The Signal, 1894-7-5, Page 64.4
re. Hartley N ill he Pe for Raeder
at the I411 Ascites.
al. trlmt...Mom Rtldease Was rrel.c.d
Against U.m 11. Tare Q..ers's
L. sdeo,• and T .11. the •. ery
of U. Relatlone With
Mr. H.rtlry.
Rae ere -age tkd. Juin aa. -The trial
of km Mara Hartley •ud Hoary Ling was
resumed .t the police court yest-rd.y
ham Haight, tieing, Morgan AlaJ James
hitersun were in the witness b•z, but the
evidence p eielt.e4 was much the saws a4
that at the comae* inquest
Titers being n, crunisatin,; evidence
'game Henry Lu.g, fie was Jtsc:,arg,-d
with the consent of the crows
Henry Lin was then put in the witness
boa and testified that impruper relation.
.s:etd between Mrs Hartley and himself
os. Dae d ry Caleb Hartley went to Hamid •
ton Lire. Hartle • told him, Ling, .h.
had I'
given aleb a bag dose of Jtuttgh on
Hats in rhubarb pea She intended to du
it three years ago mud offered him. Ling,
one thousand dollies to keep quiet. She
wantwo the ineurrnce mid was gone( to
have ,• Liu' refused to keep the secret
Dud told Mrs. Hartley that if he bad knoini
that. he never would have worked thane
$b., Mrs Hartley, said she couid'6ara•ny
youug wan of twenty around Now Derham.
lib. hal been siring him, Caleb Hartley.
the !.olein all sloug. She said tustead of
giviter the powders the doctors ordered
.he threw them nut and gave the potion
heated • The 4aturdsy bets* Caleb.
Hartley died Hrs. Bartley told Ling she
had given Lim a big dose of the poison
and never espected to see !lint niter-. '
Hamilton aLve. lint. Har'
Ceske. l' ht out •
Hartley did • wttte-.-de
Ott Ids
...not come horne when h.. I.iog,
.e •hg room with Ler. This closed the
Osmium, ion
lawyer belly. counsel for Ling. went
Int, the room where the crown witseeee
were • id wan ejected by • policeman
When Long soot into the wittier ba
Kalli tried to fa.:uoe Ling to refuse to
give ere letter. but without avail.
The police magistrate committed Mee
Hartley for tri•11 at the fall swages on the
simile of murder. .
Captain J.../lb lase, a Warr With • ear,
,Nee at Windsor.
Wit lriinR. Jane 30. -.('sprain Joseph
Lee. one of Windsor. oldest and moat re
specltd ctuseas, is dad. He was :4 years
of age, and had seen the border grow from
au unci lllr-1. nnrttled It -Artier land to
its present condition.
Inuring the rebellion of 1`4.1: he was en
duty at Amherstburq and ether points
along the Detroit river. and later en was
in command of -the military at hurgstou.
He wee also in Charge of the forees when
Von Schultz. oneuf the leaden of the re
hellion, was banged W4ihil1e} chief clerk
' in the quarter water genereal's ,office at
Motored he was •cewe of being rem
:meted with the cup? racy to ►u(,n the
Parli.wt.t Buildings lila wastor' d to
retire•the service.•
eon)" year.. later it was sliown that be
had been tinjostiy'-aeeu00I a:,d be was
levee A .1,11 service pesitiou iu the i us
toms 1►.partment. ••• ..
After quIttiog the milt service leap•
Tann law turned hie atteu u to theism
cal.. and fur five. years travelled with F.
