HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-31, Page 3Travelling Out.. Dew wive and SIMS MUMS.* as fed - leas . iris, Musrana ................. M new ant m. biPOM' LN nat. ma Fp saA+m se.... ......... .......►m; DMU ET. 01 • moo. c. gest . Weeny L Di :b.d.rtt ♦ gsenaak.. Vii`s Ise hood ter ramie=Nhnttrw entree - id WOW. ly _ _ RICHARDSON, L D. H., _` tre ft�,.ties sad vtta4led air A• esen..41. .., .eetk. • tat=. -om spree to lido prsovrvstbe a.sasa) teeth (mooaso a stain- - iMso Week eotsoasoak-I►eM- IrWMi• D K. Hl'N1')ii. PHYSItZINN A. If47R gees.go. Oilos-Mol.eas's Most. Meat - Night soli& treat,Iki1l.h Virgo B etel. '.4 SHANNON • SHA.N NON, Ph siciaae• Surgeons. Aa'oob.rs kid u. J. ',maN:K.Mo1t 4inc.NoruN soy. Mudd School. Legal. 11AMMON di JOHN:iTJN, BARRIS- fora atrtlebers. Notaries. hg.. tledsrleb. t'.... Over Jervis. a Urns Caere. I.. CAM rfu.. v. ('•• b. 0. JOHNSTON. ower to hos. MA 1 orTI-SL DANCKY, BARKisT1iK. uoltcitor. Coaveyasaer. tc.. etc. MOW to loon at Iowan' rotes. Horton. Nock, ow tun, Colborne Hutu. Odrrich. O.t. Mutt N. lAWI$, BARRiSTKR, PRe10- ter v. -bona Celbortio as totes.Courts Of 'Mown mine R 0. RAYS, P.OLiCI OK, ac. . Gamer et severe, sod Wren street CMI MNh, ever ►.l.Vrapb or... Pri- vate Tunis MAIM at wenn rots d iater- et- rARROW A PKOUDY'OT, RAR- oak.- J. T. Garrey& t].0. W. Proud tout. ('tANKk)N. HOLT HoLMEA, l.) ti.ri0M'. sabotages la Ck. cr7 as. Oodertch. U. C. (.ores, Q•('.: P. halt Delle, Holmes. _ I O. WARD, W1rVt3Y'& AER. it . kc.. 0.4 oGmmtmlo.r for **knot and re- gattas ortranissawoo of ball, agivIte w rro.tb.s, deposition. or warms declare - eau to or ou.wainng 117 action- sun or pro- oind.do In tlu High Court of J.rtire, the Court of Apprsl for 0mtartu. or to say t:oanty to I,I+uwu tOort, All uwuu m{haa ohooto t3 s..4 promptly *tent tel. P.U. nadren-Duagamiriost 0.$. 19 Loaua sura 1innenrion CONVEYANCING AND In.urasoesea& MilSeitmt Stru .'H• s' boder.. h. `I11 uNEY Tu LEND uN MORTGAGE ��tt it gpearr Dent. Nose �1SmeaalaL t:. COIR secs ss.prle Marti IIMe Y•d► IOitiEY TO WAN. - $26.000.00 oe D�ICi =ow cast. u - smelly. Lorry's. Meet. Mew. ('ell bore fsastL .pdmt._. 54149 FJ. T, NAFTEL, VIRE, LIFE AND . emitters tae.,.... WWI ; at lowing eaten 11n0 -01M f4411641..alt *len "I" anal. 1't 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAM RON HOLE k 1101.Y1 Yade- nek. juNEY To LK,KD.-A LA R'i t, 431 amanita of Private reads ter lavesuoe.t atlewset rates ea Iris -alma Mouses.•. Ape) .OAHIt0W k PROI'DPOOT - RKADOLIVYK, GENERAL Ups• Malay Real pyla/• Brat.- es.! .g ryes.. oat, Iso einW alpsrles Aw.NMd. Umber to Lead ea stratgli INaat VS* lowest rats of interest asissiz N M to suit slid dome trout square. West iNte , (#Me• Ish M.eharsrf' wtltute. I1ODEItIQH M1e0HANI08' INSTi- lT TUTS 12116ARY AND RSADiNU- MOW en. et Mot •tees aid liquors lap subs Ores hem 1 Mgr.'s.. sad trim T to Ie rat. ABOUT 9000 YOL'S IN LIBRARY. L elseg [blip, fr.erdy and IUwfrstad Papers, M sic., on Ala. YSMRSRM11 TiC ET. ONLY N. •u•uag Awe me of Lamm, sad itapad Apllieatalss tat seem ewelle reddest by weariest. lantern H. BM(TH, 010. PTiVEN, PreelisaSederiet Kerte 1N. tlsarelars, Au. os srtat. rpHUMAs °ONDRY, - AUCTIONEER .mai 1 as � Agsely Odd lasan- Co..Ont- sad Gera District 541.) taw ire Oe. gates f- '.4ad to la as7 part et ole eeeety. • l7 JOHN KNOX, OEII=RAL AUO- aewesr •d Laid V.tmaior. Ye/•eta4. �asWvls, ked msalldssaW eo.gelmses la trade. In Is la • amities le W .tel �.1��, M �t emt, fir ox Seed. tor Man MAIttli A11111DSS oFa 101001•1113" LIM TOMO. et i Serie et tensest IPm.tfalIliad'. d , saerletioa. Olale A R set Pentad Annonsommons. TEETH EITMCTED WITNOUT PAIN erNgC-ca�oaio� AT DR. S. RIQHARDeOWB eaRraL PL.a elel, flnu Ellt•STMICT C. lgar4. r alio a Mt eished east ertatkn•. �.asergam. a w .e . cand ul end strafe vsotester�tate I S.4.ei.