The Signal, 1894-7-5, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT.. THURSDAY. JULY 5. 194. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE COTS•4011110011110 NIST. HEAD OFFICii. TORONTO. *rem /Mr SPI flNf Ilsiwo. OOLLARs -• 041.000.000. S. E. WALKER. omaaaAt. YAMAaaa` GODERICH BRANCH. A (GANARAL SANRI1t0 Otlaaraas TRAwacran. FAns.aRr NOTIS DtarouwTEo. DRAFTS 111111.1110 PAYASLS AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. ANO Telt PRINCIPAL OITIy Ili THS UNITSO BTATSa GRAAT BRITAIN, FRANCA. OAReauoa. a. sAvIMN .AAI[ OMPARTaINT. DEPOSITS Oi 1114.013 ono UPWAAOS IrICAIVAO, AND CURRENT RATE/ t7F INTENAST ALLOWED. lfTpT AMOS* TO TNS PMNOtPAL AT TNa •No Og MAY ANO IV" Mew in IIAOH TSAR. --... .tl&I AN.fstteie give. t. the Oell.etf-. -• .re. - tawtl Feu' Sal~ R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager, , Tire whole affair, from a ditMaa.s, loos, ` ,+,r aha•s.l d•.•val o the "milia* � .SHE CANADA BEAVER T; l r. A YANKEE COUNTY THAT FARMS OUR NATIONAL ANIMAL r Mos le a igosft upraittg in one col. Although there is nothing at- ufi:w va abeit the .rehtteelttrs of itis 01side, it its • very eumfortsble dwelling and protects the uernpant agliust the win !••r Iv:irrar is !perfectly Boar sour au4 deer 1.•lt• e.-a:teted over 1h• our an pews. a r1s,. ism.l' nee eoTered in the email) w-., m1,1 to the cunufur• of the dual The best . f feeling tonally etiots between Ike r.i.l. ut+ of *1.ie out of tire troy ed noon .The farmer+• ere. for the most peat, mea wl..oe Live. hail, been pan.. -.1 pet the w -.fret* i i t i*g ground., They are hardy. slow wino,, mc•n, who li►e kaki y to lbs her wit iite that they ere, lint. when the tonne comes tea rl:ooe tae I no .suet .:h 'in.ar neon.. deny S,i..4wn to %1 ..•I. bats at:.l engao in a . •.is 1.• of we• kw 4 mitt 1 yupt *..el Maker tit. g...1 [it ache tr.•tnbie • :ooh the .r...l. ie. -petit amilr. They motet *het, motley Itke eiret,-t aind,r.ut ultro.p: -nt.r ... b.+•k t..:heir tame with rnuo:t µ.:rt. .otwiti.ataltd:.,t thet: rough woes, they are t;...l it, am..I. end 1*..., ea:wul lire warur st , ..prt .lay to • person vibe happens to wander among then'. The butchering season begirt the not of (ktober or the Ant of November. 1f there are several (erns on one stream, the fanner1 tl-u•s aorraT ie tx areet the mouth of the.etream hoteliers first Whoa he 1rm• finished the nett nae stove him be gine, and so...n to the last farmer The work begins by drawing off the ponds by the amens of floodgates that are covered uith win netting to prevent the animals front passing through. %Viso the mud houses ..1 the beavers nreexpose-I. tie farmer goes from one to the other and tale on them with • slab. The notes frightens the animals out. From the formation of their lege they are naturally slow runners. They are kuoek•kneed. aid their hind lege are wide apart. When they leave the huts they are quickly the patche.1 with club. 1t requires but • short time to kill off the animals. When the colony is planted the animals are branded, and at butchering time these are pre.erred for breeding purposes. k s said of the beaver that it lives, active and lagoon's, to the age of ;#0 yearn As sown as the killing is finished. the gates are closed and the barn flooded again. 1 h a finical,' 4..oe by the opening of the 11-1 ga&.. in 111. .Iani above. The pelts ere taken off and stretched over forms made of bete elm stripe. The for side is en the inside. Saltpeter is rubbed Into the desk si.lr.,f the .kin and it te ea;nosed to the a1m...pltere for.two week+, then the pelts are packed in bale* to be taken to marlet. The pelts are class..d according to their sir., and length of the fur. The poorest Minos 11:I. and front that florae the price r.rn;tee upward to $'SJ. 11*. fur is wed I0 the m..nufa. tura of a..ats, hate and gar. wente for women. A wool deal of it is shipped to ('hint. where it is made into et pensive shoes for the aristocratic women. The lath:.' Stork iarrba•ed at as*rat • eWfr... Galley. N. W. T Nue a Itea..r barn a ('oadurto.1 The Troon*• :.e.1 lie 1Jfe of the Farms. •`p..la1 i.rreepo•ten.e.. • Tiers ere teeny kinds of stock fern in the world, bet perhaps the strangest et all Is the farming of Canada'. 