HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-21, Page 88 • THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 21. 1894. CANADIAN BANK Ot..F,.COMMERPE Bear*...a(C.CIJ.'YI S & I wACHESON &SON THE • H'p OFFICE. TORONTO. arslaewrad • full reuse or IMOMPIAL 110) in MILLION DOLLARS MOT. IL E. WALKER. OINIMAL MANBOIUL GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING BwinCle Twa.acrco. FARI.aagt NOTE. DI.cOUNTED. Down I.WED PAYABLE AT ALS POINTE IN CANADA ANO THE PRINCIPAL CITIEe rr THE UNITED STATES, GREAT entrant FRANCE, BERNUOA, &a SAMIROS BANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOOTs Os M.00 ANO UPWARD. RECEIVED, ANO CU1tnENT RATE. OF INTERTAT ALLOWED iNYtaasT AMMSD TO Tea PNINOIPAL AT TN. 'ND Or MAY AMD IN, t•.R IN .AOR VSA&, *penal Attnetlen given to the OeHect - and farmer,' Ashes Notes. mot' Fasiioua6le Halz A TRAVELLER \ EXPERIENCE. R. S. WILLIAMS. Msn..P. _ rim lines in eters Departmut. *Cal .ed a:am:Le goods and prices, A Bewilderingly Immense Stock to Choose From. C. R. SIM COI, PARASOLS and SUNSHADES M./A.ab IIs Cor. d.,uare Gad Montreal iN STRAWS and FELTS ENTS' FURNIll1CGNS \E11 OF THE DTSTRV'T. Room our ownCorrespondenti• TES LIFE OF A commsaCijj Ai. MAN - - KEEP KOOl1r Of Every Kind. NOT ALL SL'IIi3H1NF.. Mere 1e Iaarae•ue■ Mere That t anal..* t» _ Cream and Black Silt laovrs Gall Mitt.: U1 prices, tro►nturnciul, • le) where 1.1.e se". or 1 Y with at Special Fine Lire for .ac. per hair teat) specialty M. porter e•e t�M �1.Y *hick 't n ,1frlh u. The ass GIS be weeieslad eery s�y esto , adc rut it . r rr --s dust opened the most fashionable style of Utiles' White and Fancy Shirt Wants and Collars. All Masa. Wool Crepans and Sergss in Cream and Black , new in to -day. Very .special v-iluea. Handsome Goods. New Serges and Cloths for Eton Jackets and Capes. Sprees C-oods Throughout, the Largest Choice in Goderich. ' Wool Chaplet .all ; TIM POPULAR BOOK STOBB Wr AC$E30N & 30 WIWI,- TUE vii Beam. lib rEtlsi\ a. , r 4 c wed thea et •, can't -1 readtntl some 0f in -Highest !'rice` for `pt' T GODERICH TOWNSHIP. ` y y Eggs and wNrt tt"ytF #!tit 140.44. 1 thwr 'tet) tntene:sag R,>,,ae which have Movnal- Sun la. Magee, teacher at Gee a asst us y 'art leen rem, r� and aro . erg chap. _ -- - Amara Recorder. Haltl .'\... soon to b of h speed loan •Gape procure one of thans er c' F'er;y J A. Lear, union • the Arm of Machado" & l.leat, taer of en, 60 Redford iso,, Halifax.N. .• bmk from • family of commercial travellers • Ht. frt.her, James Lear, war on the rad to Lower Cando with dry good* for twenty tkreo years, and tow men were more wide- ly known and esteemed, sod the genial Percy himself has mast retired from the ranks of the drummer.after a varied experi- ence lie knight of the grip, which extended Over ssventees years aad embraced almost every ton and village in ('an•d• from the Atlantic to the Pacific. He ie an extreme- ly popular young man. a leading member of the tldfollows fraternity, an otti ter in the •*3rd regiment u: miltt,a, and • ruing i pr merchant. i "How cornea it that you are se fat Gad ruddy after such a term of iiu•thtsg railroad i life arid mesial diet. 31r. Lear ' wneationed o the re w "Well,- war the answer. "it is • long w• store, but one well worth tolling 1 wetgk IF 19) pounds to-.lay,and am in better health -to that 1 ever Irelure wooled in !y lite. Two years ago I got down to 155 pounds. ; un Constant tratelling, roughing it on trains t and to country hotels broke me all up and an left me lith a nasty ase of kidney com- plaint and indigestion. My head was alt • wrong, my stomach bud : 1 was muttering conti.0 tl /,gins and dizziness. and my F• urine was •xtremel thickandgravelly. 1 it begin to get scare I consulted several ban physician. to Montreal, Winnipeg and ns other cities, but their treatment did not th give m.