HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-12, Page 66 TIM SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1114.
INV* ler a naiL*IZD aim aces is oama*MP•
Tia% -A \I.'711 et D&AI'LY 1n.NT
.w gar. _4%D tit LA,• Pno>oirx.-nn
nor more -mita a.Tot tsrt'OCIu•eD
USA To emits TN{ gag of a atslCI.a
TOWS *At AP luta Wit - Tut DAIS or
linty rs I% Masi \alp ■act %eT sea -
Mrs. t.w,r •e ('olhnsou is a well known
and e.tsa,cd resident of Prince Albert, X.
W 1 Thi Indy has had a remarkable fano
penseice, having Blume entered the •
••f Ie.•h when the tamely use AO h116',%
ham& Pink Pills restored her toi Malik and
•treglh end she now relates her marvellotfs
steer for the benefit humanity We cannot
do better then glee Mrs. t unison's story
in her own words. She nye, " We form
*fly lived in r'arbarr), Man , where l lay
ill for • year and • half %Iy case was pro•
monad hopilies by all the doctors then,
and they agreed that 1 had net long to lave,
and in feet I had but little hope of recovery
myself. The Becton stated that my trouble
was consumption, and when they said they
could do nothinglor me I dem/mind to go
to my old house at Tara. Oat., mod see of
the doctors there could help me. 1 remain
ed there for three mouths, and returned
home sot •a7 improved I was so weak 1
could scarcely walk across a room,and when
1 rwobed ('arberry 1 was forced to take ray
bed and et times was so wink 1 could not
turn myself in bed. tor soar* acne I was
troubled with chronic diarrhoea and alter
ref among home 1 called an another doctor
who harI just located there. Ile che.ked
the diarrhoea, tent held out no hopes of my
recovery. Tb* doctor eta' •1 that not only
were my ivacs 1a • very bad condition, but
that absentees had formal. t suffered from
the weakening effects of night sweet• '
hal miter"..- , •• -.0
....et runs towers. Tann my
trouble became aggravated by the cords so
my leafs drawing up to the extent that it was
impossible for tree to straighten them. 1 was
bandaged from my chest to my ankles,
aid my feet and Ittiwds wouldewell terribly
I l•a i severe pains about the heart and
coughed and spit so much that 1 thought
the end was coming fast. When my min
tater rolled one day 1 told him I would like
to try I)r Williams' link P111e, but as
other medicines had tailed me 1 fe*red Chit'
might t•..• H. told me to remember that
we most do all we cosh! to preserve life,
and perbape*;.d would bleu the Pink Pills
to the benefit of my health. i then began
to take them, very lightly at first for my
stomach was very weals. When 1 hal
takeo the Pink Pills for a time I began to
revive somewhat sed there wit an improve.
oneut in my appetite. After using fink
Pills for about a month 1 could .it up, and
in four months from the time 1 began using
them 1 could do toy own work, and i am as
strong, and 1 firmly believe healthier, than
i ever was before. .\her 1 began the use
of the Pink Pulls I 4",k no other medicine,
but took with thole .Kersinnahy juice of
lemon *.red crushed sugar It a a pleasure
for me to speak strongly of the medicine
which, with 1.eel's blessing. stored my life,'
and you are at liberty to give my experience
the widest c rculation, as it may be the
mean of hen.fitting some other di. sirin t
sneerer. My husband joins .his grateful
thanks with mine, and we both feel justified
in saying that Or. Walhwms' Pinh Pella are
• marvel amour., mediciots.
