8iu(ylAX. SUR- me. Meat- et. . Night *aim reat itrftlell Ri.I..•, Hotel. ally DRS.. •RANNON it esilliNON, Asswashera aro. u C. 8 eeleOle.-R�ism. Naphsrst sear. use. J. M, arutor,-Reside.ee Nerthet, sit• Medea sohasi. Citral. LrAtM...P1IUN s JOHXBTON, - BARRIg �..M •iC.Aal- rliN O. loan. 1 OFTCB L DANCIY, BARRISTER, &'r VU04C, &o.. stn to lean at lowest rate.. HOrtoa'e Block phone Colborne Reset Dederick. Ont. SIM tt Lr N. LIW18, BARRi8TER, PROO- 14. for in Yatlslme Courta •t Ontario one. Mouth Queue hetet. ISiS 1) 0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, feu 1 t. OSUS. saner id Stew Sad West street DerML ever .U1 1 ecce, Prl- ,.t• fdunds to land at Sweet rtes of Wm - ARROW & PROI'D10()T, BAR Attorwe)TID Soilelttwtied* b. J. T. 4 etc.. liC., W. Presidia/I. rAMERON, HOLT HOLI[Ei;, k dHamsters. C Sdloitere in C isseety oto. Used lei k. M.a Pawn. CIO.; P. BoltH G. WIRD, OONVIYANCER, tJ . aa, ..d ..m..1.M.._ tar tam nd re - erring rerepr--, .r beta, aha, . oa amratatl.me. bepeltioas sedeclare mediae la the Court •ro. the woe '.pro- - t start at for tarlo. er is oar county or Divides V art Ali a,id praai.i.u.s iAl u.du cid OsttINL� Latina t\i/ Illtiattilotodpg. I SEAGER, 0UNVEYANCIINo AND lasursnce e11o.. MMsigrstar1L 'a RMe5 111ON)st Tt4LEND t1N MORTGAGE 1M r Dent. Notes discounted, C. MAD „per1L t!ise epMestle Martin's 11.t01. cede tick .NMONZY TO LOAN. -- .25,000,00 Dotoat o▪ oto hese Dowd.Oe4atrt k.peor• �e�(, .. T J. T. NAFTEL, TIRE, LIFE AND ( . 8rwsee�aireat ; at lowest aid• 7a- ,th00000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO w' CA81111 if ROL? tit 11101.10111. aide - Net. (UNEP TO LEND. -A LARDE .LY1 ttmew.t ad Private Reade f.r laveetme.t atlowes rues ea Aret,eisse e OA It ROW t PROUDTOOTMmb~m Ajjipay J.)RADOLIRAN. GENERAL 1N- ao' • sol reAgennt Real Seutte sad Mow lo . only aret•oless eompaales rseresented. Mew M Laid on 'traigb toss at tri• lowest nils et intersect g_eg, V se w•1 N .sat aka aorrower. hies- lisp. rat door flies t ..are. Waw Pre& Dade. joi lab eg.tkapitntr mate. g r uD6ltlti8 I INOIE ANIOW ItN$TI- '5 TUTS LIRMAI T AND RZADIND- M, err. of list street .ad $gwor. 1uy stairs Upon ?f.m 1 to a 7.M • Sad from t to to ABOUT IMO VOL'8 IN LIBRARY. Lusa.. fly, W.,kty .w1 IUIn.1►.s. ea, ere., on lett.. yM� ilea >o1=1hraiy sad R.M. ONLY iatr Alms to 11imemmbsrwklp received 5 room a. WITH. DRO. STITEN, PreeldWed* M ~s 11t mise. r AuottoaNrtnle, - - O>XASOCNDRY, AUCTIONEER AseZillea W��l ire M las. 00. Allatlael TO aur rteot u; stoup. as tyat- tNOX, 0EINERAL AUO- ataA Laad valeater. D.dee1sk. Wesperiesee �tdetk sada la •• pennies te is m gM44 ,es 11 sem Writes 4 tsa8 M lir at coMt; "it a J 1 Dental �o1-iiildtmtat. TEETH QTMCTED WITHOUT PAIN ETHEL - CHLOR!DE DR. E. RIAT HARDSOlj'8 t1t-RAL PAM.,eta. NINA NOM SLOW UtIT-STIEET SODIUM OMT. 11aliarde me lh`weMi•.... t� mos atter • sot eamue.o sad • eetSutgk.d tit �tte am wtktaat le [ the � and W�al4. whist' warranted Tran LteM t 0.Io th. pin dart/lie cion weir .r yank or nits.. Of ea) v end very little pals n the most ysteal s.1*01 Dffi see h sstlh�etS�tyt ��o �eb� 110 pi teeth �mdl;ee karwmte .a esti to rentor mors es it Is eeaeiMrw a dais. PtstamM peauvW rrvadwa r. ass Mood. .No t: em et the mmirat fele tr _11 sal. r.� m�lae'd DR. s RiORA>RDSON, B erbee heeds. 1 w ks l(pspy .1 b to the dubs s `yl was thenh8 I .1 yegr�H H. Yon mod to ile -tie you 1 daai w t yen te Kut et el hso the reams t. bme a Slew PWaW11,l have Atl Mw vivo teal fet�p� J. R. les se thaw ha{a'ti•i. Vet wheal amrbie 1�uel the kilt aad�•WW dWO be haDsin De the w.s Pe oaf► -.r • �a e10M tie Pasta al arts ail - (Rewe hams au wvaks. a A FRUIT EVAPORATOR Wow TO CONSTRUCT A HOMEMADE •UILOINO FOR THE PURPOSE. Diweaelew* et the N.1 Wan -. The Need Rwalred sad Mew Mesa to Warsaw 11-- T he Law*.si s1 the Ngperaee sad ■.w lo Cee It. t he Kisses of evaporation as the cheap- est known method of preserving iudell- thitelr, for future ass or for market, such fruit ss raspberries, blackberries, cherries, apricot' plums. or apples. and In season of plenty, it enables one to r r preserve to • condensed hula t won otherwise svulable furs, be sold at • low prior, ser allowed todeco lent forma of •vaporaapre armee upon 51. - t nu. 1.