HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-14, Page 5.
a the Huron
People have
the Ready -
IS inches wide, worth
is new art silk pat
rah 20c., for I '4t
t Hlcloth, 1 y•nls
nth NOc., for S; j
lue in Towel's, Table Lie
napkins, Fancy ToIde Cov
.'urtaina, Carpets and
hing neluisitea-
;i Deparhieat
all grades and vanetie, of
ler:. women and .•htl.ln•n
intoe our Shoes to he se
a ()lfunla, worth ? I
Otorch, worth
vas Oxfoftle, worth
rola Oxfords, worth
EOM Tan t►xfonb,
'5, for .
kip Lan Boots,
5, for
[fords, worth 8 1.s0,
is Oxfords, worth
da Oxfords, worth
t Fuge Drawing,
'hitutnore, Hatton,
oe, _'Sc., our price, I'',
the appetite, improve' digestion, and
Teton•; health and vigor; all the
opus of the body are round to
healthy action by I)octor Pieroe's
(;olden Murales' Diacwvery. More
than all, the liver -and that's the
hey to the whole system. You
have pure Wood or poisonous blood,
ljosRt as your liver chooses. The
`loot' controls the health, the liter
controls the blood, the "Discovery "
(r,atrola the liver.
You coil escape just about half
the ills that flesh is heir to, by
beim; ready for than. Brine the
,,stem up with this medicine, which
yywerruts u well as ewes. For all
disenwat rand by a disordered liver
Or Impure blood -dyspepsia, bilious -
pro, the most stub)arn skin, scalp
sod perofuloea affections, the " Du
cowry " is the only remedy so cer-
tain and effective that it can he
.;,,drdn(ecd. If it doesn't benefit or
cure, you have your money back.
You i,ay only for the you l oar get.
Catarrh is Cerra by using
Dr. Sage's Ranedy.
Tulenng E. J. Priam m . o
floras 1:. R. Sallow. 5
Mal Ikea! Milk -1 and Opera Boor 8
Ines 4.00.l8 W. Acheson t son... 8
Comets Jamas Robles= 8
Look Here ' (:rip. . • 8
loll is she load-Arw"trosg t C3
:ane \ew Ideas Fraser & Porter.... 6
:loneliest - Harper t L
New Drug Store- awe D. Williams . 5
'•ret 4 oat= Sale-Colb.rae Bros . 3
Thetas a.uide-4:rnad Trunk Rail
Pram for the ginnedVenue. Wor
sell .t i'o ..... 5
!eplementa Repaired -J. S. Mclrath . 5
.4 atlo5 vn--ingetest1 k Valley S
?eenlstsoa of Partnership-Mclitosh It 5
Haver 5
Naso Jas. A. Melntash 5
volt r. W. McLwaL
should stand.
.('bats was then tonus-
'.' the rest of the day
ntte had spoken Sir Jake
to app...s the re»ulut,u
he supporters of the rem
sisgl• case in Brttlsh of
in which the discussant
,'0 in Parliament was is
set where a jndg. was of
onstnntiun was perfectly
aria Th. busmen of do
elmintater the law.
sir John co: tipaed i Y
.stat tae lethally imps va,
▪ the carp was nut .,wet
Thompson set down, the
other was carried on be
c[wnnn, Dario. Mc4'ar-
letorier and Hoa ler
a divided on Mr. Ditties
was lust on a division ul
4.-11r. Edgar moved in
neons yesterday that J.
1 E Iwror. (Geta',, bt
w before the bar of the
.7 had neglected to ap-
before the r'rivileges and
;tee in the Case against
They had been sum
ph. and afterwards by
1 failed to appear.
eon read rem Boorinot,
lwrliamrntary role wee
'e until after they had
eight that obese msu
tell that their expenses
sapid the debate on
:ion of June 1, -That
hie Hoon the publio
nen should be suit/ to
sly, upon reasonable
and In midi amen ea
a•upisd and cultivated
DO sales of public lauds
middlemen should be
ral provlsfone should
mislead grants to set -
grants to railway tor.
made by the Goverm-
avrebsese and to the
s4. public Interest"
Mr. Utile .poke. A
ken and Mr, Lime,
defeated by 100 to
In the C .morons. os
the House went lake
• riff Mama
led from 8 costs to •
ems 110 and 239 were
or sheets.
bc"p, band strip
el, sheared or rolled
▪ .ta0 of all widths
17 ramie, aa •, 410
Iemte, Iron or gaol
pa. a.• a, sad ethos
widt 1�iL Westplaited.
ts .
and (b la pl•dopl
moo. • per sent .d
Whet ama.doa.9•4
law :.s Pair i
awtti in equivalent
en alp Iesperted
From the Reporter's Notsboolr.
• a hwy. a Mole le a' Ter festa. 1 rode
le Mal 11: a 411,1'. Amass IS
Takla' \'tee. an' 1.114 Ne'11
rre.s et," -Mean..
Ilse y.1'Ir buggies repaired by W. A. M.
almost. Turmas a sesctalty.
rm.lr.e• asel fire stay. -A new stock of
• "pea ore bnek aid e1.1 a It. W. Mc
Crites cbeap hardware stere.
0tao• -R .W. McKe•zle has low re eived
• rip impartation of window glass direct
free 1 ueep& htor awey donat-
e. A. Mr4'lymont bas opened • wages and
aeRiae. Stop it coa•eotio0 with R. Thome:
fee k.pa,riag meetly and quickly dose.
TM; say 4 barite Chisholm 1. a cracker ow
Tr when( but he 44us't lead the pro•erion
a ►;t line soy mon that 9'. J. Pridbam. the
Ron(... iotbter, dem L W baldpate.
Never Iliad the ellesioa this week.
bpi go w
R. R. %newt
for 7Our
•rtistie 5455. rotate d 4.y.