lir William,' pink Pills furnish iu a
condrosed form the conetiteenu necwary
to giver new lite and raciness to the Idol,
•mistiug it to absorb ozygee, the great nus
fanner o1 orvasic Ida. By this means this
great remedy strikes at the root of thence,
operably driving it from the system, re -
storm. the patient to full health sod
strength Men diseases afflicting mankind
have Omar origin in an improvriehed coo-
- dot .n ot the hind, or • shattered nervous'
system. and scttog dire.tly upon these
Pink Pelle. •re • specific for all such
trou',le. Thousands of 'crateful people
teetefy to the benefits they have derived
from the use of Pink lulls, and no other
medianus has ever published such strong
and • carefully authenticated evidence of 1
merit It 1n newt of • m«It"'n• d'• not be
perwiaied to try somethiuv else. but insist
itpos Rettig; 1}r %rillt•ms' rink rills
S01.1 by all (Mailers or net by mail poet
paid et SO cents a box or t, boxes for $2 50.
by addressing Mae Ur Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont , or Schenectady, N. Y.
Told en the terser
Free. t he ('hioago Tones
William Edgar, the bot Scotch ot the
city building department, relates • very
goof story on Contractor Well., who is
well knows among ercbntecto and builders
as "It g %Cells," on account of his giant
Irame. Although over 60 years of an, Mr.
Weln is erect and active and he carries hie
big balk l.ks a boy He is over b tort tall
and .rreapot dangly well Walt, and be hit
o rtanre shoulders and powerful arms. A
few rears ago Mr. Wella was traveller
the ,ugh the wilds of Minnow's no husOi nee
when he stopped one mein et the Coen Tory
young tows of New Ulm, which has since
figured is history me the ceetral pont of a
brute! Indus manacra. At that Mow, am in
.11 new frontier towns, the local hotel ant
leading barroom were ender the same roof
It was late in the afternoon when Mr. Wells
reentered, and he partook of • pretty poor
meal After supper he took • seat nen the
low porch neer tee !or and proowded to
reel • newspaper whish he hai packed up
in tl • barroom It was three weeks old,
but it was interesting readies to him. who
had hem far away from emanation a month
or more Lemon and sturdy frontlersane
began to mother in front of the bar Mode,
and se they imbikel the fiery liquor die
rend over the ride plan slab they grew
more and more hilarious and pony. This
din d.eturbel Mr. Wells at his paper, and,
saline the landlord, he mid to him
"My fried. why don't you make these
feline's keep quiet''
"1f you want thane owned, you'll have
to do .t yourself, stranger." sand the lead.
Ind, glances/ in at the riotous sane
"Ifo ynu want them yaet.d' ••ked Mr.
"Yes. 1 do, het 1 .an't On it myself .,
Without • word the grant sense hem hs
dao and wait lewd. 1. a mown there
wee • crash of glen, and one of the lowest
disturbers wee thrown through• winA eve
Oa. by na the ether* f•dlnwed hien mini
the her room was cleared Then Mr Welts
retorne.l to he paper, while the a.ailehed
front.erswlen .soaked away wider mese of
abs darkness
Atm, tweak feet next seorwieg Mr wells
culled for hoe MH. It IPSO preowned to bilk
and .t reed, is 6o
"Aad what that's for Ito demanded el
eke landbid
"Wen," replied that 'earthy. "Mien Y
Iib° for capper. lodginn and br'eaklast, and
SO for wtadow elan"
"Do yea sapsct am to pay for net
ertataly do if there are ane enough
is New Ulm to Enke you pay Inc It '
"Mew toy men have you u New Ulm' '
asked Mr- Wells.
"About 4,000, 1 Mink," was eke reply.
'•Not mere ton 4,000`'
"No, I Minsk not..'
"Will, Nell," Haid Mr Wells with de
esus, '•'* Mat P7 Inc tee slues, and he
lassMorti SrullaaM
Scarcely woe he tlAaifted consul than he
sent for M. de Pmtes_Mnt
•• You are a Senior: he sand, with the
charming grace that always accompanied
every fres ewvenient of his heart
•' The Laver that you death to show me is
impmibN,' answered In t'onteculsot. " 1
afl Only ; one must be 40 years of age to
bea lis iator '
4" Vary well, you shall be Protect of lirus-
eikpe o1 any other town that would suit
yeti Slater : remember that ynu ere • Senat
r, sod rune and take your place when you
are old enough 1 wish to show chat I have
sot foreutne what you did for nee."
