HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-28, Page 1VOL. XLVI. 2471
Moodie. of &bout 1330
beam t beer's kept op te wit
BANK OF COMM ERCE. .d say r.~e•'mors ilea
'trim I A.. D ct iqm-vv-epApmm, oF HVRON vc'�v1•rT'ic.
4100. Vats have not to be Lugs. sad our 'apply will me
hie /gpO,Qpp el deet doubt be required,
and ars a/ the moment
they have ever reerhod
8atlslaotory Annual Report. H.
tar rredarer. addre.. - WI.. l'esswl
.galeal a.rentait•e - address .l
gusset, Walker a espied
rre.es/.t*N er the tam..
%e commend the following report .d tie
lest anneal m.etiogof the shareholder of the
L'asadtao Bank el Commerce to the readers
of 1 or r1.. wt- Tbs address of General
Manager tt•lker u as able preeentatloa of
tartiwncialoo.diuonof e'..ada, enol., wor-
tay ret perusal by every one, and p•rucularly
Ay those who moonily attempted to I.aw,
popubstc and other wildcat schemes epos
pubL: attention u • meows sit improving
our beenet•1 c oodittoa. Tb. report speaks
well for the finionouil policy of the Canadian
Kea ot Commerce, and takes • hopeful
vire of the economic toter. of ('&nada
):very one should reed it
The anneal meeting of the Shar.Aoleen
at The Canadian Bask et Commerce was
sebTlo the Reeking How oar Tuesday,
lei, tau , a :ergo number of shireholds,s
b,iag present.
Tte preedtot, Sir. George A. Cox. was
toyutete! to take the chair, and Sir. J. H.
Plummer, the Assistant Gametal Manager,
,sad tLe report of the Ihrectore, u fol.
1 he 11 u'cLors bog to present to the Share-
holders the twenty-seeeuth annual report,
yelling the year soda* 31st May, 1894,to•
piker +beth the 'meal statement of seats
m hellions :
tee leets tit credit of Pewit ene
Lam A.. cost twougbt forward
roe, loot year, is .... 121,341
its Net frosts for the year ending
ilei Slay atter pro•1d*sg for all
bed and doubtful debts s,00ueteel
to .. 3.1,116
gklte ,.es been appropriated es follow
boated, Nos. 8x sad $i. •t Se%ea
merino en to Rem Aioust e100.090
• knees oft task 14om.,e. and Fur.
nihre 13,3011
"liars earned forward 19,137
the 0111,111.4 careful revaluation of the
tire meets of the Beak has been made,
ai led ami doubtful debts hate bests amt
pl srovede�l for.
The various brander*. agencies &ad d
psfteents of the Itaak have been in.µwte
drug the year
A breach of the Beak war reisetly open
see' Waterford with • view of retsina
rideable d.psit and dtscuust business
teat ch/hhnrheed, whish would otberw
tee !.Aloeta way to other tastitutions.
the very difficult and laborious work con
WWI with the establishment of • Super
ornate o Fund has been eoncl.ded, bar
est in tame to suable the accounts of th
led to he actually corned during the yea
sick kas just closed. it u, however, non
Neoty expected that the fund will be i
*oration to • few weeks.
Manns the year we have Inst by dint
M oddest doreeler of the hank, George
1 12
the books were cloy
made up this lured *1.4*,.1. LTL MJL I1 TERAST•1.
a1 tis. highest flour. Turoing free the forest to abs dairy, we
In the buttery of the have ouoe store exceeded any Previous nit
*u c►sees oolong, and by our victories
at Chicago have advertised Canada ae be-
t rand doubt one of the greatest dory coma -
tries m the world. For the year sodIu,l
e ,31st March. the value of cheese . tportee
d : was $14,647,000, • pia of &boat ,•oe onilho,.
tea .t..e'-
.. erstiay commented on the ereditabl
manner in which the Rank" a Canada ha
carried the country through the truul,le■ o
the peat year sad pointed out the eueserva
the policy pursued with rempeot to th
ssmotag oppnrtu•itase of pruttaely an
safely lending money a the United
wbioh the year uffered. 1• speaking u
losses time in w 'York by (anaduns through ■pecula
\\' said
e hear every now a h n he
ewer of mousy having been transmute
through brokers' whom to cover margin. o
adverse speculetious. 1 would he afraid 1
repeat sere of these statentena, becau■e,n
matter how true, many pevFle would IM
MO behave them, but *t u eirtaln that in the
aggregaa the ■tusk eel grain ■po1.tu
public of (.sada have had to bear boas
&mounliag to, nilly 01111101 ot dollar•,
a very serious &od detect burden upon ti,.
industries of this country. We ere ins.
