The Signal, 1894-6-7, Page 44 THE SIGNAL': OODERICIL ONT , THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1894. Skt se pwesattst EVERY THURSDAY MORNING es D. a.g1Yel* SV. Ones M lsa►t s-1 sod it Nsstbe i0w. Terms .f em1.ertpm.m t se sessith, to adman* roe months, morose, fervent y .shed, the erne flues Ire will M t 1 l 1 KNetlon B[eettng.- WEST hURON. MR. CARROW'S Mems, la tea iseattst ad the Liberal thus date will be Maim Fen Lae.% Thawdmy, Joao 7th, M 8 r. u. ST Haines, Frilly, " age, •' ST Ai ou nits. Bat, " 9th, " .. Ltestote, Monday. " Ilth. " " t:vosaleie ,T..d•y, " 12th, " '• (l.ii ne „Wed., " 13th, " " Bsu.aeit, Tharwlay. ' 14th, w " Wnsotatae, Friday. 15th, " •• Hooves., Monday, '• 18th, " t.. Ni o:ATlus, 'rues.. '•_ _19th, i' a• Tee Nita, Wed'ns.., a• 20th, " .« BtLrasr, Thursday. " 21st, .. " 1►u, u''•, Friday. „ 22tb •• " W►at addresses will be delivered by M•. GARRUW and others on the public .ime noxa of the dev. The Hoo JOHN DR11.DEN, Commissioner of Aericulture for Oaten°, will address the meeting. .1 Dungannon and Blyth. The Opposition Candidate is in- vited to take part in the discussion.. ALL ARE INVITED. ELECTORS' ATTENTION. The Lateens' comm,tteeroom over Vatees turd wan store be oven at ' e.crp syr niag. [.-err one iateeesisd s the ebrtles of Mr. °arrow is cordi .UJ in. tied to *trend. fi; 1t By order at COMMITTER. WEST HURON Lihra1 Mass Meitng. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. A mass monism will be held is tin heao est of Mr. J. T. GARROW the L berg; 1 •o fidate 10 \\ set Huron, on the evening of TUESDAY, 1UNE when addresses will be delivered on the public issues of the day by Ma. (:Ata,,,‘ aad hi. friends. An opportunity for duwseion will be allowed the Opposition U ndidete or my of his legends who desire to take pert. Special Accomodatioa for the Ladies. , . t ALL ARE INVITED. eamenion. TBi RSDAY. JUXs 7. tML THE Home of Refuge question . cold be pushed with vigor .t tots sesstos of the county council. A full osmication into the system peo.posel has bees made, the county Is to a p00itloo ts bear with esu the financial strain ; then are may county wards to whom the improved condition of support would be • godsend : aid the pro- posed system would mot sly be nisch b.t• air but e great deal cheaper. THE S$l.NAI. is pleated to correct an error tato which it inadvertsotly drifted re easily. It was eanouno.d in them column. that A. A. Yoe et., p•troo caudidate ('i. %etl,w'a " ygehs Pmicbo," was wagering fmill•esved plug bats on the resat of tee else les is Wet Hares. it turns eat that the style and nuke of the chapeau wagered is the ('bristy "stiff" of.oy vintage between 1878 and 1R94, and Arne says he is cock- sure of wearing the hat 11.t we might ma- hout the genial A. A. that there is many • dip twist the hat and heir clip. WE, take off one editorial hat to Porta Rrai, of that ilk,rwgietrar of Toron- to, ea paresiug his reply to Mears, Maas - orris •sd Howt.Arn, aad Mob mere potter s. Ms elbow in writing seek epistle to the gentiba. Perna warms ap the poli- ties! Pailiati.ss a good style..d deco se Natio( Mout the bash whin he states bold- ly oid *ably the sire sad weight attained by Mr Nommen ed How'L,•io womb never have Mea .annual but for dIe omit. saes smrivd h them in early life when their Milers were proctie•UUy pmeis es a the Crews. Swill fed hogs 1. yewth shoal I est gss.l so toed eeriest these who are sow M the temigh. WHAT bag become of oar eekss_-d member for West Rama ins the Dann._, Jseas CoulnatiOnde Prnroopo. As is wen bassi to ear madam the bear gee - Megan b tea allied Mefasr af MIR. Me ser higlbeetakobeees sf she Tght. tag Venue el the DeadMen. Well. the ether day la Lattaa el w Beam DssMiss w ssssk battalion .f the Bay .l (}faite military diarist -was deposed from his esmmaa 1 by Cameral H.aasaT bssmes the Cartmel allowed the Bdl.viUs drill shed to be used for • political beaq.et to Hnav (beer, M.P., and at whoa Hes. Joon Tau irso. was the prosaism speaker. (lea it be nh•t the Haa. J. ('. PrTrmawtt has gem on a journey or has h. r.dgnd Me post. tn. as gtts.d gess alimtmo of Her Maj.• ty's fermi ins Braise North Amore sad had the military stripe taken est .f ►r tremors. 