• • particle of relief. t►ue day 1 • bought a box of 1)r. Williams' Ptak fill,, I, and 1 node up ...y mind to gore t ban a gorol teal. They seemed to help me, mod 1 bought • 114MMId. third and fourth box, and week they ouretl me. My stomach was all right, , spec the dis•ooes. all left my heal : no more cr lassitttdc, and all traces of my kidney die. dipped ease disappeared 1 was a new man, and oo gained flesh .mmediately, and have never b,•en trouble 1 sauce. 1 enn,ider my case peso astonishing, because kidney coa.plaiot, mo especial' gall stone., is hereditary in our family. It helped 1. hurry my tether to can an early grave, widen uncle on my mother's Vok ode. Dr Whittle, of Sydney, Australia, had bean a chronic sufferer from gall stones see from boyhood. 1 was so improesed with 1 the virtues of Dr. William*' Pink Pills that !mem I *wok the trouble to send Dr. Whittle two •h boxes all the Tay to Australia. Since nit dworery of tlfi. benefits of these won lerful J of little p,nk coated •xtermtwtera of disease, •hnu ere 1 have recommended the remedy far and wide, and i could enumerate dozens ot cases dun Miss M ill with Cos ten of t6 !r y reoot'er There will be no sen. w w ekurch nett sabbath oa •,Y„ut pietot. 1:0. 3ir t..1, holt,: • sermon to st . finerso# Fa.rn Al..- 1hv at ti rad n eoaaecti..D wttr rich [owner:p, w,11 be-6elu nth, •*'the made- :~WW'raise Pic Sue . at Porter's Hill. Muir.: ty and speeches hy ret. gntlen.eo. 1. to o. liefreshoeate served on the Adieuenn 15 uta tin Friday of ;aa week the rat and a;hular. et S. S. Nu. 1 torether. with' large number of friends celebrated annual phut m Mr. 1'olley's grov iacipai feature. of the picnic w art, ba..•6. e, football, races echolan tor prices, tug of war .:aptained t Trustees .loouaton and Salkeld. Toe to / war was an exciting one *ad Inc worn. when they saw their favorite side givia y maid Dot resist the temptation itcaiog to and helping. It rs needless say that the ladies carried out :het part well and toe table. groanr der the delicacies that would temp he appetite ot the most fastidious d to which despite the warm day, al ed to .lo ample ,ustice. In the eve•io bomber of the young people engaged an noel hop, which was kept up till of *her lune warned the merry makers tite was tune to disperse. Thea they chap d. anti balanced off 'home, some to r6 M. and others to the lett, all satisti •1 they had spit an enjoyable day. DUNLOP. Trr.na1, June lit. Sheep shining was on the move last Tae laird of Lan'ntowoe put up • tow area. for sheep washing aloug the eek on ha farm, which, after be had his sleep he iciodly let hie neighbors J Leeburn farmer. use for the same pur- emu, - -Harry charters, of the com- ivial and thriving township of Tucker- , gave oar burg his first visit this breathing in 'Jeep admiration of our e and other point, of interest about e. He will *gain come up, but not to the lake. Dor et talk- politics, but a interesting subplot p but • liWe bird tapers "stop now."' rriu': Iivti. Exr.:� In the iso enation' heart. but nota of vo0antrie•. 1. has. og, of 1'ootia:, M.ch.,• passed through to the coming busy city of lhmgannos ng last week, and was united m the Is of wedlock to Mir L. Ives, of this cal. The young couple have both been Nfeote here and are well known .4 circle of friends in this burg with I a happy tourney thrown this tran Life. .rca)xat.. V1r. Lewis, one of Posttae s h. 1 leading merchants, halted here last i and to ,k in the nupt.al. of our towner amen t tuts. Young to Miss Iver,, of anaon,during hie sojourn, leaving here wards to visit • stater at fort Ila1- e, near Toronto. ...John W. D. man, son of P. K. Hyndmao. C. K., of Sarnia, is visiting relatives here . Master Willie Mason. of Tackenmith