1 ke17 to fail in sympathy with those who
mks losess in attereptleo to build up an
industry or t, carry on at y real tra.L,yt
veneer they have. perh.p,. helped tee
country although they have fa,!..,' to snake
moray for themtselves, but this species of
gambling which year after year only results
in taking money cut 14 Penedo to
help mapper' th.. broken to ('nicego
tod New York a very touch to 1w reirret-
The Vice President bristly oetonded
the reemOttu,n, and rhe ,:.neral %la:et;er
was then celled upon to address the meat•
•.1.�aR.11 Lava,.: t,
Mt Walker, in his opening remarks, re-
ferred to the satisfactory measure ret pros-
per11y which the hank had had during the
past year, sed he thea proceeded to con, -
meet on the Weems of the country gener-
n on the previous year, an•* torr et'
f increase, the exports of the C., teal State
• cantonue to decrease, failing 1.- v..r t.. -
the sone period to $6,492,618, . u., ..us of
e stout one and a half million d••Iter.. 'i'i,c •
d season m Canada has bore profitable to
o ix,th the cheese inaker and this shipper, and,
price In • year of general decline was '
u nearly a quarter of & tient per pound higher ! •
use' m the average than for toe previous year. i
only into built in h
f wriest &c•reuge. That they maul lar
as the leading feature in &g/ioslture.
very low yield per acre &ed pewee lo
than aver before to • country depend
Mg mainly on grain means eumetbl°g
oomtor4Wy near disaster, and there u
w disguising the fact that in actual
power to pay debts out of the current
seasou'e products, i4'e farmers of the Nurtli
west were worse off durum the past y
than ever belie*. But it would be a ret
Lake to oosclude tberelruw that the pea
of that part of t Coed& are doubtful as
then future.
lar rbc emir!! 05 their j'rojre.. to material
...WI .our Nuri 11 west pruvau.... must .t -
l•• •'t tI.0 teeutrotwe at tnterwalm of .ueh
1 *4511nde., ted the quc111ou Is, what are
nary ro lotto frw,. Lee present expt•rieucw
1 het they must raise everything tor which
there u • market other than wheat w clear
-01 e* 01 i.ereroaed its old
IIARROW IS THE ?IAN. I....rlat i.--- h44 �° reduwd to 8.
aad that fbsn U ked
the able f F t'
use • e 08011. em u ountaln alley lode"
Th• E1NUOn In West Huron. , of 1'. of 1., 16 beam w look u 11 the L.bera
o•edldate's majority was on the way up 10
the buuJrele, but the drop from a tie In
majority from 2 to 21, oetwtthstending
The eld *ad ytlr.l MreMe lie" �ra�s C•
arlow to 31 &guest Carrow, at once cool
ear' Ilse Pell- 1 Tallinn mf Is Ilse ed 'lows tee feverish rx, itemsot that was
u- 1prevalent.
Yews -
1401 .4.p Stile- sir tarries to s 114. 1'h' high tretsuture w>. again ober
to I.4 nee read. r else table wisest fort Albert, wreck •t the last
I err:uuw gave 31 against I,airow teas cut
soap to 11, but the effect tr•sie whoa
Bey nee s pool huusr. • Patriot reedei virus,
was heard trout ted a previous apmty of
.39 for (.arrow eau changed lulu a tttajunty
of 11 fur l'oo•olly.
Aad w the ups and downs continued
metal late to tis. night, when the t:arrow
• majority stood 132 with No. 3 Ashtiel.I to
hear from • polling platy which to 1890
i had given the Ltbera. candidate a majority
l of 19. The return from this pulling sub-
Idiv*su,o surprised everyone by reeurdiee 20
!against Garrote and heaving ha complete
majority at 107.
The liberal returns were received at the
' Grand ( (pen Howie, and wean tt became
evdent that the return of the Reform
'candidate was l*yoed • peradventure, the
• member elect was loudly called spas to
make ■ speech. He responded Ira a brief
address, thanking the people of ('Masao
and t.odench, and other p0101.. for the
and in this they will oo.y repeat theexperi.
oo■ of wbat were once vrrat wheat glow
ng sates is the 'jested elates, but which
ay. many years since passed the maximum
I New f.ctort
el the districts noted for cheese making. but . 0
I ma
e country which here not
heretofore prwiuoed cheese are now prepar-
log to do so. The question of absolutely I c
t prime importance is that we .hall keep up P
the high ',utility. The awards at I ifitago 1 t
may seem to maks such a dread uonecee-
s.ry, bot It is at the moment when we have fi
!achieved the posit of brine the largest 1
cheese exporters w the worte and our re tis
putauno a at the highest that we are apt' e
rtol.eoom.carel•ea. Puttee the rest:ts of
IIthe Juste a.id October cutnpei.rw,uay�asherT
Ctinada out of 687 entries, canalised 608 let
laward►, while the fatted elates, out 01 640. th
entries ,obtained 54 awards. 1 a
The lancers generally, and especially the! a
ch.e.e factored', are at lett teeing up
ou■Iy the very importwot business of fettcn. hri. is
Mg hogs. Although, as tmtnpated with I A
cheese making and cattle feeding, it is only en
in its infancy, what may be done a iuJicat- Pr
Ied by the fart that while our exports of w'
perk p!°ducta down to 1809 were leas than 1 d.
