HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-28, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : OODRRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1891. TNE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE IU. A. SIIANE CO.'Y y istage .0 mot. • - t'R;,; CFRGE, TORONTO. IMPOTIMit ea* 41.4 SSI mum. DOLLARS • !l.000.000. OPT e E. WALKER, Ol.NERAL Mastapjlt 1111,200,000 000ERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKI,,O OulliNtele TRANSACTLO. Fannin.' Norte Dlaf;oUNTjo. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE At ALS POINTS IN CANADA, AND Tilt PRireCIPAL Grate IN Tom UNITED STATE& OREAI BRITAHI. FRANCE, BERMUDA. an SATINS! SANK DEPARTMENT. DEFOSIT8 Of St 00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED. ANO OURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOwl.0 INT.RE$T A00110 TO TNR PRINOspAL AT TNR IMO OF HAY AND Is^ mew IN BACK YUAN. Special Attention given to and Far mora' !ales Notes. the 0e tl•. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NEWS OF`TTIE DISTRI`.T. !'vers our ownCorrespond•R There 1. Iwfurmarl.a Nrrr 1 bat 4 sews' be domed Iei,,kers 1.1..• %coat the tease, aperlallr arp.ried For The wlte•I. DELI:iRA VE. Mugu t, Jt .E 2.j. Mess M A. Wain. of Wi rraeo•h, a stay. We at Mra E. Livingston! Miss Christy Stonehsotte visited frlen,la an E is • wanoabns w, tan The Ncratudheu, }}}IIu4 %augham, L.:,1 a etcoes.ful meetinguB'Main.at un WoJoee• day rventug las NILE • Tt est,'s Jude 26. K1 •lackmam from elodericn, spent Sus, dais at hie he hen. Ad Hoover and Ins Meter, of 1Vestheld, Vtli,frisit to friends in nos vomit) last quite • number from here took in the ex- , carom t., the >lodel 'Fenn on Friday (Ai Isar week. (Morrie McCartney --avid his sister, of Holtnesvilte, visited at Robert Mcillwaoti , last Susday. also. Sheppard reified a large stall* lastI Saturday Th• captions *ere U.mald Mc- Krona and Andrew Kirke, the forma wia. I , Lag �. I'. P. A. fellows. ha would hare .had votes, and we would be rejoicing now of being • little the other may. it's all up for this time, but never say die ; our Jim u just as good a nun 4641 ever. He fought the campsigu all alone. against a whole army of fellows, and lust showed them lawyer obapa iliat there is • Rood deal of pluck in hu nuke up, and that wine day they will have to take • back seat. Al- though we have Met, we aro proud et our .lin, and when it comes to the scratch spin we will run Alm in se sure as eggs is egos, that is if we can get votes enough. \ wir Itenmiller nun is disconsolate. Het mete sun that the Patron cause would wia 'edging from the reports that carte ,n, everywhere, for some of our men he well posted with patron bulletins from over the riding, it loch bef.•ro the ole Tooke l eaceediogly lovely ; but they have locked at things through glue's ntaRoihed Lw much, for the result I proved that our Jim has to wait four before he can get *wither chap:.'+, aml where will the Patrons be" ',Merry •• ah' where ' ..... It • an awful pity that we do' riot get our martin this time. Alo't ti bow . Fur.ru. Vt; I.t:t. 1 DUNGANNO1. Xnri,-K. Thr lora) IUeacy in Uuwga-nJn (O1 rH► •'o.:. al. Is *t the phaco of J. U. Want, J.P., oaoveyaaeer, ks.. who volt receive or den for .enhuerimono advertising sad ah work. and la authorized to give receipt, for •mewls staid tor the acme • 'it Keno v. Jure 2•,. -V'•trts.:. ---- W. 1', I irieta011, lurmerly of West 11 aw*nusi, and now of Parkhill, is .:siting here. Fashiauallc Rads IN STRAWS and FELTS GE1TS FUftfiI:HING� Tu (ell • W. ACHESON & SON jest opened the most fashionable ,,tyle of ladies' White and Fancy Shirt Waists and Collars. All sizes. Wool Crepony and Series in Creat) and Black , new in to -day. Very special values. llandtioiue Goods. New Merges and Cloths for Eton Jackets and Cape& •• x e + N gess Geode Throughout, the Largest Choice in Goderich. ` Wool Ch.a1 '1 i es ll !zees