HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-12, Page 7THS SIGNAL : GODSRICH, ONT', THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1$$4. 7 J11Ej'EOPLE'S CASH STORE! AS THE SEASON ADVANCES TME S000S BECOME CHEAPER. We are offering this week home Tretnendou, Bargains in DRESS GOODS • jraty and Bleak Heavy Twill Serge'', 'regular 50c goal■, fee ..... 40.• Light and Dark (trey Ile Beige, all wool, worth Cm:, for :Etc -ir r Plain and Figwred Black Lustre', (-heap at 35c, for Black Cashmere, in Jet and Blur Black, special, GREY COTTONS • • 40 inch Cotton, regular 10c, for et 36 .. " " 8c, for t;� St/ •• ,i47c, for • -, :t1 " " •' Set, for Another Case of Iteinnaata of White Cotton, from 1 t• s yards in each piece, the very finest goals, at Ilk a yard. rents Cent.: Cent* 3, Cent., HOSIERY • • •U pairs of Children.' Fast Black Cotton Hone, 5j, f,, 6' and 7 inch. regular price IMc to '.•sic your choice while they last for file• Butter in tulm, 14c., Eggs, tic., taken as lash. JOHN T. ACHESON T 111': PEOPLWS CASH STORE. GEMS OF THOUGHT. I buds of ht. physiognomy which finally blow - '•sted nut Into • full mile of Teletypes • I proportions, hs mouth at last sasumag the curve of the rainbow, with the two extremes well sigh ianrtini, themselves 1 tritium the ear Lien KM:scoot' stand's, out upon the siert L: his phrenological rim '• Well," maid the railroad official. with • peculiar and somewhat malicious smile play- as( upon his lace, " there's one position, only one exactly one position of that sort Ill on this road and I've got it and 1 dont a- propose to retire The moral of this is that then is very tittle room in this world for the man who is not witting to work hard tor all that he hopes to eel tad bold. An increase in salary smelly follows •n . tnerease to Stliciescy. .( you's( man should seek to made him ✓ self rideable if not Invaluable to his employ ✓ fir. A young man who, by the proper me of Ins span momeats, iecreaeu his efficiency as a clerk, sale'swt.n, or mechanic. will have an iscre sed financial value to the tsdiridu- i a1 who employs him, and will, sooner or ar. he the mimeos et special favor an" tnmLiai com/:der•ttnn. i The beet way te moors prompt preens - i Lion to a larger position than you coup' is ✓ to promptly prove yourself larger than the position which you occupy. Always do more than your agreement cella for and know mon than your poetise demands. A tree ott•a transplanted does not thrive Light is Ike task when many share the t•nl. 1'hildna Ove more and of models than of entice. No word, ewe spoken, returoeth, even if if uttered weenies.. Envy is pu.rshieg ourselves for being in tenor to our neighbors. He who ,rasps at many asioymeote sire to be trt.bld with many disappoint mens. To destroy worms and expel them from iMldrea or adult. use ler. Low's (Yong .yrup. 1f a !need lend you his staff today, do sot expect him to carry you on his hack to morrow. Then as ail beautifier of (simplex ion, o tore. or behaviour, like the wish to acatte aid net pain, around es. There is in our manner magootsm that reaches out from u to others, is • thousand ways We must be watchful. Glen's lives ars as thoroughly blendei: with each other as the air they breathe Evil spreads as ready as dames. I tr. Low's Worm Syrup curse sad re moor worms of all loads in children o .dols. Price 25c. Sold by all dealers. The most knowing man, 1■ the course oil the loosssl life, will always have muck t• ;ears end the wisest sad beet moth to in KO,* Never bear mon than iso kind of trouble at • time. Some people bear three kinds-, •1l they have had, all they have now, sad •1 they expect to have. \..a hold &.