HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-14, Page 1VOL. XLVI. 2469
Liv. Item• from Everywhere
Lami1 Moyer/ et tae etM.p et Is.. W.
4 artfully Preee.red - Ertel Mer
alae .t Many Masser, .r
4.rese /sep.rtaare.
t hart Phillips, aged nin•teeu, dropped
d.„1 urar 1'etn.lrw uq Thursday.
,:.,.er*1 liar:errw has bean proclaimed
}'yeah;ret of the Republic of Salvador.
rbotough elision voted on Thant-
tarot- of annrsint( Aalab•rnham.
Thr grave of Sir John Inedouald at
k tau, 11 was adorned with tloral tribute.
.1 so, Jus, Cal., deepaeh annonnese
0..1 k E fent. broWar of Mrs o ieueral
(irant.,. deo'
jaw -4 Smith „1 Ilamilton was badly
rrsa',e.l (etween two can ou the ti. T. all
tr Merntto:, on Thundery.
I► , !tau an 1 Co. report 40 tallow !n
Coals the peat week. against 17 the cur
twp o lin,; work last year.
Went 1111»Ma, a G. T. 11. brakesmau,
fell t.. tweets two cars at St, l.•lubert'e on
M'e piscine. and was killed
A destructive hailstorm occurred in Vi-
rtue, Thursday Three persons were
ktiki, presnmablr by lightning.
At a pebble m.etiug iu London on Fri-
day 'icing steps were taken to aid the
dt.a1 sufferers in British l'olsmbta.
At ludivuprdt•, dud , (Jreel.y Duni:last.
alorai I..ittimeo of seine out,. was cosy
r.ur.Jey night by burglars.
ik Meyer. convicted of p.uiaming
_bath bee been •eutenr d at New lurk
*life ..upt..t•.n*ueot at Sing Slug.
A ty, l"me visited [:rant County. t tregttf,
kind,, at jets' three persons aid duleg
peat damage to c•r.p* and property.
Mr..1 W. Uunuet. ex -Mayor of 14.11e•
r4 k. 11.,1 one of 'bat city's leading dry
pet. ra.0 banta. diel there on Friday.
1a• C:,itrl State, rev..ne cut ter Beer
VI foto , rhe rucks at the entrance of the
Hub" of Sark• and ie aurora a total
fa . :•svgaeuee of • reduction in wages
at one ehr:aug • Jay, the Scottish Miners*
►scent;."i ter decided In favor of a gen-
eral sit....
In Imus Smith,o( Sa•tunn. gee. at the
meeechoip'held in Toronto ,.n 1'hareday,
Meted Pieinient of the ( Oaten, Medit*l
ler J C. Garret, who soca•-e•Is the fat.
Alv'..ie•n.a McMurray, as rector of NI -
...1n, was' formally inducted on W des's•
1 l evening.
M' k t'ltiuie, editor and proprietor of
tot i:.wtururil1. Sal and I.I.•eu4e In•
eject. r for Wast Durham, • diel in that
At • reading of the t.erman Colonial
Orient .o , Berl:n ion Pndwy it was proo
peel t lay w ,direct 'submarine cable to
tee •it :.yeti coast of Atrka
T. mnere..nth suuual ounventiva of the
A•e.;at."u of .\mrncan Nnt.erytiteb was
e t:re:.e,l at the Cataract Hoose, -[lagan
Iwin, N \' on Wednesday.
Toe delegates to the world • Y. M. C. A.
toeferet:cr at London, mak mg a party of
2.nest. were taken to W u,d«,r Castle by
fuer.peeiai trains on Thursday.
Mr J .bo A. Carling, recoil,' eon of Sir
Jct (*Jiing. was married et Montreal on
wedee.sy t.. Mae Rlaseb. Teschsrean,
Maghter of Mr. Jounce Tsechereen.
The t omp.gnie Omens' dee Baer* of
Beareal. Owren of the establishment in
that eity ea:led "A la Ville Montreal," has
merle' o11 demand of (leapt Brothers.t
Co I.ubililf•• OINu,Ooo.
halbert d.11, who disappeared from
•c 1101 , on Monday, has not yet
beard from The keys of the wool -
he midi., which he carried, have been
tm('ly the owners by ruail
CSief l'ututahi. latch. of Annoy, Ont.,
bet endured a Intuit ie .boat 4s years old,
!het 4 Meters 1411, weighing about 160
{♦tarsk and w..11.1 like to bear from the
exit•rtneste mama friend*
At II).lianapolis, Ind., on Thursday,
Tbwdot.• P. 1(enghey President of the In
diensp.iie National Hank, we sentenced
supers in the penitentiary for hie part in
Iba wit..ku.g of that institution.
The Mayor of i.imerick conferred the
heeelom of the city on the C'ount•tee 01
Aberdeen on Friday morning The owe
way hook place in the council chamber,
ted great enthneta.m was manifested.
At New Haven, coon., on Welneeday,
was bi own to atoms
tteb bursting of a
Rambler oiler, killing Fred
Weiler. the (rook, and Injarimg .eversl
ether ten who were on another tug DZ
Ih addition to the four rating ..Is
kO`'` to, have been lest reeently on the
Japanese Nwt, it is reported six others
we ste.Ing. They are the Mar H. Those -
et Mt; .n. Kidder, SaDn y
'14e kite Ungar and
Sir Donald A. Reslth has forwarded a
'll' et:n.d petition toSir John Tbomp•
wet Foraying for the pardon and reks.e of
thi,aid Morrison, the Megano(' outlaw,
now dangerously 111 ar St Vincent d. Peal
A H.Ilfee despatch says John H
ellwl 7-4 wse found drowned on liatuada
Sar Ihghy. The eoeaner's inquest did not
4.6)I' whether it was'* oese of esdeid.,
M•illeot or murder Haigh hearse • wit.
led family and was much reapeeted In the
e0.taanity where he needed-
*p►.s, Field Marshal Bir
Stewart and Mojor(ho.r.' Sir
f4ah MacNeill have arrived in Canada
. om F.hglansi Lord Moue Iden says
Canadian steamship Iliie would be
ett\e,ena benefit to the Dnmiolo,.