-ax7.mlo& view or svama.Tott market. and may b, obtained hely to .et up for immediate new Huwever. when several aures of berries are to Le evapor- ated, or fruit u evaporated fur other especiallit y isfubeet to or put up • building skillful lit with tool, 1 'm' nod to a parson seat. A praise 'seed nut be tf eoureuieut and cheap funis of •rapuratur is shown in perfection iu F•g. 1. this rill evaporate one hundred hush els of raspbertier every twenty four hours. The budding iat eight feet wade and tweuty two (•et Sun rtia Iy Larded up and down, or Au>ei.ed , as elaborately es desired. ' 1f p,esibl., locate the fruit -drying home upon • uueLia, end at one end of the t, baa:dtng lay up a cellar wall n.-ariy hre feet high, the width of the building. and about four feet wide, Beside diameter At one end • ape,. is left for • door. Within three niches of the top of the foundation I. wall • atorep„ pi, is Inserted. In the sow wad seotwne of live inch pipe, a. are 'm - sorted to Sonat fresh air to the forbore room, and if the air is df.charged hear the entre of the cellar, or immediately over the •tole•, .0 much the better, as it creates • better draft than when admitted along the alder In constructing an evaporator, a novice nearly always makes the mistake I•t allowing too tittle ventilation about the furnace. If . proper •worn,( of fresh air is put admitted the fruit le Simply steamed and often stun«( by the ersrkiug. -Ll way a,lm:t the fresh air from as near the gn.umed as q•.•ertbk. The ventilators &Mold be of duple t'iuieusiuns, at.d d made with a forced draft, better and quicker reed t. wall b. obtau,.J. When tate work s rushing, all these little things are very important Small fr .at is best evaporate.' 0o the sense day it ns gathered. Hence, when doing a cown.er• can business. use to have the fruit deliver - .d duly es fast as the capacity of the crap orator will admit. For a Lnildlug of that ase • vommou brie ca.t•iron stove, one tout square and two and a half feet long will. with dry wood (or fuel. funnel, all the heat necessary, nut 11 requires almost con- stant attention, and the beat will not be uniform. Henn, if p est5l., pot 80 nue of the low down. anthracite coal, ban burn ere. The lege may be reuxeved. the object being to Ines los stove as far below the fruit shelves es possible. One too ..f hard coal will evaporate • sufficient quah.tity to maks at low a too of dried ras$Lerne.. mud ,f the wood has to be pnrehased. coal will often be the least expensive. To ■tt:. las all the heat possible, let the pipe cc** and recr.oe the furnace rums several Hues An interior view of the evaporator is given in Fig 2. The evaporator chutes are both derestly over the furnace room. end stxoud be of a six, corresponding to the size of Steen or trays. the largest size of which u fonr feet square. When these ale. uniformly ,covered with • bushel of berries each, it requires a eotstderable strength to handle (hem quickly, as the little drop doors should not remain open longer than is absolutely nec.ssarr, or ton much heat will escape. The drop doors. N, are five inches wide, and each space will admit two acres. The strip to which the doors ars hinged bongo's- and • half Inches wide. These dimensions can be changed to .nit the fancy For instance, a dour Stacy coyer the space for three or four ei.veu, and be retained by • catch instead of wooden button. Two ehntes are shown in the sketch. Often three are *noted side by aide. the dimension of the site* should he determined upon before the building i. commenced. The win for a four -foot .yuan sieve, of tit. best galvanised materi- al, coats about seventy five crate It comes in rolls of different widths. When wo- men an to handle the sieves, these three by four tet in else will prove most oomm ventent. hence make three rows of shots three feet wide and four het long. A long box about one foot deep will prove TUE SIGNAL GOD ERI CH, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 19. 