*, �... w nunst gala Y MAW smiraimilea ▪ teeth et eigara eel la newt, wee, •sd res, gems gala the MOM .segs. Is SITIELOI r-CT8L011XDZI teat --- M� t sat = h 1 Itawab pia mytl mppgradbw Remy illseceep�eeoe�maa Am gMee MMwwsl . • Now RL iL IMOSAIM OM. THE SIGNAL GODIRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 31. ISOs. 11118011 PITY AT PANTING. Tec felaase mash Hue gelet moor parting That 1'mt un eel.). am deer. ! repaid wl sock bleak Is. UR.nace Your *Runt at. woil n•o.i .-.res. Vv., but m7 area Asa like ephy•. eyes, .rlle., thuoaegg\ ewer awl.tfll. A aide t.. real 1. ).air heart's took ,e, )ourwlf :teem. bu.c,'ulabl.. They've reed there the vera that yea 4e lged ow. And oir natty thniugh a tangle of scrawl; Though the .rryyeeat-Ie rlpoufalsehood of falseh Wove mysteries over It all. They maw hos your wild anguish .offered 14..m the crier .d sln.-erye$ hive A. the Matti ..(a w1m4.sept tetter From tient of a eauw-white dove' Thea chide me bat. being thus gifted Tome thaymets the veil ..t rear art. That Idiom tTi 0 like a `lido. blatpt ---- __- T!I E WANTED PROOF. 1. it pomible. '/Serlev, you have not given up yomarNovel fes. tng it this )peri od in your life'? Do you know I believe it a w^ .te of One's time, and in this work * day ezistouce we cert•iuly have nolle to misuse.' "1 trust 1 shall never be so busy that 1 cannot afford an occasional beer's read ing. Steve. lel fact 1 believe it is as es medial toward my secceas as my study. to say nothing of the needed recreation By the way, did 1 ever tellou how I wou my first case and laid the tounda tion of my lucrative practice from real ing a Story!" - A story within a story, eh! Well. : don't mind listening as lung as you an the teller. Th.• speaker* had been friends from boyh..,.l, though they had been repent ted considerably of late years thruttgt following their professions in different towns. "I wap a young, briefs ss lawyer in Albany,' began Harley, "dividing soy Hine in story re.4iug, wondering where 1 should get the money to pay lay land lady and trying to deride what trade would be the least objectionable to no whet. 1 should have te. take toy shingle down to begin a new career. Forton. was de-vid at ebb with me, when one sifter:eon there came a timid rap at my door "Bidding the caller to come in, with out leaving my seat exp. -vette none other than all importunate Inoney •esker, you may believe 1 started to my feet more lively than elegantly as a young ao•l attractive woman modestly entered my ('rnsue like den. " Is this Mr. Harley, the lawyer?" .he asked before I had recovered from my couftesinu. • 1 N course I replied in the affirma illative. legged her t.. be seated with what polio -nem 1 could cot nunand, and hoped 1 might be of some eervicr. -She Beni explained her errand. say tog she hail route in the interest of one Charley Grant. a young man of thr place who was thea muter arrest for the murder of hie un. -le. "! had seen the fnll particulars of the tragedy in the Iatprny and had followed the details with moor than usual atteu tion. as it bad reelued to me a peculiar !y unprovoked crime The victim hail been a man in mid- dle life whoposile.