annually spends his holidays her.. was ore fora few days this week, !metier/ • welcome from the little folks of our 0 ‘g„op.,Teen Jon t fa , 1,, Y. :::e latest design, that ■ :. t.; :brow you out. •�' �e w A x:e:• :o use POPULAR BOOK SToRt: ;i eotv.o:e you of tn. place to buy. i My •task ompnse. Itt.x.K' of all kinds, i. Superfine Stationery, Wall Pa- pers, Window Shades, Cur - L. Tea fro., tarn Poles. Sporting grounds Goods, Pictures and Picture Framing. e., Wyre 1 Postage stamp 1.:cense. th' • their a 'II* ?Ye Popular Meet &ere. re awing- t:tMeslri. by the y and butter from Wm. Morrow, the po g ntauager tor,(..o. Powell, of Hiyt h. 0! l.rraussit--1/01Lesdsy 1aat Mr.i. g est of I d1,..K1:1..l HKldnease•was caused a Heart disease, being brought no by ove r •ruou and excitement whilst ID attend 1 on her daughter, late Mn. Baker, of H 1 wool. Her remains were interred in gan0oo oemetery on Toureday the 1 aged about 60 years. Tne bereaved iti.nl g and relatives have the aympath d( of the community i12 the oereavement departure of the deceased. D. B. CALBICK, pular reed from r ex aOCM oily. Du0- 14th, hair- y of and vert 1` Tris ML.H1...4 sac L.tu.-The f,! lowing youths of Port Albert, John • Fntzley, T. Hawkins, Ed. ( eJ e:auley, were, during last week brooughd t �u fore squire M.:lough, charged with taking • boat from it. moorings on Satur• day June 9th, to Wright's point, belonging to Wm. Verooe. 1rtttley was fined ..ne dollar and costa, which be paid forthwith. It appeared from the evidence grreo that Fritzley took the boat wethoat leave and induced the °thereto go with him, havtsg told them t1at kis had gotten leave to take it. Ur_.Ttvvrri, i:v Flag -We regret to hove to state chit on Thursday afternoon the 14th, the beautiful residence of John ilailte, 2o4 coo , West Wawannsh. was along with a quantity of household furni- ture, clotbiag, etc., destroyed oy firs,causd through • defect in . flue or stovepipe. But. Ilut to all appearaoce ass originated, as far a we have learned, io the kitchen at the time about which the fire oecurred. Nlr. Bailie was 10 lezega0non, whet, he was speedily- .eqt for. and told the sad neat that his house.w.s on fire. Although he was secured by' insurance m 'he 1 codon ' u ey hare been IRit*o roue." bon. An analysis shows that Dr. Williams PIa Pink Pills costate in a condensed form all nes the elements necessary to give ore life t., large the 61)md and restore ,battered turves. thssn Tn.y are au rofubag speotticfor all dua+ases 'meet rising from au impoverished °meditate el ( P► the I.I....i. or from an impairment of the Lilo nervous system, such ea loss of aPPppeetie, de week pseoNcn 0t spines, an , T u, chloroas or town reek Nekoosa, general mrcu,•r weakness, bowl siznons, low of memory, locomotor ataxia, • altar parel)co. sciatica, rheumatism. St. Vane' 1 hoose dance, kidney and liver troubles, the after . Hynd •Acca 01 la grippe, and all drawee depend. I now ug upon • vitiated condition of t:,i' blood, each as scrofula, chromic erysipelas, etc. who They are also a specific for the troubles °p h peculiar to the female system, building 9011. anew the blood Gad restorter the glow of boil. health to pale and tallow cheek.. In the ease of men they effect • radical cure in all oases antrum from medal worry, overwork toT er sworn. sold by all design@ or vont by J.P., port paid, at 50 mita • box, or six den f boxes for $2.50, by eldre.unr the Dr. woek Wilh*nrs Medicine Company, Brockville, `leu Oat . or .lcheoectady N Y. Beware of im- ation. and substitutes alleged to M "let 1 Rations )It es good..' will be Sr... Subscribe for TRO Alta u.. 21 00 • year. Ma,ci DUNGANNON. we. The (seal agency in 1)undanno. Ra 11414114•L le u the omoe of J. (i• ware. eonveyaaeer. Ike.. who w,li r.cei•e or- ors.bseNpraosa