HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-19, Page 1t VOL. XLVI. 2474 f ional. TICE T IN'GE NEWSPAPER O?' 3rD' ON COUNTY_ GODERICH,_OtiTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, .11 L i• 19, 1894., LOOK AT Tile DAT! YOUR LABEL TZ3ZB vrAmiZ- SLE THAT YOUR NAYS 18 MARLXD UP IN AUVANCT. D. IlleGILLICI'DDY LOOK AT THE LABEL ON THIS PAPER AND SEE IF -PAID TO -DATE' THE DOINGS AT OTTA% A. Whatl.C3olffon at the Capital T•e yrhlCrwa•Ying •ease. In tall .boat aesrrdmewl• to the Tarte .1111 as rrearea. The rasa Alla.tlr Rall mier•lee Y.mI.i Tri. SN. a1. eorrespe.deac.. 117.11 WA, .lulu I 1 --A, tl ,e.sion thaws to • close it becomes more uterept- Ing It is to be hoped that the few parting shuts tired off this week will hit somewhere. e have had presented to us during the wets roe of the most wonderful lead of wiutewuhing ever witnessed. with Sir Jabot 1'hompouu beading the brigade. This was u, the privileges and election committee, which gave Turcotte, M.1', ab.oluttos. 1\'r have also bed an exhibition of where the 'more s money goes 7 his cern* out. to the public amounts committee at the *to animation ot Mr. St. Louis • saintly penal its , contractor for the 4'nrran bridge. We have ales had an exhibition ..f the t .over•• meet's total dtsregsrit et public opinion oras their tnabtlity to &sow Meir uwe mind tram sue day to another 4 in thecm let March Minister Foster introduced l s tang Lull, which, lie said, was complete and would Ire put right through. It triers wan any delay the baits would be held responsible U. the 12th July, we Mot the minister still bonging in amendments to his tart6 bill ad at ties not become law yet We 1..v. Mau bad presented t.. the House dialog the dying hours nt the •.salon itch imp.rfwt measures as the French 'Ireaty, tut Atlantic steamship subsidy) which pro- poses tav:ng the people f750.(100per annum. ttetore going further let we figure out what this amount that is CO be take. too 0t the people's earnings a:u.11y neeana The magnitude of ea expenditure of the people's money .) be more forcibly im- pressed upon the minds of rhos who have to loot the bsIl, by enmpartsun, by showing what the amount would ataally pay fur, than by merely stating the hard cold fat the?. the I:overumest a goiog :o draw three •,uartereot a million dollars out of tn• tree . ory for any particular service. ."I.tT IT mit.-. Inc people have become so Gard to having demands upon their resources -that fresh tie- nsnds do out startle them. They are pre - tared for such surprises. Remonstrant* • t.,1. nothise . they are used to being .s -o -Led, robbed and bled, for it is • care of • heads up all the time Let us see as a n:at•er of curiosity what tnu last raid •• 4..,vernment proposes on the treasury really represents in cold cash. The 1750.- o' t ne I .overnment proposes to pay for • weekly steamship sereice across the Atlantic represents the interest on a $27o000,000 loan at per cent. It ie over 3 per test of our toes roves• from counted' and 9 per cost. ef our total excise revenue. 1: would pay the total cost of the admontatratlon ot Melee : rt would pay 80 per cent- of the 1{1sl cost of legislation : HO per cent. of the east of keepin• up our customs houses : It would pay one-half the cost of the civil ' orrice : it would pay oke half the cost of ewotatmtng our milita: it would pay the total Moonlit expeoded on immirr•tion and our light house service combined : it would pay the total amount etpended oe arts and agriculture, •tueraauoe,super•nneat tos,gen- logical survey. scientific Institutions and pe•stons comhined : it would pay the ,oto of government in the Northwest Terms/nes awl the amount usually exploded for the protection and development of our fisheries : it repressors 23!, per cost. of the total revenoe of (totem, 20 per cent. •f the revenue of Quebec, it IS $88,4b4 over the total receipts of Um province of Noya Scotia duns{ 1891 and $136.738 over the total revenue of New Brunswick during that year. Its expenditure morns increased tars liom elutvlent to • at of 2S per nat. '•n tee, basing the calculation no the iwports of last year. 1f it is not Ire. co tea some other article must be tate) to produce the revenue to pity the S ubsidy That amount expended ea aur canals for ten years would etre a 14 foot draft from Lake Superior to the Atlantic coast. .Ictal Genre this out and say whether there are not other ways this money might be expended to the better advantage to the tar payers than no the steamship subsidy. let the taxes be redaeed or, it Minister Fester u determined to spend the money, let him de better with it. 'Nt{LD T.