11 semsIh*•g h•.n't happened wby Well this paws. THE visit.1 the Hon .lima 1►avuar to 1 iaagamaaa preyed me thug satisfactor- ily. h made the people of the section aware of the fact that the Mowat 1;overs• moot had at the head of its agricultural de- partment a pieta, practical farmer, of ability and enerry,who bad doom more to •dvasee the interests of agriculture in Ontario than bed the combated 'Steepen of the disgrunt- led office seekers sad blatherskite political Jayhawkers who are now rushing over the land chewiers for tasreased fernier repro .Menai on the floor of the House. Hoot .ions I)art.ry is worth the whole caboodle of grand high promoters. orgenv•rtom Isc curers. high tight treasurers and would be 'rand bWb.aod-mighty's put together, so fur as the tateresM of (aorta are concerned. SNAP SHOTS. Tlie nomination of a representative to the Legislature for West Huron will tette place is ter ('curt Room of the Court Hoose on Tuesday, the 19th of .lose at 1 o'- clock c it. Mr. Sheriff t:ibh.os a returning officer. To read our esteemed contempo- rary The News Record of ('Dote•, use would almost think that an election was imminent. Why doesn't our es&semed coo - temporary put • candidate in the deli, or is Patron t'...]oo.I1 still • pool enough Tory for the support • With a tfethaiist conference, its Angle -se deanery meeting and the Harm County Council in sessiou. the mouth of lune has been more than ordtcenly lively in *,udertcb. The Osesow organization Meeting: are sow carried oe in the Young Liberal rooms, Horton's Block, and the interest is kept op every evening. The NIethoiiiet piston: retire in good order and .ow the Episcopalism oc- cupy the lend in this oorawr of tae vineyard. How .lid it come that no effort wet mode on the part of our civic suthoriU.s to welcome the vtsitisg pastors' The preachers owned the town, we bet leane to reemrk. CONFERENCE NOTES. 1►on t take it amiss brethren ; are human ourselves. IRev. N ELlu.r knurly was blistered WI. to • summary manger. How pleasant it is for brethren to d well in harmony together, Brother Tooting, foruierlt of Vic- tona-.t church, 1;oderich, was the luietest and least demonstrative representative --the Dourest chap was named Legion. Brother NC.aNT is a striking retire mutative of the church militant, being ps- seamed of the thunderous tones of a Boa.. sa:se aad the physical make-up of • Sru.i- S. aReys A. E. SMITH and G. F. SAL - To,: were the scribes Ir.pc'.sattng the associated press reports), and we atsderwteori there were no phoriees ooeseeted with the convention. The centre] figure of the conference was (tenet -al Superintendent Carman. Though mot physically large, his intellect is recognized as one of the great forme of the ocsfereace. The "scrapping in the discus..ion on the superannuation fund was of an et. ousdiagly uater.tiag and at tames sultry character, and would have given valuable *sten to sense of our local political stump. ora Of course there is tato lobbying or log -rolling at • conference,severthelsss it is mervelloas how the prunes emolument drop into the 1.ps of the reverend geatb- sists who ksow the rope and how to pull them. it is difficult to W11 just how it e ases about, is.1 then is a very dashed Ge eram..t party is the roderere, lad there le also • very vigorous " ferny parson power " opposition, end it doesn't require • micrwoope to discover this fact, either. 1)r. (Dimino jt the youngest teed man in Um oesler....: he has bean in her- swes for hell • century and osmmittd ssNnmssy forty ons Sees age, bet it ready M try a pohmi el fall with the meet utile controversialist of the oenfermiee up to dais. There was a good sprinkling of jsureall as amour* the lay delegates, mesh as H. 1'. Moon, the sniffing proprtstsr'. of The Art.. Fres Pres) ; C W. nonage of The Markham Standard, W. H. Kerr, of The Brussels Post, Robt. Holmes. Mayor of Clinton and editor of The New Era, J. Rutherford. el T1s Owen Masud Times, Editor Irwin a the Blyth Standard, mad last Mt am least .1. A hrvid..s of les G..lph Msro.ry, nor old fris.d .1 a per. ter of • amatory me. One Saabs. The plsasat ,Rest and porton with whir* ladies may ass the (]sem:= liquid iatalive, Byrep sf Fip eider ell seethe ma, make It their 1•verMs remedy. 