HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-21, Page 1m...m r items Ohli�.t ui • "THE SIGNAL" IS THs 18311T. 0I Uo6Wa A YIA* IX ADVM,CI. VOL. XLVI. 2470 ionaL THS L ADINC NEWSPAPER Oma HURON OOITNTY. GODERIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1894., " ONTARIO CANNOT AFFORD TO DISMISS SIR OLIVER .MOWAT."-PRINCIPAL GRANT, QUEEN'S COLLEGE. d . WOE AT Till DATE -or- YOUR LABEL Tams WHIM _ 8RK THAT YOUR NAMK 18 MARKED UP IN ADVANCE. -e` D. MCGILLICUDDY, PROP'R 0. III - RON NOMINATION Garrow and Connolly On Deck "peewit, • formerly .slid and sound Co • nemauvs, now eo•te•4.d that he 'Comma 11110. no Imager • Conettrvative but had r menaced that party and shaken 'ta duet from his shoes ; in fact, Mr. Connolly now 000unded that he was as good • Liberal as the speaker, sod e•dssvored to yet Liberal votes es that plea. (Lamphere ) He, hew ever, detained Mr. Coasotly s twt•ntsee is tbet regard, for if it were true that gentle- man would be a very good Liberal ittds.d, iselead of being an expoesnt of •discredited Artterta•atem and mea uersding as • son vertel 1'ooservtne. Laud sppIg ,e that ou this '•custon he was opposed by farmer who was not • 5erughtrut party O Ater • cries of equally radierl•u. " breaks " Iter. Connolly left the pat• • I form and his departure was voceferosely cbse•d by bleeds sad oppooeau, atoll* bad pv.o • lively if not • connected hall hour • eabtbiuoo. but Mr. Connolly's troubles didn't .ad when he left theptatform. history hereached his scat, .1. II. Sheppard met hies and pro- pounded the lollowiog questions, prefacing it with the statemeut the' • straightfor- ward and candid answer was required to • Connolly s interest and In the interest of the o electors. • "Am you now, or were you ever • mein. ber of the Protestant Protective Association, usually called or known as the P. 1'. A. or t Love /intlieertg-Aa Abu Address to er. barrow -feaster. aspas - rrmaer.ki� 15 M.P.A. Nesyh{ gleam le reeineaHy, ru.` 1 bete was • large aid repremetative plkerttttl of the e1astass Pros sL parts .f AN, ruling, at the Com hoose, Tuesday int. *end Gibber. ofd as returning °Phos) ,tented by Deputy sheriff Reynolds. Tel tiWllearton. JA111-:' T. GARKOW,t.! ('., of t:odsriokr us nominated by ' W w. 'a of su. w., d • .,llreree towbebtp, as ex -warden of Hiroo sounded by Tttor, Aelieinw••, • eterdy mossier of Aaltfield. JAMES C(IN NoLLI , farmer of Gods• rte t••wetbip, was aoainated by Jammu t.tt y, of 13'. Waw•sueh, the piiroo .,a.. twee for the Doesinioo, eeosadevl by W w. -recuse% townsbtp clerk of AshtfelL At 1 u r. u. • poll was demanded by )dr. lean un behalf of Mr. (.arrow, sad by )Ir. Gaunt os behalf of Mr. Ceesolly. 1i. Int of phis. Mbdtvt.ioes,semes ol law) returwieg officers, and oosditioes ;)retinal the .1s t4.. were thou read by Jepety-.nerff Reyeaita, after which Mr. ,..)row moved, eseesdedby Mr. Connally, :tris ;end Gtbbsr preside at the mating e;ufflr the dieceseise between the o•ndi- 1'ktbp Holt, of Godsricb, was •ppoisted user)•! &pent for Garrow, and Joe. Bell, Colborne, agent tor Cusuolly. Tor s"wl•AT10n •I'aa. nice. 1A11F.• r. (:ARRI►t\-, 11'. the Reform e.ei.., wait ihe Irdt eposker, and was en •oeaest:.ally received oe mating bas ap- po.rtac* on the platform. Ns said on this :'cans& he represented the Old Man and • r,e t mid Polley The ' ►Id Man was the o r..J 41Id Mss, Sir a *liver Mowat, sal the .:d policy was the policy of good govern* peat la ((stands, which had prevailed ever sits M,r ' their had obtained' the reins of Ace twenty -pts years aro. (lepers. , Leery 'mold pee Kw ' /liver a first place sgwgst peat Canadians, and Reformers tai hwrvativee alike were proud of nn Apar. when the gasstloa of politest did neow them to differ n their estimate. I. bar The sturdy old men, red the gsuhw, is mace more smokiest the esdorse- meat of the people of Ontario, end probably for the last time, and will get .t. •1leers Ha imxtn of service, ripe expeorieoce, opn5f•s 01 policy, purity of 1.overemeot, dsseaew of .ifs, freedom from the breath of Isodal. hiah moral aetributee and (kriatian Witacter ahold stead him :0 good stead a thea occssion, sad then was no teem why uus his pretreat appeal to the prep{. • f u tritium he should not be again nanpb•otiy sustained, u he hat been on 0 marry prevtess oco•«oos. 1 Loud ap- phere i'he legislation of Sir Oliver Nair sl. •tersm0nt had been up to date *dui the interest of the people. It had las abtrut of the mat advanced levels - tow of any country on earth, and in advance d asst '•f them. the laws had been impli• fedi tom /cleat not known in say other e.tn, and is enactments ,u the intermit of labor, manicipal law, ue•smeet, the sacredness of marriage, and ether import - rt legislation the Province .t ((atorin was eves with t'.e beet, if sot the hest in the e we I hopeful Several charges of •x - thymus, r had been made on the hustings bat so howls had ever bees turni•hd on ,rtM door of the Howse V tsr0o4 of • sonnet .ct Newnan the Mgwaridmintetration Ap- Mae Then