The Signal, 1894-7-5, Page 1e TWO ri..A le SIND Qhoajps.* • u. - "THE SIGNAL" Iii TH13 111i/T. O,5 DOLLAR A Yui iP ADTAMRI. -dr VOL. XLVI. 2472 Zite THE T -3=1 w TDx1TC 1 N}]WBPAP3 3R OF 131:TROIST COUNTY_ THE PITH OF THE NEWS. Llv• It•nn. Irol'n Livorywherro. teem: toteed 01 Ise N1as. .f she Week 1...din, /..esseed - Setae Sea• Mem .1 Mame 1hNera ae ems* 1sepaha"ee. The fnnsral of Arebbklhop niche took place on Wcdsesday. Tt.e trial of Santo, the assassin of Car• not has b..nHxed for Jely 18. 1 he body of • middle aged woman wee fo','. 1 iu the Nippers whirlpool ou Thurs- day. Int J P. 'iverri let was badly injured et ('hma .:'in me Wednesday by • tall from a borer Jones Allen's carriage factory in Bar button woo burrlartaed on 'Wednesday sight conversation was hold by telephone on Wednesday between London. (int., and New York city. Richard Parks an lmm1Kr.ot, aged nine- teen, was drowned at llarlb•nk Thursday while bathing. The tuned Stats 11 rues bas passed withost • dn411-.• the %411 to admit New Mexico as • Thant Two hundred end twenty Barnardo boys started from Liverpool and London for Cicada Thursday. At Norwood Thursday evening Mira lowland Seriv.r a:ctdentafy shot ler husband s father. H. will recover. An nneureeesful attempt was made Tbur..tsv night to blow up the.ffie. of the M,.uireel Wittier" with dynamite. Word come from Loaders Moat Cao•d1•a tattle haws bac placed on due mune foot Ing .s antmds from the Usit.d Staten A diwtrow tentedo.wept • large pet tion ,1 Minnesota and So,nth Dakota Thur - day Eight or tau deaths )saws bees re - portal The closing exercises of the Ontario Age,altur.i C'ollttg•, Guelph. took place o Fthlay, and were sue.emfel in revery reapert. Yr P. J. Graham, the defeated prohibt• Pont.' candidate in. West Hastings, lies dee d.4 to protest the Melton of Yr. W 5 ki.ger T.:. coal sales agent met at New York ;iter Sam and •dvsucel the prices of ail arse .4 anthracite 13 cents per ton for 301; delivery. Mr AIlan Berne a Mac her in Biabop ld;.r College at 9t. C'atbarinM was drownol in the Welland °anal there on Itidet evening Dominion IME aitedlrR Galan' ECM went ashore an PbiiaF em Romer show.. Body Hook. !f. J. les was re lamed in the afternoon. Sine* January 1 • total of 96: business Wares have Men reported in Canada and Newf.-midland. against 887 in the corre- i+pwdtng portion of 1888. A project for an electric railroad frua Nee York to Washington is on toot, and 1t t• rls:med that a speed of 120 miles n bear .11 be reached. An unfinished building In Relehsnberg. bbeseia, fall Thursday sft.rnoon Eleven workingmen were killed. and nineteen saws were injured ..welly. The boiler et Steentsoa's naw m111 at Cayuga exploded Thursday. killing John Cermet and fatally injuring • Wetland• port man named Franks. David Crawford, a farmer in Banshard, roar Orinton. was eat to pieces on the Orsad Trunk Railway T ivn.day night It Y supposed to be a case of suicide. New York Central observation trade ser wreeked near Lewiston, N. Y. , ou Wdaeslay. and four peai•sagwe, 1►s1oeg lug to Niagara Fells, N.Y., wars bdly hurt A thirteen year-old girl, Annie Hisoock of Pun Cortese -no who was employed es Gook on the seam dredge Gen. Med, was frowned by the sinking of the dredge at `:t Clair Flats Thursday. The delegates to the Iat.teolo1061 Con fw*uce were formally welcomed at Ottawa Tkurwd.y la the evening tbe visitors ware tendered s banquet, at which about tai ream were present. ho definite appeal ban Few received Pardon to the esu of YHalliday, H•llid, t ps murderess. A Sew lettere appeal- 's( 1.'r her have been received from per - toss vb. write la almost every era Mn galls Cups; Gordon Ise, knows as "the mother ell Ib Coateder- r1 . diad at Memphis; Teta, os Friday, 41194 8) During the war Yrs Law or Poised the Southern Hospital Corp. Allele Stetter, of Rrontlys, N. Y., aged olietteen. woe shot and killed ea /rMpy