The Signal, 1894-6-14, Page 3t. DOSSIWW. . OSse, Wgueedr ICHOL10 L.D.S. -DENTAL "weu►esti!.rvlee wittf M NA R 2. EIOHAaiIRAN, L D. E.. Sas stta of sect►. thei&opemearvettua p Mein% 21:4w- • asimMend i 11RN1411 DK RUSTICS.. -PHYSICIAN, SCR ems, as. U , -Yolaaal peg. lbw - „suit Night Wee, tram 141 b4r•aa soft. �lti SRA( IOil• lbAeAoHwABNON,, .�Ng11 pssldeaoa N.Mer.et sear, mte�sl aa4lSott,--Reddenee North*, 1 P• at- _ >SL `IAYPWlt A JOHNSTON, BARRIS- v Wig.taro Rotaries, Lc_. tiollwto►. e 1 Store. >L CAY- • C•' A/HantON. acti to low moi. I OFTt'S L DANCEY, BARRISTER, 1.4 dolreiter, Co•wel•aoe1, ac.. eta Marry is loan at meet rates. Fiarto.'s Mees. Op- posite Colborue p•.sute('olborue hotel. liederleh. Out. Ilii -1t , N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- D. for in maritime lour. of Oster* OMee. mouth Colborne Late!. 1217 R. Q. HAYS, SOLICITOR, de. U,• owner of equate ane West po4eetea. roc $Mgf4P4 office, prl- n▪ ite rat hada to lead el lowest rates lwinler- im IIARROW A PROUD10OT, BAR- ics • news, T. sr4. . l4 .. l isfPi 0 ilei Oda fes. J. Jame. t�C•. w, rrwd mASIF I( )N, HOLT HOLMES, C' mar• nster% adMlMw la Cammerr at. >•m Oedsnch. m. C. 'lmwe. l�(:. ; P. lied ; Is.11.) Horner. 1;, WARD, CONVEYANCER, J . ar.. and oemmi•ioaer for taking and re. r.resaraanee, of hail. affidavits us sereet.one, depunitwos or solemn Aeriar*. AAAI .n nr coorerelnutI4t sal action. . n' ur piss .esdtrur ID t4e Hlglr Court of J,sttes, the Barts' ,tppe•1 for Oaten% or u sal taissa $, • las �..ou Court. All treaaatlisa* sad pr,.oi til exs.ted. Nesieteaee *rad P enters I.unraanoa ort Lonna and in.Nranoa. 1 sl.A.•d:1i, cudVE1A.NCI),Ic ANL) �. Itl..r... a office. oppadrsIM linage' e.sekh. � MOB'[ 1.1 ON EV TO LEND ON (il Dl M SI per ea.t. $itis C. rtAGKK, once eq*sib Yartta's Ilolrl. rfrb. Nit;', El TI) LOAN. - S25,000.00 1•-s, ate rule. to toed at 541 per cent. en 'Intelrt K. UANI'K\'. Hornet's blot*. ..•e ...,*.erne Hotel. Ooderick. 407 tf LNJeT.14At'TIL.-1111111,41Fs Ash F at WINN ( Yeete 71- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY To CeY[1a01t HOLT a LiOLlttill. Rode. me. _ a INEY TO LEND. -A LAktiA J. ar,:oust of Perms !seta far Iatt egt *Iowan rates ea Areseless Merbyss.\Ater .GARRIIW It PRO::oirUOT RkADCLIFFE, f]sNERAL IN- . twrwoee, Real ante sed Meas/ 1.104144 AIWA. Only firm -Mass cooiptttaMs nNrssnted. mosey is load ma snlgb Ime.sr v,e lowest ray of interest going, 1a say way to oust MI brtower. Oates- t.oCo is lu0r from flatorp. Won etrrt, (lode - kb \ mrs-tt Meohan$au' Insttikt.. etoDi RICH MECHANICS' INSTI- L' TUT[ LIARANNY AND R[ADIN1J- [OUI1, ow. of Sala POW sad square oaf ran (h•n 'res 1 to eras- rad from 7 to 10 P.O. ABOUT 21)00 VOLS IN LIBRARY Loa :o. /bite, R'ertly wad Il:w!rated repro', Afagaalw.a, etc., on Ale. YO1H[FLemHll'TICK/T.ONLY a1.M. sawing tree me of Library and lteediag- APp•os'loaa tot membership received by ubtarun, in room H. NMITII. OZO. lTIVIty, 1tresideat. Secretary. (Wart. h March 1214 Ia6. ASOLIOn.Oleinge TH•INIAN (;L NDRY, AUCTIONEER anti Ia.ur..oe Agent. Rodetiic%. Ost. rx�rs( red tient [harlot as. Co. Sake at Iledtd to in in part of the musty. 11117 rT(IHS KNOX, MINERAL AIX- ?) mod toad Valuator. ()adenoid'. Ow. Haying had eanelderable experlsne M s esactIoawerlesdads. 4e M In • Pa�lea I. I4145re. with Unmet mU. Para gem eltwom mooned to alis. Orders left at Hants • Hotel, or rseentt * men to Lie •44rU , 12, X Oeessei Aasllgtber ~ lrltt Dsstti1 Announ.sment. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN eT T1f. V$I nr ETHEL- CHLORIDE AT DR. E. RIQHARDSON'S METAL FAUVISM MEI NOM RftE •EST -STREET OOD"Tal, OUT. It sa4w& me asllmiltd eetMfeatles. after s thereagb test: new V ilia meet ..team.. v MIOb.. . Itlf„pidiM�bt s erid ft M te right Pi Is eeth or p. sumps 1)f Y s et'(T, raw. see very little Pala in the gust tura** cease. �'PH7DL-OALORIDEl r "Weal •eses14etis that never .abets the Meat les to ssh1pg��eat 1. harasses s eate�rr. aid the No model kaerya se .OMA WO reads ihil seeteeth rs sM*.miIMv. y rola- rattails resolve* Rlrvetws b Ms Worse. yr woo iatrealyretlea of taw samurai t�`imteel r.Or le . RIO r DR S. 1R1fCHARDMION. THE SIGNAL GODERICII, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 1394. 3 1 TRY TO MAKE IT OO. Mi hums issue sadaus0 of weed. wAnl all toe roan RAM i retlelse rut had 1 mate, It twalald take ml sew IN .vels t.. feel Use ba, Oe seri , ..Id dare, bet flew • Meet I keep the w Int.* through. If not •.cough whew vary rough. I try to make It do. 24)u�yyl...nl 5. rare. bot out so bass A.. Moller Hubbard'. own. A 111t le neat. none ka,ll..ua.. .Wena, Awl SO4 he a thickest haw 1. *5.51)5. to Waal.mr AlTelt. Ju.m • ra*., surh 11.14ga tl. true. Yet 1t 1 woo Mit have • crust oft tomato MM What soawh.a t4. blips Pai�gl�,,��s�yr lsdk. s-oo ) *Yea': I esti. t! 1 neoplaln Aug Peal. .rt wind de.lnt) Luxury darnel It i...t with rue, Aad run, r. is lac Yu.. t.... My table'..yread aunt I ►w !.d• II Ir) to a.ak.• It do. All la sod pdd that lamer.. And naw 5,.L..rt. 1 w oert. Mo t,,..., the hunt .4 a Lal's posess.'J .....r woad t1.e tr.ig4t have been's. N'r us.) not bare the jute w• crave. Yet lel'a honestly pursue Our cbu.ie4 wa),� day ly del, Awl try to make It du. %len times ere bad and you are asd, And Ir•.nbl,•s around )esti fall, Lie.ptt.• tour hurt )our faith worn lt. lion who ruielh all, Wh.te'er your lot, tett lowly or not, A. life y•uonium rrtugh, Just du your lest lad Mayo the rest. Aid tri Ila sake 4 du. - THE SCHEME WORKED. Fred Burgess was • young fellow of twenty four, and, after the fashion of youngsters of that number of years, he was desperately in love. The young woman who had 111 him .xptise wars tear y••ars his junior, pretty, p.pnlar, and ts.,r. and just c.xpartti.h rtwtagh Go keep Freddie les the ragged edge meet of the time -a not unusual characteristic of soling W..11e•n antler similar condi tions. It, -Aleutian tea this he hada), idea that the girl Ioviel him. or, rather per witted hint 10 love her. b•s-ause his faker was very rich and had trrultlised Fred it hamletene• sntn on his wedding day To a girl focal of society as Har rtet war. Friel 1*;I.•W (lust tn.mey was an utsj ot. soli, while 'se was ready to furn- isis the money to a wife. he diel not wish to furnish the money for • site -a flies dietiuctisrm that senile men with money te itliet Iere overlook. F'•. des f.ttiter t:ss a LAn1i eat- widow er of torts fie. •u,l was more elder brother 'then f«titer to tine boy. and their vomrsdesiiI{, n 1 ro•nn/nnity of {nt.re.ts wr•rr' the et .j..'tr of luany pleaaautree rotes.; t:.c.. trio u.l. "How abttwt the girl. Fred' asked the father one day. a. they 4.5 in the library •''ll'hieh girl' :nettled Fred. ..Tb,. 1... tore :f ..,nree. 'Yet team Harriet? F!ed' *tae. grew longer. Wr11. lap, ' be sail fatuiliarir, •'1 Beat kr:..w exactly, and 1 don't like to say what i think. "(tut with it. my boy," urged the fa- ther. -between nos we ought to be a match for any woman alive.' '"I don't want you to be a match for this ono," 1 -entered Pawl. shyly. Mr Burgess leered his aeknowiedg- meuts. "Permit me to say equal to any wo man.'• he smiled. ti lt}tlted." said Fred . "and I think we atf . 