HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-31, Page 7t THE SIGNAL: GODERICII, ONT., TIHURSDAY, MAY 24. 1894. CLEARING CARPET SALE! Our extra stock of Carpets, in- cluding Brussels, Tapestry, 2 and 3 -ply All Wools, Unions, Hemps, &c., &c., will be sold at Slaughter Prices from now till 1st of June. Don't miss this opportunity of buying a Carpet at less than man- ufacturers' prices. See small bills for prices. Call and see the Goods. Sale closes May 31st. JOHN T. ACHESON THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORK SPRING ECHOES. NOW IN STOCK 1'arasols and L &iibrellas, Ithe latest). Olives as usual up to the mark. HOSIERY Black. White, Creatn, Slate, lain and Tan Shades: in milk 1.1,1e Thread and Cashmere. ` SPECIAL VALUE . A large range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora All widths in Serpentine and l'rente :Iilitary. DRESS GOODS . . Cashmeres, Henrietta% and Whip tor( Cashmeres in White, t'rerne, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Nun's Ceiling% DELAINETTES . L1 Sprayer, Buds, Spots and Stripes. line of Emallwares, inc.udiag Pearl and Linen But- tons, 2 and 4 holes. leowr.I.■ kindq 1.11.1trr• err test. Diss..t for slash Iltad MVZNTRo, Draper and Haberdasher. THINGS USEFUL TO KNOW. New Brunswick cedar shingle* at Fi Adis, iLlpo That salt dissolved in alcohol will take act tome spots Ikat a very fins pen is beat for irt•rkiag 'oh indelible ink. rut storm serge is the best motenal for gilt.' cycling suis. That fruit is more healthful in spring than at asy other season. That banana peel will clean tan shod ae wall as regular dreaming. That court ple.Ip ebeeld never be •p - pled Ie a bruaeZ-- That meth* dislike newspapers as much r the prepared tar paper. Wool rushee very finely sifted are good for scouring knives and tinware. Try thin ,!toss of perk on the breast of • turkey or chicken whet roasting chat if • screw is soaped before it is pet .ate wood it is much easier to pet in. fo clean • worthy machine of oil and dirt to over it with • wet rag with coal oil. That all rugs when shaken should be handled by the middle ..d not the ends. That cauliflower treed for pickles •hood hat prepared by first boiling the v.ret•bt. 1 he mom. agreeable, restorative tonic ad mild.tim.leat ie Milbsrn'e Bed True and 1tss. leo That • teeepooefsl of powdered borax added to cold stare& will tend to rive tM holes nitre stiffness. That pole nage me he ..de to rue easily ov rulings* the yM with kerosene soli •terouthly esseetl That rain water and white in ern sods w tiebests mittte p is w011, h t•, wash embreidernes e+ivatly pimp, bleteit._, tan, and all itchier hnmon.1 the AL .re removed by meg hr Low'.lkslpber epee• leo Norway Mao �ne � �� Caddoma, domain of i ere threat sad dissa.le of the toter mei Prise Se. aid 0c, Cum arable sgen ad gam tf.ath Neal kd Neal parr, dissdvN M water% leaks the wit see td most aveaytt meseilyie te heap 1a the house. Whits rumps ere firs used ler a week sr al's, the nil sheeli be er the 'ter oil will saw aneedeethel smell Km it is lighted. which is f` reign wbmlean is .wallowed sharp. • .mills, for i.d•aee, do not give on meati., but ee a.e the diet to emited potatoes for two days. `1t4.4's (.`are ie sold on • guarantee. 1t 'er"'apisa ietessnptiw, Is is the beet o~Rk Ocan ( one 0101. tree ; 25 ete., aand /1•w per bottle. field by ell •w retor very bad burn melt beeswax sad n peer serest dmail til it make. • e which eta be readily spread with a us cal Kelp *very part Pnamed will lass Powdered soiree will take metes out ef yrovel applied ieotmsdkately. Tea stakes •s it •• deet • to u be im- w for • lelloses, sad h mai then reiag Iwse' euestion of as soft Pas et toilet cap whish are vary =en wV be utilised. blithe • bag el ItirbY isl tee gondllanesf erten sled WM the aid end w sadss 011Le'elerterelllisdif IS 'w a gealle ei slew Will peg that • �w e11.e et mak