HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-21, Page 44
Zhc $:gnaL,
• atautichrst Liberal could possibly
A strong attempt has been maids
by the Opposition candidate and his
friends to sow deeds of dimension be-
tween the people of urban and subur-
ban localities, and in many of the
rural districts s feeling of antipathy
against the residents of towns and
villages has been aroused. This feel
should not exist, end Mr. CO.roL-
LY and his friend,' who have fostered
it, should be made to feel that en-
deavoring to put clads against elms is
treason to the best interests of the
comtlion wealth.
(fur last call to the friends of good
government is to be true to their own
interests, and this will be best done
by voting for .1 T. (:AaKoe for West
Huron on Tuesday, June 26.
reaua ee
Mee of Patel- � � t,
Teems of $sbs•rtpu.. e
se smooth, aavuates • i
Ise rear. 1 M
weitit la wed. tar pas gat rear
will he
W nemmunic.tloos must be eddrvr.a to
lineesiossi 30.
Tess eaM
E[oetii /9414101 111111
Meatless to the interest of We Liberal Con -
dee will be head at
BtIJA.r, Thursday, '• 21.t, •• ••
- 1 ridey. •' 22tb ••
SMITII+ H11.4, S&L, „ 23rd " "
Martis'. School House, Wuanosh, Friday,
Jun. Tied, at 3 p m
Luckoow, holey, .lune 22a 1. at 8 p rn
When addresses will 1.e delivered by Mr.
GARROW lied other, on the public .lues
Hetes of the dal .
The Lucknow and Smiths Hill
Meetings will lee addressed by Jno.
McMillan, M.P.. Martin's anti Dea-
con's Meetings ,will be addressed
I)y Mr. Carrow. Mr. ()arrow will
ales be at the Smith'. Hill Alert-
ing, Saturday night.
The Opposition Candidate is in-
vited to take part in
the discussion.
The Liberals• committee room over Yates's
ware store be open at : es err erre-
one interested in the election of Mr.
ti‘rmw is cont d13 invited to attend.
1t) order of
SIN t' E Paul started from Jerusalem
for mascus and was concerted on
the �• w down, therehas been no mom
suddert4 conversion than that of .1 Arat.
CONN*, L1 to patronise and against
Toryis The only thing we fear is
that th is a big streak of PETEK in
the me rn Peer, and that he will
eventual deny the new faith quicker
• than a ter could crow.
N Ham iton the P.P.A. candidate
end his t ends speak openly about
the poaiti they holes, and boast of
their eonts;otion with the association,
but in Wet4t Huron the P.P.A. caudi
date and hu friends think it a crime
to hatehe question mentioned.
Colne out, like a man. CoNeoLLY, and
face the usic. If you are not
ashamed of he connection say so, awl
1* honest a it.
IF Patron
.pr -atism c
that Hon.
Co)rxoLLY, the P. P. A.
as cut loose from Con
mpletely. how comes it
doorstep customs member of the Sir
JOHN THONIPtinelt cahtnet, was speak
ing against t1
Clinton Wert
and assisted
buckler Dr.
course the me
e Mowat candidate in
ne.day evening, aided
by that political swash-
BasN7 rr Neaten l ()f
Nang was called osten-
sibly in the interest of South Huron,
but it wig held where it would do
Mr. CoNNoLLT most goal.
Before another issue of Tits Sio
NAL, the battle at the polls will have
been fought, and the result will be a
matter of history.
In West iluron, as is well known,
the Liberal candidate is Jamie T.
GAaaow, the former member, who
with the experience of the past four
years to his credit, once more cornea
before the electors to solicit their suf
{rages. During the four years that
have intervened .loos his Hers appear.
ance in public he hex made rapid
strides in experience and political
ability, anis today is one of the beet
posted and thoroughly reliahle repre-
sentatives of Provincial political
Simon entering political life Mr.
OAaaow has been Assiduous in hlg
efforts to do the will of his conatitus
amts, and their will ha° always bees t bee to t
gameneunt in his political action. Qs connection
bee end no partisan feeling to I. -It.—
elate his aetio.s, and the Con.eey., 1 6104 tb am
ease who has hod Ore*sinr. to soak •�•r• that
Ma I members of
akksuMoa et the Oevernm.at he. tees U Mr. Cob
od red the wens roe rosy v t way
JtATItON Cowrot.L) has dug a pit
for hintself in earnest now. When
he first cause out as the Patron condi
date, he courted the light of day, but
he wax not long in political harness
ls•forr he was tempted and hell, and
when he fell Ile fell, like i.1 !F•H.
