HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-7-12, Page 4•
t�lu Aigitxl,
MS rv--
ager a. M sudere here.
Mee et Pobtiosues sad th, North toroth
oodenela Ontario.
Terms .r sob.repsle.
ss mestk, la adipose • M
gee meatke, .. ... sl
" N
1 IS
t▪ itle mud._
s r e N
MN M weer label.
Teem label is • mediae receipt of the date
es which yes are paid up. Iles that 1t Is aot
showed to fall late arrest.
Wises a abs..." of address 1s desired, botk
the old sod the mew address sheold M eersa.
AdvertWoo Mates
I.amml sad other ouW advert1Osssasts, les
per Ire for ares in.ertloa, bad t cows per lure
lir each subsequent latenloa. Measured by
• ..ea scala
Bastes= Dards et els hues and seder, •3 par
Advertisement. of Lost, Found, Strayed
Vacant. !tomatoes Wanted and
Wanted. sot *eoeedieg t
ae•pareti. •1 per month.
en 9.1e and Farms on Hale. sot to
.neem/ 1 tines, $I tor are month. 30c. per •..b
t mtwtk. loser advt.. le proponroc,
•mr apecW notice. the object of which is to
tits pecuniary benefit of any iodi-
se emaisy, to be oouetdered se ad
2 cksrsed •ocord(n.1y.
motteesta nonpareil type one cent per
Ilia•NN11c.s kw than tic.
r�emr mottoes in ordinary reading Type two
rysr lose n pword. No notice for ltison.
otiose for churches and other religious at.d
oleat last Mittens half rate.
,'ease .r,Ial remorse. Adesrtl•ere Ile..
A limited non' ter of displayed ad•ertl.a
insets will be inserted at the hollow ins rate!:
Per Inch, oar Maori tom •
" four to.er, Ions .......sass. . ...... ..• p1 W
" th.ee months .... ....... 2 M
" us months 300
" one yetr. ..- S 0e
No sel•ertisement leer thea two helms .n
length will 1.e calculated out alley* haste. S
per rent. discount allowed few cask peyote -we
es three months eootrart; 10 per rent an 0.:
month:, and 13 per rent. on a year's. Thee"
ewmditloos will be strictly enforced.
About ••Tbe Pima " "ell ver y.
Subscriber wbo fail to reeelve Two 9•o'• • 1.
reti:tlerly, either by ra^ri.•r or by mwri. w:11
confer a favor by acquainting us of the tact :.t
M early • dare as possible.
���t.^..�'ed manuscript! cannot be returned.Curran Jondence must b c wriitel On on.'
W paper only.
r.bHWer. ieslee.
J. C. Le Tounel, of Ooderich, has been •p
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town.
&blue of Oodericb, Colborne. .1.611 ld and w'a
Local postmasters over the district are also
empowered to receive subscriptions to THs
sora!, • i_
AU communications must be addressed to
Telephone Call N. °Nortek. Out.
OUR esteemed coatempororv, The
Star, appears to be somewhat eh*
grinned because its candidate, Patron
Co!rxo1.Lv. was not elected in the re
cent Provincial contest. We wonder
if The Star will he so enamored of
Patronisut and P.P.A.istn when the
Mut Dominion election comas around '
A NUM BER of Tory office- holders
in Toronto are paying the wife of
Chamberlain, the Winnipeg person-
ator, $10 a week during his incarcer-
ation. 1f he were engaged by the
Grits to personate, as was ,fated,
thesi Tories who are paying $10 n
week for maintaining his family, are
loaded right down with the milk of
human kindness.
THE Toronto Globe stuck to its pol-
ley of hating a dean campaign, and
was never better written, nor was
ever better service rendered lex it to
the cause of Liberalism than during
the contest which has meetly elated.
The (:lobe is a newspaper of which all
Canadians must feel proud, and when
it is brosght into contrast with its
daily competitors, it stands out me
chanicelly, politically, and from a lit-
erary standpoint as a giant amongst
EDITOR W. W. BveNANAN, of the
Royal Templar, is threatening the
Hamilton Times with a libel anit.
Editor Buchanan ought to brace up
bad not be a chump. He gives
mighty bard knocks, and he should
learn to take a few without etinealing.
