HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-7, Page 8S THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE .7. 18114. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE CITA.UaessO MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. PAM M) LIN[ a$1LUON DOLLAR$ - S .000.000. MST is L WALKER, GENENAL MANApt* 111,100,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A GEtstta*l BANKING BUWNE S TRANSACTS°. FANIrmreir Nott! DlalouNTto. DRAFTS IMUED PAYASIt AT AT., POINTS IN CANADA. AND Trill PRINCIPAL CITIES IN Yea UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAIft, FNANCL, BERMUDA, ace SAN S*e SANK OQARTaatl,T. OtPOS.TE OF 8I.O0 AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES ,OF INTEREST ALLOWED. 1NTSASST ammo TO TME Pa1NcePAt AT TNa anti do MAX AND Ow Ana IN SAON TRAIL tggleelal AtteatWes gives) tow „pe„ _. and Farmer.' Sale. Notes. A. S WILll AM% Manager, NEWS OF THE DISTRI''T. From our ownCorre.pond enta There la IafermaUe■ .ere 1hat Iaaaol pease Aar ve here Else ♦ens. ea the mealy ap.raallr aep.rl.d r., Ilie sired. be ASHFIELD M.,'oat , .lune 4, 1Y.44. %Ve are glad to hear that Ethel McLean, who was so seriously ill, is on • fur way of recovery. The weather Ia'ely has been wet and cold. etldfi:luently the growth has not been very rapni. The amount of damage done by the front can scarcely be ascertained. Small fruits will pr.,bably suffer most I; f: Bt; n... teacher. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Mann.., .lune 1. The following reptrt, bawd upon regular atten.enee and general proficiency, shows the standing itt the pupils in S. S No. 1, Gods-tch township, for the mouth of May, mimes in order of merit Senior fourth class 1.1a U. t;reen,Henry Johnston, Minnie M. ('urwen and Sorman ('h,arch, even ; iuotor fourth t:eorge Sal- kel.t ; senior third -Ilene It. Williamson, ('armee t'hutch, Wilbert (';.arch ; luoior third -Alice 1. Johnston. Mena Porter, Willie Drysdale : senior eecoud -Mery 1. Porter. ('ore M Church.:Sophie (: 1Vtl,am. son : junior second Austin Chisholm, Thomas Salkeld, Lime .Johnston : part two --Katy Williamson, Helen Drysdale, Ruby Gihsoo : part one - Lettie Graham, Mahal Curwen, Graham Salkeld. hest speller in the monthly spelling match . fourth class - Minimie M. Corner' : third clan _Alice l Johnston and Alla Willienuse. .lues Iii, t:., Teacher. DUNGANNON. Trc n.., June'.. Notice. The local •(en.•, is Dungannon lot THa SIGnsi. u at the ogles of J. U. Ward, J:f . een►gs•,cer, no.. who will recelve or- ders for eutiecripnooa adverrqu•t and iN wetk. sad as aitl'eraz.d to give,reteipti for amounts paid for inseams ATGuputnit- --Oa Sunday Ins•. guile • Number of our citizens attended divine ser. vice at Goderich. AiTltllnUf:: ('"r.T. Cur.. it Our reeve and deputy, Messrs. A. Stewart and .la.. I:nbwn, are attending the t ..uotjr 1'ailta- meat this week. 1.,.+r ')n Tuesday of last week as T An-er.oa was g.nuil t-, Lurku,w he lost from hie vehicle a goatskin rob.. Any per sou tiudtug the same will pious return it to Aim Nora. Ila the assumption that your columns will be takes up with conference, Bounty council, items, and so on. although hay.ng quite • budget of news this week -- I leave some till pert issue N"a stay, *tris 11 . I'nanr' c., ms The minas of May. which has been in point ' of weather, an excellent spneg moeth, save and except the last few days during which John Frost put in an appearance, and play ed havoc with fruit,mvegetables and ro.t. in very unmistaksb:e effect,. t 1•nlryt.a.--Miss LIMA Berry. of Luckoew, I t was during last was dung last work the 9$est of Mfr. sail Mir.