A Southern. Mary liauaon, tJlarlee
Fisher anti other noted platers of that
Trade to Ike r'rovlarr.,
T .RoNTit. Jane 30 -Trade in the Pro
teens of tlutario has been quiet, owing to
the •leetton of Tuesday. There is no
feature it. Ifs trade •ituition in Nova
Seota beyond favorable crop prospects
Demand ur•staple lines to the Previnoe of
tluebec continues moderate. Yalwartis are
restricted and. and buyers generally filling
immedrrte wants only. There are 1137
bummer. failures in the Dominion of :'•c-
ad• urd Newfoutnd:and reported inc.s
Jsnnary 1. against eil3 iu a like portion of
)'tea "rhe iausas r in total habilitate ID
the tient half of this year is to 0).509.000
from $8,215.000 in a like portion of lest
year. Increases in number of failures rind
liabilities are mon conspicuous in returns
from Quebec and outaro
LapMea Trial Is. Kincardine.
[nr•a. i*a, Out . June 28 -The pre
Insular ineeetigatuon of the charge
again.' S. H Laird of killing Angus
blot heroin was comruenced before M•gts
Vats limiter and Mayor Tolmie 'rho only
outdone. taken was that of • timelier of nein who swore that on May !411i
at Lucknow they heard Laird say "I an a
Intl/defer and an the man that killed" Luna was taking • dank
with some friends at the time and made
the remark in a joking manner Tb. case
war adjourned until Tuesday omit Laird
was allowed to go on his own hail. 050'I.
The (tweet hmered hotel Mealier,.
Nin.- Soca°, t►nt , June 30 -A burg-
lery of a sum of $075 and $200 in notes
err oneniniltd about • month ago at tb.
•jne+n's hotel here 1t appetite that two
youtba ere the guilty partim They were
at the Inue boarding at the queen.* and in
wm• way obtained the key of the safe and
made • duplicate. They were captured in
•hs virmity of Holland Pentre, where they
hers been living • lordly life Upon their
arrest rl.ey eonbssel and *6..0 was recover
.d 'they are now iu the county jail hen
awaiting Trial.
The Registrar, .f Tera.
T.!usetro. Jaw 28.-1W. Dilmour, ex
M.Ph.,has teen apptnted registrar of
York • minty, lately v... eterl by Hr. John
leelout Non ('hone. larury,l•te Miniver
,f Agrirnitare. bars been appointed ellertl
of 'uii..m to 611 the ts:ancl caused by the
redghalion of lir Inners. f'
Tore Rey. Dr_weed.
1 Soma. June 27 - Yesterday•col„MI
Loy uatwel Harris was drowned in th•
river while bathing and in the evening
another I id, (i•Ilsgller by nam.. Lot his
life while Wareing to swim In Il, r,regor e
ism ,sow.... While laathlag.
11111j►.t, IC.II, June t7-Rechard Lc
'nuke nurse girt, 17 years sed, was drown
.I In the northwest eras Int evening while
'seeking 1t is tl..naght she had • rush of
.k...4 te the head Time was act assist
sem .•-*r .t the Tim..
IM..rp CerSy Ho-A.mi.nsed.
Ila i.* ,LL t lase 111. -The (*oween*
1'.s ni w'/i Hhaps sMnimesdy
re .amtatilea Hr. Corby toe the
are These Neel fro.. -M... Mira Tirol.
Ilona Om 14....
Attractive Dalliers add mash to IN
pleasure of growhag plaut..uud vines. The
ordinary wu, *Qaire that aro 0.muaoa-
ly seen are uanally heavy bu • .pea ses",
.ad not particularly sitractive In
rim iii u.t rat ions .bow • couple made (un
lv of wire, that are neat In shape and seat
Iy constructed.
a:Wg aaDI 5155 mews,' •
One :ice s dutraE l•ly.�ppootct of wood 14
miner?, sgna, with the top
and et the surface of the ground it desires!
From the extremities of thew cruse piece.
four wires are •trilobed from lop to bot
tam. and around these wires is wound e,,
spiral furor. • strip of •iz-incb �-
tang an.h as is need f••- . rrlr.-ifel
Smallpircw,•• atdtn wl+ry
right wt/. t;1s 11 firmly eq he upp
TLB celtttal support of WOW
. nosld •itend.duwn into the ground sigh•
tern or twenty Welles.
