HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-28, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH. ONT., TWURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1894. SPECIALTIES - - A few lines of Dry Goods that yori can nave money on by buying here American Challie, Black Ground. beautiful Patterns, Fast Colors per yard. Scotch Gingham$, Fast Colors, !wall and large ('becks, suitable+ for school .Ire+... , 9 (la- per yard. Satin Check Muslims, full range of Patterns at lies, Sc. and tk. Fittory Cotton$t.onhe stores are ten an110u to sell Cottons at the old price.. We have lust placed in stock three lines of new Goods at new price+, , 1¢c., 5c., and fic. We would slso draw your attention to • special line of Cotton Yore, ✓ ing iplendid value at 10c. Ladies' aim only. We have also a splendid gM•t Taffrth. Glove, worth Yhc., sells now at 15c. If you want a Parasol, we would ask you to come in and have a look at our Stock before buying else- ebere. Our Stock is new ; best quality and the newest Patterns. Prices from 75 cts. up to E5. Cin JOHN T. ACHESON THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. CRISP AND CASUAL •.grephy teacher Tommy, bow u the rrth divided : Tommy -Er, not at all ; mows everybody abort wan.. it &IL lar I, ,w i Worm Syrup cures and re i nvo worm• of all kads a children or side. Price 25c. Sold by all dealers. If rumen dwellings were constructed on tale same proportionate scale as the anthill st Africa, prorate residesos would be • run bo.b- L'aeaeh bugs are to be killed is Missouri, u heey have been this year to Kansa, by :r.lag loose among them bugs inoculated e.tis disease. fled blood causes blotches, boils, pimple', ..,wale, ukrri, scrofula, etc. Burdock Ratters cures bad blood in any form tom • common pimple to the wont scrofula sire it has leen computed that about 3b,000, - ,j) babies are born into the world sack tor, but no father cares much about the sMr 35,9)O,?99 i'. I:atchie h Co., manufacturers of Alb. .te ('ytarettea. l our production 1over •klee-iauners of the ccmaumptaoo of cigar. sweet ens la. tf la Chios white is the color of snournmg x Egypt, yellow ; In Turkey, violet ; ['tap:• Brown .; as Europe, durum the stili ages, white. A young feaow uptown as such • consoles- .... vegetarian that he spurned an oppor. s •.mto kiss • pretty girl because she was .lesteher s daughter- •tuluh •''ore as sold on • guarantee. it : ra ec:pieut cotsumption. It is the best o' t sofa. 1 tuly one cent • dose : 4' coo, ti ca, and el.G: per bottle. Sold by .11 a«gist•. e w fork us. the Voyage -Seasick Pases.Ise -'-rk, doctor, can you give me wmethmg one me' same p.SsSoger. later -Uh, i'c ur. cast Tam M9. M something obi e l: tillrie0.7 — ayain sweeney, U. S. A., can iheito, • sacs " •Mleh'a Catarrh Remedy is -etre medione I have ever tonna that e,tld do me any gond " Fria 50 coma •,:d by all dru✓lila • w 'ryerhised at 11.r Harbor -Ho -Cies - ani kiss. She (decidedly' I won't. He -yes shouldn't say "1 won't" to . e ; yen amid have said " 1 prefer not.' She - Sat tkat wnolda t be true. Fie cholera morbus, cholera infantum, ramp, olit, derrh•,•a, dyeeotery, and nailer complaint Dr. Fowler', Extract of Wild strawberry is a promp} safe and aura Aril the has bees • pope favorite for ,err 40 pars. Mt Stuffy -#:.)04 afternoon. Is this bot eo•ZI for youMr. Poly --Ob, yes ; it's :am 4i Mr, Stagy -What ' has the mor- al' er tit? gas up. to 96• Mr Pally -Not esaely, but you ars the ninety fifth fool els, has asked me that some question to. dm. Ayer', POD promote the natural motion of tbe bowel,, without which there oaa be ▪ regIl•r, healthy operation'. For the welt etlaossaw, idigestio., sick heed• woe, eonstitpa,aos, Moodie, and liver senplaist these pills have no equal. F:vey eel u easetiva Soa,bosy oaks the qualities " Can • trod woman write a bed book •" if "bad" u thus sentence implies merely • leek of Lamy merit the peonies. it to painful to say, awn be aaswerd in the affirmative. 