1894. n� �'., •I°fe ul hn�� �'°` DIED ON THE GtLLOWS Tbr latler met►oet of karveetisg r e.0- balf chap., aha. 1s.ad-picking, o.d it M cowing more popular each year la the bestial memo, pot Is the fresh the top, moving down • point or tw boar. taking out the properly dried .e at the bottom, they should be Meidried Ito mach that to grreplag • hu.dfw considerable pressure thin they w *mart when considerable. apse • level lou .dry they will again absorb mo arum the varr►le atmosphere. If a to become too dry. they are liable to •m •+:« from acute lug. especi•Ily those ea thm lower tray. -_t Arany Judd Farmer SCIENCE A NECESSITY. e•'cesetul Agrteau.re 1. Peeelhle with_ sett the Peeper K.ewledge, At no period has science so largely bewtltted agriculture as at present, says Prof. Weed in the American Agri culturist, end the time has lung stu..e passed when them le uotbiug to be done Lot to plant the seed in the spring and gather the hervicet in the autumn. Will* agriculture ha. made Inaub advancement during Recent year., yet at has hardly kept abreast of the Oates dnriu.( the last decade, and sumo of the other industne.• have Puah•J ah*ad of this must an•(0,1 h. mutable txvupatiou. Agricultore excluded it.el( kit, much from the . foes of industry, and a just maw o,. abreast u! the num. through the aid *Me'sca ba. tendered. 1'bie is p rttou Ileus to *woe special hues. Farm ars attacked by two kinds of urgou e the injurious insects au.] the per fnA i -and It is in dealing with ti pennies the most advancement ,n acts agriculture Lae recently been The tient, eat the leaves and the sap of the plains,' while parasite fungi fend upon the rich juices plants, causing a great check to grit How much damage is c •nas.l by inju tehaelta 11114 Parasitic fungi earnti.t a 'nate, t in just as many .dol at. mud art a is sate to say that fully uue-iunrth t toe average yield of all terve produce le estruye.l by injurious insects *lout'. Clot to ...y that were it nut fur the insect., he yield would the ..tie fourth greater than It ,. at pr -Need. 1u one who Iles not given 15.1, natter ai*MltiOn, this statement may Ise 8e -..-red Nomewhat doubuullr, but n t..-vern,el,•,,, only too true. berries et •every Eagene Prendergast Hanged for the Pisa Murder of drier Itarrittoa. i with miter* tali i HE TAKES HIS FATE QUIETLY' ietar. lowed Me Was Dtm..ded brews alshiag Mas !A- dam Sparse\ Hie \.,-k Mrahe■ b) tin Drop The Grime for rt blek He Paid the Pewalty. Catcauo. July i C-1'reuJergast, the assaas111 of Mayor •'crier Harrison, was hanged yesterday He mowed to be in different to his feu cud died game. At 11.37, nine shut.. after the trigger *0. sprung, Prendergast was announced The ssawiu made no audible sound from the nate he left hu ce1L He was dissuaded by Shinff •i,iberts tram making a speech. The murder of Caro -r Harrison was one and e•1 td,e must dastardly on record. Th. has llayur had returtltd home from attending hMer t,. cl.wug ceremonies o1 the ll'orld•e Fatr ani al,,tlt 041 use the craning of Saturdar, .rb1u tktubrr 31, 1..: year. It was near 8 early u.