HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-31, Page 22
A Racking Cough
Cured by .fryer's Cherry Pectorah
Iles. P. D. HALL. FYI Geuce+te St..
Lnclkj>O Ili...1..,.,ya
"Oyer thirty years ale. i remember
bearing my father describe th.• wonder-
ful a uretive .4gevide of Ayer'* l'berry
Pectoral. (hiring a recent &Park of La
Cripps., which a.>ntued the form of a
catarrh, soreness of the lungs. accom-
panied by au n r.iv.iting tough. I
need eari...ta rt-meai. a and prescriptions.
While aurae of tbe,.e mob •ior* partial ly
alleviated the coughing during the day,
mote of them afforded due any relief from
that sp.enuidie action of the lungs which
would .o•ire me the mnmeut I attempted
to he down at t,i. ht. After ten of t�.1ve
such night... I was
Nearly In Despair,
and had about decided to sit up all night
is my easy chair, and procure what
sleep I could iu that way. It then or.
corned to we that 1 bad a bottle of
Arises Cherre Pectoral. I took a
spoonful of 'hie preparation in • little
water. and woe able to Le down without
coughing. In a 1. w momenta, I fell
asleep. and aw..,;.• in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pe.•-
toral every night for a week, then grad-
ually detrear~d the dose, and in two
week. my trough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prcp:oed by lit. J. C. Ayer a Cu., I .,es,:!. 11.•..
Prompt to act, sure to cure
The ■leer. nide'" Fr.e..e is see. the
From the Tolwl.t Blade
•!\ We were playing in a small tows back
is the 'la,'' hind a t heatri.:al m .n, " when
: heir" men tool rather a t tog
A11 the mtuere were in tb
theatre. Well, the heavy mat hod bee
p•roecutinq a p .it maiden through in
actor. lu tit•• third ac, he cone t , the poorer
fel seen- of the pl•v. Ar last he said
•• i have you to my power, and within
an earth can save you I, who was tlh
, lave, am now the master."
•' Mercy," she m .axed.
„ Mercy he r.totted. " Yon had no
..roy foe n.-, and I will have none f .
you "
At that moment • gruff voice was hear
from the gallery
•' \ ox '.leased varmint, i'll settle with
There was a crack of a pistol an.1 a bullet
carted near the heavy mei
" Ping the son of • gen, boys "' shouted
the vote., end a shower of huller saluted,
the stage villain.
He didn't stop long. In the wing he met
the stage nwager, who win wn to with
You have broken up the scene," lie
" \Fell ' "
,e !.o beck to the stage sir, and wait for
your exit."
• i guar not."
" 1 tell you 1 won't have the mat in my
company, who is so easily di.c.nicerted
Go on with the same, or you leave the coma
pant tomorrow.„
That was serious. To be stranded in that
forsaken towu, was calculated to make the
heavy mat apprehensive,
•• 1'11 go. hark," he said.
He tore off his wig just before going on,
and *tawny/ down to the foot lights, with
an injured •rpreseibo of countenance, he
said :
Ladies and gentlemen 'there were no
la bee there, but that didn't matter), with
your kind permiesioe 1 will resume the
.o.oe Before doing so, however. 1 want
to call your atteutine te the young lady and
myself are merely acting prate In reality
wears the best of Irienda. I hear no ill
will for your display of chivalry. I treat,
however, 10.t• you rrdl curb your
geteernUe sentiments, if you should hit me
the play will be istarrupted. if any of
the gentlemen will meet me after the show
they will find out I am not such • bad
fel low. "
Lod cheers greeted this speech, and the
play was resumed
•'9Y AND BY."
9M.sau.a. take u.0 tt•,oar kayo.
leased wort yleatt eye.
"Mombasa. won't ..w vied( le tae l" .J
Hut tnanirma broaden `It)' bad b7.'
"ktan,nw. ata'1 It laird by','. by now,'
cru. w..u•iwlint bpewn) eel,
db, w: 1 .,oi tuidarrlroad. u+e...,w
Wbai wanting meant b) •'b) and by."
Motae�at, leu.) with her boob.
.I the bolsi) twtoy[ht t..ug.
• J wet the 'trot took.
Nor paid the patient. with a vomit.
A • the alight bad settled down,
And baby'. 'Leek w -a. hot and dry.
the tor .iw.1 wlt4 thoughtful rows
.1 4c1 .•cal)• murmured " n) and by."
