HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-31, Page 8Amomoisii711.- • THE SIGNAL: GODBR1CH, ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1894. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE pTAa.ISHU tea. HEAD OFRCE. TORONTO. M. •111111 w1 e111 MWSS DOg.uiadr v ▪ $.000.000. MST. B. B. WALKER, GaMUtAL Ma.saota. 81.100,000. OODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING Bouts Is TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DtanouwTto- DRAFTS MOUE° PAYABLE AT ALS POINTS IN CANADA. ANO 1441 PR1NCMAL CITIES IN TNM Unarm STATS, GREAT BRITANI. FRANCE, BERMUDA. Its SAr1ROS BANK OEPARTNENT. DEPOSITS OF $1,O0 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED. ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST At LORE o I.Ttaaa$T ADDa0 TO T'NR P.INpIPAL AT TNS IND OP MAY AND Y" testa I. IRON ITRAR. Special AftMM.R given to els. &Ohm,' - and Farmers' Sale Metas. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NEWS OF THE DISTRI"T. From our ownCorr'eapondenta Timer. 1. Iarermallea acre Time lamest e,. ad Asr where Line •.w..r the 4 ...ly specially Reported ler Ile i,anal. Stated Diets. wain la the Weibdiee Mar* b«. on Ws &Jeatb;-b.Ikr.».tM.! aild SToaw..-On Satarder eve.iag beat we were yiested by • heavy storm of run, ac- oompadied by heavy thuo,ler and lightning. which oont.aued for some tome. be 'ox, ear. The concert, held under the auspices of the C It F. oo Thursday even ing a the ball. was a success an every res- pect as to ette.denoe, finances, eta. oto nett Sabbath the Rev. It Fairbairn, will 1) V.) preach • sermon, to the mem ben, of the Court of C. o. F an Erskine Church, here Service to commence at the usual hour, 10 15 A M 1'IsITt St., Wm. Backe, of Toronto, ted formerly a resident of Duogennoo, war on a vast to rotative, and friends here 00 Tuesday of last week. It wall he pleasing o his many friends io oma locality that he s sutxeedu.g well in the I; ueen city. REV r,.ri' Hoar. - )Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Walker, who have Item on an extended vert to relatives at St. Mary's, Co. Perth. returned home on Friday evening last, and were much pleased with the trip, having had • pleasant lime and enjoyed themselves mmensely. BAYFIELD. Trtxit.tr, May 29. Mi.. i:. florrleon, of Loaded', is visiting It rased. here. Mrs. W 11 li guine, of London, was here last week vt4iu0g her aunt, Mrs. H. F F:d Wards. Captain Creamer was •' 'Neatorth last , week carrying on meetiers for ensign Maltby Rev. Mr. Rom, of ('liatoo, occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew'schurch Sunday mora - Ing and evening. The salvation .Army purpose having a MMorerally and jubilee oo lJor iouin day. i ore particulars later. On ,uiday morning next, at Trioit church, Ii.v. J. T. K.rr.o u •^ preach sermon to the members of the Canadian Or dr of Foresters. H. F. Edwards was fortunate in porches Ing • lanes quantity of sugar before trit re cent &deeoce in price and is offering specs prices to cosh buyers. Ge. your supp early Don't delay, as higher prices are. peened. 0o the evening of Monday, .duly tad, is intended to hold • garden party on th parsonage "rounds. ♦ splendid program music. singing, Rc , will be given Face lent tee served, and Clinton band will be attendance. 'the oelebr•uon committee is busy prepar sag for • monster celebration here on Do minion day. There will be no lack of music es • firstclass brass band has been engaged A gee program of athletic sports for whit goof prises will be offered, will he arranged Be sure and come on Monday. July tad. We hope that our citizens wall semi be given t he opportunity of listening to deIigh rut music by the Hayfield brass bend. n umber of our musically inclined young me have taken the matter up and are vigorous ly at work rasing funds to procure metro menta he. John Italy, of ieoforth, has been engaged al instructor. Dr Metcalfe, of Detroit, who but season purchased the property on the lake bank known u the Rectory. was here recently and engaged • staff of men to put the place in repair, ready for the occupancy of some Detroiter. this summer. The doctor has a n ice place and expects to influence other Americans in pur.hasang liayli.ld property. . A. 1'Nera,.tat (.I-L.T In Monday night .john Frost put m an appearance and a was by on means a welcome visitor, as he as • sot yen particular as to how he behaves himself to doing mischief. 