t! e See HISTORICAL LIES. • Pew Tsang. That Are trpered, tet II herb Never aspersed. Toes was probably no such . roan u }formulas. Tha first historian who mentions him heed at a distance of time so great as to threw extreme discredit on the story as told Ly him. Alexander the great did not weep for other world's 0 conquer. There is reason to suspect that his army met with a snow reverse in India, • fact that induced him to retrace hu steps. The crew of Ica Vengeur, the famous French ship sunk byan English man did not cry : •• at ive la Republique :" They bowled for help, and the English boats were sent to their assistance. Vinegar will not split rocks ; so Hannibal could riot thus have *lade hu way through the Alpe. Nor will it dissolve pearls; w that the story of drinking pearls melted in vinegar must have been • fiction. Pitt did Dot use the expression "The stream crime of being a young man. The words were used by Dr. .Joha.00, who was prresh1, but wrote • report of the speook from ao abstract given him by a bearer. The immense berme% gamin with which Archimedes burned the ships of the be siegears of Syracuse at as miles distance were never masufsetured, and it is now known that they could not have existed. Worshippers •re not crushed by hundreds under the wheels of the car of Juggernaut. The car has not been taken oat of the temple for may years, sed such deaths s formerly occurred were ezcsptionel or ac- cidental. queer mess attest a wateb, The watch carried by the average ser is esstlpseed of ■isety eight pieces, and de .a.suhKure embraosa mor, than 2,000 dis- nnes sad separate operatiose. Hes of the smaller screws aro so minute that W unaided .ye oa.net dieunguisk them from steel filt•g. or specks el dirt. Under • powerful magnifying glean a per- fect screw is revealed. The slit ie the head is 2 1,000Ms of an ince wide. Itt•kes308, 000 of chess mews to wan* • posed, and • posed is worth 11,586. The h.ireprig is • uVtp of the finer Mei, •blot 9t lathes Melfi, 1 100th iso* wide and 77 10,000th u>i Oke* 1t issoil- M upei■ spiral of temperingSeely tempered. was leehproems s secret bythe few fort these rt. saes ponsrilg it, nal even mow r sot generally knewn. Their w.taet.re requires s t skill and ears The strip is guiged w 20.1,- 000the of an leek, but ne .sae.neg instru- ment hes es yet bees devised capable of ane enough tanker to determine befere•bead by the sins of the strip what the el the llln.atd me will be. A 110 1,010 part el an lath in the Warmth of tate seep maitre • difseumee in the mean et • wank of about sit eoieotes an hour. The Talus of these springs, when 8ai.sd •ad pissed is watches, is emorutess is pro psrtbsm to she arterial from whisk they are .nils. A *emporiums will give • hoed idem. A ter ef deal mode late �rsprlmg. when is watches is worth mtltre tat.. 114 Ones the value ef the weight in pars gra R.A.prhr wits weighs ems t restidb of re- erode to sa how (ler smile of wire weighs fifes thee half a peen The harems gives Ave vibration. every .....d, 300 sway "se". 111,000, laser, 4.2,000 owey dei .ad 1h7,wo(IM every Ae s vibration it Meese abeam *es • ad ea•-hmrtk Igoe•, wrath sakes 197,- 100,000 revekesse every year. le meow Mas ere 10y _ the elapa bli an Le el %I -Mr p�la'.m'. yeie limy verbs. iA as .tike • per- Tabs�gkes ITlaekrdlene • lesemeelve tete Watch F. Weight If you are losing flesh your system Is drawing on your latent strength. Something Is wrong. Take Emulsion the Cream of Cod—liver 011, to give your system its need— ed strength and restore your healthy weight. Physicians, the world over, endorse It. bet be Mahe ih *NW am,* sewse. amenau. Agan.,!