HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-28, Page 4t 4 THB SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT', THURSDAY, JUNE 28. 1894. flu »ignal, w forams• EVERY THURSDAY MORNING at is. m.CILLNTWOM. So* of Pablloatlo. $ and 10. Northwest, Aedesicl.. Omar to. T.rm• et eatrrrlptl.a t n as mouth. in adr.aea 8 11 tea month.. •' ..., >r _.• hi a Tear, " 1 M tnrrdit is seated the pries per ism will be ...... m Lime al 1fe.r :abet. Your label to a steadies rereept of the dale e. Mh'.rh you are paid up. Hee that it Is sot an• -eat to fail 1140 r. When • change of .4trees ,s Moored, both the old and the new •Adroit' aboeld be g••ee. Aarerll.lag sale. L+ual awl other casual of tan ieemaet., I. Inci.ne for first insertion. and 3 oasis Per Ila• tot each subeequ•ot ineertioe. Measured br • neaoare,l srak. Bu.in..0 cards et sir I nes and under. $$ P. year. Alvertleements of Lo.t. Pound, «'rayed; situations Vacant. :o::u.tton . N-a•te.l •s4 !liens.. ('haver. Wanted. sot e1aer.liog I lines nonpareil 11 per month. Houma on !Sale and Farms on Pale. not to . zce.d limes. 61 for first month. fine. per sub- eserient month. larger allele. ,n pr0port.or, Any special notice, tier :vocal of . hieh .s to Promote the pecuniary benefit ct any ,a4i• rldual or company. to he considered as ad vert torment and chanted accorhrg p. Lo -al notice. in nonpareil type one 4.e0t per word. no.oItees le" than tSc. Isocal entice• in ordinary reading tipe 1410 0.04. per word. \., Ir f-wr lees 4 10 s{a, Not tem for churches and other rel:1044s at.4 b.eerolent institutions half rate. f.tnoserrlal r'•.trart ed, rr*t'saeala. A limited number of displayed advertise mews wail he inserted at the frsllowia,l 7.tea Pee int.h, one insertion. .. .. 90 40 " four insertions •• three months. six months. ... •• one year.•.. No edTerti.enlem Lm than two inti.. in 15th will be calculated on above haste. S perron:.disconnt allowed for cash mymeam 0• three mouth: contract ; 10 per cent. on Cu &tmtth.'. and 13 P. r rent. 00 a years. The conditions will be stri,a!3 enforced. Ab.ot -►rhe al,twal" Aellrerr. 8u w.cnbrr who fall to re•eive Tits SlantL rten.larl,, either by ea-rier or by mai!. will confer • fa cur by rot mocking us of the feet at Y early a date as Rossi vie. 1 e0 I on l Oe 5 O' Rclected manuscripts cannot be returned. Correspondence Inuit be written on o::• side of paper only. r.bllsher'. Settee, J. ('. I.. Touzel, of Ooderich, has been ap .n pote4 Local Travelling .:gent t,r the town - Ships of Ooderach. Coitiornb, Ashfield and Wa- w■ noel.. I.oral poet nineteen over the dintrirt are elm empowered to receive •ubscriptioas to Tits Smoot.. At, coma,uni, at ions must be addressed to U. MCUI1.LICUUDT, Tun diemsb. Telephone Call fe. lioderich. cant. OOD1KRiCH. THURSDAY. JL;X* Int, Llai THE THREE HURONS IN LINE. THE political tattle has'hern fought, and in this C.wnty, the three Hurons are again in line in the Liberal in- terest. in west Huron. the old meuni.er won a grand victory .against great aisle, and succeeded in retait.ing the seat by practically &s large a tote as on the previous occasion. He was opposed by a farmer ---a patron candi- •iite endorseel by the P.P.A.-ant1 by the leaders of the West Huron Cori: seri'&tive Association. A large sum - her of reform patrons were cajolleti in- to toting for Mt. C:oltroLLY on the specious p!e:t that he had rendatint5ed Toryism and wart 'now an independent, whilst at the same time private can- assers were going through the riling :►skim; Conservativemi t.. vote for Mr. C'omxoLu on the ground that be was lust as good a Tory as ever. but ea, pretending to hate left the party so as to pull the wool over the eyes of the Grits. As a result of this series of tactics a large number of f.ihernl patrons were induced to vote t lie pat trop ticket whil,t the hulk of ti,.. ('on- servattve vote held fine to r. Coe "WLLY. Notwithstanding every Ale - vice resorted to it i. .a.ti+fr.