HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-21, Page 6A N A FARM REFRIGERATOR --- Magna 11►owlag Ade sasageoue Pula% aril Ale. Mew to Naas sots el Them. . The illustrayou is Lot • completed et friger•tor, but Al diagram aho wing the principles apes which they are ball and from it a,yo,o cat. tell Mast to boy to suit his trawls If Le esti not suit himself in that way he cut make one of hie own. It u untended 1., be use: with ice 11 right) y emrtruetel, the air u • refrigerator will be dry. se well a cold, and one leas nec- essary as the other t.. adapt 11 to family use. If the cold air be motet, a &awe will wither upon *Ls perishable su0&tances and destroy tLeu decor Freo_egge. mil not kep to a refngeratase nuleas the ate 1. Jry. .mai formerly large gaant:tune of cbetuieals were employed to absorb the moJstcre. These ch mk.1. were regularly ear►asd oat and fitted in the sail Frulta. ve,petal)** mud meats also require ti dry air 1t lass been found tbat the sun lest way to di the air is t,, brims it to direct contact wit the we. A current to tomcod, either w ehanially or Laturelly toe air is br'oa:h la comas wan ehe'Ica and its nid.toris ands. lapin in the ice pmisei• • Ih'MANf OP MILCM Court; Oe. Gass.'• Addie.. N . se t~ FRU Mors faspenems « We give below, says tie ('ttpnt,' Geo- Homan. amHoman, a samma►y of an address ria subject delivered b, Dr. O. D. tamed at e tis Dwain* (N.Y.) Fatmeta jfytltate He said there were thirteen of thetas moi- ..-r jut • THE SIGNAL : GODBRIWH, ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 21. 1894. jt�I� eases, but W should only durum a tow of :ft t QF ( KW6K. the more ttularilip1yj ala The object of the ( l au is the pro - dation of milk, and tba wLieh i. pfin�Vu have pure milk, and of perfect quaky. Cie cow wrist be kept iu • healthy state. t0 do which 'Mona* Oe properly bossed in cold wa tth•R (e1, watered and carol kr Health u the dr.* thend.ratum, and if the cow is to ire kept L..Uy, all the functions of tier body must Ls healthy. 11 she W uubsalthy In mint one of these fuuct1on&-if the ma.bin.ry of her body ,s out of coda -her milk product will be nu1.altby $lb'. mind unfit tor food. How important, thin. that tie cow it..ve the bast of care and foul' A cow may be fret froal disease. and yet be *tarot aul i.1 carol for oil ello becomes obi' and otnactated, w1eu Ler Intik will become aunt fun use. Water te an import/at factor. as o' per mut of her milk :s tamale up ut it ln• Lot allow a cow or any .ider farm an:wal to 7 drunk water that you would w -•t yourse:f dnuk. arouoin e:: ageism' swamp holes • are m, Loire . tattoo place for tier to dnuk it from Omit for yon. titre her pt.,. wiser. all sbrtrlll drink a chance to ge' it whets drip. Oro tOiege ate requited for guirl an seuuow(• ,,al w ,rk t cue a that there be roe cold tueal:ld .nrfarte. for such surfs...will also . toad.:o. 41.'lature aituu0,;h tharemainsit remains to dr .pan arid i. ,p arta:*y p r.-.4 sorted by the Ari I4e other uitat p t0 reveal the aJm:esIun 'of uatai4e air. It pr •aa,rty to:titrtutrd and Lu cuticle air admitted- tle air reeve. in a current and is kept dry, ase we:: ae • cold. toy cotutiutt coot*); w:t4 t.te ice To prevent the ad- meamo of .,ut..,1e air, the drip pile, Which carries out the water tram the melted its u. must Owe a "trap" in u. that use, a tie prom un w4i.0 will always be tied with water, w se 1<. keep *in (row *slating. The theory of the circ•.:atiouu *s t.olluwe: Col. ter j$ 4eav(er tI.