1. est Me tree ad gmulas artists. leek far the rats el the O..Ysrnv e pian@ gar Oho holt.. of ter pa,G DRYDEN AT DUNGANNON A Grand Liberal Gather's. Ma address he mad as ..host teem Ma • et Osww1...tl s Ismer es tav..ss Malaise jest be Mastro the fsdspssdsT1 saa..ter a the easdtdate 114are teem, bad impressed apes lie brother peeress that the w that were *Med to support was beam M his ppoolifta.1 views sad est the stns iebad himself to any party to Nkat would support any m.surw last suss r the or m of Ins ... 4i..u, J. Neil Mo• tri:so, frokis seat is the roams flee se sad ably ezpressed ate viewsis mo•wer swer tofromcall from theobam irsa He said tanbe was o • ttitrt bad tally believed that 11.im milete of the emote would be better served by the Mowat AdeiniMratMs Mao hey ether. sad for that massa be would support Mr. liar. row's sloshm es Mr. John Jeiesoa was the sett speaker. sad in • few well choses words, premised to support Mr. Gerrow's obsdidatmnl mam- mon*. The hehbg up hen to favor of the peat unmber, and the indications are that vibes s. btee helloare wet ea the 1411*, Mr. (;arrow's mrjurity will not be is the ie•.t affected in this part of the riding. They are • hard headed lotte of Screclimen up be, true Rnormbonests to the back bone sad the pumas ware of t Mesedithlsm ie e form of • muabroos candidate in the person of .lases ('osnolly, se to ppl•st a tried man like J. T Garrow, don't work at all. This very iatersettsr th meeting came to • close with thanks tohaire candidate and elute -man and separated at half past eleven o'clock amid • heavy dowb• pour of rain, but the elements could sot damp int ardour of the true Loch/Ash boys. They ars Dpl arrow mea, to to the °ora KINTAI'_ Ti rens**, Jume 5th. The meeting 1.14 here in the spacious hell adjoining the hotel wag a large and very interesting one, both in point of numbers who attended and in the smthu•i•sm that was shown by all parties in this northern and of the riding. As of was well known teat thin baa bees the strobgbold of the te Patron movement up to now and e of the low places that tbe Oppositioo candidate mee has held tiogs is public, there wasa de- sire ea the part of those present that lir. Connolly should appear on the public plat- form and discuss the qutsttoes in • fair and friendly manner ; but he dug not appear, n or was there •05 one proem e to say se word in his behalf. The meeting was held over for an hour Ismer than the appointed time to allow the to members of the Patron lodge thumbed, it brine theirmoethly meet- ing. After the appointment of Roht. Car rick se chairman, Mr. (.arrow addressed his midterm/elmidterm/eland in • clear aad lucid manner discussed the topics of the day. "It seems an strge." to use Mr, Gernert; words, "that then shaule he two candidates running for the same office, for Mr. ('oneolly bas die tinctly stated that he is a supporter of the Mowat government, and yet he will not come forward and meet me in public That does not look like Rehash fair play for me to have to fight • usoaidate in the dark, for my profession debars me from becoming • Patron or, entering • lodge. I am sure that 1 would give him every chases to make himself heard, end 1. meed have no apprehension that I would take any undue advantage of him. All I wish is to disco= fairly and openly the 10551100. that are bow before the public and to refute the charges that have been brought forward by Mr. Mallory and other oedemas of the Patron fraternity against the Mowat Government, and let the pshlio he our judge. 11r. (;arrow then touched on the surplus, showing by eosothe mparis com- ment position that Ontario stands com- rnA with Qnse bec and other provinces ; aim how that the farmers as m ee• class aro bet- ter represented than •.y other ciao in the showedlegislature. At some length be show how by hie skill as a oon.titutossl lawyer Sir Oliver Mow* ha d been able to moors for Ontario the disputed territory that l now yisldibg • large sum in the treasury by the sale of timber lieu, is The terve audience was kept apparently much iota.- sated in his remarks, axed the i.tereet did n ot flag for one moment. although Ma speech took ooe hoar and thirty miomes deli ver. The chairman next asked if any Paean in the audience wished to address the most. ing, after • short pause a voice from away meg ng out : - Vete 'It git no speech from the p•ytbroas tonight Timm Tremark fairly brought down the hems, and after • good deal of laughing • very sucoemiml meting was brought to • ekThes e usual vote 0f thanks were tendered toboth the candidate and dethrones,erones, and after three rousing cheers for 1;arrow the audience dispersed. Illy. Cbsww MeaMeals IYs .M temMeat• sad le Well Msessvei-Tse f.matrt..