Tint SIWOAL knows something about
what it is talking of, acrd can assure
tis- esteemed editor of the Royal
Templar that it costs good dollars to
win libel suits, and las will i.• hanker
and leaner than he is ►'y the time his
suit with The Times gets through, if it
ever goes to trial.
TH ERE is not one member of Peelle -
meet of the 102 who toted in favor of
whitewashing Sir Arms ens ('a now and
Sir Hsr•roN LANCET", who is one whit
more honest than the whitewashed
knight*, and on that account the ac-
quittal on trial in the high court of
parliament was a farce, a *ham and •
delusion. Fancy • roam of the high
moral standing of 1)r Mows/wee, who
forged a circular alleged to be sent by
the Queen to the Indiana of Heidi,
mead, giving an hoteut vote in p•rlia
treat ea this or any other question, or
Comeau' s, of Northumberland, or
may .Niter of 102 patriots for revenue
who constituted the °mart of as -quitted
rut Calf with the Cough anti Mr.
Gautrov rolled ap big majorities for
Liberalism during the rarest Provin
Bial eanspai n, contrary to the mime •
SWIM el the gentlemen who eon
structel t l.e boomerang', as well as
amok to the wrpriee and chagrin of
the esteemed Empire of Tomato. The
Calf got in its best licks in South On
terio, where Hon Josx Dau nts's
former *majority was neekiplietA by
four . and Mr. °auxi ' hustled things
in the Peterborough*, where Rt.asaao's
utyority was rained from 75 to 350,
and STkATTOS, against whom GRUNDY'S
personal animus was particularly di
rectal, had his majority in the town
of Peterborough raised from 308 to
M36. 'Rah for GaUXDY and the
other Calf '
NOW that the elections aro over
and everything has settled down to
routine Tinea Tat SIGNAL will be pleas-
ed to hear regularly from its esteemed
It may be that the correspondents
may not be able to write large budgets
each week, hut Tns 1 .
1 .NAL is anxious
to print something etery week from
each locality, Is the budgets large or
If any correspondent is short on
stationery, Sc., all that is necessary is
to write Tint SII.NAL about the mat
ter and it will be attended to.
And above all other things he par-
ticular in getting is your 00'7 early,
and don't seal the envedopu.
T rarely happens that the t ictorious
candidate in an election feels impelled
to ask fora recount of the ballots, yet
that is what occurred in West Huron
during the past week.
Immediately after the official count,
when it was .leclart.l that Mr. t:.(R
5014'5 majority had born brought down
to 311, owing to a clerical error on the
pert of a (Tinton deputy returning of -
titter, there were .lire threats of a re-
count by many of the zealous friends
of the defeated otndalate. The last
.lay allowed for service upon the coun
ty judge was drawing to a clnse, and
no effort was apparent upon the part
of the threateners, when Mr. (:ARROW,
who felt conscious that he had been
ieprivel of some :d, or 40 votes, de-
cided to ask for a recount in his own
Thr recount came off on Thursday
last, and the result, which appears
elsewhere in this issue, has proved to
be highly successful so far as the ap-
pellant was concerned. It w., fout,.l
that in I:alerich Mr.l;Aaaow'n major
ity was raised frost! 73 to 75, in Ash
field the figure mat: increased by I
from Ito to I1 ; and in Clinton the
original majority rtf 1,01; war platted to
the credit of the Liberal candidate in-
tend of the 6S whish wag crv,lited to
lint in the official count. in Win_
tan Mr. t'o!1soLLy receive) an milli
ionml vote, hie figure now standing ,it
instead of 43.
Thus it will bre seen that the Lel.-
trial majority now reaches the figure
It 76, which is eounuendahle consider
ng that Mr. UAsaow, with a normal
ajority of 112, hal to stem a tile!
eve of Patrtniam and P.P.A.ism,
nder which many well-known politi-
isns went down.
It is it matter for congratulation all
round that West Huron is safe, the
overnment is .mfr, and the country
in se far as the Proyines lei Cralla Bio
.resents the country -. is safe.
I)1'RiNG the seno& term of Goner
al (.RANT as President of the United
States, General Ii NONR, at that time
a power in West Virginia politico, was
instrumental in cawing one of his
heelers to be appointed door keeper to
( 'tangos'''.