1811 yon cant 'Most always semottmes tr11. The father.indis•ated s'r:ne surprise. -She ian'•t going to fly the track. is ebe' ' he asked. "No. not that . .he's going to stay on and wake the met.. bat Liu afraid it's elMtire 1y for the purse that's up. "tT'1 langhed the father: "she's slaking a ehv at the sitrkels. i+ site? "N... isq,,' protected Fr..l ..'1 wonldn't that . only i u► afraid ell* 1Hlght be " Bargees became thougbttul and 1 -was silent f. or emir time. 're crick, my rhieken."•aisl he after a wills haying his head on' \the young mans shoulder, ' 1 have a es home. se great scheme. and i. tapped hie flume of thought with uhnch personal pride. "Where did you get it. papa- asked Fre ! hatnteringlY . "import it' i • • 'o. my son . 1 mannfaetnreel it right ped :t at 1).J ne•.. again tapping hie ?tire heal. 1,ov Intl sig Ilnwn and let lite tell yon ail .Mout it,'' SOMI NOISE *[NSE. 11ntw sbos,ld iss waserd before Ming I, d, Water, .alike feed. doss tot ledge is the mak. Mt Mems es into tie mall Je- tsam's eta its way lathe *.veem. The satiate N the fed that they may bo Mtaki.s et in pot. H 01 a ww,.Moit natant 'Wes tmm lues or 'Past el water Reran !bot have free aeons to water, levet drink tea use\ 4ad they .he.ld al • "la bate • basket et sir water 5. the ats.eer Fresh u auk sagas, s betas ercepsiydv b"`tsd .r exhumed,r fes having bees from smite kr • length of than. • le haves he� y I* Weed !e-*kb-kk trod/ .e "Wait till 1 brat.s myself. in order to resist the shock,' said trod. nesting bine self deep down in a big easy chair. "Let her go, pop, I'm ready," and pop there- upon preceded to let her go. Three menthe later Mr Burgess and Fred *ere in the library of the Burgess mansion once more. Freed having re- turned only that day from a viett to some friends in England. •'We•110Father Burgrows" he acid, with unusual impatience, "how did the scheme work "My boy. my boy.". groaned Mr. B. lugubriously. "1'm not in it sixty seconds " -Wouldn't it work?" asked Fred in a disappointed tone. "Let me tell the harrowing tate," and Mr Burgess fined himself comfortably. "A month after you lett. in my coy and difideht manner. I asked Mitt Harriet one day on the stmt if 1 couldn't walk home with ber. She was just too sweet for anything -Fred winced -,.and said it would charm her beyond expression. lto i walked along with rare. talking about you and other young men Miss Harriet was enraptured to bear what I said of yon and of the other young men, and then very demurely said she thought older men were so mach nicer. Then i was charmed, and when we reached her home she invited nu to call with such a winning grace that I cont dn't resist it. and accepted the Invl- tatiortl la my very heat style." Freed got rap eel tramped around the library awhile "Confound the women," he said. "Did you got. ,.Didn't i Kot' responded the father with a semi whoop."Well, 1 should say i diad, and until four days ago I didn't give one of those other young- sters • ghost of a chance at anything. By lbs way. Fred," he added, "tis rosy like the mischief to court a girl right thew days. doesn't it? 1 had no idea it was such an expensive luxury. Fed writbsd to his chair "Oa Ila." he seed almost sternly. '•p1), I did go on, laughed the father. "sad s s encouraged me, ton, sad, by Jove, yoga( fellow, 1 became so interest- ed 1 e.ml do t stop going on ' Fowl looked at his father in amain- 'sent if this thhg ountinned he telt that .ownetbtng di..Rrwbl• would hap- pen to him. hat he said nothing Says ago. et et p. m IliBurgess,nailed for the teat £O itA des, mad my mind wmi "N Dig to have tb•t girl da the family, Brea if l had to prove myself • traitor to do it" P1w.1 almost forgot blunted!. ba: bees - amine d all his powers of restraint 'Neel 1." continued Mr. Ber�Ma, onto=1 had beaten around the eotlona! bush fur half an hour, .Mr.. Harriet, you have become very hear and dear to use " 'Yee`' she smiled, Tin so glad " 'Thank