« atrtreMmre anis Tanis .a ter Imam er tee W Thursday of hist week woe • red Who day fa Liberalise al Dungannon. It al- most looked •a if the metre people el the 55otioa bed turned cat to do honor to theft old representative, J. T. Garrote, sad the Hon. Job. 1►rt dem, l osememio•er of Ain cohere for Ostano. The eieeteng was held la the oommodiow Agricultural hall, and the attendance was large and reproae•u ore. The chair was oxoptd by ism. veteran Kehsrmer, (tae. leerier or . ox -ward.. of Huron, with his usual shabnty Mr. Gerrow was the first speaker. aid was enthusiastically teeslvsd. He Mated that his tint political speech was made to l)uugaaouo, ween he was brw.ght out as • candidate four years ago. because his op. poetise at that tune, was • resident of Dun gamma ; and to the wow way, this menet he had held Ins fins meseuogs in 1;odertoh township because his present oppoaint lived there. Hs thought it was only right that the candidates should guest w the Platform and discus) the issues so that the peo fie might have an opportunity of deter mining upon the rsepsctivs policies, bus up to the present los opponent hal fought shy Hs then spoke briefly, but forcibly upon the questions of the day, and was cheered to the echo as he made point atter point in favor of the Mowll Administration. Hon. John Dryden, on being ituoduc.d, said be bad on two oalasi••oe previous to the present one, mad. effort to reach Dunn cannon, but the fates were against him. Today be had come as • eituuen to viskt fellow citizens and have a quiet talk upon questions of mo01ent, irrespective of party feeling. A moot vigorous and ef- fective speech lied been given by Mr. Gar row, and the deliverance proved conclusive- ly that West Heron's old representative was a credit to the riding Ind capable of tilling the best office in the gdt of the state, of common required. Mr. Darrow was • brave, bold, straightforward moo, inside or outside of the Hume, and was amongst the meet respected members of the Legislature. The speaker was a farmer, and heti always been • farmer. He had been introduced es Mr. Dryden, of Tomato, but that was • mistake, as be hailed from near the .mall village of Krooklin in Ontario county, and the fact that the Premier 1.d called him eo the Cabinet did not alter the conditione. The present was one of the most critical periods in the history of this oo00try as then were so many different divisions such as ala+'arthyites, P. of I , 1'. P. A., ad- vanced prohibitionists sod old time Comm votive* and Liberals. There were also some who talked of independence of all parties. For himself he knew of Do mote indspeodeot member in the House then Kr. (.arrow. (Hear, bear. lie (Dryden) also n ot only professed independence but prac- tices it. in his fleet political speech he re- served to hunself the right of independent judgment end he had meiotained teat posi- tion up to the present time. ale hal cause been bound and Dever would be. i Hear,. hear I Independent action was one nt the principles of Liberation, and was also • ordinal plank. There was no whipping into line, and Mr Mowat would he the last men to attempt such • thing, There emu no neutral ground in the House, .and a member had to vote one way or the other. In order to be independent it was mot necessary to join another politest party and vote solidly against the Government. He then took up some of the objections that have been brought agaiot the Government instaacinar the salaries question and making • renes of contrast@ in favor -it the amounts paid to the 1 intone ministers. The cry of extrays, genes was also • fallacious no.. and woe clearly refuted aloe, every litre. The bene- fice the& lied accrued to the farmers bey the egneull.ral policy of the Government wan n ext referred to and the good work done by the travelling diary and t1. agricultural e .bate was thoroughly presented. 