was we corruption In ooe- e ntiou with the (.overumiest and no cor- rupted Niel from coatr•ston, m000polieta, w cwnhteesters had eve been umociatd vlth the goveromest of Sir Oliver Meerut tm.wel applause ( True, the conduct of We or two limens* inspectors and other sub- sidimta* had been attacked, roof oosm.ios- Cif • bed man might obtai■ espieym,0, midge the Government, but that we. •thing that would he lugsis ouy brach (usi.. employing a sem• bre of tors na, ail wLanve. it was frond to k ta rase, the dehamseat was mum - 'tardy dealt with. (Hoar, hoar.) The tessa•1 policy of the Government was fes eeee tato aid a comparison made betimes 'Hat provinces, is which the espeiine eve• Seise 0 I ,ntui° was sati.f•°torily estab- gik.d Canis' dews to the local aged d le enema is West Hama, the imaab0 that the Ccrosoreell ss et the rWai� on so satisfied with the oeaditiw d thor plat although they had held • wins armada* °'wntmas, they had &aimed to pat a to the fid, but to that fact 4 ova beino 4 As was well knows beau ~tlw.lswyet and had the .www. to trim of (lederiib, sad some few of his friends, the patrons, therefore taught he was issligible as • esadidate for H•nibag which he bad for the ia. for Tears. No pee serge had tau brootM yaiast k fm for Medietlss d eet1 is the pest bet it assured %hit he wee e.► as ssur+ goner b �iofpese be - °11°° he w member of as eneels- t'0• • bleb he could ism pis were he ever •' wdlog. 1 Lt htor. ) •1 . "IvINiuts at ,mus bgtwo5s the rases (ed the Local Gevrimeet were a the f~'Renins and the quesekin of •ppese- Meet d fort.i• eilid•l•, sail se M whether 5I" es ,.. and kindred i•restoats showld h mr., td He thea west thoroughly late aid app.iste eat mama. sod filly mi the impotriblliy d tet 5 enema the Allterieetel idea a that r'~"t H. preferred to stead by Rriti& Stslass and h•it"orootlgttttlsRrlfiehhwile. AsUs baginworiltIOPallik retlimo them the �pay �y' •'•••. aid if the mos trhe lest the .--got uses tared en the maigao5 the pear u. who borrowed Weald bees to pay ••• did ..t see where the Lemont ...._111441 oblongs* woold Its able ia UM. the es.s4 ionels/ Ne brew ore was with s es his ser, hair.) Yt, l.Sisiss,. bio POLL 'SAO man. bat who was being both ways •ad en- deavurfsg to steer North by :Youth to aa eo• deavor to scour. election. Laughter and cheers.) Mr. C,.naolly was • babe in Liberal' politica, and in himself would count for very little in this esmpa,gn, but he had a secret moiety behind him and tested of making this a tight in the open took Ad- vantage o1 the does rnoelave a•d 1) ted door to prosecute the contest. 'neer, hear 1f Mr. Connolly were rttur•oed fo.r West Haru. -& highly tn.pr,bable supp,u Don, by the way *taught.: h* would no reprw•est Nest Huron at •II ; he soul ✓ mply represent the greed lodge, with • tnny from the *made pulled by Sir Mallory. instead of befog lel on the 'Dude by the abler and better mea *burnt on both sides of the Houle. houseful or new men of Mr. Connolly Stasip would be • dangerous lnnnvatiou and the ease, of good government woul sutler at their hands because! o1 their lack of experience. A creat deal of claptrap ems talked by Mr. Connolly and his friend about the salaries pend for the c irryiag on of t.overneuut work and the ratoteoacce of (Ioverkment House, but it may showed the electors how densely ignorant of pub- su he matters the objectors were. They u - ally rot • lot of figures, prepared for them by some unscrupulous person, added to them, ioppd off the explanatory Farts, thou bunched the mass together and tried to make an argument out of tt. 'Loud Laughter. The speaker clued as able ad• w dreby 'snug tiug his putties on the temper- ance flotation, and stated that he was to favor of prohibit10P should the courts decide that the province hast the power to prohibit. In the immature he le -hovel that the character of t lee hotels Lod the muster of conducting them tinder the es prent system were • great.advu°e upon what they were when the control was m the hands of the local mur.ictp•htie.. He thanked the electors tor their kind atten- tion and hoped that oo the evsln of elec. society. If Mr. Connolly a 1'. 1'. A. 1100 of ht Ontario** (:nod old �&, Slr member and ha refusal to deo u y •the •rate wo ld bre again tnurnphast meow looks that way he has forfeited my support, which has heretofore been heartily given, and he cannot lay claim to the sup- port ot &y patron is West Huron. The rt Patrons ot Industry are strictly nos -sec- Lanais Afterwards aur. Gaunt openly withdrew his support from Mr. Censolly. • the. I'..