40e4 pS'ipie of both asses as writs bad teals Not mass business bosses is these Usk. d gases ens boort et fifty yeses Mond! le. T►S karts,„ of Dr. J. C. Ayer a Co. Lo - mil, Mrs rs d and se[ per•MT Is k pass- al - N osd haft-essteaaialar we1feeVer elf iigsr- w r at preuat. While Ilse Comte 4. Paris, the head e1 the Beene .f ?mime, amd his eldest sea are, ',Ws Intros of •xpslrole, debarred from 'ehiw fest a Trawl' territory of the Fre mrabhc, se wok rstarietioas ars imposed Hw Roy! Meows. the Goatees* die ate sad ,bs swam always resist the )rrars of mantas the reah.rlead. unlele1NMsrnp Mia 1 S. Hawkiaa Tena„ °ale " Shiloh'• Vibalber ' ewvii r life.' 1 s.ali r It the best remedy for a debUfbated eaten i ever sad_•• Per 1�s�s�li a•a. ver ktLey tremble it steel'. Peiss 76 seats. b all ttetit�,tg` s • sow $sial I"a"oir ; sad 1 I1 y.. hes. kms r feu T•. [ .. .bit as ailed else. kat 4** NY end the worst el H weld- ." I've t t by ',mtips ea the rases sad A • Kowa ladle. *_,"••• OWL. Trii 141114111111411hrt heure �wadsd • seati..akrrdte the is"'mf+LLI, sad her e1 bi- bmMa Ameh • hNagd .Meso. liver es gala* M dthis trsmr a should Maw ••alas M glom le e 4 ~MS r ICAO a $.r, fan tb4wraa PASSING EVENTS. Athlete Cigarettes have oo Ravels. tf Palm wine is oowmon in many countries. Agricultural laborers to lode earn barely S Dente a day A spider's eyes ars not in hs head, but in the upper part of the thorax. la proportion to their ouzel spiders are seven tomes stronger thea lions. TN unatarians have the only chursb ex vibtt at the Midwinter Exposition. Whooping cough annually destroys about 250 lives in every 10,000 in England. ('bines. claim that their gong was invent- ed in order to frighten the devil. 1: us settmat•ed that two fifths of the total , area of New C.ldo.is contains nickel. I Dunog tee last Turco -Russian war the ' Russia" army lest 40,000 men by measle.. The assets of the Standard Oil company 1 of New York are placed .t #20,000,000. I ,ver 3,300,00) cases of isaeutxa occurred 1 be Europe during the epidemic of 188' . 1 ltlliousnew and tl.er complatat, head- Iache, etc., are cured by Burdock !'ills. Ito A south African snake known N science as Inspeltis e.•a(ra, subsists solely on birds' NII. I. the cities of Germany then are x,320, • 0011 population, of whom 257,000 die every i year. Athlete Cigarettes, more sold .f this brood than of all other Cigarettes com- bined- tf In most c,untnes diphtheria has Dearly doubled the number of its Victims on twenty year*. There are almost four times as many Americans hvl.g an England as there are to F'ranee. The cabbage is the development of • com- mon seswed which anus on every °oast of Europe. Norway Nine--kyr•f -itiengtheme the taags sad cures all throat troubles, coughs, sold., etc. lm Charleston, S. ('., is the palmetto city front the prevalence of this plant to the n eighborhood. HagyarTs Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, cold., asthma, bronchitis and all throat and lone troubles. 1m There as at present • colored prsooer to the Alabama mines who apelike twelve dif- ferent lenguages- The old Jefferson Davie mansion in ki:h- mond is to be led as a museum for relies of the confederacy. A crawfish measuring forty ,oche. and weighing near) two pounds was caught re- cently •t Lee, La. A monument to Mary, the mother of Washington, will be dedicated at Freder- icksburg, Va., on May 10. Signs of worms are variable appetite, itching at the nose. etc. 1*. low's Worm Syrup is the best worm expeller. Im Refers storing hooey is tress bees will slims the tree of all rotten wood and refuse. They never do anything by halves. Or. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stnwbery cow diarrb••-a, dy.eet.ry, cramps, colic, cholera morbus, cholera iufmitum, and all loos..,ss of the bowels Never travel with ant it. Pram 35o. • e/v.r et slab. The only natural ink i• the world is found in Algeria, say. E. C. Nebreo►t, se inde- fatigable glebe -trotter. I thick i would be disposed to look epos it as • fairy tale if I bad sot was it, but having tested the iak,I know it M be true. There are two small rivulets whieb loin together mid make • lift{• stream Sheen or sweaty fest wide and possibly tires fees deep on as average. one of the rivulets same' Prem the iros dist rat§ sod 1. higkly imprgrwled with that ore. The other rivulet purse through was mar- shes aid is its journey ►.e bee•me iesprer• . aced with gain. sad. Whew Mev oeme together then is at saes • ohemiwl sembis• attw formed which, of coarse, makes ink. i have hosed tint it was better taw the mas.ise UISd 1014- Thi' is set true, but It will keg, sad, while it gums te emu u- tast sad does sot flow as freely from the pea as ass be denial. it will, s v.rtheless, 'Bawer all the purposes of isk sod l•ttees written with the hast writing SSei i hairs sad it end, while es a diseuvm'y ef ink.it is set • Nmplete .550555, as a sate& card edty itis ase el the wederfd thaw is the world. Mow we asttrtdsed ie. Mr. Sapp, -Yeas, I sae drink lata of whiskey mid .et feel it. Ma -It swot NO to year bowl Rwrdosk ed- fl..dask iiil.ad Bitten ..w J1 downs= .f tie bawd from s .stemas pimple te the wsrs0 smsn sal sires WC ele..e. Skis die- esees, heli, bl0Mhew sad all Mood human esmnet roast Ma Mellott powers Asasesa. 014 Lady (1. 5rswid ee)-Deal let tar �� fuseyes d yen slat. Mr. lbws. Yr. s (poliWy) -No depravity •t all. madam. GINHa,alsa.- -1 Mw wed yew Yedbw 011 sad haw lead H s.sgrlW far .ss. alfa w N .esswessell Mp Mn. ..bt..1. Qua Babies . otight to_ be fat. Give the ThIBabtee a chance. Give tht1O11 wo onhome se mullion the Cream of Cod-liver 011, with hypophosphltee, and watch them grow Fat, Chub- by, Healthy, Bright. Physi- cians, the world uver, endorse It- Ilfl't he loft M __ assts a ara,ls anr.mais Aa Oeaww . ata dts PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Professor Richardson, the archa•ologtet, has found in the aacteet city of F:retru the rums of • theatre Mn L'. N- (:root is is doubt as to whether to make her permeneat home in 11'ashmgtoa or an New York. Henry Irving, at is Sall, s to be knight- ed. It way be mentioned la this ommection that arrest many actors are lent now being decorated. Emile Zola made his debut as • public lecturer two winks ago. when he spoke to Paris on " lier.adette," the piens heroine of his latest novel, " Lourdes." Love was strong enough within her te in.- pal Mary Johnson, of Jacksonville, Ile., to walk 26 melee to be married and she walk- ed at sight and alone. Emperor %Valliant�,o:enmity s honorary t-olonel-to-Chief of 2-�regimeota of soldiers, holding that rank on moat of the European armies He military wardrobe is of .nor mous 1115. I:erhard fads, the American ennui at Christiana, Norway, who was .ppolotd in 186'• by inners! (.rant, is the oldest ('oaaul in the service, with the ezoeptton of 1_'oasul Spragus, of Gibraltar- , The three -hundredth anniversary of the birth of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, wasd be celebrit'd this Year with great pomp in that country. Invitation/ will be sent to all other countries to partici- pate in the tribute. ('ons eesn an Tom lohosno weighs 250 pounds and is a terror to bicycle owner". He brokedowo three bicycles and exhausted an attendant la taking hu first lessons in riding, but before the lemon was over he rode around the ring with the ease of a practiced bicyclist, sten of aaperlesre. The