•tory to know that Mr (1 tettol% hes )wen successful in holding the riding by practically the old maiority. 1 n Fast Huron the veteran. Tito». G11WOK. who has oecUpied the ,'ht *ince 1 n. I, played harpy with his op pentad, Patron Mitre, and rolled up the magniticentumajority of .',03 agaitl•t that gentleman. in South Huron M Y. Mi'LEA)n, has xueyoetle.i in retaining the con.tit aency, but by a deetrai9d majority, owing to a defection amongst the (ler man resident% of Hay and Stephen in favor of WEI«H,LLER, who was of I ;errnan extraction. 111' 1.1.10 I, a good man and the next time 4u face* the music we feel assured be will Grits to 2 Tories, anti on all yueetionl not affecting the party platform Brit patens will vote Grit, and Tory patrons will vote Tory It. that case iMower will have • oalority of 32 on t .hvteioi. The Cotuervatlx r+.l I. t t r been piss.• tically wiped Out ea w party, and are now only the the tail end of an op- position. On a atrai;;ht din111011 against the other elemeets in the House they art in a uunority •.f 41', and hating Ioet those euuorut ,tutee• men ('LANCT and SOL- WHITE., they will be abort in .lehating talent. The battle has Leen fought and won and hut, but, Ontario is, safe, and the 1; ran.l (fltl Malt 61111 reign.. SNAP SHOTS. Now that patron Co!tsoLLT has taken off his inttepetelent suit yew will find him to he as anti' :t Tory 'as he ever was. H.• wont work very hard agioilrat the I1owlnlon Government at the nest election. The Hamilton Spectatojr eon claim the credit of having defeated all of its P. P. A. candidates. it conduct- ed e• dirty campaign front start to finish. Between now and the Dominion election it will he in order for ill.• Black Hon* Cavalry to disperse. :t they did after the Equal Rights ani tat ion. THE SIG\AL': tend, ten j &iron Cos n'ot:Lt iia distinguished consilieration, and hopes that he Lae not found poli- tical life au iridescent dream. TnE SN:o.Al. extends its sympathy to its nil and esteeniwl friends A. A. Yut'xe., and ALEN. HotiERTsoa, of Colborne. We have an excellent piece of C;th- inet timin'r in West, Huron if Sir ('LIVER wants to have a portfolio tilled. in the language .1 Prittcipal.(IIL .ST: "Ontario cannot afford to dismiss Sir UWnuk MOW AT." That Ivan Mower is a ,toyer He will not resign. die or get licked at elet'tions. - The P. P. A. i•ontiugent 111 the House is not tar large. but is vee• united- ( for rooster is in great fettle this week. aril we've sharpened up Lia spurs T1,1• (.rite were not on the ruts Tues- day. Otjr roo.hter still crosses ills Hour hasn't come. Mow.i won't go. BOOKS AND PERSOQIQ*Lg Pat MET11•.ni.T 114A4A)'7g roe .1ri.l. This number begins the fortieth volume of this rna,tvne, by far the oldest magesine In the Lium,ntos It has several arti.lee of special interest A handsomely illustrated paper deeerihee the journey from the Sea of Galilee to the source of the Jordan, •t C','•mrea.Philippi, the most northerly point of our >Mnour's lourneylop through Pales tine. Another illustrated article of much ieterest s on onu.e life in 1'anada and else. where. by the Re.. R X Horne, It A The Rev. F. N. Hiker has also an illustrated ar tide on " A Day with the Deaf Mutes, LSellsyde,"• very a7gestiveand intruct,re sketch. A contribution of unique interest is that on " Prophet., the Need of the ('hurch," by the Rev. `Septi -out .Innes, M. A , Rural Dean of Toronto ; also an tm- portant article o. the Chinese in America, hy the Re.. 1),. Sutherland, Missionary `secretary of the Methodist Church. A mos - illustrated story of special interest to Meth sadists, by a daughter of the paremage, d•serib., the parsonage life which she knows so well It is full of richest humor with toucher of finest pathos Mrs litre's story of Cornish life grows in interest. A pathetic Match, " It's Nobody's Fault Rut My 11wa," is given by Miss Cnmilla t4aa- d•renn, of the Tornntfo Haven. A portrait and life .ketch of the late i1r. Peck, Mis- sionary Secretary of the Methodist Kpisco• pal Church, is also given, and • review of 8tr J. W. lirw.on'. latest book, " Siam 9ali.et Points in the History of the Earth." Now is a rood time to subscribe • $1 will MOWS the Nags/me for the newt sit atuatha, or $1,60 will secure the Mseanne from the beahmieg of the year to the end of 1894 s redaction of Rfty mete. Price, 62 year : 11 fee all month.: 20 cents per number. Temente: William Briggs. bring South Huron into line with DEATH RATE REUUCEO. etre/llilon Report or she wse.l.l*e bealeb *arra. Porto per rent hoer, death. la Canada lass rear Ibam eyes before. he old-time mal0rity. The Huron* are safe. OVER THE PROVINOE. E1.ILKTION r,'turn, frotn all mer Ontario show that the Mowat (Govern- ment is stronger than ever, eo far •e an organized opetre itinn is convertive! The latest reports give SO Reform era, 26 (Joneervativea, 14 Patrons and 3 P 1' A members. Thi. would giro Mow AT a myorhy (d h or..r the con, bine.l element., if the were toopp.we. hire, and N Is • good ase'king major ity , hat lie will not he opposed by I the eethlfineel Newt Air ie.virding to 1 model's*. CoiswOtie. the patrons hare not Imam ela.t'tM to ("pow, iMOWAT. Tie • of the , ie 12 (I'TT4OA, .lune 2.i The last report of the Health Korean here e(atai.s the �ighly gratifying intelligence that the dee rate in Camila dories the last year was (ower than in any 9rieie01 year since Colefeders now being within a freeman .f forte per oast, lower ban the beat year ever before reported. ('Loser •ram,sation r*w. 4. that the greatest decrease was in dead{' from Iiriehti (rues, Diabetes, Dropsy. Heart disease, kh.umatsm and ether dlemese mewl hy disordered or dimmed Waite, Farther lovesti7attnn shows that where tb eases of such dte..s waaha.. decreased, the neve within the year made free Ise eld. Kidney Pills. 1'en..,IMtly it ie safe to my 'hat the falling off to ('said•'' death rate is dues tb nothi.g bat Nude's Kidney Pills Relgram A nnp,hsr of the (rinse,. el R•'• e•s L. W 010••1..( at He mance Twee. dap enable of 1.11: weak awl /pwW him with • wolf wsd moss prier M his defer. Tll SAM OLD STORY The Provincial Outermost Ants Sustained at the Polls. AN ALL-OVER MAJORITY OF 8 T e Straight liweramaae *epp.04.r. Number 31 The on•ereatlre. Lteet 1; 71.e Patrons cat Indu.ley 13, sad the 1', Y. A. 4 Masa bee. Liberate 81 uamer►.alarss 77 gausses 11 Y. Y. A I 43 O.e•erameat 1W1ts'rlty over all s Towxn). June 2'1 -The Government of Sir Ulmer Mowat has again been rammed by the electors of the Ynnlnoe of (intent, Above is found . recapitulation of th• latest returns, showing the majority of Sir Ubeer to be over all the versed demesne of the Opposition eight members in a fall house. A5.ther Way of Looal.g At 14. The pre-election lists show that of the Patron candidates elected only two were pronounced Conservetives, a. that adding there two to the 1 ipp sitiou • 44 the other thirteen to the [government, •luny with the P. P. A., Mr Mct'aLutu, the recapitu- lation will annul thus Lib.rais elected 51 Liberal Patrons 1'. P. A. liberal l.. Couservatives elected 27 4'uuseryative ferrous 13 1 63 2-29 Gov. majority with Patron support... 