• a►aft b loot driving wheels. lam its wheals be run uot,l they aro altru these/tie number of revolutions that a watch does in one year and they will have covered • distance equal to 28 templet. circuits of the earth. .All this a watch does without other at- tention that winding once every 24 hours New Moon. The e:ltt e1 eprpntby. A few days ago there cane suddenly to ao exquisite youug girl a call to enter on the Ids beyond. so iuiperstive was the sua,a.on., so •Milt the transition, that her friends stood mute and amazed, the place whichhad known her knowing her no more. she was not, in the terse words of the old Bible narrative, fee4.od had taken ber. When she was game, one sod aLother spoke of her with ao overflowing love and grief, which was the expression of their great low. " She was so ready to sym- pathize," said one friend, speaking of her in tender tones. " The tears would rush to her eyes it you were in trouble, and she would feel your sorrow as if 11 were hen ; if you were happy, she was happy with you ; her laugh was like a child's, so gay and cheery Yes, she had possessed the gift ,of sym- pathy, •e that she mi. is touch with llt-ery ooe, whin -ever the peculiar need ; end se really and fully thus, ,that her face, her voice. her hand, were the instrument■ of her caul. It was as if Mise Wariag's sweet stanza were her own, and were her daily answered prayer : 1 •.k- thee tot • thoughtful lore, Through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with j 'yful anile,, And wipe the weeping eyes ; A heart at leisure from Itself To soothe and sympathize. A woman who walks through this earth of ours endowed with this subtle yet angelic gift does heaven s work sad is heaven's re- presentative. Of such another 1 was t..dd one day last year. Mos was an old, old woman, feeble std beet ander the weight of puny years. The village ca:le.l her " rr-andma.- and she had outlived uearly all her contemporaries, while her hone was in the house of • daughter, Always fond of children, she had w.ye of ber own which attracted the little ones ; so that on their daily path to school the boys and girls of the town love 1 to run in and see her,aod tell her the 00.06 of their lives. urban might be too bury or too hurried to Iisten to the children, or might consider their small affairs unim- portant, but grandma did not share this opinion. It might be that • little girl had • hat or • frock which she disliked, and grandma would enter Int It and say " Yes 1 see what you rows. You do not like that rutlie or this flower, and it'. • pity you Nave to wear 1t •o,wh.D just a little change would nuke it all nrht. Tell mamma that I think it would be better if she would just do this for you, or that." When the boys came in from skating in the Winter, or the hall ground in the Sum mer, they would stop for • chat with this dear old lady - past eighty, remember and sometimes she would say " Why, .dim or John, 1 am put in mind of your father when be was • boy, The brie used to have tine tones thee, be you do now, and your father was the boss, indeed he was ' " More than once the merry little fellow do- med a wholly different impression of his father, who seemed to hiss • grave, absorb- ed and elderly matt, with little knowledge of 'toys' spores simply from bearing grandma talk about him in this way One day the tidings went through the village, told from home to house, and in every house leaving a feeling of personal beresee.ent, ";random died last eight." The children of the pleas each felt that the best friend children had ever had was rose. When the time came for the finer•) there were services in the hoses earl at the church and all the mourning children mime by ones ..d twos and throes and is groups, briesies flowers to lay in the casket. Some brought the white flowers from their •••414100, some had oaly dove Menson*., bat the little hearts matt not be satisfied till the Retie heads had carded their loving tribute ea her who bed kept the child best so Sweetly through her long pilgrimage. The schools were clawed that day, for no- body oame when the morning bell rang Se manyohildreu crowded foto the honey for the rst service that the family quietly provided ext% arwupore.tioe for them to the church. But they were not prepared ler the toneless eight which met them there nothing lees than • obench half filled with boys and girls, sitting with mimed fess sad is revsre.t please, and awattied the aso.st when they could pay the lost tokens of their leader regret to the masaory of • very peewees friend. 