And it all happened in this wad'
Brother CONNoLL'., having been
seized of the desire to become a can-
didate for Parliamentary honors, and,
if possible, a successful one, decided to
leave no stone unturned so that his
end mig tt be accomplished. Having,
as he thought, tied the Reform Pat
rons to his chariot wheel,' he !began to
look around him to discover the heat
mesas of making the rock -bottom of
the Tory vote solid also in his behalf.
The only wad open to him was to loin
the P. P. A., anal join he did
Today he is a member of the ass)
atioa although we must confess a
ry dittj Ie, t member --but unfortu
tely he has discovered that all is
t gold that glitters, and many
atiows have crossed his path since
evening of his initiation.
In the first place it turns out that
r. consensus of opinion of the officers
the Patron Grand Lodge it opptmeel
patrons Icing bounej to support
tron t °ndi.lates *Ino ally them,teit-es
h the P.P.A. or other associations,
ter their nomination as patron can-
ines. No patron candidate is ab -
tidy forbidden to join the Y.P.A.
nil Mr. ('ONNOLLY wag within his
ilege when he joined --het he tan -
compel his patron comrades to
once bis action by their totes on
tion day. Here are some of 'the•
ions of the (:rand Officers on this
rand President
- n
M. " ry says :—
emphatically that
never had, has o0
any •ttilultou, di-
rectly any organization
standing of flim
0o distinctly pro-
vides be non laarnrao
rust that this of
prevent any further
ittou between the
semi -religious organization
reef at say time
r t.f a mon art•
n ortli-r to vote for a person who
lentifieil himself with the P.P.A.
1 he as tyrannical as to compel
o .join the P.P.A. himself. It
I be compelling him to work. for
v with w'hi•!i he might have no
thy whatever.
nd Trustee .1. I.dtrK1E Witso.t
inter how publishes in a Toronto
in answer to the question.
P. _party anything in common
P. A. movement replied •
ng whatever. The 1'. 1'. A. move.
as to do with race and religion: the
of industryr deal purely with
ac'luesttoos R'e have thousands of
Catholic members is our sasocta
nd Truster A. t:t►rotti. has
y declan•el
is set the slightest possible cos
hotness the Patron. of Industry
P. P. A. We have a large number
an Catholics in our ranks, and they
as loyal members and good sub
thugs of other creeds, %' e believe
nghta for all."
reference to the Romain
c membership of the order is of
mportatrce. No one would
of asking a Itoman Catholic
to support a P.P.A. candidate
re are many Protestants who
uch opposed. as Catholics are
P.P.L., and it is !.Iain that
e as good a right as ('acholics
their wishes and liberties re-
lit other words, a Protestant
cannot be hound by an oblige
m wh'i'ch! a Catholic is sh-
y President JAM! OAuser, the
candidate for West Huron'
Dominion Parliament, on
afternoon said in refer
he exposure Of CoefroLLY's
with the P P A
I dean to say most t
our orgaui,aN,m hu n t
now, and Dever can have
or Indirectly, w -r
■flecting the rehgwus
people. Our constitution
vides that our order she
and non sectarian. I t
final declaration will pn
insinuations that • coil
Patrons and any semi -rel
has ever existed or can e
To compel :t ntetal,r
has i.
him t
a hod
111 all
"N nth t
meat h
tied tete
of Rem
are quite
jecte as
in (Noel
great i
but the
are asm
to the
they hay
to herr
tion fro
for the
tear to the Nitres ere. adiastHatiee,
prod opiairsas of (:read Iwsig.
rtrrn osadieiates eb.ld be
eke P P A. er a•y each somety
wot.Lv is • i' P A. .oaths sad
5.4y , «asweste leeks that
W resort my sappiest, whin
Me heretofore bees heartily gives. and be
ammo& ler claim se the "Mort .f any pa-
tes le West Hares- The Palmas of Is -
Amery are straitly nes-eseteataa."
So that it looks se if Brother
COXItOLLT whoa he thought he was
casting an anchor to windward by
joining the P. P. A., was really punch•
Jag a hole in his political hull, and
stands full chancel[ of going down in
the deep.