\., or of any limner body; or if wrt • memb,did youerer at with team in their meeting place at Blyth, or Photos, or GodKN:h towaebip, In either open or close 5!507001 Mr. Connolly replied, "That is • private squanders that is a private •IuesUou and I have answered it aU over the county.' The statement that be had answered It all over the county was absolutely false, u the question had not been •eked of bpm at lee uura, fort Albert, Smiths Hill, Klyth Its.mtller and several other pouts at which he had MUSIC FROM THE CHOIR. Oth Polltlolann Chit On e IBtump• tar. t.arrsw • $rWeu eeeel erwg d lJlasea amre - • .eeaa far t easel*, as ateelw Ln Ulee - leed al ■1. Owls■erll... l'L1XT' 'N. New Fra : Mr. l:arr.w a speech in the Citation,the town hall, Citation, 1Vr.bn'edtaJ eveniov, wee a manly, sincere and straightforward expression 0t his in the present campaign. He alluded to the peen iar n ature et the present °outset, in the fact that his repudiated opponent had repudiad hu old party, and he, therefore, had is much right to expect (oeteerrauve support u Mr. Coo - molly. He was opposed to the election of 1 oftietrs, 0o principle, as he 1, sot believe t Ae coo• h Id M • ■try s ou m • constant turmoil, mention men who owed thei: sltion to the people would sot be u independent in their action u n men who weappointed. He was williog to tight the Patrons openly sad squarely, lint did sot believe In Grand Lodge dtctatioo, and fightine behind tyle) drs oo. The Patron movement wall a danger• sus one, as soon u it entered the political lavaboareas, because a sought for chose lavabo ion. he had smiling against aur. Con- nolly, but he theaght his own psrltan,ent- art( and municipal expel -mace were *1ualifiu an - time that should appeal with some force to electorate. Referring to tisanes. he said that all the Provinces started loth • Ae clean sheet at Confederation. t,'bee's debt now is twenty-four million. 01 dollars and that province hasto raise yearly one arol is militate militoto pay interest. t Intens has not • cent of debt. *, •,sheds mosey has been criminally squandered. Ontario hu a surpiue of resew of .omethtng like our million and • half, omitting its railway ebt. He then •quoted Prof. (:rant oo Sir ►liver's abiftty. And why did Grant Vey • Just ust because Kir Oliver hal est s, solidly un the strong box anti kept the thieve* away. Sheer miamasagement, criminal carelessness brought Quebec to her • present condition. Mr. Mowat has proved btmesdf the ablest croastrt„tioaal lawyer in Canada, sod had fought Ontario's claims at I the Privy Council, winning every appeal I Mr. Garrow scored some good points and was frequently app)aud.d. Mr Forrester • Mr. Seeppard .ntioued, "You •hou:d ••ewer It here." At this stage • number of well-known P. I'..t. members who were in the audieoce noel out, "Don't shower him, Jun ; don t answer him.' ('.,nnolly's reply was, "1 won't answer," and grabbing his hat, he did riot salt for the mammal of the meeting or cheers for the''ueen or candidates, but rushed out of the hall, amidst the jeers of the audience. o '• When lest seen he was tanning himself with his hat ort the court houses steps, for although the day was rather .cool and heavy (gaffing mut prevailed, the finale at the noettnatwo meettog had proved too hot for the 1.1..1. candidate. :\Iter the departure of alr.('onnolly,.lames m Geont,the patron ouraee for the Commons, d caste over to THIS $I..�•I. representative, ( said denounced Mr. ('osaolly's action, first f tor Joining the 1'.I'.A., •fur his nomlnat len by the patrons sad afterwards in being guilty of tt.e moral cowardice involved u n ot answering the question. Amongst other things Mr. Gaunt mid : •' It is ooo otrary to the Patron satitu- neo, and the expressed opinion of 1.raod tie Lodge °rs that patron candidates should be members of the 1'. 1'. A. or any suck* Oliver swat u • at the polls, and that West Huron would be in line in the cause of true Liberalism and honest 4.uvernmeot, as It had been ever eio•e the constituency had t.eencoast,tuted. He monied him seat amidst loud and pro- longed cheers MK. (YINNULLY oil comae( before the ele;ton was warmly revetvel by his friends. He cl•,med that an effort was hetng made to keep down the pumas. What the patrons wanted was mon to follow principles. He denied that he w•. any longer • Con- g er.attvs, as he had left that party for good and was mow • member of the Patron Association and an independent in politics. Ha was in favor of tonne all spltaluta o0 mortgagee and ouch Investments. !Hear, bear., It had been said there were thirty ewe fanners to the House, but they were not of use because they were not patrons. What was wanted was legtetatien to suit the mares against 14.. eless's. ( Appease. He uses down oo the fee system aid want- ed to are it wiped out -the petrons•hadn't made up their mood how to deal with it,bnt at should 1. wiped out, anyhow, sad the speaker swung his arms wildly aid brought laughter and applause from the auditors.; Mr. Garrow had said that ii a good repos sentetive termer was brought au( he was willing to oppose hies: And now that he ( onnolly, , ws1 brought out by the tarnun air. 1:arrow wouldn't retina. Me*bs. said Mr. Cmiolly, I ain't the rngbt kind of s rood reprossata- tive termer, and a still .a.all voice that Posed as sere iu the hearts of the eleetgrs echoed, " Yebl,e.'