The Signal, 1894-7-5, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GODBRICH, OM'', THURSDAY. JULY 5. lUI. Site 0414 as rv.tataw IVSRY THURSDAY MORNING NV M. MWaattmltai. Nee of Pablsa•ttea--i nal 10, Mork ewer. oedssis . o.tari& Terme of t1.MwtpdMe l we month, it Mew.. g (f roe mentle IV M IND feau•, 1 to omits d. th need. IMMPM . PM Beek M Ver tehma. Year Wel le • essadi.g receipt d Obi date be which yea are paid are nos Mal 1t is tot allowed to fall tato arrow. Whelk • choose of adders le drabs/. beak the old and the new address .boold M alvsn. Adverelsl.• news sad ether ewes advrtree.sate. ler. ger 1 ler area lerertlon, and 7 Deem per hoe Ber each tmawtuuat Mortices- Meewred by =cards etseae cf Mx nun and ender. gi per rear, of Lost. round, Strayed. �ta•tMee Vsos.t. 8ttuattome Wasted sad •W sem Chances Wanted. not ezowdiott 1 asaperell, $1 per month. en 8ale and Farms of Sala sot 'o mooed a 11.e1, St for drat eolith, 30r. per .uh- eeq.eat month. terrier ad rte. i■ propagator may special notice. the older( of which is le preemie the pecuniary benefit of any ladl- eal oreemat d rt to be 000wtdln tyd as ad vId 1.00sl • notte•ela.eep•erll type one ceur ref word. so sotices tem thea Mc. Local notices in ordlaary rootlike type 'w* *eats per word. No notice ler 1+ thaw w, Notices for churches and other religious et.J benevolent laerit mime half rata Commercial Contract adeeellwrae ret.. A limited number of displayed adrortn.e meets will be inserted at the Voiles ine rase. Per Inch. one Insertion r (n " fouri.eertaaa _...-..... ..... 1 le " three months ' " six mord las .. 1 '•, " one 7 r a me No advertisement tem than two Inches .e Magth will be calculated on above hue.- 1 pr cent- discount allowed for cash payments es three month. contract ; 10 par neat. on az noathe, and 15 per cent. on a year's. Thom ossditioae will be strictly a*forced. Arne •• The maul" .Ilve.,. 8ulrrnber who fail to receive Two StGo .t rewularly, either by raerier or by mall. wi 1 rooter. furor by sogttetr.tlag ne of the fact .t as early • dale as possible. Rejected manuscripts eennot 440 retnrncd. Correopondeoce mint be written on o..• Of taper only. r.Nlsher's %.I$re. .1. C. Le Tousel• of Oodcrlch, hes been .p pointed Loral Trowelling .tgeut for be. too ,t ships of Golerieh• Colborne, Ashfield and W•. waaseh. Loral powneaetere over the district aro also empowered to receive subecriptioos to THE Blo'At_ AP communication must beaddressed to U. MccIILLi(7CDUT, Tux Sto'Aa, Telephone Call 70. Ooderich. Ort. OODCRiCH. THURSDAY. JULY S. 2104. SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS.. 1t is gratifying to know that • larger number of subscribers than ever heft** in the history of Tux Su..,.*i. have paid in ad- van ce and all each will accept our beet thanks for the prompt renewal of their sub. scnptioo. A considerable number how- ever, ere still in arrear. Accounts are being mot out to .11 subscribers In •[twat and we trust that these accounts will fill= cele* prompt attendee.. Remo by by Post Gee, elo.*y Girder. Ex- press Order or by Registered Letter, a1• dressed to It. Jl,-t:n.l.e 1 I.i.r, THE Su.,.ai-, (.oderioh. ONE of the most interested observers of the result of the contest in "West Huron, was,. we feel ,'on% inced, the great Canadian War Lord, the Hon. JULIUR Cheer PATTM(1o,. pie rom- binatioa of the Patrons and P. P. A.'s in this section, was in reality gotten up to take the stripes out of hill mili- tary trousers, and the way in which the rural vote went augurs ill fur the continuance of his weanng the tinsel trappings of Canadian militarisnl- The man who has to sweat out tariff taxation under a suit 114 blue jeans in harvest time, doesn't take kindly to the chap who gets the corked hat, spun and fat salary out of the taxa- tion, and PATTSa$ow IOU"t go. THE$io ilei. wouldn't he twrprtesd to ase " Facts for the Irish Electors" bob up serenely at the next Dominion election, together with the passing around of the Hon. Jute (endear r a bright and shining example of how Ireland has benefitted at the hands of the Tory Government since ISR2. Of course Joint's goad luck doomed put a cent into anyone's pocket in thin sec ton,, but JOH!. think* it is a pleasure for his countrymen to know that he has been well