{fa 'ala*'.. The whitewashing of Tarrottr, M. 1'., pat nary Tories to the blush. When Sir Jolts Thompson, the purist, soul not gnats awl Iu.atno.ed the faithful to back h,m up is the &omitt d. the members looked at ere another is •.taaese.ut, anti their surprise at the course Sir lefts hod decided to take was to so way locoweed when Weldon and buckle, both good Tories, said they multi not swal- low Sir John's medicine. The admissions of 1'ostrsotor St. leas is the Curren Reidge metier are interest's/. S" are tie facie related by his brother -i.. Ver Fn,,e. Before the committee the latter told all about the big steal by "'kb the taw player" have hover • quarter of • milli had Ilan added to their taxes. Se lootrepeatedly eemtlaind of tee way the (:nveramwnt were Mediae him for sloe. 'ten expanse& 1D this Vsadr•wol *lefties he had pat ep 92,700. Re admitted destroying his hooks ea Lien were toe many items is them sliest abates ripens... 1s it a wee- der the Tories soh swore time whom they !lave melt flatbfdl agents as St. Louis al 'Mier Melt drawing hundreds of the.osads dollars oat of the treasury to be retained leant to the (7oversseent for election par - !meet The Okwencoe.t cm they did wet keel" the .teal wee gulag es. Where did -' e pest f>1.. lees get the mesey tiny dewy., est of bine - W (.$berm r t Capt Ri.herdees. ferrly el the Balvdiis Army hese, W begs slatieterd gt Mese e.L NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK Tlbu ltgpeetawt !:vests I. a hew Was& Wm Nov 'sneers. lee cholera elddemto (outmnss i. R Petersburg The Brand I sedge bf Freemasons mega in Hamdbw this week. The B. 1i. L General t'uuteret•ce open- ed :n Chatham Fridley. -1a ..pen verdict has been returned to the' Best"u case at Peterborough. intl.-tat retorts giro lel killed in the re- Ce:.1 earthguakm lira -Cu. Stauut.upi«. ll.. great Christian Ia*.deavur roues.. Mott ..paned Thursday its (:ler.-land. mother tF 1. t agstust the Caul' is report- ed To herr'Leed uurartbed lei Poland. Au uhkhlierdttuan 4... Lu brains out on the tuuustaln 111 Montreal Tuuraday, The steauser Senegal to reported t.. Lore gone down to told 1'.citic with all hai,ds %Vas- Letwerit 1'ti*:•* and Japan Over ter Cowan gtlrell.m is regarded as Inevitable. A grocer tamed Marcel Gsgnou wee based by • trulley car in Moho-eel 'Thurs- day. Bowees, who shot young fair.:u Biddulph townehtP receutly, has been c..uwitt,d for tna1.• The l.incolto paler mills at Yernt.0 were destroyed by Are Thursday. • buss, i1:. tesi 11 ill Ism Fitzgibbons. ex -M. P ani Post, wa•'er of Br.'cktille, died in that tows L'n lay, FROM OVER THE BORDER. NOMA Notes from Waehingtoa Mem up to the same date Isms year. It she apposes that during the Bret week of .luly D O shipatonta d better had heels Grade. Why the encourug,ar It:tease in the Mimes export sad the deplorable *honker, is the shipment of butter' In the case of the former, prices, altl•..ugh lower perhaps like aerate es rite Mesh - The t'rrJAeal • than imahefa Gan W sae, are burly regular and teu,a.otauve, sod the market u likely radiate& se like IYtrepatr.k.-the to keep fires, bur the men Today of our Olearsnwe suet bses•r. make ad the saw reauner of .a in PPI)' g the anent greater rase ., market give 1 .iradleu cheese • atanJmv Too r..u:r a t- correspuuaetro. ASIIINI:'1'ON,July It; The ulr- expected durau t'twat• u.ppru, notwitn- standmg the adage that m) • n does ; but certa.wly the unexpected did tteppsu when the U. J. Ssuate, which by its nue lows tow pao*uktd toe u-uai.try tor tuauy mouths, ' broke rue record tor sprdy lepsl►L,uu, by pasmg in one week uwe of :tic regular au - owl approprIatiou 4111s 1t •huts what the .lewwre can do vireo they are wxIona to a.ijuu,u, for that as the teal reason tot the Jelute O'rawheol was kill.d by the too clou,ry at tallies Bros. se*tuiil, hear Pars, Thursday. - J.'un Bateman, • lotus.! farmer of Mashie, foil from a chair amu broke us neck Thursday -1 certificate of reasonable doubt was grouted to Erastus Wtutratt s favor JDIy 12 by J Mace Barrett, John Waterford. • bevel -4 township fanner. was turd to drat, by • Lull 0u 1'huremay eveuitg. toe V'tgiiabt is I.e t.;; starred, l-rep•re- to;y to weeting the l:ritt.na •gale, at I'iy month end Peax,uee. The • Albert Spruos 11. rid, Mtssisquut Bay, tju.bet', was burnt dole 'lhursuay, the goers loeiug everything. Ihe earthquake shoeka have been re- peated iu Turkey and great destruction of mfr and property is r. -ported - The insurance companies have requested the city of Hammon t.. provide better water service fur fire purposes The new L'uiteal states cruiser Mini,e- •pds lis her trial trap on 11 eduseday '•mage.! 111.37 knots per hour. During the past au months the imports to Great Bream from Canada wormed 2694.fiti;, or 411 per cent. i or the sixth time the l'rintee of Wale& yacht Britannia has defeated the American yacut 1`,Ktlaht «n tine Clyde. Jump/ Wright, captain of the Toronto Rowtog Club. won rue senior sculling race in the Bedford, Eng., regatta - A correspondent in Winnipeg wires that the crop lro.posts are better than they have been in any year since 14tl7. I ieorppe Mc .shay. a C. P. R baggage man, was terribly crushed under au eu• gine at 1\'oo.Rock, N. B., Friday. Three fishermen natant Edward and Demo.' Logan mid John Ychsy were !merited in the SL John river, N. B., Fri dap. Mitchell Franks, an Ohio Indian, was ac- quitted Friday at the Brac«bridge Assizes of :he tnnrder of 1rwir Neon. in October, 1!