• The party „•adages all got independent lust as Noon as the patrons pat candidates in the field, Dail Mr. Connolly, forgetting for • moment that he himself was • convert of short sten/bag from me of the old parties. He then uadortoik to deity that then was any anti My • tmiost the teems or townsfolk by the patrons, and tried to butter op the townsfolk. regardless of the fact that at Limbers he had endorsed over u Poor of abuse of the people of the towns and vil legs *high was poured out by ptalvo enemas Ferris, we dgiwnwd lawyers. 4..'..s. makes. meauilmentent rsrentat.. gardelMH and tit stymie Whe dMa't team ler • Hobo. CoNbibo Mr. Camay said them the deepest iluptsetw prevailed and had prevailed for yeses, sad he forget that he had voted ever oleos 1879 is aper el the depressies, and lest yen in Chalon what Mr Jolts Theatrics and Hen. D. K. Feeler had rejoiced over the good times h Cosada, he had clapped* his hoods se tenably that them were mon Masten ea them altar the men4ag thee he bad met W afar • .Woe's pitrorhig The talk •brat geed those. mid he. is ail wrsept, and there io so truth in it, which was, to my the least, somewhat hard upon Hoa. G. E Foster and his recut budget speech. He then took rep the puree platform chem by clans, with rnoniag o5siisent. rad mead. • wawa/ abash arm the (lees bassi giving a'beesa to relive" soil here he forgot that the people of this sestioe are sadly is wast of railway favi Mies between' Goderieb aid W angham .4th eosnsetiso at Dungannon, Port Albert. Ambers &d other istermdi•ts pdnte and !het Dr. Holmes, our townsman, hnlj. a donee tar the 15N. and Me • protglee el • soheidy toward. Its ea- araetha tram the ilomi.ion (;orerae,ent. H . also o6(tet•gi to the expanse of mask int the ijuurnbi.s sad pow•ied•l dila/ at *k. Wend'. Fair, sail mid lb.. the ems who W hats goat there had w A• rbs* suit Winn, tea well twell paid : sad are he fergat that esit et kl. wort Iatbaoineis admirers In /he premier eon tase, Mapes Hw•esea wee see el the roan be was nhigbg ler klieg 0%0,340- 1 %0,34 il. 1 be Misses MAW. Arthur \lowat writes to the (.lobe in In- ference to tie Muldoon affidavit, Ile says: "Eery statement Muldoon [nukes of wrelag-dotog by the committee of which I , was • member• and t• which he refers is abs. The committee did not 'provide false beards and moustaches to be used upon personator*.' The committee dad not 'pro- vide for looking after personation!,' and it is pot true 'that personation was carried on at that election oo behalf of Messrs. Mc. I)owgall and Tait at the nutans of our corn- . "Muldoon says that he 'was perenally given the sum of about $40 for the purpose of expending ,t for this clues of work' that he 'believes' each of the members of said committee was furnished with fund• for a similar purpose. 1 never gore money to him or to others for any such purpose daring or alter the election. i know ef no money being given to Muldoon for any pure pose whatever. Muldoon publishes • facsimile of printed cards, which he says were ...d for the 'names that were to M ted.' Such a cud as he prises is used in all committee rooms and at all political elections in Tor. onto for • leritimate and n•oepsary purpose. When • carriage is sent for • voter the driver is gives one of these cards cautions( • voter's name, the place when he is to be toned, the time he is to he called for sed the polling subdivision when he votes. If ll eldnon mead any of thew cords for the purpoes which he nest des, he need them for a purposes for whi•b they were not in - resided. " in paragraph nine of hie affidavit he re ten to a 'code of colors to be carried by errtain teams,' sued he refers to them se .goals to be mild • far the purpose of said perso.aticw•. 1 happen M msasmbsr shout the milers referred t., pod hew they tame to be carried. Muldoon rams iota the eeen- mittes room no. day with • peekags ot rib. boos of different aslant and paid that be had plot them for the rigs. He mid oath rig shorald Tuve anon to show to what polling subdivision it was carrying votees i told rim them they would be of so w, but alai• mately allowed him to have hip way. The mien were paver prospeesd t0 be seed foe, and sever were send Itsr, any Seth parps.. as he smatter or any ether improper par. pose, aid they proved of no one for any par That Mrldens p.esnaated pone veers at that awaits' 1 believe sem to be tree. That he indeed suss kindred spirits to do likewise is set 10,..etable. That he a- dored many to de so is extrwwuly unlikely. That he ea_s nded is 11.ded.g the 33 gs.tlemsn. • het of wham he publishes, Lad whe supplied their to have eay- dike, to de with the work of pereimetieg 1 • e sore le Nearly hales." sow s *5/ a "5aat4ae' rtsesee. Hand fib " 9.alirbt wrappers b55rty the ween •. Why Doss a Wears f,55k bM Reser Than • Mea "I is laver Oran- IAd.. 43 H.atibi. Terwte, sod yen will r..t'. pus • proem piatme, bur/rim , mrd well worth baeel•►R• Thi r es may way M deesss1s your beam The .45`i . him ht the rarbet mad it will well mei 1a sa.eage M esti is the w*sores, Y ye Maws the side epos. Welts your Mem osgYy. ' ly