~s • iunit tos. John � • 01 Cell. Kai
to t►e aha total in bond
sterteFniha d� h bmasslaaiter, Int hs. sus
[ Bart's, en
of to .m hnl � thrusting the po(at
A iris on May fie.
'Avg...*M. Greet
W. eet
�_arlumN,fm , Oda Ut:.Il.,
1�lfiMlti a Rea Ter!
Ti -ns raise inasrQ NEWS &FFR OF HVRON oov 'rY_
w -
---- -
el'IP wawa dealt In ladles- dress pattern.
He was foetid guilty, and sentenced to
three mr,uUis to jail
The steamer Oman collided with nal
butte Kent five miles below Alesaadria
11•y on Thursday morning, and was
beached a d sank to the ptumenade desk.
The barge went down. Two ot the late
ter's crew were lost. The pesset•gers on
the Ocean were all rte reed, but they lust
considerable b.utg•ge,
$Th. United Stater •:oyerom.ut has filed
a claim for $11,000.0,jj against the estate
of the late Sinner Iwl*nd Stanford use •
preliminary step to •,(urs the ti,nertt•
went'* claim against the unreal hoiden
of the Central Tayside railroad great It
is said the eufurceutent of the claim will
practically wipe out the ..tate. which was
ungtnrlly valued at *l .0i0,ato.
lir. (•. y. Walker, ut 11'alkervine,
awoke early on Thursday morning and
tuned • burglar in his bedroom. Mr: •
\V4114er gut bis revolver and fired fin
*Gobi at the tutruder, who dashed through
a wtnduw, firing • ',ening shot at Idr.
\\ alker, bat tutoring Lite L'lted spots
were fount to tree gerdeu in the murutng,
.1 few goad spines were pbokti.
eerie... Fatal Accident on the f. 1'. It.
rear Port Dallis/es.
WieXtreu, ll.n., .Jour 11.-A fatal ae
ekleut uuarred oar `-at today to the through
Canadian experts neer Fort W,lliaw. A
budding bridge gave war under the train
and four ears wore precipitated into the
rare Mauna 'The cars took fire from
the bridge and were eonaumed with all
semi and express [natter.
Mn Kamer, of Elkhorn. Mor, was
drewwd and Repress Ileseenger Brown,
of Toro nto, r miming. It ie also feared
two on. no are drowned. -
*1.0(14 the injured are: Mra Bile, et
Y.l.tlektile, Miert., b.. .1y Ionised; 'Firs.
mad Whiteheol. een,•n.ly iojursd; EE-
giue'r Elim• •i::btly iuj•rel
itemises' IME Maul a1 Vsbrldge.
(•xmut..rt Jnre 11.-t In Solunday burg-
lar entered L J. ti„u1.i A: Btu. private
bank here, 'tried off the 4iult door 1M.d
blew el eu die emelt steel safe, which was
soi,pwe i to be bor,l..r proof, securing
about lid./A10. The b ak le situated next
doe r to the Mansion House. aid the noise
of the ext,lu•fon •J,.tnrbe,l to . or three of
the lomat.* Doe tr..veler went so far es
to jump oat of bed am! rash his revolver.
thinking sourer eine was trying 1iie dour.
Not hearing any further noise he retired to
bed. The bmrglnrs overlooked a.ou. gold
coins in their baste, but ali the Lolls were
taken. The fitting* of the •.Bice are
badly wrecked, and the front wiudow
blows mit.
A Deliberate suicides.
NI.I,.ARA FALLS, rt'tt, June 11.E -A
deliberate ease of suicide tuck place on
Saturday ..0 the Am., side .,f tbe
neer 'tear taro old Maid of the Mi.t land•
w`, near the cantilever bridge, when
Jaiiee Merritt, reeding at Suspeusiun
Bridge, went down the n,adway, threw
his het and shoes off and toothed into the
water. An alarm was given by some but
who were near by at the time, and Police
4 Mice( Radford. with the as•ietaooe of
the bays, rescued the body with a boat
es It war Auatiug around iu some
scoffs. No reason can b.. given for the
rash ant .Ether that di puudeucy. caused
by continued acknwtt The de e..ed was
35 years old. and leave a wife and two
small children.
C. W. A. fleet In t.eatreal.
Mornay*4 Jane 11. -Brest prepara-
tions are being male here fur the cham-
pionship race 'peeling of the Canadian
Whealmen Amenciation whieb takes plus
here en Jane 30 and July 2. His hatted
fence the Governor General, in • very
gracious letter. has accorded his patronage
to the meeting. The preliminary heats,
with the eseep.tlon of champion eveut.,
will be ran on Saturday. June 30, ell the
ebamldunsblps taking place on Monday
Ju!y 2. One of the features of this meet -
Ing will be three recto for oleos 11 men. in
which Johnson, Tyler, Sanger and other
Ayer* will compete.
Karst County 4111. Aver et.d.