The only e*planaton needed to regard
to the other indite is that the central imp
port ei wood h.e small holes through it at
regnldr intervals, and through Oita* are
drawl' fairly stout galvanised wire. se•
cording to the design that is suggested. or
ac. -soling to any other regular design that
the maker tray elect. •
1t is eingnlar that greeter nee is not made
*bont the garden and lawn of this gateau
toed wire, that is now so low in price. It
roily be used. in coiluection with light
frameworks of wood as supports for 1arge
number" ot'garden plants -peas, beaaa,
1.matoe., berry bush', etc., while It can
he woven Into almost any shape for the
artistic supportof towers, sweet peas and
*best of tithe( sllsbra. In (act the Teri
one widths or poultry netting, and this
smooth gaivaritztd were ought to be re
gard.d r two of the most •valuable mishit
ants which the cultivator orf fruits, vegeta
*blew sail flowery has at his command in
giving eaters a chases to do its best--aud
pretrift-iu flu growth of the planta
under hs rare..
Taleahle oaf eso.11aa to Nesd.Me shape
•.d am.11 Comoros..
It was on tine ut last week's warmest
day., and t1e mercury stood well up in
the murtie.. A man from a ueighboruig
Mid stopped at our pinup fur a drink of
water. He had his team with him, and
the perep•rrattuu un twat, and beasts showed
that ale had beets bard at work. The man
gr..btsd the cup, filled it and drank eager
ly The baro•., contrary to emphatic
,•vier., drew clt..e to the pomp. and thuds
a d -•operate effort to get doer froth cuv•
erect, upmouta+ duwu to Untidily
ping spout
'lee there have a sip.' said I. saluting
the man, as I passed on my way to the
• • 1'he horse•• Don't you see they're
4., Lot to drink • said the man with
ennethi.g to tis tune that w,uudd Irk•
contempt for One • ignorance to s. nml.le
• matter.
"Are they any warmer than yon!' 1 vete
tared to mgnire.
' No. But ye see I've got sense enough
tv take only a little -just •n}ugh to motet•
en day throat -and then quit. But them
horses would empty that trough it I'd only
give 'em s chance, and then they'd gu
home perhaps injured for life.'
The ran had refilled the large cup. while
talking. and be now interrupted his half
Mouthed paragraph by patting it again 4it
his lips. As I shod wondering as to the
aha of the surface he hal to "moisten.'
and what might be hie full capacity when
u nrestrained, he est down the empty Cup
and continued
Fin golf'' W let the horse walk all the
way home and by that time they 11 becool-
edof! enough to drink.
"Whoa, Kate' Back there, Tom. Rack.
1 tell ye: Winter kill y.rselves, don't
"You an tight," said I, as the man fin
balled his orders to the horses by jerking
them back • few paces. "You are sight m
saving that the horses are too warm to be
allowed to dunk their fill But why not
iet them have • little! They would not
have the atones to quit soon enough, but
you can rise your own jud me•it for them
as well as for yourself. II would not 'Teri
Iso them get ,Mir nostrils into the trough,
for you can tell how much the drink in
that way Bat hen is a pail Half s pail-
ful to each will not hart them."
• I)6. p.haw! that little wouldn't du 'em
• bit of good in their thirsty condition.
Them bora es is the awfullest dnnkere you
ever sew. i'll bet they'll get outside of
three pailfuls apiece, when." gat home,
and mebbe mon. if i let '.m Half • pail
would be only an aggriivation."
•'Wouldn't you have been glad of two
spoonfuls 01w ter, • few minutes ago.
provtdd you smell have only that, or ase
have nom,'"
•t lh, yea. Ily Spgst era4 dry as s
bone "
"Jnat so with the bermes. Litte them a
gallon .piece, and it hill do them g..od
n ow, slid they will be in better condition
for the drink when yon get home
' Hobbs )oars right" sahl the man
thoughtfully "1 rather poem yon be."