1)ERHAPS the most peculiar thing
m oaaaeo$es wits Mr. l.'o,'N.L.LY'e math -
dames s tis feet that it s sot rspreasa1a.
The alleged euvestioa that aotausitsd
►tat was a bole sad earlier gathering ot 36
gmtlemes who represented only .ow 250
or 300 of the electors of the ndtag, who
had pissed patron orgaaszaucaa.
The great Agr'ioultural vete outside of
the r� eraaaistioss was ,.Study WOW -
4,4 by the thirty-six geatlenesa_twelee
of them treat Godsrtch township— who had
pt►«vd to[etber to bare imam at the
°brine ot Jaya+ COc'ioLLY.
No taster outside of the patrua organira-
ttss was consulted as to who would be the
bees fitted to remnant West Huron is the
new L.gtdature, and yet Mr. CoxnoLLY.
whit, has bees foisted upon the oo.atitt.eaey
us a hocas-pocus manner, u eadeavortag to
alum the u°antmoua support of the farming
At the Dungannon populist oosveatioa
there new no repre°wtatioo asked for or
pressen from the towns and villages, and
yet Mr. ('ossu1.Ly chime that he should be
looked upon as the eppositioa nominee,
because he was—altboarh he rays he is not
sow—a good, sesare-toed, c:odench towe-
ship Tory.
Mr. Cox'otli hos too male,' trees u the
fire, and will have hie hands full sgrliziag
matte, between mew and ebonies day.
THE Rebv. Prof. At•sTly, principal of
Almay odiet College, St. Thomas, who
was prominent m the formation of the Pro-
hibition third party, of which ,Re•. Alex
S iiSKL.sn• 1).D., was president, and was
a:so a leader to the Equal Rights movement
of a few years ago, has announce 1 himself
as being heartily in favor of the Mowat Ad
ministration to the Doming election. Prof.
ecsris. on the thud party organizstioo be
lug succeeded by the Advaaeed Prohibitionist
Assoatuco°, immediately became identified
with that movement, bad is a most promin-
ent member of it,. Sneaking of the political
N said '• 1 consider
on should give
situation Prof.
that the timpirosis
Sir Out in Mow*? �pportuntty to carry
out the pledge whin. has given w. If
the Mowat Admiaistretioa were not sustain -
e1 their eucceeson would say the Govern-
ment went to the people on that issue and
you didn't support it. We went to `fir
441 is ca and asked bin to do Certain thintn.
He undertook to do them, and to be Ce.•
sistent we must support him." Prof.
Acs. stated that he was taken this view
publicly,•od m making the above utterance
was quite willing to see it published, as he
ooasideredit to be uoyuestiooably his duty
M take strong ground at this juse, are in
support of the present (i:overnme.t.
INTARi(► ling . Mined a platy! among
the foremost agricultural countries of the
world. Its exhibits at -the Chicago Fair
attracted world-wide attention to this
Province, and It was easily first in the dis-
tribution of honors in several departments.
la a .j tech at Guelph the present Got snot.
General of Canada referred to this marvel-
lous encomia, and attributed It in large mea-
sure to the Department of Agriculture,
which the Oppesttiou in 11°tario believe is
not important enough to demand the atten-
tion of a Mi.uter. The growth of the
dairy industry in Ontario has been wonder.
flet. Is 1893 the quantity of cheese pro-
duced was 93,848,948 lbs., and the gross
value of it was 18,959,939 The milk pro-
duced on nearly 48,000 farms was used b
eta production. The I)epartmeselie'jjwn
u°ceaatng in its efforts to aid this industry
by the issue of pamphlets, the distribution
of dairy sport°, the establishment of the
Dairy School and the travelling Dairy.
other breaches of sericulture have also
been assisted by grants, sad by the diseem-
tn•tion of useful information. in these
days of low prices for wheat and barley,
sad of keen competition, there is mon need
than ever that this work should be oon-
J If AT trenchant speaker. lion S. If.
Make, y,l'„ had something to say in his
d dram is behalf of Cvakit. Mose, the
Liberal esadid•te t. South Toronto, in the
Auditorium on Wedseeday night, which is
of wider interest than merely to thealecton
of that metropoli�a tosslitueeey
"I would like to We another department
tor • moment or two, for stories have been
told about it that have been se absolutely
wicked in their untruthfulness that 1 have
inset • good deal of this afternoon is trying
te nes just when we 'tend in regard to it,
and i have some figures in respect to that
departme.t the Itepsrttnent of Education.
