HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-14, Page 8TBE 8IGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THiJRSDAY. JUNE 1C, Isle. THE —^ CANADIAN BANK VF COMMERCE C. Ji SflkNE yTaausseso Iagr. CO.,Y W. HEAD , TORONTO, ...,�..►... tart rasa. w ACHESON & SON �� NIP) cilli el twee OOLrI,kR>1 _ 1 n oat opened the wont fashionable st le of Crisis.' 111.0M0. 0^O 1 White and Fancy Shirt Wanda and Collars. All antes., Wool Creponly and Serge. in Cream and Black new in to-da� Vryyapectal valutes. Handsome Goods. New Severs. and Cloths for Eton Jackets and Calttes. 1111111T. e. E WALkER, onnusAi. MANAMA OOOERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING 9uatNE4118 TaANSAt;TED. FAatrEaa' Norte DRAFTS ►aajEO PATAatE AT At.. POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE Pa,NC$, [Q CITIEa IN THa UNITED STATaa GOMAI BRIrA,N• FRANCE, t3[RMU0A, as SAMOS DANA DEPARTMENT. DEPOMTA of IMOD AND U wAapg NECEtvto, AND NI -LOWED NITINISST AOOSO TO TMaATR Thin IND OF INTEREST le" MAN 1N i am TEA*. P.IteO1PAl AT TNNQ/ MAT AND Spotted Attention gave to the Oelieot,c• - aiad Farmers' Sates Notes. AT THE Grand Opera Nouse, essltnesetag R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. We mei of youaggirls who are pale et- sal• low, listless, troubled with a fluttering or palpitauoe of the heart, weak and easily tired, so time should be lost in taking a *Dune of Ili. Williams' Pipit falk witch will speedily can •h iN STRAWS and FELTS GETS' FGRISHIG& Full linea to every llrpertmewt. ctr!►('all and examine goods and prices. CI I. 81W11 CO Mel.eaai Mesh. ' Oar. Saw* and ltentna! et, coo th. blood, sail brag a l w ohealth to the cheeks. Thee, lily' curs fur all troub;w STIR TIT j • ran glow b10 D � 1 E 1`E 1U k'E 18, ! K ,dinart . peavitiated , g from • vitiated condition of the and expect to be for the Mixt ten weeks selling those very Artistic Papers that are admired by every one and ppunrchas ed by those who reilture them. They are very cheap and right up to date. NO OLD STOCK. 203 of those WONDERFUL sH.1 35c., we have placed in position this already, and have a few mor left. _ SECVRIE T8 f blood ur a shattered nervous system, such FOR ONE WEEK. --- as 10`t"r'0tar ,alis, partial paralyses, St. Titus' dance, sciatica, arum:R k rhea matum nervous headache, the after etlecte of la greppr, the tired feeling result from arrvoue oeot'ration, all diseases depending upon humor eu the blood, such as scrofula, IISS ELasipee, fureryIDublas, etc They are zal a JOSIE LJ' per'fic fur troahles perulisr to (snulta. uch ae uupprewous, irngularitiee, and all firma of weakness. In the case of men they ole, t a radteal cure in all carp ftria.ng from menta; worry, overwork, or excesses ..1 Indoor nature, Dr. William.' stink 1'.11a are manufactur• •V art's. Ec7nt�•'a Itr. by the Il r. 1i111il ms lgedlctoe 1L , Brookville Ont and Schenectady, X. 1'., Tit h lI,$ TaA.•a.- and are slid in boxes never in loose form I TICATtr:t+TN. by the dozen or hundred at 5J cents a box, TN6 t.AMnlxl:', WIIT. ur air boxes for ?2 50, and may be had of Tor 11: • ... s Mist,' I all ring, .0 or direct by nail from Dr. I %Villiama' Me'iciae I'ompaoy at either a.l Admission, 15 cis., 25 cts., Are.. The prix at which these Dills are soil make+ _ of chronic 1 e sepported by an excellent-con:paoy of play• i era, in the f*llowiag Repertoire ' w Mos.1wy *Teatsg, MLA, h FIA,. ed Tuesday .. Wednesday '• Thursday '• 11'nday • Sat lucky and 35 cts. A FORTUNATE I.IHL.. \ Tip; td'I.IEeT. uF SINCERE fU\. (;RATULATLUNS FROM; liJClt FR/furls,. saran, sly )net course .,..