13'e hope the re- - sult of his app.arat oe will not be w io- jurioue as drained or anticipated. al ly Ram.%co. -ib Monday, the 26th, the x Dungannon llechanic's institute •.d reading room. was opened in the new pabbi hall, on the west side of Southampton SL, and at opposite the poet office, the directors bawicg • leased • oommodioue ape:talent from J. of Pentland Ml costumed will take note. ---During the storm on ".ablath evening last Mott. Sproule had • two horses killed by the tlutd of lightning. They were in tine stable at the tams of the accident. There were three horses together. hoe ell not much injured, of any. W. have not learned full prlieulars. W. are informed they were insured. The bars was injured. A'.rrutt F i.mm IR 1's. i.tn. On Tue.. t day last the infant child of .fan. ('esaa., A A.hti.Id, died after • short illness, aged about two months The remains were In- • terred in I)unpanoon cemetery. Rev. J. • Jeanes eon. hcted the obsegutse. Mr. and Mr.. ('miser, the bereaved parents, have the sympathy of the community in the bereavement of their little one. C„rttT •ti Rat too.. --Court ot Revision, of the Aseeeem.ut Roll of 1894 was an ac- cordance with uouce held m the Township Hall, West W•wanosh, all the msosbrs of council were present, there was but one appeal against the roll, the appellant, not putting In an appearance, the court after Joe deioberetion dummied the appeal, the emeusor W. tA. Wilson. deserves credit for his rood service of esementent. Set•I.AMII0T+t. The sacrament ot the Lord's `upper, an accordance with previous errangement,was damended in 1':rakia.cburcb here on bast Sabbath. The pastor, Rev. R. Fairbairn, on that solemn es:soios took for his subject the words as contained in Paul's 2.d Epistle to the l orinthlans 5th chapter and 14th verse. Then was • goodly num - r ot communicans. Rev. S t:, Ander son, of Si. Helens, conducted preparatory rvace o. Friday afternoon. 1!TRSVEST. -11n Monday the remains of re. Baker, ,nee Mies Lopgbesdi wife, of ame• Baker, of Hollywood, Co. of Rruce, ere interred In Dungannon oemetery. he deceased was bnurht up an West Wa womb. Her illness was of short duration tog brought oo by bawler taught cold hseyueot to confinement. The departed t • bereaved bullhead and three children mourn her loss. The sympathy of the enmity is .at.oded to the bereaved hu- ed in his grief. Stet -Irv; AI'ree !ATLI/. W. •re pleased note that in eo.•eimenee of the ;pprecis on of the services of the paster, lee,. D. Rogers, of Dungannon circuit, amid alert of e pleasant and harmonious holler that iota between him and the ooegr.gatiow of e circuit, be has leen unanimously tend - red • cordial mutation by the hoard of anag.m.nt at ita Met quarterly mooning remain another year as pastor. The v. gentleman has been for two years on 1. circuit, sed is much esteemed. Tat 24Th Th. Qo ll.'s birthday was brot.d by our .itis... in Rood foram, and aesordsace with their varied mode of es- jeymeeL The lode* of 14. T. of T hold a Ionic at the poet - that u Port Albert. its a number of them took in the affair *spayed themselves to their heart. oo. R ()titers of oar citizens took ill the games. etc . at the Sepoy torn. Hy the way, there mast have been s large gat her ing there as the vehicles with their occupant., beaus and belles, old men and their wives, as also middle aged and their bettor h•lvea, ere on the move through here from early ing until aeon. All were well pleased KINTAL. MOND ty, May 28. Miss I:ell• McKay returned to Sault Ste Marie, Mich., per att. Monarch atl;odenck oo Saturday. Mit John Mathews left for Duluth Sat- urday last. where she will join her husband, who has taken up his residence there. G.txt ret IIIITIKII COLL'M.ta. John A. Mcl►oosld, who bas been spending the Winter hen, has returned to British Cul- be untbu. He was accompenlel by Ws sister, Mrs. Henry Ross, who has also been *peal- ' tog the Winter at Meted. The left God- erich on the ear. Monarch Saturday last, M TrEwAT, May 24. •1 Joon McDonald. amoompeeied