Now it has bees said that the nest has bees
i.ereased : that there has been great ad-
ditional trouble and expense caused by Me
mode in which that department has bees
dealt with. Now. you will be surprises)
whet. i tall yea that in 1(18; there were
wtherired eleven different grammars, one
deforest geographies, flee different histories
sad that our shtldese had to bey .iT diger•
tot boobs to go through the oo.res. To.
d•y ws heve only eiaa 1 wee seared se 1
read through the pages of the blue bob,
which so one slaw •entradiet it it mold he
eentradieted yes would have ltd turret
fleecy or femme Meese with hie mesh en
te it Were tiffs -_i was a°rred to Sod that
there W been sash • marked iteprevuwwt
mid emit wonderful preps= in that d.
partmwt. 1t regaired u i*sb, $10 SS, he
M the b.vks seeded air the wheel dies-
with the Biggest and Best Dollars Worth in the Huron
Tract. ft Circum " advertising is out of date. People has
grown tired of being humbugged. They want FACTS e
X x X
We've hundreds more equally attractive to the Ready.
Money Buyer.
Dress Goods Department and Dark Td, worth Suite,
ea 4 75 ,Mall Deceit
]Ion's Dark Tweets :(mats Basil designs, 38 inches wide, worth
Genuine Indigo Prints new pat worth 1jlU, for 121c., for
7 3b Regular' •elk. Corsets for 29c Art 'Muslims, new art silk pat -
)team's fine Worsted Suite worth A good Corset,equal tb most to
llf, for roti worth 20c., for !:'Ir
11M hen's All - Wool Panto well12 1b ynalities, toes .'Oo Good Floor Oilcloth, . .
A splendid rifting Corset for . (i90 wire, worth , loth. . yarL
made and trimwed, elsewhere ' ., tor...... Ji c
vie $2, our price 1 33 A Suutwer Corset ter.... G8s Ettru \'aloe do Towella, T.bs Lia
All siuu in two .ty1Ps of the Gttet-
Men's Heavy Weight Tweed sus Anterinin P.N. Corona : ass g[ �•' Table Napkins, uFancy Tabs (`o,-.
me Petits, equal to any $2.:t0 the celebrated Featherbone, the baso. hs Lace Curtains, Carpet. .�
Pant in this section, for .... 1 98 wearing Canadian Corset. �•a furnishing reeluisit.w.
Ile Men's Fine French All -Wool Full lines of Ladies' White Under -
Worsted Pants, other story„
tern., cheap at ltk., for ..
Double Width Tenet Effects,
good value at 25e., for
Fancy Basket Weaves, newest
shades, worth 75c., for
French Silk Striped Cllallie, new
designs, worth 3-5c., for
American Challis, dark and Tight
grounds, newest patterns
Staple Department
Factory Cotton for
N .e
11 e.
w 64
ask g; and $;.:N) for them, BIN aid Slim Depute!!
White Skim from
oar price 300 upwards We keep all grades and varieties d
k Boys' rice rte Bailor Wash Night Rubes from gat, be is
Shoes for men, women and children.
snits, worth >;1.50, for 100 upwsrtk We guarantee our Shoes to
3e Boys' Navy Sorge Sailor Suits, Latlies' Knit ) nepsritentert.
lit worth $1.50 toes, worth Ilk, I�tiies I nciia Oxfords, 1 toes oreL, worth g 1
les' All -Wool Cashmere or
worth tate., fur 3k
Ladies' g Boys Nettite ),nee Paints (hoed►, 'bed" • t
" loge, worth :':fess, for 1 �' Tan O =fords, worth
The Cotton we sell at 5c., is bold in , l'nealnalled value in all lines o[ Cot- t i1.2. ,for '!.it
some agree .t Sc. lens Furnishing Department ton Hosiery ani blooms. The tam. j Ldie.' can\.s Ozfonls. worth
Fast Color, Yard Wide Ging- sus Hrrmadorf Black, the hest dye in ii.SUt for
ham, hest quality, worth 12' c,?I ::,
for Good Felt Hats, new shapes, re- the world. Lidice Dongola °don* worth
I 9c New Shape 1 gwF�tlo......