9e Freed.m went hate, and i am sere she keeps in heaven the same dear gift of sympathy and of pun unselfish love which ,wade her Ills so rarely beautiful whsle hers. — Cettgreptienallist 1 beim area seise where this spry : A Ctpreached ea elsg.ent sermon about . A wealthy eosmber of his thumb met Ileo one day, and sad : Deetnr, yo. told Y • great many greed and beautiful t isge abeam heaves yesterday, bet you dddsti sell me where it ie." Ah," said the pastor. "T aro glad of the opportunity of song se this neersi.g. i have ism nese tram the bill- top yonder. 1 • that ee tity. there is • .!soler ofoh. ear ut 144.]. disk in bei with fever. Her two little Andrea an sink in the ether bed, .red she ham em gee • bit el seal, .r • .tisk of weed or deer, sr ami sr any bread. Hew, if yea worth--- worth of t&iug.ter pew le .t-aed sued Mem w her, sad thea gas and dei : '11y iter, T bene brangki yen Mese prevision" Ia the same of err Led and Hauler,' telt M a biblwmtd cad the ttwelp•third Peel's mad Meaimb dews en year bean awl pray -AN yrs*NA use heaven Were vett u..*1(7per Mrbill" The awn .:. fug he said , "Pewter, 1 saw heaven, sad 1 FROM COBBLER TO CONGRESS epos t litter., minutes in heaves as erertatsly as you He batistes." • genre's .lea May. Fre. the New Yeek tharaid. There is • stalwart heater ou Sixth at'eua* who makes as brad' as $10 • day en these pretty Spring ,lay• where *hop e•I4 •boudaut and joyous 11. is the Lig fe who •its Lehlud • liths white poodle at e inlerew:uuu ut 'Twenty seu•wd street. Il. is suppeirel to be blind sod to mil pseuds, but he mu see well en.,uih to dna. the Curious ch.ldren away whuu they shut off the view from the cru.sIug crowd. Th. ywudle is • pretty, 10nuweat Ouse, with a small basket in hie mouth, luso whtrh the people pour their odd mews. and time* .,!ver. Every s„w and thee the man on the cushion bcltisd the dont reaeties around, takes the basket mod turus its ouuteut• into his hand, and thence Into his cepa;aous pockets. Theo the era •o shopper come along, c.rst an rte of stvq.athy on the log. •std fill the basket up alone. 'The beggar across the street, who grinds industriously a wheezy organ with out hand and holds the repulsive stump ul an arm high to the air the while, s ands but . poor rifler beside the poodle when It conies t., *oaten. I stood for twenty minute. on the curb eount- tog the poodle returns the other Saturday afternoon and saw • collection from the crowd of an average of five cent. a minute. la that particular twenty '(!nous he took to bxactly ail. An hour later when I passed back that way become was lust as brisk. H. held the sante peot•tis iu hie hand, and wore Immure t,7F.8 as • peddler. Nobody took • pencil. At the, ratio en • fair Sat- urday afternoon the Watt. poodle couldn't take in much lees than *12 or iLi--presn.- lug he was .compelled to attend to business only live or six censecotive hours. For double that time i2) to FLi would not be improbable The man carnes a •mall leather valise or hag strewed around his • heulders to terry his cash, whoa his pockets which were just on the point of bunting with one when I watched him --rive out. He Is an old-time► in that part of town, and worked the same su.rresf0l racket last Year. A TARIFF CATECHISM. • a.alat rreseetarlee er reni■eat )'art. ea Ta$aIl a. The followtng short tetechism was found among the pipers of George !itis, • wealthy Ainencao recently deceased. It is publish ed here to show *hat • queer way he had of k.okiogat things. Still that may have Leen use the things sr. so very tinter. 