taken care of during the intervening years at their expense anti the expense et the country at large THE Tory paper* are claiming great credit beoaao HAM' CORBY, M.P., of Hastings, resigned 11116 Neat when it was discovered he had voided it by contr*yeeing the Independence of Parliament Act. and think he is the meal of honor for having stepped down and out. This contention is strangely ijjl eoat4a.t wile their attitude an ria the action of Sir ADOLr.E CAROM, ffir 11111CTOR i.Awosvlr, Cociia/rt, of Neeieetherlead, Hon. Jro. HAeo*ar, NMI the heel of other fellows who have b/gN 4iEf eostebes anti horses 9hreusla tie British N oath A meriea hest for JIM fes- Otte (xlafreree gamut at klgiwines and swallow SNAP SHOTS - ase area CLa.aa WALLA( • !lay he Mote ptls'ktes is and around Woe/1 brt.lgs, but his program through H uroii war 'smirked by a Mertes of ►Iahly gratifying failures is the materializing et Tory u►aje ittee. The rad -shirked mea and the whits hors' are not in it Is Huron cuuuty. The kcal ailkstookingi of the Tory party are once, more regretting that they did not put a straightout candi- date of their own kidney in the field during the recent election. They are feeling a little raw at present. THE `h,:!IXI. sill now devote its earliest attention to straightening out the tours' of the European war cloud and the better determining of the location of the canals in Man. The survival of the fittest will pre- sently be exemplified in the extinction of either The Mail or The Empire. Only one of then) is wanted. The Walkerton Telescope last week remarked •'Strawberries are going • I'p in this section strawberries h*y,• peen going down. If Sir (ILlt5a Mow AT should resign as Premier bemuse he las only *9 supporters what ought Mr. NIrleInnH to do who has only i6. The chaps who were figuring out a Tory majority in Huron while the ton- td.t was in progress moa have had wheels in their heads. The Toront., World is trying its hotel 1»',t to utak, a sort of Cuyet'' army out of all the members elect who are not Grits. They are not talking quite •o uiucli to the tune that "Mowat must go." The Grand (:I.1 Man has baulked again an tt That tiction of Sam Fatigue about changing a high binder to a low - one for $10 ham been put on the shelf for repairs. Huron is the only county in On tarn) that ham three c iistituen,'les Irl lin,' for M. it anti gorxi go%eninent. Mr. GARHnw has asked fora recount, as neither the l'atrone nor the Tarim frit inclined to mote in the matter. The (:ret, are wearing the new suits and plug late after this election, and at the expenses of the Tories, too.- A lot of the petrol's in West Huron are mighty glad they lost their vote" on electron they. The Mowat Government exert minatory are without honor in their own eouutry. it is beginning to look as if V.' It. MEREDITH was a political hoodoo. Let's quit politics and talk aliout the queen's great-grandson. Now would be a good time to ap- point the police magistrate. What a tantalising little joker thi, slow-goil.g Mower Of The next thing_will be a long string of protests. - "(let to Ottawa," elteeM eon be cry. - -Off the WHAT TI4E PAPERS SAY. T.reep Glace : The most triumphant and egswmhateoetsr that the Liberal via tory kms dereigsd deerates the frost page of Tet Rearm i<IORAL. NO. If old did *rest work foe Liberation in his paper and on tea platlwm, agd T** 81uraL reamer has muse te crew Over the lehemph a the three Huroam. DUNLOP Tv..o*y, July 3. Jobe Shaw, jr. of Oedema is the guest of Freak Allo. PEawuw*l- - -Mrs. Chem Mason of Tucker - eolith hes bees the guest o1 her .ester Mrs. *Ilea far the put week Mrs. Was. Smith, • (mer resident, bot n ow of Port Albert, 1• visiting hen, the guest of Mn- Wm. Rotenone_ Our•rshiteet thin week is to ale te tee Point Farm in Umber. to mike somee re • n es she bandies for mime heat whin is Jur emery kis fl..tmor mem ler the 94th your, whisk a metros with the heat of the cities is • plso.st estreat fee hmm.aity from the ,sea•• ,metres et Canada sad the Lathed Mateo Seven weak' halide wee the happy os - mode. ea the a '. frees when they broke .p at Ns. 9 ter the Hemmer heydays Prl4*y suraess of ars week. The etw- i.g •z•reisse were marked by • peen* ra.p by the ashram its which !ties Heslt was ammo