by he father's }joonorn.ytaea, Yhkael Gess no. who immediately killed himself. H. bed assaulted the girl gad hared erpeesre. Two a•areb'.11 vortnesalhaft th.ewevee s kenallalm, tea ms& IhNeeshes i 5. the :red/deem of the met sub arrested 8satto a I.yem, ond atter oeariag his photo. Minformed Mm that W talewee Alabama miners have leeagd as address Ill the Hoverse, of the $faisq threatening that if the tiovernmest doss sin (teapot aim owlets to come to • ,Nllemsat and roomO Imes operations the alarm will resort to eine Ata sooting of Me boards of health of the Canadian .nasties heard.sl*g on nicht Pea rearrintlon was placed to the *feet that •yry hes SI beard h rye Provisos sb•old take measure to .wenn • g.a.r•1 tasetestion of the people. Area. r.ne Ire1'mM*, ia4 James Smith terser Tbw afternoon mar - 41"4 Mies htsfly amid lined M asst. Him aM in .here& mhasrfetes.s at rsla- M•Gs by Allem were the .Games em h • 8*5r. ,_%861w w I aha d /Wise dissl dap - height • dent 44 wards be mw . Seisew. setts .hesdasgv.. •ayd hem `i0ew gees. seer • r Wiest Osie GODKRICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1884., or the deputy in the Ch•tub r, whkh re. Sag the szperieaoe of thaneds of fannersn o ln•te.l o. e major, sad drowning entideot occurred oft Yrolar to Bruwucombe'e boat how, Prerboo.ugh, a favorite spot for swing - when Willie Drake, 11 year-old sun .d \\ w 1►rake, •tunenwun, Parry St. wan . lrowi .-.I While bathing. Jo .), Ilunt, a t'aaadtau, charged at Puff .1.. with falsely eweanoy to the ;morel art 1s1. residenr" in the States in order to •«'lire uoduraliaation papers. wee held to $1,iiiU 1.e1 by CoInwtahmner Fairchild ii•.11. he tried ►u September. 1 h* .bike occasioned by the Pellilau box es:t r.,utiu aro to screed Nearly every n*..l running out of (lie•go i. turolr.d, .1..1 '1:e .lruggie le expected to be the r.ort .t ..f the kind seer known to the L .-ost d -te.eeL T. Ossetian roads do .tut . ;poet ashy trouh:e. Apq••:ierllot for a certificate of renam- e/Me omelet in the tree of Eremite \\ .nmu •nae t. bas. leen moue before J e.tice bai- t? is the '*armee l'.art l'h..abere a1 • w 1'..rk on •Friday, hat by ....ear of •ainrl ..a 1,..;u splee t;.e a( oLe . t u w.,s ( alb w.d until July 6. lar tr.e u..-41,tiuie Ise 11 ousel will r.uia• iu the Tombs. THE PLAGUE IN CHINA. leas, N.rs ligan. tep.rMd - !Serious Sus.tl.a la Caere. Sal Fee MASCO, July 3. -The steamer Peru, trots H.,ng Kuug, biings news Lha the pl•ges at Hong Koos has heoome worse. the Stamm has broken Ont in new diswocut From the 7th to the 14th of June 761 pursea died from the pest and 73.9116 Chiw.• had Heal from the city. It ie reported a *'hitless jnok with p•sseugere trout Meng Kong, whe were trying to 'recaps from the pl.gne, capsized and auk ice Cep. Si Loon Pea Five British sold,ors who were engaged iu the euforee- meet of sanitary laws bays fallen victim• tote plague, The .teeturir Pea brought • budget of i ew. regarding the Cor.eu rebellion. Iris - eater after dl.•.ter Liao been met by the government tramps aad the tali of the goer/laesat was se, toted at any tidal. 1 he garde,, of the town of Zeenahu t 11 law the heads of the rebs ou May 3 1. KILLED ATAGARDEN PARTY. A Teems Ila .trim.• te rrath by • Nott .r tight slag. Mau*.. Out., July 3-A fatal accident oeesrred at • garden party held at the reedea.. et J. F. Bicuardsun, Lowviller. Abeim 410 • heavy tnunders:ora cane on with forked Itihtuing The people then footed to the tarn for shelter The fight ting •cru.k the hero, paining down an ■p- rignt port and killing one young man named Jae. ('uulsou, son of John Coulson. kilbrida A number of people elm re- ceived severe shocks. The lightning pared intothe lower pars of the barn. killing a very no. hone owned by Rubt, Harrison, of Milton. Destinies Day 1■ th. Neth.. C.sstre. Lowwr.,July 3.