HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-7, Page 6Tr
Jib Ween wort, thrwuehout the der,
•• •i• tel' week or Moe.
think a nun .'u. cr .
Wt'oot • infer.
Rest 11'. mother tides at sestet.
Te sit alone 11) •a. M light.
Or wase 1111 rest w hen there weed.. Mae
weeet • wirer
Ts'Tsvers wail .b.en • are ars new.
think they'll always Isle so.
A.•1 look w well a•'•.r .1e. n,o.
WVOot • tetter.
Br11 when the but.+. been. 1•• •haw,
The stitches ne, t ha button. de.
What In the wort'. • nus to d..
It's vera wrrl when sale* are clear.
When frt o's are rtue a•: .1 !swim dear.
To tluse,'e'lI want through lite. nae fear.
rl'out a wife).
Iii •brads will name the skies athwart.
lewd.lr. will marry. fne•'s maul. pert.
What then ma cheer your ...Wend heart/
A dear. wee wife,.
It's ren reel when young and bait.
But when you're wild, and crate.) and favi,
And lour blithe spirits leo to fail,
You'll want • w1lfey.
Ant mayhem then the lassie dear
Will treat y.ur..dr.•re tel' • eaerr; -`
S ecsuse you're . tank.. gray srt1 sere.
1�e'll get use elk-,
Then haste yr. hasty. y.• silly I•.ot•;
Was up slel Berk •bh.,t the men,
Aad get heaven's greatrsl earthly boon.
A err hit wife).
The man began thus My name, Di
motor, cannot bora altogether unknown to
you lam ()tu.eppeltabrini. Although
still young -I am thirty eight years old
-my inventions hove brought we. if l
may venture to say no. • gtwel deal of
little by the fewr, «w. e. at telrag
too latent je.Ilunune is ser hnaband's
r :tear.. 1t eves not easy to Indere what
air eroelo igr the engineer might be mak
Ing uutesd.• ids wine, apparently w ab
itsoo a:le ••er liking was
Ueeonecione how d 'lY is
for til., West fiaute. and how !<me
11 nicht tweWne In view of her to.-we.,
lonely state. she found herself actua..;.7 HIS STORY TO THE DETECTIVES
rnnntung the miuutee until bri should be -
Suddenly she trembled -see beard we l.p •tad Nieves s Me1ag En
linked tea steward for C.e.rthnes •
sepp..ad net la Masaehu-
setts The Mae is •
£a Est'aped Murderer Captured by
Montreal Police.
footsteps in the adjoining roots.
Wit 'Twaa he •i
The door opened, and Signora O.brini
•prang to her feet. livid with terror She
gave a sereetn • The maelman'"
lint Gabriel, very calm, •lwo.t anvil
in,r, acid
"Yon did not exi*tt me. did yogi.
madam' • • Pray calm yourself,
howeveri am no longer mail
Moira& L.. May 26.- Yesterday • tall
fair mar, dressed in • rough gray mit,
walked into the Central Station and asked
Cap; Smith where one detective's inti°.
H. drew a long breat•then went on was. The °Meer showed him the w• and
"We have a great deal to say to each he moi Chief Ueteeitee (home, and I)etea
tire Rubinson. to whom b. told a strange
story. H. explained that a few years ago
be was hired to help unravel a conspiracy
feCt` dol sue• hutrever, she obeyed He which was afoot to burn tie some of the
pprinetpal public buildings of Chicopee.
continue,. Mw He was auco.seful in this and the
' 1 shall be brief You know what {ingl!•d+n were M4) w the state prieua,
diRgitcalt es I had to contend with at the bat •I ward which was expected never
I ltd with 1w
other • • • so. b. meted. No one
can disturb us I Imre locked the door."
A • leve, knowing herself to be per
befinning. what hand to
panel struggles ram,. H. ssk.d tl.e detectives to help
vera and what au lm him , obtain his shay. of tae reward
nmense.ntount of labor I had to accent- which he d.claret to ban. beau 63,11W,
push before I succeeded in working my but he modestly iutiwated that he would
way out of the obscurity in which Ibe content with two or three hundred
was vegitating. Notwithstanding the ' do llars we his share. i
abstorbing nature of my occupations and WWI* he stated his case, however, the
stndir ' 1 managed to steal as mach detective. had been comparing his face
time Y possible from them to devote GI with • photograph which the chief detect -
you 1 am convinced that I did my ttv. bis been c•rrylug in hie pocket.