Nome years later, M Ponrw.,ulant, Skf.t-
or. was living in Paris. He was imprudent
nature to back • bill fur one of his friends.
The sue. in question was 300,000 frescs
t12.000.; the friend ooul'l not pay, and the
Senator found himself plunged into the
most cruel dirtuculttee. He was about to
sell kit only property . I'ooteourllant, to the
INprt.ment of Calvados .
" Why do you not go to the Emperor
asked one of his friends. " He to always
specially load to yeti "
! really dare not," was the answer. "!t
would he ao rrect .adtscretiou, and he and l
would both Buffet.
At length one day, very miwrsble at the 1
oece.eity of selhno his pioprty, M. de
I'ootecoulu,t asked for an audience. with
the emperor, aod told him all that had hap -
How lung lave you been in these ditt
cables' said Napoleon.
"Three months, sire."
" Well, thee
• you have wasted three
ninny. Do yen appose 1 can forget what
you did for me T tie tins very dsy to the
treasurer of my civil list, and he will give
you the mosey.'" --Levy's •' 1'nvate Life o1
Mb MN ease.
The young man had just been admitted
to practtss at the her. He ret winkie the
bar enclosure, ape .ulattag upon the chances
of clients comes to him, by mistake of
otherwise. Ile hoard his name spoken, and
started to has feet.
•' Mr. 1.1. Novo, the prisioner at the bar
is unable to emplo% cotton!. Will you de-
fend hos'"
"Certainly, sour Honor. May I retire
witlyb,m to the Isrothcefor a net mon,enl's
. 1"es, sir . and qty• him your best et
vice. •
A bardly prtceptable neer curled his
Honor's lips al hr uttered these last words,
but the young aao ltd not appear to notice
It. Motioning for the prisoner to follow
him, he pawed into the other room. The
door was cloned, and for ten monutes the
lively chatter of nary conversations tilled
115 court room. Then the young man
strolled into the room and dropped auto •
.hair. The crier proclaimed, "Silence in
the court -room ' " His Honor mooed upon
the young gran and a•id.
" Are you ready to proceed'"
" 1"es, your Honor."
•' Where's the prisoner '•
.. 1 really du&'t know."
" What'
"• I'm aura Idon't know."
"Mr. De Novo, will you explain whet
you moo by thin moat ettraordtsaq Off
' Your Honor told him to give him the
best advice I could, 1 believer
" Yee sir."
" May it please the court, when i consult-
ed him 1 found he was guilty, and had
really no deface whatever. 'o, In purse
mace of your Il.rnor's eu kindly meant sug-
gestion, 1 advised him to drop out of the
window and make himself as scarce as pee
able. I presume, in fact 1 know, that he
followed the tint part of my advice, and 1
believe he will elect observe the rest el IL"
The prisoner that was, is still at large. -
From the ' editor's Urswsr," i• Harper'.
Malot.•toe for .luly.
num* rep Their Sow.
The proprietor of & che".'M* woks re-
ceived from kis shoemaker a pair . mate.
tight Loots, which he was, however, unable
to wear, as they were a tntle too .malL
He therefore ease them to use of ha wry.
neo Me. wear for a few de . ►Del streta
them to the required amea.toa.. s.rarel
weeks pse�„ „Tr, and the employer had
!nrgott.o all about the boon when he was
suddenly reminded of them in a curious
on a certain pay day the workman is
question, altar drawing his wages, lingered
at the desk as if wailing for something. The
manufacturer then seed
•• Well, Kruger, what is ,t
" I waist more money," was the reply.
" Wha what ' Haye't you got your
full wage•
•• 1)i, aye "' answered Kruger, afterward
adding, with the greaten composure :
•• But you've still got to give me three shal-
lregw and 6d for getting your Moo tooled.