16 A Calque Coolest. The election was unique In the feet that in every constituency there was a ;mutest, in many caret three and tour candidate ran. fibers were 113 Liberal e4udidatea, 62 Conservatives. 13 ludep.udeut• and 32 Patrons. Notable tetests Otte Minister -Mr. Harty 01 1lugetoa- wee de(r ed by a small majority ; int in surprising 1.4trast to the iusjority by which he was elected. The t'ummissioher of Public Works, however, will, it is said, And another seat. Another serious lh,1erument loss is that of the Speaker in the late House, Mr, Ballantyne, and the minority representa- tive in Toronto, Mr. Tat, hay likewise been defeated. J • )u the other aide, Sol White and Mr. Clancy. the financier cat the Oppoeitioo, have succumbed, and their luso Is keenly regretted by t'onservatives here. Old !'ember. Dereated, Algoma, W,.• -fames, Brace, a:-Lmek, Lib Durham, W. -Lockhart, Lib. Kingston -Harty, Lib. (Miai•terf Lanark S. -Clerks. Lab. Parry Hauled -Sharp., Lib. Penh, S-Raliantyue"(Speak -frf Renfrew. 8. -Howling, Lib. Stormont -Yak, Lib. Tomato -Tait, Lib. Wallington, W. -.titan, Lb, Addington Reid, Cum cattle ed=-3tbnk, Cou. Dofferin-Barr, Con, D0Rerul, E -t ampb.•1I, E R. Elgin, W. -Met W. -McColl. Lues Essex N. -White, Cot Hestluggas,, E. -Hodson. Con. Hest, W. -Clancy, Con. tariv, N..-(llendieniug. Con. spend-YcCiearv, con. Government 1.rss.e, The following table shows the iosses sustained by thy Iioverumeht .1,d who gainad the Yate they lust OOT. UAW COI. e.A14. PATat)T oats. Algoma W Savage Siwe. (' McDonald Durham. W.. ...Reid Ubngarry il. 1'hersoa Only S McNichol Kingston. .Smythe Lanark. Lanark, 8 . Matheson Perry SoundBeatty Porto, 8. , McNeill I'rince EdwardCaren Simone, C.__ Coatis Stormont . .... Seamen Toronto Matter N'•Ufu un, W , . Tinker York, W .SL John` Crv.Y,. Looms. This liable shows the eoe.titaeselee lost by the Opposition and the gainers of the Mate: 00n. 1..417 Addington Algoma, 1C Carleton Dof•rin Elgin. W McNeish Esau, N ' McKee F Kent. W ,.,.,Pardo Middlesex Ontario. N Chapple Simone, W Welland German The Pains. or Indaslry. The Patrons of Industry captured 15 eats sod are fairly well moieties' with their macaw al a new pert!. It Is son ceded here that they have not gained all they desired -the balance of power to the legialat n re UR 0111314 PAT. OAI4I , Halliday Farwell Kidd Junes Hayes* Shore Currie The Toronto.. The('oo•.rvativee Won• jubilant in this silty inaemoeh as they elected their men by majorities rangier/ from 9(46 for Slaver t• 11411 for Howland. Notwithstanding this the Empire. however, refrained from diepleytng any more figures after putting out Ms last bulltiu Tl. C..s.r,atlee traNGaatie.I (ktv.rsttteelt anppnrten47 =Hon ..•••••••••• a piss„ to hear fmIu 4 1, A Cellap..d ttpl•altlesa, The Globe edienri.11jy awe Oat of 94 membt'ie 04 the new i,lg latat.n the Lib. oral party eseledi.g .31 dosbtftda and 'sees Petrone who ere friendly In the Oeeernwt, has awned a else, ma je•Aty, e et 34 eetteStainaiee Ole Qui nitrta .e yetis baa dosing >>R Me W .4 WV oral emiseg new of its course la the emaysi a. B7 ieaviug more thou • third of the temetitwscie. unprovided with r guiar C,!tyr(♦•tivtt candelas,* they eon fisted that itshe mold gg policyLed out convinced `0aair7 1, left Arvind rte haat{ i� t . cw,llrl ?n y too close coat ltwneies to f lee P. P. A, It, therefore, became ...00lgtrd, in .