And he took the tail to carry out my sag
The man Lore spoken of N by no mesas
•solitary one in hs views We have heard
en much against watering hor.ab when
heated, that we sr• apt to be cruel to
them at time". and reedit ourselves with
areas for their good +line is scarcely OX
pert.d t., he more earefnl of his horse that
of himself In the matter of dnnk if be
will imagine bime.lf in the borse'a place
and then apply the g..14.4 no.. he will be
adopting se good and ss nate • plan as Iles
within his .cope. --Ohio Farmer.
A Note /nom Romps.
S.v.ial cities of Europe an working at
the sewage gne.tion on the agriealtnr.l
Md. of the problem Are a.y of oaf
Goodin. *Nos Wilkie, In this akeellepi
Docility of Coluraal..0 is Thereby Es -
oared e. Well as • alar" Careful had
hoot A p/sarasee- Aa P aeelleat Ik 4.. e
for the Amateur (iardeaer.
There are • number of garden seed.,
such as moon. estrus, peas, beans etc.,
that are beet oared for If planted in row.
The rows should be perfectly straight. a
fired d.etenee sport, and parallel This
facilitates cultivation, especially when the
Inl.ute are yet small dud scarcely .isible.
t *leo Leval a neat appeeretice to the gar•
den that .m•uuragee the owner to keep it
al! clean and it. good order 1)f the
quickest, usatest, end ell around beet way
to phut wads in rows is with • drill. But
not every one can own or burrow • drill
How then shall oue who has no drill beet
pat in his made!
Ealari ouch•.1m(,1. matter as piaet•
iug ansae in straight eters there are slow,
laborious ways, and then is at least one
comparatively rapid and succeeeful way,
somswha; trouldesume to dearth*, Nut
very eery to 'saute when once learned.
To begin with. If you have nut • "trete
eye,.' or if you are a woman and awkward,
you want a stout string -wool twine is
best-., lung aa your rows. Alio two or
more slalom •tad s stick cut just 16e length
you want file row, apart. Stretch the
ming between the two stakes when• ye
wain the titai row to la If the row ie d
Put t the extra states o:1 the Bee" „ tee
salt; fly 11, place P
,alt oke a Luo. The usual way from
this point on is to pick or dig itgroove with
one corner of the her, uiinZlt as in Fig. 1.
'anal rnak:ng three to Six inches of trench
at a stroke. This is slow work, generally
makes a groove crooked and waren in
depth. and, w,tret of all, if the groinl is
net perfectly loves and mellow the bottom
of the trench, when the seeds an to
sprout, is liable to be more or lees bard and
In FL:. 1, A B is the line of direction of
the trench. (' is the position of the epees -
ter At 1) is shown rhe wanner of using
the lies. The handle of the hoe during the
work is always in line with A B. Now try
it anti use tine hoe as in Dig. 2. Instead of
using Only the corner point of the hoe w
the one Age as shown at D. Instead of
standing jm (rout of the hoe as it motels fn
the direr tit,n A le stand to one side of A B.
one fou kt af'd one at C I) E is two
fest, and E ' is two feet or mon. The hoe
as shown is at the end at • stroke, and D
E u perpeudicularDr,1 B. Tb. hoe ban -
rig 2
s 1
die D 1. is grasped at 0 F li and F being
about two feet aparti, ..ud`•ia bell well
away (run you. Tis angio which 11 I
makes with A K is such that a► you look
down upon the handle a coven the line D
t' on the ground I e , crimes& the tat of
your rigIm foot, and makers an angle of.
forty five degrees with A B. instead of
picking and •liggitrg. take a long sane.,
tog stroke, sharp rod (nick. eighteen to
twenty ,n, hen. according to T"nr .troi, 4h
and skill The whole thing would be fat
easter to Irani from aetaal sight. 1f done
right the result well he a straight, clean
groove of the. desired depot. with tine.
mellow dirt In the batt••nt. The blade of
the hoe will throw the dirt like a plow in
rapid motion.