*n warm and erdi do•eeol -Ar. tyre air m contact with *1. ' ice d•scent's,.utlaeL.air .takes ite place,. the warmer r.sittg Because tt is 'lighter. Ail the tloweLdtug Gtr is cooled and dried b este wants at, and have all her 1 ( and stilted to Ler wants and iambi. ti the more imp.r:alts of J •r, atHic•ti:.g the dairy cow. the `itN i I prevanent I. "garret,.' and the 0t* Ititbeult to :ria', be.,.u.s we caisnot ally 1, r.,te it.. 11'Leu ,.e *Airco is in 11e t j u trey ire cured, if to tie udder, where attacks the wbit glands or ,duct*, a6 a rule it cauhot to controlled. r Sometimes the 1 %heats Is caused by • hurt of some kind= kick of ah angry mai., or from bate L..letl by ar.,•*1er c..«, or by the odder vomit]; in (.I *$t't with the fracu ground -thlia drsi •nr:,:ng 1:4 circulatloa of the blood, caitsim:::iflamu,ation, wuich sub's- gaudydcvel0ps the disease. Various rowels,e are is cur, one of which is. bath of bot w**tet to toe udder, and injettious ! of warm ia:er. to wilich.su,., tinttare of I holism epi heel, added. tutu the test. If Ithe wider appears very much inflamed, call a veter,uartat], a you bate a -goods etre withal wart, but du not call am of those tl4 huru•buring, tail-.phtting quack. 1f you Law tem 'etetinirisu, call • playa elan, go to a druggist or cattail your web. Remember, it is • Mammary disease, and rotten she will 1e able to prescribe dome remedy', 1 The nolo of these itntIortant disease hi prartarieut of mule fever. ar.•1 it afoot prove. foot/. It always attacks the beet coves to the her,' mil those the must ple- thoric. The are is prevention. Watch the air ci..asly, aced ,f .ympto'uu of the di....m, appear, apply treatment` at once. Begin by q,'t,ing the cow ebr.edoarths of a pound of epsom salts, vett!, which has been mood a tablespoonful of powdered gift• song dissolved to • teacupful of warm water, twit weeks befcr.'ahe eou,es in -tau to prevent the dal.... -•rid give her warm water to drink. As 1 said, we want to pre veot the appearance of the - disease. 11 Ile ...w l+ attacked with it, Klee a brisk urge, c uiporel of ole std a half pouude i wits and two tablespoonfuls of grocer: te:, Llauket and watch her closet,. Tito: - tire of aconite is alma good retsady - Aut.tlisr of thaw diseases ketsberoakais, t l aith-,ug14 oot highly contagious, is am cor.We oue. The mills from • sow 'dieted with this disease 'ie- whollj unfit r human or tainted tut tt Bl• tighter inch ,:animal at once and bury; it This die - tee appears as herds kept at extremes, :r t�l•,g the herd kept by the "skin" , cue low -bred, *stogy wretch woo, ring mimilkedhis cows ail aamtuer. seeks get thew throtr;h the winter MamaMamat, either for foritFor �'� A ran. . Rxrel..EaaT,IR 1' pare that cot yr by theta •qd is pursues its coarse cool It *Lel dry: (OVeourre the portion that u ,n ( t direct contact wits, the ice is coldest end therefore heavte.t•- It is constantly (10104a tocol kaptttl up *toe circulation. ,It teen u dent that toe ithelvee sito0.l be few an d a that ti.esxwmit bare ,opentne „ to perm,' i (o the air t,. acct rid. The arrow, ) *Ln* clear at die e wtlral cireulat:,n of the *ire and 11 , r. mast not be Interfered with by an air anter Otoe• p'artitiou A or •Le,i. . to the size, that de ; fiatt, pends upon circumstances, the same as 11,- I lin size of a curnfieid or ,a ban,. Th. awn- I to pale are shown'" by' alt. cut slid furegoiud • cue description, which , is taken from the hrange JndJ Farmer.' The drip pipe of coarse start+ jam below. the ice, ant con *eye the water t;i the outer air. The