•ed considerable prop erty w,ll..l. ea it was undersexed, to his nephew living in the house with him. Mr Blanc hart -he had been bnt a half brother to young Brant s father -wee a bachelor -having a housekeeper. who on the day of his death had been in the house and wee one of the most Wiper tont witnesses against the prisoner. "At half past two o clock p.m. she had heard a gunshot in Mr. Blanchard's room. end fearing he had accidentally shot himself. as she knew he kept a gun in Its roow. she ruehwl to the apart 'neut. to had hit.. lying upon a lumege. with a bullet wowed in his left breset. "No one 'resin the To.ml, *11.1 as sown as she had recovered somewhat from her frigbt she screamed for help. when some of the neighbors rushed upon the WIMP. -When I (".- "When the excitement hail abated. she told that she had seen Charon Grant enter the houre and heard him go to his uncle's room about tutee' min stere before the shot was made. "She hail not known of his leaving the house, but a man passing the place had seen young Grant come out ad the building in a hurried manner and dash down the street at the top of his speed. "He sew by the chock that it was thirty one minutes past two, which would have givet4 him just about time enough to have left the apartment of his uncle after the shooting. "These witneeeee were not to be gainsayed, while others declared there had been a quarrel between the two men, all of which, with the fact that the prisoner had abruptly left town on the first train after the unfortunate affair, wade the chain of circumstantial evidence so strong no one doubted his g uilt. -Excuse me, for I ehonld except the pale young lady in my office, who. with tears in her eyes. declared that he was incapable of such a deed. 1 soon learn ell she wap AM sffiamea4 wife, mai. of oouns, ler plead ge is his WWI ooaisd my 1eMl11114d " 'Yea MIl maim hits won't yon?' she besought- 'Ton shall be well paid, and here is a hundred antes to ad- v�ili whatphmwe I took my first rwttdnee tee I will s d ■aderiah. bade scribe, but i promote)( Illeellati rm s0 earnestly that I would do all I could for bet lover. she went away feeling quite hopeful. • 1 never slept • wink that night pondering over my first care. but when I arose the next morning. nervosa and excited, 1 amid seem) way bo clearer toward saving my client frau the pit tall Into which he kad stumbled As soon as i could 1 Heimd him- I found him to be s peep nesessing young man. freak and honest in kis manner. "He arknowledgsd that he had been with his uncle that .flameout a few Minutes. and had pelt him at half -past two to catch the train They had had no quarrel, and he could furnish no clew to the mystery of the and .fair. He knew of no enemy capable of the deed, while it had evideatl ea been dose for robbery. se his pocketbook had n ot bees leached. The theory of sat Mde was set tenable. for the weapon with which the .1st 1114 been fired was the homedRNs spa the millthe ethers- w Islimper that i would do all i e0� gar item. 1 mixt sought the SUMO of dos 'Wish auW/ed in my own Waal that Chadok (MOM was innocent of **death of Oh wads. but Poland how I was goring to game it. "I Ieaei the apsimsmt about es 1 es eves to the gas heating npi•ts the well Thle weeps% which proved le to Ina rtlf. lir. Semtiard had awned hu actual service during the war, has` au two pegs jest .love bat several het ley 1 the lounge where he had been ly, lag mad on the 14110. aide of the ram. "Naturally enough this fine.rm is criv.vl my fnt attention and I had . arcely noticed its purtll Ielan ye to that 111 til./ unfortunate IH,.)1, when to a utuw9ut 1 fancied 1 saw the sdulion to the whole sail alsir. The 911.41144.1 was suggv.tad. I know. by a store 1 hail read a few days previous. where the situation was exactly similar to this. That pie nourweut to the story I had considered a chewer artifice of the narrator. but wheel brought face to fate with the the ury, 1 suddenly conceived it to be not probable pnt tensible. At any rate, was resolved to test It • "Aoeoe .Ngly, the next day I tout Mx la -mons with lite who 1 k►tilw would, snake r li*ble wituesees, and going W the room I reloaded the rile and rester ed it to de place apnea the wall, being earful to give it tb,• exact position it bad i.revion..ly occupied. 