1belf • eaten dollars. for the ear oeliag \'•
30rh .1.. -
more within their owe means, both as to
capitol and the employment sit labor, menus
!ear, but they hate in the past wily die -
Zayed the mite txteo.rvu tendencies as
herr fellow uoen:haute, and as all people in
taw countries who, have not yet got their
mineral bearings. Hereafter, both trent
emened ability and greater dread o1 debt,
ere will be improve:msit. Itut�e hale the
xperimeata of mixed farming /re being
made and the dread lessons of enforced
euotteary are (wing learned, the fact re-
tina that for years to come wheat must he
e ala item In what they have to sed
ad, if they have to face the olremo•g up of
n indefinite area of new wheat hids iu
e Argentine and slueet:me, they may
• bard tete of it for ►while, But the
retrains hat again collapsed iusocially,
d its farmers ere about t.. learn that fancy
toes for wheat in worthless paper u,00ey
iib gold at • premium of 325 may he quite
lueye u to. the profits to wheat avowing
err . of vat stepire.l t., :,.lie'.,• tt.at toe
tool., aricultur..; 0l tis.. .\rr net... olio to
the lot r run raise *M:•• . •.eaper, harm.; 1
r•'t•trd to gnslr , than los r.rmer. ut t' ..
Not. h•to tit.
Thrift and the higno.t u.:t.Lg,see to
wheat cu!tnr., oombfnsd with au energy
unknown to the mixed races of South Am-
erica. must live the victory to us, unlem•
the que.tion be entirely ole of transports
time But doubtless, as with moot of the
world's products, the question a use of
transportation, The Canadisa Pacific Rail.
way claim to tarry as cheep ai is possible,
ted in the present couchette f lrtiad
liens. That we have something t•' :earn
1893, ,y exceeds three u111•
7, s4ubg that we might t&ka consider- as to quality and the kind of animal from
able s•tuf•ctroe esit of the moderation of which the best return cut he ratan. •I there
our course in public &red private business is no doubt. As In every other form pro
for some Years past, whether this rooves duo:
u enforced upon us by coalitions
tlo would not alter Of was the result of o
own prudence, and that we might c•mgra
late ourselves upon tis- soundness of
Imagoes institutions because they had mei
minbly stood the severe strata put up
them during a time of gnat trial.
poe•ted out the dua.trous effete of aha
lapse of last veer to the world general
and especially to the ('acted States, a
'rimed the causes which had led to such u
'fortunate rnnitr.' A Complete retorn,
the honking systen of the United Kiat
wag in his opcuton necessary, but then a
peered to be aro settled public opine
yet u to the forms remedial l.gi8at
should take. Refemng to the coaditioa
our own caw°try, he cuntinneh aa follow
Is Canada oomplauu of bad collection
and ha.wuhed traltag are general, en
there are certainly many more idiom's tb&
w eal, but ease of these unfavorable onn.I
tinea approach in deems to the cnnditaon
to other c„eniri.. 'Farmer's notes fur *m
elements, apart fent the Northwest, whit
not paid perhaps quite as well as usual,wen
n evertheless well paid, and mortgage a
tenet sod instalments were well met
E0oeomy is ee°er►1, and tbu,'altkough'ac
• good thing ID imolf, bee much to do wit
the prevailing feeling that times are hand
The cb•ttn, house return& show a decrease
of 11,0316,000,000 to $925,000,000 for tis
year lust eternal, a falling off of only eleven
per sot , as against twee:y all per oast.
0( in the ('feted States. Our prosperity, ot
r course, depends very much on the power ret
other musttxe to boy, and we tonne& ex-
pect that our foreign export trade will coi-
tion. to grow u rapidly u tt has Burins
recent yeses. The attain question for we
is ono of price•., ifs the import sole we are
ben.Rtteel by the Iowa price of the manu-
factured &niele and taw material we on
port. We are also likely to import most
carefully becomes the spirit of economy for
the tinsel being is very strong. When we
tun to the export side, the question t., do
we export products of the kind at the
peacoat moonset not belt, orer•producel by
the world, and are we turning our oaten
tion ter the pre -Amos in which there is &p
p•restl7 the snort est -Meaty of a favorable
market •
For the year "tiding Juno 30, 1893, the
value of our export/1 el woods to all condi•
dote, manufactured end •amanufactonol,
was about $29,000,000, against $25,000,000
flea yam' &rt0.
What the year which is just closing will
show we ease* say, hat one of the fea-
ture; *high showed oo•dusieely a what
strew beads the bseiw is generally Mid
war the promptitude with which the Unit-
ed States firms, *he had o'atraetod to take
our 1st mbmr, serried out their eblir•tiou•,
noterlkkan•ttciiug tits financial Norm. Had
it ties WOE for this, ear lumbermen would
hardly have known what seams to pones
daring the pass Winter. As it war, they
&Debases intended, es a whole, to take net
about the newel go•°t.ity, but the early mild
wtatber broke up tbo winter rosea, and, as
• c nseeneace, some hundreds of millions
of feat of lumber are left in the woods. 1.
