HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-6-7, Page 5THE SIGNAL: 00D121011.v T., THII DAY, JUNE 1814. Miele C 4r .Thptrised--ell of Dr. Pierce's Yleannt Pellets -will a auger eoati.g which i. ro•bdS their orsammteded vege- table estrwcts. You tlo not get the taste. fb means More than com- fort. The offensive taste of oils, or of bitter pills is apt to upset diges- ti„n. They're tiny, hence easily swallowed. They're easy in action, end after using them you feel urea instead of bilious and Coestipeted ; v„ur Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Indigestion are gone. 13p4d nature belongs to en aotier liver; irritability to a morbid liver. Take Pleasant Pellets that you may cultivate good nature, happiness, and bra It h. They're the cheapest pill you can bay, bemuse guaranteed to Five satideotioe, or your matey Is returned. 1111111 A mit ass rifler of $500 in gold is mule by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for any case of Catarrh in the (lead, no matter how had or of how long standings which they cannot cure. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JUNE 7. Yves Mg.risMi..- Bebe s. Adele . 7 lfemi Mai 119111410 -Wassel k (o 7 Ir; illi sow's Meanings 4 Fame be Int Bloke C. Fortin sad S. Sloane Auction Sola- -Jobs iC.o, . 6 Notice to ('editors -C. B. Armateeag , b I'askol• --Jas. Wilson deed 5 House sod Lot for gals --K K Watson 5 1)0 1 .w Pay lash •--L'. G. Armstrong 8 hummer Coderw.ar--C. I;. Armstrong 4 Tailoring F J. Pridbsa Photo* R. R. &Wows. deed .. . . Bermes Locale- W. A. McClyaont 5 5 5 SOON. (OJ.[MAN -On rrhlay. May yah. INs, to te the wife oaf K. C, Co4mas of a daehter MARRIED. BOWIItHY-t4ALKELD-By the Wr .1. IL Howell. M.A., at the residoece of JOba Salkeld. Reynold Road f.'h•s of the bride, nn Wedweedal!.� Jame e. Jobe. '4owerhy of Rapid I'.tr. Web . and Mass Yk,cest.» Gertrude Seibold. NKL$ON -H ZOOM- At the Maaee.se Thur► day. Mat 11r. MRI. by the Nov. Jas. A. midtown. ILA., tv Mime remotion Nelms io )1�ar4�et ftiotafa. both of the township of A ebaele. TILE TALK OF THE TOWN. From tuts Rellyor ..V. Notebook. • It I.m'e* • MM is • Tet rwaea, 1 refs t. lent M t • asters Amami r. Takla' Meem aa' taIah • H ?rest b."- worse. Have roar ►etRW repaieed by W. A. Ma (77mo.L Trarlma, • .p.rWty. W. A. McC(yemosstt bee toe iedd • t sad w•s tett' ane rutty Jives The Feet deemed was at w ewle res•. wase Go w.11 put se as F. J. Prldbom maid asks lila it be left bed a,uarema &4 at (ase 0tsplee clothier's Wohllabe.est The rusk cif d•.pam te Oedemas doers Wpm week ski set oasts say edveree 1. »A• sies tbe work Mt at It R. Pal .adio, The b••I(rairMen rate 1• whet be deals is. MA DIE TO ORDER" -Tawe re sea pee - Mi elbow *Misery •pastadas will sot Ct. it 7m ata one .f the.., we will make s glom to ssn ear t1M to • sailer wit/ ink.. s merit a et. k,_p-4c. es ass. W. T. Herb, whets ale Menem PISS TAILORi$a,-amens •yring and maser elUspa evermore/pc Week sad ace •ass. warmed .srsts�t .s& Messy Wash 'add. crs•sess.Yy Wig heresies Ig erected Maim (:all sad ass the• sad ask !•'toss. Tau w W seie1y bey. 5.Maseenwe. .'. .,a Ora apse. -Tbm well taws " Irish Nine " bnas-bel elmb of Lassa will Pity • game is town Friday alternate with ear min Thr is a teem et several years' sussing and hes bed • mord of *Ting 1104 Will. The Ideal dab wisp to ms as me" a Iatre.5ge a poseibie a they have hears put to eseldseski. expense try ma- re. Film Or JOLT CELiantTpt.. At• meet - are held in ted Ceara hall Wedmerdly .,.s- ellt, tad presided ever by the mayor, 41 wee )ended to hold • oalahr.tien in Godsrieh a July 1st. We radmrwa.d 11 will be oar of the n1d-tunere with leu of her sad belie- A large 0.mmitlen hes bees street te forward t8. Ware. C. A. Hsba'eiserla Two Heim -The At Rosso it the Ten Halt es iite 31st, (twist Ste .mepione «u' Volum Ladies Sodality cif SL Pearl Wirth, was • great sae..ms. Every leaser* *( ted satertairm.at was very pleating sad millareb(y sermaged. Tar seeks/ fol11%1001 to the very tulle flsr their ted �merwm• elslt.hdorMadame we d •1Gt00 wm urn tbe Hei.w. Nor I -The los.•-bell eau* 8.t'..sm Mabel .ad 004 .stk, MSS 'M11. ^'crises for /t ace tam, a the ams will Warm The plying .f *. toys ti wart geed, sed their t.esbed d d ba.