HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-12, Page 5l
WB. LL RALAA'('F•U K1m.sdvilla, wtu pna■1. At t.
- -the mind of the
woman who knows
the best medicine for
her aches, pains and
weakness, is to be
found in Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip-
tion. It is a remedy
which corrects and
cures the distressing
derangements and dis-
eases peculiar to wo-
men, builds up and
strengthens her sys-
tem when she's
weak, run-down
and overworked.
For an invigorat-
ing, restorative tonic, especial-
ly adapted to woman's needs
" the " Favorite Prescription "
is so positive in its effect that
it is,truarankked. If it ever fails
to benefit or cure, in cases for
tthich it's advised, you have
your money back.
What else can be " just as
good " for you?
For bearing -down sensations,
u1'i eration, inflammation, every-
thing known as " female com-
plaint," this is a remedy that's
safe:, certain, and proved.
Take it for the prom/)t re-
kf it imparts.
ail.ri % F. J. Pridkam g
top aid Emma, -Derma • I . 7
lona to Debtor,, -C. Dewaiag. „ „ 5
reit Premiere Trout, - &+star
Porter \ 6
r w I late- C. A. slander t tri....... 8
be cash 'tete--J. T. Asinine 7
oy1 Hotel-lk 6
be New . H. Wormed ifs
papule Imes Omit d R.,itiom--Nem.
MittirY . 5
k.toe-R H. **um 5
fRMN-OOLCLot,OH-J.bn •.'Rseyi.
.1 ytapietea, and Mai Martie C'eloloupb
. were t arned at the Victoria -et. church
psieoease of Wednesday. Just r7tb. by
Ks,. 1t. Ir. Inc,
rom the Reporter's Notebook
'.i t..•re a Mel. 1• w' ver roma 1 role
I. tent M t • tb1l's Amami lee
Tak/s' lies.., es' bMk 111o11
.rtes U." -Been..
ow tot rkat and witty ..miner clothier.
is ran ret the loot in the Mad .t r. J. Pnd-
m a :be people's clothier. e■ the Square.
Mery wore many I. views in Ooderwh oe
m,t r,r. DIV. but the beet of them were
ter t., It. R. dellewe In his studio. If you
a: et• beet in his line go to Bellows.
low uist the election is over try to tate as
17 1 9os.ttN.. To do so be sere and get
m >umroar snit made by 1. J. Pentium. the
IW. dothter. Ite will suit you ell U.K.
'e.• liseatitel Aemmer it' here, sad if you
'`,1 lite to g.n
et sephi.g really kaodeo.e
easier views, leave your ender with R
'allows the photographic artist. sad he
1 do t L. re.t.
Wif3 Ix,NT YOU' hare your eyes tested '
wuN'r- oest yes uytk.wegt. txomtii .
1 1 far. We ■take • peCLlty of Slang
amsod le satisfaction. W. .
Roil.mod )ew.tler.
Ills TAILORINIL- Choke series sad
Mr nausea eve s..tlags, blast 44 Wee
le wanted sob. Weser badly
ds4..00seet•eety bwrsala in sedated
hag. (all and eee the geode 44 1*
as Yee will surely key. R. Mselsrms•,
Elul"' Ti C. (' F. -Roe. H. Irviw will
Kt • special a.rmos to the ('aaadue
M el Forrester, on *today, July 22ad,
1 o clock, A.N. Vining brethren are
tally aivited-
r. Uaor a LAWN SOMAL-
I lies social bold by the St. George's
irk guild, oo the grounds of Mn. K. R,
tk, Tu,adey renal last was well W-
and • bead sndenjoyable time was
Mon selacu played a camber of
ons dialog the evening.
us Si, tee MaDAI. 1 oaravrno!t. --i■
natio for the silver medal white was
stead by Dr. Hamilton, mayor of QomI, for �
petition in the rahhe school of
although tie figure'
set otficall saammis that Miw,ltbhol
ea.m u the winner by a insjoriy of 7
IA M 1 ` ('limos News Reseed . For
ey days tins issighborbsed las bar
aid with tramps. One of this. !t is
i uks M arta. Wiese* they ihed gals
M house they are
bold.• kod (road will Miele 011188"11114.
�o gi' c times Wars • root at Castle
1eisc.,. Oa W•d■e.d■y of last week
Ahrts Played the gm rod pleb and
' Mateo by a seam d 13 t■ 111 The
Is *ere leaks tastes by the Joiner
k► • soars of 15 to 13. 'hese MOM
' 7 ist'r..t•■g sad quite • weber d
lie 4 take them W. The ant gam
"s Saturday, 14th. bsiwsen the
sr `in. and Km ted.