VO' JFORJ.T.G also made an ed rem, and the meeting closed with three cheers for the Queen and Mr. 4 :arrow. ItEN\I I I.LEFt. The meetinv at IkomilIer, '.stensibiy in the interest of patron candidate Connolly proved to he • regular boomerang, and was a gecuinc Garrow rally from start to finish. "It is contrary to the Pat- ron constitution and the ex- pressed opinions of Grand Lodge officers that patron candidates should be mem- bers of the P.P.A. or any such society. If Mr. CON- NOLLY is a P.P.A. member -and his refusal to deny the statement looks that way - he has forfeited my support, which has heretofore been heartily given, and he cannot lay claim to the support of any patron in West Huron. The Patrons of Industry are strictly non sectarian." - County President GAUNT. patently combined to look after their own nett stenting Mr. Sipes was aomisated on beter.ete, it was tune the farmers did the their ticket. He (the president) stated atmos. For too long bad they allowed thin- , that they were waiting for the liberals ip • sl,•s to be used as tie tools of designing ; publish the replies, but, after Mr. Stem politicians, and now they had undertaken was nominated, it was out politic to do so. to bend themselves together as patrons so I Much satisfaction was 0:praised •t the that they would be nn • position to impress , almuet uDIM IMOW vote given to the re• their ideas upni the legislation of this I suluttooe above printed, and the mut og oouotry. Most of the 111s from which they I broke up harmortiously. The ettest of the n ow suffered were caused Ly the inoqui- vote is slgaitkaat at the present time. duns action of the 1)unninion (.Overtim'tent, and when the day of trial of that (: : I MR. MEREDITH AND AGRICULTURE treat name would receive merited 0.071 dsoinativa. He advocated rquality and 1 N his Ieall 1' of nladioliu b estahli•hWl justice for all, and made a strung general practises that are dear t, the hearts of a plea for patron principle*. Rritieh people, such as the annual meetruv W. Proudfoot in reply acid he was proud of their puliuhaot or the appointment of maiden political sh in the township as a farmer's Ven to he able to nuke his ' moiety holland odours by the representative peecn( Colborne, when he was born end had lived I of the f'row'n• and the adoption of plank• in for a number of years. He thee criticised bits platform of such discredited iistitntiose the address of patron (,abet and showed up of the I'wtel States as bueuuial ..estons of some of the fellecies of the 1141100 pnli.'y• legislatures and the election sheriffs, judges, In an able address of over fifty minutes etc, have proved to be amongst our neigh. duration he scored point atter point in favor of the Mowat Admioiatraties and bora in the Amoricwo republic, Mr. Mere - proved humse;f to be en adept in the scteu.•ei Stith, and those who are with him io the at of platform repartee when some of the tempt to " dismiss Sir Oliver Mowet " are audience got tow "fresh. ' The patron plat- no lees unfortunate in attavoninng the agri form also came in for a general overhauling, cultunsts e( (*utero. especially clause i w hien is the only sue that practivally affects local legalaton, and rt- has aur. \lutsa,lT7t and the t►ppesitioo on the a.fmiesina of aur. Gaunt that the propose to degrade in the gurerntneet of t.,.:r ,us u,rin.e,ves were divided as to the the country the greatest of i interests by manner of srrying ear this clause, eoorobed j abolishing the portfolio of Agri lees, and the patron leaden for attempting to tout a so .iris -track that Department o the' Ad - policy du• thliry upon their followers on which they . themselves were divided. 1r. 1rowltonl Iministration, how ddlernt io'this and clued a capital addrees fly telling upon the the stand taken by Ontario* Gran (lid electors to vote for the monomeric* of 'tr Alan- In he address to the people of ('liver Mowat as Premier of totarto and /or unto at the name meeting to the Paviii the election of •1. T. (:arrow as repreeeots- fed again at l'eooto Junction this we -k, Live for West Hiroo. ttir ()deer %Iowas dealt very prominently Penman Connolly was the last speaker. Hepreters to be last so that no nue .ill he in a poeitibn to draw attention to the out- "Thi. plank of the opposition is an rageous assertions that he usually makas, utter disgual,hcattou, whichspeoallyaffects He was just as reckless as ever at the meet -j farmers, and through the farmers every ing and :alkeil about the patron platform other clam of the pop:e. to order that the and advanced the same old arguments. He great interest of agriculture should receite wanted mortgages taxed, regardless of the prompt. attention we have placed It In fact that the expense would eventually be charge of • Minister who shall have no taken out of the borrower, and believed other departmental work to distract his at - that the taxes on town and rural proper:y tendon. Every member of the Government should oo the same a policy by the way is now fully occupied, without