The Congressional door -keeper. it
appears, has the patronage of the
smaller •ppoint.menta, such ma Inc.
aengera, pages, kc., at his disposed, and
it wasn't long before the West Vir
ginian became afflicted with swelled
heart, owing to the fact that politi
ciana of ell grades lieaought appoint
melts at him hands for their friends.
Writing house to a friend of his he al
luded to his exalted position as a dis-
penser of patronage, and closed his
letter by saying, ' i ant a bigger man
here than all °SANT..'
Everything went on swimmingly
until the friend, in a moment of weak
Mak showed the letter from the ('on
grearional door keeper to • man who
occupied an editorial deck in one of
the newspapers of the town, and when
the newspaper man saw the contents
he thought he would rhronit•de the fact
that one of the townsmen hal attain-
ed eminence, and. so far se Congrvit
*iona. patronage wax roncernei, was
' • Nigger man than okl GaaR."
The pohii ."tion of the letter preyed
the downfall of the door keeper. as
great • storm was renal about t
1 unfortunate writer's sari by the dis-
paraging reference to General Oi*ar,
who at that particn1er juncture was
the idol of the people, that be was
glad to resign the place of emolument
as keeper of the Congressional door,
mod seek the quietness and seclusion
of his native town a. • panacea for
his lacerated feelings, and a retreat
from the corking cares of public life.
A moral can be taken from the fore
goaug story by a distinguiahed Cana-
dian politician of our acquaintance_
Demote' HiRasaT, for some time past
commander of the Canadian militia
force, has been cock of -the walk in
wetter* military since coating hither,
forgetful of the fact that there is
another great military head in Can-
ada, the stripes on whose trousers are
broader, and the filagree work on
whose epaulettes is more resplendent
than that of the imported Oeeeral.
We allude, of course, to our only own,
Hon. J ULIUS C V.SAR PArrrgsoN, the
warrior bold from the heal of the
St. Clair.
Not satisfied with talking in a
friendly manner to the Papal Zouaves
at Montreal a short time ago, much to
the chagrin of gentlemen of P.P.A.
proclivities, the General had carved
Canadian militarism all up the Irak
in his annual report of the state of
the l'anit' lian battalions. Recently
lie summed up his catalogue of enor
wities by suspending Adjutant -Gen-
eral Poe ELL for premature publication
of orders—which, by the -wry hi,ra
serious offence in the British army—
end as a result he has been "called
.town" by that pipeclay veteran the
Hon. JULIUS CssAa PArraReoe, Min-
ister of Militia for the Dominion of
Canals by grace of the Forty Thieves
and she compleiasnce of West Huron.
He has, contrary to all preee.ient,
attempted to override the will of
General HERHERT and the recognized
regulations of the British army, and
we very much fear that in his efforts
to be '•s bigger man than the general"
in military matters he has gone out-
side the scrape of his limited know-
fif course, the system of ntiliteri,tm
in Canada. is a veritable piece of tom-
foolery and a howling farce, but so
long es we have to put up with the
humbug and pay the piper w.' should
hate the best management of it that
can he gob for the stoney.
I•'li(;MI despatches to the dailies
we learn that a longe of flim-
flam and akin game Well aro following
in the wake of ('ark & Whitby's cir-
cuit. These fellows are like the camp -
followers of an army torp, -they are
willing to rob either the !king or
the dead.
Every shell fakir and flim dant man
is a thief. and if any of the people of
this se -tion are inveigles' into the
game after this warning the person ,.n
inveigled is as much a thief as the
fellow who runs the skin gwme.
No honest man will conduct a dis-
honest business, and no man with any
pretensions to honesty will go into a
game which be knows is bed -rocked
on fraud.
The Cook & Whitby circus people,
we are informed, denounce the rascals
ho follow in their train, and on every
° t -anion ware the public against being
caught by the sharpers . but notwith-
standing that fast, the despatches tell
of melt who have been skinned out of
hig sums of good dollars at Colling-
woo 1, Brampton, and other points.
THE SIGWAL will give no sympathy
to any tnan who is robbed by the
fakirs to.lay, but will, on the con-
trary advertise them gratis on their
wounded feelings, empty pockets and
dishonest action.