Net' da) • )u•t as t un lied set.
i t. .maedi iul..• with • thud wallet
••1t.auuua. n.ar. 1. it to'm by yet
1'. t
*she.' .uL a lime. lung whim 1"
'1 Le .tar,. [lett dreamed the night await
fn henn.th•tton beme.l on hteh.
ratite. ..r. the sweet Bp..eenied to slay -
moa .dwelt 1n the tar -et "lir ail by.
• • • • • • _
Mown.* .+alw.1 tq 1.-r ttuiLled can.
..-••.•t.• •Ith a "cl gl•alg L 11, tlln bei le rut.aaal
And a .Mosby wetly holed ti.• rour
Judd Lyman.
1)110 of the plows' where Captain Kfeld
le l.wtallr ret...rtel to leave uried his
triw.orc., 1, .t .•ertalu spot uu an island
its the Coanooticut neer, lis Northfield,
.1 ,s. 1' t.. ouutry up and duxro the
C,.uae•tieut hero wits emphatteally the
dark nmol bloody ground cat New 'i p
l:uml from the time of the settleta•nt
of ti+e volley up to the middle of the
eitthteeut-li o•utury. Its early InhaWt
alts tonight tlt,.nt half their time with
Indian'. and devoted the rest to gain
104 their livelihood and planting a
A corumunity whieli is at this dip fa
mous fur its thrift and peaeefulnesa and
uoailittr•,s was set op in lung years of toll
null strife and blood.
The pretty inland In the river where
Kidd was reported te hate buried Ili.
wealth low sonlet/aw been called Ft.L*'s
inland, sometime" Stratton's irlwd.
.otltettruea (larks', island, and now 1s
cal:..l Kidd's island. Name do not
seven to stick to it any better than its
sl+lhing w11:
Ili under to bury his ebellt of gold hero.
Kidd and his pirate.. had to get it un
..t-er thr.w falls to the Conasuttcut. and
mere a distaut•o cal u...re than 1:7 ladle&
',his feet glut.q ie sufij[•Slut to show the
iiup..aa1!dltty of the pirates havlug bur
lel their treasures hers
Nevertliel&a, the legend declares that
whet' they ha.l deposited their great iron
chord la the hole they had made for it
they drew int. to .eo which pirate of
Moroi ahonll lie put to loath by the rest,
b �iu 7tr inr that his bu.ly might les lail just
aleivs the treasure, aid Iiia ghost thus
� la. always ..n hare' to defend 1G
Tho le::eud tells ua nothing shunt the
o the pirate who was s:u,ritlaed, except
that his n:owflin.,l holy was duly laid
dire.'tly olein the chest of gold. When
all w:.i loris, Phu rest of tit* villaluuue
• crow'gild"!noiselessly duwit the river.
The story weiclt I started to tell was
t of the burial of the treasure, but of
t. wanner its which Abner Field,
✓ Net au Alexander and Eldad Chamber.
lain • • it up or tried to dig it up, matey
a year. terward.
Abut old was probably the tuost!
tesp.ctab . wan. as he certainly was tile'
oldest man, of this trio. aid Chamber I
lain was pro boy the least respectable
and moat roc e,wl, and he was also the
youneeet He ad already proved how•
self a delli0 Ind n fighter and hunter,
Nine yews ago, on May 12, 188S, the
fight at Ratoche was fought.. A year or so
later the following by " The Khan " apo
peered in a Toronto paper, and ever si...
has been in great request at military aather-
ittg., L9ent. Col. ti T. Renison iava'iably
winning loud applause by reciting it
1 like to hear the t.renadi.r.,
The boys, 1 mean, who swept the West,
Stand up sad tell of modem of war
With keeling .y• and "martial crest,
1N fearful same* that they're goes ihro',
Of doses they did ami didn't do.
" Bejtago we were at Reecho,
Ase 11 at Foil ('reek, too, by gosh ' '
I like Use gash of hora.et pride,
I like to mark their 000ky air,
I like the keel and ewelliot breast.
The forage oap set o. • hair.
Yea talk to them of Cut Knife Hill,
?be waver hero' your soul will thrill,
" ilejiego. we were at Batoeh..
Aad it at Fish Creek, ton, by gosh "'
And when they climb the golden stairs,
And mese w me. of Waterloo,
AidtteyMerin totoll ofhow
They peons std Bonaparte look blue,
ifs bvs will amply wit • while,
'hes ar.lsrr with • pit leg soul.,
"Boring., we were .t �te.h.,
Awl It as Fisc lheek, tee, by gash r
-'h. Khoo.
Sewed woe IAN.