- Alex. Pentland and &milt A•A �!6a.r ro!.ti..es 1 frvae.1.. IV's t presume by her cheerful, smiling couatin- ( ewe, which seemed to beam with: expre.. I .lona of joy and pleavure, that she was R 4.I -!.ted with het vont. t preeence of • goodly number of farmer's wires and daughters, prominent •moon whom were Mesdames T. Anderson, 11. I.irvio, Wni HollaneL of Ash6eld, H. Motrr. and Mies Mary Morris, of Colborne township As the popular and esteemed editor and proprietor of TUC 'i..vu. w.. present and took notes of the meeting, it is not oscessary to solar•., as he will give full particulars Chas I;irvm. Eo, , presided over the meeting with great ability, aid in his usoal happy style. Suffice It to stole that all w ho were present were well plasm.' i which, we presume, augur. • good deal fur the ■ucc.ssful return to Parliament of 1)n. t rho. the p -enter and people-, oandi.lat., J. 1'. t.arrow, It.y.. with the intelligent, in- etruotivs and unbiassed addresses delivered on that owasion. Ec+1L4$A.Trc..t. -I In .uiday loot the Key. Vs. Fairbair. preach.'d an excellent and rip• pn.pnat. sern'.-n to the members of the C. It. F. who were in attendance at Erskine church bete. There was a large turuout of the brethrni, also a large congregation was present. He founded his du -•ours$ on the words as , os•ainel in Caul'e Epistle to the Ephssian,, 2nd chap , 16th and 19th rer$es. Nil,. On Thursday of last week a new arrival .'ane to the reetdenc.• 1,1 tl 01. ran, semi, Rest 11'awano.h, it Icing • young heir to the manor. %Valliant a therefore wearing many happy wiles. We congrat- ulate hon and Mn. I'emit op on the arrival, hoping that hs may be Iono spared to corn - fort them. We presume the young gentle- man will ha ata addition to the Co55e(v*. tine Iia Its• %et. .t 1'Irvr.. [tiring last seri Wm. 141l9,,n, forrn.rly of Rest 1Vawanssh. • .nd eh" is well known as me of the t.- dustnona pioneers of that township and much esteemed for upright dsaliogs and integrity 1. came with his family into our progressive and heautitul village, and hav• dug retired from farming, is therefore bio cone a resideut We extend hirn and airs W. • hearty ere:come. hoping they will en- ' .y them•w;.es and be long spared for lush enjoyment. MVO' '*1 .t -We regret to have t., state lteat John Curran. of Crewe. Ashfield, while et work last week in fixing the sleepers on a bir., tioor, fell and broke his arm. We are taformed that it esu the same arm whip t he featured last Summer through lalling from • scaffold when workio,r .t a 1.s.-12 It is rather unfortunate for hie, to meet with an accident so soon and suddenly. We hope h. will soon be better and able to resume work. He is pronou.te.f to be ex. oe leu' framer, and he has the contracts for tow ere_tioe of quite • nunJwwof barns thus •easoo. LEEBUHN. 1V11.1..E.nay..1uoe 6 1'urx. a \-ore.. The Rev. Mr. Irma, w1• w•. att.tud,ug the Methodist confer. ' n e in Goderich, preached hen on SUS .lay. Next Sunday the Rev. lir. Mackay intends forming a Bible claw among ths young people attending here. Mune I'A*N Roo .t --Thursday o" last week Air. MI. ruley, of R•.ee.s.,od farm, wide(' a large addition to hie present barn which to do so bad a raising. The captatn• of sides being Micheal Carney •A Rin. Fulford The latter side being the *inners. The builders of the barn were new (aces t" I.eeburn, being the Mac Whinney bros. of the Nile. Pobir,. •- Thur.+lsy night of tkie week, he 7u, gnat., Mr. (o pully speaks here at be Temperance hall. The object of the rotating a to form • : ye of the Patrons n this $scans sod of course to •:.pport Mfr. ,molly in Lite coming election. Mr - .arrow's meeting is to be on Monday, the 1'h. So It would be well for him to send delegate to listen to Mr. Connolly and hen reply to him on Monday n,rht. I''..)'LE..I ..11. AI. -11n .n,lay evening last, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. 