Reit sen Mlmes'a.y.--ik. Marisa
It maraud miseiessry from led* I'M
mat tes.lhg talk en seisieme h
s•• rem of Cwt .Mai sa Wok
vi "Wk. the 1811. ate Wellies. •
!k'm will he taken is behalf el the
8 itr sti1y. Is .f erboenebr, ■t 3
4 ""Uirmy Missies
ver will 614lowis Mi. sklliran
Leavy .w Lone'. $err_ -The sea
IS 011ie Lsed 1 R apper w/ (n V.1 be
%dN tr.lq In Inge
ah. held eu /Whey stoomboi at 8
k' ohne M. }gl, `w 1. A.. d
slew tf
t service mew epp4msbte will be rw•m.d
for mmardeM web
'mmn.ieamts will resew,
Over or Yea Okzlgain. -New Kra : (Am
(:irvia, ea Reeve of rt est Wawea•ett, was
ia tem es Tuesday. looking Sal. and
hearty. H• la me of two survavon of the
old Nurse ad Perth District CialsoiUore.
Sheriff (shb•we Mar the ether. Mr. Girton
is still llvisg 00 the tarts he settled os 53
Tears ago. There are wt may mea in
limos who have reacted th•t length of time
s• ore farm.
Tits New Peoria W).L.visu --Antes
Free Prem The Rey. J. Y Howell, M.A.,
arrived with hie family last week from
(.ed.noh, •sd they aro now ooaf'viably
settled in the parsonage on Hewer Avenue.
Th. morale, service w Sunday w.. deem -
•1 to the roadtteagg sad •aphiaatten of the
rules of the cheerful and broadly matinee
the neatness wht•h should mast between
pastor sad people to oarr'ytag en flu work
of the church.
Saswos m OKA,..iuiv. On Sunday
aormag last the ( /r.agetaeo, about 50
swami, marched to Vietoria•st. church,
where the pastor, Kos. H. Irvine, preached
• sermon from the teat, " 1'e shall knew
the truth, and the truth shall mak. yo.
free." His 'abject was " Freedom . how to
dew it, and bow to retain it." Tb. os.R,..
ration crowded the church throughout. The
full dinar sang well sad •Dpropriately, the
mem elecenttaag� with ' • God Save the Quoin, '
•ad ell. bemdiCUoo.
A ,tilt% Hotta_ -- The old ImerDanonl
hotel be Km/etas-•t., which was purchased
by Robert Tnompeoa some time age, has
bus completely noevated sad has hem
leaned to It Currie, for many years monist
ed with the hotel business in Huron county.
Mr. Currie hes fitted up the house from
garret to ceUer, and has opened out with
cannel accommodation for the travelling
public. We have no doubt %Ir. Currie will
do hr share of the business in his new
sad impreted stud.
Look OCT PON THEM. --News Record' A
couple of gentry who follow the Cook &
Whitby circus.alied o. • gentleman named
Nitaotser % Notth Oriitia, Friday, telling
him they had been referred to him by Ti..
dal 6 Wade, bankers, of t inllu. and pro-
ceeded to show where • men et good char-
acter with • capital of $500 could doable
his mosey is a few months. He let them
have the P1500 in mask or metes, and -well,
the same old story. The gentleman has
2500 worth of experience.
kit.:', DAy, .ter i x /:ARD,.► PiAT% --A
grd.e party under the auspices of the
Kang • Daughters will be held on the
grounds of Wm. Acheson, Trafalgar -et: on
the event./ 61 Tuesday, .lsly 1 common'
in at 7 o'clock. The town band will
furnish music of the ooraeloo, and coffee
and cake will M provided. Admisst.. 10c.
Everybody is cordially invited, and there
should be a large attendant's' ea the King •
Daughter, ►re um'(ea+,minattonal and are
Join • hood work in this section.
A FAITH,• t Pria 1• Sea, •ST. Boston
Journal The public school tougher as off on
her vacation. May it be • happy one, the
hoard good and chap, the company ogres•
obi.. and sport cosmos'. No one earns a
reel so faithfully as she dose, .r needs it
mon or appreciates it Meter. The public
school teacher shares with the American,
mother the cusrody of the children of the
State, sod has an 'her keeping the future
catirene of the nation. Rest, health and
ceatent attend her in her Summer outing.