having any that would be very much against farm pro- thing to du with agricultural matters, ex• perty by increasing the tazation,although the sept In l'ouocdl, and only when the Mmts- patron candidate dirlu't seem to know It. ter of Agriculture brings such matters be- lie emphatically deoiedthat he was not now a fore Council. To provide, as the t onler Tory, although be admitted that he had votive Opposition propose and desire the been previously • dyed-in-the-wool speed- people to suction their doing, that the men, and pledged himself to vote against agricultural work should be assmgrl.d to the Dominion (.overnmeat at the tint op- another department, which has already portuouy. quite enough to du, is uttctly absurd as a The meeting closed with cheers for the matter of public advantage. it would be a queen and the candidates. calamity that it should be so. o 1pplause. The agricultural Interest is the greatest p WATERLOO PATRONS. I terrat t. the country. It is not the only purest, but it is decidedly the greatest of this country, and it deserves a speed \liu- ister, who shall vive it all his attention. The Patrons of Industry that think that raving 32 farmers, as we hal io the last Hous., it sot enough to secure attention to this class of duties. and they want to have ten or twenty or thirty more farmers in the Hour yet the 4.an.ervative (►pprltion think that one farmer is tyro much to attend to such matters, and that he should he elven soother department t0 attend Colt the same time. 1 necessarily studied out this yueouon beton we established a separate department for agriculture, and I speak that which 1 know, and which experience has established, when 1 say that it is for the benefit of this country that that department should be separate from all others, that it should have • farm- er at Its heal a capable man, • ekilfnl man, • .urceesful man. in tench with our people, knowing personally what is needed in order that justice should be done to that great interest, The last means shows that the value of farm property, of farm ample• menta and of farm stock to 4 ►oMrio a over • thousand millions of dollars. The Con- servative party bare taken under their ope- cal care the manufacturing interests. hut the value of the land and machinery used in the manufacturing interest to net one-fifth of the amount 1 have mentioned ; it is only two hundred millions teased of a thousand millions with thus impotent subject. Tee rowan umlaut £o15s er the Creed 5.. seetat... From the Galt Reformer. A meeting of the Central Association, of the Patrons of Industry was held ,u the township hall oo 'Tuesday evening, June 5. There was • good attendance. After the regular routine bovines@ had been rose through, N. J. Douglas stated that as a Patron he had not intended to take any prominent ant1oo, but macro every out who used his rights as a citizen aol expressed himself u opposed to the candidate of the Patron party through conscientious scruples has been ch•racunard by the secretary of this association as ••• two faced, utoousis- eot traitor or I'•trou," he should use hie owe discretion and considered he was pri- vileged to act es he pleased. He submitted that be was se good • patron ea anybody present, &d had the interests of the party at heart as much as they ; but he did not in- tend to be robbed of his right es • free citizen to act as hia conscience dictated. In his own self-defence, he was compelled to move the tollowtng resolution which was cared by an overwhelming majority, that 'Whereas the Grand Association of the Patrons of Industry at a recent meeting have constituted the Patrons ret lodastry • close political party in defiance of thecoo- setutuoe Ices article 1, gut clause( and Whereas at the same meeting the Grand AssoouWoa threatened with expulsion from Mr. (.'oonolly declised to open his own the Order all Patrons who will not give WHAT THE PAPERS ARE SAYING meeting, and the chairmen, the genial Toni their vote and influence to the Patron nom - Gledhill, president of Fountain Valley ins., thereby attempting to control the Lodge of I'. of I., celled upon D. Md:Illi vote and eooesienoe of the members of the Duddy, one ot Mr. Garrow's supporters, to Order, therefore begin the di.cuntoo. In opemiiit the speak- " Resolved, that this subordinate amseis- er said it was customary for the side in lion of Patro.s of Industry hereby protest whom interest the ineetiag was called to against such action of the Grand Awoistion open aid close it bet oo tht. occasion Mr. se being arbitrary, unjust aid oontrsry to Connolly and sur. Gams were reluctant to the spirit o1 British freedom, and we murk •k tint, and so the task had fallee upon declare that we will not be bound by sgsb him end boon duly accepted. He thou re- legialat.ea, bot will munten our right to tarred to the muss beton the country and judge for °ursslve• io all matters." made comparison of the rival candidates The ramoltioe was earned by 10 to 1. std S howier that up to date not eve solitary