Don't monkey with the burs saw
dont put youree;f on a let-ol with the
.ley CAfiraLL Holmium, of Toronto.
ought to be locked up during t he dog
daysilia latest break is to have
"queen of Canada" elides to Her
Majesty'* title which, Heaven knows,
is sufficiently long a'ueady. ('Aersu
Ho►xfvs should be kept in his kennel
or put on Ice while the warn, weather
We would not 1* afraid to itet that
"• The Eminent " ha. hien 0f late in
spiring the editorial utterances of our
e.teomed local 1'ontsenporsry. " The
Eminent " might he bettor employed
in endeavoring to reconciler him last
itotitical vote with his eoesrienre if
he has any.
As we we to to press there are
strained relation between the (i►na-
diau War Lord, Hon. Juuus CAMAS
PATTsasox, sod Canada's hired milt
tory Man, General Hussar. One or
the other will bays to take the stripes
out of kis trouser so far as Canada is
(juke a number r4 Governusent
agents who have been caught robbing
the wails have of lat. been sent to the
penitentiary, but the gentlemen in Ot
taw* who have been elbow deep in
the public funds still remain out of
jail and receive the plaudits of Govern
meal supperters-
It is now stated semi officially that
the Federal elections are within easy
range and Ow gentle patron of in
tlaatry and the benevolent P.P.A.
have already begun to tuns the grind-
stone to sharpen their knives for the
whitewashers of Caaos and LAN4i101N.
Some of our esteemed county con-
temporaries are solacing theutseltes
after the defeat in South Huron by
stating that M. Y. \icLeAN, the suc-
cessful candidate, was once it marriage
license issuer. He could easily have
been in a worse business.
When will the park committer of
the town wake up to the necessity of
making the Harbor Park look clean
sod decent. As it .stands to -day it
would disgrace any backwoods hamlet
in the unorganized districts.
The position of mail carrier in Tor-
onto evidently is not a good ••sit'
nowadays, as orders have been issued
that henceforward they will be com-
pelled to stand when trivet -ling on
street ems in that city.
A detpatclt informs u, that hail
to the depth of six feet fell at Hot
Springs, Ark , Friday haat. The Ot
tawa liar, or some other one evidently
is taking vacation at or near Hot
Springs, Ark.
A nosing committee, we under-
nderstand, went to Clinton last week to
find out why that burg had rolled up
IUf of a tngjority against their patron
candidate. I ht r •'J glees was one of
the nosers.
it is now asserted that DEH. is a
dipsomaniac - that he took a Course of
gold cure treatment at Dwight and it
didn't work. Perhaps that is the ren
son his strike has so much tipirit in
Now that .1. ('ASTEt.L-HOTKINs has
been trying to confer an additional
title upon the queen. would it not be
in order for him to try his hand at
naming the baby.
The Patrons were represented at
the official count and at the recount
by Lawyer Hays. it seems that even
the Patrons cannot .lo without law-
The drowning season has begun,
and in moat of the rases ability to
swine hasn't hindered the drowning.
His Worship Mayor BUTLER ap
pears to have dropped completely out
of sight. Sic transit glories mundi.
301 atcurtr race tT 1.A1r:aa,
Telegram J T. Garrow, tri,('„ may yet
win brilliant laurels as • political humorist.
H. has applied fora re-oo0at os tire ground
that his majority is not !asp enough.
Agro 11* ,.,? IT ,sT p..0?.
Hamilton Tune. It is set often that •
teaa with a majority is found asking for •
recount of the ballots. Yet that is what J.
T. I:arrow, M.P. P., West Huron, is dots,.
Re believes that by errors of deputy re-
turning ofiioon he has been deprived of oe-
h.lf his majority and ke wante the matter
set right.
Tratoay, July 10.
Will sad Jim Moorland spent S...day at
the Poplars
Audrey Grease a hav ag • stone fogad"-
ties pet under his barn.
Mn. Har.. Tuford sod see Tom,are yis-
tttnR at Maplewood Farm.
Miss Ada Morris, of Buffalo, has nears -
ed to 'Morrtedale,' after 14 month"' ab-
Frank Sallow,, of Listowel, who has bees
hoot* to. • few days, has returned, with hie
Steel Murdock, of i-aoknow, has pur-
chased • fila Berkshire pig from Thos.