-.....aro: corn. other remedies or medical u Cnmparcd with us.! treatment. DES at 'DIAMONDS, 10 rte. Call and see our display. x x_x x + .x =roes G-ooCds Throughout, the Largest Choice in Goderich. Wool Challies A Bewilderingly Immense Stock to Choose From. PARASOLS and SUNSHADES Of Every Kind. ('ream and Black Silk Glover and Mitt,.. All price,, commencing at Special Fin.• Line for .'.c. per pair. W. ACHESON & SON. arHigbest Primes lar Sege sad Butter.'ea i have �1f 1111:S all the way from up re .t r each. ('all and sae shades sisals 'o any nue you like 1 11A,e a lame stock of Express Waggons, Velocip Carts and Bicycles. 're my hose' Cycle for -10.00. A visit to the !wi'l'l. 1R BIIOK . will convince you of the piaci to buy. i am here to do busmen, .not to make any reference to other merchants' goods, HURON COUNTY COUNUIL The D. B. CALBICK, + rapetls► Igaek *owe. t.Merirh. 1►rr Itlarle, .r lar Jane Meeting -The Neese eir teras .1„ai ed. the.. WATCHES, edea, JE�U'ELERY See our line TURF: Joie 5th, 18-4 The council met pnrtuant toadjournerent. the warden in the chair. Ml the merxben were present except Milne, 1'ook and ( Ili ver. 3linutee of last meeting were reed sod opted. nemmivaicetion was read from the i;o. roe Live Stock Association re impro,iag shipment of stock to the old country. erred to the•epecial committee. volutions train the I.dlench, Pharos, Sesforrh ('oliegiate hoards about amount (aid ht• the county to tach institute ally • Ifeferred to the executive com- er. nrtn(eatwtion from thi• t:.,lerteb Fisons of board ashlar for rebate oo the salary e *cool inspectors. Referred ve cOnlinittee, to •lx lad MA,A T1 '.NT Tu n6 et!iht)n, isTo A Nuri -j1 A t•a"`� it.t —aloe -Atka min To 111.11, MAS nion'Gtf .ILA %Y1`i.s r' . tux y tertian Sol'1tt: us. .in'irT—ah Kef ttITATwx et sed to be Praia Prothe Sherbrooke UaretM A number o4 reports ha, reached the (%azette othc. of marvelous curry effected by the use of 1M. W'illanie. Pink")•Ills T 1:114 mit! Soli.' Iofth •cul l o ire, v a legitimate public co:IWity ,.).out • I Ttu.l fact Which, *1 true, should be proclartitr•t UPI suffering humanity, the I.a,ette requested a i mitt An, reporter to go to Mount Forest sad Inv }} gate the facts or th'i 'cam of Mir .Negate`/ Met simfinee, who i+ stud to have been :scored . educe from • very low soodaiot. Ihe,reporter took the altern000 train f r Rock Forest axil, after a short w..: trop. the C P.11. station. reaci.ed cite. )ants Simpson's home, situated on a well cults rated farm beautifully located on the balks of the Magog ,river. reflerred to the.peeal committee. 1 The following papers were referred to Finan.•. 1'ommtttee accounts of U. K. .trachan, v 85 and $2 10 for repairs : ap. phc•�tumi to have K. McLeod and W. Wil- liams, of .alericb put a u county wards, app.icatioo of t'aborne to Joseph sod Mary Hewer; u township to have d 7 put in u ooua:y wards. •Moved by Dames, seconded by sparking that this county assume ail bridges of 50 ft. and over that are at present hunt within the various 'nninicipalities. Referred t0 road and bridge commicee. Mored by Griffin, seconded by 'omit that the trepaurer be authon,ed to trap( lof�Kunst!, enise . take tout l t , Sic reed. The council resumed. cil Room, 3 i lulaitlen for clothing of inmate. of I Letter from .lis. Mitchell eking leave • 1:eferred 1... county propertycorn, connect with comity y sewer was referred nude by M dcounty property su ee. essrs. Clem, 1elhdl I The fnilewtag aeccoount. were reed a aye al'+ eug townsMN of East and reterred•to finance committee star, to 4 Wawanoeh and Hallett. Referred co Advocate, AL y, ; 1'...._ tC ;