1 thou mark- ed the form of a malt Nem a piece of white cloth and laid it on the lounge where lir. Blanchard had born found, the spectators watching hue with cnri one interest. Next, i took a heavy ent ghats pitcher which hail been leaading opsit the mantel and tilled it with water, as i had learned it tail been on diet par- ticular arti.•ular afterTNon This pitcher of water 1 expected would lint as a ann-sslae% while the hot rays .,f the 91111, shining through the water. reflected directly upon the rifle's cartridge chamber. it was a hot day, as the other had been,, and the midday sun poured its fervent rays upon the glass forever throe bons. "Kith what eagerness. I might say excitement, 1 watched and waited. you may imagine, but cameo enrnprehene. e Due .i cloak pasted fuel two came, m c"wchaff banions beginning t.. nee and ndienle my fooltshume. ••Still, hopeful, I etoe.l with my gaze fixed upon the glass and me watch in soy hand, while second alter second t:ekeed it.rlf away. until 2 ?11, 2 25. 2.Jt h:..1 paaer.l" The men began ei jeer •t wen, but 1 stopped theta with, -a wave of toy hand The silence seemed tou sacred t.. be broken by a human voice. I was cuuotiug the seconds as they were doled tiff be my time piece, and had reached forty eight when a sbarp re- port titled the room, cauetpg the wit nesse* to leyi back with cries of terror. "Rushing to the couch I pointed to the figure 1 had drawn on the sheet, which now bore a bullet mark in the exact lupet where Mr. Blanchard had been shut' "lore 9Urpriled hien you caanotf imagine than those present. and when we came into the courtroom I hal no difficult] in saving my client from a fate of ,lishonor. tee Bon ser one noref- iet's artifice wee the mean9 of raying a man's lite, won for me a generous tee' and opened at "IWO a snecwetnl cureet." -l:eorge. W Browne, in Yankee Blade. Vegaries of Hepta. Marriage. Licenses. .A recent enactment in Belgium has made it obligatory for brides G. hare their marriage licences or "marriage lintel,'" as they call thew in that land of fens and dikes. gurgeottaly bund in gilt- edged 11I'.rt*);o. This is considerately done-ur, in other words, done for a co neidrration-by the municipalities, who have now taken to binding np a gaanuty of more or loxe neeful inform alien with the documents. There is a summary of the Belgian marriage laws, a rough and ready lessen on the treat- ment of children, ones table with spaces for a catalogue of the issue of the marri- age. The table containr room for twelve children to be entered. ao this may be taken ass gentle hint that that number 1. the extreme limit tolerated by Bel- gian burghers in a well Conducted fami- ly. The manual seems only to nerd the additi..0 of s few choice recipes and hint or two on the boot means of ob taining divorces in order to defy criti clew. How t. Bet Tklr. A writer on obesity says : 'The satest way to reduce obesity u te begin by eat ing and drinking 10.11 and to take as much exercise as possible. increasing it gradually day by day. Butter. fat. oils. sauces, haricot bests, peas. vermicelli, rice. tapioca, maccaroni, all