duty in this regard But were you ap- it. hog, tLo mho finished his story, he wu
precistive of my efforts, grateful for the eked hw tame. -Samuel Alexander,'
attention' No Within two years after was th. reply „ult. yes, we baes heard
our marriage. not finding my devotion
renown of course, yon lave wen In sufficient. !.)u were encouraging admit
the newspapers that an American synth- ation from another source. were carrying
este has paid me $I00,0001 for toy electne • on a flirtation. • • •
railway. she protested with a gesture, but he
"These details simply serve to show simply went on:
you that 1 am not an ordinary man. and . ►h. its n,i.•less for you to deny any
will, at the same time, make you under thing. • * • 1 can prove the truth
stand rhe extent of the misfortune which of my assertions • • I have found
bas befallen one." letters. by chance, of course. and, • •
A Iwuee. then be continued "About anyway it ie not necessary to go into
seven entre ago 1 marred Clara Henan- details . suffice it to say that 1 know es
di. a charming girl of very go. .1 family• actly what your course has been. Harm -
At that time 1 was aoung engineer. les fiirtrltiow', Ob, no' You are natty
unknown to fame. working hard, but ally ourl.need that. knowing all this. I
ear g little. There were moments have maintained such an impassible de
when it was pretty hard to get on, but meanor. have kept silence so long lint
my wife helped and encouraged ms to what could 1 do! 1 did not wish my
the struggle for existence • : name, already growing famous. to be -
'Thus two years went by. Then I come a byword for the public to aeof
succeeded in making the company for at, as mast assuredly have been thecae's
which 1 was working accept an inert' if my conjugal troubles were noised
tion of mine, $ machine for extracting itbt.oud . much les. did 1 propose to fur,
fossilized carbon by a new system. I nish gossip for the nmempapen. And 1
was laid a very decent price for it- again. 1 really holed that you might
From that moment my means were stop all this nonsense -you see what a
most comfortable. and I was able, there tool 1 was 1 was ready to forgive yon, 10
fore, to dedicate tureen entirely to the t the yon hack to my heart, at the first
study and development of my eie•tnc word of regret • • • I wanted to
railw ar which 1 had been at
lieve in you. but 'teas nonce. Yon were
work upon. ' From that instant 1 ought friyoloua,•1 had almost said con opt. to
to neve logien perfectly happy, and.In the core. Weil, 1 had not strength of
deed. I thought that 1 was •
• mind enough to rise above this daily
Alas. Fate had decreed otherwise. torment. to shut my eyes to your con-
- In. day -take note of this. Director tinnoua flirtations, carried on In my very
-one day I. who for lack of time read presence • • • So i decided to put an
ao little. chanted to cast my eyes over end to the situation once for all, and it
the account of a tersat frightful dews. It seemed to me that there was bgt one way
was the story of a than -a laborer who to $ocnrnpltsh this, and tha4, to kill
was suddenly .sized with a mania y„w'• • • •
for infanticide, and while under the in Clara started from her chair with a cry
finance of this horrible idea killed kis of terror. but. seizing her by the wrists,
three children. At firat I was astonished he forced her back to her seat• and with
and really doubte.i the trnth of the tale a strange iight in his eyes and his voice
But little,by little it seeme.l to me leu dry and hard he added. • • • Kill von'
strange, and I began to look into the Yee. this is the idea which has been
question. even reading the books of formulating itself in my mind for a long
specialists on the subject. For hours at tint... • but i wished to, kill you
a time my mind would dwell on the without compromising myself in any
matter. and in spite of myself I found way. • • • I began by feigning in
my brain perturbed by the mystarlous sanity. * • • ()h. 1 concocted II mw
problems of will power and desire. kind of a story, and they abut me up in
"Two days later, while dining with the asylum, you know )then, of •°nese,
my wife. and still absorbed In coedit•' I bad to do a good bit of acting. pre
tion. I began to handle tyv knife rather tending to have sadden and violent at
feverishly, thinktng as 1 did so that It tack. of my malady, throwing myself on
was with • weapon similar to this that my keepers, scratching and biting them.
the workman had murdered his chil • • • but I was only waiting my
dren. • • 1 made a violent gesture • • chance to escape them. The occasion
• • A sharp cry rowelled me to myself came about to day. and here I am. My
('iare showed we a long red scratch on vengeagce eccompli•he.l. I shall return
bar band. to the madhouse Doubtlesl 1 shall be
•'Are you crazyr she exclaimed- :yes tried for murder . but I shall be se.