leo ;eon Hats . sla t• so, the air can press down '; nae throng it to the bottom and the drip shelf I bit most nu1 C Vee ie 711 the air descendwIt ia1ecou i1 rtedwtla�t r see broken ice is more effective than tri; same his t quantity in -one large,c4nuk, s' numb of aft pieta giving the greater amount of ern ;4" tare. i 0s starving sod freezing diem to death.era They become so ran down 11,11 emaciated that they are an cagy prey to the disease Then y fr.atLe exposure to Metestorms.ret weather mot storms. just as a Lumen ng docs, u,d tiessehmer}.to umption. e other e1tre4ue Is the greedy mw wLo k* to squeeze every drop of milk from herd he can poseibIy get\Yuan he is er id munch, and he cares for nothing . He mope every crack ail atavism to ba t�a and stables, Haut a4uttiug 44111 *Vet breata et pure air and foreleg the sun So 4{�a�f See. and over again eL• till it wcumel e'•:iifRtj lfith carlro0to goon thus devootping HO '1i•etpts: les should be wade warm, light aLd u(!14'nted, tb.is giving an abuatlan Mot aralw ere T Ilfr.A�gaz re'sVOW' - to le �ukte, of Bornbwe, tells in air / the Loudon (.int t Farmer-' Advocate how acid 54 per head, s it ori we M a follows, [caro an 1, 15 Ito, � 1 0{ u ice herd of twenty-seven cows canted Stab 181! I' a • . - ty" kuzmr _,� Py SAW lbs. milk sego t • , namery..,.g'NS " *k lmrl. Its 11Yr.•wt tie► " 111,4)*i •• milk sent t ,.nee.. f*rtoe) Ina*,:* •• lodge .. whey (•t 1n• per :Un• Ih. . 21.44 e Cult -1-.1.4d.!. rNr......... - .. pIyp..yG " 1 idill,' bares ands sl•r*I,gers.. Mk.ei ?etal, T. cows and buil Included git?CM • Average toes a ezettirraa, t To •Ir and bran red g 1it,t1 rot t..n. eneilagi A 34.54 tier Wk gnus is ' hay es 11: per teed.. MS 41 Cuts, I..nsht , . mole 3 7C (1 Net earning -.,,f bent. r command bull liil'•14 t•.•r e,.w - Gn file He say* Each animal *closely wat.'be.l and led as mach *1 she can assimilate and return* profit. We have no cad •trop role for feeding, only abate. (lar herd has been closely called every year for the pat fifteen years, and 40-d*, ere have not a cull I might say we fed grain an4 bran the whole year -retial mixture, 1110 lbs. pea meal, with 130 lbs. bran-atni fed from 24 to 4 lbs. per sow per day, according - to time in milk, with the exception of a few cows dry on pastors, Vows drop their calves to all moone of the year, and eon tint* a milk for from ten to eleven mouth.. a few were not dry at a11. bot wt onnclede from our exp'erlellee that it i* a mistake ('.4 tr. gore thein • rest of from eve w*eks to two n,..n11 5 Those we eon- t*nosl milking w.41o.,t ginng a rest did not do as well as when they hada rest W feed at the two ends of the day Be- fore breaikfaet, strew, or. if fresh calved, hay . when that is eater. sp. or in an hour, seailage Mut train rata•,, on tt Aft" nom, watered *1.d fed ensuing, and grain ration on it, then, when that u eaten, either rough feed of hay or straw, 'lee pt hew% calved row.. which get good clover This is in winter until early spring, wham titer are watered twine a day. Its.eeewrea. ado. ram. A poor farm nee.) not me..star,iy re Min et. A go»! farmer will make ba term a savings Inuit It rimy r• several rani t.. (mug it to • .u.re 10.11 el fertility. and the fernier Lij'..ieom- p...n duo 11.e In • fr" ,a1 my fe * 441 fwr •( twnner. but in s years tam farm will be more valuable cad the farmer w..:ti. . Beginning at Ian bottom trod gradually improving ie • aim rasa M aseepa re air a11d toe city f °Oil have pleat, . het tLe we*t er a unpleasaLt or stormy, the ouw s1,oelq bey kept 'odors whether it be tjllniiarj orJgly. In winter', when the weather is tuna and .