the Ottawa district most of the logs were
ret est, and. despite the low wear, will in
the mein resell the mills psoeptly. Tsm
logs hold bark ars mainly in the Georgian
Ha sed Nortb Share districts
(a the Ottawa di•tnet, the est of lop end
the lags serried over will make the supply
*hese t to seam es lost year, • little Dry/ ix
seamen Mesas, hint the granny of t0elb.r
smile i. *alias
The gators of the market win elapsed
m4Db es the Ualtsd't•ses tariff. The en -
Mrs out of deals has boon eoatraeted for mad
M vary dipped to Great Rri4i•,
o lt11i Irl, freights The besirees with
OnM V this lofab.r b steadily
sed that part of the trade is very
('u the other hand, part of
lbs lamb., paid ler by Caned States Wy-
lie Y eat yea shipped end althesgi Many
otestraeta for ChM .esema'. sawing
b•.e bees made, the imbed .bipmeN4 • e
w ailer than .t say time reseutl. While
this is due partly Ie the very had anode ion
of herinese is the Veiled siesta•, the sNab-
gamat of lbe tariff will Mbtlese mike a
market Ur egg hia5.r, ahh-g1 perhaps
with • slight ememo slay b pries frets lea
year. Meeks in tis. UMW tM i .re geld
hole. In ilii' W succeeded but brother
.k• Taylor, who had beim a D4rector
he Kok since *a oommenceme°t. F'o
tea Feer par., owing to the state of his
Malth, be had been tumble to attend the
melees of the Board, and in the one
sereno a resolution will he offend tet the
'tanhokien reducing the Dumber of Ihrec-
ors to seen.
The Ihre. ore hoee again pleeaure in re•
srding their appreciation of the etfienc.
54 feel with which their respective duties
ere brem performed by the officers of the
t e•e1al &4.14, ray mat, talo.
we't of 'be *Mak la
on sot ion it 91.,flbl GO
Mwlt. ant be.nsg
fere"' $t4l,82t da
tt.1f4.eu he.r,tifludlnq
steer.: emerald to
lar` . tt.Mldtl 97
ia►r. •!-1e to other Osaka is 17,670.lw s,
12,113 tN
, 11 we wish to secure the }Intern ar-
met we must ruse not the second best but
the beet.
The busi•e.s of shipping live cattle,
which &mourned live years &go a value to
about 19,000,000., had mermaid to nearly
$11,000,000 for the year eudiog 30th June,
14'93, but during the put year the business
W been unprofitable to almost all concern -
Iy •tl, both graziers and shippers. A 1.11
nod I &be nt one cent and • half per pound i
n- very melons shrinkage, but what rola
of the present somewhat improved price h
WI to the actual cast of •woductieo is & mat
p- not easy to learn. Even If the Rnti.h
aro atrictione were removed, tt would .'Ioub
ion take some time for the business to entre
of never. Meantime the country u fall
s: tat cattle, and in many perta the forme
• downs+. in paying the storekeeper is dou
J less due too the greater gnentity of stock
n their faro., awl not to *ability. Many
i the animal, fed on gram thin mason h
• been bought by the graziers at very lei
prow, and the removal of the restriction
e aationipanied ae it would be by a dight i
provement m pprrice, would bring about
•hipa:elate The prospect of talk tre•tnten
by Great Rritein to our cattle u not ve
1* good, however.
h The export of fruia•io all condit-ens
. exceeded in value $3,000,000, while hay h
mocked half that figure Roth busio
r are "abject to large risks because of 1
gtwt veri•biIity in the crop gathered, b
the growing importance of fruit especial'
demands the attention of the better class
farmers. 1f u much intelligence es e s
pled to cheese making could be applied
the orchard the results would astonish tis
people of Ontario. Of course any remark
do not apply to the Niagara and adjaceo
district", when fruit growing u so well d
•elope.) aad s0 profitable.
It seems reasonably :leer, then, that
for as the produce' of the forest and tis
dairy are concerted, we are preaper:°g an
need not fear over-productio.. lo per
product. we hays room for indefinite e
pension, and every tanner should bear th
in send. In our cattle trade the course
less clear and we can only hope for bet
prime and just treatment 1190) Gem
Retain. Wei will algin hope that the tan
legislatio• in the United Sates, when
settled, will again give & reasonable mew
of freedom to the trod. is the peodneta
lesser importaDoe, but which in the &ggn
gate oars much to do with our farmers
pr "I'erlty.
Dueler the last five years we have le
0re•.ed oar export. about twenty sigh
millions, the inere•ae in the import' bei
Duly about fifteen millions, and the differ
erne for the fiscal year ending 30th Jo
1093, between impora and export., war re
Awed to about tem millions against ea I
we sap even maintain this situation for
few Tears we will do well We are like1
to improve the comp.neon as fares the i
• are oano•erned, owing to the prevail)
eoonnmy. Can we not also, by further i
proved methods, make the world "tilt giv
the preference to tier products because
superior quality eel sheared= and, despite
the smaller pp{werehaaing power of the world
eoeli8.5 to Ineream our experts •
There is, in the United States
(aeada, a certain anoonl of dbeem
going os as to best -root culture 1t is claim
m -
d6. t0
IMeu:r a/e8M be Gnat
•NMgs unpaid .
.... .ft1R M
tide•.' No. •(, 1,919 r
'ha' I4 d rep Wahl* Ise Jew tI1ONG eo
Mars o, 1 •rdt sad 1,»,illD
Lar Ar4 mint oat
'Mt ler earl 111:187 W
T.919, W 0x
0111_10! alto xt
w r
'inion Not,, t)711,es1 116
1111.1(✓t r
Mem sett jamlelma 01.1111.117
esi tor
security .f gem tf1erslat.
ore et aad Cheque ma tabor
eases one hy ether Wanks hi
ham d1eby tssetbeHank
I the I •red o 1,702,710 Ig
i y.i:e br g,retre Cern*
;edits tivverattpti tits. tilt pa
I_Jebel Ms „n Meek ayi "..