•l.ak when l'heudergast. who. had been cru hsugtn;; aroW11 II/41 preu,ises. appn,acl>ed mop. M. hours and rain the bell A girl ao1- ras lowered the ring and wan asked if the ase that May..r was at horn.. lit receiving • holy nulls its the affirmative, Prendergast pushed Zeis wad.. way an, saving � ,,aat the salve time that he cook °rust see lar. Harrison. Ina Mayor, hear - the ing the noise, entered from the dining of room to the hallway, and the girl then took wilt. her departure. w"L " Well. what du you watt with m. r' WI"vett.' asked the Mayor. tens 'Alen the assassin drew a resolver from his pocket and without • word of warning commenced firing. The first shot was fatal in itself, entering the Mayor's right breast and peuetrattt,g the lung. The wounded malt attempted to retreat to the dining room, but wa.. (oil.-we.l by Preuder• gest, still firing. Three al,o:s in .4 were tarsal. two Iaying Wed effect l'mrter H. Harrison von fire times elertr,5 Mayor of ('Menlo-te;11. 1'81, i8'Ci.'1M8i and 181a3. He was 'sort. in Kentucky in 1823. When he was et_i,t months old his father died. bat the ,•ocuw,tance► of the family were lett in an minimal!, pro,naiug auadltioa. At the lane of his ..rath be was a widower. but was engaged to be married to a Miss Annie Howard, whom he called for constantly while he was dying. 1'a.. lady. however, d11 e. t arrive until the murdered Mayor oat br.elet his last. FIRE IN A SUMMER HOTEL. The c.o.s.'s Escape St iris Theo 1.5re.-lop beterle 1.4411'. Nears Lo... Mt/Nikkei.. July 13 -While fifty or silty guests were soumi:y sleeping in the Albeit Spnuga hotel. Shoo/moor bay, fire broke uut in the budding As the huteI was a wooden *trnctnie It ((Awed up, and there being aro a q.pitances to tight it, it ehou spread over the Manse devouring everything in its path. Every guest escaped with life, but not a few are mourn- ing other I...see There was au uutari" holy who, though escaping safe and s.•uud,ir blttelly lament- ing the lone of her 'i,amonds, which were valued at several thousand dollars. She had them sewn In her corsets and she had the corsets under her pillow, Igo[ in the excitement of tire it was life cod nut dia- monds which seeing to have been art prime moment, end the latter were lost. ll hen tie fire broke out the landlord at once had four barrels of coal oil removed from the cellar to the open field, and ilia alone prevented a b•.;..-su.t. Ali the fora, tore and fittings, except the adv, was de- stroyed. The sides and roof may be p, FIG. II -terse/inn or [VaP0UATrii er>nvenlent to throw the evaporated trait intodireet from the Drees, from which it ie readily shoveled Into Wks, bows. or other reo.ptaelea This room should he well llgbsd, and reeks say be placed along the walls for holding picking trays, baek.ts and ether things when not in use. In the greatest evaporated raspberry predacity motion of Now York State, �kfug soils two emits per one reit on an average, nearly three quer% oo( fresh for a pound of dried fruit Raspberry pleats, if properly attended, will read fin paying entre before hatng removed. A yleM of Mx hwodnd pounds pet •A ts .batt the Atria.* M media plow ewe gill talks Imitated By he mu b pga/�s !s ens tm.n vlllf as ilm t $ire Bgabet. pia day, mad, work, wend immlbo s sere. prkeel krbberrries .g manse IMtw lust .flu sisal, Oki rota whish removes lar w' he to u, e Wet wi nal *t. grad fn tier eau h Tnosre u,r the cul tar pre 11, de Ila to fun aslt gra lett the lris o lava rho those Mal A the B ori pert only very woo 11112w lie This e,l f. ed. ling •n and stet not 0 both fruit Bu has term& iuJeeo that wool India show bed• The at :.n atatlo that t gaper Aeric Mewl this le t Slum rgretr Will great! y a able t given t e can City Us et in pro It cos Unions under mimesmimesthe N stands foram most 1 doubt work 1 aid to the ea these i aid to ward. 1t be *Le lop; li:-,tic:, 1.1 ;soler reme- '-* a large pr.1 or the loos cm e.1 by In- 11.,.dN use t -»•4t: he prevented, au1 that int but hole t .ow4e and expense. 