$1. of .oew..w1 I.rotest•, with the methods and auw of that assooiatues, u,d it le i0vulv.d m its defeat 1t la • malauclwly ending fur • I•ulf1oal party. but one which with ..rlluar7 sagas tl y might have bee& fon sera TES 001/1111111111111T Laa011181 FULL RETURNS. LIBERALS ELECTED. co]Rm'ISuIIS. 111401IRr1. MAJ. Addington ..... Halliday 29 Algoma. E F'arrwrll 172 Brockville - IliumBrant. ti. Ilar fy i,. 500 ilrattt, N ........ w..,1 459 bussu, p aro , , , 150 Mims. N Tomo K.•e ........327 Essex. S.... I:alfuur, ........ 600 F]gin, W ...... Mc\eMb 190 Grey. l'ielat«) 1100 Hamilton. V1" a iib .,a 458 Hamilton, F: Middleton .... ', 1223 Hastings, W Biggar 129 /Laidimartd • Barter... .. 106 Huron. E I Libsun , ....... 500 tinroo, 11' GatlrOw 107 Hnroa, S.. . Mclean ;,,53 Kent, E.'. Ferosion • 6110 Kent, W ...... I'arJo. ' 300 Lanark, N.... .t'a:dwell 2.49 lurk, W lambtou, \1• Mackenzie, .. _ 20 Harcourt.. *110urt.... 32 Middlesex, V1' R( .. 1(43 Middlesex, N Taylor N1pllesing . Lo'ue'inn Nurthnmbeeisat4 WField .........100 ..... Norfolk, ki - ('&$ lull . Norfolk, N • Carpenter • - 212 (huario, N t'hal.ple .....,I, 1(40 ',warm, S .. Dryden 300 ( Ixtonl, \ M,wat .. :101) , lafurd, :.. .1: SAeltay 4117 1'-terburo', 44 stratum 353 Ppd.... .. ....Smith ' 441 I'eterb aro , E .. Itiezard - 161 1'remott-.I.:veutonal 748 ever the Mehr. (heat j.bu.ttea brew sq bon Ilan, betide. I reworks lead is ltaea•e IWeblieti presembee beteg pre- wisest :mimeo _ -yr* LIBERALS ELECTED IN INS. ji•• . consnerseeT. Algoma, 11' , Cusmss... , .�.. 59 Brant, N Weed 4111 Brant. S .Hardy 1174 Brockville .Fraser 634 Bruen, N. ) Gone 1; In 1891. l Porter 4410 la 18110. ) Petro&-M.N 7441os ... 430 Bruce, S (t'Cuunor , .. , .. 1173 Bruce, C Deck 311 Marham, W I...kitart 31 Kaes, S th4Iour WI (Alogarry. ... , Rayon's.........258 they, N .Cleland 357 Univ. ti Huuter Haldituasld ........ Baxter Hamilton W. -New l'on , 189t Hamilton E 09911 (itbsutt. Hastings, W Bilpfa,.. Huron, E ......... (i i bs..o Huron, S. Bishop Honor, W (;arrow ........ Kent, E Ferguson Kingston (19921.. Harty 700 l.ntbtuu, E . ...McKenzie.. MN Lmbto,, W Mackenzie ... 711E Lmbton, E. (131Mct'allolu, P.P.A. Luark, N .,t'aldwell.. 187 Lanark, 44, (1414 ..Clarke 19 Middlesex, N Waters 85 Middlesex, W . Rose 124 Munch . Harcourt 4241 Nipiwing . . ...Loughlin 433 Norfolk, N I .. Fdeeluart 307 Bre election i t'swi.euter 210 Norfolk. S 4'(iarltou 66i NorthumberlandN Field .. 203 I Mtano, S Dryden 159 1 wawa . Bronson I4xford, \ Murat t Ixfond, S .. McKay Parry Sound ... - . Sharps.... feel. a t'htsu0lm . In 1892 Smith Penh, S .... . Itellautyne +... Peterboro, F I4lezard ... . Petrrbum, W • , , , fit niton Prescott Evahturel Pnu1e EdwmrdSpragg• ' Renfrew N Barr. Renfrew, S ... I ow►tug ...s Russell Robillrrd Sllncte. C .. .. Petto0. . Stormont Mack.. • Toronto " Tait, 3389 Victoria, W McKay Waterloo, N Snider N"nterla,, . , %loom Welltuytuu; E ' Clarke Welltugt -n. 8 Guthrie.. Wellington N'. A%latt Wentworth, N ..'McMahon Vt"entw.,rtb, ,t Awrey York. K South York. N MYR.-- 44 3103 700 136 5011 158 112 638 4tra.......... i Itism/mon . • RKeefe 700 Renfrew, N. B.rr 66 IMfrew, 8 t'ampbe)1 116 haseell .'.. Roth/lard 100 Victoria, W McKay 210 Waterh,o N .... .R..ber.fou...___ 950 Waterloo, 3 Moore , 461 11 villulttun, E, Craig .......... 287 Wellington, 8 Macri., 832 Wentworth, S Awrey 274 'Wentworth, N I!latt • is WeUauc , , . I iermaa . York, \ .. Davis . . York, 1 .. . Mjcbenteun .... tilkineor DOMINION PARLIAMEN Viial t 1! -y Aosw i17l • � l:`u� little sees o Impeetenee wee d Several (41811414)11* were put •ed answered and Mr. Purley uwved for all the pope and oprrespund•nce In regard to the car age of malls betweeu I?ince Edward Ulan ,tui tn. m.iulauJ. He .4.00 ted t tonuel scheme. This Idea was supported by Mr N'ood of Westmoreland, who said that It wuu take Mn years to build the tunnel meantime something ought to be dune Improve the pivoting •serios. Mr. Devise wae of upi(Hon that the Go eminent was only f with Ibis tuu seisms, since it would oust between wu twenty 011111.11 dollars and they we not prepared to expend that amount. of the Franchis. Act of 1863 -the revidu barrister --should be removed. 