fatten. Bread should be eaten in moderation and stale or tasted All sweets are for bidden. Plainly roasted or boiled meats taken in moderation with plain boded green vegetables may be eaten. also fruit, apples and oranges especially- (h,ueberriee and currants are good when in season, and for drink, lemonade unsweetened. weak tea and black coffee. Housework is especially recommended, such as dusting, ewoeeeppitng, moving the furniture about, knemding bread. Glad- stone fells trees Sawing wood is excel lest. Walking comes next. Cold baths are valuable." RAIIYAY SHO1SSIINT Unprecedented Clrrunatanre In the History of the (:rand Trunk. ALL BECAUSE OF THE STRIKE Oyer Twelve Hundred ilea 1. Meeitrwal Are I... Idle --Mr. IMergeaat Talks of the Situation .1at.rte a lItle. Ask (bout (•ata- *dl.n a oat. Moxraga1, fray 19 -For the first thus In thee history u( the Ovoid Trunk railway all its tires are ant, all it. hammers art idle, mud all its mechanical employes walk the streets. There have been tri.porsry closings down, reductions of wages have taken place, and now sail Ono strikes bare produced temporary dislocation, but this silence in pah.t, 111 ..tr, ca tueetem c•mi and in locomotive chola it the first and oppresses, experience to the 3.000 lawn or man who have been depeuding upon tie company for their livelihood- Over 1,2111 men are thrown out of employment and the shops are all clu.ted. "there u not 114,1y to he any change until the coal strike Is settled. Coal shippers in 11o,.treal an receiving enquiries from several American cities. but np to the prevent few order* have been received. A large con: shipper says that the output of the l'auadlan mines could at preseut be doubled of necessary. He wished it distiuetly nudersnwd that the Gruel Trunk Company euald get all the owl 41 wanted In Canetlp, Thee would W delighted to supply them- It was not fair, 1.e said, that an impression should go abroad that Canada was in any a•y 44119e1 up in the closing down of the ,aelwry's work .hope. The tunic. were not working op to their capacity of last year. There wee n.. fear ..f coal being dearer iu Canada *t p,rrs.nt one of the agents of the lhnunnuu l'wl Company said that both the C P. k. and O. T. H were customers of the company. The U 1'.[t bought more than the 01,7.1, ant the latter had been making enquiries lately The only dider- euce the strike made to the cutnpsny was the fact that it bad been receiving anon• nus enquiries .Epee It begin. Another cosi *hipper said it the strike Contained inept eel the State+ he would import oft coal from the 01.1 Country. He said it was quite in the power .of the Dotniillorl Company to divert .1i their coal to the S:•tee it it so pleased, u it was merely 111 American company. 11e had heard that the company had received one order fur 50,000 tuns for New York. tieteral 1[an*per S•••argeat.t, of "the G. T. R.. when asked the latest in the :DMA - non said the mot interesting feature to us is how the 9'.u+a.ban railways will bp able to keep the traffic going if the strike continues any length of time. .eco far as the (.rand Trunk is concerned we have 'not b. -en desirous of increasing our stocks of coal at the different points along the system becau.e of the uncertainty of tin oral duty and in order to see whether the duties would mot be abrogated by joint action on the part of the Canadien and l'uitr.l Staten tiuyerumenta, Lut we had shunt an average stock on hand and we, to a large extent, have been drawing on It since th, 4eginming of the strike. Pres- sure in the l anted Slates became so pro• nm11wed that we found it