1 beer Smith has get ansUW te a $.rah.
Ye 3 he west Swab le saw *Amos •.d
Ian his hear&
Aden seam Wefts& Weed
�rsi(iss Of11pa+ae - ti• us el
crowbar. wvertheless. awl after ittlwei
situ waking trims Field. who had come
over a few Says before and marked
with a shear the exact slot where the
treasure lay', they fell to diggiug des
�Wwu, Clown they delved. Alexander
d.shpg wieldy blows with his crowbar,
Lepartly from excitement and portly the
tter to ware lob %vet hotly and the
two others thro w lug out the earth with
their .Lolels.
The full moon etre•uied upwro them.
There weree no sWtire,appsf'entl_v,t V inter
fora with the .Iiggind, for the Maud le
alt ellavial d.'p..�t Every year the
seers, t:. -.-i L' within its ent'ircling fringe
tot trees, " .15 111e•ve.1 for its excellent crop
os Itay i it had Inert" mowed tale year,
aid a stack vI hay *toed Itetwwu the
dips ora awl the [noon. throwing It.
Irl• a ehad..w toward theta.
\bate ! lrl.l,
wheat/ eyes reamed mo-
onset' Horvat .a he Shovelled, cuuauuc
hlni to work awkwardly hind 'times
to impede the i' •u' islente of the other",
thoagltt ho saw co setlilne more le this
Llxek shadow of tit. hey.setk, and start
..l hack, bumping into Aleaiateler, and
mak tuff a %% Al tl weedttg, gurgllug tensa
ruder Iiia brewtli.
Onto. WWI e the bid tuba seised bin
about the meek awl clapped his ban
over his utvnth. tiro:l ituo the Iron bar
lis a wotu.ut riven Abner had bean re
awureil and the three were digging hard
again. The holo Was now three feet deep
Ale:ender .lo,til heart*, dill blow i int
the earth r.tth the Lot• Abner fcrgut
his ghonte, and was feverishly tnteut
Homo the .ttgt•in t Alexander enddeul
bent duwo .al lifted nen suwuthiug
aeout a foot long, that wee round stud
Lard and whitish in the wuotlight.
Wus it the thigh hone cat a man, o
the bleached broach of a will.•w tree
buried here bylh*ttnude':nd rthebands
of the shifting late?
Field and Ale:modes had no curt of
dotetd that it was nue of the buttes of tit
pirate who Lad been burled over tit
treasure. The men were filled wit
0 tg.'r excitement. Now they.ltuuld lin
tiro iron chest of gold:
Thnuiiii. thump: thumb' went lbs
crowbar tutu the soft earth in raps.
blows Anil them. us Alexander deal
aneeler &nighty blow, a lend, rheeilig
clink : answered its stroke.
Abner Field could no longer euatal
`You've bit It' 'You've hit It:" le
The spell wan brukon: Alexaadet
struck Mum snore, but the bar found
nothing but soft earth. And then 1
war petiole ('hatxLorlafu's tura to recut)
Puiutiug to the haystack, ho whispered
"Look there:"
The others looked. Froru out tit
clerk ahe.luw of the eta.'k n tall, white•
robed tbt•ire was ..lowly steam/lug
Abner Field .hri.ked. suit he mud Alex
ander dropped their lutlleniotitn and
ran toward too Lank «her. the Lust Ldp,
[.:hawberlaiu follis:rood :heti.
As they ran, another strange and ter'
ribl. form emerged from the bedew
along the ricer side le (run; ux them,
Though like n hneiaa faros, it collar ou
in the suer -cutout ea a wheel, (nrnieg
over and over, fink Lands In the air.
then feet in the air. Alexander averred
ever after that It was a livid. sulphur
one green its color. and Abner 1"told de
clarai that 1t had horns.
Straight past tht, three anion --`'told
and Aluxatdcr were now grorrdila; ori
the grunnd-tits terrible taut[ Went.
Apparently it *rood straight thtvttgb
the solid hnyst•tk from side to aide, and
then still tnruing over and over, van.
'shed down the opuueite Lau'' u[ oke
of cheerfully all the particulars. Mr. and Mrs.
national "'moved from Fort Fairfield,
Mein., to Newcastle, N It , about fourteen
is. ,i he ave'. For two years pre' too* tire.
Hammitt had been in a very poor state of
o Ie.lth and was steadily rrowitig weaker
and tunorog down ut.til she was unable to
.lo the ne•.esary work about the house, sad
y the little she did need her qp completely.