in every Department. examine Epode and prices. Immense Stock to Choose From. CI R. SHANE & 00., PARASOLS and SUNSHADESMon,McLaan'. Mo, ('or. insure and MeetrMlet. KEEP KOOL with woe of those Artistic' 7. J$ wLich ,.San be purchased very cheap at THE POPULAR BOOK STORE and then et.i.'y your.. f reading some of those very tatereettng Bucks elutes have :rom just been recessed and are very cheep. pt a Then dno r (ail to procure one of tome all UMW= of u,e latest design, that ct on wit' not throe you pet. , mew Thar i A visit to the 1'UYCI.,%R Br1OK STt.RE ;MO 1 Wilt twavtn,.'e you of the place to buy. years then My stock comprise 1.. s'K- of a:I kinds, EAST WAWANOSH. Moses, June25. Albert Rath', trotter is now in good . eeeditiva. J. Hawker left a few dat1 iso for parts $Skoo WD. Toa Young fraternity of S. S. No. 13 are , talking of h... hug • poriic on June 30th. We ase pleased to note that Slrs. 11m, , Rath, „ who hes been ill for some tlme,'ts ` reoov eri Thy . go - Mises Eden and Christy Stonehnur, of i Belgrsve, were Ywtiagfrteodson sbel:Oh con. at the beginning of the week. I.anoelot .lohnsvtn, of Algoma, is at present vuitiag relations and renewing old I &efuuntane.s in this township g .lames Vonramp bas wove] up inmate. ing and is now trying hu hand an the cattleT bunkers. At present he ie on a trip to the old a,uotry with a load of cattle. .tamer ttobertson has fovea up c• t • tog " and ,a tt present working at his home on the 9th "moonlit... E. %Vawaowh. : 1'. W. Scott bas hie 051101, tacked of pick. et lease completed mad it it • great tm- proscia at 10 the appearance of kir term, Ilk 1 Vo -In,. '1'.,rt: --K, K. Miller. the popular clerk of the municipality et West Wawanosh, peri*•.! t hrough hen es on Tuday .a route for t he West, via G..derich, to elan bele relatives an Migiesota, and also for the t of his health, , Tst.ts*. John Sadie. n(..Vest 1�'a n osh, who recently sustaioe•1 s lies by of dwelling Mons ami contents. desires serous his thanks to the Mutual Fire uurance I ;,mpaiy, of ' London, for prompt. gentlemanly aid satisfactory m n er in whit'' the company settled lata tial .f toaarrnce. 1,ir tet,,. COI RI CAcs.-Ao imperials lurtllee dwler, J. H. Werast:4 of 4Onio i, wa.-here kettle last. giving ropers tee moos se mutt ween a Lncktitew Ito dealer and Funis' vau, of A.htiel d. appears the w:know dealer 'pat's fern o Mr. Sullivan's rsside,ee which did ive estiafaction"at "it was represented would, hence the suit The,case wan dee fit ie favor of the defendant. Ita•t''.r. -- Result of poll at polling se ivisioo No 1, W Waweggh, for_S;arrn 41, for Connolly 67, which maws major' or ('unnolly, 23, the same as for Roberts 1st elution. %'ednsaday we heard tI ;arrow had a majority of 107 in the ridin hid' will no doubt las guotl news for supporters. t'p to Wednesday Olornieg se far as heard, Welt Wawanosh majority for .:arrow 17, with No. 2 to be heard from. The P. 1.'s and P. P. A.'s. etc., tool y'nte disappointed as to results, and of course 1 ,arrow supporters feel correspondingly ex• sleet. Superfine Stationery, Wall Pa- pers, Window Shades, Cur- tain Poles. Sporting Goods, Pictures and Picture Framing. Postage 'tamp I.ovens.. D. B. CALBICK, UM repeater Nook stare. s.edertr . BOYCOT1 ON CANADIAN& ledigaattoe at the Walls at the .a. a. • lalrnagratias Laws. NLAr►aai 1''AI.t.a. Jane rt. - Cnited Seater Inanestor of Immigration tfilrieu hos honed in..ructi•ns to agents of the New 1 ,.re I antral. West Shore, Michigan w►- t'eutr*j, Rome, Watertowtl ami t'gdene- tire burg. Lehigh Valley and the Erie railways to that .11 parsons to their employ at Sus- in- pension Iatidt;e, N if., and r.aideiis on the the I'anad:au aide must resile on the all. American ode or. the railways .last • Ota- ni penes with their -.sere' n. The railway companies have notifi,J d1 such men to cot that elect, taking effect July 1. ,h, There an' i ome 5 men so employed and