A Lil u l Etrutit'e E. As a buggy
0Oatautog Mn. Whitely, wife of Ur,
Whitely, and her two ,.hildren was stand
Ina in front of W. Acheson • revdence,
Trafelgar•et., • runaway team of horses
dashed down the street. Mn. Whitely
lumped from the conveyance* and pluckily
caught her horse by the head, whilst !lies
Acheson and her wised Mies Wilms, who
were standing near, lifted the children out
of the buggy Mrs. whitely'ti horns be
came frightened .s the team dashed by and
to the esdavor to break away from the
grasp of its plucky little mistress rolled
over ou the ironed, Mrs. t1'hitely still
holding w to the hoe the end of which had
in some manor become wound around the
Deck of one of the little girls. in the
struggle fortunately the lines broke at the
buckle and the child was released. bet not
Mime Mr. Whitely had received a severe
abrasion of the wrist. The escape of all
sooeeroed without setaous results was
MiT. NEt.I. ve. G.,nlRI• ■ -Our t'.el.r
team went to Mitchell 00 Tuesday last to
play the tam of that town a.4 man•
aged to win another game from that club.
The game was quite lively from start
to finish, and was won by th• field-
ers this time 'sawed of by the hat.
tory, both teams banning well The
Mitoboll boys ablyensWasd their
reputation for gobeavior, and our boys
ars highly pleased with the treatment ac•
ended them, and will endeavor to return it
when tie Mitchell people Dome to team
yah maw Mem is August The rains es
u mpired by Mr. Boyle gave ssti/adU.a to
MI pla art w:th very few •ao•ptio.s. The
is the sows by innings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 total.
Mitoidl 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 4 A
Gedm•ich 2 6 0 0 0 2 0 3 0-13
Bata/raw Well, Powers, Raker : Robert -
. no. Holmes, Mslom eon After Laving
had a plasma day's sport. the members of
the team, ce stepping from the train, were
very agreeably surprised to msec such •
lams su.ist d Hair (Heade, headed by
their meager, Mr. Crawford, vice. -pees.,
Dr. Hot•,, and the Canoed Hand. The
torah light and broom prooesuiob (orated at the
depot and marshal dem East tot to the
Square, thaws ono citrate to the right.
Ratting at floosie's drag st.ry the boys
heartily gave three cheers for the band, tho
moaarer sad the oatlaeas, sad than quietly
betook themeless homeward. Don't rmet
tege to t1uEshastienpark wit Wednesday
.ttarmooe to ase N• Cliatoalaaa play ball
with too Mal Mesa This is the drat apo
ttaeruae. d • Mania team in tom for
weasel ,.an, sad tM boys are going to
try to teea the tablet es Moir old frisdly
FAmawttu. Srretlt •--One Thersiy eve-
ehg last • bergs asses d the mashers
.ad friends of Vieteela.d Methodist dime\
mat at 1a bane d J. Renk, FJgh•a, to
rap barwweil to As. Marna who left se
Saturday for tie "boaAfter a Mss served
gist woo e■
et the tgrega'ies, 0. M.
INten basil ef the •seg, rha, re
the fellawiig address and premmtd Mr.
Marble with a prey el flab :
Oosseir., July 5416, 1881
T• Ir. sod Mea Jas.IKa II..
Du. Tan.
s , -fl. sat.b.re sad an
gretsblen ef Otalrr . d R14.aiw adult
swam allow peer esn■eelies wfti us 1a
swim althea* ,a.y.pl g Se yes .s teapot•
des ei ear Mktg BreiaaMdibe •• severe triallacanoe w
has bees year chief jay se w'H es ears for
afar• th•e lefts maga Yen and yaw de-
voted (wally h•...yer been Commit is
every goad work. Many of us have ptu4t-
sd by your o.i. dela sad been taluemeed by
your euareteot Ids sites c►ildheed, and
n ow as y.0 le.v• am it 11100146 as if a father
and mother is laved 0, rimy 0.t from as.
W. command yosi to Gad sad the ward e(
His grans. 14., HM .hoWt blessing be
urns you and your loved omen. May your
Moog years be mad• bright amid beautiful
with the proems of tit• teaser. la am -
alumina we present the s000mtaayiaagg gilt as
• token of our love, .ad say the e•ddest of
all words, Farewell,
"O1 ' how sweet at will la in that beau
Will lead,
S., free from all sorrow and pato,
With soars on our lips and with harps to
our head,
meet one aeother atai..
Sigesd os behalf el the friends sed members
I M rs. 1' I' Hell
Mn H.I.
Bert Rusk
!Ir Martin made • feeling reply to the
ddrr... Mr. Marto lied bis wife hey.