Psora to the back and limbs, weakness, die -
and other disagreeable .tmptons
troubled her. For some time .It. was under
r •restmeot of several doctors at Fort Fair
Mild, and also since she ntovet here. lout
.hey effected no tmprove.neot to her run-
.l..an syst.em and she was gradually growing
worse and had gill n up all hope of reinin-
g tog her health. Harms read ace:mots of
1 tate curer effected by the use of 1)r. WV -
1. Uaw' Ptak Pills, she decided Imo July to
d •ry them and see if she could he butte
thereby. She purchased some from Mr. H.
H. Jokesteoe, drugvist, and commeooel it.
1 take .hem, and hie stem co.tieu.d to take
i :hent with, 'o her, wonderful results. She
had taken but • few boxes wbea a gradual
'mprovemeot beamed to he tikiog place.
t: The pains in her back and limbs left bor.
as did the other unpleasant symptoms, sad
• at the present time she is as well as ever she
win alta without feeling the nredeese and
.xhsu,tion of her former *tete.
At her reconimesdatioo her husband also
t began the use of Pink Pills. About • year
before coining to Newcastle he had suffered
from au attack of typhoid fever, front the
° effects of which he .lid not recover his
former health. 1Iis blood se -mal to be
abut and watery, and he was weak and teal -
• iy worn out. Through all this he kept
weedily at work, although he wys that
when night came be wee thoroughly
wearied and depressed, not knowing how t..
obtain role!. When his wife began to feel
the beneficial effects of link fills she urred
him to try them and he did so. After tak-
ing three boxes he fallen t, feel • wonder-
ful change. The tired feeling lett him and
roe had • het ter appetite and enjoyed his food
with • relish be had not had before. H. con-
tinued laking the 1',lis for enme time and ea
onlay fully restored tohi.old-time health and
.irength. Mr. Hamm!! eras very willing
to tell of the hoorahs both he afid his wife
had derived from the use 0f lir. William?'
rusk Pal., with the hope that their et
wrence might lead others to test the twine-
d!, to be derived from the wonderful reme-
The graiifytng results following the caw
of Pink 1'.11s to the case of Mrs. Hammell
Peeve their uoraualled powers as a blood
budder end nerve tonic. There aro many
throogh,ut the land. .offering inreieoce
as olid Mr. Hammtll, who can readily
had relief in a emirs, of lir. LL'tlham.
I',nk Ptile. They are a epeeitic for
rhe trohblw peculiar to women, such
as irregularitir., and all forms of
weeklies. They build up the Wood, re-
store the the glow of hmltk to pale and sal-
low cheeks, driving out prams in the hack
and limbs, weakness and other disagreeable
gime Gnu which make life a burden. They
also cure such diseases as rheumatism, neu-
ralgia, partial paralysis. Iecomotor ataxia,
St. Vitae' dance, nervous heedach., nKyoW
prostration, the after effects of lagoons, in.
fluent*, and seven colds, diaa•.w depend-
ing on humors in the hlood, such as scrofula,
chronic erysipelas, etc., and in all cases ang-
ing from mental worry, overwork or ex-
amen of any nature,
lir Williams.Pink Pills are sold o.lv in
boxes hearing the firm'e trade mark. They
are never sold in bulk or by the doyen or
hundred, and •r.y dealer who offers sut.ati•
nates in this form is trying to defraud you
and should Ise avoided. The public are ilso
cautioned against all other ao-called blood
builders and nerve tonna, put up in similar
form intended to deceive. Ask vour dealer
for I)r. Williams' Ptak Pills for Pale People
and refuse all immitryions and subtitwtea
These pills aro meatifactored by the 1M.
Williams' Medicine i o., Brockville, (hate,
and echenectedy, N. Y., rod wise he bad of
all drngsists or dir.et by mail from 1)r.
Williams' Medicine ('., from .other address
at SO cepts a box, or six boxes for 52 50.
The price .t which these pill. aro .old
makes • course of ttwtmeet eemparativ.ly
inexpensive as compared with other reme-
dies or medical treatment.
rill O!ta 'UAa1aY viten .i1NaalL Daa1LI-
TY ♦1112 TNa IRNaa 111.6111 Tint a►Taa IV -
t at1n 0V TY r bol u rat its waits era t V -
ALLY u$Owfait %SASC w -Has • t'Caa
. ANS -Korn NV% aasluKCn To meanie
From the Nee/emelt. N. H t'nlon-♦detests,.
quite reose dy then, came to the knew
ledge .•f the proprietor of tie: fames Advo •
ease, two oases s,1 [evident' of Newcastle
having beau vreatly benefitted by the use
of lit Waliaaho' Pink fills, and these were
thought to be of autti.iwt Jutsrest to war
rout their beteg published in the interest•
••f humanity, if the parties interested had
no ohj.ction to the tact• being published.