+112 The United State.. warship, Chicago, was dilly/Wed to we extent of $12,O1.1u in a collision with au oil beige near Autererp on July 11 Hubert Harling of Leek rt, N. 8., was brought into St. Jobb, Sr , Friday night. after being four days • wide eights adrift Io an open boat. From 2,I/01.1 to 5,000 Poles its Buffalo called on the Mayor Friday, asking for a.- siatamee to get beck to their own country. They are in great detress The Parisian police have ioformsiun that tan Anarehut has left the United States with the intention of committing wholesale outrages in Psria Japan has accepted Great Britain's offer of !radiation in the international dispute that nos esteem from the ('drown rebellion, and (*bins is expected to do the same. The Jackson Ifarn.w,xxh polar expedi- tion, on board the steamer Windward. ,torted from London on Wednesday. They will gi�by he Arebsngle route to Frans Jose In the municipal elections la SletIy ser Oral persona recently convicted of comma tion with the Shrillest riot., were returned by large majorities The elections will be declared void. Martian Murphy, • butcher's helper, fell beneath • U. T. B. train at Guelph ow Wednesday evening. and bad his aft leg so badly crushed that it was amputated Dear the thigh. Bodied Tbursdap. In the pokes Investigation on Wedtme: day at Troy, N. 1' - Clareuee K. Smith, the facto. clerk, testified to having collected $.W each from houses of h. fame for polies protection. Thewill of the late Duncan McIntyre, millionaire, has been filed- He laves his entire fortune to los widow, at her death to be divided among the family. There sus no gifts to charities. Booted, the anarchist who threw the bomb in the theatre .t Barcelona. Spain. sores months sgn eras convicted oo July 11 and sentenced to death. He expressed pleasure at having killed so many people. David Lows, • (4 T.11 laborer, was killed bybefog ran over by a shunting engine riday afternoon in Toronto, and Is the emitting • four year old boy named David Rrnnokda was run over and killed by 5 delivery wagon The I0terenb•i•1 delegitsa were Insetted by reroute yesterday, • taw Isterestiag sp.s.Ms marking tae oesmtoa. 1n the D wrsing ea address was presented to them by the Intimelal redeestioo Lenges Igad K them I.tt ems In the manta& rapid Kut the Sesame lege struck. Thu *era it expects to pas the rat lel (Le ap- proprotiuu bola, mot that will throw tie MpuaaWLt) for toatuuwg the,esecun en - Or the shoulders of the Irruducrats who ate .retnhera of the cuuterento cumwuteeuu tilt t'i'ne 4iIL The first week let the tariff conference !Nought forth so. d.hot.e'sealu. Humors are plenty, but It s itpWla lion, the ,:un. ierrnce that 10.e !louse .esd ,.,.ate will have to set upon, en 1 leu report Is )et I. aught, sW if any 1.e ....de this week it will probe .rely I.r nett.) • dunw,y to trait the ectal meet of either tee Huu.e or Sedate. Theo. is Iola of talk about the .Senate N..ker,iv, but the intpiessiou )our uerropuud.lit get, fluent t Lear IL out. • 1 a. House •1 udictvY commute* has iaPwala y rd potted the bill iutruduced by Bepresrutauve lane, of Illinois, provldit ins flet all tuutracta for Inc payment of shy sum of n.ouey, whether stipulated to be p id m gold, sitter or coin, soy be di. - charged by any mousy which is by law s legal tender for the paymeut of debts whea the couiract nutters/. Ibis 4,11 is eo palp- ably is lint with cuu,mon sense that one would suppose It would have nu opposition, but there are already ludeut,ow. that at will be opposed by the money lenders vi ho ts• set upon the " payment in Vold " clause be• lag in every mortgage upoo which they loan mossy. 1 here are rumors of an inteftIOn op the part of 1'r.ssdett (level/mit to veto the b•!1 for the adnusstuo .t 1 t.h as • state, 'hick by soma veru clever management was put through the somata in advasce of the MO for the admission of Ancona and New M.11mr ; but, trues • cont'elsetlo. I have just had won an official whose reattons with the 1'iesideot are close, 1 have no best t5Llo0 in predicting that the bill wili be signed. oenator Stewart, of Nevada, bas oo love for President Cleveland, because of kis t naaeal °pimoe. Knowmg the, a lisms emote Samos: oho itronely opposed Presi- dent (•'leu•. land's poslusm ow the aI ries set down beside Mr. Stewart and poured • bruadslde of abusive adjectives, some of them uuprintab;e in • faintly newspaper, into has ear, and wound up by asking it be did Dot think all the epithets deserved by Mr •' I should like to agree with you yid Senator