1), Sproule, In moving for certain eo respondence, read • number of letters fro De. Wright, of Detroit, who was an 1 •vector of cattle at Windsor .od Sara who wee di.n,w.ed from the pestt)u0 the tiove$ument, to show that the duotur tried to blackmail the (grand Trunk Com pour sad .Lm the tioverntwut by threaten log to publish articles iu the press whin at that time lin 1'04'3 would cause th Caua.tiau cattle to be scheduled Io Dud it oertetu conoeeaiuus were not load to by increasing lits salary sod other The motion wee rased. lefese tie U uretic m elf Priv item l<lsett.m yemenlay 'Mae.., we, tak.a the 1 *hero t� 1 Arthur y !t � • ateot Ad de t�Il*werlbard.licete. S. L'eovuM, ►� .l = . n um tot one retired gnaw • uhf 'urease'• Ind, `atli why mode It clear that ?ur_•atse• uy ��,� • euatraclor, and is autllc►eot to deprive tis d hie met lu the blouse Or'TAwa, JUL: 16. --In the [louse et ld Commie 7e•totte,, 811 Richard tilt. and Wright moved en amendment on to y• ^eta eel ng for tender, for • large number .f tea them islands The time for renting re tenders was to be July 2 Sir ku hoot Cartwright sailed the attention cat tk, 6 tiuverutu•ut W the last that the onion, t iovrntwut hal made $ prop/name to 144, ✓ , 1)ou4nin to deal with them War.dt Tba proposition was dated April 26 lint Then n- were three points to It. The first was that these islands should he utilized r a b 1'*Wi• park 111 the mound !! lace the t44 term lioverumeut sumps teal that Ihq would par onelia11 acid the neanstiva should pay the other hall The thiel proposition wee that the Duwint.,0 s1oold withdraw the nolo:* of Gale so that tk. Proviuw would have an upl.•rtu4lty of laying the matter before the Levels n chasing the whites'. ��l1caty ee. 'apply hu regard to the ears of toe 'f'k,t mud 1lalaude, The liuveram.ut some nay puWiehd dvertimmente In the b Eng • and gettl•ig w rat for the purpueof pit The am.udmaut of Sir Richard Can Wright, which was, of course, • want cal • confidence neotlou, was to the effect that rue aisles should be postponed toe4.e4l. to O Prot 11110 to lay the mantel before tb l slain � fes 1 ne aia.ltdment wY detested 1 Thr belaime of the ratting one taken up in supply. s7Tane. 4131611 23 -la the Hoose yes terJay. Harry ('..rby, IL P. for ]test Hastings, r4Igne,l Ito .Gat ..n 1411004.4 4 ite being brought to the atteutlon of the House that he had remind 94,100 frost the 110vernment f•.r methylated 'pine Mr. Corley Lae a distillery at B•1leedia Yesterday he said that he was nut Mane of having dune anything wrong when the m..w7 WY paid over. Now ue is nonsked that he committed • mistake and that the sewptens., of the money was • notation 4 the Independence of 1'.rUmariat Act He was cheered by both enamel the Hods* u the action he took. The following divoree bill' were r....si at • meeting of the Private Bills Com mines. Joshua Nicholas Finnan, Willa= Samuel Piper, Joshua Thompson and te- 1•&du I;corgi, Richmond Johnson. Orr.w*, Ont.. Joe -1u the Hones of Commons yesterday Sir Hibbert Topper introduced au at to emend the Fisheries This bill, which does nut come int operation until next year. places • llamas on the lobster coring and packing in duettists. This the Minister of Marine au 1418Fisberfee saki weir the only way of pre mel serving the industry owing to tine amount )101 of illicit curing and canning that was now Ho 1n ! pAnother feature of the bill was to gra- vid* for the dr:tttng of e.lmon 4n certain NO i places The hill also urundes for an 1n- 79 i crease in the penalties lot second mid third 564 clam oaeuces for Illicit fishing as l I A bill oleo by Sir Charles Tupper, pro- . riding that deck loads ou ships for the acct West 1ud;ss be increased from three feet 2211 , to au fest, was reed • *woad time. K3.5 Dwane. June; 21.