you.' said I, 'and now, with- out further preliminaries, I want mitt) be my wile. Fred stood ap straight and limbed down fiercely os. his lather "Yes," said that gentleman, mit Fred were enjoying it, "thore are the exact words 1 need on that interesting occa- sion. and 1 ured others and kept un its tnu theta, but she uuly *book her pretty head. " 'Just think.' said 1. coaxing my very bet, '11•.w nice it wwt1'1 be for yon W be Frwl'r r•tepw..ther.' •Now, Mr Burgess.' said the in re• sponse to this argument, an" she *wiled in • xray that made um want to grab her, 'don't you think it mould be ever so lunch nicer for ole to he Frml'a wife?'" Fred Laughed hysterically and kicked an nuolf.•ndiug uttulmhtt clear over the table \.., I don't,' said I, trying to take her hand. •" Well. I do.' said she. dropping her senile. awl getting firm it, the fare, 'and thltt is where we differ to an extent that you, with all your money and gs.s.1 lesokr and palavering and entente nee rxn'lnt holes to change it, a aril-. lien years If there is any other re late..n to your family that 1 wogld pre- fer, slots.; Lein; Fred's wife. it might 1.; to be your stepmother met long enrttlgh to give you the aptauliug yon de- serve, for trvi,g to persuade me to be • iksloyai t.. Fred, while be Ls about and ' at,not new what is going utl• soy he coal,' pat it .top to it • G,. .l even nag, Mr limiters,' and with these tin I( In, i remarka to ygnr devoted rami I.ving 01.1 father. say bey, your dear Harriett flouted out of the rsmn and left nee sitting there feeling leo. an 1.1i..t. four stories tall and as big aroaud as a hero." Fre i j•n.gIi sl 1p and threw his arms •around his father* "Pop, old boy," he rxrlaiwe I joyfully. "yon re • Inman." "Yes, my boy., I know it." sighed Mr. Burgeon. -tout you've taken the trick, and Gut going Gi dednrt from your wee.! - .iii. pre ''.t what it cost lot to c'.Urt !.14. gs t t• nil • ynn *,oro ewer. all l I 5,1 * nld 'irtl ter et, with my •• •:rt,l .. •)et•. ai«t lr....- :4 icit with rale . a lrkeaaatt bre ne like tecta_.• roe tar tut:t:et. b a Inc:** .-asy eh sir •irxwit sl ' brf•,re the grate .where a e.,.,i rico is buruu,e Lrightly r•et'lint s an r:.i•'.ly w.. can . it is: the valet hour' of p•aslge twilight. the chi.d o: day nttd dorkuet*. • At the w•itetow in the car tar.. -•1 MAW, gazing dreamily mt.. the .pntekiy. de. ceudil,l t:' . 'm. ouzels a s"Ing gar! of eu.ur seventeen' rears. The• won,.oi .its ittetitly sttelyihu the ''girl she sees a profile outlined in the deeltentu,t tw:lsght against the wind:rw lane, a urere. silhouette. I )u4 would think that the fate of the woman 1,- •'n the cornet renting of that profile. le. bresthlenrly awl thoughtfully does ale. gaze. Bnt what has fate to do with a w-tinman of forty. Sits". misty; it matters not for the ex*'t number of yearn aide. th,it youth with its dreams and hopes is a thing of the past with her Lit us fancy that the musings in her mind are audible to cls. Listen' "1 ha 1 {tlarprd a burly and a niet y hat calm life for mlatter years. However, this young girl esu -t change that life's cotuplexi.n. _t ne*ti element has come into it. 1. it for weal or woe? Time will tell. 