50.000,- 000 1b. of Motor had bees the output on the market during the year 1891 and it was proved that slthougk other commodities bad remained practically stationery in price, butter by the b..eaosl ibflusne. of tl e trayelline dairy had increased between 1892 and 1893 by 1 Sc. perib.,whiohammo aputting in circulation amesebt the firming o011- moutty of an extra 8750,000 each year. He gave • number of metanoes illustrative of the progrees that bad been male ID this dinettes. much to the satisfaction and amusement of the audience. The financial rendition of Ontario, in o..trast with the other Provisoes of Codederntios as well as the Fowlers' Government was also taken up and the highly satisfactory meditate of the fsaanoes of this Province slily deesocetrated. The speaker oonc'udd an sterwuains, instructive and mamboing address by calling upon all pressen, irre- spective of party, to stand shoulder to shoulder in defence of Ontario's (;rind Old Mao, Sir Oliver Mow*, who 1.d time and again stood in the breach betwem this Provisos aad corrupt politicians of all erode and oataditisaa Mr. Dryden took his seat amid geed .d long-osmt aad ap- plause. At the elms a Mr. Dryd..'s address. r. Ceram te.k s in reply to • question by Thor. Oedema'', to deane his position on the tamperers. qualities. Hs wee in fever of temporaries legislation, aad had voted in favor of every nose..» of prohibitory etre anon. The chairman endowed Mr I;arrow's statement no the temperance line by citing bis melee when • member of the ooasty oo.twil during the old Dunkin AM agit•tto.. Cheers for the h1 , Mowat, i►rydee sad.' 'ams broog large .d repro emtstivs nee ia5 is • slam, LOt'HALSD . MotrDa v, Jnes 4. 1• the 1..e el • heavy dew•prwr .f rad. IoM tbre'eaed to pori est • g•theries, sheet 150 d the lard p•sdest yeoman of SAW.sali.. •.ambled be hear discussed the politeetl questions id t1. day. Mr. G.rrww was is good epe•Itl.g trim and his speech oecured shoot ens hoar sad • pewter to deliver. He briefly teaehed upon some a 11. leashes questions now agitating the pianist e•mp•ig.• aad is ties able smear that is psostfar to his sell, he ebony show- ed that all the ,Margie b,ssg►n forward by Me opposition were jest get h to upset the Mowat government •t any pries, nerd ,meld tea be poems This port of the riling is se0id..ed me a Me ea e-ghetde .f las Potrero and mash die•ppiNa.ms wee fel wet it was ismd That 11. Naiad ss.di_ •datteerw eee m 1 unease, sad is last W see sf iM asesa at say to mh m laver =IL be hers O 11iig., • seams' deed ho J. L I hasp* i• rib leen& hat a G STOLE FROM THE I. C. R. A Former Troll -t. -do Fernier Arrested en • Serloue Charge. Rn tt 04 !ear, (1o.., June 4. -To the great surprise of the people of this town, an oid rusideut of this pleas named tier main Dufour. who was oma a well-to-do farmer, was arrested on • charge of steal- ing goods from the I. 1•. R}heds and cars He was suspected and watched, and hay ing gathered proofs strong enough against hem he was put under mein Saturday afternoon. He acknowledged being one of the thieve* but say. he 1. not alone There seems to be an organised gang. T.miseonta Railway ears were also visited by them Abunt 8200 worth of goods were fond at I)ufonr's house, and brought to court for evidence He mid he would name his accomplices before the judge aas teleas Ulisppear•aee Is Terata Toa,ttu, Jane ;4. -Ors Saturday while three young Inds were playing on the Duf- fed* street wharf they found • coat and hat. They ruched in the Boat pockets and discovered • letter, which gave the name of Thomas H. Stanley. The dadm carried the articles to No. 6 polies station where the officer in ebarge looked rip the directory and found that • man beanog the name of Stonier resided at 58 .Stafford steel A constable was dee pstai.d to that addtwse and found that lir Stonier bad not been home last night. Stosier 1. an engraver, and ap to a year asp wee em- ployed in the Toronto Silver Plate Com pony, King street west, when he and am era others wen diseharged owing to the dull ansa Minos thio period he has been unable to get any employment, and It le supposed that in • fit of despondency 1. may 1..e walked sato the like M Deffevie street wharf. W. C. It V. O.avemal.a. 1,o11no1I, 0.1., Jas* 4 -The Dominion Wemmi'. Cbtidh. Temperate Union e..vmilimi Y 1e semen M London. Mies Tilley, of Tomatothe semuary, read the weal report Fuer sew aeons have been °remkrd In the Northwest. The *resonation will moo be legally Meow pasted The eresssre 's etatemsmt showed M rewires le be SEM Mt with 8877.84 ea heed. Morris : George 1► abbess •d 'hes. Osman, heel