HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-24, Page 7THE SIGNAL:.. GODFR1OR, ONT., THURSDAY. MAY 24, 18 4.
Our extra stock of Carpets, in-
cluding Brussels, Tapestry, 2 and
3-nly All Wools, Unions, Hemps,
&c., &c., will be sold at Slaughter
Prices from now till 1st of June.
Don't miss this opportunity of
buying a Carpet at less than man-
ufacturers' prices.
See small bills for prices. Call
and see the Goods.
Sale closes May 31st.
Parasols ani Umbrellas, (the latest).
(:lover as usual up to the mark.
itlsek, White, Cream, Slate, Fawn and Tan Shades in Silk
Lisle Thread and Cashmere.
A Targe range of Trimming Braids, in Silk, Mohair and Angora
All widths in Serpentine and Creme Military.
t•Inner. ,, lienri.•ttav and Whip Cords. Cashmeres in White,
t rows•, Skye and Cardinal. Leading Shades in Ntin's 1'eilingtt
In Sprays, finds, Spot, and Stripes.
line of SmallwareEI. inc:uding Pearl and Linen But-
tons, 2 and 4 boles.
lawn.. kINV Mltets.d.
Per tie■1. Barest rev Teak
o11.iw Vit C. 1N IZOw
Draper and Hsberdaeher.
Willem A. Hall. of Worth, 1;s., has •
tem of mules that are 27 years old. H. hes
tem driving them for 20 year., and they
as be worked as hard as ever.
Hssry Nitrite, of Bauhaus, Tex , is said
to den a hens that has an immoderate (und-
oes for live chickens, catching them for
enmelf and enjoying them se ordinary
ease envoy ata H. has destroyed the
rep.. vi' of all the colored people m the
Ila doe farm is Ways, tcwnehip Pa , the
ether day • rsttla..ake four and eaele if
tet bog ed a biaek.nake six feet long
were killed within half an hour in ttie same
stet They appeared to have been slts.st•
twig their •Lasag quarters like the ken.
Tse life of 5.year-old Mary (:cesoherry
wet saved by • dog. She had fallen into •
peed, when • Newtoandlesd blowffing to •
0eitbbor jumped is usd pulled her out..
New leer mamma forgives the child for Neal.
set White from the kitchen to feed Fido,
mesa friead.ktp is at • premium la that
A s.rasd Haven 1 Mich. I ms. says that is
1.7o he marked the backs of three teethe.
rut off their beads sed set them fres. He
snots that a few days ago he caught .ee of
thefts. creatures which bad • fully de
mimed head mod only showed the raw* of
_ III M.pt•kion is as abnormal ridge
tuft the threat
Toe little girl. and • tot of • boy killed
• hog Mee racer emir Upper H•sds.ky, 0.,
the other d•y. The they drairgsd the body
Some little
teis .vid.so, of good isith.
Prl4 ears old was bitten by a
rattlesnake which had coiled itself up in her
mb, at Whit (le. Thr folks didn't
ere her whisky. applied • m•dNwe
w she recovered.
Mrs. Jos Fetters, of M•rpl., Pa., fogad •
rat of Meek sakes while obs wee gether-
N wiener Site ailed her behead, sod
Merest them they msser.d to kill amen of
Ile makes A number of others escaped.
t `or, of Lyes., N. Y., found three
vh4M•r Iia Meek -leak's and tried to rap-
tors there alive, He got bitten three times,
rad 6rlly got here with the higr s% of the
*I e'• • paper tour hag. He had hese
ed to kill the other two.
ahlist '''tiler, eA Oil City, who cells
the Meshes make atelier in the state
p••eylvaalb. W twelve Bye rattlers is
' Palm hK• and was earn) them hew
toey horst
dh the" (1.. of
nuke at the east. but in tryng to
tae bit Ste owe body and died.
t•tskw meed ,leve of the reptiles.
ws Kernels atMrli ga Sloww.