♦tial by the buttes se *s trod in order to be hoard out, fer, if pmegalla ars uuwtllis, to Mar you, you W better hold your wages thus them. It'd bloo 1 coulees blotches, both, pimples. ab.cea ,., ulcers, scrofula, mc. fturdock itloid hitters cures bed blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst sero fol• one. Free will is not the liberty to de whatever ode likes, but the power of dotes whatever oar pees ought to be done, even in the very face of otherwise ov.rwh.lmtng impales. Then hale freedom indeed. P1urdock Blood Hitters cure .11 dreams of the bled from • common pimple to the wont icrofal.,us soros or ulcer : skin die.. eases, boils, blotches, and all blood humor* cannot resat its healing power'. Shat doss the word " ckeerfoio. im- p:v' It mama • pun heart, • 000toted spirit , it means • ki.d .ad loving dopo•i. tiro . It means hummity and charity : it swans • generous &ppreci•tios of others and a modest oaanea of self. For abated% 'sob's. ob•lors iaM.am, clamps colic, darrh•.•, and summer ooze Plaint, lir. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stnw- bsr' u • prompt, eels and sun can that has been • popular favorite for over 40 rears laooeeet sahib el mon dsseriptiso i- mam • sympathetic pleasant awl mike a flood that is contagious. Wit aired hunter are &moor t he goat r-1---t--5g sf lif.,and are gifts of trust to these Arlie poises them for the thew and .okiluetiea et mankind. tmeg Men Looking the • sate apet. A Total sea hod -Ansa . I.rsd the *floe ret W mpseistedest ler • railroad-dieteios awl as the official lifted kis hes to impact the Wt. amities* ier • dadler stke. of Ms valu- able time M Weld a youth open Mom tie sum aid moons a eneeay propitious sum- mers sad elate. W Needed their some- what r•rytsg rays. His complexion was of the Wahiawa sett. Rile linen, ie so far as IS w.s exposed to the gam of the yeller was immaculate : est • apes fir • might' or m such thing was to be toned upon his *ireful- ly brushed garmeet& Hie hair wee divided in the middle. " What oma 1 do for you 7" &'ked the wheat The moth indimyd that th•irreat desire of hie soul wan • poleitios ea t1 teed 'e some d•psi meas u.iw the oQi•iers di- rest sad immedial. mepervkeia. New. if Oars M1� ♦M sea. ►� a tart .1 t, ti1 'a =UM paMam( tad with inch kite rapidity take • composiM el• msoden s . old °I.°yid 111141Z". the 41Z. the Asia! i. the iedivid.af wile ma de it, tic did -is epee INS eiaea.ion, sal this a whet the kala j ofbial said to W Youthful abject .f title ek. 11 1 "1 'tree errs, i eadart6etd re see look- er for • parties es kips mad. Vol. eir," sail UNI_ yes& modestly, " that r Jest wh4 rim her. - Tea would Mho to In& * prigtion sepp„s� ire r. opo gate afbwd at 9 ti time. ri gs Lout. sleet .l AIM! „ A«bo• interrupted sir." i�nps.dtM mogth eet e.,,* wMNMait rather) se! to s's latiseisand_ " mho tide k °belt 411644111644.tM yes ahem ►sem fwR t1•vel•1 RAIL ADVICE AND HINTS Eight travellers out of ton who use • pass And it expensive. Economy saves money : so do excursion ticket& when obtainable. It is sate to assume the man who does not slam the car door is • Christian. Seats behind paseeneers whose wi•duw is open fuarao1e duet and cinders. Two snub basins were never known to serve four passengers simultmeseusly. He who talks for the benefit of .11 passen- gen le a nuisance worse than cinders. 1 ole.. &b•ortwlly thirsty, drinking from the ice cooler cup is to be discouraged There is more 'sentiment than fart shout the window seat beteg mon desirable. Brakemen do not can whether you sus the eompaoy or not. I toa't threaten them. Refrain from berating mothers with ery lug babies. We were all babies at one time. Selfish men who seek to mom:polite more tam their share of seat should be re- buked. Package, valise or overcoat does sot re serve • sat. Remember this before guar rel line. ('oughe, cold.. sore throat, asthma, bron- chus, and all lung trouble are quickly cured by Magy&rd's Pectoral Redeem. THE NATURALIST. The