ad redd..t of Mends tows - aim, left ier • aims r Beiglated Nis week. Tun IhaP*L le 11.00 • yeas. r duan. Los M sese M year ftb.fl► UOMIN ION PAILLIAMENI thvawa, May :Ste -1n the ('ou teens thrN bells etas iuttudooed 01.4 read $fart time s a John Thuupsuu-To airtime' the Do• edition Re 'tom .tea He said th5e the Wil i'ruei.,w for • shorter tom •heloses Donau •t;•.0 sue' poloist; 4157 te aortae .uttetitmocien Sir Julie fhsmieu•,-To aimed the AM respeetiag iut5Mt. The bill provides that judgments to for ruu,.t) entree shrill beat Interest at 4 p r cent Tire boom thea went into ('usamtetes of Ways aid Meow. Corona linen, silk and cotton olodb lair au.l other articles torte from outlast taboos. lP2i per rs. t. ad v•lmein" leunask of lines, Inolm.Gag uai.kaDs, .lurlwr tableclutiu, sldebo•td an ea. diminish stir hum end doper, were ,'runs ors. 11 •t -J 1'r cant al valu,out. Shawl@ of ail kinds, railway and travel ling rugs and blip dDatrrs ars •:m+ 23 pet cent (loth, not rubbing or mails water whether of weed, cotton, ul ae or *Ito OC etches or over 111 width •cd weighing Lot is • than seven uauoee to the squire yard, when imported earluss%sly 4•4 the menu honor* of uneukiutose clothing under re galenite* to be adopted by the Govenrot iD rwucll, 12 1 ': per ceua ad valorem. The duty otherwise ei 2' 1 2 per sent Verne composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca gust or other like aoun•l, costing 20 cents pet pound and nude:, 5 osuts per pound and SO per cent. ad valorem. Hereon, May 31. -:Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper moved in the Coamons the arae reading of bu bill respectiug the sortie cotes of mastersaud Inas. or of ships. The bill was read • first time Hue. Yr. Laurier said that as the First Minister Ilea not yet unreduced his bill respecting the Iaectoial Francbies Act he thought the House would like to know what changes the boo. gentieman proposed to make in the act Sir John Thwnpauu said he thought. at the details of ties bill might be somewhat complicated, it wuald be of some puldie serviete if he stated what the principles u1 the Lill would be, in order that of might be understood by the Hoare and the pub lic. They proposed important changes in the Franchise Act, and, without making s stanch upou it or giving reasons why the changes won proposal would briefly state what they proposed. First, they proposed to adopt as a heats of the franchise the franchise of the various provinces of Can- ada They intended to peeping further that the dtaquaificatiuue which had bleu indicated by the Provincial Legialaturee .hall not apply to pursues who would otherwise be entitled to the franchise The Hones then weut tutu cam mtttee uu Ur. Weldou's bill to didtaucbtse vote» taking bribes The bill provided that the petitioner should deposit 6:100 alien !aide the protest Nr. Joannotte moved in amondtsent that the amount should be recused to BLOW. The atteudmeut was earned on • divrt.e. The bill was reported to the House with many amendment& it stends for a third rend mg. Nr. t'harlton moved the Hoase int. committee on hes hill to enure the better observance of the Sabbath. The Hors went into committee on the fins section, obeli makes it au indictal,le offence to be engaged in the printing, pub- lication. delivery, or sale of a newspaper on the Lord's day. l'oL Armpit denounced the proposal as s piece of btgotry.• They could nut get the Montreal Gazette in Quebec on Sunday mooing if this became law Mr. Charlton said the bill was directed against Sunday papers. which were an offence against morale, religion and public welfare, and had a most d.isertoos asset in the United States Yr. Masson propueed an amendment teserictiug the scope of the clause to the ..le, distribution or circulation of Sunday newapapwrs Mr. Chariton yid he was willing to 5c apt Nr. Masson's amendment, which thereupon was carried mud thus became the substantive motion. Mr. Haslam paid the section would make 11. printer. of British Columbia work ou Y. Mr. Usebard's amendment earthed. Orraws. June 1. -lo the Hoose .t Coamons, Hou. Mr. Daly, to answer to Mr. Oiromerd, said that the Government bad sent two agents to the United States Iasi yaw to promote the repatriation to Canadian There were some 288 Cana diens who returned during the year. They settled chiefly in Manitoba. Sir