'tiny, who had leen my boom friend in erclh'eo.l days has passed sway and to me with her dying breath, she dors loft tits charge. her child How nm 1 to tulfill my task? There seems et, little of bier mother about the fir! to gni le me with past memories.n hes child11o1d I knew ler not and now just verging un womanhood she comes to ate. ('an I reinewber enough of my own youth with its wild imagin- ings. its impatient, uncowprehendel longing*. to sympathise with and enter into her thoughts and feelings --to check. to guide, to help onward, upward? There ie hearty in the, face even in the d, .rk, irregular outline that is now fading away from my sigtit-in the smooth tine of the white brow. the eenaitive curve of uoee and lip which bespeak rtetle•ssneess, feeling and pas cion. It is not • peaceful face and 1 fear that pain is no: and will not bo a stranger to it." When the noising has reached this point darkness wraps the girl entirely from the woman a sight. The whole lithe. giriiah figure is mo tionlea& lave for an (occasional restless twitching et the graceful head. As yet no one has broken the almost deathlike *tillers(' I ererroine with her interest in and her wish to understand the girl. the woman softly and kindly utters "my child." Instantly with a passion- ate burst of snpp.r'eated sobs the girl throws herself at the other's feet cry ing "mother." The one strong link --child-mother-now and forever be- tween them The girl listens unweary ingly while again sad again is told the Wit of the happy youthful days long since pas.ed away loot still fresh in memory. fond memory which fringe the light of thaws other days around her "Mother" is the one name, the one topic that ever after stills her in passion. soothes her in grief, and fast and firm on that foundation will grew the love of each for the other -a rove whk:h *111 lend to the declining days of the wo man's life their brightest radiance and to the dawning years of the girl's life. the assistance that experience ran give to youth. -Neons 01•4Mi*rg*rl5. we. Hatter. Rmpm't. are rooming in from a large nnmher .[ dairy States that the friends of honest .laming are making a special efi.wt to provide more stringent legis- lation in regard to the manufacture and sale of oloon.rtgarint. The fact can he no longer diagramed that this spuriom article coming in competition with but- ter is grsdnally reducing the price of the latter. and in a towears more on the same ratio of decline. dairying. inettead of being one a the hest paying opera- tions in connection with farming• would he affected to that extent, !bat the millions now invested in cows and dairy machinery would be a dead letter. Now is the tint* tax those who are bit the hardest by this monster to rime and be heard Can le rsedlwg. Do not feed the hay down to the hare beards In the mow over the stable, for II you do the ingress of cold elf stable, Ude scores will malt In • veritable aw powers to your may. ??AWNG C1LtM1TY eje�ool('s 1?ili°61°� Isde.ert able Nelllbring Fathered by *filers in British Columbia. FRASER RIVER STtADILY RISING *40oeev., sad New we.tnlest.r Cel Oa Presto tt. (1.tsld. world. 'Normals - shoe and Room u* A11 lade.-- ae.tul.5 It.AR. Rawl - gate 11v-, *-areas. V**eot'vga, 11 t • May 31. -The over - Sow of the Framer raver is causing great destruction and lose of life. The surround 1 ing vallge have been aro-merged, houses .ud ontbnildings of ranches have been • wept away and heale ot cattle and Socks of sheep have been drowned. Whole villages on the banks et the stream are doatitr,. So far eight ave are known to have beet, lost Vaxcot:VEAL B. C., June 1. -The Fraser (fiver is still rising. and the indications ars that the Sued will be even more the - estrous than the memorable mar of 1882. The flyer has already than within eight tnrhea of the high wafer mark of that gr - .t trenndation The whole valley is tinder water, the Fraser having !spread out tutu a vast lake. The tido 1s. now crawling up at the rate of an inch every three 4 hours. %%terncvaa, 14.5'., Juno '_.