The S. r. E., of .Smith', Hill, held a pie -
01C at the lake, July tad. and an movable
Mme impost
John MoN.vu mold hie Am tboresgh bred
eslf to Sam Potter, the day before the eke -
Ono for a good Arnre.
A ,amber of farmers is this vicinity Msec
started hayt.g The hey, en •ossatl ul
the Jess from se below the average.
A ries( Try Ilviag es the west bound-
ary of Poplar Row tried to crests • eenp-
tip mamas tam grits here, by sprs.disg the
report that in the reales .sant is Want
Rsrn., Ganem was bet sod Causally
emoted is by 39 votes. Bet it did sr
work worth a est Ne, se, Jae, pampas
took into ewesideratiss where the leery
same from and put it dome ler what It was
wird. New {bet the eleeso• le sew, Jima,
we would advise yes after WMag es mosey
baso -lased , yarn te quietly leak dews.
Take year deems like a raw. Tr More
wee't J. yet.
Tri thtsasa a only 1 a year le edewea
A Comore Oriole Impastdlag.
Am+wss w rvWde s Wm bad *Per Leede."
"gibe a.yew.es4–Tbry ere SsMYiy
tteassr.d M Me WI a .halls
.t Labe, Mderer Wets
('Ht ave,, July 10. There u no dteguu
jag the tact that the local masons to -sight
u the labor tremble is mote grave than t.
Mas Ire at any thane. This u Set the .Mw
of allar..oete or the bused of the radiode
seam** the sinks element, but, rather, the
e/t�toa estertasted to -night among all
chasm et the oommaaiy, which are looking
forward with fear an/ apprehenswo to
what the night or another day nuy briar
Thr* were three Mmes as many people
on the streets t.d.. as were to be sew say
day tor may rontia pset Num -teethe .t
thorn, mea bad warms alike, displayed some
emblem The majority wore the white
nbbos emblematic of sympathy with the
strikers. Silken mtaiaturee of'h.etor'and
stripes, too. made their appesrsnco this
atoning, sad before soon they were to be
seen by %bouaaad*. l.. many 11000010 thu
e mblem of loyalty to the Nate:mai Govern
meat was fastened with the .ivatfaat
breeze buttes of the (:read Army of the
Republic It was sigai4eant, also, that the
stars and stupes were hoisted tie scares of
Ass poles, beth In the basins"s and rest
dance diarict, that are amorally bare ex-
cept o. the 4th of July, Decoration lay,
cod similar 'marmot or local holidays.
The people os the einem ke •p movi•r.
There was no oeser*asuoa of crowds,
except about the military amp* en the
lak.-front, and the Government building,
sad the region of various headquarters of
the labor organizatiess. In commercial
circles then were lan.eatsttotu loud and
deep, for railway leaner of all Imola is 1n
• stem of paralysis, and wholesale trade is
faring pule, if my, better.
Although to some extern it has been
anticipated. the arrest of President Debs
and kta ass[ciaw was the eeaeauea of Lha
day. The President of the A. K. I'. sad
his colleagues were firosght in quietly, and
without auy uatburets of popular militia -
non that oatestionalieta had predicted.
Th. Federal Grand Jury occupied ler
time than had been expected inre•chtagtbe
decision that the evidemee proemial for tin
consideration was .46101et to justify the
return cf true bills against leaden of the
union. Judge I:rcnacup's charge„ although
denouoeed with fury at the headquarter, of
the various organization to -night, is gene
ally s.nmmented upon is commercial aa
professional circles as a masterly exposit'
of the line between the legal and justifie
methods of trades rga•tzatioss and defies
of the laws or rebellion mama authority
The tspoews Wens, tea Bre weeds
tour M --anew
(loge.. W srappemed d M Nemo
Another revolution la Heys is lami-
The I terve Poetess Paoli flied at Medea
Frank Tierney). of Trek,., Out.. was
drowned while dn,wg lop Soar Mladem.