12 12f _~�' est, Special Telegram, MaT
_ r view. .ne of (mono Vegas%
4.1 •• tk. latter's farm, jest south of the
eah.im, is pegkM•rly sf*MMd is
'1. et hie
ie yougeg.sghaar, ft
▪ paelle'ts mint sat .dapl t ahem • sa•Nble the Meld girlI
11wbIwtshei..nt• t
my a
lMile • few keratin that wwreePParw
- isos that ti.. eke bas hese
of w M I am, s.wdl, tb.gb •kM
▪ WWI ever,
ewecry ass
seta bassets
.117 as
.hmy d,M.r wee masa who slat bed
yla • `"" d ev dlogssglag lf tkewi.
te the sidles Weemailt, whisk
sd • very a -Mini ins
which required very careful treatment.
He we. able to relieve -her of Nome of the
same, wbrch had "precis growing nn them
over two mehes in length. The little rirl is
progressing u well as could possibly bs ex-
pected, although by se imams out of
danger. -
A rredesl Mar', Intr.
" These married disasters my course
o ermaster•," said he. " I won't ride ea the
train,' and, startteg to travel o'er concrete
and gravel, fell and broke a large hole in
his brain.
•' These steamboat explosions fill me with
commotion•, 1 will walk if it takes me •
week." w he walked all vacation, but
nervous prostration completely broke down
les pbyrs1ue.
1 wouldn't ride in • phsetos, not if it
should weigh • toe if you ride bolded
horses you're dead." Then • cyclooe came
whirling. his house started twirii.r and
thundering down on he bead.
" I woe t ride a bicycle, break boosts like
an icicle sed ro to those beepttal cob•."
Thee • bicycle rider, • wheeltm•o named
t1eyder, rode against bins aid broke in hi.
Then the surgeon inspected his back bone
deflected and found that his head had been
sp,i1. but young Mr. Snyder the bicycle
disr--why, he ease's injured • Mt.
" 1n no church co•rreg•tios 111 take up
ss station. A church may barn dos is •
minute" But tb•t eight • dire uaquesch-
able fire burled down his home and hint ie
Bare verse... of MIN.
"1 knew • sea captain, who died some
mere ago. who displayed meat pr.•e.a of
mind at • toot critical time," said Henry
S, Roberts, of Ho•tos. "Hie ship had
caught fire and his p..ewreru and crew
ottmp•tled to take to the beats is • hurry.
The captain res.isd perfiretly cool t breech-
es alt the.sedusie. •sd fright .f the em-
barkation, nod at I•.t eyeryese but himself
had got safely into the kat` By the time
be was ready to follow the p---esgen were
wild with fear •ad emitem.at lowed .1
b.rryisg drown the isdder, the espial. cell-
ed out to the sailors to bold w • mimes,
mid t•ki.gs • cigar from his p•oket, cooly bit
the end off it, • id Beheld it with • Woe el
the bursts' ripper". nee M dwad.d
wlth great deliberat 's and rare the order
to shove of. 'Hew ossld you step t. light
• et�.s
r •t ole • ..esaf
.t he wee ter-
saw,' he answered, 'i new that if i did sot
de a.mthisg to divert your meads them
would likely le • wail sad upset the bats.
The ligbti.g of the °par took but • densest
and &mewed the attention of everybody :
yes all forret yourselves is thinking about
my ~loss behaviour ass we (55 safely
away.' "-St. Louis Globe Dmeesrat
The 475,.,1... N law rw.e.h.
The Fr.a.'... is • Meyer pm..s, shod
saws was that eleserne a hsNer Ylestr ted
thea h the wry 1.1d of Lespe% the )"rash
f.urssli.t, *Mr taws e " T1.sb.e
Telma" On, dal' wile M wart he w
dissgrsabljl istwded elf by • sr dicer,
who •smoa.ssd Ne Mtestie el .et dows-
ing until he we chid Ptr1sy preved w
kiss t the ..silk.? placed b�nh..if epee •
.hear, toed Lsspss beheld him with ewter
e•Y•n, draw bred •nal .heses fr.m hie
pelteke• ea thentgb to fortify litmeet
•salad Waal& Sews/ bene. Lod
y i Loupes hod renwed Ms welting and
i.iehed a aridai.. The m.dN.r showed me
.f .rush', ltd, frost the Assess
be .est ae • ••`. Iree .mess* arm -
meow wenn tine of • td It er..ld woke.