blowing viper, whin brought to bey, makes • pretence of committee, suicide. The young of several epeeists of serpents retreat down the throat of time mother when primed by sudden demo. At the end of a.b hair of • cat's whiskers is • bulb of ssrveus autotimer which con- verts the hats auto erce.disgly delicate feelers. The average whale te from fifty to sixty. five feet is length and thirty 6v. feet in eircumfsreen. TM jaw -boles are twenty to twenty floe feet lea`, end • tongue has b... knows to yield almost • ton of oil. Almost every kind of an moot seems to have what may be called • weather instinct. The apprise\ of ruin is indicated by the eight of erases and swallows. by the cries of waterfowl, by the actions of cows and PeaL The flying dragon of the Indian •robi- p.Mo'o o•m sespeed itself is the air for all 1 thirty .mooed& Some siitanliea as. eat that at om leap, with the aid of its beelike inembr•ass between its forelegs sad Mad, • distance of sixty feet. a Ilaanied alar 1a sesaeky. From the Os.rierJearual. The following Iittle story is being e1r- cmMted about • Masted Mr is the Ohio neer. "Then is • bar in the Ohio river alar SeniMMad, Ky., that is Masted. Yeses ago • 9mithlsd merchant refused 1 let hie daughter emery • 0im•I.0. young !ti te whom ewas mush •tsacbed. .ddea. she ly the irersbkst disappeared, and before the matter stela be terminated the girt ad the lawyer were gone, toe. At mtd.inht woes the Mad is still, .ayla id w•sebl.g the her ase Mar • bit of an old len melody a plated .bet, sed thea e6 i divot se helm Nobody Meows sees • Oat lbw% blow. sew." 0lee11 awtwss es eeewellasi amts Teacher ---1 swims. Yr. i INA your sae t• fame 0elthsetiM. , mebtrsoMme sag tit• rest ! res. tehe1aie-Teff M rests to Imre at idalsise. but • eery bode sub - de. 011parfa Sweissm. V. fl, a., Lasa Thom aL wast " MA% OsewA Amway Is Me IV melds t 1... one bond dot wadi de tar w Pass MI wits. AINbyVaNw a�•w Mothers suffering with weakness and emaciation, who give little nourishment to bablss,should take the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites. It will give them strength and make their babies fat. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Iuu't k ANIMA by Sikl$W,s! Am • Some. S.linull.. AL meanie. Me. a 6L COLOSSAL BRITISH FORTUII.ES• The larrmr sad E./ole. .r seine et Toe" ta.d't Great sues. The Earl of !herby draws trust his tenant tszmsn upwards of 185(1,000 a year. This' s supplemented lay h:. Liverpool property. This fortunate family owns nearly all the town of Bary. The total income of the Earl of herby m clow en 11,750,000 a year. The F:arl of Shelton s is anther family that has done well out of Liverpool, for, in .d- dlttso to estates producing 1'250,000 a year, the ground rats $350 000 more. they re- ceive 11,250,000 from .370 acres of land, re- quired ' y the .erporation for • publie park. air. Gladstone, io addition to 4500• 000 left him by his father, hu the rent roll of the Haw•rd.•o estate, which came into thepos'w�ion fl his wife on the death of the ass t male Glynn*. Add to the estate, which is worth $90,8.55 • year, another 410- 000 tor royalties sad 126,000 as Prime Minister, sad you have in rotted numbers 1125,000 • year. Earl Vane has 6500,000 in addition to hu coal royalties, which ectad over 12.000 aces. Coal is worth to the Earl of Fitzwilliam 4500,000 • year. in ad- dition te another 1680,000, the value of his estates is Yorkshire and Inland The Martins of Londonderry, who sells his coal wholesale and retail, has with land, • rest roll of 1915,000 • year. The Marius of Salisbury's insdon property is the neigh- borhood of Si. Martin's bile and the Staid Is Sold to bring him 9350.000 • year. The bler.tme' other esteem produce 4155,000 per •.nom As the Tike of Devo..hire own. 183,315 acres of land, producing a revenue