it. hale door f:.05u:ea and live in their own re bootee o:' the Canadian side. The mato It James, to say the int, created great m- ace Sign:dien amongst the eitiseue of this not town. The feeling is high it The Michigan Cental. which operates the id• Canada soutbetn wader a charter from the ' Caned:an haemostat, • Lace their general b. freight offices where must of their Can- - adieu _atuployea aned, on the ty American ode. Tide company sorbs time un ago male a test ease of the Amefican alien ,at labor law in what wu k;uwn se the V. ltlornt,caee, and won, the American courts Ata deciddu,t the Mau labor law was never in• tended to comer Canadians so employed and situated ort the Cantering' side when the contract was made un the American side. The (Jauadiso authorities -intend to take the matter up with the Michigan Cental through the Canalian (;overnment L7 EEBUHN. Mosnat, Juga 2S. lliee I.i,,..e Horton fulfilled the duliw,ef Orpanlel lye Sunday. • " tion. Bate., of I;syheld, enjoyed a pleas- ant visit here list week. The tall Irinl was the only excursionist t• ea rex retmrnahle from Guelph. Knowledge Mr lest of Lia, after paring Stratford home- th ward. %V hat station did he get off at ^ 1're.> • i I!ensu oulltvan who for w pr many years was the popular mayor of th Kingeleidgr, hap been ►m.wget us l tsitang l of friends and taking • p.rt to the recent au d ings with the fell eaerAy ofowth. pro He was tire and foremost in the tall lifts Ca and had no time to talk politlas to the boy.. 11 Fisi»,,r..,, WITH A. ADIITTo,, -A• few 'fn weeks ago we sensed in our items ti.at sir Jobs ( hisholm has removed hi►Mri 1., an- other sate to kart • stone foundation under it e. well se the large addition added to it I ho by the raising of 71,uralay afternoon of on 'last week, at which over a hundred men I tlo divided into sides, put ,o position Sod led th by Major M. Carney and Lieutenant hew ie MA, the latter side winning. sti 1'oi.lrn .u. Mc 'rt.I,.--The political meet• g which was held here in behalf of the mediate ediate on Monday, 2. -ah, was gely attended by voters of this district of e riding. There as, also suite a umber of farmers' wives and daughters near. 1► MrGilliciddy, p,nprietur of e•HI'anL ta t Sion Id Bkrri.ser Proud foot, t•oderich, delivered very ettKtive ad• raw 1a behalf of Mr.. G.arrow no the n cipal planks of the patron platform. nd:date 4 oisoolly elossd the meeting', ,e Il tetung was very orderly. Then wasAte a lore+ number of Mowat 1:ovegimenf poor iere present. %'ingham : W. Holmes, while shoeing • roe on Saturday, received a very loud kick the left leg just alloys the hoes. Ho night the leg was broken. It is thought at something scared the horse, as it n 'usually yniet. The leg was very sore sad R tor a few days. Wingbam : A. H. Carr west en bis ytle to 'eeforth on Suaday. Won re. n in home, about four miles ria the rear!, • shank broke, and he had to wheal home using only one pedal. He. made the say 2.i miles, in three hours, which is ack• eowledged to be good tome. ' DUNLOP b,c Moe pis, .lon. 2r, our More Annie Alla. n the gout of 11r. asd Mrs..1ohn Shaw, of I.oderich. Mb Ansi. I.uby of o.oderich gave our burg a transient visit last week. Mrs Knl.rrtwn and Mor .Dara Corhet enjoy "1 • pleasant visit ro friend" m tiode- rich township this week. John Lawson and Wm 'fobtn were in Guelph last week, being in the mammoth excursion to see 4 Intar,o Model l'arm. There a great lamentation •.nong the gudewires by the ceastast raids of the pole sae oo their (tethered stock of the baro yard'( late. Tio meakind ere sea much absorbed in polities that they have not sited in trying to catch the traosgreesnr One good dans by lost over 2a chores grwlano" and soother a good round dozen of clicks At the latter place the tray grosser a oaten was out abort by the dame catching it in the hesery end with • stout garden rake du 1 of it at 4 A M. Ikea taw obert