- M a l)I TO ORD&R."-• T4eee are name wo-
rm woos erdiwery 5555tee oe will pat St. It
we N sae et those. we will make • deism to
tut year special rptdrewemte, )esi tm same
ma tater will [pike t east to at • bear -woo
www. w. T. Welsh. S5otus aid lew.11.r.
mut TAILORIN d.- 414e(em owlet s.4
"seer suiting. over eetlmge. Week and blue
week wonted eft. MOW bot
weal. rouse Leel/ b1g borstals is Ordered
rale Call sad ase tM goode •M ask
Cs Teo will sorely ba,. 11. M•.Cw•mas.
ria5w'l.L goctAL-A farewell sosa•1 to
14. Dom- •1. k. Howell, M.A., will he head
s eke F'ma -.._t .f Noel N. Meh.dim
rMreh rip Thpr•d•y. Jun. 21.1, b O : t►look
rat. E'urtler particatan will M give
ss1t week.
Low% so.IAL.--The yens* poop& of
Kier church will held • lain wed on We
weeds .f J. T. Garrets, , M. PP. , ea the
"'aria f Ttweday, Jess 19, oomtemcisg
116 r r. Admisinee 15ota Refro4Ym..k
a gold program will 4. served. Sr
kern met..: Orncg•t, -The seaming of-
1�•tw,�• foe the loon Abate° is Hares w ae
fellows Est Harea -Mislay S. Such,
Vases clerk, Brussel& West Huro.--
ile1t (:ebb -s, Sherif, OoderkhSaab
. S
H AI. T. Diek...,D.p.sy R.IIMtrsr.
A.. I nave .T R R Brasov. -On T.ss-
ry. 5th last., ,lesepb Morris. of Colborne.
title aswetiag in e.sells freidt,
tad the misfortune to slip Mask a bens
atom the ankle of leis tigI Ns4t'•.!
ltradinyo4ii4•tatina was immediately at 1.01001 w.
fes Ne1tea44 t0 pate that he a is a fmir espy
""no gfrotw•aa Ta• RArwtwn PI* Ines.
Atlantan is crud tat the feet that • .we-
ar el bym We a the habit ef frequently'
tie harbor and river, sad plea the bilis
frost on5eig.esp to tie sows for hatM54
r,.... wlt►..t haei.g a L.thiss oat ea
haelting he
Pap., .Iminebet the .este ie&. should
ahem lb by &w Morose* is e... the
.•mpii.d grit'.
wren Peon yes Wawa. -Mr. and Mea
t1. R. Wiens, a MeettrmL We49'p
allisim, 14. IR -him .eases.,. (open,
RIMA wens' 4&w. w the S4kr ikttld. f/
lita at I,
Hal We affil ergial aye' flim Osis. elf Mss
Nr, eel Ma. Arlene we w hi
weddi ig trio. mrd w • elate mill 1•r their
lie's. Mia order to escape they were seal.
pe1Md te &hasten ever thing eves to thea/
'Wham, =apt what they bad os at the
Jtstoa BASS Bau. Mar -m. --Oa Moeday
s'essug • Mme bail mate= took plias h.-
tw s. the "'J.91.e," .ad "Inv able ,"
(bath *lobe 4.leegj.g to tow.t al the Agri-
oalteral Park, the "Joanne" w•-.sg, by
a .Dote of 14 et 13. Whoa the umpire call-
ed the game to • slim at the and of the 5th
iasis", the soon stood 13 to 12 L favor of
She " lsvineibtee," but both tees wanted
to "limy a stbor mamas whim was played
with the •hews result. Both teats did
MOM eto.11.st annas and will as denim
stake good players.
Faunas' I.wrlrsra Ete•ceiwx. - The
West Hans Tanners' Isolator will bold
their •.•a•1 =cure= on Fnd.y, lune
22nd. The securities will be pod to last
u ncal the 23rd, rotas and cow= by the
regular train The excusers will take to
t4. followtag places : Kiaeardine, Ripley,
Luckttew, Whilosbunb, Wtagbam,
ggrraov., Blyth, Lesdeeboro. t.odencb,
Holmeerilk and Clinton. Every farmer
should go and take his f•msly te use On-
tario's Modal Farm. A free lunch will be
given at aeon to all who at toad As this
will be the cheapest •zcureios of the ma-
mas all should go. Nes iP°~M for special
excursion rasa W. i 11iLu. PM; W N
Howatt, Sae. ""`ete,r
Noes Pastas mares Howe age.
-Oonk.t. N, April 24th, 1894. 11. -
Worrell, 1►ear Sir, is =Mr td y r la"
(intr., I think I may say that the Howard
furnace placed in the ('el estate Mete
by you has give entire wcielactioa. ft hb
kept the pert of the building honed by it
oomf.rtable, an4 the caretaker tolls motion
u bis opotion it glees mon Items from a
gives q sa.uty of coal. cam be snore rally
regulated and mon imonomicelly m•nared
than either of the steer furnaces is use. Ie
that means, as far as 1 haws had as oppor-
pp r-tunity a proving for myself. 1 concur. 1
hays so h.sitaaaoe in .peaking of it as an
easily wearied rid eroelleit (uremia
Veen truly. H. I. STIPA•,., l'rincipa Col.
BASE Btu. -On F'nday Ian the Irish
Nice. of Luca., after having the day beton
defeated the Clinton rid Exeter teams, met
the t:nderich team in a friendly game in the
Agricultural Park. The day was fine and
quite a .umher of base hall enthusiasts
tuned out aid had the pl*asun of ,.sang
the boys do the " Irishmen " up to the
tune of 32 to 1. The following Is the .core
by tonings :
Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total.