- nalubr rails as .deThe e se as NW tR. The .544 ISMS lase Se k h hams : h,.we 1 II 3 Meta. 6 6S7Me • 'Iced. M1e'b'0 01 1 ••110•• - 4 (iia► 0 4 1 • 0 1 1 1 1 - 17 tie Ts a elm atm •aIMIWOC -Qtr Mwmsa. • ▪ A Wages les MANS IIs aWq some, far MIM cel- ULr t✓d vers.i. ant saw..d la wet durable ter time paries sed clear to view of tiny vow sso lbs smarties aims r head. asmajy teett4Iut It res • mal of 46 della te t8. Leahy mad is vias 66146 indiu. It is as shell st saber and library map sed even family Is the °misty Wad be pease rad d ase New Flail. -Barger A Le announce Oat they have purchased the satire bust sets .t $saa4 to ♦ Co, who have fro ass past Musty years carried .a bowers u sheet metal work, Numbing. healing .ad stun woe • . T8. bra Mak ase people of Ued.nsb aid whiney for • share of tush crongoe liberally bestowed es the old will ouuwue to keep sue mesal large Asa of cloves, tinware and hour fundable. and will pay spiral attester b eoetr.ct work in heating, plumbing .red Mimi metal work .t the new Wad, the Crabb block. Sten of the Btg Kettle. lilt t. t g Ila. s. There was a large at• mudaaoe at the bicycle raw on the !hassle, Wednesday eventag There were eleven ooauwut., but weal of Moen fell by tae way, and were nee in it .1 t►e flush_ Fol Mena* is the Nae for the tee mita Chisholm, 2P mia., 50 sac.; Rates, 33 mio., 38 ave : Hasderaoe, 34 mitt., 40 sec. ; Me - Iron, 34 mull , 50 sec.; Malabar, 35 min., 34 we ; Nairn, 36 min., 40 sec. Items woo the ram ea a ha•dttap from ('hu6olm, al though ('hi•holm s time record ant away with all the others The rad between Stokes and Chisholm up to the tweuty- fourth lap wee . pretty one. Pcal.a• S' Mon. 5.t. its, ldaantiu. The Public S.bool Breed meet on Mooday eve - lag. A11 members preset. The minutes of last mating were ooa6rmed and the pr..cipal'e report for April .ad May read .ad Wed ; the April one showed an average atteedaoce of 5116, 206 Joys and 200 girls, mod that for May 560, 296 boys al 283 girl. The foiowi.g .000a015 were nae/ sad ordered to be paid :--H. Hal., team init. 44 75; Feder d Porter, stationery, 17.62 The costumed committee was in- structed to eaaaaine the Central .wheel as to repairs needed, mad report at next meet- ing of board. As the next intense nicht would fall os • holiday it was resolved to hold the next wawa on the last Monday to .lune. Min Parsoes awed peraissi.s• to amend the fort eessioo of the N trmal school and that the board supply a sub- stitute. The n.iueet was granted. After some hanker business ted beard alarmed. LOCAL. BRIEFS. Albert Cox, of the Sault, is entities; in town. We are pleased to state that (tee. Stereo u recoveriog from his recent tll5.41e. Thos Soeyd i still very low and grave doubts .re entertained for his recovery. Chas. Haysta•J advance repn.e.tative foe Jane Mille, says he has the strongest Co. to support Miss Mills ever organized. "All u not gold that glitters". .loci be deceived, but boy • "White" or "New Wil hams" Sowing Machine of Giro. W Thom: • Jolie Mille will appear at the (:rand 4 'pore Hoo.,, suported by a strop, Co. e player% for one week, ommeneing Monday June IPth. The yours/ +.dues of the Sod•ltty of St. Peter's church, desire to express their th.ek• to all these who so kindly aniseed In their Mae eatertunmant Heart Disease Relieved is 30 Minutes. AU case of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved ia 30 Wants" and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Curs for the Heart. One Ma. oo•viacee. Sold by Jas. Wilson. Next Sunday will h. Clildreo. Day or Flower Sunday in Knox (.'lurch, when the scholars of the Suaday School will occupy the metre of the church at the morning ear- vice. ervice. A special sermon will be preached to them by the pastor. Rheumatism t tired as • Day. -South Americium Rheumatic Cor., for Rbeumataam and Neuralgia. rdxcalMy cared is 1 to 3 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. It remove at ono the muse sed the disuse immediately disappear" The first dere mostly benefits. 