chairman W all wish the te•.h.r, Mies Pere, • *meet holiday During Iseto stay with three .ebel•rs haws pared lar the Collegiate ie. rite'. is G.d.tish. AUCTION SALES. An poesy pawin in t re s flee wee Mlle mistedam the I. tkie 1401 w to the time sole SATcao.v July 14 Sale et deeir►le s ren learad grunt& the repel" of bre. I/. B. Beira Wrested owner et Where* Glad Neheamea Thea (:gaily, trawl. t Te the Uederish M•. *mid mid esy, d• '` • w Yee hears t year mord se lar hes been W a a assailable ens : w tad Masten •ad mss de eft deed* win u sh ernes m e mews game as .a.1Wg smeggb will be wiMs.eed. had mew, sift • M weedsM the (Mae - risk rebate. Out hope w �lyiog geed hall,od is every Mw when grog ap- peared the prem W hese high fi prairies sof only their geed plays. bus rhe their conduct- The term is seam $30 m4 1]10 a rt deka, afrees yy reckless weave's&• has from the aeeeesr y oscines wen pat to w fir up their Rrouade- de acs wish to , es, Mr the next ample of gem.., let who wish to eaoosre5s r true sad gsatlemaly .port be prosiest sad help also. • mm ovssmt which will u to rap ap keep • rood many le of our boys from a/OA ao street comers The feature of the game was Cremmsa'e te hems rhit. The Venoms, is the sore a lassos 13; ( agn 4. DOMINION DAY SPORTS Colebr'*Une to Dsj 1110 Town - a &arm• Si*.meseg M eedrfem and •a tf- le abte Meme -114 rises. praeas- Mem • enees•e -t41e Game, sad ,parr alma rate asthma liedsrsch has always bed the albato et selebretiag the fuel dry of the domini.s right loyally. mid the oalebeation Monday lest was no eaesptiae to the rule. The small buy was oat early M take as mach out of the day as possible, sad at ea early hoar the oder et • z purled fire •sackers betokened that the e.1ebr*tton of the day had been opened by the juveniles after the orthodox larder ear TILApm raoc mlov Was the /rat Iltsp.rtaet event. At 10 A.S., it termed en tea gresei el the North- westers Fair, .ed .beirdy Won 10:30 the life of march was takes sp. Following is the erre •1 reemesioa : (oderiab Barad. Robot McLean, hotelier. Uederieh Rase Cart. .1. Worsefl Is Co., tienaitaa R. Peleok t Co., shoe dealers C•bas 3Tmesda, toueori•1 meet. (ae.1Oa Express Company. Freer t Porter, stunner R- Pew t Sen, groom Lab•tt's Ale Company. C. A. Humber & See, jewellers. !Orem & Co. hardware dealers. Harr t Lea, plumbers and tiosenit e. The S.ltford larsw-ry W. /Ladnws, hatcher Goodrich Orypea Cs. •ad employees John Waiker, cart lege seeker. Abs Chrystal, boiler maker. R. Thompson and W. bleelymost, black same •*d oarrioge in kr. James Yates, a•rders. Ileo. Elliott, groom. Wtfm. South, furalture red fancy goods. G. W. Thomson, bicycles and sewing mscbioes. ('ham Bates, c.,op.r (out of sig`hu. .1 A. Platt, coal and wood. J T. Aohes.e, dry good.. The procemtoo was • splendid display from end to end, and drew aoattnturu from ilthe spectators as :t passed. Every re !presentation was good, and the judges must have had quite an undertaking in award tag the press. Space will not allow ns to give even • mammy of the exsallent displays further then to say that the judges awarded the prizes as follows let, A Crystal, boiler maker ; 2nd, J. A. Walker, carriage maker ; 3rd, Harper & Iona plumbers. The routs of the proosmme was from the Agricultural Park te Britannia Road, thence aloe, Waterloo to Montreal and thence to the .quare where a round was made After that it proceeded by Hamilton street sad (am►ri. road Lod East ,treat to the Stadol' and book to the Square and to North strem,wher* it dispersed. Thegamer 00 the Square etre the next attraction, the remult being as follows • JIR1. ,• et.. D., 6 years and under, let (;race Imre, tad (• Cross, 3rd iiMl John.to.. 10 years and under, 1.t Eliza linnet, 2nd Janet Nicholson: Zwe Christy Whitely. 12 you're and aadsr 1pt Edna I:right, 2.d 11 bane, 314 M. she - 14 years and ud.r, 1st Is Erect, tad N. I:Inver, in r 3rd Potato rear -L. Mclwcelim. Moatgomry. (ko�rg, tad L Grass, 3rd KM mice -G. M- 2\wild Ene-G- lane, B. Jehaetoe, 3rd M. Weatberald. 1...0.' •.414A44- 6 years and under, 75 yard race, let, Jo*bw Thomas, 'lend, (..rt ('empon, 3rd, Hugh Polley. 10 years sad molar, 100 yard root, l.., Archie Tewsl.y, lid, John Kay, 3rd, Willie Mal)ouga'. 