('0a..tlutrstly • reporter of this paper called
ups the parties and obtained from them
and it was partly because their hearts tslaud.
misgave them. and they wanted • bold
fellow with them, and partly because
they felt that there was luck in the num-
ber three, that Field and Alexandow
took voutig Chamberlain into partner'.
I boat. ChawLsrlatn, 'Attu- to the
t stern. paddled howwithout thout a
y word: Abner Field and Neiti,au Al..•
e ander. crouching tut wa-.1. wet, dirty
• and with chattering teeth, (lard nut
cast one look back at the island.
n I In after time, Alexander ultratold
t the tale b Northfield firesides, and al.
. ways instated that if Abner had not
plaed the fool and broken tale spell by
yelling "You've hit it:" he wunld have
been a rich man. As it was, hde
dared that on that word Cmoheet of
gold has sunk down out o: riet:lt tug
ever. w
But it s said that the(bntw
islands are often bn11t of alluvium
&pun the summit of very i ulcer
ledges cropping up in the river, and Chet
Alexander a bar may have struck U..
theme jetting point of was of the More
over, then were stores* told In North
field of a certain Oliver eolith. who wee
a chum and mate oaf Eldad l'eauiber-
lain'., and another youth with boot
whose name has not come down to
posterity. being strangely absent from
their homes that very night.
And it was well known that this same
Oliver Smith was a master hand at turn
fag hdsprings.
I Meantime the other Rhwtl y e4raso h.A
I advanced W the pit which the mom had
dog, and stool Above It, waving hex
white arms menacingly.
1 The three wen made their way la tint
Abner Field himself. though respeo
able and bald-headed, was extreme'
superstitions. He had came under tit
influence oaf a certain conjurer in
neighboring town, who told him W go
to the exact centre of ('lark's island, o
a ni nt when the full moon was higher
in the (heavens at midnight, and then
If any one of those who were digginugg
the soothsayer said, should utter awurd
the spell would be broken. and the
treasure would sink into the earth and
the ghost appear. But if they went at
the time commanded. and maintained
perfect to the end, the treasure
should be theirs.
t if comer the conjurer demanded a fee
from Field• well in advance of the at-
tempt, ea reward fur this valuable in•
formation, and received it.
Field first emittdel the fact to his
brother in law. Nathan Alexander, who
was it tall. {{powerful and active mean.
The two warted until they had learned
from the almanac that the full moon
would reach its maximum height at 12
oclock on a certain night in late sane
mer. and then, after many misgivings
on the score of his reekbt'mnens and
scepticism, but with a stung feeling
that they needed somebody with them
who was afraid of neither man nor gob-
lin. they confided their plan to young
Eldad Chamberlain.
To their surprise. Eldad nhowed no
contempt or scorn for their enterprise,
but eeeute.l to be willing and pleased to
enter into it
"l -on bring your iron. Eldad.- sold
Abner, referring to the only piece of
property that Chamberlain was known
t' Ips -a superb flintlock captured
in some militaryexpedition
"No no. Aer." Eldad answered,
"no gnn in dealing with ghosts. It
would but make matters worse "
so there was no gun in the party
when. on the appointed night. at about
eleven o clock, young ("iamtierlain pod.
diel the treasury seekers ont from the
shore in the moonlight. making hest for
the op{smite 'those well above ('.larke's
island to mlalemd any possible watcher, Es,yte,r
and then .dropping down in the shadow t
of the forest and npiaeieaaly steal;nr t
acmes the narrowest r to the f
As they came np to a log at the bank e
F.idael. at the stern, ieekoned to Abner. a
in the bow. to get out first H. did sn, an
and the bough of • tree knocked off his
beteg Ose•d.
An eminent minister of the goo
once said there wait nothing more favor'
able to health than doing good. His re-
marks may have been deemed by some
as not a little eetravagant, but we be.
Neve it was nevertheless true.