76 Deets Sold by J. Wilma amid .l1 druggist& 31.1y A Boos $e H.tewa--Oso bottle of I..I$h Spyre Laimeet e.aplately re- moved • curb from my here. 1 take pl.aaaro is recommending the remedy, as it a- 1. with mystenoSI prompts. in the -re- moval from horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood "pang, splints, curbs. *weeny, stake sed sprains Geoids Ross, Farmer, Sold by Ju Wako.. Markham, Ont. Rebel is Sir Hours.-Distrew(ag kid- s*, end Waddler diereses relieved i. six 11.m by the " New (.u.T Sarni Arsat• sag KIsa*T Cps&" This New remedy a gnat surprise and delight to phyaiea.as is • .west Nth .i.wdisg premptseas is re- lieve, pais i■ the bladder, kidneys, book. and .very part d the urinary pewees in male ser hare. It relieves r testier of water seed pia ia pssiag it almost itaa.di- ally. 11 you wane gala relief and ear akin is veer remedy. 8sld Iry Jas. Wil.os. MARINE NOTES. Bar. Cambria called in oe Tuesday. Stew beep idle Smith, of Sagami, ar- rived M TMray. Ser. Cambria Called is hen Friday on We way V the lake. Sour. Marr 8. Gordon left on Saturday evonimg for Kaea.rdisc BJr. K.lfage loft a Wednesday, Mar 30, Ne Janata%° Barter Three of ear spat. took a bah is ahs river lest Tuesday morass. The tugs have began M heal wee frog q the, .. :several mew loads arrived let week. The alleged moire of cocan steamers ie te M made Mie objet d m.lmiry lathe lapse W P.rli.aw► A wok 11.O lam laid es the Wiwi waw Ea' trades whirr essay the mems from the piers to the ago el the doge. Tar W. 1. Allesse, ot T.rs.aw,brerod as FNdsy Met fume Cona,weed. She it to unset the Celia, at the Pew pima. Trodpo N0.9 M bating ha' bears pt is puma mad ba' m5ebtaary evert a.ied. We ballete she is to work a short time berm be fore laving for Fart William The Oates stemaadlp luumpary W de - sided se ge est of bedew bases* et bad thsam The Alaska and Arima° will he sell a Oar arrival In Liverp.d. oaf all ted grim HIS, N. 16, essapswes Baal bar .. are w lath, seal se liege ban' he Brio.. S8tptwm a an ale. Min, main from as Jiggles mac., Nees R.Mi.. The Nerd stow was essessa4y lammwhed be week. A toiler and angles M week the seder ribs le cased em bra were pmt sad We mmdmusamd the seems le te rake timber se to the The gautll. el 4.41 ler ata midi )a years •soma seals Weak a tun's M w soli to Its IMA M OW el the alarms as She Dangle dais. SAC tk. wWek fortw agar tuna r eiMmO me 1Am .MrtMe ser Therele saw is eta ipi rueapmy have sassed at Neer weds at sed ammo sad el lbs tlq. Ilan 3.000 .r 4.IN tea• et leap, gala 64, however, stared is sheds mad *ben woad be as expense of 40 se 60 seats • w w palesn tt en *4m*• A .member .f reamers art eaprr*mestary with ane►..- mte 410.1, moans of than wait quote nesilllae► .rj results. Th. New steamer Harvey brows, en bet lac trip, used this dolar* ti...t owl *OA satire success, both fs r esoesae point of view sod for its stounieg gwlities On the ruts hula Ease to the We, m. oo»wmed 41 1005,01 one 410 an hour,tse emirs making 16 t. J0 tore., bad the parse ser steised st 160 vomits. The City of Liet8.r has real bard coal with good results. *tomorrow for the stomas, the price paid, 16, being to high to admit of ire mss. Kincetvlias lteperter : 1►n Thursday ef last weak ales tug was ace Duel' that IA. We. Cambria could not hate K„,as,dine Book. gate was heoplug rattier clew to °bun, and whoa at5ading it w.. (toad that she wee seas tog t►. shallw•vs •t .very stroke of the .mgrs.. The capleto sleeted wt • amuse oat is the lake, bat ho lied mot facts lar, whoa she made ■pm • I.tr, Multi.+ d'a.e md.bit. Two of her crew mow to the dock is a yawl, and Tboa lJul;aw west out wail, hes tog, Ile e:moor Swam, and yelled on the camhrim. Keen with the ef- forts ot th. rower it w•a art mo avail The tar the took the p..e.vsss,whe want- ed to go cabers, and along with them the parer who cam. to port w telegraph for a I&rpr tug. The Delude, of I;oderieh, arriv- ed on Friday night, bat could set bring her off the bar. Neat morning the Delial. wetpde Southampton for • lighter and on tetanal, took the deck load oft. Th. Cum- bria still r.Wts.d fast. The captain talo - Tr/oohed (o genu for a .till Jerrer tug., he Jessie, of Sarnia, with • tow el tic. vas..I*, the Flimsy Campbell sod &Wilde, which an bound up the lake to Pert Atthur for pulp wood, arrived in on Sunday. Mr. Brows, owner of the Cambria, arrived o, the Jews. The tugs !labile and .less went pp on Susdsy morning W give her%a combined trol. They pulled at the st 5144.r steadily for about two hours, but the e�c�htte got too rough end the Jessie kept pounding oa the bottom, so they had to give it tip. A storm came up from the southwest and kept working around till it got or the north wee. blowing a moderate gale. When the wind shifted to the northwest it wee thought that the steamer would become a total wreck as she was lying braids:de to the shore and the wind was blowing the right direction to pat her there. 