Labored with this church for over 40 years,
sad will be greatly missed by the older
people. Alter Aur. Martin's reply. Mise
Ammo Homier was called forward, and
!goes Marey Rusk, of behalf of the choir,
read her aa appropriate addron, and two
ladies press.t d her with a beautiful sow
reckon/ chair and a plush covered foot stool.
Mise Homage has jest severed her co•ase•
time with the choir Wier years of calmest
service. Harry Homing* replied on behalf
of his sister.
rat* u' "Ivaco,. This Presby-
tery bold its reviler m..tiag at Br.se8eld
on Tosaday the 10th nut. rhe moderator's
term .f office haying expired, the Rev. Neil
Shaw, K A., was appointed to the chair for
the nest six months. ('ommi..000n to the
t ventral Assembly reported as to their
diligence u attending the meetings of the
assembly. Harr. W. M. Marna, K.1)., the
convenor of the 1'rwhybry's Home Mnuioa
committee reported that a student had bees
secured for Bayfield sad Bethany for s few
Sabbaths. His action was sustained by the
Presbytery, sad the Presbytery agreed to
continue the eerviees of the student then
for the Summer. A oemmattes was ap-
pointed to nominate standing committees
for the eisuiig year, and the foUowing were
aoenrdiigly appointed : Homo Mission
committee -Revs. W. M. Manta, C.
Fletcher, S. (arrior, ud their elders.
Mate of Religious- Rims, A. Stewart, .1. A.
Hamilton, Dr. Ur. ..d tier elder. Tem.
potence - Revs. .1. A Anderson, R.
Henderson, A. McLean and their elders.
Sabbath Schools -S. Acheson, 1. A Me-
Dosald and thew elders. S•bbeth
Obeerva■ce -Revs. 1'. Musgrave, S. Harr,
N. Shaw sad their elders. Finance -
Rem, Neil Shaw, lir. 101)oea'd, P.
Mmwers and their elders Sup•nn-
teadence of !Radom ts--I'r. McItonald,
t. Stewart, .1 Mclean, ('. Fletcher,
and their elders. Systematic Roneficeses
Iter., A .IcLe•o, W. McKay, R. Header -
mu, with their elders,, ('hristtea Endeavor
Revs. .1. S. Henderson, W. Marten, S.
Acheson with their olden The committee
appointed to visit Manchester and Smith's
Hill with • view to having Leeburn supplied
in coon.cuoo with thea charges in the
erect of 1'moo church Mug united with
Hayfield and Bethany, reported the imprac•
tenability of such supply. Rev. J. A. Am•
derma gave notice that et the nett meet,
tag of Presbytery be would move that here-
after the Presbytery hold tt. regular must.
lop at Clinton. David Buchanan apo
pared beforh the Presbytery as • student
for the ministry. Being exanumed by the
Presbytery -4 committee, the Presbytery
agreed to recommend him to Koos (.'olle•,r""
as s student io the Literary T)epartmeat
The next mesons of Presbytery wall bis
held at I lintoo on September 11th, at 10.30
The union choir picnic mal concert will
he held as Seroma on the 19th int.
Several young boys from town are .amp
tog in swatheld's (,rove, Byfield Road.
"All is sot gold that glitters". Don't he
deceived, but boy a "White" or "New Wil
hums' Sewing Machias of Geo. W. Thom
It is reported that R. E. Hooper, science
neuter of the collegiate, was tithes with
• stroki of paralysis while playing base ball
in Toronto last week.
The third class students finished writing
on thea examination out Fnd•y and the
second elms on Tuesday. The 1st clam
begin watt.* Thursday.
There was • premature explosion of •
canoes fire cracker is Detroit ea wedmes
day and • lad named O.erge Frick was
blinded ger life. Another lad was fright•
fully burped.
Duringthe long vacation, i e., through•
out Julysad August, the law °Noes in
(:deriowill cites at One o'clock r. M. on
Saturdays and at four o'clock on the re-
imaging days of the week.
Heart Urease it•li•vd is 30 Miiutes.--
All oases .f •egasie or sympathetic hart
diem- • relieved is 30 Muth' ad quickly
surd by Dr. Agnew's Cees fey the Hart.
Ow ..te • attages. Sold by Jos. Wilson,
E' th %misdeed it the Uoml■ie■ .Mc-
tiow are sot h Id this Fall the modeled
oleates- • will he the me=t se too lip.