Rumors that Premier Tallon, of Qualas,
Intended to raetgu are ooatrdleted
The mother of the late (1... Btuleaser
died in Poi. on Wednesday, aged IN
The marriage of the Csar.wltb to oho
PnnoAlts of Hesse will take pima to
Promotive Casimir Wrier of Freon has
gpnsoranted0oraotherpardooa to 374 political and other
Ktght Hun. Sir Austen Hoary Laysd
explorer, author and diplomat. diel last
While intoxicated, Jame. S Slooan, age
43, fell downaWrs at his home in Buffet*
and brut. hisneck.
K li Dun a Co, report El failures in
Canada the peat weak. against x1 In the
correepunding week late year.
Mrs James Stir.., of Loudon. took •
dies of poison uu Friday with suicidal in-
tent, but an emetic saved her
The Owen Sound Council have prohibit -
el btcycluts from riding on the sidewalks
and the wbeelmen are wrstby.
Charles S. Kuigbt of Souris, P. F_ 1 , aged
41, was drowned while batbing. Ho leaves
• widow and three children.
A committee of the New York State
Legislature has r.porte4 In favor of the
use 01 bsllotting machines
A en year old .on of Solomon Middle-
ton, living near Wheatley was killed on
%1 sdneeday in a runaway accident
Frank vsequewney triad to hang himself
with his suspenders in Chatham )ail ea
Thursday, but the suspenders broke.
Hugh Pull* an old resident of Melane-
thou, w r killed by • fall at • barn rais-
in near Shelbusne un Wednesday.
The re-count in the Kingston election ra•
suited in the reduction of Mr. Smytb.p
majority over Mr. Harty won. vote.
Mr. Harry Corby was the only eaudidate
for the t'owmuns nominalist fur West
Haattugs a Belleville ou Wednesday.
'•Prof," Jone. of Bloomington fell from
•balloon at Riverview Pok, Joliet, 111.,
utt tiro Fourth and wan fatal.y injured.
Ewigratton to ('anal" through British
porta declur.l 64 per cent. dunug June, as
c.wpare d with the sane month last year.
Ernest L Januett, age 17. whose rela-
r. ties live iu tYaterloo (bunty,we drown,
d e t while bathing u Fur' Erie on Wednes-
ea day.
bk 1 French, • iermae, Rnssian and British ,
t • newsp.tt.erw unite to praising the inaugural
I Pour pommies* ea board the resmate
wily boas HI. PM.t.bmrg 161:1111244%
rs ~
trerr .Mo1aeL
Mr. 111.1•,4 GTSsS. • olNi b oke sem
I.d.ratloa LJam Aawraa.. Qssay s
drown.d whtl...so.lug se Lot ` ;pea
bay w Tbardy .vsal..�
Ts. six I.rs. ene..tura ea I. Aself'e
Fair ground" whisk harmed She •Daum
Honor were da.lged by as lamsdiery
sr..a Tbwday .lgtt
All vesstt... Law bees .sopped 1• the
New York polies Goma T1e tinier le said
to be in .oaesq.sess of • Ian that the
railway etrfboq ,sang Nat city.
A burl. k *s d r Mw aeon ftiagbt us
Jute 27 betimes lemma gronts and Govern
mmol troops hear the Coda poem, Brasil, s
which the rebels lust over 1,000 mw
My ea explostue
Wednesday ora steamer 4lw.0at ora
lament at North
Thomson, Mem mike north of Kam
loop., It l'. Ave portio.. were killed,
A Are broke oat is Moberg Thomson'.
lumber yard ora Stewart street, Hamilton,
loot Thursday. The limbos was s.,ed,
but ab. tutll was wupWsly 4..truy.d-
Tlw Bulgartaa authorities lay. doced.d
to Indict ex Pressor Stambalot on charges
of laving opened private letters and goo.
"rally .bussd thm power eatrtseted to ham
Mr. Wm Hyslop, es-olampba bicyclist
of Canada, was married a Woodstock oro
Tr..r.day to Mies Madge McLeod, daughter
ort the well kuowo millionaire of that
toe u,
list of 1173 deaths in Montreal last week
212 wore of chtldree staler two years o1
adv. This a tie heaviest death 1611 111
that 0117 .1005 the smallpox epidem:.
Lrt,est Harper, 10 years et •g., as.
druwuod a ('harletm.tow• P E 1, Than
day. lie went bathiug with wale other
boys acid tried to cross the creek on • raft
ani fell tato the chaos.'.