that ons, Mr. Taylor, jr , not being • ve*,er. act had been brought against Mr. (:arrow Then were two Coe sarvauve Petro* pres- to prove glut he had Men derelict in his set, but they did not vote. duty as measlier for Went Huron. The It was resolved that • oopy of the resolu- Gor.rnmest which Mr. Garrow had sup- hoe he Seat to the editor of the Cuada ported was the beet that had been in lis- Fann r'S Sun, the official organ of the party. tendo or any other errantry cm earth, sad A dacs.son •.sued as to whether the the Speaker recounted • number of the Patrons should submit to the vNws expressI imprisonment. There have lines Pow we tsstaneea where logislatiea had hoes ed is that organ at all time., or whether tly in the interest of the farming they should follow oil the Innes laid down by enmtsanity, amid tight* ea. Containing he the Provincial Grand Presideat Mallory. alluded to Mr. Ces.elIy'S• enddes mover- President Slater said that they were to fol dna from the errors of Toryrm, and geared low the iostractioeg given in the Canada THE fact that all hospital•, hooves the eoevrsios soda only last until alter Farmer'. Sun, se superior to those offered d refuge and orphanages -- protestant, that gstlteaa wail defeated es thermoses; by the Provincial (:rand Officers. several Catholic or eon soeLrua res.fve (*overa- ct the 2601, when he would oyes more take sambee char•et•rird this ruling as absurd, I mint aid at a gird nu aeeerdi t the hie with the old brigade. He, the in the fans of t he many false report. pub- spieler, ub- ? a 5g, spiek er, closed by .m.4 •organs.sing appeal fished by that organs. and its i.peatd u ma. 1 number of m`tes, kills as decd i a door in favor of the maters S1 Mr. Barrow as a stemmata is the past. toil the rampage lis that certain religions of fair Obese Mamas u the newt A member then drew the attention of the Institutions rot more than their share. p▪ rovieeial parli•meat, the ..Sone el the meeting, that in the fall of Wt year a . name of (.arrow and Mowat Ming ressivsd •umber of questions were submitted to 1 There is no oh•oce for favoritism. wits treeasedoes applause. their «tong member, J. D. Mose, which James (lanet, the petroa minims for were dely answered by that gentlomaa. West Huron In the (bmmeas, was the wit Tie qseratios wee asked why Aro quintiles speaker. Mr. Meese is s yeas/ saan of sad their replies went sot published at the rad appsarue., ann d bears no moimes of trims A. animated disc. slo. took pimabeing dews-treldea, amid dsep,adent sed It was inoid..tally remarked that the editor iok of .heart, and empty of pocket as his e1 the Itsiwm•r had applied to Mr. K•.i- wfrtAS. t r he will M a man so porfect that populiotie address wesld lead one to believe. neo, eseratary of the s.snoaMnn of the Hs armed by soya( that es the goners' Potreo• or isd.etry., making ler a oopy of he will M higher than the angels, if he policy el She Mowat lareremest he was is these gseet+ons aid the kat steam hell whet he soya Het, eomehew ••••rd. and pave all des credit M Nem for The ps.eideat iota** that as the time we believe that • ped deal of his roe•.tiae '*e good legislation they had Ryes the the sarttery wsg•pat4oriad to publish the .sWatry dormer the pus sweaty -tiro years,gasetsses Saba awes, bet se asseas1 of • ►at every... W M dlak that the Mt ett esmilmetaadi g. this w ..t ilium Mr. Phe blear et ate t►.as• W w bon • Naail•a 5tesing Nat he hail ase .ode Hamilton Times The people at last have learned the truth of the definition of tariff texation gives by Target, the emi- nent French statesman: "Terill taxation is the art of plucking the goose so as to get the largest possibie amount of fealber with the Whet pomtble amount of sgoallieg." • sr Art.AI.nt'tl al•IVtlra. Torooto News : ('note Thoma. Mc- Greevy is out as a candidate for Quebec Wort, with • promise to get "the best that is going" for Me ioosutuence as the main plank in hie platform The fact that Mr. McGreevy u a sodiJate at all shows that the I:oveirnor (:oaeral was deceived as to the state of his health when in jail. And the grounds on which he is seeking election proves that the hooding spirit was not crushed -by an all too sheet term of .aodaloue incidents in meantime with Cased tan history than this M0Lresvy e pisode. AS patron candidata C}owxof.LT hart reuo.00sd Toryism with all tie works and peeps, the hate of partquem. and the veal - tie. of the politiesl heeler, it wall be no order tor him to hey • breed sew our of to merely Irma the tot* out. 9penial bargains in psoas msllidtso, toilet snap, son., as Rrry 11 no's drag septa, kw" ego. mad its •i Mime elegem W .r Mead the isetraetioas given him At the Fears old steed. OVEIt THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from the Lahti Kill. l Weekly Mgr .1 el Seemly %ewe Served ■p 10 *.11 Ewer,bedl riia Imo riling Clipped and t osdea.ed From Veer, settle.. Clinton A. M. Todd rejoices to the possss•*ua of a fourth sun. Brussels Brussels defeated Marrlste& at lacrosse o• Thursday by 2 