of $965,000 a year, he is not likely to aceept the million which hay been offend Itevoushire house and grounds at Picca- dilly. The Duke of ff.rnilton's mining royalties amount to no Ise thin' 1570.000 a year. His other estates beteg in 4365,000 per annum. Lord Barton, of liss fame, to worth over 4600.000 a veer, and the family of the late Mr. ('rawshsy, the Welsh ironmonger, has the handling of 110 000,000 When the iron trade wait hri.k the I•:arl of Dudley netted yearly 4150.000 The Lindley Stemomds are wot'h 41.500,000. The Duke of Norfolk has an income of 41,845,000 • year, the Duke of Northumherlaed 1680,- 000, and Earl 1Greherry 1180.000, to say nothing of 110,000,000 kat wife brought him. CRISP AND CASUAL. Vinegar is mail. of celery. Buffalo has • horse hospital. • Slavery has existed Pram newly time.. Athlete Cigarettes hare no Rivals. tf S•reia `rows 2,000,000 tons of plums a year. The pillory was abolished in England is 1831. Bulgaria exports wheat and attair of room. i)orneo produce. tobacco, peeper and coffee. The most valuable pearls are perfectly reeled. The officers in the parka of Boston are to use bicycles. The taste n/ t I cotes in England was pro- hibited in 182o The first septennial parliament began its sittings is 1716. Only 9 per cost. of surgical operation" in amputations are fatal. 1a the British navy the a.nual cost of maintaining • man 1.11,000. Thee hundred and sixty mountains in the United States are 10,000 feet high. A tsaspoonfo' of sada in • wineglass of cold water will relieve • Mot headache. The shako, or soldier's bat, is almost • thing of the past in the French army. There is no known means by whish the mars left by smallpox may be removed. A big gluier has formed in the Rooky Mosstaua, sear 9t. Mary'. River, Most. " The French quarter" of New York city Includes • Dumber of lace designers. Rerdook P111. do sot gripe or sicken. They caro eosatipstioa ted sick headache. Fire escapes are more eom,nos o.0 build- ings in America than as my other ooustry. Norway Pine Syrup cane coughs, told', hoarsesees, sore threat, asthma, bronchus etc. Horses are so pkutiful in Chile and Rupees Ayres that it is not u000mmos for lreggan to ride. Athlete Cigarettes, mon sold if this bread Nan of all other 1lgtrettos com- bated. t f The amount of wire is tics ttedergruad sosdoite of New fork pity is estimated at 34,000 miles. It. Ritchie A Co., manufacturers of Mb- Ist. Clemente. Our production is ever three quarters of the .ogwmpei.s of tiger. tutee is Cameos. 11 .neat' e_e.L " Does Miss Rodeos .mile on D.o.ss, Mr. Jay!" ' Well, Mays be feels seuewbat escosr- ttr.a „ ' Has as said Doylies/ " No. Rat when M pat his arm amend Mr waist last sight bar lapdog hatred his bead." levaebese..a/. 111rst 111seiet--Rows labisteas' Seemed Peden- lien. Thee wields't Is any 1111 wsme't far the tsaereke, I reams. That's richt. it's .tassel that heaps ber1eless alive. Few -'Nelem Mn Mid Morar greed at wsu'edarr ea Aysrb Awry 1P.1 1. Dalai Ow piot yearn It bin boss Ms ids* p�ipslar of al aimeRb+ene stied Me ds• tie kr It today tois gnaw buss tow be- seFnggt Is set tail ours as mew. TL AT THE CAFITAL Lars. Decrees la tke Marrone kr the Mouth of June. DEATH OF SENATL.R GLAZIER llyor-deaee.t Norbert Welton a Letter aet...attae l•ole... rowoll -- The ('..ter.... Ra.. (i.let Nam .t.n ea ilw Tr.d. (1...