+lea*$, she should be glveft an liar Tn ihilpea air ea1li day. One of the symptoms of the disease le the increase of batter fat in the milk• a1 though the cow has every appearance of being out of her normal condition: the is the preliminary or first stage. "Lumpy mostly known, another of these important tantdiseases quire prevalent at times lis some district*, arid 1* of a scrofulous character. If you bays a cow ev afflicted, do not tee her milk -n pt men feeding tt to a pig. uor try, if the themes bas developed so that pa has formed in the *welling, to fit her tor beef, but kill her at once, se the disease at tb*t stage ie incurable ('convenient Picking and fN.esae Boa. In gatberino fruit and vegetables, a pick- ing bur will prove very convenient. It should be made to h. 1 1 0411 bushel, and. es the materiel need it] its ennstrwetion can be obtained for about ten cents, it prove. • eheap arrangement for the par A STRONG Gram. Dns. pose, se it can be na:lwl together when other farm operation* are not pressing. Many farmers who appreciate their •slue have more than fifty of throe light boxes In g*thering potatoes the bozos are filled mad left shout the .field, • low wagon or es et stnue beat being driven er00nd sod loafed for with them without heavy lifting For.1t01 storing apples and potatoes they make a low handy package, 1. they can be piled rep In week the cellar in tiers, six or eight .jeep. Thus soil at they are eottreni.nt for examining the eon mater tents, and allow thorough and complete they. ventilation, two very important ronudera none. a all know who winter thee• fruits and vegetables in their own cellars The Th namsa of the different varieties aro ihscnbed upon readily from p*' eme4 4nx. The hwdkta ma"h are pieces of soft wool four lecher �uare on ut and one inch lhiek firmly *aped In p se. (rel at e, ** 40 project about one and • half Melo tion n es, as shown in the above tllnstratio0, enaesd whleh le from the hmitlew Agriealtsrtst i $ root tta•rea The Pris.lples water radeens fl:f ell,. • lrwjp a flits titresuw. Rockwork u g receptacle for trailing Anes and for Oasts ewe Webb Donnell ta,c'ottotty oeutl•mas,�j tot frequently lib coI.trie.•te4 as to be an Ayes.** to one who has artislte taste and an eye fur the 'menial Mame of thiuga' A heap of stones Jelled u4, lis :coulee form m one's front yard or oft Lia lawn i. • most same noun object, but r*'klyork rt] its proper plate and given ice proper shape way be cows r really artistic feature about one. premises. In the first place • rockery should not be located ,o nue s front yee,l, use beton, Lis hour At alt 1*. ).lace I* off at OW side or in the rear of ultra dwelling, and them of ly whet] the 'mu,ellate sarroundtngo halt - odor a with it. For instance, a ruck miry rising abruptly trot], a bit of smooth green lawn is *toot Incongruous It needs 1 roagher iccawrnee to make a harwonwas whole, and ruu,;4er acce.soriesare usually to he fumed at the *idea of o:.