What yon have done'' a pitted, and they will take me back to
'•i did not reply. but with increasing the asylum i shall be kept there a
agitation looked at the hand which sheear, perhaps five. then, when they see
held out. and at the drop. of blood ns how docile, quiet and calm I am. they
ing on the white akin. Oh. the fierce will declare me cured, and I shall regain
boy I felt when 1 saw that blood ' • • my liberty. Then. with no farther ob-
I was suddenly assailed by a wild de stades in my way. no chains to bind or
sire to wee more ellit; to see it flowing oppress me, and a Tranquil spirit. 1
in a stream • e • . * • Ob. to hold a shall once more consecrate myself to
woman tight in one's grasp. push her study. to science '• • • •
down trembling and frightened. He ceased- ('lar.. her breath labored,
and while tlltgweeps and cries for mercy• her eyes staring at him in helpless ter -
while she 11*.. and acreages by turn, *or, lay bock on the chaire tongue, pow
drive a knife slowly into her bosom .stem to move. • • • Finally, as 11.
• • • Yea. that was what i wanted row. mare began to now from her eyes
to do now Kill a woman -my wife! and down her pallid cheek& Sobbing.
• • • This horrible ides took poi
mesion lens, wrote itself on my brain
in lettere of fin. Then began a terrible,
almost savage battle within me, a strng
tie without cessation.
'1 forced myself to cars more and more
for my adored (elan. but in vain.
• • • Finally--finally-haw can I say
it, This life has been going on for two
month.. • • • Until today I had been
able to control myself • • • But
this morning the temptation was
stronger than ever, and i derided to pat
an sod to it, once for all, so with knife
to hand i entered mywit• s room
• • • She had just leit. Then. like
a madman, l started to run. and cam*
bete to beg you to protect me from my
self, to .hat toe up. pot me in a strait
jacket even. if necessary . anything, ob,
even, if neemmary. anything. oh, any
Dying. to prevent my committing a
The superintendent of the aaylam.
who had grown a trine ar
pale ding
the recital. touched the bell at his
side, and as an attendant appeared,
"It shall be as you desires, sir.”
Very blonde, with sapphire -blue eyes
and that delicate. doll like beauty so at
tractive in soma wo.iren. she lay back is
• chaise longue in an attitnde of ahem
lute repose. musing • • • As the
silvery tones of the clock chimed the
hoar --3 o'clock --:signora (labriui turned
bar bead slowly Abe fetched a sigh
toad her eyes sparkled Only a few
Minutes to wait now, and enu»hodv ahe
waatewl very much to new would arrive
-be last admirer Mut had bad many,
bat m the various flirtations she carried
se from time to time no mast had ever
attrsetwd her as did this one -no. not
eves at that period -before he became
sad was *Mined is • madboam
-when. M Weakened too mush ab
err 1• .ciead%C rra.••rt•bes to Ry
1r bee. she had erieg it
In ibis pastime. bed she cared
of the k . wno Jawed at
of you bitters,- for the tame ou the back
of the photo was Charles Alexander. His
time was watts on the list aud a charge
of murder made.
The facts of the case as given to the
authorities are that Charles Alexander and
• man named James Nesbitt enlisted to-
gether in the British Artily and served fur
etx yeses in the 27th regiment. They emi-
grated together to this continent and
settled in Chicopee, Vass. Both were
married and their wives were like eistera
Alexander wanted to leave the place. but
his wife refused, se he had such • violent
temper and she did uot wish to go where
she had no friends.
Alexander got the idea into his head
that the Nesbitt* were the eauee of this,
and one day, msettug Nesbitt on the
street, he abut him four times, killing btm
inerantly. He was arrested and at We
trial iu the Superior Court of the Com-
monwealth of Massachusetts the plea bf
insanity was r•l.ed and he was committed
to the then!! of liampden comity with an
order signed by the Chief Justice the lion.
Albert Mason and Justices Newry and
Hopkins, to ewuflue hive in the State
lunatic hospital at Worcester until released
by order of the curt. He was received
there by the superiutendeut. 1)r. tftnmby,
on July 1. 1M1I'.. and remained in the in
aitution for a hit:e mer • year, whoa he
The matter was not reported at the time
and it ora only when his friends received
lettere from him dated from Montreal, in
January last. that his escape became
known kir J. H. Whitney. one of the
State officers, came here in search of him.
Decoy letters were mut to him at the
Montreal pustontce, but be was uot to be
caught. 1 ha lettere were not called for.