15 years and wider, 200 yard lime., let, Fred Semmes, 'Lad, M. Rumor, 3rd, A. Mc- Auley. 15 years aid under, three legged race, 50 yards, 1st, Fred Shannon and James 3-truan, 2nd, C. Dunlop and lobo Wad. dell 12 years and uodr, 50 yards and return, let, St. Clair Tweedie, 2nd, H. 'curdy, 3rd, E Compton. Floot rood 15 years and under, r000ug kirk pimp, 1st, Hugh Nicholson, Oft., 7in., 2nd, .James Viers, 4ft„ lin , 344, Jobe Waddell, 4ft., bio. 15 years and under, running hop, step said jsmp, let, Fred Shannon, 34ft, 2 ia. ; 2M1 Hugh Nicholson, 33 ft. 7 in.: 3rd, M, ('luta., 32 ft., 2 in 17 years rad .oder, oar around the miners, (i of a mils) let, Ben Kobtueon, Lod. John Tighe, 3rd, Joao (ame ron- A Drl.1 r, Amtr,. 200 yards rase, ('bee. .tuert, Led, Areh. Nlcbolsoo. 400 yards, W. Blackford, tad John ('outs., Durham, 3rd, Ed. Dal $saferth. (her around .Saw, Job. (;outs. 2nd, David Bell, 3rd, Wm. Costs Gee mile, H. Tudall, god, .1. Cones, 3rd, D. Mahound/ Hardie rsee,'1'. W. little, Zed, H. Trailed/ 100 yards rare, Chat* Stuart, 2d, Ed. Daly, 3rd, J Costs. (Nd .tan'. ram, Gerdes Comm, 2nd, .1.s. Keag- '01 Ptwa. Sued: lump -Jas Mol;.., 11 ft ', in.: 2nd. T W. Little, 10 h. 11 i. Raoa.sg'T. jump -D. Thempoa, 17 ft. 2 in. , 2.A, W Little, 16 ft. 't to Running hop, stop ad jump D. Thome sen, 39 ft- 8 in. : god, A. McKay. nig fL 9 in.: 3r4, D. McKay, 36 ft. 6 in. Roasting high jump 9. Thompson. 2nd •ad 3rd T. W. Little and (7. Stuart divided mosey. Vomitus --T. W Little sod Jas. McGee divided 1st and 20.1 money. TH1 •Aug esti. a*Nr. As advertised the trim bees ball ere el (Terri. sad Wroretee •ppeand in I:ederiek for the drat time o 1(meat to reset the iced main. They was, Tbey played better bell all through tkan the home teem Roll oar eon are set a tae least dt•os.• egad se they had as gray red bite and ea many mea se bases as the venters, but jack did not ores to be with them We are not game to attempt to mouse ear bays for hafts defeated, se aedeebtedly the Vaiette *wed the bettor gar, bat from what we k..ie ora of our home tang's playi. we are easedeat they did aft ret y tber meal ggsstrwar ea Yeasty. h els he renew bsrwd that the rjerity el the 4 .l.rjd teas are boys attltdi•g ..tool and leave not had the rsemary time to psctioe, and aims that IM "U.iaas" are ens al the haat teams m IM Wel*. They have hem playlet art tr aeon ten tsars and their reseed fer tem *5. M Melt. 61 games 1* been s bare the haloes wee 46 d Ian a reseed that nay ,tab slight he peeved et- We ssep*tutase teereddens of °erre �Wrreetser wpm bowleg • tea. Mea. Mat a plays. a ball and modem thews bush ea sad setts tell TUE L.A'70ee11 .An H in the •fteraoes, betters the Seateeth . eaters •ad the Godeoioi 1.sreme club was witnessed by • large number. The game was called at 5 P.n. sad closed at 6, the voters **Aim the beesm team tate sap to the tsar of 3 Ro•1. te 1. The losel teem wee ooaeiderwbk wsatsed by W shmemo. of Rend and lee, .ad Dais met with ea w- ackiest, curing the game ia which ens of his ribs was broke. acvd.S Lca,. tete mile Headiest -let ppnnaa++ 7. Stoke., time 2.32 4 6; 24 Cite. Chishola Toe Mil.. Hardie,- • lam F Correa ; 24 H. Luglou. Bey.' Race lender 16 years) --1.t W. Hil- lier : 2d J. Martia, Five Mike--t)psn t000u.ty - ler F. Stakes; 2d l'. Chisholm. Thrm Miles -Open to meaty -let Y. Bald- win i Ss•ferth 1. Time 5 15: 2d F. Slakes. About the middle of the two mile ea.di- cap roe, Stokes and Chisholm had pard McIver, when as they were passing Kung. .toa-e corner • woman undertook to cross the track immediately in front of Chisholm. Charlie tanked quickly to save striking the woman and lei. wheel .truck • rut in the track, throwing hie, sad Stokes Lad Moline piling ma too of him- This accident gave the race to Curran sod Langlois. 