-A dilutor in honor of 1h,mtntun Lay was g:veu et the Weetmin• stet Palace Hotel last evening Sir Charles Tupper. High l'omwteluner of Canada, presided One hundred aid twenty per- sons were presort In the absence of Edward Blake, M P., who was to have re wooded to the toast to the Dominion of ('under, and .t Sir Donald A. Smith, who was to have I.rop>„el "The (juvernon of the Dominion, pat and prseent," the tussis were united and were proposed by Sir t'b•rles Tupper in an opumtstie speech, A trim. to Desert a Disabled Ship. New Tone, July $.-United States ",.mmimxn,er Shields has rendered • decison against Captain J. U. Baker of lb* "meats/ Kenilworth. The decision bulls Captain Baker for thogra.d jury ou tie charge ut havurg dawned the ecboouer Flora Sawyer in a disabled condition at sea The came is of special Interest be- cause it he the drat prosecution ander the statute making it • cnmu.al offvooa to desert a vessel in dottrels. Cali suits are also pending legroom Capt•iu Baker. Cap - tem Raker *44 arrested aid hail wee fam- ished in the sum of $1,1100. Killed Noe Iter Children. ST. Auwes, Vt., July 3. -Mrs. Mit .ball Baker, 21 yew old, wbo murdered her funr childreu at Moutgusery on Sat- urday has become somewhat calmer since bar oongnement in jail here, and relates dditloual d.tals of w. *Toots which Id to the horrible crime- She protests hes atter unconsciousness of the details of the deed feel(, farming that she was tinder the Islllm•.se of morphine which she had takes to MU Mesta Het asides name was ieells Plea, wad she wee berm of Freseb-Canadias peruses A segtse aro VveN.lga.e. Cascaoo, July 1 -Judge Payao hes granted • slay a exsestiwu In the cam el G.trses'$ Pw.derg ct, bemuse of the pressen hearing. Preodergwetts kwogt*g ass sit tar July 2, bet the soars .Rao Essd that the ex.metioa of the seat.tse tr11 he bribed said the rawest 1aMehg h oes- visd.d. Th. talker•% Mearem , AosMemen Sant.rw, July 11 -Tie BSvie pram are u aaaimo.s to the praise of the Essp.ror'. estioa In pardoning the Frensh Deters who were convi,'t•d of spying epos bks foirtillsotionsof Kiri. - - .00h and Dam F..e'rr; aerw.d. Wmerow, Ont., Jone 80 -TM large mesh Gad door factory owned by Mr ifdwla ShHahwertb, wish lumber and Itlt.ahtaery. *es 14$5.17 destroyed by les. His reel Amos elan by was eared. The M•sSo. ae N..ws. A weeding artiste is the (L..ds Taman Ase pus. the srf.00si i. asp .rt .t ar- . ti.s el neri,sga is the folkwise way The Pewees et 1.dewry, two winters age paesomo.d very lowly .igeed petition to the Leghl.$ure pay's. that eve Liman oboes mid hes& Shen be tared. The p.ed- den h will "seder ....i+...w.' by the yat=hW hew is as Ms•tssYw chew. The value of • fast is $6,000 Mortgage pieced epee it. 5,000 The farmer owes 'rely $1,000 The farmer pays false.. 30 The farm.r payouts/est 300 The farmer pays yearly $ 330 "The bolder a the mortgage pays no- thtart. The natural result 1e :6e fore closure of the mortgage on the b, w sad the "victim of the farmer. Tbuu,.,d. hs,e already shared this fate." The world is not without •ri<n,nce iu the lariat of mwtR•gae. 1 b.' I..s been dsoe in several States of u•.• Ano ncaa Croon and the messiahs result leu 1 e -s to make the owner of the lead pay the ter, and is other ways to make hi• situation worse than it was before. Land is pl.ou• Cul m Aromas, whereas mousy is compara- tively scarce, .ad if in any State or Pro. ,tees loam are taxed, the money saber Rose elsewhere to seek investment, or the borrower gas what he seeds under dif6cnl- ties and at • hither rate of interest. Should Patrons get the law changed la the way they are de..auding it would, of course, be general 10 its •ppliestion, ad would apply to mortgages on town and city property ea well es farm property. fa ten case of a current mortgage, if the holder wee mole to pay the tax upon the value of it, 1.