We're coda, to work for the sten wbe will
enfom the sow by-law. Our ours patch
carte to grief about An •'.flock Sunday
Kbeamattsm l wed ia • Day. -M..th
America Rbeumatie Cure, for Rkessmti•en
sad Neuralgia, radially eared in 1 to i days
Its action es the system he remarkable and
mysterwa& h removes at ease the mime
end the 4108.., imn.dibly iimppe•re
The fres dose greatly beneita 75 menta
geld by J. Wilton sad all draggl.t . Illy
Rev. S. Nalfon, who reriov.d frim Rath-
vee to Watford, was re.eatly est rtaised
at • bugler at the former piste sad pre-
ened with a gold watch. Mn. Sabos
wee ale the recipient of • geld ring. Th.
reverend *-hese■ iia breiier of Bev. 6.
F. 'hetes, et Stratford, (snarly of Ord.•
• hoes to Horsemen. -Om bottle of
Eaeli h Spiv% 1.1■hn.ni eemplS.ly re-
moved • sorb ham my hero I bake
pie acre u r•eemmendimg the remedy, as it
a- b with mysterious promptness is the re-
newal from berm .1 bars, weft .r mBewsed
Maws, Neal spark., spines, eerie, .messy,
midst sad swans. Gamma Roes, Tamer,
add by Jos Wltsa. Markham'. Out.
Relief is Ws Evan Dhtreeehg kid-
ney and bladder .idoses relieved h is
beers by the " New °slur 8.ee. •wear•
SAW L0NR Gti.a" TW mew reedy is a
(lest eerrrise and delight is pytiteees en
assert eine e./ee 4
Hever Ori b dm Madder, It Imola
and every pre d the arisery p■esps is
make er Mals. h relieves reseseles d
water and pais r i• Same&
Melt If yes treat
Wati wee unit. W Jia Wises.
Brings eom'fort and improvement and
Imide to personal eujoyineil$ when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
ter than . e t hers and enjoy life snore, with
ler eaputditurvr by more promptly
adapting the world's beat products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presetting
in the form some seceptab:e and plata-
out to this tats, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect Lx.
salt • ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Hid-
nep. Liter and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly fres from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sal. by .11 drug-
gists is 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will nut
aoceut aria substitute if offered.
Ram flahi■g has bees very Tight the
quite an .Wrest :o taken to bo.atug this
Str. Cambria called here, bound down, on
Th. KoUage brought in the tint coal since
Hee strike.
The weather has bees to cold for much
bathing this week.
ser. Kmpire called here on Wednesday
and wok on salt and passengers.
A notice has been put up,proLi biting per
sons swimming at Attnl's botch
eche. Tdman brought down a deck load
of stone from F'ort Albert last week.
Schr. Koltage arrived on Tuesday with
125 tom of soft coal for W. Ise from Tole-
Str. Monarch was in on Saturday and
took on two can of hay and ens of settler's
Dredge Arnold' is dredging out the reef
in the harbor and using the stone to sink
the crib.,
Nr. McNaughton took up the crib at the
and of South pier, and has sunk another at
the sod of North pier.
Two sow boats which were lost from the
Jessie last Fall and drifted ashore were tow-
ed into Kincardine last week.
The city of Windsor is held by the
Government on Lake Ontario for $7,000
damages which abs did to the caaaL
The Sophie bas been repainted .ad ('apt.
Greet hat god reason to he proud of his
Wessel as she is one of the finest looking and
bast boats on the lake.
Sehr. Todman left on Weidneid•y for
Victoria Harbor to load the remunder of
the timber for the piers. There was not a
full load for the Sepbie.
Str. Cambria was is on Friday bound up
and took on freight and p•seeagen. She
now goes from the Vault to Mackinaw, this
Mang her first trip. Thorn wort 140 pas -
scorers &bowed.
The cable steamer Faddy anconad off
Cape Canso, Wednesday, having x,mpletd
the third Atl•■tic cable for the ('ommercial
I 'able Company. The Faraday was *ogee
d only twenty day an laying the entire
Gelerteb Peters.
oonu,.. July 11, tet.
Whet.- pemdard 0 :S to 0
,eFleur. family 0 10 t. 0 M
Shorts, a toe., 00 M MN r
Bran, w ton 00 UM
�, M� t 00letNdi
• 6ta ...., e0 r Ot $ di
Pas,•bash 01Sb1r
B•iii7• two rowed, g bask ...-.... O N te 1 M
tt•y••ten tNte700
Potatoes. a beak. sew 1 r le 5 10
Butter, 0 14 to 0 Is
Kam fresh mamcksd, a des1 le to 000
Chime •11to1I4
Weed'� •0te400
idees. • 111.0 91
Sheep Skies ,
U.. N it 4 tpop
Dressed Herm 6.04650
Notice of changes mutt be left at this
Office not later than fiatnrday
noon. The ,(Spy for changes
mast be left not later than Mon
day noon. Qaanal Advertisements
aooepted up to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Servant Wasted.