Stewart with great deli fie rat ion : C. " but 1 have already reserved •11 these adjectives for John Sherman. - 1 he herman."The House commerce eommlttes s trying to arrange to have the committee on ruler set •pert several days tor the Nicar..ua Canal bill, but S many other committees are struggling to secure time for bills in which they are especially interested that success ts uncertaIO- The element which is npeosed to the canal will do all they seri! do to prevent action at this sanitise. St niter Allen made • persons! •/pans two vtuiday, deuymg the story sent out from V ahington last week charging him i with drunkenness. Somebody wbo had nothing better to do started a rumor that a more was to he made to expel Sewator i?Bar from the Senate because be made • speech siding with the strikers sad u0oueolag his will - Oneness to abolish bots the Senate and the House, and afterwards voted against the resolution which endorsed the use of troops by the President- This is rot of the wont sort. Every Wesotor has • i ,abt to free speech and to vote as he pleases. But e• se If Senator PoBse had been gullly of something for which he might with justice be expelled there in no probability that he would bs. Simply because no member of the Senate hes mere worm persou•1 (needs among water* than be. There isn't se much satisfaction expressed by the member* of labor organisations since the full avnifieanes of the •ppoistmeet of that .onmimio. by President Cleveland u understood. The commission has iso estb.rity to do anything more than to la year- 1., sad It Manor even do eh.1, In the mlooi where investigation 1. meet wad- ed- -et Pelham, 111. The (1 Neill law, under whish the oosamiseioe is appitated. only authorises arbitration whoa it is raked for by both parties to • comtreverey The only investigation that era be made under this law is of the sympathy strikes on inter- state railroads The oommisasss oms.st leech the origins! strike .t the P.Umes esmp.sy's works, which wee the cause el all the other strikes. It is 44.eaw of tele usfertmnste limiatios that the Hones rens bilks awtherizisg the ee smittes es inter- state ceestweres he investigate the whole besis•ss will he p.rh.d to adoption regard - lees of tae reties of the pw{Ysnt- CHEESE AND SUTTER Mw-hlsg kw r'asa4L.s •irrM.lswrlese to R.•eel spew. The Toronto Webs - ;Imre is food for r06eeties in the figures shewie( the export d oases ad better from Montreal during the pressat sasses- 1'p to the ease of the week mass July 7, 4117,190 bets• .1 Mese W Men shipped er 172,567 mere I. is the Irma perked llia last year. (a the saber bed. only L919 pas sp. of MW borer him expeel■!. *Md to 2,72 paeitaps bar that b, Ips to .u.uta prices In the British • uerk._ts. 'This, uDlortueately, camera be said 0l oar butter With Danish, hutch and Irish butter declining w value, our "calomel," as it u termed, a not enquired for in Loudon, rud o awry down its the other Eugluh markets. Thu is ant because brit -close butter ra0•ot he made in t'auads, nor is it because a prime article caunot be delivered in England. (loth of thew poe.si• W itte. have been si ccra.fully demonstrated. our fresh creamery butter ,s fully c..ual to the finest Danish. But one great trouble • sena to be that tow many packers end shippers beadle hurter as they would cheese. It is expensive work, however, "curing' (utter In cold 'torsgi. Time is no friend to the flavor or body of choice creamery, and the luug Imbuement rust tall eu en *urea upon the store peels.l article. flutter for the lintuh markets must he earetu,'y made of a term and erten texture, and with a rich flavor suvgest* a or our splendid Fast urea. It roust then he handled by men who understand the busmen*. It should pass from maker to user as soon as Foenble. While it mus have Fuld storage all the way from the making room to the counter, it should nut_ be trusted too :one and too implicitly to told storm,. Our only hope, so teras the British m.rk's are coto,ern-d, lien in rapid Gant with the tw.t 001.1 etorelim in the "ulnner time. l aur p.attires can tl.tor our Luster moot dehci ot.'y, and gal. k c•rnere to cold my.rs can largely retain that devote flavor. We °stenos expect to .ucoenefully compete with Australasian colonies to the Winter : their grass-fed cows are in too good condition then. It Is a saying among; our dairymen that „ Cheese is king." that industry is cer- tainly the pride of Ontario. )n this I'm Once alone cheese to the value of 1'',000,000 is anually manufactured. I'p to the enol of the tiros week to July nearly $3,000,000 of British money has been circulated in Canada mu return for our cher made in 1894. And they ask for more. But in the matter of our butter made from the same pasture -fed cows there are no requests for further shipments. as already intimated, we can send choice putter to England in Ant -claw rondiuon, and that woolly means a good peter. But we cannot do w by keeping It to cold storage for big shipment' or an expected rise in price. Various methods of hsndhoe butter mean all the difference then is between a slump and a boom. EUGENE V DEBS. {beide •1 Mar Mond sr Ihe Amenea. IW511, way roles. l'rerideot Eugene N. Deb., of the Ameri. can Railway Frio., ea the directing head of the boy room against the Pullman Com- pany's cars, is • wonderful organver. He to also an 015101 of n° neon pretentionr, has a roof voles and presence, and is mag• ✓ etic and earnest. 