• would assist upon full payment es ewes as it became due ; or if the len was renewed it would be en the condition that the own -r of the property paid *be full amount of the tee. to this way farmers who are carnet away by th..Fet:ioua argu- ment of the Palmas would tied that their last state would he very much wore• than the first Either they could o..t obtun • loan at all, or :t they did, it would be upon predations satisfactory in emery way to Lbs money lender Kut how would the law operate is cities and towns! 11a workingmen, mechanic or business man wants to build • lame under the peseta law, he can tumidly burrow the money b. needs at • reasonable rate of in - Gnat. He spends money for I.uildtug materials, be given employ meat to lal.or, sad rets • borne *1 his own if 1.. cannot pay off the whole of his leen when the own. Nolte matures, he ca usually on en moni- tion, for the money Moder. ser rule, is glad to keep his money invested. lint should mortgages be taxed, loses would be harder to obtain, fewer buildings would be erected, lase money would be expended for materials and labor, and rents would be always high. Looked •t from these points of vow it most be clear that the taxation of mort- gages has nothing to command it, either to farmers or N dwellers in Game and sties. 1t is • mischievous propwit,en, and if adopted would introduce • s.nosa and disturbing element into the tinaacial •Mane of the country. To capitalists. business Miro, mechanics and laborers especially it would Miss distre e, if am di.sSsr and to the 1eA e.it .acid brigs .s perm-- relief. A New breed of Practical row is. The new bird.... called Campine., and there are two varieties, the Sliver and (;uWen. They •re natives of Belgium. and they are egg producers first, last and ell the tine, so we s» bolt'. The Agri- cultural I►epartment et Washington has been gathering information from souls of its consols abr,oa4 concerning the native breeds of lows in some of the countries of Europe that are nukuown uu tbie side of the water. The American consul at Ghent. Belgium, furnishes an interesting mea of information cunc.ruing the Campania, from which it appears that they ars "healers" of a very high order. From his description of the energetic and persistent manner in which these fowls grub their own hying oat of a sterile soil, and the use to which they tarn the living in the mat- ter of egg production, our Leghorn. will have to get up eery early in kite morning indeed if they are to maintain their pre - rat high poet of honor as "egg machtue•. ' He sen that Compiles bens often lay 500 eggs • year and that the overage is fully '2:x0 • rear, • prolificacy whish, it no m*ateks has boon made, 1e "oaken' to tuck. the bred iu.tantly popular. Front the tenor of his rep,n It wuild appear that thew fowls are a c'u.t..med for the most part to shift for u..utreive• to Belgium. twit they are very scantily s.pplied with food. end that not witboreding this neglect both as regards c:« -e an.1 food, they nevertheless persist 11.1 bating eggms right along! 1f they bring this c. aracteruoc with them from Belgians. they wilt certainly prove ten •cgnteltl„n to our (.ractical poultry interests. In six•, the Campine. appear to be simi- lar to our Logborns, theft/elks varying, sa- cording to Lbw °mauler report. from 44 to 3j Ib., •d tb• hem from 2,1 to 4i lb. 1w color, the bins appear to resemble oar Silver -Penciled Haobirg•..o tar at least se the hen is concerned -the comb being both sings and rose, however -but with a ple.asall. that is white to the moot and rwd or penciled elsewhere. resales 1. Sensing. The feet has momently bee notated that taming eoomanlei.s ohaogs rodeo - tion speedily with little apparent recess. The ordia•ry inetnativae in particular grope seem enough at Have. to est • whole s.irbberksd into new efforts for profit by special mopping. It bse been a matter of eoassem remark that extremes in the prise of hogs or sheep are likely to follow la quick ouecewsiioru from the readiness with which farmers tura from ow to either. A faaon•ebeep rawer s sad to hay* give se the e.cret of his .ncee... the meats, "Mal when 3onsr neighbors sell, and sell wbsa your neighhor hay." Thee explanatio.ls that farmers are likely to mower in crowds ender a ...omon feeling that penile lies dm Lbs Mennen sought by .thee. (Maw there seems to be no better meesoo thaw that o er neighbors w doing It Tao Rear*& M only 111 a year is dv.aea Hare N east Myer fiiawi. 