-Devastation and ruin are the'ua17 words to mores the awful calamity in the Fraser River valley country. "!31111 risiub" is the niomrnt exclamation heard on every hand, for the turbulent swollen torrents of the Fraser river have fur six weary days and nights been slowly, sweeping away the re salts of rears of arduous toll and hardship. lbw hundred miles of country.. have been devastated and the cud is not yet. Small m„nntaiu 'totemo have changed,.s if by magic to roaring torrents, bringing down upon their bosoms thousands of tong of •,.ow to add to the destroying elements elresds included in the Juggernaut like journey ..t the debris. The appearance of the rotors Fraser valley is changed. Wh r.. -the prosperous rancher attended his S..cks anti herds awl where nch field's of grant thudded to the 'timid waters be- yond the dikes, theacme waters are now raging turtons!y in rushing torrent*, pee erenlin. et, ai•l.ailieg pato auu of rain. lluu.lrela of tre.i are piled op with a medley ot other choose, such as het:coopa, ouNe•nses, bridges and fences, and me each Ottsti ng tuaasghdse by 'medlar el.pr into sight. Mated budies of thousands of *omit mid swine twirl in the tori current, :..iauwe.d bji upternes: bo .ts or a gigantic tree with chi.'keu. Puooming in the branches, kali ui..cuptc view of hundred. of homes, brut• a tuid, ee and destroyed faruts. The Fra.er rirer Was mew reached the highest lo5ut lunched in 17.4s2, the year of the great &std, and it is still rising. Liles and miles of the e. P. It track have been wothel away between Ratty creek and Lieslun, and no trams or telegram., L,r e reached Brutish 1'olutubis by chi. r. ute for eight days and there h little prospect fur mails or cwmmltnecalion by telegraph fur another tea days.. Following are some of the rat oro cum ing in: Lwtnert, Jane 1. - The dykes bare given way and 1,500 acres of land is swept by the Maxie. Stean,ers are ty.ng rip to the chtmueys of the psestolbce and the hotel, and we are rescuing people wads bats from the roots of neu.ee. Fifty families are ruined Harass.'. June 1. --The ,tyke. have given war anal AM acres of land art- under water. The rancher* have lime-rtrl their homes anti haze driweu their cattle to the high ground. 'their sheep and swine are all (intwued. l'l1ILLtw A, T.rw'r-" We are in creat ihstrtss For (asst's asks send us help, boats are the only weans we hare of get ling around. the water rise* much higher Lee !auntie* will 15r destitute. fiend us sceamere that we may reach the cities. " Ll rtt•a•Ix,•tt-Hirer sus e1enly changed "et course into its ancient . mann-i and is a raging torrent through our streets. Pro visa are low. The steamer Chet arrived to day made a Landing piece en the wp sterey of the Hndsott iiy t'ompany'. bnildiug. LA'soter.-The steamer ill moored to the Sag pole of a warehouse. The people are pocked like sardines in the bona.s in the high part of the city. Numbers .1 wealthy ranchers are debtitute, having saved nothing. The !menace has been turned into a hotel, the other hones being uninhabitable. SA*.wox RIVER SETTLEMENT.-' Langley Dyke baa given away, burying 1.200 acres of ranches. The ranchers waned with their lives The cattle were nearly all lust." And so the reports continue to come In. The government M nrakipg herculean efforts to save life and property, engaging all the Canadian Pacific navigation' boats in the reecning service Several 5015crtp thin Hots are being circulated in each large city and thousands of dollars have been . nbacribed. The authorities say the water will not begin to recede till the fall lido on Sunday. and more appalling disasters than have yet been chronicled are feared The Fraser river hes since rose ten inches at New Westminster, and the flood io mill rainy/ From points further up the rivet cotne reports that the river is nearly two feet higher than has ever been kuownL So great bas been the destruction tet ocean steamers pasusing through the Strait of San Joan de Fuca ars now encountering floating roofs of honors and barns, and innumerable carcasses of hog., sheep and cattle that have paired oat of the neer with other debris from the valley. 