11. poseeer+es aleolutely the coandeaee of the then in the American Railway l-nibn. Violence he opposite, and en the present contest he bas repeatedly counseled moder•uoe. I'res;dent Isere was bore in Terre Haute, Ind., in 1865. He received hu education in the public schools of that city, and when sixteen yeses old began work as • painter in the Vandalia Railroad shops. Afterward he worked for three years as a fireman on the same road. His first appearance in public life was his election to the ;Ace of city clerk of Terre Hants He served two Weft and when he was twenty-six years old was chosen a m.n.ber of the state legr- lature. While m that body he secured the pa.aaas of several laws m the interests of Iabor. His eeeeeb n0minatm0 IMotel 'Coot hose for the 1 noted States meats gave lir. Irebs wide reputation as an orator. At the end of he term in the legislature Mr- lobe was made viand secretary and tres.arer of the lirotberbood of Locomotive Fir.mes,and he filled that office for fourteen coalesces/vs years- He was always an ear - pest d.ocate of • federation of railroad mss and through his efforts the hailed States Order of Railway Employee, noat posed of the brotherhoods of railway train- men sad conductors, Brotherhood of Loco- motive fineness and of the Switchnnea's Mutual Aid Associetion, was forwad aad Mr• Dohs became • member of the supreme oeassil. The ory.nvatton, however, was dissipa- ted by a quorrsl Newsom two of 1M leading orders ooesprishiR it, and thee Mr. Deb. conceived the iNa of the Amerieao Rallw.y Cities. Fur a year tad a hall he worked at the detees, sad the mum cams oto e1- steses in Chie•go, lune 20, 1893. 'Simes its organisation it has prospered aad t he union u wow the Wiest body of railroad sees to the world. its recent victory in Mie strike against the Greet Northers Rail- way was a signal one. That era Deep' first great fight "Ad be wee it. Mr. 14M ins married .ad lives is Torre Haste. lad. MUNICIPAL. COUNCILS. Onn{11.10. Towlee0IP. July Gad Connell met today. Members all present, Minutes of hist it seems road nail passed Moved by C. W. K Meese, seeseded by Jas. Jehuston, that the following aeeoests be paid vie : a. McCelleegb, outlet fes $2 deals, ; Ards. Ineesins, .Dowty ward. kensepp.. 962: refisuded e. elethea, 910 ; Mrs. McCras, i.digeet, 911i ; read oowtmisdesere, 9130 ; clerk, for appeals at Boer t of revision. 96.40. Moved by • as. l:orswolly, .es.aded by B Sturdy. that clerk be a.therised to enter es mlI.curll roll weet port of 1st 38, sone.saies 9 Adeso sed to west ea firer Meek, is Augsas. Notre flytrany, (rias!. T'eli Sweat Y 91.90 a Feer, i. edemas. Have It nee te yew s11Ri 1THE MAYOR'S 11iSI►EAL And the Councll Old the Rest. WY, the I Ire.. Ise& re...miler A theta *Ya►leg ■p e1 4 •, pariah.. Incl Poses A• kmergerrl Neel155 *Ir.lgblrr• eel kl.k.. ''111'It'lt.\1• morning batt there who • great hubbub to town- At ao early hour Cook k W baby.* otrete lied arrived from -tratturd, and, contrary to the terns of the contract approved of by the council, had drsveu to the Agricultural Park, staked out the ground', ploughed up the ,mg., erected their acres i.f tents and dour the tiering ad- xertisetnente ut the side *howl to the Wefts. The mentions of the town council. In• divide/illy, by couples and In go ups hustled around to tied out the why mud the wherefore of the change that had (leen made u, the knot son of the cissa, and for • tune not one W them knew "w here he was at. - 1•.ven his worship Mayor Butler shade pre - terse of being s rptad at tins coarse events Mid takes, although • omelet suruttny of his risegs could ere • leer In the ye and • smirk on the side of his mouth that betoken- ed the pleasure he felt at the wane things had taken. This wes particularly observed when, with hu choitx Doric accent, he asked • S. bystantsabr at the corner of South. and the re de-st H..• you seen Major Crockett. this neer nine'' A -id wt,«s ,e negative answdr era re•mrn ed, he bolowrd up the .leery by the exp.en anon " hexose. 