• v groom's, and here it a often possible t., utilize a pile of rough at0tni+ N, u t.: secure a very plealsug and artistic rife,: but let t]0 out make the m:.take Ll ser, cti:ig a ort or-o4e 'yatOd structure, over which to tracts hardy clilubing plant& A rockery should have no appearance of stiffness or "tether," nor ebuuld It appear at all obtrusive Ats irregular, lowlying pit of �e way be thrown to- gether withubt ap.pareut attempt to give orin . r ruttishness of <Maine. The result ill be, mut likely.. the [arm and comeli SIT uF ac,c•wOa1L nets that hi ..t appropriate in a bit of rock Work. he illustration accompany tree Worts' u a suggestion of the wav •n5b • it heap of SWUM may be treated to secure .rid effect, and one that as natier rouse tioual nor obtrusive. Rough. "tagged- ru8k. 1Ille up in the mom artistic fashion, and a lunch more pleasing effect a obtained wbett vines are trained over such rocks, as theem have much more 'character' flat du the Smoother, ruuudet cobblest••ues, dist fit tomato), so eta to male Maly • rua,MQed heap. Another point may weal 4s rewem by one who essays to cungttuct a r. upon his grunnds, and that is proper rooms w pursue in c0veriu reeks when in oo•itto*. In th place, do out attempt to gather • g riety n[ plo:;toi together here, Waking this pieta in one "pocket" between the stones and flat plant its another, with severs) and t to ut vines atrtcii:g foo itl7erLa.y, Art the rock Lest• in itself ie to be made rough and will :n spa earan_e, this char aetrr should 1,e further w.ti:.giur.l by tis. Ing plants Grey vines that ff`uw wild in sea L i ly plants (1 any o take and 1Otte two raeses stuck- iallT- •Pru• wore fly • great active city, without having his nerves 1ered lacerated by the multttuduuw and dircord- okery mat noises. t4• He can live an peace and quietness o0 the g th. line of au elevated railroad and lawyer* • arts Mier pester him to cue the company for teat 1a' dsaugee because his sleep u disturbed by toe clatter et can *hese. No ole who know* him ever *tops tom on the street to tell him the latest story. Scandal' are never poured tato has ear. Be can aiweye turn a deaf ear to the nen woo wants to borrow Monet moi this alone' 25 an income is melt. -„ ._ Ir he knows the deaf and dumb alphabet he has all the knowledge be pumas..e at his fiovers ends. Ha is Lot compelled to talk when he does sot feel bks it. A female friend never asks him :u hall • amt car for her. He is *pend from being expected to hol- ler .n the atr-.-et when the eleetaa returns are coming pts. Final:v. r.o matter what other "a:amn' may overtake 1.:n:, Le le mottled against be. taiged to death. Ole Mrs. J. II. IIonsxt-nell, 1 Pacific Ave., Nauta Cruz. Cal., writes: " When a girl at school, la Itrn4ing, OW. I had a severe attack of brain fryer. On any recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, fora long time, I (rand I should he permautmtly so. FrirnJ. Urged me to use Ayer's 1LIr Vigor, and, on doing s0, any 4Alr Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair u out) could wi*h for, being chat,go.1, how - over, from blonde to ,lark brown." „ After a fit of sickne.+, my hair canto on* in* codnbfulls. I u„ d two Jottloa of Ayer's Hair Vigor sur now my hair 10 over a yap.* Long and yerr full said )Geary. I have recon. mended this preparation to others with like go..,l .'Beet." -)Ira. Sidtte•y Carr, 14W Regina at,. Harrisburg, 1'a "1 hare u*e.) dyer's II•tlr Vigor for see, rel years aL Glu.• sol tlln..l factory, r1*u1te. I km is is tl,o Leat prep:.rat:on for the 1...:r that is made." --C• T..l.ruett. l.Etrmuo:l4 .