1M W
,_ laar• M NIA 0f. Lfr 7
wbr'lhews •t reser resents
tar) 'teas ,w prevfd•
Rolm; tether them-- j� wow le
vahwePrvetbe... o .. w
1* atoms. end l►srsttere . 114
1111 t1
MI i
raWttslrT a e•n•ea1 plmargsw.
f� tb Mibi Amuse is tderby/ Wee year. he
bis ls sowhteel
of b 0 ~ille..LlIhes O to
ed that we can eerily 'Teel (3or.neny in
crowns, boat reoa, and yet, for seine
reason, we have Not made • 'aeotes where
it hes been tried, aad perhaps it may h.
said that we hath mot given it • praetit&
trial et all. Wittiest presuming to hews
any opinion os the'abjset, we would like
every farmer to madder that we imported
is 1 17,500.000 worth of raw 'ape",
syrups, eta, .ad that, if eves the proper-
ties sl that wbib' wee represented M Cler-
gies hest -rest sugar, whin► for the United
fasten and Canada was sheet one-lift1,
meld be supplied by (lmdi•s farmers the
pain to Camas would be very (rest indeed.
We pay to feriae' mentri4 for tete red
. bel and ter raw anger .1,000.000, .ssrby
se.drik d ear *hide bep01•a If there
are 4atrMM for the modesties .f whish
we w y sates well lusted, it M u bast i eery ti
diserediS.hb 4. mash ea en Tis
thea amen M sea doss to develop .s. I.- mmateaster
i hes begs. as we all know, per. sway
�° y � *Ma earpeople is the where
iarists sessie
le to Uu/1./ Maks when wheat growing My
o rat
earnings this is probably true. But it is
also true that railroads writ year after year
be forced to lower rates, and meet some-
how carry wheat to Europe at prices which
will leave • I*vinw profit to the farmer over
• series of teen. The great transportation
gaestise, however, wbioh is aedtating nm.y
people in Canada and ti,., Cuited states, t•
the poesibiuty of • bettor water rrmeit.
Cin we not improve (soon the Ene 1'.nal se
• means of wetti,.g to se.botia ... Art we
to see the foreign bound traffic of the up
per lakes deported at Buffalo, or are we to
try t., secure that traffic, and, what is
much mon important, protide, the neces-
sary cheaper transppoertation to our North-
west provinces' We who are inexperienced
in the practical aspect of such matters alk
vaguely about widening and deepening the
present canals, or about • new canal across
Ontario, or of connecting French river and
Lake \ipassing, and thus making • route by
the Ottawa river.
For lack of iafonnatios we do not know
w hat should be done : wti ony know that
something practical might be door. to such
an ems/0007 It same olearly the duty Of
the Dominion (,ov'rnsset to have surreys
male and report on all the proposed routes,
so that the peep:. of tfrobed, Oaten° and
the Northwest provinces may at least be in
a position to express en intelligent opinion
upon each a vital gnostic's. I am erre **are
sufficiently free from local bias to 'held up
our hands for whatever route will arromp-
dish the Great end of being the cheapest',
from the West to the seaboard. If there
aro that" who say we cannot afford the ex-
penditure, the answer ';is that we do not
know whether we can or not until an Intel-
11get report is before us. If success in wheat
growing is •11 important to the Northwest,
and i1, having overcome the terrors of frost,
the harrier is transportation, we must In
some way remove il.
in the meantime lot as remember that
about 12,000,000 bushels of wheat and
about 25,000 head of cattle were exported
ted altogether the Northwest realized
about 16,000,000 out of their products,
welch is not • very had return for such •
small population.
11,eporte Nrom forty-five districts show
that the acreage .oder .fop in the North-
west is as Targe as last year. in some dis-
triea larger, std, while rain is much re
',aired in many phooey, prospects are .j•ite
good, and the general foaling is not at ►11
one of discouragement.
is our own province then has been dam
age a7 rain o• leer lauds and some replan -
ing is necessary, but there is no reason to
doubt that we will hays es good crops on
the average •■ nsnal.
The motion for rho adoption of the re -
pert was thea put and serried.
The usual resolutions expreseiaf the
Omsk. of the eh•rebolders to the president,
ties -president anti direetors, and aloe to the
Oweral manager, 4.aiNent general manager
e nd ether officers of the Rank, mu unani-
mously adopted.
The r.tlrisg beard of directors were m-
olested, .. follows • -Masan. George A.
Cm, pores • Join 1. Davidson, sic" pros. .
James (Nattier". Wm. R. H&eilten, John
Nankin, tf C., LLD„ Robert iCUro$ and
Matthew+ Lr'rpti•
lissforte Thomas ('ass shipped 41 head
of pitfall fat cattle last week. They •eersg-
d 1,as0 pneseb per heed and were destin-
ed fee the Ohl (hwetry.