John Thompson said that if thew was time this session the Go.. would intrados the insolvency bill the Companies' Act The Insolvency had been tally considered in the Senate and would probably not require tench din elusion to the Hunee. After noses the House went Into Com- mittee of Supply, taking up the item o[' 141,408 for salaries and contingent 'Aptness of the Striate. which was pulsed. On the item of 8290,000 for the revision of the voters' list- Bir John Thompson, in reply to Dr. lood.rkin, said be hoped that about 825,000 would 1. saved by the pro- posed change to the Electoral Franchise Am in each revision. The item passed. Considerable dieco.ion arose ea the vote for railways and canals. °env i, June 2 -lo the Hoorn of Commons Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper moved the mooed reading of his 6111 to amend the inspeoelon of Ships Aot The tell provides for the inspection of tackle sed In loading. The bill was read • second and third Uma Hon. Mr. Daly moved the third reading ..f ho b111 for the preservedon of game in the suorgaoixed portions of the Northwest Teri ionise of Canada. The bill was read • third titer Hon. Mr. Wood moved the third read- ing of his hill to amend the Ooonral in- spection Act The hill adds ba to the lie of article d to be inspectemo- tlos was earned. After resew the Horse went Into Com- mute oe Ways and Mesas qq Ito Mr Foster moved the sdoptid. of the item, •' Bitaaleoas es.l. b omits per ton of 2,000 lbs," The Item was adopted. The item ed " Eggs, 1 mete per doom" was sheeted, wltb the a.esda..t that they are to be fres when and so {tog as Maro allowed to miter fros into t1. od Seise Hos Mr. Fol. also proposed WI ream Innes smarting that gods mitered slams the tariff was latrodesed ahold set he rubies to as extra duty, or liable to • rented, °wise to • ..b steam ohmage of duty, hat Um duty hares 51554 l rasa taco In trued mishoral Oa ns befog 1 serried Yea Mr. Resew the Bess Mb woe he repined to to, sed thus thezthe teal was Me mss! d e. •neper of tsrtab law r diene► A FARMER'S TALE OF WOE THE IllfTXRA$T1NO NARRATI\'B OR A liRRNVILLK (7O• MAN. WS triad IlJCagi wS1ti wetalte It Tia WOO.. -5 tolls Will raUs,VL IIJ.1111111111 mit-uewsp-pow em 5saaltam *LLTU MID VTa0OUTN. There aro few readers ef the Rssesler whet ere aha teenier with the fent that IN. WIhliams Ptak Pills ter Pas People enjoy • repmt•ttea ler escalate, bah a1 home aad abroad, set equalled by asp ether prw- pnetary essdoir. That t4 repusatioa 0 deserved is amply harm out by Meerriam°, easy of the beet mewspapees el the ooaatry, which have carefully inveriagated the snot • oteworthy of Me saw followiag the ase of Ptak P111., .ad have gwsa the hots u their readers, with • enamerr sad wiaui•e arse that admits of ao doat* ea to the annihilation of the report. Recently • re - • oil the Homelier was informed by Mr. John A. Barr, Ib wail kaoline drwggse& Mist the uartioslaee of • case quite es oink- feg as many tet haw bola published could he learud trim Mr. Samosa Sargent, of Augusta towe.bap, who had bees bwattd meet remerkehly by the Ptak fill West - men. The repealer determired to mainline Mr. Sarcasm. •ad accordingly drove to hie home to Augusta, shout siz mks from Brookville. Mr. Sergeant was found busily segaged is hodiing lop is the woods sear his home, and although well up in the sixties was working with the vigor el • arae is the prime of life, *A nhui'sg so trees of the fact abet he had be.. • great sullersr. Whoa informed of tbe reporter's muswo Mr, S•rgs•at mid 1. could sot say tem much in favor of Dr. \\lllaaai Ptak Pills, and expressed his willingness to give the facts in connection vote hr restoration to health. " Two years ams," said lir Mar ,coat, " 1 went over to New \"ark nate to work in • lumber nylon for the winter Osie day while drawing loge ono slipped sad roiled on me, injuuag my spice. The pain was very seven and as I could so loo'er work 1 was brought back 10 one hams, aad was laid up for about sit mamba. 1 oaf fired a treat deal .ad seemed to be growing worse. 