's:tonal woad in McLean county„ North Dekwq indeed. the chief industry of Slits section 1• t1.e Leerier far g the Pintos could ti t be profitably !out to any other tete. The soil is nopr.o.ln.•tive Ir. tact. 11 is Ile sterile corners of Savour. Mercer, iiur leigh rad Sheridan romntiee, and it Is the .malleetcounty in the -State It has but on• town Wasiburn, the county scat Ili, Ma.aonn river runs along the wooer,: Leader of the county, mud tuna. merable etreams' flow into it tr,m among tfae steed* bilis to the north and east The batiks of Hurdle Silesia* are tonged with cottonwood* and a species et eon that bas a warped aa.l stutrted growth. These small .trema and the trees that slow along their barks are the weldable features of the t»•ver forms The former glom the ally murru.l -uncealmeut, and the latter wires it an orpertnnuy to demonstrate its wuodehoaplug ebiliues While tie wheat ,bower in about every other country in t110 State s crying rune and .1.4.1 .rung the low ponce of wheat, the beaver farmer of McLean connty is enjoy- ing tum•elf. sod rolling np a bank account that le in me way threatened by dry sea mons. had rooms 0r a dsmoralued market There is always a demand for beaver fur, and. for Ilie good article the prlee w al ways satisfactory and unvarying Wink lF:1a in his pocket when he reach- es Mclean county, a men **labialise a beaver farm that will. in two years, pay hiss front $rot) to $2.000 annually. Ile first purchaser from ten to fifteen aeras of land through which run. a stream At a point where the ottani IS narrow *IA 1110 hanks steep. a dam is built. This is quickly dime by telling a few trees across the bed of the stream and filling fa with din and stones. lm this way the woter is held bark tui that two, ..r three acres of lands overflown Alper the banks of the stream and arwiitd the "pond a fence of wire netting, from two to thrse'1'eet high. is bui,t, u. closing all the trees that can possibly le taken 1l," Tete s for the puri...m of keeping the bearers 00 the farm ut their owners. Thr, plan te generally considered .ucceeshd. but It is not invariably so Now aml then a farmer bees a portion of hie ...doer that escaper up or down the stream by burrowing under the fence, bat he hoe 14e ,Lance of getting *owe of his neighbor's animals. in the same way, and Ito wakes no complaint. A. a rule the heavers .lay contentedly in die incheure whore tiny ars pined To 'torn with, a colony of twelve t♦ males end four reales is anfficsntly large The animals are purchased in the Pascat- ehewati valley. Manitoba, where they are trapp..1 A colony of sixteen wall *oat $160, They are 'placed in the ponds in the intone when the water te high. and all the fe. mer hes to dos to keep hie dam awLf.acss up, and preveut hunters from killing the anowel.. The farmer expert - ramose bmf little trouble with poachers. bowers►. for it is generally isne rssdnd that • man c.ught in the act of beaver bunting on land *het doe.0 t belong to him a more liable tget • bullet in hie akin than he ns to get s trial by pay it tales (1.