Lucian 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 -- 4
(:edench 4 7 4 6 +0 5 8- 32
Itatteriea Murdy. Collins and Smith rod
Robertson and Mshromson. Our club will
send • alas ta..htna reline for Saturday's
game. The result of the game in Ktacardine
will he reported -at Harry Harts cigar shop
by innings. The following men are to go to
Kincardine : A Kobert.on, 1'. Stuart, a..
Crewman, 4' Ninon. R. Tilt, U. Downs,
W. Elliott, S Malcom.on and H. l:,bert-
5os (('apt •.,
1Mdge No ie is being repaired and
y al iced.
Juste 31 ills and a strong company of
payers at t4. Grand Open House all neat
A number of telegraph poles on the
Huron Kist were struck by hghtnini• dun•
tog Use recent thunder +term
J. S. llcMath has purchase) the 'si-
derite of Jas. Martin, 18 I'edar-st. Toe
latter purposes ytoing to the Sault =only.
"A11 is act gold that glitters". Don't be
deuetved, but buy• "White" or "New Wit.
hams- sewing achan' of Goo. W Thom
A Large water man has lately been la d
into the Court House groands, and coanec
pons made with the buildings and fouo•
Quite • number of our citizens took in the
neon school ptc.tc at the fort Farm Sat-
urday last. .,me drove and some went to
Mrs. Wm. Mclean has purchased the
reeidsoce recently erected by 4;to. A Fear,
corner of Waterloo and St Patrick
A mew bow ball club has been organized
at the West end ot the town, and under the
captaincy of 'JesseHorses. will prac-
tise fru tihaw'e bank.
Exeter Times : Mr. McVicar, a mail
clerk ea theft T. R. and .on of the editor
of the Sarna ('a••dtan, was marred last
week to • lady in Clinton
Waltham Times We aadentand that
R.bt, Meinprize has purchased s site in
Galore* sail will put in an are electric
light plant to that tows in • short tune.
The old favorite, Miss .losie Mills, will
appear at the grand Opera House for an
amine. commencieg Monday male/ the
lead, is as excellent repertoire of playa.
• gond house is sore to greet her.
Geo. Hall, • tem agent in the employ of
M.nMl1 & Co., of leaden, was tried in
Palalorttes the other day for having vadat
ed • by -kw of the town retarding hawkers
sad waists He was dated 810 andante_
Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. -
All eases ef erp.ie er sympathetic heart
disease relieved a 30 minutes and quickly
eared, by Dr. Aglow. Cure fee the Heart.
O.s dem o.swiems. f4*Id by Jas. Wilson.
Seatorth Exps.itor : Mn. Bisset of
Gderaok, wipe is *early 90 year" of are,
wee a Hassall rooeatly visiting her 'noel -
daughter, Mrs_ William Elder, sad looked
better and mearter than teeny Ladies eoarw-
ly half her we, and required little or es
sssistaam he travelling.
Itlsste•hpte (.toed m • Day. -Beath
Amsrirsn Rbens.stio Cure, tar Rios.stimm
. d Neuralgia, redieelly eared in 1 to 3 day&
Ite •Kien ea the system is remarkable awl
myseer&ee. It removes at .sew the Gauge
and the d4...e immediately disappears
The first dose greatly benefits 75 amu
Sold M J. Willem and all draglela Mir
A *,ekes of Royal Tempters left this
.04.eieg te &seed tie pest steam
white is beteg held at W i.gh•a belay.
• Rem to Heeestem. -Ona bottle of
Feel sh Spavin i.nis..* eo.pletoly re-
moved • curb from say berm. i take
teleesere L resesteendiag the remedy, ae it
es es with al�y'etessrr{�s.s.s� peumi}tnses ie the *1.
w sl tow bareos ef lard. ao(t w •ollowd
Wisps. bleed ,pavan. Whits, .514., messy,
flans sad sprains. Gismos Reps, tamer,
SO1d by Jae. Maim Merkbes, Ont.
Relief be MIR Henn-Distreaaieeg him -
relieved is elz
bee owlWiest
1M New wa t Sser. Masai.
e ar Stem Cow" This New remedy es
delightpeat earprise wed tie
'a'ne shin o eseili.s prs. pews is
is a
w re.
� .may �t9 Madthe m.erl ry pe , bat In
wale ea heels. h Minos /Hannan ef
wader aid pie i wow it •West falssdl.
s.pb,, 1r gee ewe-fluldi raw .r ewe
Web r• 4.44 N Jae Willow
COMING AND 0041411
Miss Postigrew,� Mo ir.alMe ir,sI. r the guest
.( Mn K W.
Miss S. Itieset has re$sreed from.( ware
where she sprat the Whose.
Wm Cemphell, postmaster. 1'11 oa Tues-
day. par ear. Cambria for Sareta.
Mrs_ C. A. Nauss has roosnesd after s.v•
.ral weeks' aha.u= emelt= friaris.
Wallace Pants, of Illeamatiile, ha. taken
• position at Armstr.ng's dry goods
Mrs J h•oz of Auburn, who was =sit-
ing trteads to town, lett as Friday for 4.s
4:. C. Kors,lately is the employ of Arm-
strong & 1.., bas ..eared • situation to
Mr. McGee. of Chicago, was in town dur-
ing the week, the west of J J Doyle, Col-
borne .t.
Mr. a•a Mn. kern. of Brussels, r.tern.d
home lot Saturday, after a week's visit is
Messrs. Flynn, Tighe Had ((.sett, ei
Godeneh towoabip, visited friends to tows
00 Sndey.
Mr. anal Mrs. (: 4 atuc•rt, who have
loon 'imus/ relators in town, returned
h orn, os W.dn..,isy.
Mn. Wm. McLean, who has been resid-
ing In Stratford for some time past, is visit-
ing reJetrwes in tows
41. Kformerly m•aager of the
Weakd charas( here, s000mpanied by
*Mae Dk�eslian-4, wwted town during the
flee Stitt- left on Tuesday on the Cam-
bria for • mend tnp .ed to enjoy the
breezes and scenery on Lake Huron and
(_:.organ Bay.