ad, asuman and ieh ter Nd f I..or Ih. eamn8.ri.ed •t. .tire r... pt. ■te paid 1004A Y. June 19. Ivl,ty t'..i'RT \all•. UI ,-pineal/lb court held hen on Friday, Jun. 22. lay sir Mr%IctpA1. Car N. 11. -The pal council of West Wawaneeh Varna Thomas Ward. of Varna, had pear a full bloom on May 27eh. Exeter .famee Eg•n has bees offered the appointment of assistant baggagen,an at 1Maetford Wroxeter .John I.Ilenn :eft on Monday Morning for Wheatley. where he has se- t -opted a situation in • four mill. Exeter Mn. Lewis of the I.00doe Road South died on Monday last after • long and painful illness. She leans • husband and e.. daughter at home. (Deceased was high. Iy respected, hy • large circle of friends. tisaf.wth J W. Unaware*, who went dews to the boom!. races at Stratford lam Thursday and I ri lay, the 7th and Rth, did nit get a wire, but he managed to beta each cracks ns F 11 Young. of Toronto, Manville, of Leedom, sal Tollos, of and mode rewtark•bly good time. Hallett • Thomas Nott, of Mel,entr►, Algoma, formerly et 11' I:..t, to at present i. Ileie messily renew/um old aopetistssce- shipa It .s several years .ince Mr. Nott left Heron, het he has n.,.r regrtted 6. wets) to Algona. He I. well Owed IMO the eoeutry and has secured foe him .4f • reed enllert•bl. 1. ore einfnrth ie scrv,rda. w ;t 1 r h• re gnat of the tows 0euseil, tha peat ohne,. partanent lent ked • owl bet placed at the station This het wi!• he opened by the mail dock .s the amities train gin g east sad *be ease Wais going weer Any otter d•►e.� 1e, time of thew tri trains p ••1 Itatil the nett day. meet re the Township h.11 on S•tureay 23rd let., at 1 o'clock a v. ewes. ooso•rned will govern themselves accer ingly. 'ono. Aerate.* N, L. The crops in this tioe of country are, in consequence of nc cnwooal showers and warm weather, g le[ ;hat and look promising It aald that the hay crop will not be as rood as last year's. W,.... There has been and is being largo buskins traeaacted ie our vinare i the purchase of wool by the manager. M Forsyth, of 1#yt6. We presume it re qui an accommodation ter the fanners of th rhoo.I to have a market so ,.ons WATCHES, e Call and see our display. See our line before buying JEWELERY, Repairing Warranted. All the Latest desi ns. C.. . HUMBER 8c 30N. Agents Celebrated Star Cycles. of the best, equipped rural school. in the MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. county. 1 . .tall.: /IP. council met on "aturday May the 2616, n ',pursuant to adjournment. Members al; preeeot. Minutes 1t previous meeting read and approved. The following *000120,. were presented and ordered paid : hoot. Irwin, for gravel. 72c : .lis. Johnstoe, board and care of Margaret Mclean three: months, 723; Jobs Campbell, OV0rcharge in taxes .01 and 12, 24.13: Jas. Oliver, re• Pot tris t.. -. t1'e had the pleasure to list en to some good, plena and well put fact. as given by Mr. *.arrow at his meeting 1 F inlay's school house one night last week Of course, as usual, he had no opposition. Bro. Connolly had spoken a few eights pre- vious in the•same place, but, owing to, the secret way in which ne conducts hu election campaign, we were to,: aware of the meeting until a day or so afterwerde: hence we have nut up to date heard bras c 0000lly speak. Rut we suppose that the breth- ren who hear him in secret .hall on the 26th reward him openly. NILE Ti 15. Mow hot Boyd hes returned hoh,e from Blyth. The ants of our church are to be cushion• •d this week. The weather is vary warm and every thing u growing very rapidly. Charlie Elliott has been laid upwith boils on the back r,i Ills neck for • couple of weeks. The May cheese of our cheese factory were taken to Lucknow last week. We b. het-, it mid for •.c. \Ii,.Ida Hetherington, Mies Allot Mor- rie and \1:s. F':t• McllIwaln visited fneods in Auburn las: 'u0,i•y. John Bailie mustard • very heavy bus last week, his house being burnt by tire. He hall one of the fines[ houses is thta sectloo. !t was insured for 31300. utual to some extent, his low will be LEEe IItN. beet -y. 4 1M 4w•litng and coatenu were Try nA., JUDO I •. valuable, it brio$ bugle of bac •ad a goal I •Tho we+k wail in its progress re statute tin commodious farm house, we�l furnished. labor, mkt 'he close may see qt.:e m number The neighbors did all they cr.nld In render I of our residents go to see the model farm at 0 log assistance to save from the fire all that t'uelph by the . xcunion. pairing road. cos 3. tib ; John H. (.iboos for culvert and gr.dtog, M.R,, b and 7. 540.75 ; 1. Mclean, cleaning ditch on N.B., tt2: R. McInnis, ditch, R., 3 and 4, r1E 75 ; .4. Mullet', covering Culbert, ouo. 10. 11.50; Jas.Littljr, repainng culbert, S.R., 3 and 4, •?1.50.1 John 1:lack, repairing Johnston bridge, t'1 : Hugh Stewarts drain. coo 2, 52 : Thos. Wilson, board to 1Vm. Roe, lo - indigent person. 512 50 : R. Seuoby, ditch on Ihtagaancn Hills, 13 ; Wm. Irwin, lumber for ditch on E. B., 13: S. Koacht bread anti groceries to the Parry family, 521.95; also bread to Wm. tt'N.s1, 14.05: Wm Kickiey, taking Wm. Rae to 1.:ode• nch jail, 93 ; Patrick Doyle, cutting hill, �.R., 3and 4, $16; David Little, ditch 00 R. 3 and 4, $4 ; Jos. O'Loughlo, stoning and gradin S. R. 6 and 7, con. 8, 55-25; .loo. Rielly, repairing culvert, lot 16, Lit , 52.90, alio for boarding Mary Lucy, 125; Jer. Dolton, for plank, $12: Robert Fitz- gerald, for plank, 920.64 ; John Murphy, repairing culvert, con. 9, 75o.; Thos. Glenn, boardtoq Wm. Rae, lathiest person. one week. 52'le ; Mrs. Cannell, for keeping lam. p.rsoo over. nigit, $550`, : Thea. Ford, for culvert, S.H. 3 and 4, 113.25: Hugh Mcr:,nty, tumoral expenses of the bate Mis. McGinty, county ward, 210 ; %Vm, :Ambers f Pinata,. 95 The court for the revisiom the assessment, roll was opened at 2 'clock The assessment of R..1. Rutledge was reduced 150. after which the roll was adopt.d and the council adlouzm.d to meet 00 the 6th day of July, at 11 o'clock. W. ST(.T, OR., clerk. could be under the carcumatasces. Had the fire occurred at night it might hale bees more serious in result. LANES. The statute labor is nearly t1, blanc 16. this way. y all osuktJ u 31. l ourtoey was at c•oden,h • few days this week. J. Hogan and 1'. Scott ,peat last Sunday at Brussels. Hay u apparently going to be very sigh here this season. Mr. add Mrs. ..Acott .pent • few day this week to I.Odench. Mir 1. McIntosh, of Lucknow, was the guest of J. Scott this week P. SN+tt and .1. Hogan attended • party is Port Albert on Tuesday night. Al.'.. Mclean, who a bla.•k.mlthing above Amb.rly eund•yed at home. The warm weather of the pat week has greatly Improved the condition of the Spring crop.. i•rnikli the . two of his sisters wereattheaguess.of s.. All Iarnsh last Sunday. guests of Mrs. P �ti F. NIA., 11.1,1,12. *TL;., In ahem) washing many of our farming community who annually store their sheep to the lake for this purpose, .lid not do so this year,but availed theme. vet of the generous offer of the laird of I.andrdowns farm in Dunlop to • bring their ?leeks to hie place and have the of free use of'his pen .rad dam built on the " creek that plows through the farm. The dip being but • short distance from the muin road, a saved a lot of trouble in driving the sheep. tI BHUCEFIE• LD. • 4lies Shobbrok, off Clintoon.tSi visiti g at 131r. and Mrs. Podick's. Jas. Mc1►oneld ha started a custom tailor shop in our village. d Nita. H. ,.. V'asaick:e ret.'roed home on SYsdneeday from • two week's visit to seta f (needs in London vicinity row I Bra nI •. The stone work of Jas. Laae'a house is being rapidly is 1 ward, and from the eppeaaoc• 0*, pushed 1 *i11, when hassled. protect • very pretty appear. ance. I: .