WaD.oa. (int., Jane 11. -Social chap
prevails .mon`` the residents of the town-
ship of Oxford, near Chatham, owing to
the arrest by High Constable Coogan. of
five men of the best society and all well -
to do Ananeially. The charge was that
they eharharied a couple last January on
IB4 oee.slon of Jame* Adrian's marriage
1• Mea Preston. The men took Adrian
from bat Into • frosty night air and ad-
ministered what is termed "elevation by
rall without a tleket," fired off • gun In kis
resident*, broke household ernes.. and
going to the barn slaved his horn' mase
god tali& They will be tried to -day.
Wan It a. lassie M " Old o1.ry '
WAa.lewttoe, June It -State Depart-
ment omafnls have no Idea that any inter
national eomplkation will grow oat of the
firing, by • Canadian eraser. on an
Aneetiean fishing vessel at Hastings if the
fishermen had violated load laws and were
escaping se stated No umeial complaint
regarding the matter has reached thin
gnvenment, bat if an investigation ahould
be made and reasonable proof obtained
that an insult was offered to the American
lag, the State Department wnaM promptly
ask .n explanation from the British Gov-
The Glint from the Local lull,
• medlar Meet .4 Cesare flews Served
■p to Puts everybody Itch sad
?etas flipped and t ea.raaed
Prem Every Settle..
Hanky's Silver Corner. cheese factory
.old the last half of May cheese for 91,:. per
Blyth : Wat.oa & E:migh skipped live
ear loads of nee cattle ou Moadsy fur Mont-
CIaates. A. H. Meaning and wife went
ni Exeter last Friday to celebrate the 70th
birthday of Mrs. Manning ,r.
('Ireton Rub[. Mennen left on Mo day
ter St. Joseph's Hospital, Loudon, where n•
undergoes epactal treatment for his ailment.
"et(erth Rev. lir. McDonald le•.te on
Monday trete fur St. John, New Brunswick,
10 ended the Presby torten t:aners' As
hruwl.. This week J. T. Pepper and
family removed to th'uod.tock, where kir.
Pepper recently purckaaed • large drug
Manley : Then died on the 4th c..n-
ceestun, township of Stanley, on May 24th,
.Jeoot:t, beloved wife of serous' Reid, aged
4b \ears .ad 9 moethe.
Seaforn : The Windsor football team
have defaulted to the Heroin, so that the
aster will now o.oly have to meet halt is
1. me gaud home nt•lcIee.
fllueuk: Mn. 1''. Dull. who has been
using i, Itlur.ale for the last few mouth•
has ren.o..l to Wingnrm .bete she au-
trafd• to pkv her hum..
Hensen John M, Fat•laoe, orre of our
most ream ar.l eitiz.us, has purctoo .l Ik-rn
grad Thornier/3 a fine .t 4.11ieg house, cost • 1,
w wlih five edlciaing iota.
l:rey : John ylitcheIl has early Jeur..e
limn! wheat w inch was soon to N. pten.l.er
1853 and u now 4j fee, above 11r..und. It
cwt int year 41.00 per lb.
Heafrys . V..11ie Males underwent an
operation on Saturday last by hence • sal-
ver plate inserted is his forehead where it
was fractured SUMO time apo.
Hansen : I:rumsle Council have sold
the Howe debentures to Stinson & Co.. of
Toronto, realizing between $00 and t'100
.ver par en Eke transaction.
Tuckerem.th David Chesney, of Tuck-
ersm.th, has • berm with • mane, the hairs
of which measure 4 feet 8 inches This
leases Tuckersmith ahead un the lolly hair
•i vetion.
Exeter : The all from Parkhill and
lreury Presbyterian conereg•uon. to Rev.
1 r McKenzie was considered and sustain-
ers et the *Deering of the Sarnia Presbytery
on Monday.
Exeter . .loseph Peart fell from • ladder
the other day while cutting blank knot otl
his trees. and lighting en a pat:, broke
several of hs rebs. The old gentlemen was
laid up for several days.
Osborne : Edward Christie, of Exetr, an
old Seaforteite, was in town on Monday.
Mr. Chrism.- is now engaged en farming ; he
has • tine farm of 200 acres in 1'eborne,
. b .u, • mile moth of Exeter.
l listen . The death of Miss Ella Jessie,
daughter of 1'rineip.l Houston, of the t'ul•
Iegtata, r mush regretted on all hands.
Consumes ot the brain was the immediate
cause of death. Her age was bat 15.
Grey . De Monday, Jane 4114, Mary S.,
Om little d•uyhter of ('has. Kees, aged 3
years 8 months sad 7 days, paced away to
be with Jesus. The funeral on Wednesday
was largely attended, Rev. L. R. McRae
cosdwttor the service.
Seatorth A very happy event took
Piece in town on Wednesday, at the resi-
dence of Robert Young, whoa his eldest
daughter, Mies Birds, became the bride ot
James Page, ose of Sesforth's estimable
young men.
Hallett Jobe Gooier, of the bus line,
met with • bad acc,deot the other day.
He was driving in the barn, the lower put
of the door only being open, when the up-
per part caught him and bent him back-
wards, injuries his spine.
Bayoem Wm. Wise, of the Hayfield
road, Int as bet broad mare the of►er
day by an accident. S. wee blindfolded,
.ad is. naming shoat, ran with outsider -
table fan. against the Nose fesadatieu of
the bas, killieg herself tasteatly.
Myth : Mr. Powell, osis day last week,
metreirly essayed cainjuries; M was
oa a scaffold
rt. with two workmen at hie mew
maidens. when at broke, preeipitatimu all
to the grand • member .f feet. Mr. P.
mein ved • severe shaking sp asd verse peni-
le* bruises bat the ethers steeped sehurt.