69c i The latest ideas in bees, Veiling., i Ladiesi�• for at I sty
Coal Turkey Retl, chess o at Vic, ape ras, regular Frilling*, Collars and Cuff' \ li
for 6ic $1.50 quality
gs DouRda Tan oxford*,
Cuffs, ,. e'g el(--ire
worth 4,_'.:'.i, for
Good Cottonxde, sold everywhere �:,. and Laundered Blonde Waists 1 7 5
for i 5c.. for s New Fur Felt Fedoras, new A special cut in ('apes and .lack. Mer' • >iicl Kip Lee Boot.,
10�c shades and shapes. regular eta --any Jacket in the store, t'ON1' f11.7a, for 1 .,y
Heavy Weight Cottontule, regu- 4?_'. 14) quality, for Men's Tan UxfOrdn worth 4,1.50
lir ' .,c. quality, for 1 1c )len'. 0 tel 50 (all of the newest ,hying), rang .
Tie's, now colon: an4i styles, ung in }rices from $4.2.'0 tofor
-'1 _' �
dc.Tluality for. 1 r,. t�51;0, for go Its Men's Canvas Oxfords, worth '
pretty Cape, ,ilk-tt'imal,erd, .75, or -1 3.'•
Clothing Department
Men** ter+, new colors and styles, A •1 f
:15c. to.Mk. qualities, for.... 2:.c good volae at 111--2:i, for . • ..111 50 Men's I)otigola oxfords, r'orth
)Ian's Blue $teRe Suit+, worth tf11.30. for l
*6, for A lams Shirassot. at ta of Neglige and IIs ' f&U% nen ( ,nine Gilt Edge 1) mesio n,
)ten's All -Wool Suits, well made �l iaunered shirts at a saving n{ f ti to hue 1J$jj� Departing per cent. Art .lenses (for cnrtairts) new rate by Whittemore, Boston.
regular price, :'k., our price, . I '.it
Highest current rates -allowed for
Butter and Eggs.
Remember, we have only one price,
whether trade or cash.
the coot to -day is only $4 08 Why, bitting. sad thourht a decided mistake we I one in respect to which, l have had an to —
it hi.'beea promulgated from one end of the 'made in not doing so I think Mr. Mackie
country to the other not only that thele was will bear me out to this statement, fees if
teniew with any of the I:nm so catholic
an increase, but that it was for nefarious to my rescue Meso serves me right, 1 so stated clergy or ever received a letter from any of
benefit purposes, that at was in order to him at the time. them. These acts were passed at the in-
.' During the time this examination of 'woe*. in every
aid wast friends—that there was a ma. stock was i mar, of laymen of that
staled going on Prof. Shaw esu con- aherch, and they were passel because the
nipnlation in Inc Edlecatisa deport meat. y erring that we should go down to general sentiment ofthsoountry approved of
The •tory is abealutely untrue• u theseI herds, here. It eruetieil anfus . akin tem. Whoa they wen referred
to lie
figures show, Listen, plena.: The draw P y
ing hooks—aid there are 1 the ground that there was no difficulty in proofs of the .rbservieeos of the Reform
'N7.723 pupils is mak hl
So Mr. CO1r!(OLLY is a P. P. A.
mentb4er, and is ashamed to admit it.
(Immo% has never joined a fly-hy
nigh 1 aasociAtion to get votes. Can
CoryoLly say the same
our public schools w impelled lett wits a melecttone in our own Prov. y and the Reform Garereme°t to the i Friend. of good ha pe: ed to ince, and, that being the case, it would be Church of Rom- it ehauld be rememberedg ro.bretdo the
take drawing—Dost intim sada : they cost wrong to incur un•ecees•ry expenditure by that the fact u whet 1 halo jure stated,th•t let the dark astern brigade do elle
five emits now. In the wilting books en I ei scent. Then, after much urgt°g, asst
I when he found 1 would sot :Mutat.. g., every one of these laws wnicli an now obs i si ngjng On election night.
u • saying of $14 8A6 Comparing the i and said I had no totaotto of laying 1
prices of the school books to -day pati, wast eete_l to had the approval of the general ' —
myself open to the charge of mak m, *Valmont of the country keep the pirates off the good old
they were ten years ago the province of t)o pleasant trip for myself at the ax- church car soaet
p Y � Y Then was not a
tar° saes $100,000 per annum. Ap ! pease of the Government, be then askedY that obual t! to team : ( ship Ontario, Or they will loot the
pause.. Further than that Ie 1d.13I °1e as •favor not to tet there was not •o individual that i h•\e trammel and beach a shattered hulk.