1n the 3 mile mos Baldwi■ and Stokes collided at the finish and Baldwin was thrown and knocked dirry for some time, put fortunately was not otherwise injured At the close of the 5 mile race another casualty occurred which at first srurned a serious aspect Coining down the home- stretch, Stokes and Chisholm were on the rusk, stokee slightly leading. Chisholm in an endeavor to serape rafting into the crowd was again thrown, this time in front of Stokes' wheel. bringing down Stoker. Curran was coming or rapidly babied and being unable to swerve. rode right over Chisholm and S .okee and their wheels, and to the astonishment of entrees*, kept satrddel of his machine after taking the " hsrdle " Chisholm was totted to be se- verely oat and bruised and stokes was also badly shaken, but no bones were broken THE Flag w04•., IN the evening attracted • large number of spectator, and were much enjoys 1. Th• large number of the perces wee of an •5- ceptinedly voted order, and tea committer who had in baud the tinny of them did their work welt The illuminations oa the Square by lantern, had also • cartel effect. Dunn. the avenin, and throughout the dry the band did •z..11eot ploytag and proved themselves to be . credit to the tow.. Inn the whole the twenty-oevreth anni- versary of Confederation was fittingly cele brt.d in I;t„)ench and the com- mittee of management deserve the throats of the public for giving them sc grand • treat. LEEBUHN. ITI'H (. •tW I.,'1: SALE.-AfPhl j lvl to. JOHN 0. (LUTTON, {Aar load West. Lot 7. Colborne. 7!!t Trg.pAT, July 3. Hayior started hero last week, John Horton opening the tint mowug of 1891. Mit- ti lou I.,R Sat.r_. Apply to .1ehp 4.. ('lattno, Like road west, 1. t 7, Colborne. 1'r,: -•, Ai. Mise Ed. Hacker. of Ode• rich, visited here last week a.d presided at the organ on Sunday in the church hese. Mr. and Mn Wm Whalen, cf Ellice, Perth county, wen the guests of thine daughter, Mn. ,last.. Chisholne, for several days this week. A PLEASANT Vi,IT.-Maggie and Amine Horton en toyed •.sit to Pnmrsee avenue its (.odrlch township las west, wrag the gamete of Mr. sed air .gas. Tharlow. Deed* LaiCtTATlo7. -Th. gwdewivee of the plans are bevir many of their chats fowl destroyed by the weasels and poloist which, we suppose, have hiohed the Dunlop heatr and are row operates, ia this community, en there won'l be a *nese, turkey or small 1'w1 of any kind for a ( hriatmas dimmer ANTRA lr rt Tho go heroes were gip the keen move Tueed.y mortes, stirring up flair gmd.m.n to hn.g .p the res for milking, to be is resdiseas ler the obsess factory wagon, hustler the breakfas., thea startles the weans without sod thea gr.nt- sst et all, hustling o/ the g./e.•a te vote_ Thetwo bitter detain will be • break for a little 'Ails. LENT Trim WARP, ITT Tex THE Kiotr... -- 1n tea moor *lanes is the ward -Ne. 4, Colborne -Irl Gsendly, the patrol' cadi• date, got 46 while the Reform (refit. date get 46, the former beteg sae ahead here. Has laureate wen watched by ,lea. Chet and Geo. Rasa, of Carlow, and thews of Mr. harrow by 11 Cumming. Fearears age is ammo aet of 1:arrow sed ltongeu the latter wee Eve ahead, retire' 47 veal. ad the termer 41 Io the Dowtuio. Howes ,lectin.1Mee, Mr Canonises obis soaves - slog meade the ward Eaters., bet new tee purees have it, set the Toric The of- floale whe reductd the .l.etaen were J. O. Ntew•rw, D R O , John Hanes, poll (Ark, John Fulford, assemble. Two knl Int were spoiled by the esters writ's/ tae mss of their choir. 0se of each rade elide this error. Ethel Raw. Mr Newcombe tnok R be r.mdeu,s is two last weak. Exeter While wartime round the m ehiary in the reseasry the ether da • yowno lad named J.a heal/ woo eerie% by • holt .ad bad he arm badly 'Owed. ('*sere*'. ORLr Faaa roe 1.04. The Treat Iodated tshtbftiss 1.s sew 1.. G ens arse of the greet events of the year is Osamdian Metro sad Imbed termed le 17 the /*ells is •11 pars el tee Deesai.. We have resolved • en/ d the Pries i.ist ter this year'. Fair, Oda is he be held 1.. the Deo t the UM S pemblere�seax• as ever The �t1.,. 4. et plass every peAwed issas sp.. 4 of this year'. skew .aeetag •11 e*M. •s there is no esker Bream fair te Gen/Mt with it, and the db.mess have veld • lams am...es ler rW Matures whisk bare heemi he • emel espla lie areursi are .Is berg vssdy improved this year. Amy w de- Wreff s espy et she p14. IMM sea Amin see y bopping le=d M W. Y. J. tat, w 11.111111111.