0.H..ms WIRhm, e.. el Jetta llawwg, mw with • very had •aeliest het Taei 7. He luso imam • ash, whom N slimed es She geese god San ea his Mot, beeshl.g N fiery wry. Dadari.h Towstiip : A law days site Junes R*.he Skew W the mn/rrM..M his eha.44_ dYsuaiod by •sok luhiah crowded hla h woo • weeder he woe we acre sole.rb herb 1 a 9 : LAO[ AT Till DATI -4111P- YOUR LABEL T1BI/ W111'lIC_ SM[ THAT TOUR NAY. la MAR[SD UP IN ADVANCE. ll. McGILLICUDDY, PROP•R ELECTIONS iN HURON. Tho Aaiun* of the Polling• barrow M t3erled is West .ere., taboos In 6N ..s.., ..d lerL.an Carries th. 919th Milian The Three ■.r..a e■ Line. The following are .he returns ih oonnee- tite with the recent slectlems is Huron. This (musty aeons the huour of being the only moiety ie Ontario which hu been able to keep its Liberal representation intact i• ties three ooastttoenctse W1i8.T HURON RETURNS. UologlUi I;arrow, Pulling Sub. No. 1 ... 49 2 47 3 . 50 4 55 5 47 6. 70 7. 34 Coo.olly. 63 36 37 30 42 47 29 367 73 254 1,1170!. N..1 29 2 41 ,. 4a 43 48 .. ,°. 6. 14 6. 36 7 25 5 30 30 18 43' 19 26 23 22 18 267- 68 199 5I.079. Ne. 1 43 2. 41 45 41 ea .2t 2 wmulla9. No. 1. 40 ,3 2 ... 37 39 3 42 57 4. .. 62 75 224- -- 43 181 As MIIILO. N.. 1.. 48 E3 2.... 64 105 3. 53 711 4. .. 37 44 5....109 24 6. 69 40 1110 w, w•wa120411 No. 1.... 44 2.... 48 3.... 37 4.... 75 5.... 52 266-7 5. %%%%%%414. No. 1.... 72 2.... 78 3.... 63 4.... 47 260--67 comsat. 5 Tow.o.oir. No.1 .32 2. .. 26 5. . 23 81 rouser. Net 5.... 25 6.... 42 7.... 49 116-19 awtartTCLATtow. Gederiek, 367 Piston 267 Blyth 84 Aakgsld Wrier 181 420 Colliers*. ................810 W. Wawsnne& s a s s 266 K. W.w..esk s a s s 260 (lsdsrhh Township 81 Huliot1.... 116 2242 Majority fee (Arrow -36. 21 51 410 64 42 93 45 239- 19 67 58 57 39 28 949 51 72 37 33 198 68 66 90 225-144 39 27 31 97 484 199 86 244 410 230 249 193 425 97 4706 WEIR MIME tw 1890. Darrow Roberta Askldd . 121 Blyth 0 0 ow 19 0Llk.rme 29 Ocdmiot 6 Odsrsh tp 106 He11.1, - . 47 Walesatrh K 78 Weinman W tt 32 Wiege t 17 K itimat, Ser Oa/vow-112283 171 'In panes r.bdivlsiw No. 3, Clinton, *IUeh gave Mr. (Arriew • majority of 19, the coterie., aline nadsorlently trans- posed taw Vann is his oMesmcat, and thus eredetcd Yr. Connally with • on•jerity at 19 which beIo.Ied M Yr. Haney, sod there- by redwood rho maj.rley et the Letter by 38 room. Aa • reed&, Mr. O•r,.w's majority *►1.h is reality h 74, le .•41.11, planed as 36, •"d will es Noah" seen the reoomat, Far MAUI Yr. Harrow bas sato, be made. ISA. -sew. 0511114 wrtw"E'm usetenarrtw. L. the tw.ieer ed the dowlcs .t • osob4r be repress.. the Waw Skiing .f the essoby .f Heres la the legislature .. the Provisos .l Osier* bell as the llifih el Jews, 11101, sod .l the Ostarie Hlrsties Act` I. Illandl.. W i e1 the tows .I ✓ the unsay e1 twos, ogreh,. , 4. =WI M oak lad rd actin the odtto, of d&poly rsturaiag oMeer , in and for polling subdtvuue• No. 3 for t►.I 1 said tows of Clato. in the mid election. 2. At tate close of the poll, in the pre- ssmen of the poll clerk for the said sub - divines sad of meets for both twodidaw is the sad riding, 1 counted the rotas whim& had been duly east in the aid sole - 3. Whoa 1 had counted up the said mute given for each candidate. 1 found that forty three (43 of the said yotes had been oast for Yr. i.•rrow, fwd twenty-four .24, for Mr 1'on.olly, and this oount ourrssproded e:aetly with the count ma.:e by the others keeping count in the polling place. 