I -9 -nip Lawn beim eek mod e hits .f
emempsirWking MI the speramon
. :hick sir wok' ewes Isla Me
teen, Is this meas prepgwiken Ins
Only a Step
from Weak Lungs to Con-
sumption. from Depleted
Blood to Anaemia, from Dis-
eased Blood to Scrofula,from
Loss of Flesh to Illness.
Scot 's
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
prevents this step from being
taken and restores Health.
Physicians, the world over, en-
dorsa 1t.
Digit k Naha by Sib: Mein!
.sat. -rasa esue.tu.. art Domino w• en.
lighting s ihsreonl are i but hefeseepplyi.g
the match, pasted .w the wall jest opposite
the creditor's eyes $ paper thus worded,
" Take notice that we died of our own
What •re you doing exclaimed the
creditor quite uneaeily.
" Your society would render life intoler-
able, w we •re going to .vmmit ecocide to-
gether," answered 7'unothee, tranquilly.
It is needless to say that the creditor de-
•Tau N Ili. tiler.
Philadelphia Ihoss: The smallest inci-
dent, which, to mat people, arenas too in
,icm6caot to notice, hes often caused the
capture .d a :nmieal, or the detection of a
plot. All thtngs are important 10 certain
people. A mac tried his door Iheother day
to see whether it was locked, and catered •
He and hut wife were preparing to go to
the theatre There was nobody else in the
bouss. Hie wife glanced out of the window
and saw a mao staodiog on the shadow of •
tree across t he street. ane thought nothing
of it at the tome. As they were leaving the
house the husband clicked the latch of the
doer, as usual. As they walked up the
street the woman's eye again fell upon the
motionless form iu the shadow of the tree.
She bee sine suspicion,.
•' Ihd you lock the door when you came
out ' ' she asked of her husband.
., I suppose ro, I always do," he said.
" Hadn't you better make sure, dear Y'
•• 1 Sb, I am sure. Ws all right.-
ight•' But wou't you go hack and see ` I'm
afraid you didn't, and I'd like to be certain
about it"
So he walked hack and tried the -door. 01
course it was locked, but his wife's kpalety
was relieved.
That simple act cat lam a gnat deal.
The man across the street had out opulent.
plated robbing the house before, for he ltd
not know whether any person erns at home
or not. When the person who lived then
went back to try the door it satisfied him
that oo one was In. He crept back the
alleyway, pried open a rear window and
helped himself to the contents of the silver
closet. And he wouldn't have done it ex-
cept for that trifling, natutal incident that
told him to much.
A WIN. Old rem w.er Bat.
From the Cleveland Leader.
•• Have you ever heard of our oust otBos
rat ` ' queried • handler of Cleveland mol
menta of leisure. •. He is a kleptomaniac, a
a bora thief, 1 guess," continued the clerk.
" He steals letters and we cannot keep him
from it. He has • taste for wedding cake,
too, and his conscience Dever restrains him
from t.dulgiog it, We have set • trap for
him repeatedly, but he is too wise for us."
The clerk thea discoursed concerning the
habits of the distinguished rodent. " He
hides among the rubbish of the room," he
said, " and has several means of ready ac -
earns to the outside world. He takes charge
of affairs when we are out The other day
he less seen sttti.g upright on the table nib-
bling at a package of hickory nut kernels
which happsaed to be side-tracked during
traaeit through the mails. Not long age •
box of wddi•g cake got lost. A card wse
mailed to the sender to Dome and correct
the address. She called, but whim we look-
ed for the packais it was gone. A feeling
sostetbine like that which crept over Old
Mother Hubbard when .be went to the cup-
board to get her ' poor deg a boo. ' grader
ally gaised poss.s-ios of as. The rat had
made of with the Dake, and the clews
search revealed only scattered fngmenta of
precious sweetmeat
We thought for • long time that some
iequi.irive woos was taking certain mis-
sives, but our e.picione proved t3 be as-
tounded. One day we discovered several of
the missing letters sear • bole mads by the
rat ander a desk. He 1.d takes them se
far os he could, and the had bade them
gid by
The rat makes the clerk 'sofoe
his principal reedexeo.s. it there that
stray letters and paelteges are held for •
time to ..oertsin Asir ssr,s.t addrwse or for
additional p..t./a
esterday afternoon, as he caught • tew mo
Tvr. Thr *Ws.