Tbey have hens out o1 repair, you know "'
Humori.tache Matter.
Knew Wets TM, airs M.nay1.
Pigeons must have the credit of possess-
ing wine 'stellate a. A curious and very
inlerestieg eight may he cess each day,
Metonym excepted, at one of the windows of
Hairy W. Willman, in the Rialto budding,
opposite the poetofRce For the past few
yeah some 30 or 40 pewees ere bee then
regal/arty at 11 o'clock. 1 brisket of crack
ed gats se purchased at • time foe tee im-
pala. The birds leathered on the west side
of the p em"» and watch for tile wn4w
to open. They know perfectly Will whoa
that her arrives. If there should shames
to he any delay is opening the window,
they lid! often Yy row to the other win
dews of the same ,,ties and lap on the glees
to remind the clerks who may be sitting
Were thin it its tint* for their breakfast
The minute the w ndowopens they land nen
sad about tile
e sill earl push and crowd and
eland on eseh other's banks and sometimes
IlOt en sager w they to pick up the .
Windt ie spread all abet the eaten*
see heaven* quite taste and readily est 0.t
of the hand. Water' Traeoer.pt
a Neese W,.
A lady named 11rs T 1'. M Humphries,
Beteg m Kest, iInt., who seed only two
bottles of Meenbray's Kidney and Liver
Oars, ha. enrw*rd.d • statement to the
•iset that it o.m.plately and her et 1•-
itmneettwy rhesmat.ma, hidner sad liver
tttlllie► )tae► • eemplise.tlea of diorites
1w.g es geiekly to this remedy sh.aM
Muster enff ren to give it aa
MIMS trial
Efforts to Bring About a Conciliation
Prove Fruitless.
President Cleveland Inatsta a aeadl.g
/oilers' Aid le Quell the DWrder
1. \'bleed° 11./ear rte. Or-
t Mama out - A ra.eenger
Trac. 1111,5ed.
one Av.o Jul ;1 -Ti.. name of !)verge
11. Pullman will go duet; iu history ae the
central figure o1 the greenest strike In-
augurating the meet tremendous as well as
moat diaaatruus labor sgatauoa of the
nineteenth century. growiug out of the
dispute between the Pullman Strepung ('ar
Co. tool ate employee. The 1'uliman boy
curt and the uuiom of twenty soveu railroad
mangers iu a defensive alliance against
what until uuw appeared to be a muabruom
orgamnzatlou, mark. the begiuuing of a
new ra• both politically and Auasoially.
tele A...o, July g. -President Debs, of
the A. IOU.. at when word of command
PRCaIDtf'r RLORS4 V. Digo, A. It. C.
tens of thoisande of men tustautly atop
ped work arid twenty railroad* cave to •
staud•till hoe iacued a lu:.,: statement, in
the ronrse of which he recites the history
of the trouble between the Pullman Com-
pany and it• em: ioyea. anJ argues that
the acton of len organ:Z.1.'4 rhos fa- nae
been ;u+!ai..l by the facts; In conclusion
he sacs.
1\ • have been deliberately and mall
ewualy misrepresented, but we have borne
it all with uttwevetiug faith tbi)t the truth
will finally- and powerfully prevail. We
firmly believe our cause ie jne', an l while
we hold that belief we will not recede. it
hes beau asked what sense is there in
symp,thetic atriLee" Let tile corporations
answer.' When one is assailed all gin to
the rescue. They stand together. they
supply each other with menu. money and
equipments. to thus contest labor via
stand by labor. (tther oruanitsttons will
not be called out, bet they pill go out and
the .perta.Ie of lir Pullman fanned by
the breezes of the Atlantic while his em-
ployes are etarvinj ie. not talculated to
'prevent their (elide ways workers from
goiuK to their rennet by the only MOWN at
their command Let me ,repeat that we
stand ready to d., out part toward arert-
iug the impending crisis. if the corpora
mous reins. to yield and stubbornly main-
tain that there is molting to arbit ate. the
reeponeibtlity for what may ensue will be
uptick their owl* bands and they cameo'
escape .ts penalties.