1). I Ragers,who was &nodding cogterence meet- ing at I:tdench, Rev: J 1V. Ssl.I'rsnn, of 1)obbtngton circuit, conducted ifvtn+ ser f vies. There was • Isrge at Janco. Mt. Maedersoo was on • visit W $ reoli ilt. K. pe E. Sandersee, West Wawas. w - _- -- Ira YTI!1O1 ioN.a, 141A111:184141A111:184 or 1)t•s'.A..o• n MB.•uIaNN•s' l"•.TIT('jr: We are pleased t' to note that .1. T. Garrote, Esq., 11 1' , and rn Reform candidate for West Huron, has be- IL come a member of oar Mechanics' Institute, he having very liberally given the hand ou some sum of ten dollars as amount of gab- vicn ept is for which we render him our con- an plimenta sed thanking him for the same. c A..'IUE.T na ft.... si --' in Friday eve- w Mug d last week, by some meanes ns a ho belonging to Rola. Hagen, Ashfield, whish re was tied to a post took fright, broke loose A sod ran away, ooming in contact with • To cw post t the side of the street neer the' rel bakery. The .hafts were broken and one corn wheel was completely destroyed. Happily the horse was not to any extent injured Ito THE Ftarr Poi -m. AI (or. FIRED l)rr.- w to KINTAL.121 MONDAY, JI .1 5. A. r.waf, owe ''telroa. The weather or the past few dare has beam estrus* Id, ai d, a remarkably rani eawrreice tail riod of the year. Moms Iaraovsuaxrs. •- Judging frown (Iia umber of contract. Set recently by Reeve nthn, our public roads will ere long be a atter of congratulation to the public at rge. A rel.. TIME Aileen. -I.. It. ('all sham r popular butcher, left Nooday for the cinnty of Bayfield, to participate in glory ticipated by the hymeneal M.sds of a urn. .1. Sullivan occupyied hu position hale there. t)nrr,Amr. -Tie r.muus of Mn.. Roll hct of the late T. Bell, formerly of mberly passed through this viii s esday last followed by a lame 000couree vehicles enroute to Nine Mile Riyer et.ry for interment. Wanulvu HELL. -.-Wm. Nelson and aggie Ki gin, both of tine neighborhood, ere, os Wednesday put to the circular ern, united by the Inexorable !node of acrimony, making their exit later by etc. oiled Empire for Smolt Ste. Marie, •monad. paned by the best wishes of their nearly friends that their .ew career may be oda of nominated felicity MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. The first political meenag is view of the enema( proviasial •lectin. of (Minrio, which feu held at Dungannon on Thursday the 31st, was in point of addresses by Messrs, Hon. John Dryden and Mr. (.arrow the Reform osndiJate, attendance, good order, etc., N •ttianticipaled succors' Ry the way, the mestiag was grommet with the DO TOO PAI CA811 ? $ 0120*. E. CARL.ow, May 20th 13!14. The Court of revistoe for the -Township of Ihnree met is the Township Hall. The mbar. having qualified. The following peals were brought beton the nowt, vie he Herr cempleined of tae high maws ret It was moved and seconded that ao tot be token. ('•tried .lowph Mosier appealed of toe high aeas.meits, also tool many scree, It was moved and sson.d.d that sit mores be taken of and his as em - meet be reduced to *2,100 I'arri.d Samuel Bissett appealed of too high maser• moat. H. J Morns moved, s.eonded I y A. A 1 neag, that his assessment he redseed *200. Carried Hannah .loess appealed of too high usessmest. No retien- It wee than sewed by 11 .1. Morrie, seemided !y Alex. YNeg, that flea real be seeepted ae correct. Carried. Toss evert 'bee termed • coaaeil for the disposal of regular haste$_ 1 1 'e slit► m. Ken's all Wool Pants, ;P well mode and trimmed for $1.35. KYKRYTH1 (i IN WI:AH- DIED MUMMfao-S. Westford, o Thursday. May 11, t1N1, amt rwlkt gf tae late Unveil Muss.. sw.e 1s. lt.r..ad $ C. if SHANE & CO.'Y are-.h•wleg a full rasp of Fazlllooable gals IN STRAWS and FELTS GENTS' FURNISHINGSI Full hoes in every Department. 