To lump Anhwei by sorties
themes stove in Bold water which is
allowed to come slowly to • boil.
Bnghteaing mlvsrw.re by ribbing it with'
Wssbimg red table lime is orator in which
borax has beim dissolved.
(as•.isg windows with chamois skin
Or, with • little alcohol.
Ressovi.r paint from windows by apply -
beg • copper °est
Removes/ • wi.dow pane by applying •
bot poker to the petty.
To take out fruit stains in lien using
powdered starch.
0-, pouring /saline water through the
Or, waiing is het milk.
Or, • wink .sletaoe of oxalic acid.
Or, Meeeking, wine apple tree, are is
Weehisg est refrigerators with soda
To drive sway at', burs: wised with
Paefst insect powder. -timed Me. elton r.,
• tow. gasp.
• hely wad Mrs T. C. M. Hn.Atries,
Mdat iOat, wits used say toe
tgllfiBll Lwow of Mowbray's tlisy end lever
(`urn 1/s hewewlett s grleseaa M illi.
seat AM stei Mee kw id iv
�t•r).sole M Wiley and ever
______ Ilk* a of dM...s
j)'neeleg ss elvishly M On rem* efesY
asesseve h MIA
M glee N a
BONFIEUH 1N THE LEGION.I Irma Ow Chian, itecont.
MOW. Ttkaa eacIsl
rr5.rr hewers a-ewt)s'e t;re•t.0 wear••
t .•n•.,. Henry Wsttn.o 1011. of a politioi•a
bow Ilosbslr, the ISLAM' .alma( pointer i who was invstghiog against CIsysl•td b•
who 1e just been
1 promoted to the rank el lora • dumber of auditors in Warru•gtca. •
officer of the Dice of Howr, u the first " 1 m going to quit," ay. he. I'm go
woman .ser ileos ho•ond t• the history of nig to get out and keep out of sight for the
Fra•os. By the fords of her ow• in- nest four years. 1 know • secluded spot in
drvidality .bo bis attained euoteen, lactose the James River comity where I'll go •ad
glory. Her sea proved • tempera/7, but live. 11's an ideal home for • wear recluse
sot • pertaa.ea obstacle ; will sad taken About two hundred ds bac y ! 0 A IP
pis o to aro mint hall while pot he crest • D
Imre placed her in the front rank. Al yea k °f the dot
tags there's • spring house and close by s &
though Me artis
t hie so • tme t 1' acres. t
and a little nook at Nie, she .pends the friend of mine runs a distillery
village of Bv, Noae distance from Fontaine- nod at
greater part of the you to the pretty A tie
Mese, It r • clean, silent spot. Tb speak
ntuckyien was •moue the auditors,
gee juncture he interrupted the
seas. me, stranger. bat that mut M
The St�hreu In Training.
One u oethally reminded of 'train
houses are white with green shutters, awl ••t' wire
villa.', about two step from the echoo
buddies. is her dwelling, half chalet, half
castle, Iigbtoolored and silent, like all the l DO HER OWN
sweet odors &ballad In the middle of the pand'
Rosa liouhemr's father was &bo • pewter. man, whether in politics, to literature, te
to seeing how the hard•workiog English -
"My father was my professor," she rya.