•piing, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor :rel vel 6p Dr.J.0 dy.r :C3.,LowctyYam. Ricer Goal )beans, We *r* prose to treat the deaf and dumb man u though Le was an object of pity : but n h. • Ile can walk the streets of a tag paces. Then are mai arch ad vines that can be f 'uml native i locality, mud these wtl! 1.. found t most kindly to the new surroiiadiugs, to prow moot hardy mud . *ti*factory. variety of sins grow:it and one or varieties of piacts, wit:, *01.. wtid g added, will be atupiy sudici*ut moi• ing the rockery. If it u lac .te,1 in q moist and part shaded *put, nothing (wild b* 4440,, mJ priate or beautiful than tb'4 nee of utir natio" lento as ferns delight in evtlt,.t.y of rocks, and after tern este�hefted writ -grow quite well, e whore the grt ou>:d or not rery..moiiSi pa ally, tar the rock heap. -especially w well covered wan plant growth, will a large aiuoriut of m,.,i,ture beneath tt. will he well in traltinig rine@ over rocks to permat *4.4.te woes covered ed !sluts t.. remain exposed, as wit a.1d not a little to the go'.x1 effect the whole Ca/ur.ttw of Apps Oreaawa. The appl, arcbards do not receive culticatiou that t•u1Lt to 'be. bestowed up them. Natty use-ahu:Je, i� t. true, are titled on Gado rout':, els \rocky grunt th..i :' woAi4 hi' Ste poatlble to cnitnv to tiny constderaL.e ei:n_i, kwt tr:etgre land can be cultivated it ie hibr'!v tjes able that it shoal,' be.. 1:apecisl!y i* flesh*t,le that a young; orci.ard shoall p,•Pi in ctiltivattou aLtll it cOari, lc.te s, belrliit autl' irk .it=! .stmt. ;hers great advantages to be derived from c ration. Take tiro young orchards plan at the same time, on equally good Soil, with the same care, and equally good trees. used for the purpose, and let one be kept in coltivatiot] and the other kept is gran The reomit, in ten years, will be a very ata• atrnctire object lessor. The trees kept eulitvatel will be nearly fall growing or to full hearing, while the trees iu the uncut. orated orchard will be only about half grown and just I.egtUnitrg'to bear. • \„w if cultivation is good to develop an greh. aril and bring it into bearing quickly, it u certainly equally beue1c4al fur an orch- ard 'luring its bearing period. In iu4thern ('aIfoto is the apple or- chards are culttvannl and irrigated about the same es the orange groves, toenail/gia *w ahnodanc• of fruit Belkeomer apples raised 111 this way ar• twice as large as those raised in )Laine, and equally as fi e flavored, if not superior. Irrigation in New Fagland is not s, much needed, of roar••, as it is u, southern California, bat 10 dry .ess,ns it wori:d be a great benefit. It *,.411.1 save the dropping t]1 fruit from drouth. and erable t1e•trees to bear larger wrul .n ,re perfectly developed fruit if the *wince nn our app:, orchards *e:. kept .-:,:nya44J Ont not platted to crops, the fid effect, of severe dr,ntbs could tie gummed against. w a gnat extant. By keeping the surface often stirred the pal verirtd Nil of the surface would act se a mnic4 and prevent vie soil Itet.•ath from the unto: . *kllek'.1111.11ser. Van h,. 1 .., Hawkins, (:hattaaooga,Tenn.• tui says : " \*GlcN. Vitalizer ' sawed my kris 1 consider it the test remedy for adebilitated hold .yetetn I ever used," For dyspepsia, liver 1t or krdnet ilou%•le it eroey, l'rce 75 cents. the, Soil by 41 di satiate. o w *u 1 j - ----. - they ; ss.attl teal These. of ' '.lmateur Theatricals !Jeune i'rewtier,_-I Inert old man, hate you got the stage Heats t'tltaia �o ; I think she's is her the dres:rig-room. 'emu iw• Cnrd•,ck Blood !litters cores all diseases ul, of the bli,od from • common pimple too the at. wont scrotal/us sores or ulcers.. Skin dis- t4o easier, boils, blotches and all blood humor cannot resist its haling powers. :�e His D s nI pepsia Cared.' patronise ted 'PLANINGL Buchanan it Son, tlaewe•OTl'aa�a BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers ta W theta of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Amir t N saaterl•1 .1 every .a.orlptlaa School Furniture a Specialty. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER rHFC00K'S�ST FRIEND LARG(ST =ALft IN CANADA - HUGE DUNLOP, THE CLOTHIER, has just returned from the chime whoa jti. haa been selecting SEW SPRING HODS. He has now on hand a Large Line of the Choicest Coals in the Market and is prepared to turn out work in the Best Style possible, and at Prices to suit the times, 11. DUNLOP. GODERJQH Steam Boiler Works. 1.STAUW4Hito'151.. A. S. CHRYSTALL sanvaserfo hewn: rt Mark" Manufacturers of all kinds of Station ary Marine, Upright & Tubular 33022*e-ERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Work., etc., etc. Also dealers in I'priaht Valve kn,nnn. Automatic (' nd Horizontal penalty. All sizes at ...Smart constantly o0 *2 • and furnished as snort notice, Rid g prenares f lt..4.d oa 0. Repairing promptly rich.Od to. YMT ly 1', O, Nor J , Goderich. Ont. works= Overeats O, T. k- $canoe. (iodate.. Skiair la� AT[NTS 0* VEA T;s"� TRADE Tg 12. OEi1GN N TENTfff ver inr0Ttwat,es sed free Ha vR1 k write .tan )11' NMA .Y). VI tan. owe Handbook write to I8 Ebb patient re tet foe aca1 oar to ester.'e 1* Amalie& tae poWe Lr * Tootles vireo Me or chars. iwoosta m Uri c'Cientif is mcYlcBtI .rid. `oteoA.ol) „t0at.stea. Jto 4*4 1 r lawn M0. I.e wtth..st. n, Weekly, ,. $ 'Musa Lac MMI nrBn doss. New Y rk. W� drying el. By culti,rtu.g the *Urfa". Iag&t,y after each ramp, cue 'Vaporanon from the soul would be che.•ke.l to moth ret that the orchard would not streww want of moisture, even la se.gw :Its. la Oar 4urtt•nt timate• sum ..p. hare demobs lasting more than int ., *0 *14at by cultivating the surface ter each rain tl:• orchard would be tally protect...I fr in very dry we. -Ai:Noki a Agnealtunst. am *Aar Ot. Malacca isle a bet month for in•eeta and present pmep•cte it will be one of insect activity this year. The 'art chard ram sum to be •cry pisnti d most be altemled to, bet IM Ties f spray ihi/ 1... already been (ally die- and tit. months work will be.tmpiy innetwn of that begun. y� Drat Bras._ sJ I write you to say that for some time 1 had been suffering from acute indiges- tion or dyepepse, and of worms felt wry great 1ne0a- renienoe from manse in my general bud - nem. I thereupon decided to try Bur- dock Blood Bitter*. and after taking two botthe 1 f,w,nd I wan genie another man. for O. Ili. B. CURED IRE. I have also need it for my wife and family. and have found of the bed thing they can take, and from peat experience I have every pleasore in strongly moan - mending B lI H to all my friends I write you became I think that it mhonld he generally known what B.B.B. min accomplish in cases of indigestion. OEQIi(E READ, Sherbrooke, One 111L 010 asap. SYSTM RENOYATOR 1 Ain 0Tma1 1-1.1-01, *5Yw1O. Specific and Antidote for impure, woak *mid impoverished blond d papa* slespeo.a, pslpitstie.a nl the lea. hart, liver complaint, neer*lgi, Inas of vomitory, bronchitis, a assumption', gall incase, jaundice, kidney and sensory disease. Ra Vita.' dans, female w ego ■levities and mineral de*wlity. LABORATORY. 40ORRI41, ONTARIO J. M. Mci,ROD, Prisprl.see sed Itlswala.esw, iliaLllesses !Hyrum Ra►.vainw ails bebad esAilrmy le ketwe as Snaiwall l amid �••s•� na Beat and Tarawy DP iv. True Competition. Tan C•s•Die' PAcrr.0 1tAJLwAr Co.'s Teueokapir has trees established to five tk• public a drtirelsos servies with fair *ad pee mane*t companion. 