,Cita sue. July 7. -Twit hundred and
twenty -live freight ran on the Panhandle
tracks between'i3th and 59th streets wen
totaily destroyed by lire between 6 and H
o'clock. The plies were ottlerly powerless.
They were ma even moused by the strikers,
who wept to work at once. Bunches of
waste were .t•.len from switchmen'. •ban••
tie. and soaked with the " dupe " used in
oiling the cars, which mode an exeelleut
torch. They soddenly clopped their in.
eeodarism and turned their atteutioo •r
tearing rep. switches ,after a number had
been rendered unless the mob continued
on its way soathwad.
'dist 1tr/To!r, Jnly' -Gov. Altge:.i
second telegram, to te 1'reeideot, del/amid
ung the withdrawal of the federal troop.,
amened the W hate House about midnight
Tia President dictated the following reply
• I' 4LC!-11,' Msxste7, •
,• tc:ANI%UTos, jolly d, iAltt
Hon. John 1' Altgeld,-Oovefnor of 1.1:
nose. Springfield,
" O' lois 1 am still persuaded that I have
neither transcended my authority or duty
m the etnersency that confronts tic of
aeons to me that in this hour of danger
and publto distress discussion may well give
way to active effort on the part of all in
authority to restore obedience to law and
protect life and property. - \}neon
Cosy [LAN D. "
I hart ave A, la Jnly 7. -The Fort Madi-
son paaneuger train going east last night
struck an obatroctiou, ditching the engine
and killing the engineer and fireman The
accident is believed to hate been caused
by etrikera
t'Atau, ill., July 7. -Two freight sheds
and twenty three freight ere were bnrnet
In th. %subtle and Ohio yards in thea rite
It is believed the fin wee incendiary
Kt•1p51.". July 7. -Two telegrams from
Ellin .e % Deka. president of the Ameri-
can kailway Union. were received by hie
repreeeutahres iu limffalo
r 1Rn1RRu ()VT. -t'owmand the situation
and have ell the employes to your locality
withdraw from service immediately W.
are gaining grtoud everywhere Select a
g•••,1 committee for each road. Keep
vour even in line. Refrain from violence
11.e lino. it. this fight of capital against
Mien are sharply drawn. Alt who work
ars aesisting cartel to »clave their
breather •-S V. Dere
Troy .d ►Ie-Ittg to be T►1«I few abeetly
Ceadatt.w T. rear.
81 Ceeniomees. July 7 -The tris: .1
the tramps Impliated In ibe shooting
rAsir at Jordan a ,bort time ago hes bewo
eunelnd.,l. Troy, the man who .bot von
doctor Turner, and rimming the ons who
gave the revolver to Trey, were committed
to stand their trial at the fall seats& The
One. other trumps Melrose, Welker and
Bradley were no/tepee-el to four mouths in
the ('tuftal Pelson for Immo vagrant►
Ter* Nen. Ylrner we Ow trap..
Mnpytgst, J•Iy i -Newsreel M benne
send for its buntw.•,re trolley •eel
dent. IF more fetal aeenbsnts oceurrwd
las' ni;ttt A geutlemau awned March
wee rim nese and killed try a ase en the
W* Haws, eel • workman wee MAW es
AL Antoine Ma*
"Only the Scars
Ray, fr'SY Ifuusox, of the James
bIntth Woolen
1" ac:iniery('a.
I'fl:lad e1phis.