1 .plain Telford took advantage of the wind, wtieh caused the water to raise shout a foot and • half, and this Noted the Cambria off the bar, to which she had clung for four days. She arrived in dock about half peat five o clock in the eveamg. The Cambria le none the worse for her stay on the bar. SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS.. It is gratifying to know that • larger number of subscribers than ever before in the history of Ti,,. Si'.' ui have paid in ad• mace and all such will accept our best thanks for the prompt renewal of their .ub- seriptio.•. A considerable number how- ever, are .till to arrear. Accounts are being sent out to all etib.cribers in arrear and we trust that these accounts will re- ceive prompt attention. Remit by Punt *Oboe, \loa.y Order, Ex- press Order or by Registered Letter..4• deemed to I). McGtu.n corer, THE S14:NAL. Go4a'ich FINAL DRAFT OF STATIONS. templateReport .1 se.etimise resimlttee .f t tsdpb Cowie et de. I. - (; t-ELPH DISTRICT. I Guelph First (Norfolk Street) -- Wm. C. Henderson, D.D.; W. S. 1;riffs, D. D ) Treasurer of the Snppeeram.uatim0 Fund altos, Wesley Beiklu e, Tenn to; residimoe, 56 Prince Arthur Ave sue, Toroeto). lune frame, (Wood stock), Joke Hough, Wm. severe, !taperassated. 2 Guelph Second (Dublin Street) -Samuel Set B.1). ; Jame Harris, Sapor- ta.3 Gedph Third (Paisley Street) -,lame. H. Malkin, B.A. 4 Poems by-.Jaeon Truax (Marden). 5 Blore--Jno.('. S*sveaeoa. S.mrel E ear, sapersensat.d. 6 Verona Wm W. Sparline. Matthew Swann, Supsrarmdated. 7 l r.m.aa Thema Grandy. 8 Abufeyl. - Francis M. Mather, S.T.I. 9 M Win. J. Brandon (Orton). 10 Bslwned-Wm. OttewelL 11 N• ageweya - Tboimem Amy. 12 Rockwood -Thomas J. 8.btse. 13 Everton -Hoary Caldwell, S.T.L, Acta. 14 A.toa--Jamb E. Howell, M.A. Wm. Bear, Superannuated. Ib Osoegtowo -Davit A. Moir, S.T.L Da ♦id Auld (Toronto), Super- annrted. 16 Norval- Alex. J. Irwin, K A , RD. 17 'Erie Wm. A. Stresemsn, Ph. D.. LL.D., Gee. W. J.Wen. Herbert 13 Christie, Jab. W. Kitchin,, Fred. W. Tlsemp.os, Materia Caine Sty. Toro.to ; Wesley J. Ragweed. D. B. Neely, Victoria Usivlw.ty, Tor- egry 8. Rastimilie RAW R 4FiLma9, Lint of R41.ery.. Wm. C. Bwdmws, D.D. , G1•irsa. John C. Seavosses, 111.. Secretary. II. -GALT DISTRICT. 18 Galt -John G. 80.t0. 19 Rodin -Joh. 8.set. M. A. J. Waley (Maw, lispagasseast SD W.I..--Tamea A M.'-').. M.A. p• Pram�•---Jabs. Wank Thea 1� Peery. ▪ e $ plates-Joirpb 8. Osalig'.'• A ▪ New Bambara -WOW R Tr.Mares, 111 Welwey-F. W. (intim, 1t A. (Lite weed). W m. C. Oswalt, Viagra U.ivenitt Tram. J!� ���', me=Ja0.114..Tim Pearce.,/• II{.-1r1'RATFIOIf.D D ITRWP. 11 Stratford (()•.teal) --am. F. Rale, PLR Report (rrelfr y, 9i Cee. Av. Torases, iisparsaaaabid (W Walvis. 654.. +steel) -road. L • Mi.,belL-Wm. WI54... ,RQ • Ma.htb m.--A.bww M. M•CaSe.L • 416111 L...er. SI P.OseMma�).8. Oa 1iasld T. A. Hasaipby. (C.rtirgird). s Baemeslp - $s11151 4 il.rwmlb Ila ljmbtrw--AgbieSJd Me[Rsk.a Mari. J. Wets*. W a 11. Graham. Vena Usivtislar.TrawlsL �L.4., Waterer 1'helside l bleaWm, , S, SW* Ir.* leaped, J. W. *Bora.A.in taut�al Veers.. elkf rMmIM PLR.. Pa Waa IV. -al'. MARY'S Did?RHT. M Bt. Mary's - Aedr.w C es.itrham. Riehad 8en4. 36 (bastes -Joseph 8. eek, B. D. • D. 36 Loses -Newts A. Clew., B.D., sods - tory of Cesiresx Richard C. He• dem (Land.), Mep.rssaa.t•d. SI Alia Oreis-Walter Ayers. 30 Kitties -Thoma. J. Secedes. 39 Waddlers- Winters Birks 40 Nk soft -JJs Ku.aady, B.10 s Wel- bars ). 41 Kiatera- Joh. Hart. 42 Themeaked - Harvey 1). Moyer. w Caauisgbmm, Cabe• Joseph H. Cook, P11.l►., Fie. S.metary. V.-001)8RD'}I DISTRICT. 