1t 4 mansard on bootees vrt•clarn sod te the laterals of it. patrons. *1 deserves the support t •f every pence wise Ileva le oompetuio* wstek deeMeta sae sats ram �sl�o Ilse. eowasetlna with .11 Haat an. a*kt hi rimed Maley, traumas *54 qmM.. Direct thresh wires to allu Is North wsat.ltrinab Columbia and 'aelioCoast Oros- youth tilde West -at. ttlr,tf B--!AB(11eeN. Lomat blan.Mer. Oedarlek HAVE YOU BACK -ACHE :ODDS KION FY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "fackeeke tket steams O. kid- of the841== , m�tsare in "Dela/ f. Nile dangerous. Meg - Kidney glue ,•t4.4 kid ney M* robe!" trouble* resift eJ r p ' . t. In Red flood first em ! emcee/ liver t an/ disordered Mtd tweet daw- Iiekt as weft Lykes DlatseS tlry to Aero a Diabetes and ektdoiteltit! tilt,ar/Ine e! ea g. maloe• geed Mw„. *setaa' 1 exist esker• kirini Dodd'e Kidney ebL-L they are Idle aro reed, kyr&dmrmebyries isoslyil �eailld � m! t oiTeNa&e d4 far SOME NEW IDEAS. WALL PAPER. Beats peops have just /nand out that FRASER &PORTER sell Wall Paper cheaper than some dealers can buy wholesale. One visit to the leading Wall Paper House will prove this Statement, THE NEWEST DESICNS AND THE LOWEST PR10ES. What everybody ought t0 demand. Special Sale now on. Call and Compare Prices, FRASER 8c PORTfl, Booksellers and Stationer% irral Naaaaer. Gell retepk•■e a s, NEEDS OF GENTLE SPRING•TIE FO HOUSE-CLEANING . OUR CONDITI POWDER , CLIMAX 71782TfT4$i POLSSB For hors., and ('a::.,. plyit lou old cur elf. It cannot be r look ore new. '"arY.. aENGLISH HEALING 011 Mat For all ('uts and .rt].,.. LZATIDE LL� PIP! "hip tllre the pipes a eat afore manse .way SASSAFRAS BLOOD AND STOMACH *ad merest rust. BITTERS. PLOWER AND 1}ARDZIP SZIDS tin package'., OU LIVER PILLS. Besot our " Hoose-Cleitniug flints "-a book (troy home should hate and keep. W. 0. QOOm$ Chemist. SPECIALTIES 1 SPECIALTIES 1 ROOFING BY TERNE PLATE AND EASTLAKE STEEL SHINGLES, In our own make of Tinware we have the largest and best assorted Stock in town. Ordered Tin and Galvaniz- ed Iron work of every description. Heating by Hot Air, Steath, or Hot Tater. Sanitary Plumbing and (:act Fitting. Lowest Prieew and }'irqt-els,, Kori:. Repairing promptly attended to. HARPER & LEE: Sign of the sig Kettle. Y►01:7 V%.&/\TT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. ,W. McKENZIE can supply t (.0 .. Rh h a good article at a Iow price. I STOCK COMPLETE !N Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Fanning Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to gine me a call. R. W. McKENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderich. Personal ! Spring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will want a - TEA OR DINNER SET - We have the iargeet and Cheapest Aaaortment in Town. Before haying (all and get prices. 50 - TOILET SETS - 50 New derigna to select from. Inspection invited. OSS. As. Nie UNDERTAKERS. J_ BROPH)Ey fit 80I,T Have added to their present business one of B. J. Na h'a Late* OW. of Pity Hearses, also *be !inert line of funeral furnish/aro int the seamty, and are now prepared to conduct funerals at picas reasonable This department will be strictly attended to by his see William, Nie► in the employ of the We D. Bordon for the knowledge of the `•Sime and h Panton ppan,est ear a public Pa y Prompt attention hopes to shays Peet d public patronage. Renumber the plao*_ W...,et., els your way to the pelts Qlve oe a osfl J. BROPHEY & SON. _ hI a n -- - --- _- HAV A OOPv lir? 'rp YOUR T* w , it. )hOt ♦ 1<