Then. for eery fine seeds. snch as onion,
Me.. take an io•:h bort about eve feet
long, four to nix inch.e wide, and abater it
aa in Fig, :d Siule thie aleng the bottom
si the groove. This •eouree perfect
fig 3
straightnese, p.rfert evenness In depth,
ail the finest dirt in bottom of groove
The manta cap thus be weeded and tilled
even before t'i.y aro up. Next move the
line and stakes the 1 roper (listeners until
enough gronves are made. Then drop the
peas. beaus, .mek ere., and cover. In
covering• we the hoe ha much the same
way se in grooving. However, if the
ground is lumpy ase care in getting only
fine dirt on the seeds Al.. be particular
to cover to the proper depth
To distribute very fine seeds in the
groves. nix them thoroughly with dry
sarnl, pot ail in • bottle, 'pot a quill in ,h•
Durk, and distribute along the trench. The
amount of sed per rod or pet font o1 row
can be calculated, and the dlatributlon
regulated accordingly
This metol saves two thirds of the time
and does better work
T. Core • Norse of ablklag.
When i was • mounted policeman, i
learned of • most humane and kind method
of coring a bailie horse. it not only
n ever fail., bnt it .lows not give the slight
est pain to the animal When a horse re
loess to go take the front foot by tine fist
lock and bend the leg at toe knee -joint
Hold it rhess for three minutes, and let at
down and the horse will go. The only
way In which 1 eon •eeonnt for this differ,
eve mastery of the bores Is that he can
think Of bat one thing at • time, and hay-
ing made up his mind not to go, ay theory
is that the bending of the leg takes hie
W ad from the original thought Then
have been some barbarously erne' methods
resorted to to make • balky bores go its
way, rich as filling Its mouth with sand.
severely besting the hares or, as la one
recent case. cutting out his tongue. The
h umane societies would have their hands
full to care for all these ernelties to ani
orale. If they only knew, the owners of
home- woom adopt my tenet merit, and
there word to no erosible with the erst-
oldie troublesome balky bores -Oar Ald-
ine! rrf.nd•
T1s Adestrasloo of Iltalleemea.
Petit farming in Irreales ie carried eo 1b
extremist aelemeet{ou among the highly
civilised Matas, 1,117,617 imams betas
ender antes is .1s. This system 1a the
of rMsemsa
In time to any irregularity of tots
Momsah, Livor, or fowls may
prevent serious
couaeyu a nc es.
headache, nau-
sea, bilious-
ness, and ver-
tigo indicate
certain func-
tional derange-
ments, the best
remedy for
which is Ayer's Pills. Purt'ly Tege.
table, sugar-coated, easy to take and
quick to assimilate, this is the Weal
family medieine-the molt popular,
trate, and useful aperient In jihar-
tnacy. Mrs. M. A. BrotKwsl-t,
parril, Tetul., says:
_t)-r's Cathartic Pills cured rev of soak
headache and my husband of ucuralsis, W.
think there Is
No setter Medicine,
and bare Unlisted many to use It.
Thirty -ate years ago '•
•,da (1{wina. i wan
run down by bard e*1 and a succession of
sulfa, which .rade me so feeble that it sae
an -sort kir Ire to walk. 1 consulted Tho
doctors. but kept slating lower until I had
seen up all Mope of ever being better.
ilatpenurg to be lu a store, one day. sherd
5.' icines were sold, the proprietor minced
my weak and sickly appearance, and, atter
a few questioes as to my health, recom-
mended me to try Japer's rills. I had hale
Lath le these or any other- medklne, but
eoacl.ded, at last, to take his *nice and try
a hoz. Before 1 had used them alt, 1 wan
Ter) much heeler, and Iwo bones cured me.
I on now 10 years old; hut I believe that
If t had not been for Ay. es rill., I should
have been in my grave long aro. 1 buy. s
Innes every year. wbich Male 310 hoses .p
to this time, and 1 would no more be with-
out them than without bread." -H. H.
Ilrjraham, Rockland. Me.
prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer k
Every Dose Effective
Thirdly Uebfee.