• INTRCOIJONIAL TRADE DMeused oS eke Oast at the Coe- bronr. at Ottawa. ALL -BRITISH CABLE PROJECT The flow Muth Maims Ileleg.le teweesyty in Mayr .f the M►•m• f..rd Hose - bevy C.1tlr Mie a,m►an►y NIlk atm Weeks the ermetrease. Onmera, Jsly 3, -At the m..eIng OA Saturday of the enlonW conference the sitting wee devoted to • discussion of In teroolontal trade. Sir Adolphe Caron presided in the •b roes of Mr Bowell, who went :u Free- vi11e 10 attend the fuuenl of lels eon in law. After the meeting wee over the Pust- ule/ger Optional sold that the only informa tive that could be given to the press was that the whole furomoon wee devoted M discussion of • suttee of motion riven by Sir Henry Wilton on the subject of inter- oolonial trade. Sir Adolphe refused to say what •ctme had been taken w tee WS g t et-Tma, MINISTER or EDr,'ATlO, r.xw-. regi.-Iution- or ee to what was the character of tt. It w•e decided before the conference adjourned that nu tuform•uou was to be given to the press, and that none of th• delegates was to cable anything to hs reepeetive (loveroments. Sir .5Jolph.C'aron train presided at the meeting of the conference yesterday. The sitting, wh!ch was of conn. private, was devote! to the consideration of the project for laying • cable across the Pacific Ocean te conueet British Colombia with Auto Italia. A memorial from the Chamber of Commerce, of Sydney, New South Wales. wee prmented by Hon. F. B. Suitor, the delegate teen that colony, declaring in favor of the pr.•po.sd Pacific cable touch ins only upon Britieh Ir.aeemions. Han- F. B Suitor thou preseutd ar.an lotion advocating the desirability of con- structing the cable anal .nggssttng the petitloniag of the Imperial Goyerum.nt and the Governments of the various colonies concerned, including Canada, to grant • snbeidy to the scheme. Mr. S.udford Fleming red s paper at the r,nferene, 401 the scheme. .t cable way received yesterday from Lon! Roseberry by Hon. Mackenzie Bowel: which read s., follows: "I am mamma to express to you a. president the interest and sympathy with which 1 an watching the muference and proceedings which should be en happy an augury of the future of the Empire." THE PETERBOROUGH CASE. A Negro In the Compose Sesp.eted .f Comwlltl.g Ile0r. PETtar,R• , L n. R. Ont., July 3- - It t* l.arned in contl.ctlun with the Keaton murder ease that there is considerable new endeuoe, and if the trete w stated are true the murderer will Boon be In the clinches of the low. It seems that then has been travelling with the circus a negro whom, owns is ee yet unknown. who has charge . f the din ing car. He has always boon conalJetable of • bully. being known to have extorted sums of money and artielee from different men It Is said that this fellow and the deed sass had • quarrel that day and they were tree ole the dining car together about 11 o'clock on Thursday night by several citi sena, and as the diniug oar was on the tiding sear where the body was found suspicion has Wien ole bias as the princi- pal la the deed. Doctors Pigeon and Kiog held • post- mortem examination on the body peter day afternoon and they came to the con 110.100 that the man was dead before the car ran over him, and they cannot account for the several other wounds except that he had been beaten with some heavy 1n- strument. The knife wounds are also to be w'couat.d for. The theory of aecident t now puer•Ily scouted, se is is gn:te evds.ut that the body had bees pissed then as a bile 1. Another mama given, which cgose to sub- stantiate this, is that the had which was est o/ never bled, which it would ham done had the man been alive when the bend wee severe,, Braki.au So oft, on the Belley,:4 trate, stated to a reporter that he wee talking te dressed on Thnrday night end that he was in the bast of aptrtt and was oda f■ ewie•ted. A provincial detective has sr - rived • d ba taken charge of themes, sad e working quietly. The body of the deed mat was taken to Madoe for interment Pte./sbee. Met With a MIMap, Morrow, July a -What ease near being a dlssaer took pleas legit night sear this oily A large !Acetic party, oomposed of the &dranoed guard of the delegates to the greet prohibition convention, which t•k.s plass hen reg. weak, went to Tele Heron, some diems tram the city When the party was rsturefag in the erodes the steamer tele Serpa teen aground in the ✓ iver A muster rale and theadr storm same on sod eew.Mgaattsa reseed The Ceeogere wen eut of holm die shore a .saw M eats, howitsw, bet the Me- slekers W M pees the nbt ea board. oeMisa Dep be MeeteasL Mowratat, July a-Daadalpa ds eat6 se: tent early humored two The whe~il-- me.'