1t is * re that t, ,: 1 e-IrnCe .r( en[••Itarlu�r nosesthe res••ue ..f the agrtrultur,et by bruit.. g (urwart( uric can iJee to fifteen, en, and in - ed l(1 'untie C411141111. e1111reiy I'reye111, til. canoed ht. the ravages of In jut lu- ta. Cleat's. (Man,* n1 culnv4:lou :i gnakerbly kerb the ua0Ler of morels tieh att..ek the growing curio, ensile ties i'licatwu of bwulphole of carbon to toe It as soon as harvesteed eri,l prevent ether damage by towel. iu the gr4nary. lar many carer the loss through dmm.ge q.ara,it:c fungi is no lees abs , that oe a !,c the attack of Injurious ivaecte. e diseases 01 the grate hays, pothole. are.] tl.• tat. et attention at the halide of cu1ogau , 1.4613.411.1421, .w1 111.4613.411.1421 rr'u1ts 01 it sur. ,u this branch of oche: ale akin - tare st n- tare:uuntt•themselves use every Hand ape diseases were formerly but Baale v,deut bat during recent years they tet • 'lacteal...l 10 their dletrlLntlol, and rnstivene.e to web au extent that it is w airmen lmi.osible w briny; the grapes maturity without the appiacanon .f a Kicide to chuck the growth of the par- k fungi which are the cause, of the pe dl.e.so s. 'Ilii. Leine the ono. the "cohorts' knows that the Sip:ice;1•.n .1 Bordeaux mixture i. 1t fuily an ins- tant part of r„ceer* as pruning or cul 11,.11 But It I...s *leo bee , reerutly w1 that 111111111 plant donates ..ther thou of the grape tau be checked ,u like hoer by the application of fungicides. rum :lent example o: this is 'Mind in good resulting 'from the application of .aux mixture to potatoes, recent ex - lunar *lo wing that Hdlg fungicide not prevents the potato rot, hat also so largely increases *h. yield that at id pay well to apply the Bordeaux tore fur this latter purists. *lone, re potatoes at• subject to e*rly blight tlaellee tri yield was a result uni.•ul-- ,r whet, (he expert Went.. ser. conduct - Thu same tampon!, is used to spray. pole trees to prevent the apple scab, exl1rimeuts last season at the Coruell on show that the Bordeaux mixture My prevent* the scab. Mu it increases the yield and keeping glulhties of the t in other lines of agriculture, science but reoeotly shown many things of In- . It has long been supptwed, and, 1, oummoo sense would gat i" show, the winter protection of witch cows J pay, yet it has retrained for the 0a Experiment Station to recently past what and how much benefit is to rived from stub winter protection. 'hatter of sub irrigation has received tion at the hands of souse of our ata, and the sxperim.uta have shown his system of irrigation is mach for in its genas to the usual methods. altural chemistry, dairying and bac- "Icy are et yet bat new sc5nc.e, and s especially so in the intimate rela- which they bear to each other. The ✓ of ale fermentation of milk r now ing much attention, and baotenolo.y probably soon show as a method of y prolungfng the swmtnees of milk. method of mill keting, we are now o way just how much butter fat a omonnt of milk 000taluat bow litany pounds of butter be mads from the given goad• of milk. This being tun ones. ilk now sold at creameries is paid for portion to the amount of butter (at tains. Mae ere ase the intimate re existing between the safeness which lie agriculture. We also me that has brought agriculture forward to ate of advan.seneat in wbrb it now That agriculture 'Mond be nag oat, a. ft ever has been primarily Ube mportant, Industry there can be n0 But acmes has not completed its n aiding agriculture. Tbe greatest the egtieultwrrts in this eonoery r perusing station. -.rd 1t is through oaitntions that much of the fntare agriculture will be brought feats everstnr sr *)ttrtdw.a. Hybridisedon is the sloes difficult sad uncertain method, as It must be followed for g.n.ratium Wore the spooks has b. - stow Axed to • degree that will warrant 11. baMg introduced as • now varlet). 4whintN• eapr,4m tern arc runout Met weaprflhl r entha work of by Mli�ri.g de -d&... & all/ to required -la pM11a- se .sal • memea•dul arose •ski OW ieaareaglahodtM wart std M M- ae tb Mrd eersfI -1.15oa Udo malelaM ell brow abbe lavad- bra tdlwisThe sieurt tea type likt e ether of the gams Owes •ed altar a1wUMma indbiala Wad dams leek thea meat M tleY ales tiles tis tis et dle boiled Gored to Death by • Seth. HARII.TOA, July 14.