imposeible to get onr coal through from the mines, it being confiscated en route by the Ameri- can road over which it had to pass, The general commerccel pnblio need be under nu appreheu ' on to our ability to carry on their operations, but we may want their assistance. It is simply • question of prudence in the face of. repossible dire ca:.mrty, A BULLET THROtJ�MI H18 BRAIN. A new of the note '•J.. f" Rinds Hie Life by Sale MosraisI.. May '21. -Yesterday the re port of • revolver was heard on Craig street near the News office. Watchmen Borns and Emery. who wen in the vicinity at the time, hurried to the spot anal on their arrival they were horrified to filid a man lying In • pool of blood with • twenty- two calibre revolver beside him. A crowd sous gathered and several perwona recog- nized the prostrate man as Thomas Yo- liurnen, a sun of the late • Joe Beet," The watchmen at (mos rang for the mu- balanee. When it came it was foetid that the man was dead- He had mint • bullet through his brain. The deceased was twenty-aeven years of age and was a stove plate _moulder. He had been employed in Clendinning a feendry for about thirteen years Recent- ly he was iatd off on account of the de• preeslon, which is felt in several branches of business, particularly in the iron trade. This circumst•nee, together with the fact that his wife had been ill for some time. had made bins rather despondent, and to this ranee is attributed the desperate and fatal act_ Mils Rep.vl.nee Aeneas.- -When I lore anything." says a well known Maine Institutes man- I charge it to the account of experience. Yon may think it strange, bot I believe the good sized sum i have already entered under that head is the most profitable money 1 ever spent Adve my is the great teacher if we but heed her lemon - I lost X300 once in a transaction bloat gave me information and a ',- apart eeapart for matters i had deemed cif Mee account, from which 1 afterward mads $3,000. 1 would not well my experience account, at sty mgr. for five times what it cost me, for 1 shan't live long enough to get sharpened np again-" O..rprewd Air for Trams Car aaryNm Compressed air is again to be tried on tramways to the Louvre to el Chad, and is expected to be more aatliehp than battery or trolley rets, sod mare economical in their working. The hie romotive will weigh 18 tons, said esus work with • pressure of about 180 ponds, and b capable of drawing OM Or four cam loaded with paat��1� The water of the ?seine has been atfit I as motive power for the compromise el Mr The advantages expected tiro. 1s.• .idea ecmiomiral working. the abeam of smoke and offer better halftime he dispatching several carloads at the same time. This Lr'+A MOwaV. The longest reach of railing, .Illwt a carve is claimed by traveites M b Moat of the new Argentine Nettle iin- way from Buenos Ayres to the cwt the Anda Fox 911 miler 1t is witheind • carve and has no cutting or eonlania meat deeper than two or tapes tea Aid the oars ars draws b beam se mules toe the whole hag& el Ib ash teerxding to the latest authedly.oma 'wing a sesntty sf OW ea &s Elaut plain', asd (psdrieeds kin fmlmilisma V the shpts► 8 N ' 'r '� • DON'T Find fault with the cook if the poetry does not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife ember-perhspe she is nos to BLAME It may be the lard she is using for sltnrtening. Lan! is indigestible you know. Rut if you would always have YOUR Cakes, pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- gest it de. order the flew short- entug,"COTTOLENE." for your WIFE Sold in 3 end 1 pound pail., by all grocers. Made only b7 l tog '• •fi►• a. THE N. R- FAIRBANK COPIPANY, W.II.n1ton and Ann eta., Montreal. 