4. Hy inadvertence, in making the writ ten statement roomed by the said Act as to the state el the poll, the numbers are re- versed, I an told, to as to 'tike it sppesr- contrttry to the poll -that forty three votes had bets mat for Mr. ('u*.olly sod twenty- four for Mr too -row. And I make this solemn declaration coa• seienoously believing it to be true. and k.owiug that it u of the same force and effect as if mule under oath, and by vir- tue of the t'attade Evidence Act, 1893. HARRISON WILT'E. Iteclarel before me at the town of t'hn. toe, in the oou•ty of Huron, this 311-1 day .1 July. in the yam of our Lord 1894 JAMBS St OT!', A Commteuoner, dc. EAST HURON. Het 4551/1. Gib000, N. 1.. . 76 2 . 67 143 - 52 unlit. No. 1.... 73 2.... 48 3.... 92 4.... 48 5.... 36 6.. . 50 7.... .V 417-- -132 Mesal.. No. [sass 63 2.... 61 3.... 41 4.... 46 5.... 57 6.... 61 329- -54 Ur1J.EIT. No. 1.... 66 2.... 87 3.... 37 4... 47 237-158 Wise. Ns. 1.,.. M 2.... 74 3.... 59 4.... 29 5.... 53 6..,. 39 7.... 29 8 ... 27 378--156 waox arta. No. 1.... 69 69-38 TriCs MR•1T. N.. 1.... 38 2.... 79 3..., 73 4.... 43 233--- 43 Rowk't. No 1.... 23 2..., 58 3.... 61 4.... 60 6.... 86 6.... 46 323 .ca rrer•LAno.. Gibson. Brawl 143 Grey 417 Norris 329 Hallett 237 McKillop 378 W re:stcr 60 Tarabsrry 233 Howlek: .. , 323 2129 Majority for (;ibose 453 4417 truisms or 1890. Odom. Brussels, 'majority 64 Grey, 145 Moria, " b Hallett, '• 162 M.[nbp, , . 250 T.r.b.ery, . 43 Wrer.Mr, ,•' 21 Lioirimk . 177 680 177 T.MI majority fee Giber, 1890, 503. SOUTH HURON. Milne 48 43 91 17 26 13 54 71 46 58 286 38 32 45 43 48 69 275 24 17 7 31 79 6 15 35 41 32 34 22 38 223 31 31 54 37 5069 210 115 72 83 82 56 74 482 159 Milne. 91 816 275 79 223 31 210 482 1676 Y'sgr'ove. surosrs. Mol.... Wsismdller No. 1....126 66 2.... 58 32 3.... 60 44 4.... 117 28 5.... 34 2 304-116 187 ■xpTsa He. 1.... 27 2.... 116 3.... 36 4.... 61 540 LAT FIELD. Na 1.... it 055, w. fr. N..3.... 26 4.... II 6.... i1 1A 67 48 49 74 238-98 80 .40 Tt""atn>211TU t1'. No. 1.... 92 2.. .114 3 .128 67 32 40 4 124 10 468-290 168 mount. No. 1.... 59 2.. 67 3 . 28 4.. . 19 5 90 u•r263 No. 1.... 5d 2.... 93 3.... 74 5.... 79 6.. - 41 416 overs.. No. 1.... 4.3 2.... 44 3.... 69 4.... 66 5.... 86 6.. . 24 7. 29 8... 30 390 cesuas a. N..1.... 52 2.... 75 3 -.. 51 4 ... 79 33 3.1 107 56 35 264 OVER THE HURON TRACT. i Tho Chalet for th• Local 21111. Weekly Street •r Clary Sews served esu u Mali Everybody nib sad 'alai t•Ilpped amid Condensed Pram Styr; s ales. Wioglean, The town 0.130011 has been 1 pieced io poutioa again. Clinton Mosses 11. and S Pole, who 21 kelt a year ago to take up their iseideoo. in 96 Cheataamega, 'room , returned to town lase 109 I week, the climate there not sgreeug with them. 23 53 90 27 414 g';mNEesz 119 56 92 62 3 60 267 324 -67 RIO 'aEler Laflo•. Seafonh ......303 F.:•tip r 14.t Bayfield 31. (.oderuh Tewwhip 77 T.okrsenith 4.1.1 Steaky. Hay Stephen L'.borne 2u3 . 416 390 257 2,336 187 238 80 183 168 264 419 450 324 2,313 Majority for Mclean 22. Then were fourteen rejected halloos as follows :---9csforth 5, II•yfeld 1. (;odericb township 1. Tuckeremith 1, Hay 2, Sumba.' 3, Usbere. 1. acini sirst"' 1% 1890. Holm.. Bishop Kleter .. 148 Stephen 73 Hay 150 Stanley 31 Goderich tp. ...107 Bayfield ... 