"1 have had any other. Perhaps
or III ODA of the professions, card
that is the secret of the energy tempered by for himself and is cared for to his house.
swse,tess that is attributed to me." Such oleo w foodstore, Balfour, 1'hamster
After having devoted four years to tam lain and Lord Roseberry, to mention only
study of great as Rosa Iloobmr, at
well ksowo exam Id, aro, ft's
to k, rr
t+easy yeah of al1e, made her debut •t the ularly groomed, panel kept in apcoaodition
ala of 1841, with two ptcteras entitled physically and nieutally- for their arduous
"Sheep and Goats' and Two ltabhits," duties. They take frequent holidays ;
The following rear she exibited three new everything that
paintings . "Animals in a pasture," "A ry g pail service can do, from
('o+ Sleeping in the Field," A Hoene far kwpiov their clothes to attending to their
Sale." For twenty years the artist has stone
a fame the
y ds anrel,e•ed oofIrl y
been living in solitude, oontinually workinggtone R • (`mons esu erry amuses
i Balfour playa
increa.inr the tae sure of her koowlellge gog .table, ('h'hamberlc is a successful grow -
and edeeweiog.till further in the study of er of orchids, and thus they make • bust -
her art. der of recreation. la England these en -
MARRIAGE AD DIVORCE. grossing avocations are eemed to be •• wise
--Ndeconomy of power ; with us they are looked
In twenty years Carted& has bad but 116 upon as • frivolous west of energy. Price
roes. Collier in Forum Slags/ow.
Desertion is the most common acs of
divorce in Sweden. !Isle. Bellsl .. soli& rimier..
Scotland hos fifteen divorces to every 1, l'hiledelphe Times : •'1 saw a. odd
000,000 in population. sight in Luzern. county • few days ago,"
In eighty-five years in4rance there have said Eckley B. Coes. "lox mules that had
hien 22,865,000 marriage*. had fur four years haulm cars IU the low
Many suttee forbid marriage between of
white sod Chinese 1 ,vada., workings of •haat shaft to , from
gh the S j,� ] J� JG HAS COMM
Paris hu nearly one halt of the divorces font of the shaft had to be brought u - ! ` L �/
in all France. owing to the Houdin, of the mute on ac-
count -lnstru 14 is the legal age of morn a count of tire. The mules in all that tune
for both men and women. had seen no light stronger than the flicker ltoli t purchase the following Goods until you have "e'en ours.
of the little deny lamp the miners carried.
IF she does, rase that
the t•..i-.h is made Easy and
Clean by getting her
whit h does away with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience will convince her that
it YA1'S to use this soap.
Testisn.-- riials
for Terne Plate Roofing
• The Terre t'tate Itoof which you phoned on
the new 'Ott inn to sur factory while with
Saunders & t'o, appears to be entirely oatu-
fa,tory-. and, 1 think. w111 prose adorable pool
covering. ALS. i. 8*t .i oj,, \Isoaeer.
Thr Verne Plate hoof you put on our bank
tn.oMce in Irk: to replace era•el leas sited
I�arae' satisfaction.\ ,u mast.• a ons .lin..
ob. J. 1'. T'•i a t. 1 1 t,ton.
1 op cheerfully recommend the Terme Plate
Roof you pis, mt my block of 4 stores during
Ili'. It 1 xs g. wen the beet of satisfaction.
Jura: ' i Hl0unaIxar'. 1';t•ton.
we are thoroughly satiated that Terre ilete
ie the best rat roonog for our climate, and you
If you want a gaol Hoof g.•t W(
put it on. A worst to thermion is putti
put on by J. H. WORSELL :
thoroughly understand how to put it on toreq.make a first clone req.
H,H1.I•U 4//404.. (111110o.The Teruo fiat. Hoot you put on :the
foum 'ry in 1191 to rebiacr gravel has given
goodro.*so n.fa.-tion- and. in my (>7•ioion, i. the.
1•.1a on the utarketJ- .
1i, Its S. i%i 004144 Ch.
The roof you put on my - stable in 1.9i h.g
W004 well and a tit, e*1 Sfs.•I,.ry,
tf.. itis I *Nou,, Clinton.
The Terne Pate Roof on nt. *tone, h.s
uprtter every eatist.crton ani :1 1 werr r tune to
build again. 1 would mg hair any other if 1
could get it nowt. on fur dot Ling,
a..t'.,,I.5 H...Ider, 1 !ioacus
)RSELL, The l't:u•tical 'I'iti.,n ill • to
The average age of Widowers when remar-
vying is 42, of widows 39.
The sun nes in the remith when they roach
ed the surface, nod the atmosphere was a
clear as a crystal.