Pickerel and pike an beginning 10 fes..
Str. Cambria called in hen,,a cit 4
on Tuesday.
The water has gone down about 9
in the river.
The Sepbee left ..o 'aturds) for up the
lake to load timber.
The Sophie arrived on Friday with 32.5,-
000 ft. of lumber and laths.
'ch. Carter arrived from 4:ore hay with
225.000ft of lumber on Friday.
Sch. Carter left os Monday for Thomaston
W load lumber for N. i►yment.
1.oversment cutter Petrel nn in here on
her way up the lake on Monday.
A sumbes of boats were up at Poet farm
Last Saturday, where there was a picnic.
The Arnoldi u bony this week dredging
out the .tone which were lost oft the piers.
They an kept to put en again.
A large addition is being made to the
bathine Louse on the beach. One portion is
to be for ladies and the other for gentle-
There is getting to be quite an interest
taken in boattng. There .re over thirty
boats on the river, besides what are -kept
00 the harbor.
The Indian. have arrived and taken up
their abode on the data They same by
road this time, rid are engaged to making
Lows and baskets.
The crib that was damaged was repaired
last week by having logs .piked onto the
upper tier, and on Monday it was taken out
into the lake and upset.
The Mating season is now fairly opened.
and quite • number of our citizens avail
themselves of the excellent boating accom-
modation ('apt. Baxter u favoring tb. pub•
Ian with th" moron.
Last week some parson broke Otto 1'.
I lila's best house on the river, by tearing
several boards oaf the aide. Trey smashed
the oars and knocked a larre hole in the
Mat. This is not the tint time boat
houses have been broke. into, Messrs
Shannon and Nicholson's boat house haring
been broken into a number of times rid the
boats taken out.
The week before last an of the cribs
was when out of the harbor and sunk at the
end of the North pier. The same tight •
.form arose and wasted the .4.seof. The
crib was moo started, the stone at the bot-
tom boiling that part down, while the up-
per part was washed off. The Arnoldi ti
dr.dgtau out the bottom of the crib and the
crib will sone be ready again.
*Decay, Juice 11.
The frost of lam trek, which appears to
haye does sees Spey k the fruit ono in.
lead, doss fes sues M have W any series&
aloft here. hams 1Nid al. the (It► eye, we
saw seem potases i• l•U bloom in Mr.
Hawkins' Arden, sed if Jack Frost had
visited tits trilkye, it would certainly have
cut of Noah • seder •'getable as the poem•
k. Time het paw to prove that the lake
has • tesdmey M moderate the tespesst.n
sed beam N. masa that we can raise with
rase eart•Iasy them tee alike inked sash
.sof Bake se enema. pease, et., fer 1t
r woe st any thuu g lost ben by
spays Irma,
TUtsu.ir, Jus' 12.
WB.piieboa pine ill. Sw.J. boa Infers the mast 00
Alf. Bean has resumed tin position of
last year on the dredge at present at (:ode
A aualber et pupils of Asb8eld sed Col
borne sehools,witb their parents and frisud..
pi -wed N the P.ut Farm w Saturday
Alt. Smarr mourns the loos of a One Mire*
kyear old colt. A.r other horse the pasts=
Wh= it, Seek's' its leg, and at had to be
The members of the dant of the Episco-
pal chuck, this village &rambled on Friday
seeming last at the residence of of Mr. sed
Mrs. Joseph Tigert, Sbeppardia, and,pn-
seted the host's daughter lit.. Annie with
a gold watch, as a token of their apprecia-
tion of her Labors as organist, which post
too• the young lad• has filled for soros
l'ULRN 9I. Nuri..+ - -A mot:ng in the
is the interest of patron candidate 1'cianol-
ly was hold ia tee school house hen Mo -
day last. Tiers was a fair atteadence.
Mr. (:arrow was represented by 1). Mc-
Gilhcuddy, :•f, Godench. The arrange•
mems was hat Mr. Connolly would
torah fee te.n hour at the
•tI, inert, ---411111P Mr. Mc4.111"uddy
/we=1d reply for an hour end Mr.
Cotieelly would close the meeting. This
arrangement was afterwards wet aside by
Mr. 4 oeoolly who, in his tint speech, only
spoke three minutes and then called upon
McGillicuddy to reply, reserving his own
address to the last. Mr. (.arrow's repro.
rotative addressed the meet1ng for ao hour
on the questions afecting the moues of
Local government, and incidentally making
reference to the absurdity of introducing the
strait platform into the present cam-
paign, as the platform dealt chiefly
with Dominion .fain. Mr. Connolly, in
his clamor =drool west over his now famil.
Par exposition of the patron platform,
(saint his claims for election on the stogie
ground that he was " an old farmer, with
out adraotages of taming by
townsmen, and was therefore tier able te
represent the farming community." ((In
this line we might Hay that Mr. Connolly
criticl,es himself too harshly. Be is a
shrewd fellow, with enough gumption to
try to ride into a position of place on the
shoulders et hie fellow*, and sees that his
present appeal ie the beet means of gulling
the people to support him
We with nine hundred and ninety nine
others attended • picnic of • number of the
the schools of Ashtield and Colborne at the
Point Farm on Saturday last. The weather
was beautiful and mine host hal his
grounds in excellent condition. Luncheon
was served on the spacious verandahs, and
Law°, to which each and everyone did
ample justice. After luncheon r managing
committee was appointed by the teachers
to attend to the children's games. follow
ins are the names of members of the com-
mute : .1. E. Tom, 1'. S. L , president,
11:ss A. Burrows, treasurer, Nems. Stereo -
see, Doherty, Heyde", Johnson, and last
but not least, the children's friend, Mr
Hetherington. The sum of nioe dollen was
distributed in prices. The names 01
winners of races are as follows Three-
legged race ---ales from b to 9, let. E. Ber-
ton and A. Lloyd ; 2nd, L Sauoderson and
N. Young ; 3rd, A. Bean and R. Bean.
Three-legged race --1st, A. Gordon and .1.