Wing14am : Jas. Fleety. el the Advance,
maimed ▪ been .faed to the kw the pain
eesple of weeks, bet we are pleased to lass
that he is sow .s s'fcr way te removery.
He has bees •:Metd with Meed poisoning
is . of hie feet, and .t Gee time it was
nought that it Weald have te be ampstated.
(1isto.: The Toledo Blade, of May 2B,
•ostaisa ea act*eat of an aeaident that be -
fel • yachting party the eche day, dens' •
tr*sssoova storm, when theft lives wor�s. �all
threatened, ted ...hoes that "the km
hoard .dept peaceful through i1 all; h;
the baby was the grandchild of Mr Pai�m�
hemp the daughter of R..1 I k•nemw.r 'tri-
Marne: Mrs. Jae. Steaks, er., had •
marten/ eaeapre from being drowsed sae day
reeentIy. While aItemptheg to erne the
river en a feet bridge •Le accidentally fell
tato the water, w14ieb was parte deep.
Bad it sot bed for the timely aecstas.e
rdhderd by Mr. Strauss and another
g estleame, the remelt might have bees
.met... Fon mated hewas .yer she wsea.
the worse of m sudden Geld bath.
RaUds : A suet pteesleiag Tweet mem
of the bewnehip of Belida W passed frees
this life. We refer te the dem4L of (ieerge
YWss., third sus .1 David Millaae. e111.1
lett, sear KdiMrs. Be wen . yields' o1 tow
esmptien, god altheegb he be W been ill
ler easeful menthe, •.d it waina yparent te
hie fried. that be seed set kat fosg. the
mad game very use he. Bas e win
$.i.114 a few days 14mow. W death. miles
hiday be nes welkieg *resod seaside.
Mire, r Mase la.4i*7 was aftlihr.et Yb.m
Nadi* MverTe live m5441.d• CI.ed Orr.
Limnos Jane IL -Mrs. Without Lang-
ley, et 21
Ave., Leede. Seen, has
fen the pot fhe14.e..uhj.et to Sts
Asa was treated bdeeter* ie Lsacy earl
Detroit, Nigh., sad by three different
pbyei*isut is louden. He nee of them
Gould ears her Abe.' two months age she
baps ssime Motel's Kidney Pills. Rime
then she has bed so niers of the 6to T.
day eke is p rf sdy tiered . Her freebie
wee endeabrdly des te kldwey disorder, •
feet *blob tee phyeiside wbe treated her
sem, thetinserd. .ed eassegMt:y, their
leeelneel w le vel.
1). blc(:ILLIC11DDY, PROP.R
He bed .aver been maimed to bed, lout GARROW IN GODERICH. forward that t►.laalAielic hoptt.!e re...iv. GI' .LPH -CONFERENCE.
panted peacefully away on Satersky last, .d pure I:ov.rSm.•t ted Eke ofi.T
swag ea •rooting chair. He was • meet_ sander tnetitukoos under Protean• •nA• -
estimable young man, asd was • meteoroid mice. As a whiter of fact,the t:,.. r ,nee ..
favorite with all who knew hire. Hu death public) Questions DIsouesed- l took au c. 'Bert.. of cre«le at all, ••.1 the Report Of Annual Meeting'.
is • severe bere•veeseet to his puente and t Statute affecting the hospital dated/ones
friends, and much sympathy is felt for tae merely stated that no much per head be
family• pod for the tnuateuan0e of hospitals. The
Fleeter : The death c: Mrs. Joao Mc- A* IaIere.rl.S •/dry« 1 pen Master* tides feet was that • larger number of Protestants steels et t1t. &wihering rbc ala.dins of
Callum ot Ramey took ace at her ►w- inert the mopes .f e.t.rio -- se.. tielee■ Sara, leder el.r..al•.
Il avidel Memsel.es of Catholic hwpttale
band's resideapo. Saturday night lass, •t •■ Meae.4 twatease.t .t than did Catholics of Protestant hospitals . -rape Charge •sate.[ ■I., all
the age of 64 years. She had Lee. Ill for Political Mair, .*d thus swelled up the attends/toe u(sphrld by the l'e.r.rear..
some years, but since the death of her the Catholic tnatuuttone. Head the ap-
dauebter some months ago, gradually grew pareutly larger propurtiou pen to the
worse, the sad •vent preying on her mind Catholic bt*pitala In prof ..1 this the
to such an extea that her dents was The •ttendenco war not loge .t the t:udench, M•y 31st.
inspectors report on this phase war read, 1 The Ifinuterial Association of the
hastened. Her remains wen taken to (:rand Opera House Tuesday enonag when l� figures being • revelation to many in
rldge cemetery ar lbronto for J. T (:arrow, the Raton, candidate for the audience who hal read the sect.•rtan i.uelpb Methinks' ('onference began here
Lural. West Huron, fatted Me electors to attacks give an sitbut were unaware ass of the bof in the North Street Meth«Let Church •1
Clinton : Oa Sunday last the Grand account of hie stewardship, but shortly dtetrlbutton. o'clock tete morning. Kar. l'resul.,
Trunk railway brought up from Stratford afterward. the hall tilled u pretty e►ell,and i� omti°utag, he said that the report of Sir Cunningham ID the chair. After the
several of the Company a doctor.P ' ul,, who in ver Mowata speech et Tut onto Junetios usual devotional etercuw the confer -
Goa function with Clinton medical men, per- at' interested •ardent,* Receded to au ad -jut to haat, gave elnyhatic denial to the I
formed • surgical operation upon 1'. Bort, dress of nearly two hours' duration. cry that that statesman had ever bartered sae roll was called and 103 monsters
the mss se badly injured by (dlrng trustThe chair was occupied by Horace Hoe. with the beirarchy in any way. 'sir Oliver wavered to their 'anise.