4� G bezietseiscsrossemb KILLED BY LIGHTNING. A I'etrel.s Mos I...ta.11r 1111 14.11 Dryly a. ►:leetrie 1'rraol.ge, tent., flay -18 --Mr. R. T. Thowp-w.0 •.f this town, a >ttonrmar.n and bricklayer. who we* engageet erecting s .tune tot11.,lotion for a new ,barn on Mr. John Merlin's farm, hear 'lilrnrae, was ineta'utle 11411.•1 by b,htuiug ye•rterday- It appears that Mr. Thomt*sm and hie brother, J. J. Thou.p.an, and another stun. sow • storm e46 rog up while at work- and tan, to a barn tor safety- They were in the building about feu or fifteen minutes when the corner of the bans was torn off by light uuiug, kn.s•king the other two mem senseless and kettle' Mr. K T. Thompson, When his brother came to, he found Thompson standing np with hie baud around a poet in the baro. hi. w..1,1, 10 his ae wcance but was oto late, death being inrHtai.taewas une: atone time captain olf the Sal- vation -truly here and is well-known in many places- He leaves a young wife and two result , hildrru - _- MR. FRASER'S All'OINTMENT. Me w111 be I..poetor of teglat) Oplee. ..d e'.twtry- Tuau..tu, May 13. -Hon. C. F. Fraaei Ines been appointed fuepector of registry offices and ut forestry. (hese two o43e.s have been combined into one, Mr. John stun, the former inspector of registry o cos, retiring voluntarily. The forestry office has been vacant ever since the death of the late R. \V Phipps. Mr. Fraser takes both office., sad will enter upon his doties at once. It is .I.., .tate,!. though not officially, that }ion- 0. M. tiibson will succeed Mr:' Fraser as commissioner of Public Works, sod that 11r. Harty, of Kingston, will succeed Mr. Gibson. TO HARNESS NIAGARA. A. t.v..tlee 111eh a Nlagar* Valle Mae is A.kl.g a Patat For. NIAGARA Fu -1/1„ (hut., May 12. -Polies Magistrate A. (}. Hill of this town is ask - Ing for • patent in ('aned& and the United States for what be calls Hill's automates folding water -wheel paddle which he has invented. and claims he will barn... Niagara's great power with. The water- wheel eomsfle of an axle which can be made in any length: on hear or six sides of this axle posts are place.' at a uniform distance, and on thews posts, metes which work on hinges. which work similar to a common ender shoot wheel, the wheel to he plowed at the bottom of the river near Bn*ab, and as the fore* of the current drives the fen or paddle emend, and as it ••earl• the eer1Mlt above elo.me the ped- dle like • leaf and the aseapas the tone of the current above the axle, and we it drops down ole current opens the paddle and re - :mine the fonts of the torrent as it peplos below the axle. melt toddle doing he por tins of supplying power to revolve the axle Mr Hill las no fear het h. will 11. able to .npp lv ■Il the power to drive Buffalo's steels Mien at • far peas teat than even the great Niagara teen& can supply ft for. hod being at the bottom of the river be elesr of all navigation and in. and be moieties'. power. The paddles can b• made say vise and Use shaft say leagtl. Dad M* Attempt 0.lelds Hat. mw, May 91. -David Dow, ena- lr•etow, wee found In the miller of a bowie ea Plaid strew' with hie threat eat from epr to ear. The workmen say Dow fell lodes from the •seed story of the bent =$ lsto the eellar The Area time he re •mi.wd Dewy a few ltai..A and the mooed Hem bed boa throat gashed by • saw. iI ia alleged beweyev, that Dew hied M sod lie life with • lead sew. Ile w sow home, trill the phytilsn M atl.adease ears he will reseyw. EDMUND YATES DEAD. Tl.. Noted Newspaper Corr..poade.t sad Satirist rase.