43 God rich (North Street) Joseph Ida.. 41 t;ederiob (Victoria streetl-Henry buts& 45 Chafes lRstta.bury Street) Joseph W. Holmes. 46 labium (0.tarie Street) Wm. Smythe, Hoary A. Newouwbe, supra.auated. 47 Seafortb -Joseph Galloway. 48 HelmeeviII.--F.an A. 7.... 49 Hayfield Irdwerd 1 Havant 60 Versa- Webster W. Leach. 51 Henan -- Fracas Swann, He.ry F. Carrie. 52 Kipper -Jame. Walker 'Hem•alli. 53--Dmeseses-David Rogers. 54 Nile - Wm. 11. Moa 56 Besliller Al.e. Thibadau. J. W. Holmee, Chairman. Imam I;.l loway, E in. Secretary. VI. --KINCARDINE: DISTRICT 56 Kiscsdime--Jame. Livingstone. Fred lq M. Smith, Superannuated. 5 Riplq-Benj. L Hutton. Locksow--Joke Mills. John Walker, 5aporassut.d. 59 A•h.eld-Rob* 11. Hall )Luckoow). 60 Wbiteob.rob-Robert 4'. Burton. 61 Tiverton -Retort H. Hamby, S.T.L 62 Bervie-Thomas C. landeraua, Albert ('. Tiffin. 63 Bethel Charles V. rake 4 Pine River). 64 Salem -Asher. J. Noble (Greenock I. Jobs Dowering, 00 Lint of Reserve. John Mills, Chairman. Be.j. L. Hutton, Fin. Secretary. CIL-WING/IA/1 DISTRICT. 65 %Cingbsa-4;ork.m A. 4;ttford, Ph.D. 66 Twwat..r-Alex. K Birks, B. A. 67 Wroxeter-Wtadsy F. Kerr. 68 Brussels -Goo. 13. ('obbledack, M.A., 8.1). John L Kerr, Richard Paul, Superaassutod. 169 Walter- nowt" W ('owns. 70 Los:tesboro' Hugh .1 Fotr. 71 Myth --4;.o. Btiggin. Wm. Mille ase - tato), Superannuated. 72 Auburn - Wm. Baugh. 73 Be/grate -Edwwl A. Shaw - 74 Bluevale Joseph W. Prang. • Wm. A. Sarith, Wesleyan Theological 1'011sge, Montreal. Wm. 1. A.ht .. on List of Reserve. Geo. Buggin, 4'iairman. •, Wm. il.uvh, Fin. Secretary. VIII.--L1t;T(*WE1. DISTRICT. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 [.rteweU-N. R Willouhgby, 11,1). Jae. Caswell It:rlmIby) Superannuated. Mtiverlon-Abraham W. Tonge. Trowbridge- Job W. Robinson. l;orris--J win. 4; Foidwich--Saloom \C. -. idmunds. K. I o. 4', allow - Richard W. Williams i Luto- weil I. Atwood -John S. Ft Ethel- %Vm J. Waddell, Herbert is KeUington. Boni. Sherlock, John H. %Vett•, Superannuated. Chris. C. Kuno, on List of Reserve N. R. Willoughby, D. D., l'heirm... Jots Green, Fm. Secretary. IX.--PALMERSTOS DISTRICT. Palmerston- Francis X. Nugent. Harris/re Were) Cason. Minto -Christopher Hamiltor (Herrrn- ton ). Dray too ( harlot 7 Stafford. Alma- .Thomas ( ee, Robert .1. Melo• tyro. Peel Robert .J. lln.kiag tl;lenaltao). Hothfield George I.ounds. Stirton- John W. 1nlptn. T.vaotdale John S. Corcor.a. Victor .1. 1;11ptn, \ icloti. t'niversiry, Tomato. Wm. K. Stafford, Alfred .1. Johnston, on List of Reserve. C. H.otiltw, Chairman Wesley Casson, FM. SeatnMry. X. MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. 92 Msunt Fewest --Ona. Richardsss, Reu- ben, J. Tyler, William Norton, Super- annuated. uperannuated. 93 Artbnr-Alfred E. Smith, S.T.L. 94 Drtrb.m-Jobn ('. Pomeroy, B A. 96 Holstein -Robert Phillip& 96 Clifford -Austin Potter. 97 Drew -Jame Kettle 1 Mont Forest). 98 Kamlwotth-Jwpb Markham (Arthur ). 99 (head Valley John R.. Isaac, Joseph D. Riebrrdeon I Moadoello). 100 Vr -Fdwis L Flagg, B. D., Dar 101 (ed.rvi8r--(leo. E. Honey, B. D., Gee. Richardson, Chairman. John C. Pomeroy, B.A., Fie. Secretary. )1I,-WALK#RTON DISTRICT. 102 W5Uterto.-J. Waller, lhitoo, K.A. David 11. lteletoo, William Tindall, George Wates, d.pmessetod. 103 llilda&y-Alex. Sersteb. 104 Raver - James (larltem. Jobe (Cerner, Andrew Clarke, Ruprsa.u.t- .d. 1061Clawood-Samuel R Coach. 106 C�--.elect oaw�. 107 Eden Ctww-Dixon >Mmep 105 Wm. Tarawa,. 109 Port --Ove. H. (;,omits, 110 SouHiew.pM.- J.a5es Fergus.. 111 S.egr.s--Job. T. Smith (S.tlkamp- ted ). Robert Davey, Cimirmrse. J. Walker Stilts, R. A., Fin. Seer5Mry. XIL-WIARTOK DiSTRICr. 112 Wlisrtes Robert Walker. (1eerg. 11.48, Nspeawaated. 111 Tara --haw McAllister, Preeidoet el Coders.. Jobs Waage Sepias .rayednp . Tbobilm mre Hall, Sep.rwr• Atl 114 tlrifie-Henry E. Hill, John A. 111•. eery Hall, 8 ataos•ry. lib 1Wdres..-Jeb. A . N..dor.ma 114 A4dasd-.labs H. Dyke. 117 Ileperemeh-Theesaa It FOWL 111 Glverlag-Adam Glazier (wllaedm► 119 Katmbi.--Reb.rt Creed, / 116 Celp.v'. Ray- Wm. . M. M. Ill Limes H..4 -T11 .. J. 121 Dyer's llay--O.. em omome. 1SWa H. i94 c . Geek.. -w.. n. Robert Realer, WatTask Mamtrsal. (ase& A. A. Mamiyee Cdtpol, es 11.8 of Rearm Joan M.Aiber. CBMe55i.. Rasa Walker, FS.. Hemrbry. 