the bridge. Hie back hone war found to be fou, ex -mayor of Godench, who introduced dented that he had ewer been appioach.I, The Preselect submitted the following
epLst.reo, and portions therof wen re- the speaker of the evening In a tine( but or that he had ever rna,1e .o alvatoce for het tet trimmers, •Herring the t.uelph 1 °a-
nnoyed, in order to relieve his pain, but no suitable address, an which he explained the C+thol c support and he • lir. t arrow i wee ferenoe . tato the conference, It... Win
expect/epee is entertained of hs recovery, object of the meeting. b..und t take the wort at the time states- Kryers, superannuated . from the confer -
0111124 to the •erisus nature of the accident.rite �.nu.Ara'� .nnac+.• man ot Ontario as against the riser• • mice, Rev. Wm. Willmott.
Or. Malia.lyae and Ise P.trene.
Mitchell Advocate.
1)f the many service llr. Prellantyne has
rsodered the farmers, then u .tele which
has peculiar significance to view of the op-
position now given him by the Petrone.
For the manner .n which he protected their
interests, through his cnonect oo with the
Patron Kinder 1 wine Co., of Brantford, of
which be is • director, he is deserving of the
apprecutton end support of every farmer,
oast only in South Perth, but throuvhout
Ithe whole cnuu,ry.
.1e s well known the company had start-
ed won 1111411 .:apttal, and had made can
n.lerelde healwey for a Line., when they
totted that their means watt msuffictent to
carry on the hu.tnese, and then it became a
'1'o'w a.,n whether they you .1 cease opera -
[lone and sell nut to the 1 onaumets' Cord -
are Co , or get increased capital and con
t m0e Mr. lt.Ilantyne at this time had
'500 stock in the Bnaot(or4 t'0 , and rather
than sus it pose into the bands of that huge
monopoly, the ('umaumers' 1',r lags Co ,
who were offering hree tuner over the
value of the shares in order to get control,
urged the directors to stand firm. and at
once increased his stork to 45,000: this ex-
ample was followed by others and the com-
pany was thus enabled to survive. Had it
not been tor Mr. Kallantyse and the ming-
isEence of the Central Prison factory, the
farmers would hate been at the mercy of
that far reaching combine.
No one knows better than the farmers
themselves the immense udvant•ge that ac•
creed to them through the great reduction
in price last year, and let it not he forgotten
that to Mr. Ballantyne largely belongs the
credit for this great savt0g.
This is only one of the many instances
that could be brought forward to rh•.w bow
true to farmers and their interests Mr. Hal
lantyne has always been, even when it in-
volved great pecuniary risk to himself.
What assistance has Mr. McNeil, either
tams of nameless slanderer+, male or (e- The billowing were accepted as the ('um•
Mr. I:arrow, on coming forward was male,who carries( statements t., theomtrary mates on Cosfereoce gelation . Rev..
warmly applauded. He opened by expres- from place to place. ,Loud •pplium - Nr lir. Henderson, Dr. Willoughby, In. 1Yil-
sfng his diff,dnow In addressing • gathering l)hver Mowat had stood for true e.lua lams, John Scott, M.A., E. K. Rupert, Al,
of his townspeople on the present uca.•aaion. rights and this Province hal been the A. .1. C. Pomeroy, B.A., t.eorge Ituggin,
gamer for his unswerving attitude in the Vol Dr. cntlio and .1. Hulme, erotficio.
It never bothered hon so much to .peak matter. ,('ontmuel applause. t The matter of DUDI*terial character and '
anywhere as it did to do it in t:olench, 110 the pr.sent occasion we ought to he dr.ctrme was inquired into, the only case
where he was so well Known, and where his strong enough to rose shove these shadows requiring special consideration ocuag that
lite h.1 been before the people for some •rest grasp the .ubstan.•e. Muir, hear. 1 ,.f Rer. Nelson Burns, M.A., and this I4
tbirt three nen. It looked like hlowin We hove today t, lidera, a 1..veromeot the natter o1 doctrinal teaching alone.
Y Y fi lean by u the greatest statesman r( h
the oouference
one a own Moro to tell the people that he ation. - I,o1 •ppltuse. I :\ man whctse that. rar
wer- The him d&n.e wdent ith hthe resolutios of
hal I..(wIli office od, hing n.;ta� tyro even in this ase of besminhing, i tine vete ago, he ted rnmmumtatetl with
tasted the -n* sweet•oara..fr. plsw, he wantendavfour ha,l -rem*:net unscathed : whose pet -tonal Rev. Mr. Burns, eurgestieg that • cosier•
dors more, hepast but harm ,gthero were m•nige r honor wa. abraae rrprosch, whites inttgrtty once be had with bt!rt ,n regard to hts
t nes. uoimpeaob•ble, and who 410 .1 to -Jay theological opinions ori *.•chugs. Mr.