-.1 Beverly town ship farmer, named J.ohp Rutherford, was gored to death by a vicious bull un his farm, The bull was known to be vicious and was tied op, hilt It broke loose and attacked the old man, goring him in the abdomen and mutilating biro in a fearful manner, Two sora of Mr Rntherford, who wore in an adjoining field, rushed to the repose of their father and drove the animal of. but too late to prevent fatal re- sults. Mr. Rutherford bled to death in a few minutes. Deceased was 811 rears of age, well-known and highly respected. H. leaves a widow and a grown up family of five A Ch11d N.r..d to Death. Losnoe. Ont., July 11. -The three- year old daughter of Lewis L. Richards,MS Spruce street, met with a terrible accident which resulted in her death. Mrs. Rich- ards heard the little one screaming in the back yard. and running to the back door she saw her daughter enveloped to flame.. With the assistance of the servant girl she picked her up, and both tors her burning clothe. off. in doing so both had their bands badly burned, and before they sue minded the unfortunate baby's body was almost burned to a crisp. The child set her clothes on fin while playing with matches, P'arame Pott.. Discharged. BRANTFOan, July 14. -The saes of Thos. Patten, a farmer from near Paris, for se- duction of Annie Newman, was heard at the polios court yesterday. After bearing the witueeser the magistrate dismiseeJ the caw on the grounds that the girl was not a ward of the defendant and the agreement between Mr. Patten and the home was merely • master and man agreement. The girl could hey left at any time. Doubt existed as to the age .1 plaintiff. Fatal Ae.ld..t d Porta PAINTS, OnL, Joly 13.-A ynnng man earned James Crawford, • carpenter, while hutting logs with esteem sawing machine, met with • terrible accident, which reunited is instant death. It etppean he was platt- ing a b.lank on the tame which feeds the mw and was caught by the belt and hurled acmes the caw, whihb severed his head from hie body, at the sans time rutting one of his kgs and arms of. ll. leave. • wife a.d four children. softwood ow ops. Toreotrvet Jody 11. --Wm. Tucker, • bendier on Yonge street, was suffocated by tem 70010'1`7. When Zenist Alston an employs, went into Us drop he detested e strong eas.0 of essaplas ps. *0d on in vestig titsg found his emptuyer dating dead In hie *hair in the usee with two gas jets turned on. There l•.o doubt that the death was purely s.efd001.l T.we.. Weems. Bless... While Plat blab& fie Joists, N. R , July la -A raid drown - fug oeeid.nt esearr.d appetite aha Amar resort of II J. M.0 orateesa ne.lUssg b the drove tet Vim L.ey 1lwr. aged 1o7, 4.* *s, ee((W. R. lam Wts51 Mineral P..ihoorediratas ~WM*sad.5k' ()Dateless. The Best Food For Children? is worthy every parent's study; not only what they can eat, but what gi\ csthe mostnourishuneat. No children are better, and most are worse, for eating lard -cook- y�- i ed food. if, how- h ` their ..- food is prepare with the health- 'tuI new vcgetabk shortening, COTfOLENE instead of lard, they can eat free- ly of the best food without danger to the digestive organs. You can easily verify this by a fair trial of Cotfolene. •es 1.,...' ,w pall. )fade only by baa pess.a The N. L Fairbank Company. 1* -s I I Isagtea ..d Aar •1.., ■0,T•L3 MORE REMINISCENCESOF LINCOLN al, a1.d11 sieek.d of *salla with .tpait. t•aa1. 1.1. a 14.1114411114.2. ll *mhmgtoo Inn.. Bepreeentalaoe ilun dy art Ohio eojoyw, among other things, awe distinctions he is the father•,n law of Judge Foroker, the noted Republican from Use itookeye State, and was a i'reeideuisl E .e.