11 ie estimated that over 2,000 f.,mille& are homeless, and a property lose of fully 83,000,000 bas been *offered. Steamers from the ever and Fagot Sound are still being pressed Into the work of rescue. Though no more lives have been lost daring the past two days thew have been many narrow eacap.%and thnlling esperl entree. Macy families have been driven loom their lioness tare .te.mer brooght sir; settlers from Westminster late last night Among there watt the family of a r.ncber from near Langley The mon hal built a strong raft upon whish he took hi entire family and ten blooded horses. Tiley were resoled in midstream after Lav ing been afloat for ten hoera At North Rend the water ie a foot above the mark In the gat fend. of 10 Tls warm weather rontinees, and then M mill a large amount of stow to the moentaina The river nay be espeeted to rt.. mach higher A. Ilea of t8e dei•th of the water may he gathered from the fart that a d.amer drawing sit feet passed 01.1r s1 oral Islands se the somas of the ehann•I of tae 14101. 1)s. Wednesday night the water reached foarb+a 5aeby ever the Candtaa Peet*. Weeks s iad so telae have lass qo.,t., o:e now to a►do i d Sodden pastry? 0. PRoBtEPA .1► Sows, by the production, op our Niw Smoot -rowlock 011QLE s .licll makes iteght, crisp, health- fulywholesome as ry, /rsis:pridedlarime ilarlandArt other el,ert Coo*. n9 authorities enJoao COTTor.( . can't afford to you with o est (f rO L CNC blade only by Tha N. K. Fairbank Company, N elllaaeea sad Awe Bares MOilliiAL A GREAT MAN'S KARLY RISE. Thomas Pine the Nan wk. ne1.rae. a 4,t*4t al T41r1)-Iwe. F: ght years ego 711011551 1'y he was fore masa of a deportment iu tke machinery w or5e of Time% h t'.. , of Hlrminvham, 1':-.1: -tali. A feu .1a)■ .., a the *-able I r.•liglit res. that lie bael 'sen .lining w:th t;ueen V,atet a, who had ale • onferred upon him :be hatter sit kn'r4•the...l. Ile is only 32 tease old. At the age of twen:y four h. w.a'stn1 u. A.t5.G•n.s' an to suprrtuten.t 'he tut'',lucuuu et a• n,e 5mprusru.1uta III tLr military wurb at label. The Ame.r had r pinned • h. t. overnmeot to ,cod h m some .k.iful n..chasiea, and Pyne was stat .•f tits- t oo why. tock their live, in their d hestn. at, ray el the dangers iacidrnt w the (sum ;cal h.••eI.felt by Afghans to.and MI Europeans. 'that this danger was ter- ribly real was soon mode n.eerlwit by sorr- el attempts to manse:0ate the hated Fehrio gees, anti l'yoe • companion wired aa early opportunity to tenon to lad's. Toll other Englishman refused to be *cared out, and meter the Ames* had beheaded a few of the would -Le murderers Pyne (tend himself oomparattte y wife. Hu skill as • mechanic to the course of tin,. pined the alyiiasuen of the savage mountaineers, end now his influence is plm.st unbounded over the Amster mod his domain. Hit tint visit was paid to his native land re ently amt state,. men gave clone heed w his advice and htn's regarding n e hxi. f treating walla hall tribes. He sat howled by •octety,.nd lust .,,fora she departed for Daly the queen knighted him. Shortllyeerd he wailed u for the cut to take. Caked. - GREAT - COTTON SALE GREATEST VALUE EVER SEEN IN GODERICH. A (3ootl Xi -incl. Collate, 10 girl. L.r fill Cent. A Heavy' Sheet)) , :12(3 iuebee tt i.l.