+ Animals but • short time to become accustomed to their new wrruuod THE CHEMIST OF ROTHAMSTED. sir deeapb Henry Gilbert le Hb T71r Tear. We have wu•tb pleasure in giving • fine small portrait of Sir Joseph Henry Oil bent, co laborer for more than halt a cen- tury ernturyf with Sir John Rennet Lawes in the wid.lynoted Itothanuted experiments, and TNR MIax+T1. KATAL laga 1. a few days they begin baiWi.g their Ante of mud and etirka. They work vigorously ou the trees, and some of the erallat ones aro gnawed off. The first year the farmer receives no lneome The eaimale propagate rapidly. sad by fall. in the second year. the colony has largely la or eared to numbers. fl. hest two Tear* on ■ heaver feral u a ledno.n• existence.. The farmer divides but time between caring for het colony and Mint o0,( Upon the latter he depends principally, 1..r kis 1 to 1 Bot hum m .n..y is spent in the a astrue non of dwellings. Fir.. an exemesti". of y le. or .ie feat deep a made in I'm eronnd. a.d around this stakes ere doves el..ely together Whoa Axed in the ground they stand a•..rlt cit feet bt1 The t ill, ormtg pasts are an Is ties see tr• at eech end, awl renting from one to the oilier 1. • redone p.1. L.e.g P"l.. ere .Luted lone 'hi. pale over Y• ends of the •irroon long st.k... pr.j.eting eer.ral inches . re the roof rhes made ',pare rakes of sod ere 1aM, din is thea t)imwn ewer It, Sed the whole ie covered wilt .d. Arpad the n.t-ote dirt is heaped assll the aids of tee roof prim are iseveeed _ era -meant Raa*T O*Laa5T, more particularly in charge of the ehamic- •I dtvaten of the work. He wee born at Holli Ane 1 1N17, .trolled at •flaegow Cnirer.lty, at University College, fon n, and under Liebig at I:tees.n, receiving there the degree of Ph D. and wee stall a young man. as will batmen. when he first devoted himself to the great investtga Mons which be hal now pursued so long and with such signal ./ooeso He was sleeted a member or Nie"(`Ee4Bical Society nn 11111. end president of that bay in 1118'!3. he ha also been president of the Chemical Section of the British Aomori* tion , ta • Fellow of the Royal, the iAn mean and the Royal Meteorological So cotee and euatteeted with • number of other important setentine associations. mot only of Ureal Britain bat of Continental Ksurope ea welt He visited the United States 1n 19112, we believe in 'IOU. Sed .gain in 1RM, attending the meeting of the Amerieen Aa..eiatioa of Agricultural Col Isg.. and Experiment Station. at Chicago last (►ctnber. • teat teeg, A mas ane tab the office of a Maims paper ib. other espy sad Mee addressed the yaws. hide .t the desk „ How you v.4' today. 1 hop. ` " 1 waste fen to advertise' my Reeds tog es der hailer. Re was .het. Mack top mit white spate ever hen la blaow. Hie tail wag 'ore off eines up to my. oahnf, .ted if •sypotty fists hint, keep hies, lar 1 Menem to him. How mooch nor teas' alfabas. AsaWlis., "N., mid "WSW ()ono...re RMI1 C. S CON •rl0ewlae • hill rases of Faona1!c B81S IN STRAWS and FELTS GENTS' FURNJSIIINGS Full lines .a every 1lepartme•t. gipcit l and ei•mtne .pees and priced. W. ACHESON & SON just opened the most fashionable style of Wise' White and Fancy Shirt Waist's and Collars. All sizes. Wool Crepons and Serpa in Cream and Black ; ,sew in to -day. Very special values. Handsome Goods. New Serge. and Cloths for Eton Jackets and Cara Mess 0 -pods Throughout, the Largest Choice in Goderich. Wool Chall.tes A Bewilders igiy Immense Stock to Choorb From. C. R. Hill A MI 'PARASOLS and SUNSHADES Blel.sesh Bleak. Oer. Square and Montreal et. KEEP KOOL `nth nog of those Artistic PANS which • tan be purchased very cheap at THE POPULAR BOOK STORE met then enjoy yourself reading some of those eery interesting Books which hs.s mat beep received sad are very cheap. Then don t fart to procure one ot these ELAJUCOCIZS of the latest design, that will not throw you out. A stint to the [NW( LAR 1:1001i.: -.10R1.. will cvonrtre you .