Apply 4 MRS. 1 001LLN7t;DDY. 77
p Mseet.
'wife'f WIi A
ra M Men sad Theory-.aperte.M. Ow
ser Ear of Capt. P•rwenar. Wet -et. r-3.
Courts of Revision.
tea.-• e.mt for the il heads(
�p..t. ram the het er Rowl;esg
M ONetetteh win he held Wenn a
rt Raear i. h (b.n7. Tema tTJedle en P►tdey
Jul?. 1 deet 1.
m' e' a, ,i
eeserten'Aar ieleal Clerk of Tows a staff(. b.
ea Ynmsa , ,mgent'�omems. hay
e ielea . who W tie ey It is sem
y...w.11�Mhedk*1 ithen tdeedeMw
SNP of MI el a r1ueeodelee the mem
OWLHbesal deem
(,Y)TTON4, &C.
Grey Cotton, yell wide, 3c. pot yd ;
Extra Heavy, •etc., worth 8c. ; Healy
and Fine, 7c., worth 10c.: yard wide
ginghams, beetquality, sc. pre yanl.I
Special vahle da Ladies' and ('1ii1
glen's Hosiery Ask to see time Daisy
Brand ladies' Fast Black Cotton
Hone, titsawkas, I5c. per pair : also is
Silk Finish only 25c. Goods shown
with pleasure, whether you purchase
or not The cheapest spot in town
for cash.
Jmtdea', Stook. oed.l.14.
June rtk, Ire.
'll'tsatytwutngpt Ouldti/.
SNOW AND to.:obE■icm,
Arrive. 5rATioNs, Depart,
r.. P.M
1150 950 2 N • Ood•ricb . 1) 616 1 IO 310
1131 931 110 Holmesvftl.,., 714 137 410
1010 922 213 Di •A 736 1:6 415
150 g m• •i Chutes 1 7 3a 2 r 450
900 9 a, 140. tle iferth- 750 240 526
550 6111- 10 u etrwtfod..♦ eN 495 7r
Pubile Notion
Deem= b Wm. Sharman. Jr- 1 r►
Otte.' tical all et'.aente be settled Dr cob at
sooetlijrcatt signet 310. K. W W NINA,
July Stk, 1161 ;yµ
Mr. third interest i A. ntbt a manuheei atttunse eras lyse
meat of Buchanan -l- Son the p•. Wic will please
note that after the Ith of June e11 teen,`
actions will be do.e under the name of
Kac°anon• 4t Keynes.
tlt't'l1ANAN k SON
e7-11 i W. A.I(HYNAS-
1 trespassing on my tends by Macadam.
hennas. rearing. camping, fishing er other
wise will 'be prosecuted according to law.
Such lards are the Han farm, in the township
of Colborne, and the property known as is.
F•:M Reserve. lo the townships of Colborne
and Ooderiek.
R (A]fl'NON.IJ.(•.N. BAN( 111.111t.004. dolicitor. Proprietor.
Special Settees.
MACHIN N WORKS. To the public :-
Buy Ruociman Nos. 9 and 4 plow., Huacl
man land rollers and root cutters, Watford
Nos. 7 end 4 plows, American mouldboards,
Watford twin plow, it is the beat. Watford
sr0Rler., the leaders. Watford hay rake.. AI
se other implements. Plow notot. reduced in
Dries. Hare most kinds. Castings made to
order. Cash foroad metal.
45-ty .1. B. RC'NCIMAN.
Ltd you hear them drop f
1 tare lust purchased scan at low prices.
They must he sold. -Only $1.35 per squats.
1 hive elm made another strike -a vessel of
Red Oak Lumber to arrivefine is not In it.
1 will sell lees than pine in doming. wainscot
Ing, and taterior decorative work.
Pon ere Weft I about
i i` B°°k
sewr+heabout it.
1 have lest Afew loads of beading cultingu
for Summer mod lett. =1.50 a lead.
1 have also a quantity of doomed° hard wood,
loon end .bort : and hemlock slabs at 1$2.KIper
Ready to furnish estimates on all kinds of
wood walk cheaper than ever. and still doing
business at the ULD STAND,
19.17 JUSBPH'[ID1,
ProPiel7 For Sale 01' for Rent.
Godericb. for sale or to rest situated
close to U.T.R. station; immediate ion.
terms of tale easy. Apply to W. y. he iN.
manager L'ates Less a shrine Cm Toronto.