-1u the Hones of 417 ' Commons Sir Julio Thompson intruduoed an A. t to ratify the French treaty. The bill aowtain• only one short motion fur the 433 purpose of the retl6cat►uu of the treaty. -k,_ { Sir Cherie* Iflbbert Topper's bill W per- 4mit mit snipe from (',nada bound to the West4319 inches to carry deck loads of six feet it - 632 stead of three feet was red • third lune. 336 The greeter part of the balance of the ise sitting of the blouse was taken up with a 31 1 bill to oun..,lid 1te the Northwest mounted 517 I po14c-. les tire l Ur r `wA. Out , June 22 .-la tl. Scam 61 of Corney'.. _Ih. 1.andr,rr.in lour11111 reeoluti'•u of non oonttd.ln(e on going into &vee m the Government fur their L elimumsel L. W. (ioodeaow. jemt- m111ter .,r O., Ont*no, and ap. 00iated 11. B. Ha,derr,n. w ...:, .,f Ur k.s 'i•r, Ile, tur.ol% r vI Yoram/omit for Balton. to his piece. Sir Adolphe Cron, Postmaster (general, said that the reason of 430odenow being dismissed was that h• was nnabl* to at tend personally to the other The rtaul4- tiun was defeated by fifty-two of • ma rt Thoe Ht7.oose then went into supply for the balance .t the evening. Tiff . q 4' .e1T1"[ 1.1Anga gutergn. CONSERVATIVES EIECTD' CONSERVATIVES ELECTED, 1890 coxer TeeNClga Algoma. W Cardwell Unrham: IL Durham, W LIgfn. 8' °reseal*. ... Grey. C.,. Hastittp, iC N&Itnn ..... • .. Kinesto&....r, 1.anark, 44.. , .. Leek .., , , 1.0&1101 Lincoln London Mu.kuka. Nort hum b Orland, Perry wound . i Perth, ' M Siam*. E Toronto, N . Matter 996 Toronto, S , /lowland .. , , . , 1,854 Toronto, 4V Crawford . 1,426 Toronto, 1 Ryerson 1609 lemon•. 1....... Carnegie York, N" qt. John 111111/11/1101. riled. ..Savage 116 Little1,000 Faille 400 Reid .... ...... 59 Wh;tney.,,,,, Brower 300 Elgin 0 Sash .......... q24 F7gin 1 Rorke 81 Essex N.......... White WO. el los Frouteuac........Smith.... OON41lTV4UCT. •gtutuL .AJ. Addleglaa . , . R.4. 86 Algoma t Campbell 60 Cardwell . Hammell ..... . • 45 Carleton 4 Datarta Ronk Ran- , ... 7>f9 betides........... Whitney 156 Durham Z run 40 I3udwio.. 119 McColl 185 615 .K.nm e 1 Grenville I 92 Su,,the.. 2j 137.7, C E.,rke 14:1 • M•tl,w.c Halton .Kearns., IBL I31acll .Iteaur pp99 Itasting. N.... , . Wo.,d..... „sass sal. all -11'001, Double• 11'idth, Black (lrouJltj Meeclun, 160 HYt1tt7• 1[ H'udeon. Hiseott S7 Kent 4'. ..... ... .('lanev.... 41 deaigna M•re.Ileh .... .. 135 Kln7ston Melanag ..... , , ,q All -Woof, Black Ground Challie, very latest Willoughby.... ,5 [,nark 8 McLenagbas .... 431 All -Wool, Light Ground E. t1'illoughbr.... l eda pr „n 456 , g 1 betaines Beatty 144 Lennox.... Meacham 22 Union Delainet agw«xl 100 Lincoln.... ...... Hison•a,-. i3E Fancy Silk Stripes, for Blouse Waists Mirramf,b.11 iY5 I.osdon Meredats I Middlesex F. Tool.. acclo8 Fancy Whip Cords Muskoka llarter ,Shot Effects Northambsrl'd E. tt ipongn►,)• "• 89 ' 21,5 Ladies' ilntrimmed Hat«, worth from 50c to (►ntario N ti:.ndiuning..... 278 Ladies Black Sailor Hats, worth 25e, to clea Perth \ )e agwnn.l...... ateSMiscue !W Mi_.ostnpbell.... 159 Ladies' Jackets, our close -marked prices fr Toronto.'