-*others has the contract, • t 1. re. -s N.n-me deisti to th• meeting,( o the *upend Assembly of the Presbyteries r- ' church of Canada at Ht. John, oar peter a will 5. ablest for two is The yeeency a to b. filled by Rev. K McKee* 1 nagh be eat Inc wool produce, and for w6.ch of I.uoksiesr. .may reeeia-s about M high s figure as .1». whines. Paeswtertrsw raw Dr -el. Mean J Whyard, I Pentland, and t:. 1V. &Ali pathmasters, are Mainly engaged to repalr{es and improving our streets, ndewelks, te., in their respective divisions. especially the ode walk on the West slide of Soothaatptes street, is repaired and improved .n that ego attires and others will not fear to walk It m hitherto. ••• 8. mo Torn. Ihrnngg last week Mr Hyslop. of the firm of Meldrum t Ifs• step, swn.ral merchants is produce, Meat. reel, was on • bsuinses tour le oar village He stated that it was his first trip to ride Wof eepier* oeestryction of isad it surpassed u*adinhispoom ll be Rahe laf.d nr had heard sea rieu the. eg ie. The lien In. a •°U1Nsrahl.questitT of ere Datatrotxrso -(lulu a etrahr of the drove out to Ldekoow et -tion last T morning tp catch the early whim. uMbrstaodWl Mos it was the date of the 1 Farmers' la•titntei •eesndos to the Model Farm, but were greatly disappointed whoa *bey found out the contrary. yniTos' -Chas - Nowell, a snes'eesfd farmer from Hamann vicinity eseeu pu ww.tliti (' Ins daughter .then,., haws b the ofaF Scott for the past week. They y Pennines forMmhiten, Leser 0 watt .metal planes in Cede Arm s imam before returning home. iw►ttelvs*,eM-'phe tree of this ere Ken Met by ...tier tis centres{ d p.tei.g •anPd•Abelian bawl fesDoo at the esrtool arj mind W lob of theme Jsa. Little r Ike louse we are nes sad jaa. Kerr A°iig 4 len ser BOOKS ID PERIODICALS, HAR►slti' Raz 4R. --Among the features Harp•r's Rant for June will be the dtory of • lwrdea, told u lettere by Elisabeth Boland Wetmore, • raw series of ' Coffee and Kepner*" papers, by John Kendrick Range, and letters from Paris, teeing the fashion and gossip of that cap- ital. HAarzi s Mak LY. - Perhaps theshorteet of short stories u a cartoon; for, at a glance, and •eertl!•s without • innate word meet truly characterize all the people .t de- piste wed make sure that you do of miss tie mesal. The political' Ery of • week or • month is told in the cartoons that from The fiat was, are you • prohibitionist , of an to tome stead upon the first page of Hnrper's Weekly. Crrturrmtc hal-um nr Cr,RRa,,T Hie may. - W • are ,e receipt of the la.t Neue of Cyclopedic Review of Cirreet History, luarterly magazine which is fast Wonting important acquisition to the library of cry busy man who want' to keep himself torch with the question` of the da '16e elop•dic Reviser is Op to the times sad Mrs nothing of importance daring thear ea 40cts, • quarter; 11 50 • year. Oar ut ta. Cot & Co , publishers. Buffalo, N. HAarra.M.,. tiryt r Harpes M lI Your correspondent had the pleasure of • os Mr. Mclean s answer, I an. Mr. Weisti miller's answer, 1 am not, The nomad. was rs complicated and answewill be given before electron day. Messrs. H. Monteith, S. J. Pollack and , Lb.n (:. McDonald wethe representatives e( a Brumfield Star Council No. 219 R. T. of T,, an to the District Council to Wingham on ev Thursday of last week. les The third was, if elected will you support fly n the t.oyeawt in power au tem pommel m legislation! Man r. Mcle'• answerer was y practically that lee would. kir. IV.ismil. re 1.r's answer wt. that he would follow W. ' R. Meredith. Therm is no doubt whatever that M. Y. McLean will be elected MPP tis Juse containA4 pictures. Few bei` g able to attend the itemisation of cos- I t didat. for 18. south ridi05 of the meaty of Huron, for the seventh legislature d $glsaoriat, of (Mtarlo lieppaty.ltesls`.I � 1liekarn was the returoing effio.r. Sor.w-AdE�.