thines that he he,' 'mmrned and whish he before the wor'.l se one ,.1 the grandest t Burns, being is delicate health, requested
would like to tell to his e0Sstltuent.. Iyrm. of the ('hr:aiiai, l'-Dtleman. Ieon- /- that he he permitted to prepare a wnttem
In the first Place the Local Hou.e want in tinned applause. , Mr Connell and the statement u1 hie view[, in les of personal)
some regards, a re .mporrant House y
clean the 11„miniou Parliament- Fiver . spethe were "mai counters Oliverinthe game, piper en before the cApoloty, Such •
linos h. I) on civil right. asd n ht Y(i but the retention of Sir 1)Inr Mowat in ( paper .Drilled, " My Apology," was a.•• gg ottice was of great moment to the a mntry• cori(iagly prepared by him and submitted
property wee seated in the Local House, There had been Du tivanc:•1 ec.rolal during i 0 the President. Charges h.. log re -
en.' there was Du more important question.(1 P
out.ide of the tariff, than the municipal
laws ,rho -h were ,u care of the Provincial
legislature. The Local House was in the
position of • banker and dealt largely in
monetary tru.t* der the Province. It re-
ceived the large measure of Ail receipts
from the Crown lands and It wee respon-
sible to the people for caring for the funds
entrusted to it so that the people would in
no way suffer. to times past then were
two parties win a nam., a history and a
record,buttoday •differentstate of affairs ex
sited. to eighteen constituencies, of which
West Huron was one, the Conservatives
had put up no candidate. Fifty Patron
candidates were opposing some of the bet
men on either ace --.Dine of the men op
posed being men whom the House could
ill afford to pose on account of ability
He was the regular nominee el the Liberal
party, but he had always been opposed to •
too tight drawing of the partisan lines.
Politics should be • mama to an end and
not the sod itself. For himself he claimed
directly or indirectly, ever rendered the the right to vote ag4tast an illiberal bill if
farmer. of South PerthCan he be called it were introduced by • Liberal Govern -
a representative farmer, and is he one to meat, and to favor • rood hill it introduced
whom • farmer would be likely to appeal by the Con.ervat.ve party. I Hear, hear.;
for advice on matters pertaining to arricul• He hail observed, however, that the news
Lure! papers said that he had voted 'event. en
Farmers and Patrons, he true to your. limes in • day one way, and claimed that
se4r9s and to agricultural inters.!■ by sup on that account he was not indepssdent,
porting Mr iiallantyne, the successful, had had not acted conscientiously, but the
practical farmer ; a man of wide experience newspapers had not pointed out that on
both in legislation and agriculture, who bas any °column he had voted wronvfully. 'the
the oo.Adence of a11, and who in the course proper place for • men to as*ert hs lode.
of his parliamentary career has never been pendeace was in the e*ucw, and t14at was
known to pat his rote against, but always where he had asserted ha independence,
for year interests. and helped to properly shape sale legis-
LEEOUHN. In the present contest he was opposed by
TI'4*DAY, dune 12. Mr. Connolly, whom until recently he had
Misses Edith and Lizzie Horton visited not known. Mr. Connolly, he was inform -
relatives at Constance last week. .d, was until quite lately • full-blooded
Alex. Rapala, 01 Hallett, •t present (;oderich township Conservative, but who
seedy mg for the Methodist church, a visit hawing expenenced • change of bears polity
ing relative here. telly, hood now broken from his party, and
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Clutton stud children had developed Into an egoally detest pat•
spent Sender- ip Twkertar.ith, the gueste too -m (act. he was maatuerading as •
of Mr. and lira. F.tbenogham. good (:ret, and as one who would not vote
1.. t'ammior, the well.haewn loader of against JI. Mowat Government where the
Wform aide. with the mascara,. of a cele- patron platform was not to question. How -
gats from Dederick, went .ver the water'• ever • good Conservative friend had told
hot of this ward on Tuesday enamor lard,
s t him IGarrow) that be had Seen notified by •
end from it have bophold the ward on Tory (mead to woes for Connolly on Me
no 26th net. round that (Josnolly was past ea good •
The prow of ten so14eel* redntly held •t Tory new as he eyes was. 're One the ggi..ert
the Pant Farm was largely attended end • Cea.erv.tov replied : ' Ii he r tellies
must enjoyable time wee bad all, • dos
the trach in pub rad
r So Boger •
iIr.*•gg►►ani of sports ked`` tadpblged ('oaservativ., end I have me nee for him ;
gemhee with some ezoid enc beating. The and it he r se gond . Tory as ever .ad only
day wee • m.gnifieent ono, and the piente pretendtag to be • p•tr•n, he r lying and 1
was meted a grand success. hare Ise nee for him, still." (Hs, hoar.)
Arcaretas R•aa* o*. -Friday of Wt week The speaker Uses diseased the patrol'
• large saw ben w.. rased as J web policy *bowing its anomaltse, and claimed
heti.,'.. Tei. rs .ig saw a I.rr attend. that the pressed political attack was mere-
.*.. of beads whose muscle was well carted y • feat a forerunner of an attack upon the pow.
the timber of 1be baildlag which were enm.et at (thew., in which the patrons
est and h..vy by the recent raine, and w
were feeling their way with the electorate.
widish made LM Wino tedious and diffr• Re also pointed out the fact that wails to.
colt T1s lenses of the previa rei.img gni plank 1 the pbtlorh se nein fewer of
mueb.11ed tee side.. British 0000ectio., the chid editorial eon-
C•pt.is Wm. ''s".
nerd end M.j.r M. elinisy. This tie6 the ib t4 . from the Farrow a Kan were
latter sole were the winners. wand. from the nimble pen of ens E:d-
THe PATRON M,g*tar1.-There w • ward Erre, who was .ot p.rtiaaluly .M -
lair asteeda.os at lb. Patron meed aid fen hisley.lty to .ay particaler prieci-
afi plo en me g.satioe.