•t the place to buy. My ato.'4t comprises IttetK . of all kinds, Superfine Stationery, Wall Pa- pers, Window Shades, Cur- tain Poles. Sporting Goods, Pictures and Picture Framing. Postage stamp License. D. B. CALBICH, Mae Pepaini cosh Mere. a:Merlea. "fame mat fur everybody. Then', lower. He done his best, but I.e uever will g11 tamoua.' "What was hu ambition "Ter got his paetrr an the paper. Ile sat up nights 11)10 ter thick ot some ailment ter take patent medicine fur, but he was en overpoweno' healthy that there mutat a stogie thing fur 'in) to Amt cured of Wren Travelling. Whether on plea/lure Lent, or business, take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Tire as It acts most plet..autly and effectually on the didoeys liver and bowels, preventing fever, headache and other forms of ocksaas For sale in 'Sc. bottles by all leading druggists lllanut.ctrred by the 1'alaforala Fig Syrup t'o...nly. 0l,turh . lure. limp.00n �o you feel sur• that ler. Slash saved your life Yee, or ; I'm certain of it. Jlmpson What woe his treettneat He left for his vacates* as sow as I was taken sick. N.w 5. Geis • s..Illiebt" P1Awre. `end 25 •• Sunlirht ' Soap wrappers bearing the words 1" Why Does • Women Look Old Sooner Than a Nan ") to Levet Bros , Ltd.. 43 Neott-.t. Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertaang, and well worth framing. This s w easy nay to decorate your home. The soap as the best in the market and it will only cost le. postage to rod In the wrapper, If t•ou leave the ends open. t1'nte your name carefully- 1y Now elle Shark teat aeeasar iasrt.aable. Lord Lytton'. novel of 'I'elhan, written with the idea of counteracting the affeeta- tion of Byrooum. u said to hall affected the fashion of men. dress, for In LL Lady Frani. Pelham saea, in a letter to her eon: " Apropos of the complexion, I did not like that blue coat you wore when last i saw you ; you look best in black,which isagr.at compliment, for people must be very dim tungusahed in appearance to do so." Till then, coats wore for evening dress were of ditterent colors, according to the fancy of thew and the adoption of the now In- variable black ie stud to have dated from the publication of "Pelham." To Keep OW Parser SIM beide e . The advoweoo of Christ Church, North Briztos, has recently been vested in at trustees, who are required, whenever • ve- aaoy occurs, to appoint a " fit and pions person of godly life and conversation, and realously attached to the great principles of the Reformation," who shall be willing (a) to wear the black ``own in the pulpit ; (bl to administer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at the cleat of the Sunday 'vesting service it levet once in every o•Iwdar month; lei to direct attention ones every year to the Thirty nose Articles ; (4) to ex- pound and enforce once every year the Fourth ('ommaaddmeet of the D•so- logee DEATH RATE REUUCED. a:rat$Iries Armors et Iter trl.r•tmb. bealtb Mcrae /ertr per tont fewer dealt. he Canada law tier lbs. ever before. ( )art w A, .111110 26 The last report o1 the Health Bureau here containe the highly gratifying Intelligence that the death rate to Canaria during the lest year wee (ower than In any preemies year once ('oefedera- mlo., hong within a fraction of forty per oast, lower than the bast year ever before reported. ('loser examination reveals that the greatest decrease was is deaths from Bright's disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Heart disease, Rheumatism and other diseases reused by disordered or diseased kidseyr. F erth•r 31resttgaUse shows that where the news .f snob dwsees have decreased, the penpis have wields the yaw send. f,es eco of /lodd s Lubin Pills. Co.eeq.s.tly it is sate to say that tis falling off is Canada's death rubs is des so satins' but Nott', Kiley Ms. Of Every Hind. ('ream and I:lack silk Gloves anti Vitt,. All prices, commencing