'Call and eaamioe goods and prices. C. BI SAAB CO,, Mcloaa's Block. (•or /equate sad Moutroal at. S TIL I_ A7' IT, and expect to be for the next few weeks selling those very Art,tic Papers that are admired by every one apd purchas• ed by those who rt quire then,, They are very cheap ar..I right up to date NO OLD STOCK. 263 of those (4UXYERFUI. SH.11 ES at 3Sc., we have placed III position thus asset& already, and have a few mon left , Sin TIKIC - 1 have S H ADE.; all the way from 10 eta. op to $2 00 each. WI and see titan. Shades made to any sirtl y.s Hb. 1 have • large stock of Express Waggons, Velocipedes, Carts and Bicy.cles. see my Iloys' ('ycle for $10.00. A visit to the PIWU LA It IU)OK STIrRI: will convince you of the place to buy. 1 am here to do business, not to make any refereooe to other merchants Roods. D. B. CALBICK, vb. Pe/ota►lama tear.. Inederleb. Jlemben all prtwat Minutes of last meeting teed mil adopted. The following aotwants wets paid, vet ; Awaaaor, part of salary, 41./ ; Thomas Gilder, work on Dunlop's hill, $3 : A. S. Gledhill, nails for To•nah p hall, $2 37 : F W. Mcjkneel, ahiiglas for Too whip hall, *2 ; Ren. Van - atom., plank and plankinr Ileumdler bridge $32 ole. It was mored by Nathan Johns, seconded by A. A. Young, that a by-law be pawed •ppo,,,ti.g Archibald Sands engineer for the township- Parried- Adjourned to meet June 301h, at 2 o'clock le w , F. W. 41.1 1ov ..sit, shirk. DUNLOP. WispsCsniy, .duns 6. The dancing party, gotten up under the manacemest of .hires Cou.m., at our opera house hall, on Thursday night of last week, passel (Bsuccess( ully, Neu la, „go - 11•,,,, Ticliborne, of 6th coo., t;,derichTownship, who has purchas- ed • fern lucre, •frith his family will become residents here in ehalrt a week. He has put in • Targe crop and our architect is re- pairing the hon•e and barn. Baronr: ---In 'hs l.right midday of childhood year* the hand of death has taken Agnes 1 ucy, third da,.Ehter of our respected townsmen, .lame. Tobin, on Tues - say of last week, after an illeess of three weeks. medical rill and the heat of Forams by those near and dear a•eated by neigh. bore and friends from 1" -burn, who were constant in turns, did a;I they o,"tld for her recovery, but thin woe not to be and the little one that move, amount use like the leaves that ha. • I u.ided in the springtime, fall beton the advent of the stammer hrsers, pass away in, at deeily/ragrstted. Previous to her Ines. for • b.ek or eo gibe commenced school life, liked by all her schoolmates. They were daily in enquiring x Here's a Pointer When you ask for a 5 cent plug Io cent plug 2ocent plug OI rti POPULAR DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to boy any other in order that he may make a 1 larger profit. Scotc Kiiitles and GhI11all1s, - - Uis� P1'llllOd LII1011S, - - Frellc Callios. 5 X X le + `5 We show over 100 Patterns in above fashionable and serviceable Goods to choose from. All designs confined to ourselves here and all marked much below city prices. Rouillon's Hid Gloves in the new Shades of Green. Fawn and Rose. Very Handsome they are. Dress Goods in Black and Colored -the choice was never before finer -and trimmings to match all kinds, never before so Dainty or so Rich. Remember we are oing out of keeping Carpets, and are Sell in beat 3 ply and 2 -ply Wools and fine Tapestries at 20 to 25 per cent. discount. See the new Patterns and Colors in our Carpet Room at Bar ains. W..