Mr. Whitney as obliged to return witb-
out baring secured any further clue. It
.was then believed that be had left the
city. but it was reeeutly found that he
ors sti11 here. Alexander is :1r) years of
age. The American officers have been
wired and are expected here to day.
Me waw ('heel Jostles. or the Supreme
Court, Quebec. His t'aerw1 rife.
Mnrrearo., May 2M. -Kir Francis John
son, chief justice of the Supreme Court of
the province of (furbec. died at Ms mei
donee in (hie city yesterday after a huger
ing illness. Chief Justice Johnson was
one of the oldest and most eminent mem
ben of the Canadian judiciary. He was
in England in 1906 and was the .on of
General Johnson. a prominent English
military officer. His mother was a daugh
ter of Sir (ieorge Bishop, who distinguished
himself at the battle of Queenstown
Heights. He was educated in France and
Belgium. and cam. to Canada at an early
age. where he took op the study of the
law and es admitted to the bar before ho
was twenty one years of ego- He was. in
his younger days, one of the most eminent
cribllual lawyers irk the country and took
a prominent part su the famous signora'
heat- in the fifties. A• was aleo employe('
by the Canadian Government in many
important wetter.. Atter the Ent
. he thew herself at his feet, imploring nortbweet insurrection in 1871 Judge
P g Johnson was appointed by the Gov -
him, as .he dragged herself along on her eminent to proceed to the Northwest
s c.mmistoner to settle the claims aris-
ing met of the rebellion, a task he soccer.
fully fulfilled. He also took a leading
part in establishing toe judicial system of
the Northwest shortly after the Northwest
was erected into • province. Judge John
eon was offend the governorship, bet
(*Alined, preferring his judicial position.
In 1960 be was formally appointed chief
jostle* and was knighted in 1t1Y&
knees. to have mercy, to have pity on
her. Hut he had already seized her by
the hair. and, •a he pushed her back,
put his hand in his pocket. and drawing
forth • d.gter, drove it at ow blow
into his wife. boom
Giuseppe (iabriui wee not prosecuted
He was declared irresponsible and abut
up again in the asylum until cared. He
was there eight months At the end o<
th. Mght months 1)r. Leonardo Car
bonelly who protegee(' to be able Locum
mad people by the aid of shining look
ing glasses --which process. however,
had thus far been nnsnecesfnl-eked
to have charge of Gebrini's case. His
request was grsotett The results ob-
tained. even from the start, were simply
. tnpendoos. The first experiments sur-
prised the doctor. even. Uabrini, irrit
able and raging. andde.ly became quiet
and docile He recovered his reason.
When they spoke to him of his wife
whom he had killed. ho wept bitterly.
Two months later hto was oompletely
cured, and they hastened to give him
back his freedom The sepoupapers
talked at length of this miraenketis
Dr IMMerdo Usrbooelit rasalved a
decorates, and was made aeaaaeeede-
tore of tee Crown of Maly.
a■.w.. as D.trytes.
No one need expect Ins—cells in dairy -
Ing who doss not Bk. the liminess The
man who data not like cows, who bats
to tnilk, who never more into the stable
witbont a club which he needs hnt the
east seem to ns. who, thinks it .11
mwimtwM to 'etnf a cow. who is rnebnt
to Mt behind the Move them cold daye
while his rows are shivering on the
n orth Mole of t►e barn, for tramping off •
quarter of a intl. after • dank of ice
water such a maa will not •nrreed at
the dairy bo•ineea and probably not at
any .4ber I *•terminatt•M to make iha
very beet of the material at hand, sage
no efort to that ask lea wary
Tee Werth e( Ills nests Fewer.
Vawi•ocvmt, B.0 , May 2A -The unique
wk of Gallagher vs. Horne just eoneladed
hu been followed with great interest
Horne 1. • wealthy eitisen of Vancouver
with political aspirations. H. made over
teres to W. H. Gallagher. editor of the
Vaneonver Telegram. Gallagher ors to
supply "the brant:' and he woe to supply
the mosey. Horne's pocket paper east
him some 110 000 before it e..11epeed. bat
1. was elected to the Provincial Assembly.
Gallagher then pet in • bill for *1,600 for
writing all Horse'. election speeches. hear
log him recite them and ro.a•bing him in
swnmittee work Horne refused to settle
and Gallagher sand him The jury. atter
a trial of threes days, awarded Gallagher
0:.00 for tb. " brain power " supplied to
Moth hose • kMh.