7CQI. -swath MOUND Dltt'rRICF.: i1S Owe. Smai- - Wa IL 8658*, L L IL 0ea 111dWsy, 1 R Sybeetm L • KNOWLEDGE Brings.omfort and improvement *it4 Mott to personal enj„ym.nt when rightly _ seed. The many, who live bat- ter than "t hen and enjoy life more. with lees expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's beet products lo the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid leset •va principles embraced to the rcnnvly, Rt rup of Figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the f.'rm most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and tru)y beneficial pr•.lrertie. of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system. dispelling e„I,ls, heolaches and fevers and pernwicntly curing constipation. It has given aattsfact i..n to inilltons and met with the aper„v1 of the medical profession, because it acts on thaw Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening theta and it is perfect ly free from every objectionable suhtat,ce. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists its 75e. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, alio the name, Syrup of Figs. and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. 127 Fleeherton . -Filmed M. Rupert. M.A. 128 Dundalk Wesley F. Campbell, PLD. 1 1 Brookholm John Pepper, K.A. 130 Woodford Tattoos Legate, Winans H. l.oree. 131 Chatsworth John W. Churchill, 132 Holland ('entre Robert .1. Husband. 133 Fuphraaia JabsS. Humphries ) Mark • dale. i \- - 134 Eugenia George 4.'. Balfour 135 Walter's Fall. Henry Kerry. 136 ('orbettoo E:mereon R. Service' 137 Priceville Geo. Hartley. Albert E. Henderson, Herbert S. Magee Victoria l',i•versity, T. to. Peter Mclbsald, on List of E:. S. Rupert, M.A.. Wee. F. Campbell, P8.1)., Fla Secretary. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT areferirb Prima. Ooogaror, June 5, 1551. Poring What standard 0 S; to 0 • 11 Wheat O tib to 0 CO Flour. family 0 .0 to 0 Oa Aborts, a to 00 CO to00 00 Bead. V ton 0* 00 tot° 00 AA��teeeenninge r ton 00 00 to00 at ('bopped reed Wheat r tom 00 00 4000 00 'Uata, new. y bosh 17 to 0 3: Peas, r bush.... Sri to 000 Barley. two rowed. r bush 40 to 0 w Barley. common 36 to • Mt Hay. 0 ton OO to 7 00 Potato.& it bush, i;i to 0 00 Rutter, 0 1:1 to 0 13 re. Efresh unpacked, • dos..... IM to 0 01 Cheese. - I1 to 0 15 Weed 16to04/ Hide _ 00 to 100 Sheep Skits .. ........• 070 to 0 i0 Live 30 DramaHate 3 M to to 6 300 ilik 1dw.atla 1111tua,tlons Vaeaat: ▪ ANTED IMMEDIATELY, A 000D M WID D k sad lausdrea. Moly to 6)Peilla1 NOUNS. Ns OPPINO 1111.1. 1 ale M M all kinds of grails haus.. p1� • bo est -M1U In r vann hmr>yy . Prices x41 1sa�e _ ism .475 9 MOW JOS. K iDD. 43.17 17 arttsaafa.et. (IOU/RICH FOUNDRY AND kA MACHINE WORKS. To the public Buy Rueedm.m Nee. 0 and 4 plows. React mea land welkin and root cutters, Watford No.. 7 and 4 Mom. American mouldboards, Watford tesla plow. it is the beet. Watfor e eswese, the leed•rw Watford bay rata. 4.4 e other Iaplemosos, plow coasts reduced la price. Bars nest Ueda canes rade to order. 0.5665414 m.4L 4st-ly J. B. RUNCIMAN. EUFHEMIA A. M°LKNNAN'8 id4IM1WT ger eaters& ass sell/. Is • pmmtu.t cure tar 8945.1 dluaae.Hip �t0radtt1 '-'-tarp lora . tame Sack, Lembames. .Weeekm sed L 8 ...a, 5,1 Mused 011 Throat. • dl.e.sse. It hal boas Ina a care for throat •/heti... Is hareem Priau 71 eats, Nem without Ms i w . Mark a alms sN wnppon Sad R, A. Me1.55555e Lalmdt esluIe6 1)n*.' massaged co wax wale each Latta. Mea.lost.red ell by M A_ Mo- Leeman, Rel. PStantN eNeer 1? •. Char w�C..ente emet Piano Mem. EXTRAORDINARY I1ARf:A INS. No home is the tide sae romped with our prima Lam Certain. from 18c. pr sett up to 44 60. It seems streams asset w. are .Wag lac. 1 urtalas at lower pewee than other stores .an buy them, yet each Is • fact. (Me store is town bought Lace Curtains (rum us during the past week at the same price we sell to our customer& Priam, 28 inches wide, fast colon, 5,. per yard : ale Flaaaelettes, 27 is. wide, 541. per yard, regular price, 10e. ; • spacial lino of all -wool Whip Cord Draw hoods, double width, 30c. per yard. worth 40c. ; good Wool Tweeds from 25.. per yard. ■p; heavy yard wide (r.y ('ot ton, 5c. per yard ; • very fine I. coon, ea. per yard in 30 yard ends, worth 8c. Ke' somber, we ere selling 5 spool. cotton insi,le of Lite Thread for 10o. : fans, 2c. per paler : beet Cortical* :(ilk, 5c. per spool. 