That it is more blessed. or in other
words mon happy. to do good than to
receive, to the language of Our Lord and
Savior hiuuelf. But wherein u title
n the mind
alone, We donbtess to tit 1 We s it ibelieve the
Apostle who motes this se the langunaagSee
of Christ. included in his idea of blesssd-
nese the happiness of broth mind and body
Experience demonstrates the truth of
the proposition• that active benevojsate
too • most salutary tendency on our
physical well being. Hardly anything
is re hurtful than the very common
practice of thinking and talking about
oar little indispositions• or oven oar
bodily pains It cannot mitigate
hem , on the uontrary it aggravates
hem. He whams heart is set on dolor
good -who 1. constantly devising of
relenting schemes of benevol.nos, V
pt to forget his own trouble& t , ff��
y the leant, they rotor to his metal
ore seldom than to the idle. Aad Net
proportion as he forgets then, will
bat Uttering • smothered ere's:nation In
they be fnend gradnalty to di.apsar.
of fright. he dove back into the cavo..
Nathan Alexander clapped his hand
over Abner'. month. least he sheen' b
.peak and break the X11 and the two .
teen partially capsized the beat and fell
into the water. Elda.l, though hes rides pi
shook with langhter, ..p.ti d
ry shod
epee the log and helped the twit M •
ort of the water hes
They were • trill's bail oat
with osteo, while A�btew�P7id's
l wi
head glistened is the Ile
ese.aN�R tine fa
hat 1. not 1. the whose heart
warmed with the love of his fellow
town, aro who rally delights to do there
awl prier to the exeretien of say of his
bas, but Men rainy' that incense of
pi"osers--that Mee a htwr-wbioh the
vitiates of thew plana itself product's.
Ns ehewrfalnee• greedy increased
~fulness is always secom ed
tit • better slats et cirenlatlen et oho
Ws, and with a swore healthy and
errgeele •Mivity of the dwell sad of
serves. ernes. thea Me epos/1i
Abaosder s pow.rhrl Sine shook with .a
i arses tie
is law r peseigitalrag
JJL. with IDs eswas_ls i
sliest but i ly sepprein.d as, -�' the
la short, there is
able tie Malin +s pet"
Clinton Lrs. A.tterso•, wife of the
late itobt. Aotterme, left for Toronto, on
Monday, where she purprrse livt.g in
Lome : the business men generously made
u p enough money to pay for the railway
fare of herself and family
Having suffered over two years with eon
snpation, and the doctors not having help-
ed me, 1 eonclnded W try Burdock Blood
Ritter., and before 1 used one bottle 1 win
cured. 1 can also recommend it for sick
ETH rt 1) Hau.,v, Lakeview, Ont.
Seaforth . Mr. Fanikaee is suffering
from injuries sustained by falling frees a
tree which he was pruning. The breach he
was .Wiling ea gave way bad he fell with
greet force against a window. the glass of
which oat his leg .p pretty badly.
ia'tT1.s:11sN. - Tw. years ago my huub•ad
of red from severe indiwtie., but wee
e.wphNiy cored by two bottles of gardelek
Shawl Bitters. I eve weir r..r.me.d it
to ail eegerrrs Iran this dimes..
Ma Jomp Heim,
13 (kesa.ea., Teener*.
Wiagbaes v Greasy received the ..d
isblligw*e by win es, Y.aday
that kb bristlier Hsgh, residing ed remember,
Rasa .runty. W *Mad of brew bray w
*rsaiag at 7 o'ebek. Mr. (horsy
bid • letter frees the demand shoat three
weeks age .ad he was thus 1. .=lln
health said re hi ha .ktg eMuitad
o...r.►ip of t.a .M Aeutu.erusl, an welsh
he toss 1. lay. ren•red
Deas*, bels...,, Interwoaed, send Mie
harts whereas the frailly was aced mill
brew hies se mare i1. heaves a te0 and
- a wed! ehdWe` Yr. Ursine We
the mm. heel t. Ma.ad the hem/
I t is theperfection of the well
matured pant properly cured
by expert growers. Mild
flavored, bright and of match-
less quality; Mastiff Plug Cut
pleases the most fastidious.
J. It PACK T.h,van C,.. itkrbmwtd. V•„
•.d M.1.lreral. tea.
'• Ve.rstty " great value to the cous,mer
Try IL how.
Mortificati.ma are often mote painful than
real calam i t ie s.
!wt•t upon having the Varsity cig•r,tbey
are uarqualled. ' 1•tw
Carpet tacks are 000samed at the rate of
50,000,000 a day.
" Varsity " u the finest five Dent cigar
ever offered the public. bow
The cannon cat u.e in the world's armtee
have cost t.xpeayers $40,000,000.
A t10vtle can draw twenty tunes ole own
weight. So can • mwterd plaster.