- t1o. lr1her Nolo& Ori**., July 9. --Major General Her herr has written • letter to Colonel Powell reinatatiog him as abjntont gametal of tit• militia. Tbs tact that the officer cool m•011ng has taken this course dome away with the talk to military circle' that the t'.amble might lead to the resat/nationof the Major General. Since the story was given to the pablee of ('oboe: Powell's suspect - "ion every mail has brought to the Depart- ment of Militia Souses of letters from officers all over the county sympathising with him. Colonel Powell resumed hie duties to -day. The remains of Ssuator Glazier, who died at the Ursnd Union hen on Satnrda • sere forwarded to his late Lon. at Sod bury in the evening. Deceased was 64 years of age and was appointed to the Senate in 1868. He was • Liberal He was only ailing fur a week, general debility being the casae of death Mn. Ives has left for Sherbrooke. Lady Tupper and family have gone to Xamouraaka. The city Or.ngetnen had a parade to the Eastern Methodist church yesterday• where jiev. air. Mavety preached to them. (irand Master Wallace wnoticed in the parole. The Colonial Coonfereoce bad another day's discussion of the trade question. No iyLectoge wee gr ved at cud ree.id.at Roden sale h. bad ne news for tai pH& To night a dinner is to be given in their honor by Sir John and Indy Thompson in the Senate restaurant, to which about 30 lnests have been invited. Tamortow they eave on the true for Toronto and Niagara Falls in the evening they will attend a banquet given by the Toronto Berra of Trade. Vu Thursday they will visit Kings- tou. Taking the boat there on I. riday morning the party will visit the Thousand Islands and ran the Rapids on the way to Montreal, reaching there to time for the banquet by the Board of Trade in the even lug. Next Monday they will leave by boat for Vuebse, when they will stay for two days mal les banqueted at the Chateau Frontage. The post -office employee have not as yet been paid and a great deal of dissatisfac- tion is felt over the fact. Tha i'.rtmaster- Ueueral says that It is unavoidable as all ::; �:"'7k ;llproprwrd Ing j n 'pent for unfolme1 of 4nsee au 1 yo pm6oer cuuji b. Lad unrl the estimated 54F. voted. -ibis is no doubt caused through the prorogattei:` of the Hurlw of Cannons. The revenue statet:.tM for tis tear e 1- iug .lune :10th last •haws a t(gyiigg��_of $33.- 38'2.899, compared with $..17,Jt13,253 for the year previous There was eipendd on capital account $4,186 56 fur the past year eat m •areoJ wit 4:1,:w94.t104 for the year 169:. The toexexi.enditure on con• sol,d.ted feud an ca 'rel account for t r the past year ant:mean to $15,493.515, which, compared with revenue for the year, shows • deficit of 1110,616. 'l here was in increase to expenditure during 1... pa..t year of over 41111.000 Ti. revenue for the month of June last dropped nearly $504.1,40.) as compared with the previous year. Tie alett•Iteu Nomination Company. Mu. t. .luly 9.-A statement has been prepared showing the Richelieu Navagation Company's earnings fur eleven weeks, from the opening of navigation to Jane 20. The groes earnings were $155, • 442.03 and the total running expense's r6.750.07. leaving the net receipts at $78,691.96. The total nntuber ut paossn• gen carried, exclusive ret excursions and pilgrimtrges, was 242,698. The increase of groom receipts over last year is 126,000 Killed In a Await IL Satn.seu,., N.S., July B.' -The three year old eon of ti. W. Lantz, of Centre- ville. was instantly killed hi the mermen of hie father by a revolving shaft which protruded two fest above the floor. It 1. supposed the child thoughtlessly ap- proached and took hold of the shaft, which was revolving with such velocity as to age pear almost motionless, when Is was thrown with such violence against an ad- joining beam ea to cause instant death, has head being literally seemliest to pieties. Aetloo roe Illegal Ieplri•.meat. 5IINTUEAL, July 9. -Mr. Elzesr Rons- wan. uotary, has entered an action for 430,000 against the community of the Brothers of Charity of St. Vincent de Prul The Brothers have charge of the Mile St. Jean de lien and also of the St, Benoit Joseph Asylum at l.otigoe Pointe. Mr. Rousseau complains that the Brothers, without legal authority. Imprisoned him in the latter