The California lnteruatlo.al Winter Fa
position .t San Francisco omelally closed
l\.dueeday, the final oelebrattuu being
that of San F rauctaco Day. Thi admlesiotie
were estimated at 73,uUu.
The N e wf amu ud load Methodist conference
hits passed a res.lotton deprecating the
p lineal diaturbaneee and alerting the
people to fear t:ud, hoax the queen and
g a"ss"t constituted authority:
At New Turk oh inured*y Frederick B
1).4Iti,.nt, the absconding enaii.r of th.
-tmencan braueh of we Maalbeim leu,
ranee Company, awes sent.uced to seven
years and six mouths in Sing Sing.
fir ltoteri Beet of Niagara one of the
oldest residents of that town, died there
"p \\ slnreday, seri dao years. H. bad
been a meson over 40 years. He Laves •
w .dhow, two daughters and levan amis.
the United States.
Oi,aaued labor was prompt to strike
bock at the latest manifestation of Federal
power and authority. Hardly bad tb4
word been flashed across the half mile of in-
Wlvening ground between the I :ovrnment
building and labor bes iquartere that an in-
dictment should be returned, and warrants
for Ilebs and hie associates placed in the
bands of the officers, when the committee
appointed by the Trades and Labor assx:ia-
ttona of the city to urge upon the Pullman
('onoeny the desiresbtlity of submnttio
the dispute orris its employees to arbitra
:ion, attached its 1trsst.re to the order
alter out every 11111.3 11 man in the city from
Almost before the ink was dry on this
document, 1:eoeral Master Workmate Soy
en izo of the Ko rhts of labor placed the
official seal of the 1)rd•r opal a n as Nieto
appealing to the order, and through it to
the whole people, to lay dean the imple
meets of toil Thus order, rn,ueet, or what
oyer it might properly be designated was
wired at once to the officers of ever) Die
trict Assembly Ihrou,hout the country,
with instructions looking to Is immediate
transmission to the executive head of ski
local assembly.
The mosaic okra of the Knights and is
means of communicating with the is
dlvidual members is so perfect that It
the optima a hes !quarters fiat every
Knight of Labor In the land would be made
aol.inted with the ultimatum by mid-
night. District Assembly No. 24, repre-
senting every local assembly ne Chicago
and surrounding towns, was the ern to re. -
pond to the executive appeal, and this
evening 1•y formal resolution it declared it
the duty of all member. within its juriadie-
leo to carry out the suggestion et Growl
Master Worksop 8overeig.,
Tt' i,gy, July 10
PaTnowe or ixtx•.Tsy TANS NoT,A11—0*
s Mr. 4s Kiugtoridg., and Mr. Mea:ay.
Biut•tl, mer tM Impnvsl pe. Mrve.mr, Liotti
Oem, the cheapest and bast 1a the mark...
411 machines warranted
Mise C. .Julian, of Amhretbarg, is at
present ydr••Ag old aoquaintaacee in this
Miss J. McLaren, of Selttord, is the
guest of the Mimes licM.reiy.
Kennon Mclean u nursing • very con
foot, be having had the misfortune to cut it
with a. are recently while working on some
Election u ever : the right man has taken
the right place : good government still sur-
vives With these aseelatross our thrifty
burg *till continues to maiatain hog phiMoc•
piioai spirit and coss•quently everything
again prevails in poses and $sagtuity.
Quit a large eo.00sree of peepb,00mp it
d of both old and ywkg, keg and sham,
celebrated i►omiaiee Day by .ssembltag at
shady beaks of the katal pica* groe.ds
to wj.y themselves at what was previously
designated • piston piens Some arouse)
themselves with boating : inhere tripped the
light faatim.c, while others who wen sot
toe mooch i.trs•ted in leve sarrstio.a were
wit..emi.s or ss►ibiti.g their wetlyu , se •
football msi& between loebaieb a.d Para-
mecia Mules tui., to the as lap.• of the
football tie .meek was termimosotl is • very
undecided ..leap,. Other games were is -
Bulged in wkjr YIN esti' evesiag, whoa
the Fathering ies •, satisfied with their
day recreatiae.