11'' and lot ma AnOleseaeL (`•1yr, tows
water andtstd en. Telma rteeoeable.
Aptly to R. ENNON, ou tee preemies. 7e• -ft
Lot 9 in the drat concession. Oodrricb town.
ship, county of Huron. 2 miles from Ooderl.•h.
e.nllgtlag of 140 acres more or leas. Barn Mix
M, nearly new, good orchard of choice fruit.
well watered with spring creek, as excellent
geeing farm, can be bought on easy terms.
AAOOIy to .OFLN KNOx, Auctioneer.
Lot 1 in the broken froni, went of the Lake
road in the Western diriam, Township M col
borne, county of Hiroo, 3 miles from (lo,lerioh
comprising 119 aces Large bank barn. go•.1
frame ketee 1+ 'tory high, nearly new and
Rued Orchard .1 Monte from nam be bought on
easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX, Auction
Bieck • and B. Lake nom in the township
of (Wheelie, eonsiming of !r acne more sr
1101• These arc on the remita frame
house, frame barn and good ., stabling. About
K. acme owes st uss. This (farm i li (considered °a
4.1-.' ss hewing farm. Tb. farm esu be
divided to suit purchasers and bough,ven easy
terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
Haase and lot is the town of ('tints, -Lot
41,ps- M dent tp nbeni the old w7 high mill, eqn
sg(M(site�■tt10 .161 Ig Mort' huge, 1 is=
elmem with food caner, all is seed
Mrapair. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
r► A urae/bear.
tureen. Nast Waimea*, Pel sores. This
1e • Seat-Jwes farm. Anse tows lot 47* Ott.
riser, Apply to PHILIP HOLT. wtl
std bissipasid o( the late James Oen.
day, et the eselemielp of bast We went', be -
las lave belt of let is, mammies' 1. en eke
gavel toed that Made h.�
frees to What
kw. it ie rt abets N w4 from Aon..
m+k a t , vii with Mr Mtrsbee wad
e tekoM sear at 4.e1144aiev.ly new
home beam with seven levo roam and cellar
with other ..nvgnlenegS tad geed bank hart
wad sheet WS law bterrg rant trees see a
the prowlers, ♦fief N soros are cleared. Tae
nal le or the lest,Farther leforwutlon from
S. (•
YR* Ankara P O. 114
1. eemnssdleee 1406141.. a Eby,
Ste. ees=eat teal. Terms" wearer,
1. 41. WOW, Russet. P. 0.
RSALK.--N. * LOT 31,2ND OON-
t.wpi ovsct and almprsved Mm
leads p doe■ iess earytsg hem 1 ne It miles
Sem QS'•ppeea Shades. N, W. T., kr We
very thaw. No ettler dare M .(red sum -
me ere te hellion/ bO■•ess.
Per RA psselesis s emir b
Meer ..r•:wssa
I wish to announce to the ladies
and gentlemen of (:od.rich and viy'in
ity that 1 have opened out in uty new
store with an entirely new and clan
pletA• stock of drugs, patent medicines,
soaps, sponges, tooth, hair and nail
brushes, combs, perfume., Sc., and
shall be pleased to receive your es-
teemed patronage, assuring you that i
shall at all tunes do my utmost to give
satisfaction and to furnish airy custom
ors with the best. In the responsible
work of dispensing physicians' plea
criptions 1 guarantee careful and
faithful preparation ami will bite this
n'y personal attention.
The valuable receipts of the late and
much respected Geo. Rhyne,: can be
filled and procur'e'd as required.
Pure Pans I;reen, Fresh In -est
Powder, and Hellebore.
lots with ties. Rhyne,
Rohl. McLea• a Hl.ek,
_01 -
Prevents Iot:N of Fruit from fungous
disease and insects.
Solt by
• . E. DAVIS,
1'11M, K.
Medical Hall
I I:\111 1:1
Furniture 1b4 is not ot.:, .•ref u! t y' •
pleasure 10 the eye. cat. 00 more ibas ,he
other kind. it is only nrcccw•ry 10 nU le the
right place to get It. We can show the pret
new and dainteet designs imaginable. A walk
through our tams meek will nonylac• you
that nowhere can 70.1 find as floe• belectlo,, or
prices en low.
We have • large IIneof uphol.tert surgoal• and
beautiful Preach Cloven In Louie XIII. Medal
14ow, Renais•n,e and other design especially
interwung to ladies. never before exhibited In
town, cold oily at
..N f145 Pt UaPa,
` denlesed are powered re
, repair
mesas rte. The .,t
fled hinders • sp.slalty. .1. S,
.,- Mc
k CO, Is 04dis.O.eereh. et 3m
1' I. ANIV(; MIi,1.