quay', Jr_ has won golden opinions rye for • teatime -rime' from the gsd.wives by sam Ifenfryn 1Vhat might have twsultid fatally, happened to Mrs. W. 1i, Taylor on Thursday of halt week. Alter hayloft eaten sone canned tomatoes she was Wien loud denly ,ll. A hr. was called and pro nounee d tt • serious cue of p,uonieg. Luckily she is again becoming cons ales cent. Walton The re.idenc. of Henry 1:ee alto., near %Valuta, was tee sten of a large and merry wedding party Art Wednesday afternoon when Are estimator daughter, Mies :Maggie was whited in marriage 1., John Rohrer, a well known resident 1.1 Morrie Rev. %. I.. Reilly performed the cere- mony. ',!run. Thomas 4 .u.Imore, of this neh,p, harvested •beet three arras of on the 7th of Jose. It WI. s good pie, and the straw avenged 5 feet in th Ile now hu the ground plowed up again sowed with roots This, we k, is the tint harvesting of the searn he actuary. .gmnodville Rev. Mr Shaw moved nd at • lively rate on Sabhath last. He los own Mb)* ...lass from 10 to 11, then utterl mnrniag service ; drove In Kip - and preached at 2 30, then hack to the echoed and addressed the children for an hoer, and finlshwf the day by hongat home in the ermines. Not had bother hot day killing • westrel which wax walking off write a choose hushed fowl. Wititut.lity, Jane 27. 44scittlAPTII AND A‘1111M. -You can't :rust say body aay more Veto' beat 'needs tone seams, you just when you want them ' °^0d Everythtag has gee. wring •ad this last ro (dweller. just illustrates the fallacy of trust 'Ned tag to thinde "hatred") ' 'Mr eandidat• half hos bees defeated ' Oen lodge with the Pelle° pretty Fashion Violin. DAWN km neon dis. rot • handed We worked like Trcoass all throegh the cam • 14 egad our good Moines farentir to Parlament, amid have hoes loft "' All aorta of tesithise sod tribulation' its•• °onto 00041 lie, bat we aro sts11 else,. and eying to stay allm. tomarso it is only the fortunes of WOW. that loth 11101•• soold wig. but at the law Nem W me Jim bad sot etruk meg with eng and than t alWIJ tank move them offices to the Centel:an side As little can be d, ne with the Chinese law I 'anadilas so employed on the Amercat shle. which is expected to become law dor • poet siid from • beam fifteen feet from the • Sow and in its descent struck a glancing blow upon Mr. Walter Manuel, of 11'hitbv, • breaking two ribs and otberwise internally ! injuisai hit= Ale is progressing favor. Of Every Kind. Cream anti Black Silk Mores and Mitt, All priies, at, Special rine for 25c. per pair. .A.CIIESON 8c SO . strHighett Prices for Eggs and lautter Pe WATCHES, Call and see our display. See our ine before buying JEWELERY, Repairing Warranted. C. A. IrETIVEBEll & SON. Agents Celebrated Star Cycles. lona one. tie was a leading light 3n a Sunday' school. lie was engaged to marry an eassicalble young loly who nausan high in the sante eiturch. \;ite mbount of kis indehtedneas is not kn -ern. Aaelvermiry el IA -aver Dam. Saturday the great Timmy of eighty -ism, years ago, near Decew Falls. four miles west of 1 horoid and foot tenth of St. Catharines. Tim place chosen wao the old the enemy. 000.0 strong, rimier Col. whence he advanced to meet and = at Beaver Dam. Ale es -100 .were prising and several moieties were represented. Slleetweglieis.•. Heir Fused. • been dircurered rhatino in Wt. bay Friday I night was ing,hted Saturday oftentoon by I two yonnoo wen while sailing near the i and the "-oily was removed to tbs morgue, 1. where. despite the feet 11Mt it was terribly , demonpaesed, it was recognised as that of Thomas St000tr. who committed about thne wsek. ego by jumping oft the sonie staiks of rye mid orchard grass hat Saturdity oo his farm The rye measured feet te lenoth ar he grass 4 feet 5 males. ' There is great growth this seatana. Harpurhey There • small plant of atODUlthe &India. in mo bloom at 'present . Comlng!Comlngi The COOK & WHITBY Colossal English Circus, Museum and Menagerie, Allied with America's Racing Association -AND- JUPITER THE RIDING LION, - -71 50 CAGES RARE AND VALUABLE ANIMALS ! 