" .t idosg t l,e
ti'rt 1..!IttlOtl-
r.:1 0:.`.' 1 we
i:t r'••^, : to con•
! . ' .i t,*nt. ::t: s
: 1,: rWing
•. e:rta„ng
1 :.• ••.d, rte.,
44 .n, '_a 1111
- i .. t.• a ray
t O t• 1...4 5 V.
• run-
.. ,turts.
me uogood, ars ..
bones would In :. good old
Mother Urger.: F.`j
to try !tsars Srsa
rpsr' : •. f -f. •,k ,
bottles, coo 501.4 Les, -1,:.•:•11' bwsl M.;
l.e.•n troulel• .1 r.•.. •v: Only this 'curs
remain. and the stratury of th i
past, to rctullsd :no ci the g,.od
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Lad tit,uo pie,
1 now w. _:e tun litod,• et o• .. ewer'y
pound:i, aa:.1 art in the 1,• .: of h. elth.
I hsve beam of 11..: ro•14 for the p.•L.t
twel years. herr notir.'d A7'e'r's Bar-
g1dT,isri1 advertised in all perts of the
-$nftsi t.., sr., slecava w»•e please ,
neat to tellIng what sow -Fit -Ma sow-Fit-MaLie me.°
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr J. L'..% yer S.' 0., Lowell, Yana
Cures others, w i l l cure you
Buchanan & Son,
A PNB. tt I.h.
The emperor once stool before ;nen mac
itliIoeot tomb of the Duke kudolpt of
Swabia. Some of his courtiers were ot the
epaaloe that he ought not to allow h s
mortal enemy to bare so splendid a menu
ment, but that he should have his body ex•
hunted and buried el.ewbere.
" Oh, let hum he where he is," said the
emperor. . " l oo'y wish all my eseenea
were as .pluhdldly barred. -Alb %noun
uod Linden.
Ut.vTt.l:ui..-For • number of years I
outlawed ttot...ieatne.a, and last winter I
could earce y hear at ail. i applied fel-
low til sad 1 cram hear a. well as anyoae
now. kir•. Tuttle Conk, Weymouth, N S.
Igl.tl.ae reuvttt.
Dees Sm. -I am thankful w B B B.
because I am to -day strong and well
through its wonderful blood cleansing
powers. I was troubled with scrofulous
spots and blemishes all over my body
and was advised to try Burdock Blood
Bitten. I took one bottle. with great
benefit. and can positively say that
before I had takeu half of the second
bottle I was
1 am iso pleased to be strong and
healthy again by the twos of B.B.B. and
I can strongly recommend it to every-
body. Loazszo Pot.torox,
Sydney Mines,C.-B.
rF jWLE^ j 1
W I L- D
4 �' ORA
lCf o ERA-
4-'',i . Q CO PLAIPiTS
a£t•ARi: of
M01 -.B OD'S
•rio Orman 711111750 RENngaB.
Specifit and Antidote for
Impure, weak and nap.'riahod Mond, dye
pepsin, ateeptsmsssa. palpitation of taim
keen, livr .ni* 1, n.rslgM, Ie.. of
M 11111111111197,ie , h yesiy is gen
dis., RRt.dams,Vis' dams, f J
slaritien mad ,anneal debility.
LABORATORY. 100011100, 011?IRIO
J M. MoLIOp,
Pionitasse W IaYaAst vee.
WW1 nears* retowzmennii SsaAs� rb
u ...�rsaDi•mel Ter �tertlYM
11111 11/.
Maden as an klaee of
Awl ksllderel stella\ et every Meorlpttos
School Furniture a Specialty.
has just returned from the cities where Le
has been MIeettng
Ile has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prtpart'd to
turn out work in the Best
Style passible, and alb Prices to
Mutt the times.
Ste am Boiler Works.
1118'r& HUSH= '111163
Ss ees.orto Citeysral e BIac*J
Manufacturers of all kinin of Station-
ary Marine, Upright di Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers in Upright and Horiseetal Slide
Calve &Wised. Automatic Cut-off Ravines a
racially. All sizes of pi a sod Opp -MUNI
ateetaatly on band. Firimares furnished on
Mort entice. Repairing promptly attended to
Mils P. O. hoz &. Oodench.0at.