(trey (•Sstraslev Oliver. who was
awarded th • week en the Rsm.obaw+p meek
and diteh, oommeeded week at the outlet
He will siepley 40 or 50 Maass, and will se -
sage legal M as far se peaible. The in
meatiest will be done by tarns mid samp-
an end 0'soothe is ..tifa•4ad as the seam
ene for tea oompl'lima slammed art
men will be hoarded is seep by the
Mr. Oliver le a seas et wide
in this kiss of week and has re
rebutted him *Wish ('oleatiga
1.W large drw;ftq ematreeta He
this Job a
ems sempnr.1 with
he has
!generous support that hal been extended to I
tom, and o*7riug his hest servitors to the
interests of the electors of the riding Inds-
_4pendent of political sh*b oietn. e
. - At the time of 31r. l.arrews's
• there were loud cries of •'t anteronw and
presently that old political war horse was
facing toe large &°hence who received him •
enthusiastically. Fie mare fns of his *she, -
slur' actoruuo speeches, and amongst other
thine"; stated that In the of any re-
- of the 4 ab*0et \Vest Huron to
would m.1 1 pr..t-abl:uy Feel•.'ro..egntIUD w
Liv Item/ from Evsjywh.a.,
hatred tereed el lar Miss+ .1 the Wert
e sinfully presented mr1r1 rem'
Ilea of wart waUrr+ .1 .
Urea( Iwhsre.•re,
Over plhs((MM) two, th sit building he-
I.r*'li.ita:,tt were r..ort',I in Winnipeg
.taring tie. drat -half ,.t this otter• .
.tt Belleville on Friday s leurge Page was
eenteneel to two rear* in the Penitentiary
fur nI6b.°ism at Fuzburougb.
-t despatch from )'oris says 'sixty cased
and fifteen deaths trout cholera have uc-
eurred at Jew.ppe, hear Liege, titanium.
The contract liar the statue• of Sir John
Stao•donald. to be erected to Kingetuu, baa
been bet to Sir. Wade the luadltsb *Gulp.
Two young turn, len Crumb and Cleaner
Roof of Claylua, while returning from
dL*ttrowattuque lea sail hate were Nest and
The Peary relief expedition, under the
lealerah(p of Henry O. Bryant of Phila-
delphia, left New Yurk on %Vedneiitlay for
t; fern, lan,L
Mr. C. E. Britton of (ianano are wee
lectetl High Chef It snb•er of the Camel -
tan (roles .4.- urrst.tr *t-Woodstueirun•
Th u r.day
The 1.4;. T. as Paris 'bft -Thursday
lecte,l J. U. .\u,is,.w„ of ll*.wik..0 lined
'last 6rnapler. Nest year '° session will
be be1,1 sit tonna,
As Well., Whit, , n Wednesday two
niers 1t the \1'554. Roller Mit's exploded
uh terrific force, d••:uul*I1u.g budding,, .
std kitlit: f Kugi*.. tor 'leu. Veer.
• A double druwuti,m aceol.ut ucctirji4 io
he Red Rif, r. near Weaning, uu Friday.
we.. yOttlig ladies t.ntna,' Abr,o4,5Cts anti
(peers beim; dru4*M'. while bati.iug, -
The aerate a battles University ban
derided to confer the elegrate of LL U.
spun Jud;de RU,teeI, of England, Bishop
Steyeue ut Ohio,ctrl Beuop Walker, sit
All lbs bakers in Lisbon have' struck -
a(&oust a Muhrcolrti regulation requiring
master bakers 10 doinait a sow u: ;uou.y
as a guarantee that they w:U sell broad of
prola•r We tight. - _.e
The leilliguier 1'mlace Car Cotupauy, cap-
italized at /53.11W1,$J*9, will immediately
beg(u emisfrnctitee care in St. Ju•eph, Ido.,
to et•od.•tu with the Yuliauen mad Wagner '
As a result of the p'Itu19 'Tuesday last
J. T. l.arrow, the former 'bomber, war
again elected to represent West Huron.
The tight had been very quietly fought,
and to judge from surface appearaoce at
Mr. s:arrow's meetings tt was difficult to
'indented that a stubborn fight with new
ideas and populutic theories was on. A1 -
though on every Liberal platform invitation
hall and treu was extended to Sir. Connolly
and hie friends to discuss the political situ& -
tem with the aid member no advantage of
the invitation was taken, the pectin c&ndi
date preferring to keep to his own meetings
and do his work by still hunt and the as-
sistance of the patron orgenvatioos and
P.P.A. lodges. rather than to challenge
open discussion under reeow:te ed meth° Ls
with his opponent.
(lily ono' during the contest did Mr.
Coosolly h.ve the overage to face Mr. Isar•
row, and on that eccasIon nomination day
--although Mr. ,arrow refused to &viol
himself of the reoxo(o*zed rules of debate
and 000csled special advantage to his op-
ponent, the result proved so disastrous that
the boasted mainrlty previously claimed by
the friends of the patron candidate, was
wiped off the date and • majority raised on
the other aide of the ledger.
As the time for election drew near, the
chances of the patron candidata Logan to
vanish- and by the sealing of election' it
was shown that J. T. Darrow eau ones
mon the choice sit the people 6f West
Huron by practically the came majority
which they extended to him four years ago.