at `penial Fine Linn for '_' .c. per pair. W. ACHESON at BON. KHighest Price. for Kggs and Butter.iJ DIAMONDS. WATCHES. Call and see our display. See our line before buying JEWELERY, All the latest designs. Repairing Warranted. C. A. HUMBER it SON.._ _ Agents Celebrated Star Cycles. TO TIIE PEOPLE DF GODEBICII AND VICINITY : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, i beg to announce that on July 1.t i took • n of the Boot and Shoe Business formerly carried on by qtr. E DOwsIY.:, 'cell and favorably known to you. Mr. Doe -Nino., after twenty years of service faithfully done, and. I ant pleased to know, favorably acknowledged by the public of this ttec•tion, lies derided to retire front business, and on his retirement I have accepted the responsibility involved in hereafter conducting the trate which his-hrewdness in business, general tact and a. -co iodating wanner had succeeded in building up. For the past eighteen years, as many of you are aware, 1 hair been identified with the buinees, most of the time as malts man and .Pneral assistant, and on that account feel assured that i have become so in teach with the requirements of the customers of the establishment. that 1 shall not only he in a pooition to retain all former patrons, but be able to draw others in the time to your. Hoping to receive the hearty co-operation of those who patronised my predecessor, and making promise to carry on the busi- ness on\the same Straightforward lines that characterised all the deal- ings of kir. 1)owstret., i extend a (hearty incitation to the public generally who de.ire to .lo busine.., in the Root and Shoe trade, to .all u141*1 Yours ren' truly, W. SHARMAN, Jr., (i01,gkI '11, .I my : , 1,!.; Successor to E. l iowlrf!ra, YANKEE LUMBERMEN EXCITED. They Claim 10. Sellout Tariff Will sat. the Antonin. Industry. BretALO, N. I•.. July 3 -1 meeting of the lumber exchange was held yesterday to take • 1*on on the clause in the Tariff Bill placiug lumber in • finished oondttion on the free list. 11. S Benne preside[, and the secretary read a number of lettere from prominent lumber dealers in the different lake cities making that the esmxiation take action by ssodtng • delegation to Washing- ton, or otherwise to protect the lumber interest of the lake. Mr. Burns explained that the putting of half and whole finished lumber on the free list meant 0o•tbtug mon than the eltiuction ot our !denote mills and the transfer of the industry of Bay City. Buffalo and Touwand• to Canada At tbm present time there is • duty of 81.30 un lumber dressed o0 one side and of IRU.30 ou tumber dressed on both ,idea. Ivory lumber merchant present seemed to regard • repeal of these duties as • blow ♦truck at the lumber market of the United States George Elias, the big lomb.r man on Kik street, maid that if h. owned lumber mills in Canada he would welcome free lumber, bot that as an Am.r:can he bad no um for it, end offered a preamble and resolutions to the effect that floe Buffalo Lumber Far -hangs was unalterably op - to !ember being placed on the free„ is/ sa detrimeniai to tb• interests of American labor. James Itarl, of Hunt Bros , said that the freight would not compensate for the taking off of the tang A letter was read from a Michigan Con gnsemao, woes name was not mentioned, saying that the only result of putttag lumber on the tree Bet would be to glee the planing mill Industry of the United Attie. to ('Suets and throw thousands of people pot of tmnployment Devoid Leslie followed, denouncing the free los her belittler a an omtrag• on the Amai son workman Mr Montgomery, of Hulloed, Graves & Montgomery, said that If dressed lumber wee planed on the free het It would be pleat en mach moles taken neat of our pockets and given to the Cane Alter • long .n.1 .11*01d Catawba Yemeni M1taa, Hurd and Montgomery were appended to drew op reselatioos to be forwarded to W&Mtlegl.3 giving the seams 01 the meeting 7'b. reenlett... ea drafted �J th.