polite and persuasive -voiced young man had applied to a Detroit landlady for board and lodgttsg. "• You will excuse me, • she said, after a short talk, " but I must ask you If you generally ti'1 fault with your room and your prong..' '• (tf course not,' he promptly responded- " Nor the service "No, madam." " Nor the tumour) is the house `" " No, madam -, " Nor the use of the parlor by ether g.55te .... "Of course not. ' ' Nor with me if I don't s—Wrove something better than any ,kw r " 1 assure you not, madam." " Never find fault at all •" " Never." Ry this time the applicant was estonuh .4. " I'm Sorry 1 can't take you, ' satd the landlady firmly. •• Cant take me' Why not ' and now he was more astonished than ever. " Well, I don't wan: people who never find tattlt," she said with an air of convic- tion. "They are always behind, and times have got so i've got to have boarders that pay cash and not somplimeats," and she bowed nim our HOOPER'S LONG SENTENCE. Twenty -Ilse Tears for At,emptlsg to Drawn ale Wife. Tsars Strum Que.. June 19 -Hooper spoke for throe hours yesterday from copious notes which be took during his trial, clsimbag that witnesses and jury were prejudiced against him. Mr. McMaster. for the crown. replied that the jury was as intelligent • one as could be found in this couthtry. The judge, be- fore passing sentence, sail that the prisoner had bad • fair trial. and that his own relatives if they had been on the jury oonld not hers done otherwise than give the sante verdict Hooper was then sea wool to twenty five years in the petition. nary Canadtea u.remw Abroad. Lowaur. June 23. -Crowds mutton* le witness the practices for tile contests at Healey. end as most of the oarsmen are then now, the number of spectators, morning and evening. is proportionately ��rreesMlww There are • dogma entries for Use Diamond Senile, sad It Is el.lsed that all will Dome to the ecratrh It wIU probably be os. July 3, when tbe heats will be rowed to decide the competitors for the great final Speculation on the event is wt of Ito" sreitiog sort. hot quiet wearies 1e ind.lgsd la, Ryan being a strong lists Ie, WriOt is now rowing fast, and aquatic mea hen admire him very awsh, kWh Canadians we we1L Tie= pled to DesiS. Owa Sousa Jane S$ --Ira Doherty, a farmer, of Keppel, lett his hoose midi • aims of hong, intending to .tear stases of s Salt Re was Bolsi 1y1u 1• the rood is sa asooasol°"s atdtNon- Mal aid Pat st east seat for, bdt the n ate man did alsoM kNheilsl ly abler belag band. It is thoughttist the horses M� 1. pe. way bomb* sasangrable Md trampled upon Itis, as there were two Weiss epos bus .Mint. las of thaw Int Move the boort Atteeep5 Se Int eke Cr. art fV° I Jwv p —The 1M hassrar tasy te Boat remm 1. n. s rioastS �iom the H is we_I_4. Awwoe u, •hxs, N'IW,BE FL,+Cf NOCfTEU Mrs. Lizzie Halliday Sentenced to Die In ask. Elettrk Chair, TAKES HER FATE STOICALLY Lawyer Carpenter, *M Ce.dem.ed We- saaa's Ce.w1, £abated to Tears at IM Se.tesee-- Elertrerat/w le Take Place the Viral Week t. August. lfotetusu.o, N -Y , June 23,-1Ire. Lis Me Halliday, who was found guilty of reunite was sentenced y••.terday u, be electrocuted during the week beginning August 6, Peet Mrs.Halliday came in the court room with Sheriff Beecher. with the same mea eared step, the same downcast eyes, and the saute imbibition of stupidity. She was pushed down into the chair. where she beget' the same actions carried un dur ing the trial. She coeerel her face to her eves with her handkerchief, and rubbed her nose and stroked her elan. While Jadgo Edwards Was looking over the code Liuie attempted to rise, but was forced down into her chair. District At• tormey Hill moved that seuten°. be passed upon Elisabeth Halliday. Four oMoen then belt her up. The usual que.tious were