Rrinley : 2nd, R. llc\ee and .1. Kilpatrick:
3rd, .1 McMillan and it, Cunningham.
Three-legred race -let, Alex. Boyd rid
Horton ; 2nd, M. Sallow, ape( J. Greene
3rd. E. Pillow and E. Willis. Three-
legged race -A. ('mrd, and H. Tay)or, 1st :
W. Walter .ed J. McManus, 2nd : .1 •
Campbell end H. Cunningham, 3rd.
All fours. Eddie Oliver, Wm Bradley and
Philip Knuckle : shoe race. girls, Annie
Bene, Jamie Greene, Floosie 147111*. ; shoe
rata, bey*, Roes McNee. Willie ('ormeion&•
Harry Maw ; shoe race, 6 to 9 years, Nellie
Yoaag, Ellen Whitely, Jessie Gnu.: shoe
ries, 9 to 12 years, Rose Bean. Etta Fellow
and Eliza Young ; shoe race, 12 to 15 years,
Willie Brindley, Colin Wilma, Herb. Cook :
latices rate, first. W. Walton and .1. lie•
Manus, second. H. Oliver and .1. Campbell,
third, J. Rrtndley and A. Gordis ; boya'
raw, 6 to 9 years, Harry Maw, Alex Bogie,
Roes McNee : girls' Rao., 9 to 12 years,
Jessie Robinson, Eliza Yount'. Mary Eery,
Annie Bean, Addie 'Willis, Alias Boyd
boys' raw, 9 to 12, W. Briniest. Berrie
Foster, Eben Wilson ; rale' race, 12 to 15
years, Eliza 1'ou.g, Mattie Sallow,, H. Mc.
(arse ; hop, et.p and jump, W. Stewart
hop, step and jump, 9 to 12, A. Tewsley, 0.
Barkwell, M. Pentland ; jumping, 6 to 9,
Archie Teweloy, .leo. liriadisy, Ernest Gir-
vin ; jempptieag', 9 to 12 years, 4). Backwell,
M. Poetised, .1. Kilpatrick ; jumping. 12 to
15, H. G•llpgh.r, R. Foley. .1. McGee. A
candy ,crumble which all preset tharourb-
ly annoyed was indulged ie by the children
and bronrkt the amusements of the day to
• class. Twenty nine pounds of candy were
scattered en the lawn by George 4:rwbam',
willing hand.. Schools promet with their
respective teachers are ea follows : Port
Albert. No1, Misses Merriam •ted Ha
S.,o shat-SALKKILD.-- A very pleasant
event took plan as the residence of .Ino.
Salkeld, Maple Grove, Goderick township,
o0 Wednesday Jim 6th, it being the mar-
riage of their daughter, Mae 4:ertrude, to
Jan Sowerby, of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The bride looked lovely, being attired in
white silk trimmed with rice and carried
• bottles' of white roses. The bridesmaid,
Mas Hattie Wilkins's, was also dressed in
white and carried • bouquet of rose. The
groom, of course looked his beet. He is •
post office clerk in 4:rand Rapids, and is
highly respected by all who know him. His
supporter was Harry Pollock. The bride
WWI given •wayby her father. The oere•
mo0y was performed by Rev. .1 E. Howell,
M.A., at 11.30 A M., after which about
fifty gums Mb down to an elaborate break-
fast. all being pleased with the mommas
proc.edinge. The happy couple left on eke
3-30 trete for their Male in (:rod Rapids.
sand showers of rice, ad boots and beat
MaaTt',-8N•xsox.-The .srn•ge of
Miss Belle Shea.ee to J. O. Marta', ot
Louisville, Ky., which wee amassed lithe
Louisville papers • few months neo, was
celebrated here is St. Peter's church, Rev.
Father Wen °Seating. About twenty-
five gnat' sad a Jerre concourse of spats
ton witnessed the ceremony. The priest's
were aetneroue and costly. The bride sod
bridesmaid, Miss Jose Shannon, were
dressed respectively in arean and white
silk. The groom, Mr. Martin, was ably as-
sisted through the e.ru.o. by Chas. Mem.
son, comes of the bride His Hosor,Jedge
Doyle, rave away the Imide at the altar.
Daring the es emfsy sad the mass which
followed Miss McKean, of Woodstock, p=.
sided at t4. wpm. Mess Ada ('hiltes sad
Mi. Anna Doyle meg with sl•evellosa of-
fset Ioeizetti's " Rep' Pani' A
Is Hsrvuy s " Ave Maria" Miss A4a (elil-
tea was ally witted by Miss Deng►es the
violin. After the he bridal
party mad guests, i Rev.
eat, repaired to the miaow* ef Mrs. B
Shawls, Cambria -et. where •
bemkfast was partake GC His Bess/
Jsdge Doyle ,r.psspd the health of the
kriio end grown. and L a 14w pull sts es
worth expressed hes weirs approval of hat
kind of feder•t•na, es .nesse& ef 'Wish
taw had those before lyes in eseoltlsl5S
he wished We ba Wag lib of
iness. The
happy ample fah .e hese 1:10 e. w. ten. ler
Now York amidst Wearers of We and e1
protean@ of peed wishes front end
sp..Mara Mr. Mertz. 4 • ►i rmpset
d nen el (.Anisole He studied
esadWee is that de1aty. 1.e ewe es 'les ha-
f.ee grsdsaslag ids beak\ lamed bin dor •
time. sed be gave b up fen the clue win -
web d. 445 Leubt4M.Os.li.l n,
s. wwer. M wM W pleelleilse
et hs aerspet . a7._ �raV
Ines, No. 6, J. Tigert, No. 11, Miss Wig
ging, Diensunea, Mr. McKay, Nile, Mabee
Watson and Whye.d. Na 17 A.kfield, Mess
Craid•te, No. 1 Osborne, Miss A. Rormw•,
No. 9, Miss Potts, No. 5, Miss Stuart.