establishment from May,1890, to October, 1899. tlo.ereat'. Weekly Trolley Aeelde.t. 5Io.0ntEAt., Jul 9 Montreal M keeping op its record in the -- e matter of trolley car accidents. Another horrible aocident took place by which a child was so badly is )nod that 1t is not expected to 'mover. While an eleettio ear with a trailer wee coming &lung Craig street the trailer jump- ed the trsek. and the lad, who was oa isoard. was thrown between the car and 'ratter and badly mangled. settleb O.1umWa Eleett.s.. Vs:woe-van, B C., July 9. --in the prw- rineleil Ideation. held at different points on Saturday the returns .how fourteen solid I)overnmsat eandidatee elected on Van - mover island Vancouver and New West minister eiti.r and the four electoral die snots on the lower mainland will return algia strslgbt Opposition candidates The Interior *tattoos w111 take piens tbls week. rear? A.HIMry EEp.dltl.si. s', Joss', Ned., July 9. -- Peary • nxtllary .xpditton by the steamer Takao bas sailed for lireenland T'ne crew of H. 1I v 1'1eupatra gave hoe a Capital send .a, manning the yards and rheerlr.y badly. 1 he citizens glen joined to the (kat sport'. WatoAl.a M E.r.p... A.areY1•u. tress. JellJ 9. -1 he Air.uMsn Imm/- g rottos areal here has been supplied with • lie of three hundreds names of anarchists .at with orders to send t►•e bath le E urope 1f thew attempt to lead. rrem/.e.t Hook N.reker toed. MowTwsas. July 9 -J Rnvnstt meal d ut of the Montreal Stook tasharts. sod oatie of the leading healers of tide «ity,dld aaddealy yse.cd.y Ifo. Wr.ett wee se years of we THE INTLRCOLONIAL CONFERENCE. 7f• Dari. Ti.... hissesso 50.0.5... 5.,o of R•pret.atativm of tat. Empire. Losnos. July a -The name aye thio morning We .se sotbtng to fear. Ad moth to arouse hope, to Um Dew yarn shown .t l)ttaw• by the «Amite. milling to establish and *stood . uaneuttuo maces tbeteeelves, which ,t would be eery dill - colt ter this country u. outmode. 1'hereou are possibilities of fricttuu which ewaot be contemplated with entire satlefactbo, but this is part of the pekes we pay ha our empire alt we moat be ready to meet IS A. 10 reciprocity it says •' W• cordially sympathize with the relay .o far ae it tudicat.s • desire to strengthen in. beads holding the empire together. Anything of the mature of determined dunes is contrary 1m our traditions, and we must remember that the colon.st.only represent about fifteen }»r tentage of the total trade of the United Kingdom. But. nuduubt dly, fur good or evil, the s:etr taken at Ottawa is of immerse importance to the futurity( the empire. $anther)'• Anti: ABarr btst Loyaost July 9. -Lord Salisbury baa rales► a storm by his proposal for an alien bill and his speech on it in the House of Lords. 111. ofleuces are two. H. quoted American legislation &gimlet pauper ouzel 'ration a6 s good precedent ter Eugland. Ths infuriates the Radicals Ile described Kugla.id es, to a groatexteut,tbe anarchist headquarters of Europe. This infuriates the Socialists and their organ. the latter prot.snug agas,wt any further legislation to suppress anarchy or anarchists. Lord Rom/eery .replied to I..rd Salisbury, deuy u,g that England harbors ur assists alien ata tiratere more than other countries. Lord Seliabnry's hill, however, was read mire, mud is promised the fullest consider- ation rel the lioyericment. 