pat to her. Lot she answered none. Her body swayed in the grasp rat the (Ali ten, but then was no expression in her fate, no tear in her eyes. She jerked her ,• �s Hall LIZZI* .ALLIOSY. heel up and down, stamped with her heel one. or twice. but at tin ton.' raised her heal St•e was closely watched by Dr. Edward C. Mann, the l.rotesetuual witness whose testimony did au mach r. convict her and even be seemed nutip:ussed by her behavior. Lawyer Carpenter watched her, his eyes dim, and noon pity showing in his face. Judge Edwards spoke in low, measured tones in impp.roslsio seutetiee- and the room was intensely quiet, .o eater were 11.0 listeners to catch word. lir. (.'ar Venter responded to the ju,lge's invitation to speak by *eying• •• I have nothing to say. Tears streamed d'bwn i,i+ cheeks as the judge condemned her to death by elec trictty in the place designated by the State, in the week beginning Monday, August 6, PAM. 1-1z;ie wits lel out with- out • sign of recogu•tion of the terrible sentence. Public opiniou has changed since the verdict was given. No one expected con- viction in the Ar.t degree. and now that it has been given end the clamor of those' Who thought she was shamming has Leese satisfied, there le a gm:eral expression that confinetuent for the teoiaender of her life should have been the penalty. There is talk of appealiu: to Governor Flower fur a commit:eon to look into the case. CRUELTY TO MINERS. A Shorties Story Comes From iodises Territory, e.a. F.onr SMITH, Ark., June 22 -Details of a horrible state of affairs emitting in the mining region in the Indian territory have been brought here by excited miner.. When it became apparent that the men rould not earn • living at the reduced rate of wages, power was given the deputy marshal to eject them from the comppaany's houses. Many men were thrown bo.iily from their homes, their wives and children beaten, and their furniture and personal effects destroyed. after which they were loaded into box can and .hipped out of the territory. Revolting stones of brutal. ity ars told by men from the Hartshorne district. August Smith says troop* came to This house and arrested him. They emit] not allow him to nut on his shoes and cwt aud refused to let the famiiy at breakfast. Th. soldiers threw his fnrnitnn on a wagon and then his wife and Ave children were pat out. The soldiers jutnpd et this woman and took the baby from the breast, one of them pulling • knife. Others dragged her and threw her head Ant into the wagon. They won then carried to the station and pat in • box ear. Doxeus of similar stories are told. Most of the miners and their families were own out before breaktaet in a rain, and rd time was given Mem to dress. A ily of four persons was evicted near Anderson. The wife of the evicted miner was struck over the head with a Win chaster by the soldiers. The woman while being taken to the railway station eve premature birth to a child She may die. Herylate 1Nath o. Ike Traek- Orv.wi, Jane 22 -Word has reacbed the city of • fatality which occurred on the Main line of the Canada Atlantic rail way, not far from (Olen Robertson. early Thursday morning The remains of a farmer named Maodonald. whose home i. said to be In the village of Alexandria, were found on the track horribly mangled. One of the trios In the early morning had evidently ran over the unfortunate man. who, it is surmised, was lying asleep os. the Creek. The remains have been con vapid to klettandria for interment Oreweed to, Tomato My. To.otrro, Jane 13 -The body of a man armed James Tinning. • eomao, who resided on Portland street, was fonn.i Sooting to the bay yesterday. Fred (,`lower, of Reese street, and Tuft, of No 2 Comp..y. 10.1.. took the body from the water and telephoned for the patrol wases wbieb s.aveyd