England oommal,de the gateways of many
seas and most of the gulls of the world.
It you ono" tried a t minty, you will
never smoke any other brood of five ...cut
Gagers. letw.
A ton of steal is worth mote than its
weight to gum when made into haireprtoge
for watcher.
The Mohawk Indiana will not allow so
much as • blade ..f grara to grow upon the
rarere of their companIma
Au alloy that adhere* so firmly to glass
that it may be used to solder pieta* together
te made by • French chemist.
lir. Low's Worm Sirup has removed rape
wale+. fron. IS to 30 feet long. It also de •
*troy. .11 other kinds of worn... lm
Of the tweedy -six herons who signed the
Magna ('bars• three w.ot0 their names and
twenty -throe made their matka
The flute took its name from the Outs, an
eel caught in Italian waren which hasarreo
.pots like finger holes on its sides.
Wood's Norte av Pine Syrup cures coughs.
Wood's Norway floe Syrup cure. colds.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup heals the
The tacker telegraph is being introduced
IOW many 1.:g al•.rtu.ent and fiat houses m
London by the °woe's for the benefit of the
l'udinel Richelieu Fated children and
loved cat., tt'hen he died his favorite
Angora pet referred to eat, and very soon
re: ala (..d) rallies.
From the Hartford Courant.
Pretty Dearly every one knows or ought
to know what an 0:.1 fashioned "candy
pull" menus. It used to beat the "apple.
ben" and such other country affair. away
out of sight, and was a much sweeter way
of enjoying a winter •reniog. it chanced
recently tram • family in the outektrts of
the city thought they would indulge the
children to roe of thew pastimes, and things
were mute ready. It wee just at the end of
the last snow, and when the moieti s@ had
been boiled sutticiently and had bees
"tried" by dropping a few drops on a bit of
snow, the dishful wee placed 0• the snow
just outside the door, the .titcker to cool off
and be ready ler pulling.
Some half grown pigs had been capering
about the yard, likely to keep warm, a.
one of them chanced to corns apos the duh
of sweet stuff, which by that time had be
come considerably cooled on the surliest, so
that when the follows nose toughed it at
was not in the least u000mtortable. The
supposition is that with hie usual avaricious-
ness the fellow plunged his pout away
down to the bottom of the vessel. Neutral-
ly he got a pretty warm reception whew be
bit the middle of the mer, and gopte natur-
ally, too, he pulled palled for dear life.
The half -cooled Dandy .tuck to him like •
leech, and with an audible front he fled ar
best he might. The people who were chat-
ting within while He cooling promise w..
going oo, harried to the door fast in time to
see piggy lighting oat, ca.dy and .11, for
freedom. They Esse chairs they weight
.. well have tried to catch • cyclo.*. The
youngster Sally ram himself out, so to
speak, the candy haviag meantime cooled
eaffifirotJ to make it . difficult matter to
remove the ioeuml'ranee from the poor
br.te's woos 1t u nader,tuod that the
"pull" that was down for the eventing woe
ind.finately po.tp..ed,
sae nils, es, wr *'eel.
A dainty Seelsi wife ea rise occasion
not the tint pah.-had declined to .In
srwn.ahing her Imeha.e wasted. A sharp
argument followed. Yi.dewife,•' einoth he
"as • (Airistian woman ye reit to da. what
I tell ye." "i diene see fiat ora," replied
the wife. "Wow,.. ! diva. Paul say,
wires, submit yourselves te your hes
heed. '" "tie ay f bet ite just there
whaur 1 diger wt Paal. Pule 1.cis• he
bodes • wife homed' or he raver wad hae
d.or'd to say Me • thing."
Era and . am055.
A story is gala( the remit le the effect
th.t a married lady had • tlirthiay sawyer
ley • .heat team age, upon wWMh her hes
had p resseuef her with • pretty piano
lamp. He wee numb l•Nred *hos .he
told him she Mirada! re give it hie masa,
seta be salted her reamer fee so psetlint a
C71sate. " Web," she .•td, " yet knew
11 has • goal deal of hems short it, it
fe ka.d..oe to leek .a, it 1. met reaterhayT
brilliowt, require. • geed deal •f alt soli,
ie sewmai new &.Neatly es its leg., liable te
et�1sM VIN. half fell, liras .p *....eon.
w * always met at bedtime, load ie brand
Cuomo Ilwasemo, U. N. A., flee ilfaas.