48sd.toa.o's Lotter to ]lldlathlaa, ML tilatetuue hos.ddre.ad • letter to the electors of Midlothian, thanking them for the confidence they hare reposed in }&et ,i 4 *tiding ' It t. not Ittrntlu(t a Mi or re s ectiOt when l'ariiamsnt is dissolved.' Rrltl.h Measure. Seat morose. )4r. Justin McCarthy. with the assent of his colleagues. has consented to give the whole of the next session to Hrirsh mea sure, provided the House will reaffirm the principle of home rule by • reeolunun, thus enabling the siuvernmeut at the clow of the sesstu0 to go before the country showing that the lending proln,sals of the Neo...tle programme have been dean wrtL. air WIIIIam-. Re.ieaatlou. A haze of intriguesu envelope* the inner life of parliament th.it it is impossible to say whether or not Sir William Ilatconrt's threats to resigu his 'sat and the leadership of the Liberal pony us the house of Com- mons are gemylue, or who in likely to hrs. Isis sneceeTor in the Pets' ottzle telineneoR It is certain, bowtjei, that (5 Gd Kul to suis n,ilesttlii• ` byuc ie'1 .., NI . us i v a Ib4f P .ave auvtaeu nim Su br.tet a s»•sou of al.olule rest aiid he tber ore desires to retire 'Trion �j,arii `t the gpd 21 the stearin, lent a ad r661s fit the o4 01 1('ominui,s Aye 41siafo1 .ig- Eatt re, tp ' proposal to entertain Hill alp boBiluet at the Nepotist Liberal ('lab. The prothoter• of the moiement privately urge that if • *When -tit number id Liberals sign the invitatu,n et will ineuenee Sir William Ilan -owe • devieiou to cotitutue in the paIIametatary leadership of the party and nearly 20)11 Liberal n,elnbera have already sign Rrlta..ta Assam gleam Vigilant. I itri,onw. July 9. --The Vigilant and Britannia started on Saturday is the ram in the Clyde regatta for the queen's ('up. The conditions were the same as Than day. 'C'aptain l'arter, of the Britannia, had the tautens of O'Neil, who salad tics Irex. irerua and other crack boats. tie knows the t'lcde from source to month better than any other Scotch ateenman. t 1'Neill loaned the Britannia sixteen picked men from the crew of the Irerna, making the Britannia's total company 46 teen. The liritannia finished the !lost round at 1 33 36 and Vigilant at 1.86.40. cin the second round the Britannia reacbd Ascag at 3.02.13 and the Vigilant at 3.03.220. Vigilant was firm to cross the line at 4 1'/.55. The Britannia finished at 4 18.36, but the Britannia heat the Vigilant b, tIme allowance. Corbett•. Reception la Ireland. Drafty, July 9 -Jame* J Corbett, the pugilist, arrived hen yesterday. Four band* and thuuands of citizen* welcomed him at the station. He was carried on seen'• "bonnier" from the train. the horse* were onbarn.ssed from hie carriage and hs was drawn by the crowd to his hotel H. wee cheered wildly when he made • speech from the hotel balcony Th. Frew* ttoyeromest'a Action. PARIS, July 11. -The government intro - dosed in the (Jkamber to day • bill pro viding that curedor written incitation to crime, ensu as is practised by the anarch- ists shall be tried before eorrectional courts consisting of jodgee without juries Exceptionally severe penalties. including transportation to penal colonies. are .poet bed for offences against the proposed act korona. 1n Sootk Norfolk. Succus, July 9.-A recount o1 the votes cost in the recent election in South Nor. folk took puce here on Saturday before Judge Rohn oat behalf of Mr Cruise, the defeated candidate. The reenit was to in cream 4r Charlton's majority from 17 to 21 Drowsing at *ashen* M.S. A,Heerie N 5.. July 9. -Colman Houser was dr.,* 1104 111 the Taubatnar river at 10.0.ille y.aterfay. Uecmaaed had charge of repairs on the pier and fell in Owing to the greet depth of bank no .ami.easese could he rendered. H. leaves • wife and family. Tb. Joggles Stelae 5.NIM. 11 Array, N S., July 9 --The Jogging sinke was settled on Saturday and work wan resumed this morning. Some of the matter* in dispots are submitted to arbi- tration. the men dismiwd to renown idle ponding a declaim. Italy's taw Ag{nNst A.arokls.a. Rows, July 9.