� somata,* were Inlaidmnn.lr isaoodad. W resider 1 Sew. L A. !thaw sad wife i1per.•nced • pleasant .urprise prior to their iepnrture to their new field, Italerwve. A somber of the members Sad adherents of the cosrretratsoo oI t h. Wrnxeter appoint - meet, met n the personage and presented Them with fi. e L rge er.yoes pwtralta of rhemaelyes, l.ant.fulty execute.* by a Tnr. • oto 4 in, s000rnpanu d by a koadly and lomat', warded •ddrw. x Here's a Pointer When yon ask for a 5 cent plug Io cent plug 2ocent plug 1I 17l DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco he stare that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit f1.SOl(r11EAL , Comlng! Coming! The COOK & WHITBY Colossal English Circus, Museum and Menagerie, Allied with America's Racing Association JUPITER THE RIDINC UON. 50 CAGES RARE AND VALUABLE ANIMALS ! A HERD OF ELEPHANTS! A DROVI OF CAMELS! 100 ACTS 1 - - 20 AERIAL ARTISTS! 130 ACROBATS ! - - 30 HUUICANI RIDm s ! 5 MILITARY BANDS! - A REGIMENT OF CLOWNS! ENOUGH TRAINED ANIMALS ALONE [0 EQUIP A /0 MENAGERIE. _ THE FINEST HORSES OF ANY SHOW ON EARTH. II OUR TURIl RINGS, yO(' will see everything you rr.w 2 ELEVATED STAGER and l before at • Cions, but mo,re that her rMrer tx+en preaente.l to Hof dile HIPPODROME TRACI theAmericanpublic by any Show „but Shu. Don't miss the Parade! 10:30 a.m. EXCURSIONS RUN ON ALL RAILROADS. Will Exblbtt at GOD\ERICH, THURSDAY JULY 12. . Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. ARE YOU SATISFIED181111. ' WITH THE WEAR OF YOUR ROOTS? Ifyou are not, try POLLOCK'S Reliable footwear next lime and you will be Pleased. Misses' (;love Crain, Laced or Buttoned, S .83. '• 1.00. " Polished Calf, 1.25. " Butt I)ongola, 1.50. Ladies' Oxfords, Turned Soles, .75. Polished Calf Oxfords, J. I). King's 1.25. " Tanned Oxford .90. Goodear turn, 1.50. Men's Pegged Sole, Lace or Gaiter, just 1.00. " Whole Fox, Laced, 1.25. " Fine Dors. n a, Laced or Gaiter, 1.75. Working :..t.9, ,75, 11'omen's " We buy direct from the manufacturer and get a gear - antee as to quality. Every pair must be Solid Leather and well made to find a place in our Stock We sew rips free and put buttons on with patent fasteners. We guar- antee satisfactory wear. .V. do repairing neatly and promptly, and tarn oat fee ordered work. H. B. POLLOCK. Fowler's Old Stand, Oodsriei. JAMES ROBINSON'S CASH STORE •P + + + + + + + CORSETS_ LEWIS MAGNETIO OORSZT. - Each section of the Corset is so formed ea to maintain the vertical lines of the body, arra readily conforms to the figure of the wirer. It is stayed with strips of highly bamrs.ed Nprinq itibbon Steel. Fact Steel (or stay) is Nickel Plated, highly Polished Seng guaranteed not to corrode, Metal 15pped to prevent the .ods from mating through the Fabric, and Klectrn Magnetised. We are also showing other lines .n Corsets, such as the long Waist U. k A., Yatisi, frd(i, 113.8., May, Fairy, the Hygrian Waist for School Chil- dren. They have no equal. We are showing this weak °bailie, from 3 eta. per yard up SR. per Factory Cotton, 3c., 4t., 5c., fico, arra 7c. Ti. a look at our Towelling at 4c. per yard. Take a look at oar Moulins, 8e. mid icper yd. Table Linen. I se per yd. A line of Looe Curtsies of Me. per pr., T all around. We are giving extra male in Parasols. Try oar 75e. Eid Gloves. Men's (Jotter' Hose, 5e. per pair. A line of Math Osahasrer {lose at 24c. -take a look at this lima, they are worth mon vaisNy. A line of Ladies' Vests at 4e. each We will not be sede.tlald by any Shwa la the Track. Highest Prise Paid Aar D.tkar and lip JAMES ROBINSON. OOHS WNW, - soaaara m00&