Oat, .ars : ",1Bshti Wmrr% *etmdy I.
w Eget esedisee.11 hew OVOI Mad got
braid M me ray teat" Porth.. 0 meta
Sad y .d ee..gne. • w
It bas often been contended by stomach, it comes in contact with
physiologists and men of science gen- numberless nerve fibres its the walls
orally, that nervous energy or nerve of this organ, which at once send a
nervous impulse to the nerve centres
ous impulses which pass along the which control the stomach, notifying
nerve fibres, were only other names them of the presence of food ; where -
for electricity. This seemingly plans. i uponpply the nerve Centres sendnerve downe
ibis, statementnt was beer suof nerve force or fld,
to at once begin the operation of
digestion. But let the nerve centres
which control the stomach be de-
ranged and they will not be able to
respond with a sufftcieut supply of
nerve torte, to properly digest the
food. and, w a result, indigestion and
dyspepsia make their appearance.
So it is with the other organs of the
body, if the nerve centres which con-
trol them and supply them with
nerve foroe become deranged, they
are also deranged.
The wonderful success of the
remedy known as the Great South
accepted for •
time, but has been completely aban-
doned since it has been proved that
the nerves are not good conductors of
electricity. and that the velocity of a
nervone impulse is bat 100 feet per
second --which is very much slower
than that of electricity. It is now
generally agreed that nervous energy,
or what we aro pleased to call nerve
fluid, is a wondrous, a mysterious
force, in which dwells life itself.
A very eminent specialist, who
has studied profoundly the workings American Nervine Tonic is due to
of the nervous system for the last the fact that it is prepared by one of
twenty•five years, has lately demon- the most eminent physicians and
strafed that two-thirds of all our specialists of the age. and is based
ailments and chronic diseases are on the foregoing scientific discovery.
doe to deranged nerve °entree within It possesses marvellous powers for
or at the base of the brain. the care of Nervousness, Nervous
All know that an injury to the Prostration,He•dache,Sleeplessness,
spinal cord will cause paralysis to the Restlessness, Bt. Vitus's Dance, Yea
body below the injured point. The pal Despondency, Hysteria. Heart
reason for this u, that the nerve Disease, Nsrvonsnes. of Females,
fdtce is prevented by the injury from Hot Flashes, Biek Headache. It is
rsaehing the paralysed portion, also an absolute speed's for all
Again. when food is taken into the stomach troubles.
Wholesale and Retail Agent for
Goderich and vicinity
Upon having Featherbone Corsets.
Refuse all substitutes.
See May ars lasers, Sec
PATENTED SEPT. 11rd, ISM. Re. 110110.
FE '*. unit IOWICfs. !S 'WS A SOIL
Th pals notold oder nausease w lark a.; we.kci Metro,.
asp aid w aI we they tar up r k.
de Meir sat ��itrt+teJ .4 a thee alcor e ewenamc. t•.
awl welt they reel-. s.
t,ti'■o,w, hie,,,H...e. its Nih.m.
Wreeew• p. h', ler el a -d ■H lows again/ i:np,ee lino!, •I..g,..0 err..
h.& Tear Orsure.t ler Tans.
1 u..W sways. glye. to
Heada•artar, for ell grades of
NAM, SOFT & RW*8111111 COIL
(Nes .siga.4 as slsher msskee errlssw v gd
Bea sir ►wires bare aper
Ttisf• CAIit.
TttNr.w. O s welleew.
JOH I & PLAIT. Prop.
Obeaaed. sae an braises" is the U. & Pato
Otiee atteedee to .t MODLR4 !g PIM.
Our ewes W snyesite the U. a. Pound Ol-
eos. and w i saa eieaa Patentys. 1a kw dors
hen those -emcee Irma WASWING not
[Ned Nonni. OR DRIor, No. Ws ss•
vise es te teb(Ily free •f .b•ege
w. XkP 5V C1 4 R N UJNLsid 1FJ� OL
We reffer hers.
w PtistssaMer rt wilett
xowe rotor a. •aeaj ear PAs
se. dee. orMeeO•sttvwtewrite to
C A •/iw C .•
O.•.MadVe O1111a•.weert.S'50 D.O
i)oes ONO. BARRY, tit.
Ooderieli furniture dealer sod
undertaker, keep the twat 'took
of fsrnitara sad undertaker's
. rpplies t Aad how is
that lie sea sell so cheap!
Hs diads that it par is W
hog tea His meets IN:
.4 Small Prelim .ad Qui* Re
tome He am ,Hakes •
lir idly 1 Hilal.
ONO Yr a sal WI