•, 10 yards for 6UCents. An Extra Heavy She•tire,_7tli litchi:. wide, lU 'aide for 73 Cents. IF THESE ARE NO1 THE-CNEIIPFST YOU EVER sat, 60w f BULTNEM, 11 Lath,. Sunni. r 1 . **!,,, de price --u real snap. Short enols of Carpets away below e.,.t. LACE CURTAINS. As usual the ereateet *alar in the County. In Seat- Cream ata! White ; also by the Marl. Bear it, mind, we have none of the i r' to Ai *rut trams to oder, hut a large assortment of first class stock, di - ret front the makers in GLAal:nw, NeIrrt.Avu. Oar CARPET SEWING MACHINE is :t ;treat success. We can tasilke a 30 Or 40 yard Carpet in :,l,ottt two hours. AC orkrs promptly executr. 1. CANE CROS., GODERICH. The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Ii arehourse of the County. SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK Palpasols and L'Wbrell*M. (the latest). Gloves as .usual up to the mark. HOSIERY I;Llrk. \\ Bite, Cream, Slate, Fawn glut Tan Shades in Silk I.1 -1e '1I r,:ul and Cashmere. - SPECIAL VALUE A large range of Trimming All width. in Serpentine and C DRESS GOODS . Cashmere., 11enrietttls awl Whip Crude, Skye and Carnival. Leaeling.S ' les in Nut. %'eiUlis, DELAT1IETTES In Sprays,•11uda, Spots and Stoller. iris, in Silk, Mohair and Angora ie Military. in. Cashut.•rss in, White, A full line of Emallwari s, including Pearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 holes:' I.aprrile• Madly Ne1111er. 1 Per trees. SI....., for 4'.s4, �_ 1VermarINTIZO, /064 Drayer and Haberdasher. Choloe . F'am i --- Grocerles e Best in the Market, and theMl et Reaonable Prices at R.W. RUNCIId Ari, r OwLER'S F EXTO 5 WILD rRAWBERRA =e_. CURE 5 11� l COLIC A CHOLE CH OLMORBUS DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY AMOAlt COMPLAINTS SUMM�Ro►ADUL.TS CHILDREN i3.c Ts OLWARE of IMITATIONS DO YOU WAIT FIRS? CLASS BUDGIES. A\a FAILING 1MPLEIENTS? If so. call apo. JOHN KNOX and ROHIRT THOU 1'-1,N. Ooderlch. or N. 11. VARCM.. I nintrannom. They show first Maas tap-bappiat. epee btlg glee, photons.. road carts, sad various otter styles. All wort warnated sad of ant-cisea finish, made by The MrL.AUGHLIN Oe1HAW A. Noxon Fal m Machinery. Tito s.deny(.ed are deer agent. fax Nelson Brothers relehreted Reed Orilla, Hinders and Mower, Merkur Tooth Cultivator*, Hones Hates. se., an.. as well as for the Cockahutt Plow. e'er.yelNNm1 street sad .gears. INISPRING SEASON 1-- t ;MI2_Zr12NERY_ Our Miss DONAGH has returned from the Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Best in tlpring and Summer Styles. manufactured M t8o ('ork.hott flew ('o►. of Westford. Ont We are prepared to furnish the palate wilt •vert .tyle of .ASel• and tie eery hest snake of agricultural Impi.ments at t8e towels pas .ludo cost commea•arate with drat -elms work masoklp. \e. don't haws to welt a mo.1h or two after leavinagg your order, bet we are prepared to .e .. .dale ye. NOM es oho swot. If yon went 4•rgaise le the above named Nees he. sera sad bare r oar order with of ad deem any sae a 1 . ,•d.v. sm.d. JOHN KNOX, 0ederich, ROOT. TH(►MPBON, Goderiob, W. V AROOZ. Diapason. Met en.w Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITH G-ld.sgow I-1 ouse. BOOTS,&SHOES The reason why nearly everyone buys their Shoes at DOWNINC'S is because, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependent on the manufacturer or jobber for pointers, which very often point in the wrong direction for the consumer's benefit. Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or- der, and not bought through jobbers or middle men, therefore, I can 8e11 goods at about the price others Pay who buy through jobbers. As usual a large stock of the Newest and Best Goods made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com- petition. E. DOWNING, WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL' 7'Repairing promptly and well done. Subscribe for "The Signal" _$1 ayea; T-. •