• • r for Abraham Lincoln. •• The td loeli•u teuitah-ceaure of • d qd Abe. Mr. /toady the other day, "nate never bees iu prima. I braid them w i„le , outing u,y i•Are* to ire hum ,n 1862, on %loch oe (realms 1 had cowhr ata to Woahmgtu0 to se• cure the release of • (union recruiting officer who had been unjustly charged with having made fake vouchers of enlistments and !tart aeon ant to Baltimore and pl•.wl in jail at Fort McHenry. Before me in the line of 1 those waiting to Hoe the President was the wife of a colonel of Dili Illinois's/preset, who had been captured and was imprisoned in the South. She wanted to secure • Special order of exchange tor her husband. " I can't do it, n,ad.m,'• raid lar. I,inceln In hie most polite manlier. "There have been altogether too many special elc•anges already. Besides, Jell Davis won't do any Ching 1 want bun to. Hehtas50,000 private, in hr kingdom whom 1 would prefer to et change rather than your husband." " Met my husband is a brave man and a loyal one. 1 °onset understand what you mean. ' was the lady's reply. " Modem," responded Lincoln, as he pulled his old quill pen from behind his ear, " with thus pen 1 can stake • Colonel in hoe secoor's, but I cannot viva him • rerfine•t.' 'i'hen he •.Ids akindly : '• (,o esd r.. t;leo Notch, who has charg. of th. elchang.a It he will grant your request 1 will not io• t.rfere.Th" "e next person ,n line," continued lar. Randy, " was a man with some alleged letter of loyalty from an ex Governor of Maryland. As he handed them to Mr. Liocoln another man caught what had been mud sad interrupted the 000ver.ouon to tell Lincoln that the papers must have been forged as the Maryland ex.Governor had been dead for several years. The man who had brought is the letter collapsed. and Lincoln with that pscnli•r pity which he could show even to those who least deserved it, replied quickly " 4), neyr mind, sir it is far more interesting. i would rather `et • letter from • dead man than from • live man any day." " The thggd to hare • nonveemnon with the Proidsit was • Wall street broker and adventure.. who wastrel to he made Assist - Secretary of the Treasury, so ea to relieve Um government, as he declared. by fleatug an issue of bonds. His plata was to borrow for the government a oertain amount of money on • pledge of $100,000,000 of laitd Stater bends, which were to be reo.d .. collateral for the payment el the loan. The plan of Ake *chewier was very evidently to break the price of the beads mod then get possession of them at • price km than the market, for his margin was very narrow. " Mr. Lincoln listened patiently until the elan was through, aid then as be eyed his clearly be said solemely • ' My friend, that S • mighty rod plan to Ret beads tor loss Mum they are worth and very well thought out, but,' as ha shook his head, 'don't oak me to help you is it.' " At last it war Mr. Boody'. tura. He told Mr. Lincoln, by way of introduction, that he had been o Lincoln Elector, and Mat what he wanted to ask of him war simply an sot of joshes to the faded-imprieened recruitingofficer. Mr. Linn hoard the story and then mid : " My (read, when •r. you going to dart for borne '" it was Saturday sight, sad Mr. Beady told the President that. as be did slot travel Sunday, he should not start until early Monday moraine. Mr. Ijuo.le paved a moment and then said : " vt .11,.ir ORIONS you start for Ohio at come your friend will brat ynu home." i1. Ritchie A Co., Itanafaeture s of Ath- lete Cigarettes. (her production r over three quarters of the tvm..mptioo of cigar, otter in Canada. 11 Hebert (lorrett, the farmer presid.ot of U1. Baltimore 4 Ohio Railway, is in fad health again sad will have to take • trip to Kwrops, leaving the splendid ineereoll plum at Newport whish h• r.oeelly par weed. Dns Situ r wee mileriag ver uck from di*rrhna, amid id got within, to euro me. A fried told one of Dr. Towhee Kxteem of Wild twuwMpr►..d a few deem 00.apletsly wised ma Thea t. Graham, MOtlta. jl•.. Q. Mr. maim« Sae cart at rest by costlier denial the raisers of ►M i■tsotr0 to rite this ew.try. Re.erwl yase+ .