1 Lonnie badly constipated and as • result piles developed whish added to my misery. The venous treatments did not appear to do me any good, and one of my mightier, *domed are to to try 1►r. Wil tams' }tisk Pills. fly swifts went te town and procured • supply, yod 1 had sot been teeing them long wises 1 foesd myself growing stronger end the pets , leaving me. The pills male my bowels i regular agate and the piles disappeared, and by the time t had Ween six boxes I fogad myself as wen as I ever was, and ebbs as you ear, to do • good day's work." Mr. Samsun further said that 1. had bees troubled with berme for tourueu years during all which tame he was forted to wear • trues. To his surprise that trouble left him Ind in April last he threw away hie tree and has hail no Doc iiou for it tuna. Mr. Sarreant declares his full belief that this too was dem to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink rule, but whether tins is the °sae, or whether his release trom the rupture is due to his pndsngd net es • result of has other trouble, the reporter des not pretend to say he simply tolls the story as Mr. Sargeant gave 11 to hint tee thing is mask, Mr ihrgeame sod hie wife are r. r amen iesem ps to the morns et o.. Si. I1...s' link iimideat•lly litre set. ream toldPink Pills W kiss le air Mrs er of the greatWdg Taylor. who Rees in Kossa Co,, Regis* aad who was a gage. Orem peealy.. •5j smile M ,sees hand sr hen, The trusty, afissemd her ebonite± M isle as einem mu ser sus mashie le oslgln fed, sed to mase elm owed ler eristasee Ile • ssaeid period. MR 8argsaar mht her sister • supply of Pbk Ptlis, thio► two showed that she had ensured the tag►t mediates. T1. treatment won oetieesd sad • farther supply of the pills procured after the osatimay osits Leed.m some what mid whMia optimaed srpaat Mat herd from her .beer she had rwgai.ed almost •11 ha several strength altar hawses hem pasatriteg for saem )ears. A depraved esditios ef the blood or • shattered Berme system is the secret er inset ills tier anti* msaklad, aad py n Merino tits blood sal r.bmlldiag the nerve, Ir. Williams' Ptak PIU, strike .t the rest of the disease, dri.iag it from the epee. and maturing the patient to health sad strength. 1a oar. .f paralysis, spool troubles, baomotor ataxia, eoutio., Thee .,'•tis., erysipelas, soref.lo.s trouble•, etc, them pills ere superior to all other tort ,sent. The e o • specific f tro.b4. while are or :b make the Times of to essay wow a.ber•Ies, sad speedily remote the g low of Matti to sallow cheeks. Mm brekes dews byw.orwerk,worry or .aceeti will Sod i. Ptak Pills • certain cure. 14. wan of imitating aid substitutes Hissed b be " jest •• good " Sold by all de•leo or - seat by mail, postpaid, M 50 o..te • bot, er 6 bone. for 42 20, by add,' stag the 1k. Williams' 11ed'am Co. Hoe* vtile, tt.t.,or Sahessct.dy, N. T. morns 0.5..11'. tleer.... Crated Dar. Tuluitivr.. Juno 2. -A distressing cam at 1.41117 came beton 1udoo* Ilctsut,g•U trstrntay !lies Carrie Holfugab.ad, a young wu001u of for city, daring her e0- •minetlou pleaded with th. judge to to tertere un MaoWh.rrell'. behalf. Het mold was evidently effected with brooding ever the unfortunate titian's cuudltt,w. She was committed to the .asylum. Fire 1. Partials. - 1)u iese, lint.. June 2. -Yesterday the dweluug house. barber. shop and butcher .hop, °word by Mr. John H. Wolin and ..copied sty Omar locker mud T Mt - respectively, were tx.mpl.tely destroy.l by fire, loss about 81,000: batid - legs insured for 8330. M.mg.gl nor SI.rarrr. g Nb nattier -le -la.. t'or.rmata. 5 t' , Jane 4. -Juin P. Morgan was hutted in the Greenville Jell- y -aid for the murder s,1 1. West:irgtM 1ltp:o, Lis father uelam Mw te Met. wommair- peer. Seed 25 " Sgplirbt " Sop wrapprts berrieg the words ( Why Iloe. • Waris. look Old Sooner Than • Moe "1 to levet Bros.. Ltd., 43 Scott -et Teraeio, awl yes will receive by post • pretty picture. free from advertising. and wen worth framing. The it an easy way to decorate veer holm f The sop is the beat to the market sod it i win sally net le. nowt ge to seed in ter wrapper., of you base the end. open. Write your mate carefully. 1r I\'ingbam Was. 1/as., the well•kso . clerk of Howick towarbip, was very ail law week His friends hep, to see bon mond vete 0000. - FOR - SUMMER WEAR: HUE AIZTS, YASSAB IINbAIINDEIIFF' LLWN " ETON COLLARS. COLUMBIAN SETTS All the latest ideas from the best manu- facturers at prices that renderunprofitablethe worry and bother of making. Theonly well assorted stock of White Underwear in Gode.' rich. XX%i% til&S.VAANCetit, COMPLETE OUTFITTERS. s