MAs11. 1•i.,,f: AND 1:1.1\U F,tt TORN.
1 take this sep.rtnnily to inform the publ,.
that 1 •m pill (n the hearses not withstanding
all minors te the eesuery. and am prepared to
de every dale er woet Iso my heehaw's/arias
a window reuse to erecting • 1et..e,�g Imitates
with sa•n.ard reef. Coosistes for.10bed sad
.amp.lition invited.
Tse Inr0Mieg of bulkiest matvlriwl, seeb se
lath, sliserleo and lumber • oteeislor.
T. SM 11ITN.
eeMIN. July bub. Ilk
BAKING POWDER is bulk, 30r, pe
A IOa. hefts makes 2 Bailees et
ROOT =Elk.
s Ikrfroshla Smm.sr Drink.
Any amen, N empty handy Reties •t ton.
• Intl Ile. se New .awl i eailiw. Ina ..t Med
1.1■sn GOA e1B Newest Peden • Is Sulk.
JAMEpI wiusoirs
Tolapbs■e 11.
The Signal
ismss more calls epecial atteatee to to
Job Printing_ facilities, which are solar•
pored oueide the cities for the pre.N
and proper eaeeuto• of all .Imam ed
printing. A perusal of this etnouson-
meat may .uggewt e.methtng you may
be in nerd of, and is such rase we who
.it your patronage, feeling L.addent
that oureQort. to please will meet wale
the approval of our patrons
This useful else is kept in the fall
range of qualities saws as letter
heads. While
IstUer e 4&1,
In this line we hair a very large
stock of fine writing( paprn emit
able for every class of business
repreeentrd in this locality, cera
prising laid and wave, linens,
quadrille and ether paper.,. ruled
or unruletl, as may br rr-yuired.
Memwo, meads
are riot so generally used, they fill
an important place in trowhirniial
corms:pr rienc e. See what we 1'
got under the above heads.
Vat ikaad.s
If the " pay as you go ' }'Lin was
the order of the .hey the demand
for account paper would not be
so great , but there are i•cn.•. men
who get so many dormers that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our *tot k i'. coin
plete in this line with four ,inm
Good paper and neat ruling.
%hake %%Xti Me
Both single and double dollars
and yenta columns. They come
cheaper thaw" bill heads, 1.,14 are
the limper thing- to send :titer a
delinquent once a mouth': They
are sun' to fetch hint round-
-om.•t i nu•.
Now, it would be hard to act
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
theist we keep a large stock on
hand. We bate now altout a
hundred thousand in .toy k, ,and
the prices will range from lac. to
S'=•00 per M. We handle tom'
mercial and legal sites.•xclu'itely,
e, Ohlftmtle r e \Q\ V r4.114.V114\ty
has already pare partially mum
orated in some of the heaths ;lots,
There is, however, a vest .tunoaa
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
thin adv 't, but we slo it all at TSB
to Ln "At Home" or a w. ;.ling
require tottuilerable taste 1n •,'.ec
ti en Wtu.iitnert, hut. tee u...ltt it
an easy utatt.r by k.'.
stock the very late -t and I •
samples to be iie.l. meall aril rue.
of entertainment,' "Mil meetings
prouiptly turned out, trout the
plain but mat to the priest elegant
with coal and. Dencil attacho.l.
eft' \\. • • ' .. • : i. t,
' . w: I. r..,
I ut .-.i.'ia1.y in ti i-, ..u.t lets
in -lock and fruity papers
-auitalole fort
or rogairrw.'ut3.
Cards t%i\d T %Lets
This heaol . overs s large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to • newt calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a tasty
business creel or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
Ni osiers
Our facilities for turning out this
clam of work are evideni ed by the
fact that the great hulk of It is
.lone by um. This line ahs i.•
w•Fnch our three
pre.sce :,1. able •
m a
belong to the poster Ilepartatent
also, and we stake a apet'ialty .pt
them -promptness being our aim
in this respect. A notice of male
will appear in Tag I06AL free cf
charge when hills for same A re Kee
#‘‘ Kvr,ds oS Vii ork
in the typographical printing doe
yrs he done in this eistahli■hmeat
in an expeditious and artistic
manner and
Our V r.ees u:hkk be So�ttna
very reasom►ab4e
We *sterna our
en and solicit a
thanks for past fav
roeti..ance of eke
UNeaioe, Or,,