-�1: • so many. But the charm of these ores is of is their number; it is is their my and vanety, as well as their apro- prla»o ale to the text. Two strong metal mai of _person! mentioning appear is Jan Harpers. They are the second of Mr Howell's ' phot Vialt to New load," in which he describes hiseantlag Lowell and " MS�ieei.. of Wendell hp.,.. hy ,,e0rpe W. 1ey. Mr. ley was or el Phillips' vslssseer bndy 1 during the Winter of 1860 '61. sed artioIs deals with the Koons riots of period and 11. Anal trlamphant of ip.. oratory, while an Romeo came d to hie way of thiakiny. t CARAni*e M. ,.....,-The Cass names were submitted, but oel,) two 01111114.1c Meson. Mclean and Weienill•r. Meseta wi Bethune, Yeaoom, Rats and L. R. Melees ph eai,; a few words. John MoMi11an, M.P. Phil 'Adrenal the et.etieg Inc linen minutes `heal .tad rI•*'I y showed the i guar Meredith. Ht Fre made a ttwill'.M Mr' eM No person Farerant Nape rsonfolloes oppose him' Mr. olWe i that b speech shill for t he ' y avoided dierassson of thew lir M e* for Jame is onset the very of t1r. is re ver Mlle 1 what Aid not ray. ill. surplus Nana carefully of the l'rovinee of Ontario, aid Gimes{ , 4'14 e•erythi.g else. Mr. McLase took the 1 het An clearly flnor awl e • very able sp.seh in whin► lint wad the dui of enters t•'support The W illes. �O. Mown* sad hie party. Mr, 1 .Neil eines are liedlses m • short speuek. A wd penal •eadbladis. "'^ premised »Meta T1s I hart R � 1lemww tstrsi.ed Renals mnethpss rn tin quality, •feet sad variety of ita eswtWhettesa. Ilene a is • ■ mann : the tlle•rrstteee bio sed abundant, amid the deserip.les articles very eeteirest 'Machin' fa Henn Haatla," by Ho' Ameet "A Japanese View ellipse," T. Rakatrsei ; " Peat Dlsa•ryea in by Dv. O. L S»eiw.1l ; •' Hae es . Rom" by leery Temple Say- " W. R Meredith .t Heels." Ravioli' J ugly Mesh a rasing k amen • ~i a el ~ 1aasMty end; Our Motto -Good Boots at low pr; -as OLLOCK S 810E13LEASE THE EOPLE. Our steadily increasing trade is a proof that oar Goods and Prices are right. We aim at giving the bags Boot for as small a Price as possible. so we buy from manufacturers, and by buying all for Cash we Hemet the Prices down. SEE THE Men's Oxfords at $ lilt.. always sold for $1.00, " whole Foxed Bals, 1.25 « Dongola Bali, 1.90, Boys' Buff Bals, sizes 1 to ,i, 1.00, Misses' School Boots," 75, 85, " Oxfor.i " 100, Ladies' Oxford Tanned, 1.25, " Oxfords, 75 «11 44 e 1.50. 125. 1.25. 100, 1.00. 1.20. 1.40. Ladies' Dongola Butt, extension sole, $1.50, always sold for 1;1.73. tin.l we have Goods u (`heap as the Cheapest un.l as Best. Bring along your repairing. Yon will Good as the 90. H. B. POLLO CKa Fowler's Old !Henri, G..ien, h JAMES .ROBINSON'S CASH STORE LEWIS MAGNETIC (X) 4._ Each section of the Corset is iso formed as to maintain the vertical lines of t body, the figure of the wearer. It is stayed with st nigh readily .-red spa to Ribbon Steel. I'aeh Steel (or stay of highly h i sly Penciled Spend guaranteed not to corrode, Metal Tip 1e d Nickel atewh highly roni cu Eng through the Feline, anti Electro Magnetises!. 1 PreyP the rods from cutting We are also showing other linea in Corset*, *tic as _ the long Waist IR a A., 1-atwi, 64;6,8 H .13., May, Fairy, the ygeian ^ for S. hoof l'hil- ,dren. They have no espial. We are :bowing this week (lollies from :I its, per yard" „sr Factory Cotton, sic.. lc., •le., 6c., and 7c. Take a look at oar Towchmg at 4•'. per yard. Take is loi.k at our Muslin., Go. and 7e. per yd. :Table 1.771017, 1:n• pl.r yd. A line of Lace Curtains a► !:q•. per pr., Taped all around Wr are gltirig extra yule in Parasol,.. Try our 7'ic. Kill Worms.