to 0. ,Clinton . Mases Clara and Lyses Mount• castle, who have bean quite ill for amoral weeks, are now much better. Moms : ,Geo. Ram SI ubh. 10. purcba.stl the 100 acre farm, 8th oon., from Wm. l'ennui, paying the sum of 44,000 for it- Morre . I). Kelly regretly disposed of 1 head of fat cattle whit averaged 1,500 pounds each, after being driven 6,4 miles. Brussels : .Stanley .I.cksnn, a drutytiet from Woodstock, Ise oome to town hi take charge of .I. T. Pepper's drug store tor him. Wiogham - Muter Frank Currie, of tows, was prostrated with the heat, one day tins week, but nu venous results are anticipated, lineage : Leen Jacked has become • member of the Methorlat church orchestra and will manipulate a flute. He s a prom wing player. Brussels Mr. Shmlhnglaw, of Hellen, hid Principal 1'antenna will 1» the pr(aidmv 1:ululates at Lru.sels E-rtrsnr'e and l.eav• iag a anu ation. • ttingtum . *Rev. %Vm, McGregor, lately pastor of \Vuighaua itapt1.1 t'hurah, Is now located In'J(urham, feat, wheru he has a very vocal charge. \Vinvha,,i We are pleased to know that Jas. Fleury, of the .l-lvanoe, evening •lung nicely, std will soon be able to be around again as Meal Seatorth : Russell, a little son of It. Scott,on the Huron road,hal them(.fortnne to fall down cellar on Mom*lay. He rwoeiv. el two or three cute on the Brad. wfurth . Mrs. Perkins, of Toronto, tormerly well known in 'e•forth, sealed for England this week, where she intends spending the summer at her ltd home. Clinton F;1. Pickett win thrown off a wagon he was riding the other dee, by a aurides start of the horse, and his heed cut so badly that the doctor had to drew it. 1 baton : The l'hief of Police received au anonymons letter on Monday, intimating that if a senate party were not moved t, the outskirts of the sown the house o.:unpicd by them would Le .lem•,luahel. Sealorth - News was received by friends in town an, Moo -lay that Mrs. McConkey, of Hairy, mother of al r.. Gcor'e nasal, .t this town, died to that place oo Saturday last. She was well up in years. Goderick township : fobs Harrison ism sold hu farm of 87 acres on Hayfield con- cession, being the went half of lot 73 and north half of gut 74, to his son, Jams H. Harris. n for the sem of *2,000. ftruesea -- ('apt. \lalyon anti Lieut. Parker, who have been in' charge of Bros - g ala corp of of the Salvation Army, left for head quarters, Toronto, last Wednesday where they will receive tnarchiog order*. Grey Mies Amy Bateman, who has leen appointed • cadet lo the vh•atson .Irmy, lett here for the 'Training Home an Toronto nil %Vetlne.dav of last week. rho 's an estimable young lady and we wish her emcees. htrurels \V 11. Hut, ageot of the Standard Rank, Kng•ton,formerly of Brigs vela, and Mur )aura Forger, of the Saints city, wen &ltd in the holy bonds of mat- rimony, in 1t. Gsorge m cathedral, Thum day last. Clinton Thos. Ford, formerly of the I)oherty Organ Factory, but who has been working for eons time in Victoria, H. C., has returned to 11otario. He mays the times are so hard on the °oast that many pertow are out of employment. Seefnrth A handsome monument of Swedish granule has beas'plaeil iu the Har purhey cemetery to the memory of the late Robert Jamieson, of the Golden Lion store, Se.frrth. It also cema,emor.tes the death of Mr. Jamieson's tilther, the late John Jamieson. son. Grey : Joseph Ames received a severe blow oo the forehead while attends, a barn reiving • few days ago A large mallet head dew off the handle while being vigor- ously used by a workman and struck Mr Ames. several stitches were required to close the wound inflicted. Clintoo . Mr. Mclean, of the Collegiate e ta, rode to I:oderroh the ether day oo ha bike, climbing all the halls, so 44 minutes. This ie pretty rood tome. The editor of the New Era made the rotted trip, then and book in 1 hour and 48 minutes, on a 40 pound wheel, and wearing • warm ..at of °loth«. Blyth lin Sunday week as Robt. so, - s,• sad wife were return's, home to the vicinity of Itlyth tram the Carthame. at I:oder'oh, • large tree 1e11 across the roal A limb abort rex inches in diameter struck the hid wheels and top of '4r. boggy, and another 1011 betweou the font wheels and the horse. holding the buggy so that it was impossible to advanw without remoen` the brush. It was • close rail for Mr and Mrs. 9•wun. Fortunately no dam•gs was dose, althou,h the buggy shows the results of the adventure. Varna Whitt r••tanrng from (mis rich, after atteeding the MKM+dtst-'feele- r then, an aeeiden', which might easily have been eerMne, nerwrnd M Mn. isoeb, wife of Rev W W Leech, of for plc.. The hnrrss becoming frights.ed at • load of wood nu the side of the road, shied, with tho rseelt that theh*ggy was torso/ um - peed, .pawle down, rowfag Mn Leech out nil her head. Rhe receive., rather an sgly eat on the side of her head, wecessr- Mtieg the servte a of a drew, who pet is several •fiches. She ls as pretest in a tai) way to satire reevery. THE BEST INTERESTS OF WEST HURON ON 26th OF JUNK.