there were 23 books that were noo•C:ana- p•► of hi• P •nythl.g is the , heard of ,n the Legislature or out of the
toning I will make to dosses
dist : to -day they are all Canadian but two. tion•, bit will leave 'tit:* public to do so. -, Legislature who objected to them. They The da rk-lantern didate is not
In 1883 then were sex public school and 31 This,' however, 1 lest strongly on That Mr. were not objected to, is fact, moil yeses so sure of election as he was before it
Mackie had good reason to feel agrrieved. afterward°, when our p>fittes4
high school text book. imported, aid now, He had just whet the Government required.
there are onlytwo imported. I1 •ex;ors to filed some policy or other iba two known that he was carrying
ported. P tell you, Re explained to us that he wished to refute
uy unwise may be proms of the prngn,•a, hu herd. sed for that remiss nese w,II might tiring them voter, choose to adopt faces udder one hat.
that has been made in our school m to, and did, mark the rsrnv down low. -
meat this cry of subserviency to Banish author- fVoteI
within the last ten or fifteen ass^e ity and Romish dewed., notwitbstaadtag 1dArou for QASRnen and
Yeah• 'LORD ABERDEEN ON TOLERATION, she no t tk•a the ass had been then look around for the men who
Applause i BLAKE en in discussing g the , I paved waft
foes r,uestio., commended the recent seises ei)1:1.1) anything have been more es °0 urr eo. of the Opposition theme.. are careless or donbtinl, and bring
of the 1.eetal•ture is limiting the salaries e,f °Pportune or so .o well wd thea tea Gov- oslves. -.
pollssersai• officials, and allowing team only . .roor 'enenfs nferescea to the .sed of hir Ol.iys. then dealt with the charges
percentage of the return.
religions toleration d Canada u aver to be. I whish ha 1 been made agstaat the Govern
— --.-- --=-----_ I cease • country of which tee citizens may I must ie con°•ctioe with t►• Rep•nta
press, when he stated u hu .pleodad SohooL, and •hewed twat that are abeol.te-
sddrees at the Tomato Pavilion on Tamm- 11
ly forsdatiouless It ores folly, he said, te
M H. .Joel I. Homiog, of Mottlooro', I day, replying to the satiate of the Ceivor- I °•seat that Protestantism would be crashed
warden of %Velliagtoo Co.ety
, as agricul- mty of Toronto, after having had conferred oat by what had been dons for %operate
turist whose reputation as a skilled earner apse him the highest hoar an the gift of Schools,
u so well recognized that for twelve years ebbe learned body -the d and to say that oneeixt► wee
degree of LL. D. he.. out 1 ooueve-sIdtb est the S)1.,. was •
he was appointed judge of prim (swain the' "The suggestion of brsadth, of oo.n.. heresy. It mould stet be, sod there was sot
Provincial contest conducted by the Agri. had reference to the importance of • con- the slightest danger el it.
culture and Arts Association of Ontario, orehemove, toler•at and fl•mpstheticspirit
writes to the urea, the following oo.viacing • 1 hop. than this metes. will ever be a net THREE Oi A KING.
defence ot the Minister of Aericultlen from, only of learotng but of light, 'ally i. 'aA (ashy tad nleathere ef the
the chanes levelled at him Two led'
by 'trot. Shaw : ', regard to the spirit and tees to which 1 P. P A . Mr. A. F. Carr
" I have read 'lie correepnndeoos is the have refane, Y.P.P., and
°11 -
Tortes. paps, of last week re purchase all
erred --a spirit .4 toleration : mot lir �' Reattia Nettbtt, sow.•minuet the
cattle for the (:overeme.t f I °f eh. sort which may arias from I.diesr- R.H for Hr• MtaanR., .1011 •• nIpa the
farm from Mr. I estom, or from Ow a Ralf" oo the
Mackta. since then 1 have noticed that tlaeaoo n(• sensate. mations their campadp.
the letters have been freely used for the laold apo. those witch" earths which ---
ti., by speaking for fair Jelin Thompson.
parPoas of e.deavewing to moire the Hoa. tou.den mad gover.o., of the Caivert.ity
Minister of Agriculture in the camp•tgn, desired to vs and —
ltslievisg that if all the facts lease o rch charitable
amitosis, fast >sNAP MOTS-
them were generally known they would g p tO rather that charitable spirit which will
Now for Use Tug of War.