. f oone W NF_ ylieF. Clarke, 11144 9b 5" every garment new, for Victoria K •.. Tl Ryerson. , , ., ... Welland LcC 72 Moeeary 71 /east/ tread In an medlard, Totto,ero. Jaw 22. -Yesterday stratum/ the occupant* of 69 Duchess street dis- covered the dead body of Michael Carroll in the , rebeld in rear of their premiere C�rrull was the driver of • void "an, sad n l Yw:dar Lau worked steadily. Oa thee any he stated to the peppier .1 44 Duchess ,treat, where be boarde.l, t ..t 4. did not intend to work say more, Ii. had been drintim; steadily ever .u,ee, and, a o *oppose 1 lar down in the orchard to 1.e -p .4l in.lueet will !e• held ''i the re coatis ('areal ha. a warned .:.:e named 0 ritourke Iivfog on Smarm, stmt and also • brother, who Imes oat ,-f the etty. Two I..rwa.. notI.rs ItIllod. Bison,, June 2:1. -N bile pa.elni4 itu gnu the Shims steamer Hamiel horst a steam pipe. Two sahton' were kt,:ed sad several otters TWO injured. t O L r.c pretty close to hot D SO .. L use Ails KEEP COOLi'ler your health, and it doesn't cost much i ougg o 1y to the right place. We're not waiting for flu end of the season to make Clearing Prices /his year. Now, when you want the Goods, za make prices that must clear thou out. v., (Sone sample items : Ladies' White Lawn Waists .., worth 5Oc for 29c worth $1 23 for i:)c worth S00for SI Ile Laundered Shirt worth 130 for !1`c Cambric Blaine Wool Grenadine Dress Goode 100 f.,r 19e worth 2Oc for 11'.c PATRONS ELECTED. ('O**TIT(140(1 a rgrRta.. Hate•. N Me\anehtoo ... Bruce C Mardonald ('whiten Kidd. MnlPerin F'r(ntense . . 11.4pi,garr7 . . (trey t: Hastings 1 Meige,, iddlesex, 1 Shore.... Perth, 11. MnXefll I'rinee Filward....Caves.... `emeses C .. ....l m.tIs Blouse, W ..UeRb St01111, ... j1.ttatllt W.Liington, W ,-resale ..... . RAJ. 19 138 130 157 Haycock. ' 61 . McPherson 400 MeV ichol 386 P. P. A. ELECTED. 200 100 100 141 100 44 oomenvtr,'Pra 1rtTtlgaa .1143. 1+m 4 1. ... , Ye(`•Lttm , , , , , 1M Jubilation al w►/flan, Wormy, Jane 117. -Roo. Jay Dryden, Mater of Agrleakete, was re dueled bcy majority, f faratable sob onimisa Balla.. .Ib see% oa Al pedal, for C.40.bl 40.141.,.. Loewe. .Tune 27. -The Queen has sign - .d a royal warrant whleh aothorbtee the issue of medals for long and meritorious *reform In the local imam in the Colonise. The medals will be issued ander regula- tions whish will shortly be published. Me Mt.. IttrIllt in Lia.tlaM. F:ntsin:aoa, Jnw.-Abont 63,000 miners have .track against the proposed redaction 1n their wage. The strike bee Ow thrown 20,000 •mel worker ('nt of work Tbey are idle op seeoant of leek of fuel. Perla ewe Live. were Loee. Naw Tose. Jim. 17 --Three more mak who went Raising os the in -b4.4 tag Fl4.hol S%nday, were repotted si b ssfag Apparently•Apparentlyas4 7 the dier eel forty two lives •,u. rec. eh. Fera, Leeson. Jew 97. -1. the Ream 174 Lends, Lewd Bomber 'nirvanas" • motion IP reach y7 � MIs, Cairn ate /b• Ji.�It�•w UAW la isWire mait SIM atTh▪ e Challie, new worth alc for 29e patterns " 43c for 29e " 40c for 2:e ee O 25c for 166 40e for 23c 40c for 25c SOc for 254 7bc, to clear at itic rat 10c out $4.23 to $5.60, Art Muslin., for Curtains, 136 inches wide worth 13}e four se Boy",Blue Serge Pante, lined wortb 60c for :tic Men' flood Tweed Coats, unlined worth :2 50 for 21 90 Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, hontematle cheap at iOc for 7c Enlhroidered Buggy Dusters worth 75c for 49e N'T FORGET that we are making the greatest cuts in prices ever known in Goderich so early in the season; that we carry ererything necessary to wear for Women or Men, Girls or Boys ; that we sell as we buy, at the closest possible Cash Store Prices. a