11 What is the Intoning of the word "tarots” A. It is •o called because hundreds of years ago sea pirates at the island of Tarifa forced every painter vessel to pay for the murders of g.►sg Into and from the Medt- terrane•n Sea. Q. What is the meaning now! A. A certain sum forced from the people by land pirates. Why do you say taken by force A. it, Buse Congress says to the people "Stand and deliver 1,. Stand and deliver to whoa,! A. To the manufscturrn, etc. Q. In which part of the constitution does Contra* find power to peseta law tem - polling the poor to support the rich! A. In no pert. ' Q. Then where did it find the power! A. 1e the Bible. Q. Give the gook, chapter sod vertu. A. Matthew, 13th chapter, 13t1 verse '•For whosoever hall, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance, hut who- soever hath not, from hin. shall be taken away even that which be hath'" V. Is such a law republican in the sense of being democratic • gu.etnment in which the people rule! A. No. It is aristocratic' y. What de you mean i.y aristocratic! A. A government where the few rule the many ; where the u,aay work to sup- port the privileged few. dt. Explain how the tariff law estab- lishes an artstocr.cy in a democratic gov- erumeot. A. Congress says to the poor. Because thu or that man is rich and produces iron, or cotton goods, you ah.11 pay him so much money for so many pounds or yards, or gu naked, and work without tools. `t. What reasoh does l'oogress give for such a tyrsnuical law' A. Congress says, ch. law is • "dif- ferentiation of the Industrial functroo," which means, that industry 1s the fanctiou of the poor and the diferehce goes to the nob. Q. Is that the only reason Congress fess! A. It say, the tariff is intended to foster infant industries at home, Q. Are the iron, cotton, and wood in descries infanta. A. No. They are a hundred years old. Q. What date has Congress fixed for those industries to become of age• A. %When Gabriel Lbws his horn. Ooe Coogreesoaa did trove to make the time later. but when reliedett that embusses was not protected, he said he would withdraw Ma motion, •'as it wowed do .o good atter Gabe. blew." He sighed and down. own. t,f. What is the meaning of • Protective Tariff' A. Protection of the rich from getting poor, and of the poor from getting rich. Q. What i. Ube difference between the tempi. Ireland sad the fanners in Amer - A. Noe. Is both cases the taogath• e rr lives in the east, and the sheriff is after both. Q. Is there any other nmiliarity in the condition of many of the bid tenants and Amoebae farmers' A. Yee The tenants are too poor to stay, sad the farmers to peer to leave. Al is that the sly benefit the protective tariff' coolers upon the poor' A. No. It improves their morals ; keeps them contented ; keeps down useless desires. (l- Hew does protection produce such happy r.slt.! A. The poor have to work so hard to wppnrt the rich they hare no time for mis- chief. Havug no mo.ey to leave home .r travel, they Gee nothing, and their wagees w kept durmast. That bri.p coo tent. U you smoke a Ave Dent cipr,imeist span having the " Varsity." toter Blyth : Mies Mallet km seoopted • pnei Mee h the Mahan Beafsses College as esseker. erg, lett for that "ewe me Saterd•y. This .peaks well for Miss Mollat's ability, who eras recently a desert ia the same in e titottett. Renew On Tssaday Metes Wes. Seel) sad J. 11 McRobste skipped from Raster three ~Isar of expert settle They owe • don let la animals awl 1•spreeested a caw ever 101,000 distributed amo•g the Mr..s of ,kis airoMoa. Thele what It wen ea the sussed, he. seem hnetritive and sawhorses•s la perms the bleed, and bosh body end s1d.d sear bs eannegesmna Whet is usages to rearm porter digeetlea is • dew er tel Aysr's ra. They ewer hall t• r► jRepresentative eselete and ■is plait wash rower.,. , One of the sew members of the house of representatives rho lose already become 1nuwo as probably tl., Leet cuustriutiowl lawyer u the house, is • Crave, quiet eller ly mea, who had ►ad ea remarkable a user as easy moo in ('usgrved. lie is J odes Charles lhotehr, of the Thirty third New I York district. 