ytewd is • • diBerelet l h 1 rohe
wish above all things to seen that stn ds -
to state those facto and inn. the public to t rv. doatrins or creast abe•1 I in nay .•y
draw their own inference. tel •et as a disability or hisdr•ees N
" As already stated u that l fullest •x the
seem, i esu •maeiatd with Pest Shaw at I r ercun of rights tad print/,' ea
that time is sasesa the Lith KiesPas asst r (Great applause) emit • spirit, while ba.
chose of stock for the Governmentisa awing ted appropriate in the ease of a
maki • selection of n. i•
Shorthorns we had so .aivreity, u, so( ew.r.s, rot Isar dlaae.tei61
difficulty, but when it became • question of as • ehar'ectartetic of • country as a whsle,
buying Veiled A.gt110 aid Herefords,of that oven
try ant ogees the visited amuse ores .st to is to sake fall a of i o op.
herds owned by Rayd Patois, of Mew i e. t prosperity
to owned in d•v - (Tn
well, add Mamie of Oshawa. I urged very and ��ow t.etl sdsYsea" (Tn.
Mroyrly the p•nksw s/ Polled Amis free, at.°dw °Ppy� )
the Ane iwtlea.d Ae.e, a10dHerefords____
— .. •
from Mr. Maekt., �ABOUT NATION.
very mash
or •nether, wadi set agree t. d. ea
rayed beaus PreL%b•�t Ise sees. reams
PSARIN(i at Toronto .f ant tion on
ithe sw
s tet that we war. isstd•y sight Sir rh rvsY
a ow•y is deal -
o at
ng to boy frac Mr. Maekie, (e,
base wiitto hb�- *Sect : i have est the paper
to refer M►. be stases
what is sot tree, as far am 1 em es,elers ed.
arrarry, i was wall *seed wtq
the t
srt. W'
eh e. w .a ed pleb el what we were
herd, w the pleas were sideral. in Ime,
MI1e.. i wee man desiddly is (,'Ter of
leg with the ebrre that the °evr.trsess is
ea4e, the dssis•elee 'et the Chorea of
ROSIN. " I est If tipseamt, ., Course t y is . b. is
_ peened to say to yen hie antipdaring athy 1 lawyers why obs be Istel
I have had . Neils ef my Premiership is °°m}wy with sad allow ale t.anista. to
it .. ('•shah dem•ai from •ey be addressed by mob • -psalms, of the
Lea -
referrals a team wbW been hampered Wasp. sod grab legal fe•ard. ea ilfiseer Teens. of Lea -
is regard be garrW Sabath, tore w *lad the P. Pa A .pori. ! Be s vary
•� nem • WNW sAmNier •
A fair field sad no favor is all that
is wanted.
Will Tory gentlemen who support
t rt+w• please remember that the
patron" will be maim* them asst time.
Patron candidate ComeoLLy now re-
jcioea th.5 be has rwasaded teem the Tory
arty. After the 96th of Jams be may
Maass hie maid.
When that heaven born statesman,
Tor O. ennui tousle sp this way to help
Brother Coy 'roux. West Berne will le
deluged with a lux of karmic
P.P.A. candidate CONKOLLY eayrl lie
doesn't believe "in lodge influence anti
tyleel doors" in running a cunpaign.
it will now be in order for him to tell
ue what kind of • campaign is he run-
The rumor that our esteemed towns
mon county treasurer Hoense his
.joined the Patrons is peeatature. HP
will not join until the 26th of June.
He will qualify under the fanner.'
sons act.
GEORGE SY•PPAu) u another patron
canvasser, but he differs fres patron
Coi.rrour in that he makes; no pre-
tense of having left the Conservative
party on account of its corr'npt seta
and plundering of the masses by the
All patron candidate Contcot.Ly's
asseverations that he had no sonnet.
tion with lodge -room influence sad
tylesIl�oor's faded away when J. M.
Sher ao yoked him a straight gum-
bos at the nomination on Tuesday as
to his connection with the Y.P.A.
It was very hard for some of dee
local Tory wire -pullers to restrain
themselves from endorsing pipulist
Onuirorr.r at the nomination meeting
Tuesday kat. They tried to look so
solemn that they meld easily have
pend for an undertakers memoriam
waiting for CotnMLLY te din polios
Tim Illaism 944/0 iso M a m to m i etl.eeesi