- Mea,. Cotton Hose, :sc. per pair. A line et lien's Cashmere Hose at 24e.\ -take a look' at this line, they are worth more 'moiety. A lice of Ladies' Vestikat 4c. tit, h. We will not he undersold by any Store in the Trade. 54igheat Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. JAMES ROBINSON. aux 31.023, - muses 3:AOt: Thomas E. C hempioo ; " Little Maid a e." a charming story byAllan Ilei Brodie ; ' The Seller eddm', ' b Robertson ; " The St. i.awrenoe ' Route," by Allan Rose Davis, CE " Toe Ottawa Conference." by J. Lam Payne, are timely and valuable costrib boos. The illustrated articles are, "'r Years Among the Eskimos." 31ar. (1N the 18 independent 4 only re its Meer"1.4 cornered tight•. Sian the item was W. i yewt. all the eseeiss ben VW Safest Ships Afloat." by Henry Fry : and tier,'' by Otte J. Klot 74 Anlin SUlli ran, and others', contribute excellent poem& The Canadian Ilagarin is published Ity the Onterio Publishiog Lo., Ltd., Toronto, for 52 50 per mourn. mo•her of America favorne boy hero, ! "Little Lord Fauntleruy." Mrs. Frances Hodgson) Burnett, writes to Ole mothers of boys in the Jun issue of The Ladies' Hoene Journal upon "When He Decides- in anoint she manta out to what extent mothers should influesce their sons in regard to their choice of an occupation. Mrs. Amelia E. liar sketches the mental implanonte of the modern wozien in an article no "Have Women Found New Weapons Mr. Frank Stock ten takes the .ousint "Pomona" through some ridiculoully funny secapades in this installment of her "travels „ Mr. Howells reaches the seventh lasaallesest of his literary autobiography, "If y Literary Passion." The biogniphy of the number waists of four sketches, with portraits •f America's favorite illustrators, Charles lima Gibson. Albert R. Wooten, Reginald R. Rirch, sad Frank 0. small. A practice/. ly illustrated article 011 a timely subject is folio Oilmer Speed's explasstion el " The .ame 1:01( few Women.- W. Hamilton Gibes. occupies an entire pap with eine of his emt-of•door illustration et " A Garden of Long, Long Ago." The editor dimming with • frank directs's@ the questions of swum purity. Palmer Cox takes hes tabie Brownies on • visit to " TIM Goddess of Liberty," end the wends and music Atha song, " A Spanish Seredade.- to which the mini of one hundred dollars was given in the Journal's Musical lianas ere gives,. HE'S WORK ING NOW. Meares lwensile vesture...wire With 11 Man Megan -Medd'. IA Navy rots rare+ ansis -new Were %aver tessewa es Loomis. a well known farmer Irving mese here, has for years been afflicted with kid - my disease, so bably that he meld not sit in • buggy to drive to town, as be is 69 Years old he despaired of • mire. N. tried Doild's Kidney Pills sad they oared him. He Anent dome say term wart for years, but lie helped to pat ta this A ' 'a encase who goes to see today will find him between the Imigh handles in - stand of tabs ee • or 11.12 nay Chair as he abed to be. SO far the Ref- ormers have pot up 76 earaight tandideses in the 94 owlet isseeMee. Th. fienesentives will appeal Mon straight in 58, while the Patrons are fighting for 47 soma. There are aloe IS Indevendass esa• didates in the field, iselsdistg Mr. Came. eau, of East Durham. Yei le only 13 Inn phew le 80 renskituniales In henna the twe oil panne, is IN tbe Patens are topt Orin, amid is 5 they data Of Mess tbe Patens hate Mee am to 3. Ms Onestivellen 2 and the Grill I. cent plug 10 cent plug 2ocent plug OF 7771 POPULAR DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to bay any other in order that he map make a larger profit LEARING x Dry Goods and CROCKERY ar H. J HORTON'S MAPAIIILTON STREET llIUTTER AND MIS Ai CI oversee 5toPowzra_yl, 4... 11 • re