Theo he recened • majority of 112, and on
Tuesday he figure was 107.
F:Isetise day on iiodench op/eed quietly
althoerh a could be easily mesa that • de-
termined fight was on between the old poli-
tical partes, as of yon. Every polling sub-
divu(oa *u well manned by Conservative
workers and ■o effort was left named u.
bra, out the full Conservative vote. The
local Conservative sesocation hal met in
Victoria hell on Lbe previous taturday eve-
ning, and on the advice of 1)r. Holmes end
others had decided to fight the fight for the
pstren candidate. Another meeting for or-
ganisation and equipping the polling •ub-
diviaion' ;with full force awl power had
bees held Monday evening, the result being
•'.1(010°• Conservative oppesitioe on Toes•
day. Up to that time the local Conserva-
tives bad been apparently dormant, the be
Motion being 'to create anion/et Liberal
patrons the impression that in the pending
eastern the followers of Meredith were sot
factors, en that by that means the Grit pat-
entee would sot be fngbteeed off from the
support of ('o eolly. Hew far they sue -
celled in thea. palling the wool eve- the
taros of the liberal I' of 1'e is shown by our
nitre fresh Ashfield, W. W8°no•k, Hal
1°, sed the Cerl.w digitises of Colborne.
T.wsrrle 0,e o'clock the i.tereN in the
day's proosedunp appeared to inmate, and
by the time the penis( booth' closed lln.ir
doors a large number of expeetas( electors
and others made their appearance ea the
streets. The Meal returns were soma fated•
t aowu, the (iederiok msjjnr(t7 of 73 for
Oarrew bei.g wall received by hie friends.
Arm The Arest.1de point heard from was Clan -
Ms, and when new ef i4 wta(sifloset
fa•)eriiy of 106 ler (:arrow was rusefved by
win enthusiasts animist the. ma of
Unit (eetltifa . Weigher,
k Later
V Ii
en the saws frontgh•r of 43 against
f&nww. Need dews the ezeher°sse• trio',
and Ike D..11*Jes was ant *banged by tee
MIs that Rlyth came withie two of • tie
Wits the &Word Airiness s d Centers*
mansard that the former majority el III
at the heels o t the v • at.. Pro -nom.
The editor sit 'Ilii • 1.. • 1. was next called
upon by ti e Audit... -e, .-.1 nettle a brie&
adieus wng,atulat:•.t 1 a erectors upon
he v1ctory that e: I ,.,en ...loomed in
\fest Ilurou and over the l'r,vlsce, and
I Incidentally referring to some mel the
!peculiar features of the campaign.
11y this time sutticieot returns had been
received to amours the soccer• 0t the Mowat
Adminutraton over combined opposition
elements and the small boy immediately be
man w hustle for material with wench to
build the uomemonal Loohre. A hetero
gaseous mass `of combustible - matter urn
of together by the ruing generanun
red "eon Slontreal st., upon which Mr.
(:arrow hues, was 111 a bl&ie to I:ght from
the flames of ao uumeoae bonfire, around
which the y:,uneotere danced in great pies
+T 7114 „Teta
At the the ConaervaUve meeting so Victoria
hall the ' ondnions were reverse of the tune
at the I .reiol s open Horses. The remotes of
Gertow threw a wet blanket over the pro -
feeding.' early in the eveamg which eves
the holdeg fast of the four Toronto* could
not remove. The carrying of the two
Hamiltons also hung like • nightmare over
the gathering, and, like Benyon'• ghoul,
woult' not down. When the news came
that Hon. G. W. Roes wasdetested to %Vest
Sliddleeex the clouds began to life from
the Conservative meetlag for • short time,
but when later returns placed the Sinister
of Education on the sate ode aad bowled
out Clancy and Sol \1'hite, erns of *he-
iress were again bung out which even the
cheering oratory of 1)r. Holmes, coupled
with the chirpy badinage of that esteemed
Patron, i'ostmuter (.ampbel!, could not
By midnight the crowd haddupersed and
quietness reigned to such an extent that
no one would nave known that a few short
hours before the Province mel t►ntaro, had
been in the throes of an interremve p01itseal
battle which had threatened te disrupt the
fundamental pnoc*ples of government and
introduce • new system for the carrying on
of the legislation of this province.
Further particulan of the elections all
over tee province will be found un our
fourth peg"._.- _ ..--
Te taw taaadtaw PiMte.
New Voice, Merck 30th, DPW.