&0113301sT 8c SON. telligheat Prices for Eggs and Hstter.'.h would she soon be better to be with them again. These hopes could out bs. Their little comrade whom they viewed in her last slumber, robed in white tastefully and pretuly and within the f, Med hands a posy of lilies. Th. funeral to St. Peter's R C. lientery, saw a large attendance of friends and neighbors from Goderich sed Leeburn. At the grave Rev. Fr. West read a funeral service- The pall bearers were .lames and Juba Y. and Robert asd James t, uaid. Atter Naar, Merles. There was an old Dutchman, • farmer, thrifty and pre sperous, who had bees eslrg•' fully saving for many year.. Finally M was elected to the Legislature. It was a psonharly profitable session. There were several railroad charters up for .u.sider•- too.- Hans served faithfully, never broke silence, and always voted, and after the Legislature had adjourned, surprised his friends at home by laying the foundation of j a *10.000 house, *hale there were rumors of • *20.000 bank deposit. •• Hare you had • legacy, Hans '"'eked • oetghbor, at haat. I th, no," was the reply " 1 have just been oaring • little." " Rut how could you manage to wive $30.• 000 30,- 000 on • three months' salary of $3 • day •• ".11," responded Ilona, complacently, "dat was very easy : it was yuat die way Ybu see, last winter, my wife, ohs didn't keep wbind atria ' Suheet the fee Tor v, . i; . *1.00 a year. '1EL PADIE" �P1NS» Tt1 E RECOGNIZED STANDARD TEN CENT CIGAR Our Motto -Good Boots at low prices. OLLOCK's RICES LEASE THE EOPLE. Our steadily increasing trade is a proof that o Goods and Prices are right. We aim at giving the best Boot for as small a Pnce as possible. so we buy direct from manufacturers, and by buying all for Cash we get the Prices down. SEE TII f: Meas Oxford, at $ h5C., always sold for *1.00. " whole Foxed Bala, 1.25, " 1.50. 1)ongola Bala, 1.90, " " 2-25. Boys' Butt' Bels, sizes 1 to 5, 1.00, .. 1.25. 4PI 75 't 100. Mimes' School Booty, 85, " 4.1.00. " Oxford " 1.00, " .. 1.20. Ladies' Oxford Tanned, 1.25, •' " 140 Oxfords, 75, " " 90. Ladies' l)ongola Butt, extension sole, $1.50, always sold for $1.7s.. You will find we have Good.. as Cheap as the Cheapest awl as Good as the Beat. Bring along your repairing. 44 H. B. POLLOCK. Fowler's Old Stand, Gisler'. h. DIAMONDS, WATCHES Call and see our display. See our line before buying JEWELERY, All the latest desi ns. Repairing Warranted. C. 8e HUMBER & SON. Agents Celebrated Star Cycles. no Yov WANT ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINED R. W. McKENZIE 1511 5u1.1.1y you utth is go011 article at ,a low pri.-.• STOCK COMPLETE !N Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Alsc Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a call. R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. Subscribe for "The Signal" -$1 a, year. #r 1\1%A. - A Pin Is a Little Thing, But it is the biggest little thing we know of. THE PURITAN Pirs ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Every Paper of PURITAN PINS contains 360 Pins, and we sell ;them at 10 cts. a Paper. TO INTRODUC PUR ITAN PINS - - We will Present to every Customer making a Purchase in oar Store, including a Paper of PURITAN PINS, a Beautiful Silver -Plated Pin Tray, worth as much as we charge for the Pins. Ask to see the COMFORT SAFETY PIN. THE PIN POINT le THOROUGHLY GUARDED. We have just opened up another lot of Lace Curtains from 18c. up ,to $4.- / 50. In $1.50 urtains We LEAD THE LEADERS. Compare 15r5-ce$_ we will'not he undereol.l by any Atone in tlte�l H ighest. Price -Paid for flutter arid_ Egp. JAMES ROBINSON. cuss sroaa,, t' troanira