4)tber goods actually as chap. JAMES A. REID. Joremb reek, O.4,rioh. Meg C. D. WILLIAMS, DittYOolir, will open out IN 1115 NEV3l'1(E:%I1sE.y i metas%'. Stet lei X1f 44,' ANNA L. SHAW, TEACH/MOT11 of *aura *M T1sery-np.rie.M, one door sea of Imps. P.nesr'. Www -rt 47.3m e > Mr. w, A mai hiving pwrab*..4 ne third i�ntperue�s,t la the a■add .14.1Bsh• MIN UM after this its K .t pelage the dB Mime tenure wW bo des sada' ted tame w th. 4edt;tos li.•Iss Mul R BUCtANAN t 10N .44-tf 1 H. A. RHYNAL Qa*lasllit. DASTURF TO LET LOT 19, E LAKE • bake Shore Road. Colborn, W. n.. may priNfm 44Msera. This is one ret the molars 4,0*sde molarsla this di.trlew. sad will prove a valu- able Inveelment as a pasturage for cattle. Apse ply to JCi11N t'. 5141111N or ti. $LOAN Ooderlch P U. 61.4 NOTICE ALL PER.a4)Ns FOtNl) treep stent m ray a5de M *estate. b,mtl5tr, t be ipg progressed wa4wther iaw. Mese • Isar arm al. H.11 ba, rla tbe Mweehlp e1.00sltorse. sad the kadw5 as the Mtn Ratti . la the iswnahles of Ue{bavns h. mmlRssddCA11f illi. (l.('.• X. RAR . •+ilei*, 4.•e1a BkMaNa' �s.p(M.r • PABEOLA- -41.00 PER ilOTTLIl. CARES Bildt. Ii4L4ROIIK. luster POWIbRIL WILSON'S IRON PILL. fir the Mord-Nota • bas, W1I.atMl1 CATHARTI- C 1'114A -s sen • bee. =NV I11001 eine w11NS - cels M the plsL AT J A MM "mown r1t�a0l irTwp DOOM Wel& weeks* 0. Aucu•1a. $uks- AUCTION salt t►F VAL1'Attl.E: rARM ANI) MALL PROPERTY. There will he offered for sale by pebltc ■action at Mania's Hotel in the town of I;odr- rti s . on )tarurdey. Inc.' :"Mrd. 1'91, at nue o'clock in theattereoo•.tbefollowing valuable Farm and M,11 Property : TM aorta halt of Ihemut h self of lot 4. ooa, 4. township of Ashfleld.couaty of Hurun.Kast ere I4,vieson, eantaiaing 10 acres fhe soil is of • rood clay loam. Twenty•lve acres are deared.level and in &root stateof cult is st ion. Ootd forces and a nerer failing stream of water rusoing along the edge of the proper- ty The ropertyThe )till Property adiotas the farm sad has eraroted on it • wormed) mot:+). fully e-,u,ppe.l and ru.ninff. capacity 1.000 feet Per In hour*. Ran by a " Idttle Gloat Water Wheel ' with pleadid water privf e. On 0 Mile river, T'be a is • hole frame home 131141, t: stones high with batches 10z?S and • new frame stable ?btT4. Property is 4 miles from Dungannon. le miles to taoderich and 1 miles to fort Al- bert. 18. properties will be sold In one parcel sub Jest to a mortgage ut 51.01X1 1)• hearing 6 per 0,114. irtera51. For further particulars apppply to JKROX. „r lurfl'S 4. RANI Ma. A ser. Itarrintrr. fie. ONOHNricb, Jeer 1st. 1551, tilt 3 Neese* tour.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1. the .ratter of.. MIN F M. 'troy. .111. t - loge oflflprh. is the ION efts of list eon, Node is he*eby given that the above named „Imam k Moltlroy have ,reads an assignment to me, under the provisions of Chapter 124. It. A. 0. 1407, of all their estate and ef!eet• in trust for the benefit of all their cried oars. A meet IDE of the creditors of sail estate is hereby oonveeed sad will be held a4 the law omoes of Gibbons. McNab fi Mulkern.l.ondrn,. on Monday. the 11th .day of June. A. U. 1811, at 2.30 o'clock In the afternoon, for 4 he appointment ot Inspectors and the airing of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. Ail creditors of the said estate are hereby reqq aired to Illy their claim. with my ooliriten, Of6o•e. McNao k Mulkern. London. sees dlr acted by the said statute, on or hefore the lar of each meeting. After1illy 1st (0-4,1'hallpro- ceed to di.tribnte the raid ..tate, having re- g ard only to such elalms ace 1 11.11 have notice of. and 1 shall cot be responsible for the *soots of the said rotate or any part thereof. to any person or persona whose claim or claims shall net have been filed. Dated the 34.t day of May. A.D. I11. I•. H. ARMS flt4)%O, 01$K0NB, Ma•NABk MU IIN. Trustee. Solicitors for Trustee, 61121, Proportr for BAIe or tor lust. HOVSII AND LOT FOR SALE, OR w114 exch•age Dana smaller pf•m. with • very oemmdso.. re.idsaes • alirth et. Ooder/eb, within three minutes' walk •N the Ogsmre. Mr Tadao partleolu, alydy to IR R WAt.OR. P.oata 274. Gr. . 