Toarec o, May 910. -(la Queen's birthday
a sad areident meowed at the farm et' Mr.
Robert Green, Seirboro Township. James
Spence, an employe of Mr Orson. wee
kicked is the stomach by • borne which
he was grooming in the stable 1)r Clapp
wee called In, but he was °noble to ries
the vonng man's 1st. H. deed within W
boars after the aceident happened The
(emend task place on Saturday. Mr.
Spenrw wee t year. of age and was w et
two sora of • "WOW. .
n.reeaa Trader W. eared.
fltrAe.AI, May ?1l Tie. tures. wile
'or Alwein Seed, trading ie the Maks weft
has been wrecked w •seen Was* Tar
msafa. A .amber df Yt aid
A Little Efttig;:ter
Of a Church of England minister
cured of a dirttrsasing rash, by
Ayer's SaCtnnsr:::t. Mr. Itu•HAnn
Itl ata. the are ll-t;nown I)ri°gist,
McGill it., Notarial, I'. Q., 3073:
I hare st'Id A-••r'ti Faro': Met -Heine,
for 40 years, mid Marsh. and nothing trot
good said of them I k ,w • f ,may
Wo:t;:orf` .A Cures
perforines by Ayer's Feitsal trills, one
in particular boding that of a little
daughter of a Church of reechoed minis-
ter. Tiro cliitd was 11: r:illy covered
from bead to toot with a red awl ex-
ceedingly tronb h.a.,e.e rush, from whi•b
she had stifle:cd fc: two or three years,
In spite of tihe 1a t mad:cal treatment,
available. Her father was in groat
distress about the race, and. at my
recommendation, US Int Iw,-ait to al -
minister Ayer's Baranlwrtll e, two bot-
tles of whin h effete d a coo): let. core,
much to 1..•r relict a :.I b, r fsth. is
dol:,hi. r,;.r,r:' :r1..r•towlur,
he wool re 7::v L: t:..: strongest terms
as to tLc merits of
Ayor's Sarsaparilla
Prepare.' by Dr.J.C. Ayer t Co., lowers. Mata.
Curse MtMrs. wl ll cure you
''a°"2i s'ity WALL PAPER
Dealme le •a lisd. et
Some peep{. have just found oat That
`°""" '°iletwildtsw'""`°IFRASER 8, PORTER
Sym have they but they see not-- pota-
Teeth have they but they chew not -
Moatbs have they but they tuts set
Reads have they but they handle sot
Ears hate they bat they hear sot -corn
Feat have they but they walk not -
Nem have they but they smell am -
Tongues have they but they talk not --
sell Wall Pape cheaper than someWall rs an House
whoesale. One visit to the leading Paper
will prove this Statement.
is what everybody ought to Demand.
HUGE DUNLOP, Special Sale now on. Call and Compare Prices.
Most coughs may be cured is • few hears
or at any rate is a few days, by the nes of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. With such •
prompt red sure remedy as this at band,
there is no seed of proloag*.g the arose tor
weeks and moths. Keep this r.sseily In
your house.
Dr. Fowler's
Extr ct of Wild Strawberry is • reliable
remedy that can always be depended on
to cure cholera, cholera infentum, Dolle,
cramps, diarrhoe, dysentery. and all
looseness of the boweta It is • pun
containing all the virtues of Wild Straw-
berry, one of tete mafe.l and sweet cures
for all summer complaints, combined
with other harmless yet prompt curative
•gml. well known to medical science.
The leaves
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indians
to be an excellent remedy for diarrhoea,
dysentery and looseness of the bowels •
but medial science has placedbefore
the pnblio in Dr Fowler's Ext. of Wild
• coin and effectual cure for all
those ' and oftena.1//11gs.eaOss
complaint' so common in 101. i,M/e
able denude.
It has stood the test for 40 years. and
b ndreda of lives have been saved by its
prompt use. No other remedy always
summer compleints so promptly, quiets
eke pain w effectually and allays Meta
Men so aaessshIy as tais unrivalled
prss.ripfi.a of 1». Fowler. If you are
going lo travel this
be eve and take • bottle with roe. It
overcomes safely and quickly the 41. -
mar complaint .o ohm
amid amp of air and water, and
ie oleo a medic gpunel esoacka.w.,
and a0 bowel
Pries gee. Beware of imi3Koae and
enbeletatee sold by umeargel,ms desks.
for the sake of greeter Pats.
has just returned from the cities where he
has been selecting
Awn errwmt • anis rtarwsw.