It teems 'triage, but true it s, that
there are tel in exste•ce )ming mothers
who Iv. their young babies • drink
of water. Water is as necessary to • child s
well beteg as gond food and its bath. Two
or three Lures • day the baby should be
gives a dnuk of water, say • tables000aful
at regular tn,t•r,aia Try the lame mite
and see how he relishes It. F.rtheimnre,
it will, if given at regular tutersals, Jeep
the bowels in good order. The other day,
by the way, a prominent phyectan was
called in far • severe wee mf %,Inning and
sere *tonne h. He prep.:rib.d • tablespoon•
ful of water and one of milk to be taken
separately every hour. Hu patient laughed
but had the good sense to obey,- and sure
enough iu • few hours she was well enough
to get up and attend to her work.
oughs, colds. son throat, mthma, brow
chine, and all lung troubles ate quickly
cured by ttagyard's ll'ectcral Balsam.
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Stress herr s :,. a r,ii Tile
remedy that Ern always be .depended on
to cure elederr, cholera infsntnm. colic.
cramps, di..rrhev.s, dy.eutery. and all
loosene...f the bowel 1t is a pure
cnntainiug all the s irtue. of Wild Straw-
berry, out, of the ...fent and surest cores
for all ,mnmer rernplaints• combined
with other hannlrw yet prompt curative
agent,., well known to n*edical science.
The leave*
of Wild
!Strawberry were known by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy 1-w diarrhea.
dysentery avid looseness of the bowels;
but medical scietws has placed before
the public in lar }•uwler's Ext. of Wild
a complete and effectual cure for all
those dl.tnewing and often dangerous
complaints so common in this change-
able climate.
It has stood the lest for 40 years, and
hundreds of lives have been saved by Its
prompt use. No other remedy always
summer mm •int. an promptly, quiet+
the pain w, ertu.11y and •flays writes
Don w, atnrewwfully as this unrivalled
prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are
going 4, travel this
be hon and take •bottle with you. it
overcomes safely and quickly the din
teaming summer r••mplaint ro often
caused by .hang.• of air and water, and
is also a specific against sea -sickness,
and all bowel
Prin. Ile. Beware of irritations and
substitutes sold by now rlpulos dealers
for the make of greater profits
*urn 0141111111 r.sTrn 5.115015..
Specific and Antidote for
Impasse weak awl impoverished bleed, dye
the plamte se, pelpitetfos of t►.
liver oromplatat, nasrwlgi•, Icon of
__tory, hroamite. ona.ttyti gall
Maass, jamedie., kidasy ata urinary
tW5tt5s, fit. Viten' dames, female irreg.
Mariam ..d emend 4.yilile.
J. M. McLBOD, .ad Itta�a
McLane's Stems teem`lamivaawe set
r Mal
Buchanan it Son,
Dealers la all blade of
Aad headrest leatertel et every description
School Yurniture a SDecialtO.
I,Alaagsfr sill[ IN CANADA.
hi. ,use returned from the cities where he
has been *sleeting
He has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work the Beat
Style possible, anddat Prices to
suit the times.
Ste am Boiler Works.
Successor to t errata! ! BlackJ
Manufactsrera of all kinds of Station
ary Marine, Upright .t Tubular
Salt Pana, Stroke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers to t'pright sad Horlas.tal wad
valve Engines Automatic Cut-011Emtkess •
pecialty. All Nose of pi e and pimeatifaw
oo.itaatly e. hind. 6et.m.res firwlshed ea
snort some. Repairing promptly snouted t0.
7312 l P. O. Rex 5, Goderich. Out.
Works-Oppeeite 0. T. R. Station. Oodrico,
,10.111111 AMorioka
Agog aw
sell Wall Paper cheaper than some dealers can buy
wholesale. One visit to the leading Wall Paper House
will prove this Statement,
is 'what t•' cryl only ought 1t deutan!.