Thursday evening hat. The meeting was At theUst olsetion the agitation agaiset
addressed by organiser Terri'. of (.oderiob the Mowat Administration was digeided
township, •.d Patron candidate Connolly.
Mr. MdaUieslly, o1 (id.rieh, was present
h the tannest ot Mr. Garrew, the Reform
aeminee, but was debarred frees taking
part is the dismission rte the plea that tha
meeting had been called mot for public
.pe..h bet for the purpose of orr•sisier •
puce'• brace► .t L..eburs . Mr. Ferris
occupied nearly two boars in • deS•ertetien
onpm/venom and polities, but his eloquence
end the .absequest apps.! of Mr. Connolly
failed to work the people up to the idea of
establishing • pause orpes,stien at toe -
burs at the present Untie.
new es Get • "rami test'• l lsenee.
Bend 26 " M.aliebt " Heap wrappers
bearing the words( Why Iles • Woman
Leek (ltd Floosie Th... Ma. ") to levet
Ilre.., W., 43 So.tt-at. remote, tied you
will reeeive by poet a pretty pester*, fres
flee dverWiag, and well worth framhp.
Tide 11 as may way to damn.'e y.•r hems.
1'he asap is the beat la the •rarest sed it
will eel, wet 1a easier to .end is the
www if y.. Isles the secs epee.
Allam deer ammo Bare e9t• ly
the twenly•two years of hes reign : no ex-
travagance tad been proved; and no man
had dared to come forward and vise the
whole story when .uleavonng to prove a
Ontario's financial position was toenail
able, for although certain would -he financial
critics to this town had claimed that no
surplus existed, the speaker wars prepared
to prove that between $4.000,000 and fi0.
100,000 stood to the credit of the Province,
according to the light in which the railway
annuities vete retrarded. ,.Applause. 1 The
financial question was then ably reviewed,
after which the speaker adverted to certain
objections whits halheen taken to hu caudi-•
donne by The Star 1
First, staid he, objection had been taken
to • little ball which 1 introduced to allow
mariners and others whom families lived in
Canada, and whoa. interests lay here, to
vote at election*. The Star had impugniel'
my loyalty for so doing. \Cell, tt s quite
possible 1h.t 1 am as loyal as the editor of
'fhe Star: et any rate I have Le«d .11 my
life in Canada, and have male no effort to
desert it, t Hear, hear.) However, 1 stand
by that bill and there is no disloyalty in rt.
The ibteotion was that men whose fano
ilea lived in (anode and ethnic heats re-
mained true to their native land, but who
were forced by • b•r1uona paw to express
an intention of naturali,ing with the sten*
in order to obtain a livelihood, should not
be debarred from exercriog the franchise
where their home was, where their f•malise
lilted and where their hearts centered. If
elected, as 1 expect to be, 1 would not hese
tate to introduce the hill again. Loud •p
plane. )
Then The Star had tried to make capital
(erred by the Rev. F. E:. Nugent, the fol-
lowmgLreth,en were chosen by the Presi-
dent to IS.es.tgate: •-hews. 1)r. Williams,
Or. Grolln, lIr. Iltodersou, Johu Scott and
Geurge I icharl.on.
The ptwtdent called upon the secretary
of the conference to rea.d,Jlev, Mr. Burn
The secretary read charge 1.•. follows :-
" He k• Ids and teaches that the Holy
Scriptures are non essential : he Impugns
sod discredits the word of Ivo 1, and •theme
that it n not the only rulo,iod the sufficient
rule, both of our faith and practice. ' It
was mowed by Rev. ,lames Hams, •ad sec-
onded I(\'en" Tbat haynig
heard cbyhargeev. 1 1 aga. uet('ris1(e., S. Karns, M.
A., end having carefully heard the spectfi- ,
catkins in proof of the charge, and also !Ir.
horns' defence, we .',.realer the co4oi.*ttee
are fully sustained in their decision that the
charger proven."
('barge was [ken read " Ne holds and
te.cheea view of le.us,'host whish makes
His theme), practically uua•esecotial, and,
while declining to declare has accord with
the view of the divinity a Christ, held by
the Meth«1st church, he has s.walled that
new." The committee reported this charge
•Iso su.aine,l.
Clargle No. 3 - -" lie holds and towhee
as the essential of the 4.oepel the fanatical
.1. et rine that • Christen may and shuald
know the wall of God an all titter affecting
him, •tet0s.vely by the direct rere!•tten
and guidance of the spent, as well as Ckrut
or the apostles knew it. and repudiates all
other triodes." The cemmittse reported
charge 3 sustained fully.
('barge 4 : "He 1gsoree the leading dec-
ennia of Methodism, treating thetsr as non -
out of • circular that he had sent out der essential, and declaring in •ubstausco that
ing • municipal election, and had thereby his theory of aidance is the whole (:repel ;
sought to question his •laim to iodepeod• he assert. the insufficiency of 1C&sIey's
eines in a political moose. What were the teaching and example, because to nod not In-
fects • it was well known that is • morel elude this fanatical doctrine ; also declare*
nip l matter he had away. advocated to. titan Methodism has no satisfactory answer
dependence, and when he retired from the to the crucial problem as to how to Lve
county maned he had nominated and for right. He &sperms the sincerity and lo -
years continued to nominate Fred. ,John• tegrity of Methodists and Methodism, re-
st$, • Conservative, for the reeveship. It purlins rule* and regulations for religious
was tree bre wrote the circular which The exercises, and his teachings have produced
Star had published, and he would dose again dissatisfaction and dtecesswo prejudice"' to
nad*r similar circum.taaoes. When he the Mothdse Church in several places '
was • caudulate four ♦ears ago, a man in The find'. of the cemmos .ttsustained 10
Ashfield had told • Presbyterian carry the main the above charge, one specification
p0 that he ,G.rrowl was a Roman ('ache- alone being rejected.