1 expect that things has a. tuned eo critical . shape that the milder, will have to be called out to quell the die- t u rteoce. In the meantime the reeve, who is chair- man of the waterworks committee, instruct - .4 engineer Smith to turn oA the water from the Agricultural I'ark until such time as a meeting ot the enticed could be held to determine omit further action should be taken. )luring the forenoon • special meeting of the town souoc11 was held, at whish the managers ot the circus attended. From their st•tenteut of the case It appeared that they hail acted in good faith, and after the matter had been thoroughly threshed out It was finally decided. on motion of councillor 'und.rs, th.1 the circus he allowed to re. main on the ground on condom. that an ad dit,on to the 9244 for the lease of the grounds and the hornet fee of 923, an •dd,t,onal 110 be paid for water rate and that $50 be de melted with the town treasurer by the car cue people to good faith that all injury done to the grounds by the pitching of the tents and making of the rings, Ae„ would be made good u the satefactioo of the street inspector. The embroglio was brought about by the improper action of the mayor, who, without consultioe the council, male an agreement with the advance .gent of the arcus by which the entire privilege of the grounds was leased leo the circus people fur the sum of 925. In addition to that the mayor had also given the privilege of puttteg up 30) yards of 12 font fencing on the Sown-, without any compensation whatever too the corporation. Thu 'coos res the part of the mayor at ones aroused public feeling, and at • subsequent moonily of the council the mayor's contrast with the circus company was revoked and • new one made in which the rental of the Agricultural Park and the privilege of placing adyertutog fencing around the( ourthouseS,iwrewas rescinded. in some unec,ountable way, a copy of the amended sootract did not reach the manage- ment of the circus, and on their arrival here they camped on the park in pursuane• of the original contract, and thereby was caused all the hullabaloo 01 'Thursday fore 0000. The prompt action of the council in lock ing after the public intareets, which would have been sacrificed by the mayor, u worthy of all commendation, and we might also mention t hat the courteousand amnsble man • or in which the management of the ctreus met the council and were willing to accept the amended contract redounded to their credit. FIRE IN CLINTON. • Cad Se.rrh In the •' M.Y.' Particular. .f the Conflagration. News -Record The dread alarm weeded about fire mourn to fire last 'Saturday morning. The fiery fiend was 'oakum rapid headway to .laeob Miller's blec•emith shop on Prioress street. (:serge Swarm was giving his horse • feed of gram on hraage street, and at first thought the smoke was •sosediag from Beckwith's bakery, bot was sot thiskiag of • oontl•gra loos. Moos the flames were visible and Mr Swats hastened to sound (the fire a:ar•m. The building, a frame, seemed to be se ••loped in one blame Mr aad Mrs. 11. Cook, of the feed stere, were .waheued and the bed on which they slept was en fire al- most se song as they left it. Willies heads there eson at work hustling nut the furni- ture and unintentionally smashing titter generally The next store, 1'antalo. Bros. grocery, was also worehd is the err amid one of the firm broke in the frost door just in time le e.• the books .d valuable papers already Marine . Here, as at ('.ok'4 store, the win- dows and doors were horsed clean through when the lemma enaimnsned to throw water The ares melt for street watering at the rev of the bla.ksnith shop gar• way .ad the gush of several hundred lar• rale el water checked the flames 'Balder eta and greatly .meted the firemen. with's bakery, sett ( Imitates area., was learned and demented .t v the reand • big 44.teh of bread yed by water The !wearier* and sank was seen moving. Thom three cores were 41ek mid resisted tee games as wet se maid be. Cast'. �ete�u gaiety .da hale bola Ing. was~hnds.. whin War Stag, the (Hams Itta.drytw•., eras Wetness tit /ens is remove his stoek sod furniture. %Vest of the blacksmith shop were two store - lioness owned by ' .eorgo Swart' no which ,there was no insurasee : both weir burned to the ground. In the rue .•f the blacksmith shop were two stable*, our ow m«d by 1 t I bnesl00 who also owns the •tore ,ices „ 1 by ('iutelou Bros , sail the other by �\ to Young who ow no the I+akery (0, opted by 11. IteckwctI Pot h were Ltd in ashes and t'te end of se a, ,ening {table owned by John •loh.soe, of •lohnero k Arris. ler, wsa pretty well burned before the fire was ciao ked . bF had Ire insurance. •lust how, where, or a1 what hour the Bre originated mem. • mestery. air Mil- ler. as was his custom, lett everything safe the eight before at h 3u o'clock. There had been no Bre in the forge from lour o'clock Friday after000u, and .t o 30 there was net more then • handful of .lett coal fire under the boiler. As near as ern he jutted, the fire must hate or:sewed) on a hue with ( antelon's stable. t\ he her the week of on incendiary or accidental is hard to say. Mr. Miller's loss will he heavy. He had only t*500 iuserance on • building, pieta and stock worth abut 13,500. The books lead • lot of valuable papers were also consumed, ad on these alone there were over 11.00j of gond accounts S. J. Andrews loot about 6440 worth cl tools. kc., a the tire. D. Cook's principal IMP will be n. Janiaged furniture,..rJa buddinvla full3 catered. 