11. began life to the rear of • dingy tittle shoetnaker shop in X. Nook sixty eight years ago. lir pandits were sr pour that they could afford to send Aim to i velem! wily sue )ear. That was a'l the I schooling M ever gut. When ne erns rtyht yeas old his father taugh, lout the shoe- maker • tr.1r and from thee tune on lie earned lid wan living Ile wee a cobbler far twelve lean, durt•g all of which time he assiduously devoted himself to stu•ly in his spare momenta. While yet In his teem he began to read law, and •t leegth when in Buffalo, he became • clerk in the office of an attorney, Dever receiving a cent of pay, however, until he mss admitted to the bar. I{Teotually he became one of the mast prominent lawyers in Buffalo, and to lhifi3 wasele.•ted to the supreme beech, serving for twenty seven years. He declares his ability to makes shoe yet, and one of his perulanrtes is that he never weirs en over- coat. 'vow Turk Tema • Aulr.ble baste. K111ie Auoty,what do they tall the man who hunts up the tares' Aunt Smith--laaid,•rmist by course ; be- cause he skins everybu.ly. TM TeaYm, " I :ertrn4., 1 have terrible 1... f.. you. I love you. " i 0b, Harold 1 faint support One." ' at's just whit I'm 1104 able to do.' airs, rear Ill. mw■ r • At the close of • long prayer by • father who had prays 1 for the purr, his son said " Father, it I had as nisch wheat in the barn u you have l would answer that pray- er ntyeelf." eti•/lea's tisalisce-. Mrs. '1. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn.. says : „ Sbdoh's Vitalizer ' saved lay life.' 1 consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system t ever used." For dyspepsia, liter or kidney trouble It excels. Ince 7i cents. Soli by all druggists. ,. w ver La.t. Jack-- How old did you say Miss Smith is! Tom She told me she was ::.3'un'her last birthday. Jack -When WY ber last birthday ten years ago ' Dlvreele.. Net rear Johnny %%-hat m.,ie you run away from Hill Slutthrrs' 1.011 was afield of him, that's what's the matter. Tommy --No, 1 wasn't neither • It we'd fought l d a licked him and then my nra'd licked me. That's what 1 run away for so. Nevin, the Renee. Streetl'ar 1 e .to pasaeogeri—%Why dont you put down that heavy satchel ! You'll break your back holding it up. Passenger recently imported from Done - gab Thim little harms has got all they etch do to dhrag this bog kyar an' the load that's in it. I'll the bag mesilf. TWO eta alar. " The son never este on Eoglacd's do minions," remarked the boastlog British- er. " England reminds me of an old hes, ' responded the Yankee. Why ` " demanded the Britisher an- gerdy. " A hen's set never est., either." aerlelhtsg t. site- Hartender — Mr. 1)e Taegu... private whiskey barrel is empty, an' we ain't got no room of ,bat brood in the house. He'll be in for • drink i'I a minute. What'll 1 do Saloon -keeper -There's • can of kero- sene there. Give him that with plenty of red pepper in it. ascan hsew. Anxious Mother 1 wish,Sman ,that when you give baby a bath you would be careful to ascertain whether the water is at the proper temperature. Susan 1►h. don t you worry about that, ma'am ; 1 don't end any 'iometers. If the little one turns red, the water is too hot ; if it turns blue, it's too cold. A tectaIadf. — .. A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Hum7liries, living in Keene, thnt., who used only two bottles of kiembray's Kidney anal laver Cure, has forwarded • statement to the effect that it completely cured her of in- flammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. Such • oumplisaGrw