('(lutes •rtiRr Cate\ took .ilea's
head ef'seals, of Na ewe feeding. '. Mont•
real, on Wedseday. They averaged 14.52
the .•alb -a pretty rood average.
Exeter Richard Terry took a weak
spell ea Mesd•y eight, sed falling against
ane of the dean out hie heed epee. Several
.titohee were required be repair the wound.
Rrings comfort and impermanent and
Sods to personal enjoyment when
tightly nerd. The many. who live bet•
her than ..r hen and enjoy life &sore, with
less eip'nditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's beet product" to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laz,tive principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
1te esoellence is due M Its presenting
in the form met acceptab:o arid pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial pr.,perties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, brn•iachea and fevers
and permanently ec1114 constipation.
It bas given s•tidact ion to miiilions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it sets on the Kid -
?ley', liver and Bowels witliont weak-
ening them and It ie perfectly free from
every objectiohabl. sulet.thce.
Syrup of Figs is for sale, by aQ dreg-
gtata in 75c. bottles, but it is tamuu-
factored by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only/, whoa' mule is printed on every
package, also the name. Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will apse
accept any substitute if offered.
No haw main the trade m compete with
our prima Lauf Cerium from 18c per
sett up to 4450. It rem' elraege that
we are melbas 14.. Curium at lower
prices lima other stereo can buy them,
yet sou► u • (act One store in town
boxeg)t Lam Curtains from us during the
pest week at the saws prows we sell to
our customers. irate, 241 inches wide,
fast 0olees, 5e. per yard ; also Flannelettes,
27 in. wide, 5e. per yard, regular pries,
10c. a special hoe of all -wool Whip ('ord
(trees (:nods, double width, 400. per yard,
worth 10c. ; good Wool Tweeds from 2Sc.
per yard, up ; heavy yard -wide Grey Cot
too, 7c. per geed : • very fine Cotton, be.
Per yard is 30 yard rods, worth 8e. Ke
s•ember, we are sating 5 spool. Cotton
7tlewad for laic : fine, 2c. per paper . beet
Cortiesll' Silk, 5c. per spool. tether goods
/mouthy as cheap.
Jewla.'s Rleek. Oodertek.
May 0. lie.
( H:1`.1). WILLIAM.
1i*UaaIs P
will epee ow
iN HJ$ NEW 1 HEM I'-l•:.S
(IataaaM'• mom
Tleavlllllns Oulds.
eNote £NU TO 0OD0MICH.
'e Mr.iWILLIAMS has personally eel.
ett•tiiI his lltepck, wbtc'i will be com-
piete with the Forest and freshest
Drugs. Cbe'mictils, .lie., that call be
procured, he expects to lie able to
meet *11 the Orkµirrnteet• in the
business \
owing to delay in the preparation of shop
fixtures. tea, be has been prevented Irons
opening out his Stu.* sooner.
Arrive. 8 FATIONS. Depart.
•-1.1 1' M. 1' M, W. 1' M. t'. M
le 50 9 50 2 50 A Dod.rleb . D 6 Y 1 111 3 3u
10 311 0 31 2 b Holme,vtl1.., 7 II I r "CO
102& 9:f 2131). a A723 1:3 4 1
ase • e0 A . 4 `"ton l l► 7 30 246 4 .9
900 9 a: 1 b Seatortb.. 7.50 149 S 25
1.0 6 l 1210 D Stratfod..A 44411 ♦0a 7M
I)ASTC1(F: TO LET •le T 12. 1. LAKE:
11 lake Bbore Road, Colborne. W. n.. cam
prising 105 screw. This is ate of 1tee Ashen
grounds ia chm district. and will prove • value
able wietwaset as • p•nturage Oar cattle. Ap-
ply to JOHN 4'. MARTIN or S. *14).(NF:,
(ioderich 1' 0. MI4
Coderlea Frrleew.
Uooaaicn. June 13. 1i4.
Spring Wbest. ...... .... .standard 0 S5 to 0
Yell Wheat .. 0 i5 to 000
Your. family 0 00 to 0.0
Shorts. p toe 00 00 to00 N
Bran.. ton. On 00 tom N
Screens p ton .... (45 00 ton. 00
Chopped Feed Whet p tea. 00 Ou MOO 1.10
Uet., new. y bush :L' to p 32
Pees, y bush ....32 to O 55
Barter. two rowed. a bush ...... w to 0 w
Barley. common ............... .,. 35 to • MI
Hay. ft toe 30t.701
Potatoes. 12 bush h: to 0 !0
Rutter, n 11 to 0 14
Kan. fr•esk uap•ck d. 0 dem.... 0 04 to 000
Chess. ......_,.» 0 12 to 0 11
Wold 3 00 to l i
Wool.......... 016to096
Hides. - 2 40 to 2 N.
Sheep 'Shine'..... .. 0 50 to 0011
Live Ioe,s. t. 400to4tM
Dressed Hew 4 0) to 6 se
Notice of changes meet be left at this
Office not later than Sattl-lay
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not later than Mon
day noon. Casual Advertisement,
accepts(' up to noon Weetine.d'y of
each week.
Public flotilla •
N uTicE,-'
Mr. W. A. Rhyme having purchased use
third interest In the Mnufectunng'ambo(=
meet of Buchanan k ton ale p•'bile will please
note that after the 4th. of June all trans-
actions will be dose under the name of
Bucnausea & Rama
67-t1 . W. A. RHV%AS.