6 Ushers. au Tnokeremith 9eafarth 259 106 429 587 Majority for Bishop 158. MISTAKES IN THE MAILS. A Carlene Legged titensted Irons the roe.. mtae/er-e..r.t'. Deport.' (1Tr•w•, April 11,- 1)1.11 the documents laid before Parliament, none shows up the frailty of human nature like the Postmaster - Geaeral'. report. An appropriate motto for the cover of this intereeti.g work would be "To Farr u Human." Thu allusion would Dover n -r% only any "clerical errors" that may be found in the book itself and the misdeed of the erring employe of the 1te- pertment "who prop lettere what isn't hire," but skip the multitudinous errors of the public, who perform eatooishing testa of carelessness In directing ad mtedirect- iag their letters sad es astonishing disre- gard of their own interests in breaking regulations of the department meant for their own protection. A000rding to the re- port el the deal letter branch tor the year mediae June 30, 1893, then were so lees than 3203 letters received at the dead letter office, eoeteining money aggregating ne less than $17,344.46. There were 47 letters oestaining bills of exchange stemmata( to $13,456 74 : 519 containing cheques to the amount of $62,794.04 ; 268 containing drafts fee 1149,561.41. (fag from conscientious Mieawbsr eoataining an I.O. U. for $5; 752 eentauiag money redone for $11,618.63: 363ary 5otes of • sae value etf $74,. 461.butwprobably worth enmething less; 588 reoaipts amoontime to 646,781.88. Bight stock oertito•tes, •Rise 117,130, anti 21 warnon oert,6oates, atsou.ti.g to $22,554.23. it is satisfactory to add that meet of these ultimately reached their "er- re* rteat. destiaatio.a There were .lest..n mnrrmge eertifieates went astray and twenty kitten containing wedding ake. Th. old Weeder eeriest M. P.'s, to the effect that they were to the habit of freakier their wa.i.g house from 1►sewn, will, se doubt, he revived by the feet that nine p•roeb of underwear sad twont -three of steerklagu sad seeks remelted the dead litter nese, sot to mwtiou three pain of what the report vulgarly called " pants" Ammo misesl- leo.ses artistes gene astray are 19 &press, 1 bear'. tool, 1 bib, boot sose.heeswsi.doll., 4 411.e teeth, 3 glass eyes. 1 hair ewitek, 1 mesa mss, 1 titee•t, 1 razor, i 'letter,' alleged bo minters tomatoes, Rad one con islets' a typewriter. This loot was prob- ably est of the pretty variety, as the report oomMi.s no other evidence of the mails be- teg need for passenger purposes, maims pa- eibly some legisiater who had lest his pose had been trying to gd home throngs the math co his trash as • " Geological %past - S ENMILLER. Wiuwasnay, July 4. One N the sights of lbs section e a sherry tame as the farm of Charlie 1►s., lot. 6, 7 ad 8- Mait3•.d CMS-. CsIborus Irma t&i. tees Yr t)ke has already rioted 162 quarts of trait aid there I elan • largo 5an.tity left A beset* sent iota Tun Abu • wet. MB.. was heavily lades. •ad woo sl• swot ..eegb in itself to de • snail lenity Ser she seises. A few snare seek Mowry tress would almost sew Mr I Ila to retire frees rakes wheal al 6'5e • be.h.l. (trey : TMa r1.kes' yeses molt died. Iia mother we1Ys't ewe it. Ethel Mise Muriel Holmes, who has been is Buffalo for Mine time, is home on • visit : she has been attending one of the truntoj hospitals, and is now • proticicnt and experienced puree. 1101i41,0 A St. Paul paper of a recent date 000t•tne as samosa of an encounter the% shad. Beesley hod with a burglar, during which he fired two shout at hint. This to • brother d Will Keeley. Elmer : On Friday last as Thos. [Mar- iam was enamel the road is fruit of the Poet office, • dog belonernng to 11. Johne sprang at him end grabbed him by the leg inflicting an ugly and imolai wound. ltru.s•s Rev. W. E. Kerr, wife and eon, speut a few days is tows while ea their way to their new charge at W'ruteter. They drove from 'rhsmg•ford where Mr. Kerr has been stationed for the past three years. Clinton The other day Rev. J. W. Shiltuo, of i%alkorto., formerly of Chinon, had the misfortune to lees hu tine driving horse ; it was eau he priced highly, as he owned it for • considerable length of tire. Mullet The whet day while \t' llghe, of troderich, was eogageil so pao,tulg the Room. of his brother, ,lame,, [hr .'