* *udd..ly Away. Loewe. 1lav 21. - edmnnd Yates, author and journalist, was stricken with s plexy on Saturday evening at the Gar- rick Theatre. where Lytton's " Loney was playing. He was relnoved to the Savoy hotel. when he died last eveninR- Faimund Yates was well known in jour naliate, circles both un the continent and Da America, and had acquired • world w11a reputation as • corewptwdeat of ea- tr.ordinary ability. - -- aerluag kat Thee. Smartie -Which would you lather be - the fool you look, or the fool you are ! Qsiette Re•lly,1 am so dissatisfied with myself, don't you know, i d rather he the sample idiot you are. 11.d blood moms blotches, boils. pimples, abatwsee, ulcers, *scrofula, etc- Burdock Blood Bitten cure 11.d blood in any form, from a common pimple to the wont scrofu- lous Mn. DO YOU WANT FIRST CUSS BUBDIBS a4s FAIIIXG IIPLBIIIITS? CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS CARPETS THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK H so, rail epos JOHN KNOX sad KOSSRT THOMIMON, Ooderlok, or W. H. V •H(X)W. Da.ssasos- They *hew fret-vians ieh►kagglee, mans kaE- glen wbwtews road warts, sod starless mbar styles- A11 wort warranted sad W erutcl• e tomb. made by The McLAUGHUN CO., 01.11* W A. Noxon Farm Machinery. IN THE COUNTY. 400-S HITS -400 CREAI 111D BIPE LACE CURTAINZ Direct frotii the w,lk.•r, in Scotland, and at Prices to suit everybody. The nndewyr.od aro oleo agents fur Meson Ilretbeew' celebrated feed IDN1ls. R.nden and Mowers, aortae Tooth Cuttiy1oes mom Hakes. `,e.. ate_ as wail as for as Cockahutt Plow. CHINELL CURTAINS! CHEAPER THAN EVER AND PRIG QUALITY, Mats and Rugs in great variety. Art Muslins from 5 cents up. A complete stock of House Furnishings of all kinds. is OUR CARPET SEWING MIACH/NE a great success. we can mats, 1 :,(t „r 40 Vitra earpet in about two hour& .ALL ORDERS 1'Ru\II'TLY EXECUTED. COLBO8RNE BROS., GODERICH. Tie Great Carpet and Lace Curtain. Warehouse - of the County. Choice Family Groceries .annteeters* by the Cewk.hatt Plow es. of llr.b(f•ed. oat We are prepared to far.seb the prehtic alt13 ever, style of nolle,* • id the very bone make of agrMaltonsl temesem . M the levee per . lys east wsmmomeeraa with ereteltm womatesehip. 'Yee ds71 n�tlave to wait we arts properoll a manta r owe attertoi- -v yes right es O WM/ 19 .► 11 yes want Laegalas lb the *tmv`` amused nose aspen sad Imre Loar order eifb or ad dram wag gas of the padpaplRpod JOHN KNOX, (hiferich, ROBT. THOMPSON, Ooderioh, W11. VAROOK, Dungannon. saw The Best in the Market anT#te Most Reaonable Prices -at Ra W. RVNcIMBN's, t'.r. Meatreal Moog avid *..r.. SEASON 1894. Prosect FINE WEATHER, and IbRI(,liT 1)AVS. Ai the "Em orient rr .. BRIGHT FLOWERS and FINE TRIMIMIIN(.S for F'ash- / ionable Headgear, to snit all tastes and purses. =SS H. M. PITCHER, MILLINERY EMPORIUM, gar Next door to Star Office. tt-MST STRERT. g41.3:30'L7'T BOOTS &SHOES The reason why nearly everyone buys their Shoes at DOWN INC'S is because, being a thoroughly practical Shoemaker, he knows a Shoe when he sees it, and is not dependant on the manufacturer or jobber for pointers, which very often point in the wrong direction for the consumer's benefit. Nearly all my Goods are made expressly to my or- der, and not bought throughobbers or middle men, therefore, I can Sell goods at about the price others Pay who buy through jobbers. As naval a large stock of the Newest and Best Goods made in Canada, at prices that will defy the keenest com- petition. E. DOWNING, WNOLESALE ANO RETAIL r7Repalnmg promptly and well done. 1