of diseases yielding so quickly to this remedy should enenurace sister sufferers to give it an hooest trial. Tko nefoollle sie.ersllsei.w Mr. McSwat had ram unusually early and as he opeed the kitchen door to see how • sunrise looked be encountered the milkman. Hello :" he said. "Haven't 1 sees you somewhere before ! " 1'es, sir," replied the milkman, finis, the crock on the step frau hie can. "i Ittt torted you night before beet tato the Royal Order of the Nobles of theA.oient Mystery. I'm the majestic liea.r.lieeitw, you know. Fine morning, isn't it !' Skin diseases are there or less Mteetly ec- osaicoed from bad Hood. B.B.11. case the faUowt.g` skim diseases : MbIagl•e, arysip etas, itching rashes, salt rheum, scald head, eruptions, pimples, blotches, by removing all tmpsritles from the bleed, bran a roan nom people to the worst 1sss/dsma sore. DONT WORRY! TRY 7 UNLICHT 30Ar tT BRINGS COM FORT ON WASH DAY Te�tirrz.--flog G,l� for Telne Plate Roofing put on by J. H. WORSELL TLe Ternr time Roof which you ',leen! on the new addition to our factor) while with Saunders &: t'n., soprani, to he entirety flan+ lector), aud, 1 think. will prove a durable root outering.. •1.1.. ;SAO xmHttw \tanager. The Tern Plasia Hoof you put on our beak- iagolllce fu met-- to rcp.are gravel has Olte perfect satisfactiin. You Duda a tint .•+ams Jeb, J. 1'. Ti.pstx, Chums. 1 ren .'s.err 'ly re omme5�d the Tans. Ilate hoof y eu pot .•n int 1.10.-11; .,f I No ea daring IML' 1: Lan g.v.•u the M .t of eatis(xttoa. J o.. a rw Witt reetg.p. Clinton. thnrourhly •inleratat d : •w to put it on t0 minkr a first Cl/L10..ert. 11•61.1%It44,414,, t';ihtee, The T.'rne Plate Hof you pe' on-: the founary in tae,, to replace gravel has levees \Oat satieta.?ton, sad. iu my uyi u.ou, is tl..t ;wet un Ole market, J. 11. Ito -s. lwsv, U.o,I.-risk. The rood you pet on my inside in !sal hap etuud welt cad a ywN t%.. W. t .Nita\, II 'hates. The T,rne Piste Ibtwf on hit Stores hes - Wiirra every satiate time and if 1 were multi y We are rbomuThly prisfiet that Terre Plate 5.,,4 get in. 1 would not hate any other if 1 is the ,.est dot ruodng fur our etiolate. and you g V*5 �1 (ix nuc"kid.er, ( beton. ton, It you omit a goo! Roof gat 'sVs'ItSE1.h The Tract i, Tin>u:ii h, to put it on. A word to the wise is sulfirient. SPRING HAS COME rpou't purielmse the following I:nois until you linens .ern ours. GARDEN TOOLS Lawn Mowet's (ten inch drive wheel),Spades,Shovels,Hoes, Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, Plain, Barb, Galvanised, Oiled and Annealed Fence Wire, and a full line of GENER4.1. IL-1 D I v44 RP;' at Price% to Suit the Times, DAVISON:& CO., •Ie.I..et. 10 It. r. ter lilt l\.a�. 1 I sen MOM THE SUBSTITUTE costs the dialer less. THE SUBSTITUTE costs you a good deal more than Eddy's. The DEALERS' profit is in the "just as good." Where does °YOURS come in ? . Insist on getting E. B. EDDY'S Matches and your temper will not b: rufad by trying to make the "just as good " match light. i THE ONLY ONE 1 -..,mw, '1l • • THE OXFORD'• • OIL GAS COOK STOVE IN THE WORLD That will barn ROUCH WOOD and COAL Penally Wilt... Do OXFORD IIIRDE wlthset Makes and Owns Its Own Cas From Common ('owl (lid. 41 mu dolts: Nas the Largest Own. IS A FARf1ER'S STOVE Is Everybody's Cook Stove. Sea Its oleic NO DIRT. NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN. Gooks a Family Dinner for Two Gents.. The UUUEY FOUNDRI CO., Ltd., TORONTO' Sold by McINTOSH & HARP,EH, Crabb's Block, Goderich. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. Having lately returned from a trip to the leading Millinery 'Iarket., whore T have }urn parchaaing n stork of nil that in new ami artistic in the Millinery Liar for this Season's Trade. 1 am now prepared to ahoy you the Tory Latest Stiles in Shapes and Trimmings. A ('ALL IS KR8PI1CTFt 1.1.1 S**Lll iTF.O Subscribe for "The Signal" $l ries