by kW ell w Per, Mrs. F. Ross, left last week for ten T Western coast. w C Chisholm, of Goderich, with the sup- b. port of hie wheel paid our village a flying Int flint Sunday last. Wm 0 1.11es an rrompsnied by .l .1 Econ. to nor, of Wawaneeh, eundayed here, being b. the guests of 1:. O'Callaghan, brother of the former D. McM%irony, accempenaed by his t^ da.ghter Lena, left recently to spend their II wombs' under the parental root at or near , Toroeto. Katt. a number of young folk from *hie th yietniy were participants in the ball held in Dungutnen on the 24th. They all report m having hada good time and anjeying then Ito selves •xeresdtngIy. n Rea. F. D.smo.d,of New Br•aaswick,who tb has been visiting friends in this vicinity tor the past two weeks, left recently for I.rees. ook to visit ether relatives previous to his Qeb donatorsfor (blorado in {,site a heavy storm prevailed ker. on easywas followed sad wfollowed by laa vary cold I in the weather, whit also caused se I w and nn to he made in the waterlog water - 1101 of a good may of our meet timid iadi- .Idu.la DUNGANNON. Nverrio e. Tho moot savvier 1s 131186 11641 feyTaa asenai. ta at the Mlles ef J. G. Wrest, Jr era vey..er, ie.. she will reel ve ee „ dors for entsetirdess, ad eath er turd }.w ssov. work. amid le sensitised M give morose for ter 41ms.st. Mid ler the rase TrnnaJ, May M Or s Pierian: Tor. -Durkee last week Mr. and Mn. Robert M&Wvh and ohildres were visiting relatives in the town ot Galt, PCo. WASerl.s. Kre,i,RatAlrIeAL_- Rey. Mr Philp. oui. '20 PERCENT. OFF our clone marked price of ens jacket in the stunt All capes at clearing priori* a pretty cap. worth, $2.25 for 81 67 clpelcial valise in Fawn Navy and Black Cloths for capes with their day's recreation. PORT ALBERT Ter.Ar, May 2'm Mss 4 arrsll retuned to liederich en Friday. Mn. l'ronarl , London, is visila.g her pseudo, Mr. and Mrs W m. renew. Miss Hemet Hayden, Shs*pardte., s ten gesso of hr uncle, R. F. thirty H Took, photogr.pher, Clinton, is is the village at present.delivri.g ut4ers and tak- ing views. Miss A Rurrew., Carlow. spent Sate,dsy ted Sunday last in the village. the guest of Miss 0't sant. A nus*Iw of Dnnga.so.ime pnsteksd here o. the 24th Ws end.rttand they spews an enjoyable item Martin grew had the miafrwtane to been same of their fi•hot. "snide 0. the drib, through the building in, which it was stared takaitg bre Mr tad Mrs H. den, Oaleriehorere i. the slaw W.- --L , dLa wee is - C. IiSllhNE& CO.'Y are,h.wtaa • tall rays sr Fas�iouaDlc gals IN STRAWS and FELT GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Full ll... In every Department. teen sad examine goods and prices. D. R. 3fltl & Cit, Mel.eia's speck. Car. Square sad M..M.Na STILL AT IT, aid expect to be for the next few weeks welling those very Artistic Prapue that are admired by every one and porches ed by thoee who require them. They are very cheap end right up to date. NO OLD STOCK. 203 of throe 11'oNI)F:RFI I. SHA14144 at 35e., we have place) s.0 position this season already, sad have • few more left. f81ECQEil;C THE NE, 1 have SHADES ell the way frau 10 cta. up to $2.00 each. GAB and see them. Shade. made to any sins yen like. I have • large stock of Express Waggons, Velocipedes, Carts and Bicycles. see my Boys' Cycle for $1D.00. A visit to the b'UPCI.AR INIOK )I<F: will cooymee you of the place to buy. I am here to do hosier, not to make any reference to other merch•0ti good.. D. B. CALBICK, Tie requiter Reek More. f)eaertel. tending the funeral of their relative, Mrs. H. E. t tt way. Another of our villagers has goat over to the silent majority to the person of Mn. II. E t Itway. Deceased has suffered for • long time with • complication of ailments, and to spite of medical aid succumbed to ber sufferings oo Monday of last week. The remains were tot.rred in Port Albert ceme- tery on Wednesday, and were followed to their last re.t.ng place by a large number of sympatbutog friends. BELFAST. Mos.ty, flay 2E. The orange )fall will soon be complet- .d. Our senior football teem is ready to re- ceive challenge*. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Alton, of Kiolough, visited friends here on the 24th. W, A. Hackett,, M.1) , returned last week after a prospecttdr trip to Detroit, St. Marys and other polite. •famee Mullin, the veteran stage -driver, did not take • trip to the Northwest, as re- ported 10 last week's paper, but is still at his poet. Some of the " loyal " boys are already preparing for the 12th, and maim, the nights. melodious t•, by pounding on the big drum. Faect.ioa matters are quiet here yet, but we are hoping that the candidate. will visit AA and debate the public questions from the same platform The population of this city is steadily on creasing. A few days aro the wife of our popular teacher, S .1 Boyd, with another aesvtant •n angelic buy. Scotch Biles and GHiha.ois, - - - IflSh Pnh1tO Limos, - - Freilch CkaIliea We show over 100 Patterns in above fashionable and serviceable Goods to choose from. All designs confined to ourselves here and all marked much below city prices. Bouillon's Kid Gloves m the new Shades of Green, Fawn and Rose. Very Handsome they are. Dress Goods in Black and Colored -the choice was never before finer -and trimmings to match all kinds, never -before so Dainty or so Bich. Remember we are going out of keeping Carpets, and are Selling beat 3 -ply and 2 ply Wools and fine Tapestries at 20 to 25 per cent. discount. See the new Patterns and Colors in our Carpet Room at Bargains. W. ACHESON & SON. S4 -Highest Prices for Eggs and Rutter. el DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Call and see our display. See our line before buying JEWELERY, All the latest designs. Repairing Warranted. C. A. HUMBER & BON. Agents Celebrated Slier Cycles. SMO YC T WAIN= ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you a Ith a goof article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE !N Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also • Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't foil to give nie A call. R. W. McKENZIE 9 • Te Crabb Block, Goderkh. Subscribe for "The signal" --$1 a year. Just Received x x ANOTHER CARLOAD OF White Ensilage Corn VIDEAN'S ---EastSt. flour and -feed -Store. Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. POLLOCK'S RICES LEASE THE EOPLE. Our steadily increasing trade is a proof that our Goods and Prices are right. We aim at giving the beat Boot for as small a Price as possible. so we buy direct from manufacturers, and by buying all for Cash we get the Prices down. SEETHE Men's Oxfords at $ r15c., always mold for $1.00. " whole )Foxed Balm, 1.25, " " 1.50. " 1)ongola Bala, ,. 1.90. " " 2.25. Boys' Buff Bats, sizes 1 to 5, 1.00, " " 1.25. " ., .. 75. " e 100. Mimes' School Boots, 85, 1.00. " Oxford " 1.00. " "- 1.20. Ladies' Oxford Tanned, 1.23, N 1.40. Oxfonls 75, is 90. Ladies' Dongola Butt, extension sole, 81.50, always sold for $l 73. Von will find we have Goods as Cheap zoo the -Cheapest an.i an Good as the Best.. Bring along your repairing. H. B. POLLOCK. Y'owlar's Old 1, Uoil rick, SPRING SEASO M22.12-21NTERY.. Our Miss DONAGH has returned from the Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Best in Spring and Summer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITH G'la.sgow douse. Here's a Pointer When you 5 cent IO cent Zocent 0/ ?RI ask for a plug plug plug POPULAR DERBY PLUG 'Smoking Tobacco be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. XMONTREAL • RlPwAA•ti ? oods4.E N// L/lr ��Nes p *%TO.00 ,T; LOOK Of«E f 100 •se, Salscrred" LAs. .testi 1trf/I"tN..Alas AIr sa/ `1st ne fen• • fT- A Pin Is a Little Thing, But it is the biggest little thing we know of. THE PURITAN PISS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Every Paper of PURITAN PINS contains 360 Ping. and we sell ;them at 10 cts. a Paper. TO INTRODUCE PURITAN PINS - - t -0.1 We will Present to every Customer making a Purchase in • - our Store, including a Paper of PURITAN PIIS, a Beautiful Silver -Plated Pin Tray, worth as much as we charge for the Pins. Ask to see the COMFORT SAFETY PIN. THE PIN POINT IS THOROUGHLY GUARDED. Weave just opened up another lot of Lace Curtains from 18c. up oto $4.- 50.3In $1.50 Curta We LEAD THE LEADERS. Corca.pe,,re Prices,;_ We will:not ha a.awiri ` any Store in the Trade. HiiMst_Ptioe Paid fer 1b1IMar and Egg* JAMES ROBINSON. au: froza,t 1- neuirrafirt