It to the Mcage. The dseaased was knows as a bar and reliable rasa Aa tagsms. will �e held by Carouse Mirka Tire 1Wlaa. Oeww.ed. New Toga, Jae. IR —Tag Rower[ Car roll west to Sas yessaday with .sow No. 14..404 with frooklys sib wham Aloud bif way Wawa iteskawsy bossy seed I cadtfipt "ter z r rr BUSINESS LAW IN DAILY USE. By aemesabert.g *Mae .is TraMlaueo wltt ere• Ones a■ses.aee. Herewith are the most important laws, eminently stated, that twc► tbo pewit of the assns. business Inas. A. obese - 'woo of Neem, says • trade juuruai, will ea able sem to avoid many matakss, that key be serious, sad .tea, the iswa•at from noisy pitfalls that may be alamltoua Tb., °oaten, 1. • few words, the ensue of • larp amount of legal verbiage, not always very i•telhglble Each individual ,. • partnership Is re spuai►ls for the whole amount of the debts of the firm, except m easee of "specul'' partnerships. ('oatr•cte made o. Saaday cannot be en (oru•d. A contract made with • minor is void. A contract made with • lunatic for with one who has • g 1 ,S,outatu.o for weak mindedness, is void. ,TIhe letter one must however, be clearly established The acts of one partner bind all the other partnere 1t is a fraud to conceal • fraud No con.'deration is suthci.nt io law if It be Illegal m ite nature. ,llaay "failures' ars upset because of tits law.) A receipt for mosey is not always con- clusive. A. agre.meot without co.uderati•n os. void. The law compels no Doe to do impose kitties. 'Thu must be liberally construed. Igooraaes of the low excuses no wt. Note especially the following all onlooker the giving and taking of cotes A note made oo Sunday is void. A note made by • minor is void. A note obtained by thud from • person in a state of intoxication cannot be collect- ed. ,Thu is • corollary to the law govern mg contracts witb the weekmi.ded. h Notes beer interest only whets su stated. If a note is lost or stolen it does not re- lease the maker : ke must pay it if the cot.• sudersucn for which It was given and the amount can be preyed. Signatures made with • lead pencil are of in law. note indorsed in blank, is transferable cheery, the same Asti made payable to 1.y bel one allOn, the odatioa of the holder! s sot pound to the person accommodated, Lin is bound to all other parties, precisely as If there was a good conshderatioa. If the maker of • check or draft has changed hie residence, the holder moat use "due diligeuce" to And him. Checks or drafts must be presented for payment "without unreasonable delay. - Ivnorancs or ocergtight or of wilful inat- tention to these funnlameatal injunctions te 'he fru• ueot s.•urce of a"tsoyiog and ex pensive litigation - When Oebh, t'ewses WIWI tare. Men who are accustomed to being out late, and who on such occasions are liable to become slightly tongue-tied, should closely study the following, which web recently printed inthe Phaadclpt,:a Times: Sax thick thistle sticks. Flesh cf freebie tried ti) ung fish. The sea oeseeth and it suit cath us. High roller, low roller, rower. A box of mixed biscuits, muted biccutt box. Strict, stroof Stephen stringer snared slickly, six sickly, slimy snakes. Swan swam over the sea : Swim, swan. Seim : swan swam back agile : well swum Swan it is a shame, Sam : these are the same, Sam. 