. meat meet •ed tea .thn apwyng imams attmpted largo erewda The day was teerally observed M • holiday by the EagBeh parties of the eo.msaity. bet eke Frs.eh portion .ltd hornss as meet Same of the Ironer papers declare aft oeanderation has bens • failure m tear s the Fmr►-C. &Ih.em a• ere a - g erm& eall Mel leek rake NMoshe!1psily ashe! milerMho.* Was DOMINION PARLIAMENT Ortawa, dues //.-1. the Yew Me If sleek use* mew Menh1 r the asteetise se Parliament the queries at freight rates charged apos reals from the rest et Moat - real rod tis lasesdsy ter ImMla*Me te remedy the evil He reignite.% that It was I.pordhie for ale bill brag again rearmed this neat, ,lane the ()overnmest bad takes all the days of tee week for its owe baa.G.a lie west oito to soy net sawn was • ..sN.a tins emus( reseal owners M keep sp rates, and this eumlas•tlos lead the sae. d ejurl.g sot way oattle buyers, eel the farmers of the ooaetry- If the *aut.o taring industry was injured la tide way the Uuvronrot would .ot leave 1»sitated ta grapple with the greenwood The orals trade was equally as important. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper dsald that (lore was my pried of • eo .main., but remised at the same rite to e•ntally look into the whole tsatter daring nicer and or what wee necessary to be dose. A large batch of Uov.romenl bilk of an unimportant character was cleared from the under paper, and • few bogus were .pout on the eetim*Ms (Treaty*, June f% -The How of Cam mons devoted the whole day to • discos - emu of the salaries of Judges of the Supreme and Exchequer l'ourta Tws dismission sora on a motion of Slr John Thompson to task• provision whereby a Judge of the Snnrteue Coors, who had spent dee year, ou that bench and who toad been for fifteen years a judge of • Superior court, could. after he had ut ata, rue: hod the i1.will'tklip own optius 70 oir[e the 6. willVer6. 1 drawing. The Premier bold that this would have the offset of atreogta- esing the court, .ince It would •flow a judge whose vigur was gone retir- ing without any dimtnuanuo of salary when probably it would be difficult for him to do .. un fine reduced allowance it was also nrceweary to improve the pail twins on the beech so as to maks them more attractive and lucrative for leading men at the bar to aspire to the same Hon Wilfred leurfar arosgly opposed the change. Several Liberals also spoke against. .tmu*g those wee Mr. Tarte. 1 be latter went on to speak of the cor roption that prevailed among judges intl. brovince of ujueb.a He said that Judge Roane, who sad on the celebrated McGreevy case, had received • cheque signal in plank from Hon. Thomas llc(inevy. At any rate the latter said w. He would have brought up certain charges In the Houser against the judiciary in Quebec, bet bee witnesses. who were lawyerti were afraid it would injure their cases afor- e A pawn*: wrangle between 1.1mt. -Coo/ Amyot: of Ilellochams, and Mr. Tate followed Tbs former raid that he would not believe the lane4 word on oath and , lir Tarte retorted that Lieut. COL hasps' had stole • horse and boost Dr. ae Donald. Huron, who followe.l, dsecnbed i the 'retie a* a disgrace to Periiemept- 4)rTAw-A, (tut, June 3'.S - House fuel v• itsrday Sir John moved that wean it adjoin -Dad at would en:,.l &Jimmied until to mp1,1pw- Tbia, he «*id. was June j,nucip•.ly es ac- count of •h• of i. p; ut tn. i..trrcolooial confrewr. It mnght, however, as well be dons on 46.un E►o J that the day was the anwvsreary of the coronation of her Majesty. The °ouferenee of delegate Irv, Australia and the Omer col.wiss would assemble in the city mad the Sievers - mem intended to gave them a wp,wai- a m&i e w eta ty t Ito moottters d Brian/ wetly thee la data this lie navel *et the Hoau mould net eh a Iraaaaet bememea Igoe. Wilfrid Larks say that tat, reams that It wo eirea•dae des woe *et • valid see tor the Hoagie adjeurehig this year more thea my year a the peat tk however, eetrdWly agreed te the •4 ,, meet for theperpmr• oto sly* a wv�ey to the imeasealalves ad the let pute Uuveteat..t sad the r'e rsesm eet!►mt of eke different osladre le the fo.fyeeOa yjN mere was tem earned. Two or three Ouv.rnmeat Ms won ad .