'u"fiCE: --ALL PERS4INS F41CN1)
trespa,in,t on my rods by shooting•
hunting. ranging. camping. flailing Or other-
wise will be prosecuted according to law.
Such lands are the Hart farm. in the township
of 4'olboroe, and the property know' as the
Falls Reserve, in the townships of Colborne
and Goderlch.
1L CA/ANON. (.41'.. X. IL\ECI11.Klt,
55.1. Selbltor. Proprietor.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing be-
tween the the undersigned, usd.-. the firm of
"Maunders & Co"; and more realest!, of "Mc.
fatoshk Harper' has this day been diesolved
by mutual consent. All miming debts of the
late stn" will oe td by Jas. A. McIntosh.
w4. will also collect the debts doe the late
Witmer J JAB. A. M. iNTOSH.
J. W. Whitely. t C. J. HARPIR.
1 to 11e late arm of Mau.ds. t Co.. will
Mare ser tla same by cash or are before tot
July. as 1 intend =ivied for the Northwest
about tame date.
Omit J•S. A. M. iNTOISH.
Ieaderelpied ire MPLEMENTS "lraR.iplEauPAIREID,•nted to -THE
nate mi et Masers • rMeaMlq. J. R f~
MATH t 180. Is Osd. '.t. Oderld. el los
Per alt.'s( s. 4 are metro
Weltanew wee Rhes'
Wet unseals R�.pte.e •el all kis-
ded (loses.& R bap been Iwel
• awe ter
tweet dhows le Mau.
SPAM, te Now papas atttestshay
les•. et. ...Illa'. Wt lale.,..-40=7..-
ekes wax
sates 1•91011. & PasenMa pta,Mea1A
Auottoa ..i..
epeeist tf elesee.
I fes pegsred to do all kinds of grab cbop-
�lm�g en notice. Mill i. run0tng at all
bears1 have the latest and beet Improved
masblmery for dispatch and efficiency. Pries.
reasonable. No delay le gett,ng ysur chop hem"
with you.
til, 17 Betr•mmla et.
4 R MACHIN[ WORKS. To the public :-
Roy Runcisan Nos. 9 and 1 p owe. Runci
man land rollers and root a utt -re, Watford
Nae. 7 mad 4 plows. American mouldboards.
Watford twin plow, it is the beat. Watford
mufflers, the leaders. Watford hay rake.. Al
so other implement.Plow mints mimed In
P rice. Hare mon kinds. ('actings made to
order. Cat
Cala old mora.
ewes J. R. RUKCiIAAN.
Tle Executors of the Wt w111 and testament
of Mary Walker. late of the township of 0ode.
rick, deceased, will offer for sale by pelt"
aeetioo at Mania's Hotel, l■ the town of
OodeNwh en Wednesday. July 411*. 1551. at 12
o'eloek neem, the foltowleg freehold property ;
The mut\ half of tet t t le the 54h concertos
of the township of (ideMrh. le the county of
Horse. eaetalnieg 40 acs. of land more 5r
I. About 31 serve cleared, balsam 5 sores
hardwood timber. Upon said property r •
tTOMO 1 aro 19 by N.
Property is about le stifles from Oederleh.
and 1 mils from Porters' Hill, 1. a rood agrl-
caltersl dairies.
Tern. • 10 per oast la cosh at time of sale,
balares in 20 days.
Further terms and emanates of sale will he
made knew• •t time.f sale, se may be learned
oa appllcatlsa to vendors' solicitors.
Dated at St. Catlories& JaseOth. 1004,
folkltors for said aeeeetlwsed veneers.
Wit et. Paul Street. M, Oat hernias.
Notion to Credltop..
l•' l► R l' I t A I. 1 N 11 '1 I: I•: E S.
Prevents! loss of fruit from fting•nla
disease and insect'.
h. ll,. ,nottrr orJeaao),.4 J4•EIray. 01 71“. 1'11
imp. of Itioth. to the 1'o.atp
Of 1Ittr0,.
Notice is he-eby given that the shove named
Jame. a Mck:troy have made an amignmenl
t0 me, under the pro. homes of Chapter 121. 1t.
P. 0. 1097. of all their estate and etTe.te ,,.
trent for the benefit of all their creditors.
.1 meeting of the creditor. of mid estate is
hereby convened and will be held at the law
once. of Gibbons. McNab A' tfulkern.l.ondon.
on Moaday. the 11th day of Julie. A. U.
lead. at ...0o'clock in the afternoon, for the
appointment of Inspectors and the gat ii g of
directions with reference t0 the disposal of
the said estate.
Ail creditots of the said estate are hereby
re. s
required to file their claims with my solicitor
Gibbose, McNao t Mulkern. London. as dir
ected by the said Statute' on or before the day
of inch mailing. After July let 10(1, 1 *hall pro
reed to distribute the said estate. having re
gond only to such claim. as I shall have notice
of. and 1 shall not be responsible for the 'smuts
of the said estate or ray part thereof. to any
person or person, whose claim or :Lints ■I'a.l
n ot have been tiled.
Dated the 31st day Of May. A.D. Ie01.
C. R. ARM°TItOX(:.
0111H4/NP, MrNARAMULKKKN. Tracer.
Solicitors for Trustee. Loudon. 66:h.
These will be 'aimed ter sale by i5.Nk
amities at Mania', Hotel 1e the Imre otOede-
rbh, ea Materlay. Jose 03rd. 1104. tat one
Welsch la the ahernoos, t he renewing vat" tote
r mad Mill Property .