1'sutelon Bros had their &tootle iusurered and their lose will he I. n ht. while the ower of the Wilding.' trend` t'antelus, is fully - insured against all lots : ,n the burn'ng t.f the stable, on which the °emir had rt70 in. sureties., P'ile'up Iles. are ter loons of two seta of heroes., light amom. •..uantity of hay, &e , while Ed ('awtelon's saluable hound was also cori.tgnr l re, .she-. air Beck wit We loss w ca 1.e ale ,it '100 if Nowt, hay, wood, •1 In rescuing lite horse from' r':. Are tee •.eged ha arms. Mr. young had ..ale it/ o. r to. •t.bl«whole the bekery iib fully cot ete.r. 1. 11'. ('ook had $50 on his gallery and will bee eonsidmblet. 1 414;ee, the -owner nt the bn,ldtsg, holds a pokey ier E3.50. The lite, *base It lasted, wee one of the most bene seen in t Baton for some years. WARLIKE MANOEUVRES IN COREA. Japan ■r.1 I lira I'rerarlag tor 11.ett.- Mse.eaere et Lbrletlana. 1-3. 1 kI t. B C., July 16. -Newel comes bas the simmer tr•ton* that wh11s she was at Vokot,ama active spiparnhuns for war wee. loan; !reseed forward off Moil, on vie ,4*i toss, ,user. She p...ed a war - chip .,:.d et.ht tenor s0tps, carrying 10.000 •1ap.ae:r.e soldiers to tures. 'Too Litter altos wes taken by the Japanese 4...rern meet after a repast that 'Loot er54 •.'Ing to send 12-0110 men- Is June 26 Li ding ('hang ordered • Sem of Ave 'home* warships to the north fur servo., The whole orteut is on the gni vies. Every telegram, every mail, move by of$• can aide in keeping Op the tsu.ion of feel - tag attiring the people Ihe ( bine..e troops aro quartered at Asssu, levytl,4 a forget tribute on the people and evirmittitlg mane indignities. L•oI.oi. July 16.-A despatch from Shanghai to the Time* says that the tu- mult in Croft 11,s limn renewed add that fa the last outbreak several Christians were killer!. Trwbi. Cher the *no C'a«ai. SAt•IT tier MARIE. Mich , Jule 16. - Considerable excitement exists In both of the S..u's because of the crib work at the heel of the new (''millet* ship cabal proem": inefficient, neceseatattng the tear- ing out and rebuildiug of 260 feet of it. The tronbl• arose from the premiere of the heavy material et the back of the crib sad ewn only be removeed by rebuilding, which Is now 1n progress. the upwtong of the canal, whloh ie met for the first week in August, will be delayed for six week." at least. A gentleman who professes to know says that owing to, • blonder the whole of the crib work will hove to be replaced within two years at a Cost to the •iorern- ment of over $100.000. Engineers from this aide of the river are loud In their cop damnation of the work. l4esptleed WNW the Lang*.. Woad& I.,x'g1o51, N Y.. Jnly 16. -William I.ongloft, grand secretary of the Independ- ent League of (clam Blowers of the Cnited State. and Canada, left hie home here oa Jnly 3 to attend the •nnnet 1oa,vemHon at Atlan.ic city. lite wife receive.! • de- spatch from him dater New fork, July 3, and that le the last heard of or from hits He was said to have the ctwtisly of the !saga's tondo, some $110,000 ler 960.000, bat it is hot known whether aha u im• paired. Longloft is a 1'seelles by birth and 48 years .dol A Greet Norther. Brakeman r.tMsrea. llisskannua, Minn., July 16. -Charles Loth wee killed in • b,.ardiug house in St. Paul on Saturday evening He was a brakeman on the Greet Northern road. A sink is the Omaha freight office, named Charlet Leonard. went to the boardlt.g hones web • man named Nash to maks arrangements for boarding some nus anion men. Loth oale1 Leonard • '-scab" aad knocked booth Naso and Leoneru dowse Leonard then And four tunes at Loth who died within Aye miuntes Leonard ie made arrest. ♦'!.able Reed .5 Jersey (.stn Novcnote, N. 1t , July 16 ' ever • deep NLUag os the H•11fn: branch. half • mile from Moueten. was • very high overhead fifty foot span bridge .*mneeting the farm of A- E Killen, M. P Yesterday • few mtnHes afar the H.Ufis express passed. the bridge, witbont warning, fell to the track below, earrying a very valuable herd of Jerseys Three °owe were instantly killed, others severely in;ored. Loss esti mated at $400 Keefer M Parkinson. sate (4 Mr Ther Parki•ene town, Proms of (.iveus et esbeol,Torents, .naeeeded to naptnring Mr geld lied .,Iver teed•!', alas at *.t of the twenty .ekoarsk,pr given is Tornio.. .ARE YOU iN ARREAR ? 11 So, Pay Up and Be Honest. If t.. ha...rase!. .d %eller le rat 1P W .r at wire 11 a o* bay eel bees Seta Med L«m as . ..r Laa.