Special Sale now on. Call and Compare Prices.
Booksellers and Stationers.
local taanagrrs Deft f o.
Paris Green,
Insect Powder,
-each Guaranteed Pure. Fresh
and Reliable.
f D NA
111P 100L by wing HIRES Rot►T BEEtt 1.3'c. bottle t..b.a f i
or PURE LINE .I(ICS. Tito.
W. 0. GOODE, Chemist. ,
To the Houselreeper_
As this u the rommeacement of the Preserving and Ceasing Ssasoa we wish to Bras
your attention to oar Fuse Asserted stock of KETTLE:, le (Jaye, psr{.m, a.d Mealier
To the Berry-Pic3.cers_
or�s/lp� �s how womb req.
rar 5* 1115 A CO an DbaDwa T. 1te5TOM.
Oldest bursae f« seleneg i.sese. u A54.* .
Wool 'Ment takeo oat rye u MnwlAt before
WWI public by • noting siren tree of charge la Th•
'cientific American
Lamacirculation o of any wleatl.e taw to the
��r.-Ida, S endidly Inatlr.,.4 Ito Intel
■ia should M without it. Weekly. s.3 ase•
rear. 11.0 sir mamba Address stint
PCau.a.a.. IN Breedway. New York-
Tan CANADIAN Piano Rsu.w•T 00.111
Aril hes twee eomklllhed to give des
N • aritel•m server. will fair .ad per
mutest 55.,3)1411 roe
It le enata.ed on hashes principles and be
the harem of Its patrons.
h ds5.rves the support 0t every persos whe
believe, in competIlIoe.
Dee quiet despairs ..e s.1. Comppd.aayy^^5e
(toss, eonseettsg with all Dam awe e.51.o
in /.NM Mama. (y..d..54 SsrWargo to &II feepy_.,g
ItrtbwesRM W Columbia sadDIM% =tam
Ogee -hoed. tilde W'. ot.
SW 1/ Ma..asr. 954511.5
"Backsek• the
n • y • tk• kid- of 1M�
*eye are 1* "D.!. 1,
tremble Deride. de*yer•ma Atop.
Nikko. Pills plus looted kidney
prompt relief" trembles '.swot
e 76 pr amt. I n 1.d Bleed,
f di l • Dyspepsia, Liter
ref .emend by Complaint, end
dieerrrai hid- the most den -
ata g.r.s• of all.
MOM ea well &tykes Dlemete,
try t• heta Diebet•m sed
4•s./thy (tiff dopey
•/tMamt ..The •6•e •
eye,ae geed *awes ..mist
heatA rhea the •r(.t •Aare
kidneys era D•dd'e gide*
sAygtd, they are Pills are
aai..«mot k,�
Before purchasing your Pub call and see 0.r Ba. Assortment from Ifie. up. A. t.
Price and quality they hays never been equalled before.
To the
If you u• thicket% of making any chess. Is. your Heating,
most improved Furoate in the country. It cannot be touched. Jur cheepoem and its good
heating qualities.
Repairing promptly attended 10.
tall and examine the
Sign of the Big Kettle.
�O "2"017 WANT
can supply .you with a good article at a low. prise.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and
„-'' Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to Kit, me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Spring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will want D
have the forged and Cheeped Aaw,rtment in Town.
Before buying call and get prices.
50 - TOILET SETS - 50
New designs to select from. inspection invited.
OICA1.3. ls. NAIRN.
J. BI op H - tat 801•7
Have •dried to their present baldness one of B. J. Rash's Least Style
an OIty Reers.lg, al.o •h(t finest line of f.n4tral ferniebings in the went'.sad anI now prep..•.! iio eondoct fnner.L at prloe rwsonible
This department will be strictly attended to by his .on Willis., wbe, being
le the employ of the bb D. Gordon for the peat tae years, has • tbe.eSJ
keewl of the basin., and by prompt attention here to .bare pert of ie
paler patronage. Remember the place -West -at., on your way to tha past
show Clive us a call