Otte year aro, about the time, the t ook A
Whitey Colossal English Show disembark-
ed its throngs of horses and animals, hese
,beds of wagons and cars, and army of em-
ployes in this city, and shortly afterwards
started oe aa grand triumphal tour of the
feted States, and as immediate and viol--
lorsous moons of 1893 is unparalleled in the
history of amusement enterprise, in tine or
any other country. The was success wdue,
we think, entirely to the superior mem*
tude and merit of the all-over abedowing,
all feature show. The puck -witted, kers,
American pubic soon realize' aad appre•
Mated the oig°iticanee of the hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of magnihoeut
show property displayed before their eyes,
end by the -(there patronage rewarded,
munificently, the groat and unusual efforts
Wei have pot forth to give them a high•clW
circus entertai°ge'at in every pout, par-
ticular and detail, exactly the same as we
have produced in cities of the Old World,
whore for years prince and peasant, courtier
. ad commoner, old and you°`` have, to-
gether sereamel their deoltght and i►or
iapprob.twe. We did sot originally esu
owed to remain losger time one 4e"
season in America, but have cos -
clotted, in •dew of the warn ape
preoiatioe of American friends, to toter the
summer of 1043 in the most magnificent
ooestry in the world, which we will leave is
the fall. with kern regret that the IMs*folel
uteresta of as institution 40 years estate
listed in another hemisphere, ompol ss b
be return. To those multitudes who vaitod
Qs 1101 year, it is enseeeaaary to address
eureelves : we will merely my to then that
we have added some distinctively Americas
features to oar faltlem •xhibit,ou, which
will he of treat .dditiosml interest, end to
these sow+mesities we did not visit, we will
state that we are Wiesen( to your very
dame " the foreenest Meer .1 all the world.
1■ faarnstads ow,tva11.1, in merit asap
'insatiable, truthfully advertised, has by
promoted, honorably eoednesed •esd re-
up.etfell7 adroit your patronage, whisk we
w111 trr°e■t17 endeavor to uteri*.
i,oe►u a slTay.
Will exhibit at l:edeerieb. en Thursday,
July 11
The ee.i iisg sehoourr Cage capsizal in a
typhoon off the eus.t of Japan &I d m11
Lauds wen feta Sews tr rnxa•u+ly
',cruel (rum five other vessels wince '
were in the saw locality.
'luring a tock h.,; twat, Yarmouth. N,
S., the sites net Yarmouth ran deep the
lobster smock Mootesey of Portland. Tee
captain o: tate swank, *Vtilisiu Condon of
Fnend,hip. Sue. was drowned.
Henry Cahes, a eines,, charged with at-
tejaipttng to assault a white woman moat
M.p.obia .Irk., was raptured near the
Lo•ianu*a line on Friday, and takes bac':
to the wen. of 11*a entitle and IyI.ched.
At the .tnglitau Church Synod for To-
ronto dtucew on Wednesday notice was
given of a .wotluu sympathizing with
ehurctmon sit Wale. over t:w approscbing
dbeatebl.,btueut of the church in the
Sir l'ia,mme David 'libsnn-(',rmich.al
has leen ouw;eate.l by the V iterot loan Lib. -
ends to contest at the next election the '
seat now uocuptod by Mr. tilal.tuue, the
ex Premier Lrviug dechueal to deed for
n eleaaiu4
At Rochester N. Y.. ' os Thursday, Ste-
phen U. Kish, aged 29 years, ata employe
of the Bell Telephone Company. while re•
pairing • wire oar a lade yV fest high, gut
holt' of a live electric wire. •std was
shucked w that he died soon after.
At Windsor on 1W«Ineeday James Ro-
gers of Detroit, for pecking a lady'..'o.•k-
et, was sentenced by Judge Horne to Ring•
stun Penitentiary for tour yeses, and
Georg* T. Britton, Imo stealing a buggy.
gut five pier* in the wan a»tJtutun.
Georgie }taxably disappeared from Win
nipsg • short time sgo, and on Thursday
a bottle was found .*n Red river whlch
cuntltued • letter from him saying he had
drowned himself, being t,re,l .•f hie. He
had weighted him.elf with iron.
on Wein...lay 4 man camel Rodeo -irk
Slrlk,nal.4 who hal Imes working at Sfax
Well. I int., tend 'rte going to Los home at
It kohertsuu, lar down on the railway
track, went to deep mild was cut to pierce
by a train. H• leave. a wife and several
Harry Spring, s re",*, g (.hiCigOon, who
wrote letters to Helen Gould and Mrs.
Emmons Malta and attempted to ulataitl
money from severed wJli.•u&iros in New
York, Boston end Chicago, Liao been ar-
retied, adjudged *nsutr, ■std seat to w
At River do Loup, (fee., on Wednesday,
rimier Debtor, who eau arrested en
indietmena for rubbery from the In-
olontal and Temiecun•ts Railway ears
and she', was sentence' by Justice Chs••
wean to five years to St %lucent de Paul
Rev. B. R. Swartzeubar, • native of Mo-
rocco, and s member of Livingstone's ex -
Wring 'Nifty in Africa, was arrested at
C'Irte*nnat* on Thursday on a margo
of murder, e,mmitted two years ago in
Chattenowoga After being locked up, he
eat his throat
Hrs. Madeline Tasker Polk, bf Math-
delphia, weed abort 30, is said to he en
gaged t.. mark)) C H. ('rump head of the
peat shipbuilding firm, whose ars its 80
The prospective brittle is deseribed as a
beautiful and ebarme go w,omao, descended
from the Stuart kings of 8eutltnd.
Seaman Laird, • barber, haw leen ar
rested at Tiverton, Ont., 01) siapteino of
going killed Donskt Matheson, s'( the .11 -
lege of Kepley, wlw disappeared lost V..
ember. after havingshelled a donee at
tis. Walker hones, 100arditte Lewd is
• tented men, with noshing
sip net is ebareeter. He bout es ✓4,006