Morgan of His.eeri, who
se=""leas a W11....klL regiment clerk' 11.
w ar, fell into the Made of the eesfedrstes
dye broom, put eme•p.d.00h time There
w ether mem h Cesgrwm right mew that
are easy a net Mt hard te h.(4.
Veiled States Cesmissioner Fields at
New Task 1.s rendered • daisies ag..i..ot,
Coat J. O. Raker, of the steamer Xw..il.
worth The d-delon belie Capt Ratko I.
the blvd fury se the .barge of hawkg de -
meted the embosser T1ee. Sawyer i. • die -
sided seedlike at — The ease is of
speak' Mama bemuse Nis she Ant prase -
seed= seder ahs su"nss smiting is a avamb-
M amass te Assert • le diMswsa (ktpk
bas, waw anemsed cad iml w.. fereimbed
In Near of 81,000
0f *perch ,ldii.t l by President (-aawit
The F.m;•.ror of Germany w..1 1'e the •
guest .t thJ't,pueen at Buckmghaus Palams
tor two Jaye a the end of the precut ,
month -
Aa anvil exploded at Harrod. twelve ,
miles "sat et 1.:w+. O ,no, 00 We-a:.oeday,
knit,: h-ury Smut and fatally months, j.
Frank A.ktos
'eonedy R Sums, of 1)wep Sound, have
.hopped gloms, worth of machinery and ,
a co...mica fur the lot -k -gates a Saulte Ste
ktaug.lia Belleville, who escaped from
the Huutltots City hospital on Posed., last,
is .oil at large bad •o trace of him can be
t•,u0d. Belleville is inane and it is
thought deo has jumped ism the bey and
been drowned.
The Pri•.c, of Waive' yacht Bottauuta
defeated t -e America cul, winner Vigilant
by 33 sec. nits in the rhnuday's roes on
:tie ('l; de. The Sault• wattled with the
\ akyro at the start. and the latter yacht
retro in threo,wnuntes
•:• ,r . t,.yer, who wan drowned Thms
ea. .n ft., tntewa neer, was SI years or
a`e. 11e s spoken of as a steady younz
man- He was a esu of fir. John Bo et
of the Hour of commons baa. H. was a
tuetni.r of No. 6 ('ompany of the (Juanla
and ateomp.nied the battalion to Brock
on Dnmiuioo Lay,
LD SOLrs pretty close ler
us now, aha it's
It's bel -
ter for
your health, and it doesn't cost mucic rf you go
- to the right place. We're not waiting for the
was end of the season to make Clearing Prices Mrs
year. Now, "hen you want the Goods, we
make prices that must clear them out.
Some sample items :
Ladies' White Lawn Waigta worth 50c for 29c
worth 81 25 for 75c
M . ,• worth 2 00 for 11 _5
" Laundered d Shirt worth 1 50 for 9f'ic
Camnibbric Blouse 100 for 59c
Black Wool Grenadine Dress Goods worth 2Oe for 11 jc
AII-Wool, D ouble-Width, Black 13round Challie, new
designsworth 6.^c for 29c
AII-Wool, Black Ground Challie, very latest patterns '• 45c for 29c
AII-Wool, Light Ground Delaines " 40c for i5c
d'nion Delaines Lac for ltic
Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Waists 40c for iac
Fancy Whip Cords •' 40e for i:te
Shot Effects . 30e for 2:e
Ladies' Untrimmed Hate, worth from 5Oc to 75c, to clear at 121c
Ladies' Black Sailor Hata, worth 25c, to clear at 10c
Ladies' Jackets, our clone -marked prices from $4.25 to $5.60,
every garinent new, for ii 91+
Art Honing, for Curtains, 84 inches wide worth lijc for fic
Boys' Rine Serge Punta, lined
Embroidered Baggy Dusters
worth 60e for 83c
Men's Cool Tweed Coats, unlined worth :2 50 for 11 90
Men's andBoys' Straw Hats, homemade cheap at lOC for 7c
worth 75c for 49e
that we are making the t; reatest cuts in prices
ever known in Goderiich so early in the season ;
that we carry ererything necessary to wear for
Women or Men, Girls or Boys ; that we sell
as we buy, at Me closest possible Cash Store
gash. o*bi