°oIs dee ee as medians. matotmato' *we",tlie gewtend .( hie advaseed eget mid that is a. -kJnll . that Mee nee ttAmr to ham di- misaid to the m.ea dile. - GREAT - COTTON SALE GREATEST VALUE EVER SEEN IN GODERICH. A Goal 33 -inch Cotton, 10 yard. for 40 Cent:, A Heavy Sheeting, :fti inches wide, 10 yard, for till Cent-•. An I'. tra Heavy Sheeting, 5.ti inches wine, It) earls for 75 Ccnta iF THESE ARE NOT THE CHEAPEST YOU EVER SAW. DON'T pyT THEM 11 Ladies' Summer Capes M wholesale price -a real snap. Short ends of Carpets &wax below Bost. LACE CURTAINS. As usual the greatest value in the County. In Set. Cream Anil IV bite also by the varI. Bear in mind, we have none of the I" to _U cent tra,n to offer, tut a large Assortment of tint.cI*., stack, di. n•.'" troll, the. mak.Vti 11, lie.\.WIN, 8e..Tt,t\U. • Sur CARPET SEWING MACHINE is a great succea.. We can intake a :lar or 40 yard Carpet in about two hour.. \1; onit•r, promptly .•xt•.•ute,I. COLBORNE BRO2., GODERICH. The Great Carpet,and`Lace Curtain, Warehouses of the County. To THE PEOPLE of GODERICII AND VICINITY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, i lo'g tb arinottni•e that on .duly 1st i tock poeseaion of the !loot and Shoe Business formerly carried on by 'Ir. 11 D*.Naa,.., Nell and fatorahll' known to you. Mr. lhtNvrsl., after -twenty years of .er\ice faithfully (Ione, and, 1 Jiro pleased to know, favorably acknowlr.igeti by the public of this section, has decided to retire front I41.iness, and on his retirement 1 hate accepted the responsibility involved in hereafter conducting the tootle which his shrewdness in busineee, general tact and accommodating manner had suc.-o'r.led in building up. Por the past eighteen years, las many of you Aare aware, 1 hale Leen identified with the business, moist of the time as sales- man anti general assistant, and on that ace-. .nut fere assured that i have ban•ouie so in touch With the requirements of the customers of the .'stalehshtoeut, that 1 «hall not only he in a position to retain all former i.atrons, hut be able to draw oilers in the time to come Hoping to receive the hearty 1-ooperation of thou' who patronised my predecessor. and kilig promise to. carry- on the busi nes* on the same straightforward line:, that charact.'ricwi 'all the deal. Ings of Al fItr.; I e11140I a hearty intitation to the public generally N hu desire to do business in 'the Iloot and Shoe trade, to .all Uplift Yours o.'ry trult, W. SHARMAN, Jr., 1:01>sactvl, .fol :i, I"''I Sticct•lutor to E. Iht0tsie.16, SPRING ECHOES. .rmlenh� NOW IN STOCK Parasol; and l'ntbrellas, (the latest). (,loves as usual up to the nsark. HOSIERY Black, White, Cream. Slate, Fain and Tan Shades in Silk Little Thread and Cashmere. SPECIAL VALUE . . . A large range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military-. DRESS GOODS . . Cashmeres, Henriettas and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White, Creme, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nun'd' Veilings. DELAINETTES . In Sprays, Ru.l,, Spot, and Stripes. A full line of Smallwarea, inc;udin Pearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 boles. InapeeU.. Medi/ Wed MIIrlted, t Per teat. Aare.■1 for ('ash. A_ivrtTINTRO, Draper and Haberdasher. Choloe Family Groceries The Best in the Market and the Most Reaonable Prices at R. W. RQINCIMdBN'S, (he ltiwseal 1110. • 1 Nears. STOP. AND EXAMINE A few of the maser enterer we are some at HARt) PAN Pttl. len Harvest Tools •O TU8, axLTEaa, PORN*, WON AND conte 8TON28, PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. THa t Ei.EBRATIin XXX URDINE AND ATUNTIC RED ENO MACHINERY OILS. EUILDICRS' HARD WARM: STOCK COMPLETE AND PRICKS RIOHT. DAVISON U8*Ctae•.t• flan M. r, ere•aellita. Snbsoribe far "The $is1"- $3 & ys