HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-24, Page 82 THE SIGNAL : GIODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY U. 1894. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE C. 11._.SHANLICO.1 lCSco h Biles - -THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD aid Gums�'�T�NtAC FIC. TORONTO.� 11111011s, E �tp� jj 1til �"'Z- :OUCH NMO and COAL .:- as► B. E WALKER, OENERAL MANAGER. GOOERICH BRf.';O;y, A GENERAL BANKING BUSwkp TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISr)OI eeT'ED. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL., POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UN, TED STATER GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, aA RAVINES SANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS or .I.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVEO, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Al_,v.ED. INTERBST ADO.O TO TNS P.INC.►AL AT THE END OF MAY AND M, *.EN IN BACK YEAR. .. � I NQtIIIAoWP field Special Att.ntlon given to tit* sand reamer,' Soles Nota. O.Ileotl,.. we i.- R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. N I:'\ • 1►1 THE D1STRII. From ourownCotrl•e.pondentit Tb. r. 1• Iuforw.,II. Erre final Imola Le •Had tar ober, el.. •i.. . or MN 1 .sal, Wprrlatb Reported for The Masai. ASHFIELD. • T.t, May 22. Then are grand prospect, for • largo crop of fruit in this vic.wty t1... year. The f.imere hairy finished their siedtnf earlier this year than they hose d,,oe r. r She l wing bugloss for the past mouth, NM qui. r.eu.wd b.oiuuse, sppat eu t ly with snore energy thea ewer. , - . clew 1. Lea a •••..•cava - rlesore. Seed Ills •' Sualiebt ' Swap wrapper, hearing the words I•• Why I woes a Woman Look Old Soolwt Than a Man "1 to Lever Brea.. Ltd.. •l3 Scott .t Torooto, and you will receive b� 1.w! .. pretty picture, tree from alvertt.Io,;. and well worth framing. Thu r• an easy way to decorate your thine. 'The soap a the bot to the market and n will only cost Ie. postage t.. mod in the mapper., if you leave the ends open. Write your sour carefully. ly Yes". The "lather has baro v:i peels n,'d sad wet for eon, days. The grout.f u wet if n ow than it has bees this surto„. � OLUEVALE TI•LehttyNoy e.2. • l Iba INoot>jr., fs having bis hose re.- paired. Nr.. (Rev.; A. l artier 1 risking is Woodstock. Miss M. lebieter. of Mous ie eiwtine at: Freak Scotts. Mu. A1. saddle, of Zetland; Rol.ert I)atrcaa's. Thos. Jewitt preached in the Meth church last Smoky night. Rev. Jas. l.iviaretoo, of Kincardine, will deliver hu fannies lecture, •• Whet I don't l orget of the V orld'a }fur." is the Method- ist church ion/got. It ie our sad and ppeutnful ditty to chronicle, 07 TRE the death of toe of Ittaeva it's most respect. , ed residents this week. Duncan King died on 'Wednesday, Mey'loth, a0.1 was huriadr on the Saturday following. Mfr. King was' a consultant member of the 1'reehyterien church and had been an elder for &holt DEEtBy ■ twenty-five yeas Ile was also .uperin teedant of the Sabbath school. ile leaves a wife and grown up family to mourn the loss of a lovtbe husband and father. . �umuuuwu" 1 ..�� ... ERR", wive .. . UUMU uulu _ u� Frellc� Callies. -�' cop NOE'IIID 0lf� STRAW and FELT GENTS' FURNISIIINGS. Full linea in every Department. rt'all and examine goods and prices.. C. R. SIB &00., tfel.os�lt alenk. l'or.'genre and Mo.treal et. STILL AT IT, awl expect to Le for the next few weeks selling those very Artistic rapers that are admired by every one and purchase ed by those who require them. They are very cheap and right up to due. NO OLD STOCK. .2203 of those W(►\Iif:RFl I. SilAD►ES at 36c., we have placed ru position thus season *broody, and have a few more left. t3IaCURR THEM_ I have -HA111:- all the way from 10 eta. up to $2 00 each. tall and see them. shades made to any sue you like. 1 have a large stock of Express Waggons, Velocipedes, Carts and Bicycles. X Here's a Pointer When you ask for a gee my y.' ('yek for $10.00. A visit to the POPULAR 111)0); ST( )It F: will convince you of the place to buy. Io cent plug 1 am here to do er ob s., not tooc make soy referrscx to other aneoh}ou' Roods D. B. CAL.BWK, 5 cent plug XX a yea We show over 100 Patterns in above fashionable and serviceable Goods to choose from. All designh confined to ourselves here and all marked much below city prices. Rouillon's Kid Gloves in the new Shades of Green. Fawn and Rose. Very Handsome they are. Dress Goods in Black and Colored -the choice was never before finer --and trimmings to match all kinds, never before so Dainty or so Rich. Remember we are going out of keeping Carpets, and are Selling best 3 ply and 2 ply Wools and fine Tapestries at 20 to 25 per cent. discount. See the new Patterns and Colors in our Carpet Room at Bargains. W. ACHESON 8c SON. r Highest Pries Mr Eggs and Ratter. t DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Call and see our display. See our line before buying JEWELERY, Repairing Warranted. C. A. HZTMBER & SON. All the latest designs. zocent plug T's. r"'lat."'t ale". e►sderlrh. Agents Celebrated Star Cycles. EXTRA f=O rY07.7- WANT KINTAIL. Mo.n.tT. May 21. Messrs. F. Melton sod D. McDonald left recently for Small Ste. Marie. The !Dimes t'»toats, of t:oderich, rad. iter cdlage a tra...tent visit last week. S Mcl►ooal.l has purchased the stock of M. A. Kennedy and Is now carrying on eke boaioese formerly done by the latter. The new patent feace,which our rnercltan I►. Mcisrcby, has had constructed, adds greatly te the appearance of his residence. For the past few days we have experienced o superfluous lusntity of re:ea which has filled the wells and creeks to their utmost' capacity. Mir A. Doyle, who has been the Furst of Mia Nellie Sullivan and 011 er &e,inem fences returned to her home in l:odenchI last week. ` (Nr auath bound INA coach is, we are in- ronnec , hariag considerable trouble lately, owing to it1 inability to cope with the traffic en the road. J. Nr clroald, oar popular host, has du. msof his spotted Mexican ponies to posed Wolter Sinatra, of (.oferich, for whieb Its re- eelm '•7.50. M • Glen it Co., who had resigned GRAND OPERA HOII'TT, uubitnici(. -ONio-i T- UG Monday, May 28 81'1:C1 %1. t.N.0 A(ir F\ r or Smoking ___E • Tobacco Mr, FRINCIS LABkDIE Miss HATTIE HOWELL, be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a larger profit. oda ASI, Competent Company .n The Great .'lay FAUST 1r..i MANAGER HART has made a personal vestlgation of this t1oen.112y. and will guaran- tee it one of tl a beat ever in Goderich. No advance in priceb ; 25, 35 & 50 Cts. ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE? R. W. McKENZIE can supply you w ith a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE !N Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Dealt fail to gi.m.. A calx R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. The reserved .eat plan a; 1 be open to sub- 8l_ 3C *erahets only on Thursday. and to the General p Public on Friday. at eraser & Porter's Store. 41 "The Signal" -$1 a year. our close nt in t store. price,. a pretty eei price of any jacket 1 11 capes at ,•Iearingj '-- worth 82.27, for ‘Retial value in Fawn Navy and Black Cloths for clip... OOMPLETIC OUTFI(TTB 3 -GREAT OU UNITID-3 The Great Roman Hippodrome, Arabian Nights Exhibition, Joon v i; i re ,R'sTt) NE 1111,1:s Wild West Show. A Pin Is a LIttIeThIn& t t I.zowT.r.F..uu (,'apt. ftt.bbal wi11 glee ewe Greed sod complete Perform nose at Goderich, Tuesday, May 29. fi1roes owe. , la t a`i�dsrrssa. ISM... to !► .es. nos. nets. But it is the biggest little thing we know of. THE PURITAN PINS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Every Paper of PURITAN PINS contains 360 Pins, and we sell ,them at 10 cts. a Paper. TOIITRODUCE PURITAN- - We will Present to every Customer making a Purchase in our Store, including a Paper of PURITAN PINS, a Beautiful Silverr-Plated Pin Tray, worth as much as we charge for the Pins. Ask to see "the COMFORT SAFETY PIN. THE PIN PO/NT IS THOROUGHLY GUARDED. We have 'ust opened up another lot of Lace Curtains from 18c. up to 50. £ In $1.50 Curtains We LEAD THE LEADERS. Cosripare P3:3.ce13_ We will not be nnrierwoltl by any Store in the Track. }highest Price Paid for Butter arid Egg,. JAMES ROBINSON. aur ems,* IF iotau,: =OIL THE OXFORO • • OIL GAS COOK STOVE , Nas tin Largest own. IS A FARnER's 3TOVF le Everybody's QOM( Stove. Makes and Burps Its Own ass From Common Coal chi. NO DIRT. NO HEAT IN TtIB KITCHEN. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Os*ip.. ON It, The GURNEY FOUII)RI CO., Ltd., TORONTO. Sold by McINTOSH & HARPER, 4 Crabb's Block, Goderich. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. Having lately returned from a trip to the leading Millinery Market., where 1 have been ',urrhaaing n ..tock of all that is new and artistic in the Millinery Line fur this ti•a.Inl. Trade, 1 an now prepared to show you tL.• %cry Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimmings, A CALL IS KF:SI'F.('fFL 1.1.\ St *1.11 1.1 1:1, MISS CAMERON ust Received x x ANOTHER CARLOAD OF White Ensilage Corn AT VIDEAN'S East -St. Flour and Feed Store. 1 THE SUBSTITUTE costs the dealer Tess. THE SUBSTITUTE costs you a good deal more than Eddy's. The DEALERS' profit is in the "just as good." Where does YOURS come in ? Insist on getting E. B. EDDY'S Matches, and your temper will not 13! ruffied by trying to make the "just as good " match light. Ade Our Motto --Good Boots at low prices. DO YOU /(NOW how POLLOCK gives such Low Prices on Boots and Shoes? BECA USE he has bought the Stock of T. Fowler d Co. at a bargain, and i,. Auxin% the People the advantage of the close bargain, and he is Selling x11 for Caah (positively no credit), and this, ton, enables him to sell much cheaper. Yotz. Cast. guy ' Rano i. a dose. difljaeesi styDs at flit eta per pair, Millar Wk. 66 Ma ivittabadiimis„eminrim, melinol Hits, s.0 eta.. teur.la, prix. 51. '. Heavy Bios. at 750. , rega1r prise 908 alflbna'. Odsad Tim fes 60e. , regular pries 75c. Mlatsss. 71ie., 90e. ' .. .. 75a, •, 90a. .. " ((Moine De.g.,a Kid with tee W) fee $1. rag.lsr 06.s 11. f6 " 1?reaIra 4ilial.5O0 1'elar plies tilt; " 1 Rett Beet. „.9b, ,.Pier pries 41.60. Nae.I'la�d Renee 71 regular pries 91 26. s.4 all ether Loss equallY yew. Every line in the house reduced in pries frac 16 to 26 per cant Repairing neatly done. H. B. POLLOCK elle. sta/sa,o js tq .1e. leu° 1 ; °Ito t 0- 1 ,.e.. m