Weeb-Oppeeito O. T. it Statics. Ooderiea.
galsanlls ~
Amoy for
T549,00 Mona$.
►YINONT$, sea.
Per iDt.Wratton e.4h�,ueea Bandanna 07111 to
ML'i,1 A (Yin. In Bao4uw*T, 510 Torts.
Vasa boars for wearing paeans. ie Marna&
i err patent w«, our be os a brought ratan
the bt • ry*,K ruse Ince or charge mills
cientific Amnion
t,.rea* circulation nt any selenttee papw In the
..r:d. Splendidly Nus .
. Ito I 11 1
wan should be without u. Weida 3.es ••
Iear. 'LMB At ramie& Aagr.. a OO
Truafssa 311 Br adavan. Ave .at
TAU CaeaD(AN Pactpto itaILWAY Co.'s
Tinneours has hese established to glue the
pubtlea enitelow seintoe wilt fair and per
menet mama tau.
it r tfamrged an busies' principles and 1.
the interest of Its pat room
ft deeseves the aspen et arae, egress whit
belleres la eompetltfoe.
Par ,seek deaps.tS ea* Bills C5-p.a,1
town eoenenaeg wish all Baas an eahfw
Ito tabled Mates. inured* and leen,..
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OSB. --Youth 1914e Westar.
EST, f Lose, Manager. 0M.terle\
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iNo aeo m$ol
FOR $1.-00-
0111 140 PACK MAI 07 ?lilt
It will effectually allay or prevent fernientatiolt, and preserve all
kinds of Fruit, Syrups, Sauces, Spice Fruits,
Vegetables, Cider, kc.
Try the Preserving Powder and Liquid. You will like It. You
will rind it less than half the trouble and elpenae of any other
For Oder it is cheap, and decidedly the best known method of
keeping it .wect.
Full directions inside each package.
Sole Agents for Canada.
141.1 ■asaeees nett fetephmae
tled.rteb. Ont.
Paris Green,
Insect Powder,
-each Guaranteed Pure. Fresh
And Reliable.
KBBP /00L by using HIRE'S ROOT HEEII (• ..c. bottle makes -,gall. ret
W. C. GOODE$_Chemist.
fro the Houselceepes..
As this is the commencement of the Prearr•leg sad Calming Season we wish to draw
your attention to our Fine Asserted Stock of KETTLES b t)•yr, Perls-, aad Nuhn►
To the Retry-Piokere_
Before purcha.tng year Pals call and one our fine Assortment from 10c. up. As t.
Price and quality they have Dever been equalled before.
To the 1b11C_
1f you re thinking of making any change in your Heating, call and examen the
moot improved Furnace b the country. U cannot be to.ched ler cheapness rind its good
heating ius4tiee.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Sign .of the Big Kettle. -
no,-"Z-ov wA=
can supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Spring is at hand, and after housecleaning you will want a
We have the Largest and Cheapest As.ortment in Town.
Before baying tall sod get pricer.
50 - TOILET SETS - 50
New designs to select from. Inspection invited.
Have added to their prwtemt badness one of B. J. Naeh's Welt StYlA
Of OIty HNrees, also •he finest line of funeral furnishings in the county.
and are new prepared to oonduct funerals at pies reseocuble
Thia department will be strictly attended to by iti e Doo wh
in the employ of the Tato D. Gorton for the past baa rank hue a
knowledge d the Imagism, and by pr'osept alt.. ties hero te sham part d
paha* patronage. Reseoeher the'Ine►-Wtrt-et_, on your way w the porn
este. (RYA oil a call
"The Mpg" is way $1 . • tf0 it.
EAV ♦ COPY 11\1117 TOT UA Ti L 110111 A T16L