4,••,.1 1: h CM. I -.. t.,. n: in r.. 1..' 10','. _. 'ate deed.. ALV +SL I?A,R, at. , : s ti-* 'Tv.:.•4,. „::lits... , t biases ItAt NEW TWO 11 EEKS. Pr kr. '.A I I'ON A•rE Or - COPPER FOR PRAYINt; TREES. Prevents las of fruit from fungous tli4eaw, an.1 inNects. Sold .by J. E.' DAVIS, PIM >L Nt •Ilcul Hall A TCRMll*UOVER tl -1 pito I.ot Ref6 rhe Afpjraaq of 00, r00,1y a.w, .sed orchard of choke fruit. V r:.lt **Li; s'Ir "v,NT. MnOemb•, (lodertrn tmwa• , lades trout Uudertch. acres 010rr or le.. I4►ro lox w nag creek. •n g�.ra���1�tm ean ra, cbe barba en 08117 terms, Appl7ie JOHN KNOX. Aucuoaeer. Len 1 la the broken front, woo of the lake read la the Western dictates, Township of Col bared, county of Herm. 3 miles train Uod.ich osmprlsina 110 sorsa large bask tarn, gad Mem Muse 44 s4ory high, nearly sew and good orchard of choice fruit cm be bought on easy drum. Apply to JOHN KNOX, Auction ser. BM.k A and R lake range. Is the township of (1.8.rsa, oessmthttg of 11110 acres mor* orJnr. There are es ahs tees • frame hoses. Mine bare std Ma1Wg. About 7 acres yona4erehard .beim Milt. About 411. servo of boil, This farm is era aderef • mntsblea grazing farm. The hem can be divtdd to suit yard:own and bo0yhtroa easy terms. Appall to JOHN KNOX. Romeo *ad lot in the tows of CHaum,-Let 41, M.wr+t. opposite tee old wools alll, ego. erste. risme hopes 14 story hig1, 0 ate.. iielmllaion with good r41I all strip atms of 4.s••ir. Apply to JOHN KNO Ns� A ttetioessr. FOR $AL11.-,fir i LOT it $ND OO11- asel.a. Sass •..n. lid Masao. ?Ws Is a Ilissa ms tars. Ale isms iet 470. Rea.- Ada limey to PiiILiP MOLT. 14.14, 100 A(YRE FARM FOR RALE -TRR old btsa'-mare: t' t:,• M:e 'mow lama day, d 1M barmaid, of Kass W ombats11• j► Iag Um half ..& road that lot f� Wads Nom Ooder►eh t, oasseessioa I. oe �• Whew h.m. H M rioted Moat 00 rade aro. Anti mrR • thfinos HII•g• ells lour ottoman sad • ••bole attar at Cels A o mp•nttvl7 mew trams beast with gems I•rge tome add collar with other teevaN.me.e. sad good bask barb mad stem Ile Ibrps Mvhto anal trees are es the Ablest SII aacrs are �clleear d. The etress l She AY ♦slim. P Oa Wit VOIR BAIT ATA 111ARkAIN,-THAT l assmisilisastren}sas pals 'Ery S. Num. Loeb P.O. ♦ to NORTH -WZR'I' LANDS FOR SALE. b000ACRES OF VALI'AR1.E improved .sd ttsaap'ovd rarer Weds at Maestros ramie, trews 1 t. 11 ane bow Qm'Ap,sM. 51.14•.. N. H. T.. fee .ale vert ohmic. Nn Mur hada tar aged in- lets see M Its blas I. Oasa5 . 1111 Y pmiimmtre army A. D. DICKSON, HIM raw, 0 slur,d. 1 ,its , l,,1 tha4 aro have leo much of this One Ilse lied now you get ?to henefh. Downie i -rices farther than ever be. ton, sad farther than Ihe7'll ever go ag.ia. What • chance fou have to furnish I'rewind rooms or Parlors with elegan• upset' -'end roods at price. which cannot be repeated. Furniture covering. A large hoe in stock. All raw Patterns. SMITH'S FURNITURE STORE. ThS Pooplolr g !DD'S PLA1rINO MIf.L.- SAM AND DOOR FACTORY.- 111 MAR 0. T. RT. STAT10N,- NW* BRUNAWr1CK MBAR BHi10GLEB: Extra, 12.M. Cheers. M.N. laid elms aware. 00c Eitra Na L /l.« Close cat, beery 5hlagls. MOORING AND WI/1 N D, 514 M per M. DOORS. 841444 AND BLIND:'. e.ivalty Sew IdAPL t. •N 10 *41.4.4 1.)wui.IN(., 1Jn dried. D RY HEMi.0('41. ler but/dies., LATH PiCK- ETS.OATSn. etc.. ern. DRAIN TILE. 71RC,BR1('4. 4r 17 Jt18MAR KIDD, AH1Mb w..sswm• 0' A0RNT8 1A>N1SD FOR 1)t; A It. H7 DR* flogS. corselet a history of Metbodlea thrsaiRleat the world, stills "THE STORY OF METHODiSM," Tracing the riser and of that wonder 101 1,411,1011111410,1111110•1 wlk•ta 11ke the Gaff S tream. bait (pees ~wet to wide waters sad ,sedan te asy hods, •ml Rtvtag an weasel aaof��yI.. *s .'airmen ad 1.544.04... o4 to- edatm1 le th.. 14which0. 4on WWI The tea,," of Moth Nagof the ifsJolhh M.A., IAD . R . Ths J..p8 el died pr'sa��l.a.raw be tiesele iftera M': ansa of e.•rtt 1 aNeohresass*Mw,a A�t.m�4wd 'Atop .• time sod wane �s t= M.5...5 ameba oily sass isates• MfsMmS It 44 v. tmrri tree hdl preetalliisa. M rnii saw. - mew- at sass fat 1111t WILLIAM .8.8& .sollod n wIL IAM RRI ittemam oO.