•aced • st•e..ud the balms* ut the mak Mg wan taken tip is supply Ones'•, : w SO. -The Hasse of t•um awns has diadod not le meet on I/&Wday, whirl Is to be observed .s Detain(*. day. although the .elms. M already • long see The Premiere thought that that tee general opinion of the .Gahm d tae Haw eon that Perfumes* shnald not .1t ea Camden usual day. Hon. Wilfrid leerier .greed le this. am impressed unto the Ooheameat that es- .uy of calling Parliament t'gsiher to 16. future endear Mesa the emote of March. untv.re.1 Idea was that Parliament should Away* be enmm•tsed In January The hour sat is eoomere... fur * maple .mf hour* wee to •.ally pan mougb of to. •stingee to put Is a partial supply bill to .� 11,1 •the t loverna meet to Harry on the after at tee sonntry soil smolt time as pruro paths' conies, se the astal year claws w day. asaeoRetme Mr. Midst* mad. * stew% aMalk teat the Kingston Military (,l �'�p� Sloes it establishment * few ago has oust nearrllyy �oiwre�mullion end tr oil. eftpbTjtd G f di tr* RA%•1 of the Dosetalua Fa this .r bandit.'. be .seemed the (}()retatuout of tie-vP-•,Wt *.be allege toe the di*p.rming of patronage to it political favorites t• the prejudies of the militia sad the grew lose of tb. "Autry. SUCCESSOR TO CARNOT. 111. t r.tmlr-l'erler greeted ProsWoof of the Pre.ek foals, June 36.-M- Casimir tsr..r. Poseidon of the Chamber of Deputies. was elected President of !''ramse to sacred trio late Pr..ideut Seth -Carrot, os the Ant ballot, by a vote of 431. T1.. Chamber of Ileputiee is conspired d 3114 depute* and Om Situate Is eo.poe.l of IN)0 members. The total number of votes cast was 851 .J wht •h all were cancelled became of irregu !amiss. leaving 645 valid votes. Of three 151 warr east tor Caetestr, Perier, 191 for M. Brost, 99 for M. Lapsy, 59 for loin. Feltner. :7 for Y. Alaso and 13 were . catering, M. Dnpuy was preempt when the remit of the balloting wig read AembeIMe4 1p1.st nate&.. folioseo, Jaw g0. - Two prisoners. t'harlo Jolles and Charles Jesters. me. - rowel, who were combed In the l'eul:al trn.mn. revolted •galu.t prison •utboray ,.etertday. Joust mase •n eternit .011,4 4 Mosey, who had rebuked 4:10 :•'r 15141us(, Jesters usede• murderous rr•n,t tea .tndrew Sangster. the cook. .1.- n., wan _irop three years at Kingston and J-••••• it two years, which they will sine w .•u Meir present sentences expire. liter .tend. tat It ewe m,to.11reg. IIA*IIII, Jane S. -Joao Burrrlgy oto s a bore and baggie from Mr. Power. .1 11.04,t'.0 and drove it nearly all night and :ret it at elbs Hogg wee sentencd to els mouths is Proem *. e Tat SIM dh L 1(,00 • year, is advance. OLD is pretielly 11close1 OL us ;zoo' hot1 , . KEEP COOL It's bet- ter /or your health, and it doesn't cost muck if you,; O to the right place. We're not waiting for the end of the season to make Clearing Prices this year. Now, when you want the Goods, a't' make prices that must clear them out. Some sample items : Ladies' %Vhite Lawn Waists worth 50c for 29c worth SI 25 for 7:s' 44 worth 200 for Sl °:F " Laundered Shirt worth 1 50 for 9. Cambric Blouse 1 00 for 59c Black Wool Grenadine Dress Goody worth 20c for 11 le All -Wool, Double -Width, Black (around Challic, new designs worth 60c for 29e All -Wool, Black Ground Challie, very latest patterns " 430 for 29e All -Wool, Light Ground I)elaines " 40c for 25c Inion 1)elainee Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Wai'.te Fancy Whip Cords " Shot Effects 25c for 'tic ▪ 40c for 25c ▪ 40e for 2:x' • 50c for 25c Ladie(.' Untrimmed Hat.,, worth from 50c to lie, to clear at 120 Ladies' Black Sailor Hata, worth 25c, to clear at 10e Ladies' Jackets, our clam -marked prices from SKS to 55.60, every garment new, for ... S2 9" Art Muslin,, for Curtains, 38 inches wide worth 13ic for he Boys' Blue Serge Pants, lined worth 80c for 3..c Men's (food Tweed Coate, unlined worth S! 50 for SI 90 Men's end Boys' Straw Hata, homemade cheap at 10c for 7c Embroidered Buggy Dusters worth 75c for 49r DON'T FORGET that we are making the j realest cuts in prices ever known in Goderich so early in the season ,- that we carry ererything necessary to wear for Women or Men, Girls or Boys ,- that we sell as we buy, at the closest possible Cash Store Prices. ICAS't fecksh,mtVettit' EVERYTHING TO WEAR.