-Tbs Chamber has ape posed the bill •akiog punishable the p.abheatton of brat dm/Arises aid apologies for crises mkt inomiele ins the severity of the law governing itlh immuniser* and poses.aon of •zplu.irea. 55000.s/ MN bin MAW& R%osvwa" Teas, July 9 -TM East Tennessee, 1.'irginia and Omega' railway hie lima sold by ceder of the ('cited State court to the Soothers Railway ('umpany for 91,303.0M, the .ely 104. tilos Wells I...es we •Autism. I.aystteotn. July i1. -9a Wein. the colored «mets, who Men M Rnjmed 1. talk abate lyasblue le Iles Bs•ibose IUsos Issds icor see.well spseM bass yd L LJ. SONLIOPT SOAP Ilas proved t.y its enormous sale that it Is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market. Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as it is they who have pr:wed its value. It brings then) less tabor, greater t.omfort. THE NEW TINSHOP. Owing to the great increase of our huainess, we {tare hats to enlarge our premises. We will now he in *position to show our many ('u,touov, 'owP .1 THE FINEST OOODE IN THE TRADE. an.I ow int( to ot:r small expense. all we ask of you is to come and ea,,ariue our tlawl and compare Pri,'ea, for we feel conti.lont that you will .ay. as rainy other, hate said, that the New Tiniliop is the ilio,' to buy St..%es. l'utwt. es, Cutlery, K itclteta and Dairy Tinware, at the LOWEST PRICES. We are agents- for the celebrated HOWARD FURNACE, w hi. h halt been proven in (lalerich to be the turns mono ' al, a, u.•11 as the rkon- est Warm Air Flo -mice iu the u.:u-ket. No dust . no gas. WORSELL & CO., Meats fw' W Howard Focusses. TM Practical 1 .'.mitre, 'slips'«.. (1•d.fick. STOP AND EXAMINE A few of tLe uta.m articles we are e.:hna at IIAI1U PAN PRIcIte. Harvest Tools SCYTHES, SNATHZS, FORKS, LAKES AND SCYTHE STONES. PURE MANILLA AND FLAX BINDER TWINES. HR 1 F.L1- 11RATI 1) XXX URDINE AND ATUNTIC RED END MACHINERY OILS. BUILDERSHARID .A - !Tot ti 10111'1.k ra AND I'I:II ii• 1. Milt' DAVISON & CO •f SI cf. aJlaeINI Te E. r. w1SY1ttIS t. • GOOD, BETTER, BEST. TI. Sams Telt. the ,I,.rr, are words to eager.'«, .-o111parttit0 .1ee- grers of merit. E. 1t. Eli10Y. Mnt.•l.ee air als'i e any comparison The BEST are E. B. EDDY'S MATCHES. \ T1Tl T 1\Y L?1- j -V1, 1 ` - Having lately returned front a trip to 11..' icaoiing 1lilliyery Moiket', where i haze been purchasing a stock of .11 flat is new and artistic in the Millinery Line for this Season's Toole, 1 am now prepared to ,how yf.0 the eery Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimmings. A CALL l't it0:SPVt'TFt'1.1.1 SOLI( ITED. Miss CAMERON. THEY A R PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E T POWERFUL TO GURE 117.dant.n i3le�4:.::.:; Cilli J A L.1.t- Ile do IB it r W. wily a 1 • "1 «• c•: • . wnriel. 1.1mper..s, IdelksMMI, Hssa•ct.e, sr- . elAfnti Sa.n-. •,,.g $std 511 drama. alines 6..n ,up.,, I.t,..i, '...tecrish firer. A'sk tear 9.1•t row Treen. - CITY- co►L►xow000 YlaF1L. sumacs itu'oo to HAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for .11 grades of NANO, SOFT t BUCRSUITH COAL (teal we0Sbd ea Aber whet se my Rales. fie eta Priem hecto mien alt.« rums cess. Tts.IIM.-I etesaeess... JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. PATENTS ! CAVEATS. 75091 MARIS AN CP111111111111 Obeamed, and all badness in the U Oece attended to at MOIIF.JL ri Our offices opposite the U. 9. Patent Of- fice, and w 'an obtain Patent" in '.-" time boa those •emote trim H'ARIt1A1MTuN. Heat Writ FL (/M ,tk.l it'/NN. Ws .o vim ae • , nate' 'a '!••" • .aa etas•; '-u ':,l l'• •a no ref••. • • .e , ' Is (ems ani rt,w,•t.. r. tin K/Ya1 4A/sat. .0 rear !we falai• Of Gaut T. write lx9_ Ip HILI` .Is mot ;wD. O WHY Doer 0EO. BARRY, the Gorierich furniture dealer sad undertaker, keep the beet stock of furniture and undertaker's 'supplier' And how as ft that he can sell 'o c Map 1 BECAUSE He thole that it pays in this long run. His motto iN : " Small Profit' and Quick tic► tarns ." He also maims a specialty of pactar. frugal* 01.. hi. a califrugal*l before pwrrk s kttR •1ltlswh•ra llanbahabig Plaid always as hoed 9167 y