Tbe aorta' belt of the mouth half of lot 4. see.
t. Mwa4ip ef Adaatd.e.asty of Herem,lt s.
et • don W Nm` 10 nuns' rhe self e
, lama. Twenty eve acre are
k.N sad 1. • geed Mate ef ear It l vat 455,
Weer sad a hoer111115[ atrsam et
water *awls'luso t4. eye et tea proper.
tyTM M18 Property adjoin' t4. term sad bas
erased es it a sawmill Week Nur «pewee
pad toaain:la:0l0r SAM tame 10 Iowa
40.4,,• " 1 ori. utast winter *11►94p•1 wHb
.,4 d Haat'' 41.1114& Ua00111.Harr.
Tb n le a geed tram* bows (nidi II morin
h IMO klta8oa ISM mad a mew a'nm. oMW
Shit 7 le 4 =She from Dsa.sa•ea, N
mein to mad 2 miles te Part Al.
7�o pepmtW WH1 be and & we wren sob
Sam W • msslaym 1651 811.. 00O�a be ries a per
:SVC. ori /i0 '1'L'E R DAPICILY,
Stederbet Joel let•.I0.. Ilserfete41 -0
Prow/eV/for Ba1• or for Rent.
1 1 will exchange kw a smaller place with
stab", a very commodious residence en
Church M. Ooderfeb. within three minutes'
walk of the Square. For teethes particulars
aryl, 10
C./alar K. It. WATSON, P.O,• WW 21'.
N. rte.,
J. E..D.t,
PH Y. 11,
M Ai.t'AhSLE 1'tt11•1S AND T:014 7.
1•IOY1K IN Pott n*Li. '.et 1. d,N7
Lot 9 4e ode Meet a inee.4... 4..J' rat.. tee ..
ship, s.sat7 of Harts, Ialilea (tom Uuderkh,
op1kN.[ of 140 scree more or le -e Hare 00x
6), nearly new. good or. hard of choice fruit.
well watered with 'prone creek. an excellent
Mail* farm. can be bought on easy terms,
Apply to JOHN KNUX, Au 0 neer.
l.ot 1 1• the broken front• wale of the lake
road in the Wearers dlT wos. Tow•lkipp of ('ol
boroe.00uuty of Heron. 3 males frost Vodorich
camvri/ing ale •ore., LAM) hank been. god
'anfe home 1+ story high, nearly new and
good orchard of choice fruit, oma be bought as
Hay tare& Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auctioa
itlock A and R. !eke range is the towns',
of ('.(borne• consisting of Mia acres mare or
less. There are oe t4e fes • frame
Mass. trams bare lied stable g About
7 scree 74►e.gorob•rrd choice fruit. Abo t
SG scree et bulk. T1L farm 11 considered •
first -edam grating farm. T.,s term ma be
divided to wit purchaser* and bougktwee easy
term& Apply te JOHN-KNOX.
Hass and olet (SII the town of Cllntoe,-Lot
/pet ttnms 1a0s1le t~rtbr7 401. old wooles mill, cola
_Noss feeedadSs withstood cedar ell i• gwi
NSM ef regale. •5517 te JOHI'I KNOX.
0►U. A nctlos.sr.
.JL 'limon. Hest Waw.es 4 INaerra '145.
r ant class tum. Alm tows lot 47S, 0401*.
Apply to PHILIP HOLT, St,.
o!d *ante. t: of t) a ht. 3 etre Cu
day of t4. sweetie a Mast Wee nsak, be -
Ing set 4.tr'of lot 1. osoceiM- 1. ea the
gvaval reed that led. from Orderly\ to WMR
bed It le situated about 40 redo fro. Ash.
ono • thriving wlllagu with four churches sad
• leash sear •l Wd A comparatively .sew
base Moss with sem.e iron'rotams and cellar
With ember eels vu•Ieaoes• aid good bask hare
tied •best >M bowleg fruit trees are on
the A Nacres are elsased. The
MRS. C T Auburn 0. 1t�
wmsnWsO banks en
'o1a •oe5r4.d as •
Ham. lues sw Terms ever. M
fl, (uses(( P. O.
''a. !eta ,r0.n: e 1 i our "p,o' t: nett .'o. 1.
1.. •.. ....u.a . .t t• ,• !,e .1199/1 a1M1 1.. 11
TAU. 1, . • 4. tat rata- •• s i 11.1' we bier i .0
mush of this one 1.r" iota now you wet teed
benefit. ',own go Inc..ifarther than ewer ir'-
fore, and farther than they'll ev'r go again.
What • . hence you have to fortieth hawing
rooms or I'arlore with elegant up5ol'asred
,nods at prices which cannot be repeated.
Furniture coverings A large line in .10th.
All new Patteras.
5�(/��r"0(�"O Improved ma ulmpeovel term
Weds at ph'a'se varying from 1 to 12 «IW
Mem Qu'Appelle Mattes. N. w, T.. nor mr
very Wrap. No better lands tar mired term -
tog ere to be rood Is inseam
re, hs pvMealere apply to
411441 Qmt•pOl,r&
of Muer M Thaw : e emit a ed6:.�
delegate of Capt. P555.V
The Pongees Ooltll�•
fJ��\t EAR O. T. RT. STATroN,-
NEWBC' s.WICK e'F'D.eIt'441M0 *.
Extra, w4 .3.'•S 4 hes►s ELMS d clews
le a..'7 atom•=.
rLOORINU .Nn mmots0. WILCO per M.
DOOR& SASH axu R1.111D14. equally law.
MAPLK'awu BKE(H FLOORING, kilo dr'el.
DRY H[M1.O('R. for bulldlnep. (.ATH I'tl ir.
ETT, 0 ATES, eta.
pASKOLA-41.00 PER 114rrrI.Y_
it Mlle RRItlt.9(1JpkOR4,
I 11M('T POW D[R
W11.1101411 IRON !•Heel fer (4.11md-0050.
a bas.
WI LMO1f M c AT0ARTIC i rasa -N •Ham •
DREW HMI Wad WMIIM 0111 fey tela "lila
JUMBO witaOwu
PRi.CRIrT,o '
Telephoto U.