100 ACTS 1 - - 20 AERIAL ARTISTS! 50 ACROBATS! - 30 HUIURICJINE MAUI ENOUGH TRAINED ANIR ALS ALONE ro EQUIPA BIG MENAGERIE. THE F1NEsT HORSES\ OF ANY SHOW ON EARTH. THREE RINGS, 01' will see everything .yoU ever J. P. Knee's orchard in litarpurhey. The saw before at a Circus, but more - 1 seed from which at greW Watt osthered in a 2 ELEVATED STAGER and that has never hewn prevented to sunny little valley on the Huerfano river, ; the American public by any Shoe. I:, : i lialfEle HIPPODROME TRICK but this. LouiraMieies sod Ilse Mary A Stewart was united in matrimony on Wedne•day last !Don't miss the Parade! 10-30 a.m. at the rt si lence of the broltie father. Mum !Stewart 'and Adam Stew supported time I ride end mons. Will EX Alba( at EXCURSIONS RUN ON ALL RAILROADS. owned :his week. ft la the old lleN•oght It/Coble, behind the town building whieh has , St...forth , An old landmark is being re. GoDERicH THURSDAY JULY 12. shied there with the sign of - It me. Naticbt. ‘'et..r.nary surgeon," on tt for many a leag year or'e It Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. Zurich : The Jennison farm Mattson ma Friday hat, and was purchased tarot, for 51,455. The fain, contains 62 by Hr. Teeter. who °nos the ationning ARE you sATIsFIED toyirreo oat : Jane 25 -.tt a barn - raising on Mr..J.coteph Mitcheile farm in -this town 4,a oattirdey, while the Ian pecoof framework in' the great hip roof was being raised stito place .the dr' nig the first part of July, the position of tlos phco is doubly hard wLeu their citizens will not be penutted to w.,rk .ox dto :tonneau side ai:J reside ma the • anadian side while hotoirmis .141:01.r1,014110'0•111 the !triages &slyly work on Me tined:an side, returuing teIhitir hone) in the *veto INT. and the feeling Is Buxom here gist the oartajiat, la -vernment take stops cloy night through which a yooa4 1.111111 1041 hie 1:fe. Two yonno men. Mr. Renton Tew end Ril••y, while driving west on Kum street tot their way hone, were run int9 by Menial. rig driven by • yoang man trout Hatuiltoo who ind two companions with tun. Tew was sitting on the left sole'of the rolte yrs. sitting in and ei the tiro nip' came motether with • crash th• shaft of the Henoltot, rig pierced his ertintded trout wet onmedimely cared foe mot toot to his OW., residence on King strowt 'welt when h. died a few hours after. , An inquest will be he;d:to-morrow. Tn. yoring n,so who were in the Hamilton sod arrsotivi and ate in the cells awaiting tlio result of the inipeest Kin. anDlnit, June 21 -Interest hem murii«r Amman Laird has been arreemd, 1. bowie& 'the elairmoant from Port Heron la exported bark again to Moats the mtkee • startling anitement and In the Ereltene• of the maglstrate. too, Ho says e was in one of the rooms of the bond stab Mathes*. Laird. who bee been aft - rested. and hued. • trite •.er. gays he Was under the lathiest*. of li know what was eating on. There wee troolde between Sadie/ion and 1 aird. mid Laird and luard got Hatietoon in • outlet Richard** entild nee moo wool they were doing fio wool., not say Matheson ever left the house tramemeared PIANO Len**. Winos. tint Jane 23 -Mr Thomas W. arks, • proconsul yoang Malt oF this ie supposed to have loft for pule heart are sorrowing se • moult Mae ens formerly bookkeeper for tie am at Steven* Clark & lineman. but hed lot* intitdred beithlem 00 lie own amount hi the SU %MEAL, JUDO 25! -The French CUM. 1 diens celebrated *Me anniversary of their Aunt yeeterdeo. St Jean Saptisto, ties amateriel on the Champs de Mani and inarchel th-nomb the principal street. to Here's a Pointer St Jemoi Cat: edral where high man was celebrated by Archniahop Fsbre. In the ; &Amer Pink and • number of parlous 1 Acesa. to a good plans. sod has "mod build - My on it. Maw mimetto "41411•14••1" Send 25 " Suithint ' Soap wrappers bearing the words " Why Dose a Woman Look Old Sootier Than • Man to 1./1•44, Brom. Ltd_ 43 Scott -st. Tomato. and you reeerre by poet a pretty picture, free an,1 well werth framing. This is an easy way LO decorate your home. The snap is the best in the market and it will only e.ett lo postage to mend in the wrapper*, if emit Helve the ends open. Write row name olkooftille. Renvotime, Joni 25. -Edward ff. Seeley jr., an auth,,r 201 yean old, killed himself by voting hie throat loth a razor. It is stomata' lie wait insane. Suiey was st refute nt Vale college Mad was the author a several test Glories which were printed by the !tarpon. NEWS TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Impeeteet -Itve-libT -In a Tow woe Fee koodiiro Thursday Ow thO 10 anniremary of the founding of Halifax. • (Irmo liritain 57 years ago on WetInolni•Y. Wind and lightnino did great damage io parts of New Jersey .v0 Wednesday. ; pained tin Marriage Bill by • Inajori- Prof. Herbert Tattle, professor or Imo - dent F.nropean history in Cornell Univer- sity. is dead. The Higley .eate wiii sail on Saturday This closing session of the Presbyterian tlentiral All•Plably WAA 12111d at St. John Eranos Winos!' woe on 1VedDeodsy gen fenced to five years and six mouths in Sing sing prison. Several Canadians aro attending the University Estmaion Congress. now in neasion in London. A bad break occurred in the Erie Canal WE mile. wee of .11hany on Friday. Nay Oration to suspended. At Win.leor • servant girl has been ar maw with eeveral trunks filled with sto- len goods in her sossemion. Me &adios. "The Overeat *fleet and perfeet safety writh which la4sen may nes the conforms Nicol laxative, Mrrsp of Figi, wider all cenditioes, makes it their favorite remedy to telt the true amid gososiso artkilii, look for the mai* of the California Pig Syrup Ca, Nat the of lid peaks., When you ask for a 5 cent plug m cent plug zocent plug 01 191 POPULAR DERBY IPLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. X. MONTREAL. hear Aar ARII.‘41 !", Aro afill7 WITH THE WEEE'OP YOUR BOOTS? If you are not, try POLLOCK'S Reliable Footwear next lime and you will be Pleased. Mimes' Glove Grain, Laced or Buttoned, $ .h5. Women'S 1.00. " Polished Calf, 1.23. " Butt Dongola, 1.50. Ladies' Oxfords. Turned Soles, .75. Goodyear turn, 1.50. Men's Pegged Sole, Lace or Gaiter, just 1.00. " Fine Dongola, Laced or Gaiter, 1.75. Working Saots, .75. We buy direct from the manufacturer and get a riar- antee as to quality. Every pair must be Solid Leather and well made to find a place in our Stock We sew rips free and put buttons on with patent fasteners. We guar- antee satisfactory wear. %• do repairing neatly an,' promptly, and turn out fine ordered work. • Fowler's Old Stand, Goderi, h JAMES ROBINSON'S - CASH STORE - LEWIS MAGNETIC OORSET. Bach section or the Corset in so formed as to maintain the vertical lines of the body, anti readily conforms. to the figure of the wearer It is stayed with strips of highly tempe _red SPrIng, Ribbon Steel. Each Steel (or stay) is Nickei Plated, highly Polished ":"" thIturonarlinghteedthenro:btoriceorred, and evasion, MatalmagnTipmeetilsedto. pntvent the ends from cutting 'We are also 5howing oshorz Jima in Comma, au& se Use long Wila!d dren They have no equal. Paley, the Hygeian Waist for School Chit - We are showing this 'Week Clank* from 3 cta per yawl op. Roc nur Factory Cotton, 3c., 4c., Oc., 6o., and 7c. Take a look at our Towelling at 4c. per yawl. Take • look at our Mambas, 6c. and 7c.Kwpodyri. Table Luton?. per yd. A line of Lace Overtakes at e6t. par Hose, 5c. per pair. A line of Men's Oaskatere Hose at 24e.--takt a look at this line, they are worth move meows y. A line of Lading' Vents at. 4c. each. We will not he uadereeld hy minty tb+ Trade. Highest Price Paid toe Ratter mad law JAMES ROBINSON.