Specific, and Anridole for
Iwppea�rni•, �� ` bleed,tisa ys
kart, liver eemplairei,.sa.e�lgia, lass of
, gall
a wee, �i mad urinary
Mews, At. frits.' amass, female irreg-
ularities aid ewers& d.Wlq.
• J. M. McLBOD.
Preuelnl.. ••e ItwusaMerse
▪ pore etvmnw Mrwvreem esu be ted
r le y�
�ftm v'+s�i'.�eftttjjj h.
He has now on hand a Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times.
Steam Boiler Works.
Sweeram Ie Climatal! BfookJ
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station
ary Marine, Upright aft Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers In Upright and Regimental glide
Valve $ngtaes, Antoinette Cot[MEatrines s
pecialty All Mare of pl • and pipe -theism
coaster fly ea hand. Esrlma•ee furnished or'
..art Swab. Aepairiag prompt!, 'kneaded to.
Ilse -1y P. O. Hos A. uoderich. lmt.
Works-ONesite O. T. R. Station. Gelder...
1ta1salMs heartens
AWAY for
OO.V..OHTs, .to.
M t'`rlt ! CO m ■ao pat ltsw ...de
S tire.. I�w teats tort it is . fir
tr least cane cel bym .e M Mglt =
Y. pbelta !., • anew oven from M •Wore m ik.
awerrweistls• �
Lair; st w stw;tie.t
MIt Li 7M
eeatraeted..ee_X0 m W
. xmw Lb.
LOW naw•• Meat ftlemh•a• r•.
Booksellers and Stationers.
Tar.asearo has bas. established Is glue the
gal s • arebola.s eervtw with emit awl err
weasel enmpenlea.
It le sawed on twf.s ainstplos amd le
sae tareresr et ke serrate.
it deserves the sageort at .very esrsw wee
bollovheq.Mk dhe .spsseb woo tot
new Ce�a��11
es. e.ealas
eetlag with all e sad .• l.e
Wetted msss..a. (basad* and
Most tee, wwh wins N V 1.
Nerthwem.Beitt.h oeteaskia sad Osage
OSee-(teeth fade westet.
1. )1LantrUIPIPIL
tt1 IS
Lori llaaa.er. Aeastst
"fdei.s*e the
•saw the hf/- of UAm=
wNfifa• lades "D.lag fs
VAN" .�►�a��ll�j�'� 1 .: ah,d.•g
p�Ir,7t.' . - fresh/Re resell
77S p' arse Ii fad I(N4
of disease is Utter
— waw./ /s , end
Ilserlare/ *g the tartest Ise -
' Night rsed7 were a ell,
try 1 hays a Ileletee dad
heeilbg altg
wittiest sower ~71*e i1*eye
ego as wood *seas maw*
hadth what the exist where
*/deeps are Oeilre Fisted
�pwd that « Mile any used
116141 tr, as dstiwi wood te sir --
wee.eitGAMMe eretla
e end furniture new.POLiga
se -
My it yourself, 1t came. hegemonies'.
ssazsaihr.r. rine. PIPs VAss-
Ole. the pipes • coat before putties away,
mei tweeted rust.
Ila paokages.r
ler Heves and Cattle.
ror all Cuts earl Sores.
Real our " House Cleaning ,lints "—a book every home should have
and keep.
�r O. GOODE C ,
McIntosh & Harper
(Late SAU N D ERS & 00.,)
% X w a X w
House Furnishings, Stoves and
Give Us aCal1.
Personal !
Spring is at hand, and after Housecleaning you will want a
We have the Largest and Cheapest Aas rtmsot in Town.
Before baying call and got primo
50 - TOILET SETS - 50
New designs to select frominspection invited.
OILLS. 4.. pi e
J BasoPx'V de 8O14
Have to their pr"—t billows erne &d� B. �J. Sash% IAS Bei"
of Qty ilehi�M, silo •h ■w.maa
Inert line of fureishipm la 10. 0,
and are new prepared to coudes* faserslla at porkies llogoaable
Thi department will be strictly millet's(' te by hi Orn William. wits, hit
la the silpily at the W D. Gerdes *Ss' the pate tree yeas, het aW
kaAwletlps of t1° hollow. mod by plop/ Westin' haps es .hose port 01
p.bli patronage. g,eRanm bar the psgr•.-Waslw'' ea raw tot► N
y e. ret