•gold 0175 way, •flowing hum te fall rte di.lance .d 10 feet, brerkuuk the email bwus in the erns Exeter In the 11'90 election Mr. Ilolnies, C'ues.rvaYv*, iter 148 nulenty, while last Tuesday Baster only gave Weare miller, t anservativ, 9R. Exeter will soma be a reform town at the rate a has been going. Krusses : Ws .re pleased to none, that Miss [ate Richardson, formerly 01 i:r.sale, Ks passed • socoeesful ex•mrwticu at the school of P.d•,.,y,Torooto,and now teaches an •sat.met In Isiah scnool worth, holding a 1st class wrti6cete. Brussels last Sunday's wted.term was a severs one 1t blew out Ore whole front of It Kwan'. blacksmith ,hop,took off about 30 feet art roof from the tiax mall and dam- aged *.vera! other buildings. Shade trees assn wticred, probably • dozen being broken Henss11 William Kegel s little girl bad the misfortune , on Friday afternoon last, to fall tessera the wheel and bolster of his wagon, while mating in at when it was go- ing, gating se t.rribly craehed that part of the bolster had to be awn off before Rhe omiid be extracted. Grey I.aet Monday Mrs. George C. Ingrain paid Nature's debt and passed away atter • leer illness of about 2 years. ('n• oar with other oomplioatione was the cause of death. lteoe.sed was • more of Oxford ootaty and had lived in Grey for about four years. She was 44 years of ere. Walton The residence of Mr. Henry Hamilton, about • fats east of the village. was the scene of • very merry gathering •s W'edoesday of last week. The os:..ioo was the marriage of Mr. Hamilton's eldest daughter, Mute !f•ggi.. to Mr. John Bolger a prosperous young farmer of Morias Rlyth A pleasant and very pretty event took place in the Presbyyterian church oa Wednesday, at 11 o'clock • w., whoa Min. Fps, oely daughter of ltd R. McKin- non, was united in the holy hoods of matri- mony to 11r. W. J. Milne, of the place. Kippen Nile. Ann McMordie, relict of the late Robert McMordne, of this plaee, died is Londes on the 26th teat, at the ripe age of 87 years. The remains were brought home on Wednesday, end rte fusee' took place from Mr. Alexander Monteith's on Thursday, and was very 1•rgely attended. Chntoa : t)• the evening of Wed.eday, June 20th, the residence of Mr.. Oakes, Albert street, was the wee, of one of those events fleet newer was to go entirely oat of style, of being the imeasioe of the marriage of her youage.t daughter, Carrie, to James Stoddart, of l'hio•go, formerly of t;odericb. Wiaghai n : R. Wilmer, manager of the Klink of Hamilton here. hu goo* to take charge of the branch of the same institution in Siascoe, tor • fete nesathe, his place here Wine taken by • gelatinasers from the bead office. Mr. Wilson will not he • .traager in *mese, se he spent sir sseothe there *Ilea the agoacy woo opened in ttat tows, abort six yaws yo. Bdgrsve Rev. (;eot'p* Law and (easily, being about to leave Sulgrave soca, a nua- ber el %heir friends ad weld webers mot as the moa.. en Temeday evening, 19th ins., sod pnseated Mr. fair with • purse of money, 000•mpai•d by as address express - regret at his •.d hie family's de erten, ..d sett[ag forth in moot ceetplignent•ry time the appreeistioe by the oou,ir*rstion Of Yr. ad *1... iaer's efforts in their lo half. Rrua.geld Miss Anna Keen, daughter el the late Key. Jobe Rena, %sucebo4, haa was the gold medal st Jolter Coil.g., Ottawa. Mire Ruse Moo wen the spn.i.l prem in homey. We believe this is the sassed owe et Um same family who hes at- tained to similar beset .t Litte ase .5191. Ms. Kato le • greatest* .f (Hates esU.gi- ata it is no Remail Warm that two mesa - hers el the atom family Amid wars medals of thin 4.0.49tiou. YeKillp • Geer,* ('brise; bee geld his lira. let 31, ooseenio• 1. to this terra/hap, t. Yea 3.91.. J1110•11110 111. *be owee •hy aero • short dboae* away on the .Roo Tisa Th• tarn h • mom eredlsat ase, el.tal.img 100 here., with brie& house and bask bus, and the pries, 16,416, ie ewe met dhes niesia.d ter • Fara in the days Yr. theseey boo ..t yet derided *hat he will de. tut we hope Its will reais4e is the us ghberkwwd, es be ls too gond • Utiees to