Lc in the hope that the lie would tell A «/me•Ittos having been appointed to
against h m amongst the people of that prepare • resolut,ou on the cane brought In
section. When this men real for • deputy the hollowing report, which, on motion of
reseesh.p the Tetter was written. and be Ra.. 1),'. Griffin, seconded be Rev. lir.
didn't regret haying written it. 1 Loud ywas- Willoughby, wadopted The charge*
plause) •genet the Rev. Nelson Rums. M.A., for
boldI.g and proportion d.ctnsee which
are contrary to our articles of religiose asd
doctrinal standard having lees fully ses-
tuDod, remitted, that the ooly nurse open
to u* is that he be deposed Prem the mime
try of our church. Nevertheless, this pen-
alty shall sot be enforced until the last day
of the pre*wt 551110 of oonfere.n, and sun
then if i. the meatus.. he shell to the
e ttiafeetioa of the .oaferenc. retract 14i.
e010 5045 vl.,11 asd avow himself in tall ac
scud with the Methodist dootnnes ted
i■ coselusioa he said he was within to
leave the result of this nontent where it
should he, in the heeds of the electors. 11
they preterred Mr. Connolly, it was in
their power to elect ham, bat If they co.-
.ldered that he was better qualified to serve
them than Mr. Connolly, he hoped to re
ee es their woks no t he 36th.
The ,osetisgwas brought to • clam with
sheen for the (►neem.
Ustowrow.. Ps, June 11.-A heeds
between seven armed deputise and • mob
of 300 striker* occurred yesterday at the
Iwmorit No. 8 work* of the Medlar* Coke
Co. One striker, • Slav, was killed In -
with the name of equal rights. 11 was de- steady and two other Slav strikers were
med as en amok apes the separate fatally wonndal The derides were Mr-
.eboole. The agitation itself Ina an on rounded and fired upon by the strikers
founded attack as the separate schools are a boom they shot
fixed pntteiple t. the o.tttouoa of tads The incidents leading up to the battle
oe..try, died Ile minor asuesdmente Md* began on Saturday evening when • mob of
seed defedeen u he way affected that ibevarai hundred strikers, mostly }tom the
Tee aspdr*fe school 57•1•111 r Trotter works of the Frick Co., gathered
lJ.ss.m was desired renot more an the tater- at the Pennsylvania railroad depot at New
tet ef tb. Cathobie minerily in (1Sterie thea Haven end took asrt•oaer* four work -
it was few the benefit of the Protestaat wit• moo who are employed at the Velley
.my 19 l,toebee. (Hear. hoar.) Wind ren• works of the Frick Co. and were on their
esti hod the Ave -sixth* Prae..te.t psp.wtho
el this Proving t fear the (' eau
silts • Nane at all.
Thea then was • statement mad*, and
whish had got Its quietus, that theCatholies
had been reties a larger .hare of pct ros.g.
thee their members ent1N.d them to. This,
ten, hod heen examined tato. and it was
fouled than they had trot bee. mettle" their
rare, if members were made the basis d
dWi►.W.. Neither is anseee1 e( pay or
in ..buss of Ames holden did toy reach
what would beim hese their peitioe by
sem rieal diltriMtien.
Ad se wlab rgprd 1. the .dim• pat
Rev. A. K. smith, K.T. I_, George F.
Balk's, P. H. R. , and J C. Pomeroy, K. A.,
were appointed reporter..
The Committee on Conference Kelatio.e
nest at the close of the morning series sod
recommended the following new crises ler
e uperen.u.tiem relation Rees. R trod
fey of Narme.y, H. K. Newcombe of
Rth.l, .1. H. Wald* of Hes/rya and Findley
M. Smith, '.f Klmwed. Thew were silt
passed by coeference.
Rae. J. ft Ailseworth, 1.1. 15 , President
of the Lando. 4 onfereno.: Rev .1 C. Aat-
Iiffe, I) 1)., of Mdtreal sod Rey. Dr.
('arm.., .Ise the Revs. Joh. G. Scott, of
(:alt, ted William Hry•n. who had bees
he m1 I.HsaHty The fasrrd us ce,.f*i .. etit.v last
enwayv.rvd owetor with .14.414 and bigour mpl•ean rduwere statin, wereimtetrnd(hi..ced to the owner
with "Sial," "Rl.okleg" and other epithets enes
lettered thereon. The •n.fea•eoee temperance meeting was
Several hundred arrests inn follow the held last eveeta( 1D rbc North street
kidnapping of the men. (Torah, the President Ea the chair. and ap
If1 MI Iisu HAM. Ai&, Jane 11.-Yseterdy premiere • ldreasas were delivered by Rays.
moaning a bridge on the Linton branch of .1 A. Mete►L., M.A , and 1). A. Mar,
the Losiaville s Nesbeille Railroad was • K T. L. The choir of the oboreh was pre-
burneL rid V the third railroad bridge* ,tent gad added yery nisei to the tatmoist
that has Mose buried within the pew four ' el tb* secede•.
Mr. O. Uin
U. P. Cles! was dropped ie
e.tsetbe fen Tire b)w•a �.r a rear
a .dories. h ie ep is desL d 74e. be bast videsfhe the mawmawle Use tree (tiesleeeat ea Fees tt