'Ts all ashen, Sam, and a shame it M to sham so, "am. --A glowing gleam glowing green The black Green bIi hied to the bright broom blossoms. Susan shines shoes and sock. ; socks mid shoes shine Sawn. She eyeteeth seining shoes and socks, for shoes and socks shock Sasso. Robert Rowley rolled • round roll round; a round roll Robert Rowley rolled round. Oliver t hanhorp ogled et owl and oyster. Did (llieer 1)Ilsthorp ogle an owl and oyster' If Oliver Oglethorp ogled an owl and oyster. where are the owl and tie oyster Oliver t tglethorp ogled. Hobbs meets Snob,* and Noble : Hobbs note with Snobbu and robe Noble'. fob. "That is," says Nnhbe, "the worse for Hobbs' jobs,-' and Snobbe sobs. Sammy Shoesmith saw a shrieking songster' If Sammy Shoesmith saw a shrieking songster, where's the .hri•kiag Songster Sammy shoesmith saw 1 went into the garden to gather some blades, and there 1 saw two pretty hales. "Ah, babes, is that your blades, brio -bog of blade., babesIf yr. bread ar y 11 des at all babes, braid broad blades, babes, er braid no blades at all babes." You .cuff .bop snuff, i snuff box Snuff. maker of an "accommodation' note which he has received no consider. •ring lent his name and credit for AI Ib. Cirrus. Little Dot -"Grows folks don't care any• thing for airiness." Little i)iok-"Yes, they de." Little Dot -"No, they don't. They only goes so as to take the chddrena." Little Ihek-"Yes, that's what they say ; but they .aver take. any books alobg to read." TO OD sore. l'oele Treetop -The heifer is two years old. ('ity Niece -How do yeu know • Br her horns. Oh, to be sun : she has only two. A monster was residing with • tanner near Glasgow, while on a •*5it to that city. Is reply to an mvitatloo to est some fine fruit, he meouo.d that he never tasted an apple or any other kind of green fruit. The fact evoked eossadet• able surprise ; but a Sootohew who had listened with much uosooeera, dryly re. marked, "it'. • piety but ye had beets in Paradise, sad then micht ea h.' bees you fan,' .. Vtd'sr�"e v veld. TRY. 7 VNUCHTS»P fT BRINCS COM FORT ces WASH DAY HOMEMADE TINWARE. It does not pay to buy factory-uhade Tinware when you can gat our own make just as cheap. We are burly snaking up our own Tin- ware, using only the very !,est of Imported Tin. Milk Pana, Strainer ('ails, Milk Strainers, (.'r.•at*iery Cans, Pails, Volley, Tea lletttes, and a genera assortment of Kitchen awl Dairy Tinware always on (hand of made to order. GRANITE STANCHY and WHITE WARE for the Preserving Season n,•w in .tock' and tuark('ll away down in price. Repairing of all kin. f. promptly attended to at WO RS ELL & CO Agents fur the 'toward Furnaces. TM Pro teal Tiasmlths, Ham.: ion stn. Gatwick. SPRING HAS COME Don't purchnae the following; (7.;coh until you 11:i,,• n out, GARDEN TOOLS, Lawn r&owe:'s (ten inch drive wheel),Spades,Shovels,Hoes, Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, Plain, Barb, Galvanized, Oiled and Annealed Fence Wire, and a f.::l : GENERAL IIA IT'D 11 1l? , at Prices to Suit the Ti,,'-. DAVISON & CO., •I t t t ..ilea TO ti. r. m 11.161\Mt, THE SUBSTITUTE costs the d paler Tess. THE SUBSTITUTE costs yo:a a good deal more- than Eddy's. The DEALERS profit is in the "just as good." Where does YOURS come in ? Insist on getting E. B. EDDY'S Matc:les, and your temper will not b.: rurii°d by trying to make the "just as good" mach light. • • THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD lrrr•. e/ - • THS OXFOR7 • • OIL Gt_S COOK STOVE • Makes and Burns Its Owe Cs* That will burn • ROUGH WOOD and COAL Evian, Wall... De O1FD GAII :tient do kit Nas the [.fit'est Oven. IS A IAP 1GR'S ST(ri'I? Is Everybody's Cook Stove. entaewt daft From t. ominon Coal Oil. NO DINO HEAT IN THE4„KiTCHEN. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. See IL - The GURNEY FOUNDRI CO., Ltd., TOBOMTO. Sold by HARPER & 14EE, Crabb', Block, Ooderich. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. Having lately returners from s trip to the leading Millinery Markets, where 1 have hewn purchasing a stork of all that is new and artistic in the Millinery Line for this fi.reon's Trask, 1 am now preparwl to show you fire very Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimming. A ('ALL iA KKlPE TTULI.Y SOLICITED MISES a Onbecribe for "The Signer --$l s you.