-1 said ,was New 11 'lard. are' a tutlnliel of our ;ub• scribers to whom we desire to talk plainly. They west Tor gb:Ntl. and would feel se- uoyel were tht• office to cease sending at to them, but they tomer thu,k of pay tog fur the paler when pa) Inent 11 .Ir thee dollar in advance w 11! buy a copy of Tor Si. . u for • whole year, and the man or woman who cannot, nr will not pay that amount shoul-1 h... the common honesty to pay •11 arrears :,p to date aa 1 ewe t.k• Ing it. TMimpasse of running • taper like Tor to.. at. rams over $'s) • wool,. and the cm- plutes must be paid weekly awl the plot and material twsueeted with the ru.oing of the sincere mutt be peed for when 4.. For the reason we expect every honest subscriber to pay up at mace. The other fellows we don't want at all. We west every honest subset -der who u inadvertently in arrear to examine the label lea his paper, and tit pay all arra trade on ler le tore the fleet August. After that date • I lis pens, nark sill be 'tiered 5'..; ;.lde el 1h is item on tM F&p er addressed to every d-1 Diluent, sad if that hint lens' shtt,ri•lst the matter will Iw pit ie .err (kir h*',must Le all marked pa. 1 up, even '4 we home to cu• tt to two. 1ulecript wits bet ., *ft er aslant be cash whets urd.rtd. - Whore. Returning t. W,.rk. - ('onan,. Jolt' 16. The mtnrnat Arnot, %!horn. Bleu, Eat. Itr,.'l ao.I Autnm, Tugs county, Ps., have deet l.•.I t., resume work. 1'hey lute bion 'on strike *thee April 19, when ordered our by 1'oetdeut IJclhide, of the Uutted Meta Worker*. Union. The h•satertdUdaf by the tamers faits -he heavi• ret on the miner& ]'here totted ries Iwo 4.4440 or 5,.MI '&.rsoua -'deet•.t by the .tr. Le .ft, bare het about three menthe' pxy Webbed .sed IM..rted NM 5.41.. T..r.•*r.', .tui• 16--t'4ief Will. of 11'uuls..t. tunnel i1* the eity on Saturday '•rrnito w ankh...-in.rge of • Wan Ilawed Thacker/ay. wolf many aha•., who is amused tut •leaerti•,g'hismilit*fter robbing ur1 i4 9i/•4*. bier r:ug..,u.1 her watch and claim After lean lig lila wife Thackeray seine to 1. rout.. wt,«re Ile' was pea. -ed is arrest by a ir,tn•,t detective ono hoisted him bene. - •A *lr..rklw=V'rlme Ins Tewwe.ee, Jai c*o,n. Tent: , July 16,--)It.a Pont* il-elitn•kw+h ws- murdered moo Pineal is this ninety. • She was about 16 )sats of /7e, the dotlghtrr of W. T. N'elBngtuu, a pv01111h.u1 u'•nter of Pinson. The tL ,at of the dead girl *a buck as tbougt4.M had been chuke.t and her drew was torn. lies Condition of the bcel; leaver leo doubt that the murder wee committed in an attempt to °atrege the rlet tui A ratio Waiter's tolll,le«. Lttrtai'tt-taxi July 16 ---Passenger train No, 1, on the Iwmi•ialle R Nashville, and freight train No. 241 coulee trrgSther t0 a lead Sud collision at C'olesburg, Ky. Both ensues were wrecked, and Eugtneer Frank Dudley of this Aty wee killed and Firman Gelb/mock {B,htly injured. Nous of the passengers were hurt The accident was the result lel a ini.uroler•taudiog of orders by the autism, who met hie lite. Uleestr we etre the Nr reaseelse., SAN FaANctil o, July 1(1. - Twenty small dwellings were destroyed and two bntuan lives het hi • fire on North Rea• -b, The hop's• ware the home. of many poor (sondem. eon, of whom bet everytbltsg. The loos is estimated at $30,000. After the Are two little ebildren of E. Letdeeker, sped 2 aid 4 years wen massed. Tasty bodies were fotsad bunted to • asp. Tw. Jewellery ?beeves Arrested. BC rya,..., N. Y , Jnly 16.-FreakCox and Fred Widens, who were sryeeted a Feer days ager with jetrelery in their pram .,•,n, apparently t'Aneellan, ars still in jail end will probably be hold for s:tradition• Telegrams from (ioelph state that the jewelery was stolen from that cit and that police from there earn, e beMonday to take/tattoo In the matter. Aa Ola Mss 0111ked by • Trani. tlrvew*, July 16 -E S Johwuo, 75 years old, was ren over by the Canada Atlantic entrees at Kintman'e wrings and iuetantly killer!. The old mai was walking .in the track and, being very deaf, did not neer the train .S•t'ro..ching. t'erg 4:051weer Rllled, 1.'.fro*, hilt.- Lcl; 16 --John 4'01, yard •t gu,eer, ti '1'. R was killed yesterday to the .a.t end vrr'I•. 11e oat down to rest u the tails Seel *as run ovine by a shunted ,r 'Hoch approached unlerettrel by huts Sew t. Cast a "NsNIgat - r'lessre. mod 25 " Sunlight ' Wap wrappers bearing the words (" Why ides a Woman Look (tld Sensor Than • Man "I to Levet Ilene • I.ti1. , 43 Scott et Toronto, stdou meows eows by poet • pretty *torso free from advertising. end well worth freesiag. This is an easy way to decorate your hone. The sap se the hest ia the market and It will only Deet le. Dattag. to +read in the wrappers, 11 Toe leave the weds open. Wna your wane e.nhlly. las Marrs ('her. Howe her sold his farm, lot 12, cot. 't. Morns, to R. J. Arra, one. of Nunshi.e, for 95,000 The harm metas' 100 bores, with geed baldiogg. Mr Howe will wive to Blyth.