The utontshed creatures closed their eyes hit p _ k
kept them ttrhtly closed while they were
being drisro to • pasture lot • mile dut•n
and turned loose. There they stood from
bung as it they were afraid something evi
was ahout to befall them. Presently they
half opened their eves and peered around
to open-mouthed &mazement, It war clear
they'suuldo't uoderst&ud tt.
"When they had become aceustome.t to
the sunlight they elevated their head, and
slowly swept their gaze over culm piles,
sky mountains and horizon again and again.
Toward eundowo they broke into • chorus
of 'joyous brays, the like of which was
never hard from mules before.
"After • .!uarter of an hour of that music
they took to kicking, jumping, whirling
around like teetntuma and rolling on the
sod as it they hail gone m&d. For four
days they spent their time gazing at the
new sights of field and sky, refusing food
and water, not even nibbling at the grass,
and dot as musk ea blinking an eye in
The most csnmon cause for divorce in
Italy is cruelty from the husband. shut out the flood of .t
Italy in the last twelve years hie had 2,- 1 to rong light, and
573,000 marriages a 6,690 divorces.
The marriage of first cousin& is forbidden
to fourteen States end ternteriss.
There are at the present day 62,062
divorced persons liyiog in Germany.
All marriages in England must be cele-
brated before three o clock in the after.
Helioy&b•lue divorced one of his wires be.
muse .he had • mole on her shoulder.
In Colorado • wife was muted a decree
because her husband cut off her bangs.
The greater peril.,. of divorced people in
France are between forty and fifty years of
Twenty-two States forbid by law the mar-
riage of step -children with their step-par-
The minimum age fixed for marriage in
Sparta was \ea a man and 20 for a
gbe W.sld.Parisi Bt..
• Lawn Mowe1's (ten inch drive wheel), Spades,Shovels, Hoes,
es, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, Plain,
Barb, Galvanized, Oiled and Annealed Fence Wire,
'•Madam," exclaimed the indignant
neighbor, "your little boy has got • hatchet
and won't give it
"Oh well, let the little darling have it,"
replied the food mother.
Bot he's brandishing it about his head
and clueing the other chtldreo around the
••He's crying 'ugh ' t •ffh • Whoop
isn't he
"That's exactly what he's doing "
•'1".s, my pet likes to play indtao, Does
he ory, 'Me scalp paleface"
• Y.., bat don't you eee—
"Oh, let the little fellow eoioy himself '
He takes such plessui• the sport," said
the fond mother.
"But he'll hurt ode of the others !- cried
the indignant neighbor.
"Not intentionally," returned the food
mother. "He never meals to hurt any
"No, but he does sometimes, and it's
dangerous, outdate -- it's dangerous.'
"Perhaps it r," said the food mother
She went to the window and oalkd out .
"Willie, if you kit any of thew children
with that hatchet, fill whip you and put
you to bed."
As she resumed bite ..at MID Obi to htiir
indignant neighbor:
•'You need have M fears. 1 tats to
punish Will, but 1 premise yes tint I will
if he bits as. of the children."
Asd .he menet understand now why the
neighbors will sot allow their children to
play with Willie.
•o Ansel gsaw•rta.
As hssrssoe •gest, albeit a useful wad at
time atirs.tive person, s sot always a wel-
come meter. To some people, nedeed, le is
a decided bore. One of this ohms owns •
handsome rwidesoe, ad eve the thought
soma as soeprovoked his ire. One ermine
recently he we esjoyit, hie .time cum dig
when • etas walked in on tin, very alumni -
trammel" The visitor waits total to segsr
to him, and before he hid time to throw as
inkstand at him or to ask hiss to els down
he began quite calmly and is a e•ost bust -
se. -like to to talk.
"Had you any insurance oar this house!"
said 1*.
Well Mr. Mitten cam dig was sere in •
What do you mss, sir," be stormed,
"by beaking into my bow, sir, in thie
.saner--br.•kimg into ley hew with your
infernal ienrsnce b.isese! it i. no 000 -
mire of yours, sir, whether this hews is•
tiered er not Get out or I'e throw you
The tl1 a calm
r wet lm • May morn-
it ism smell el mine whatever," he
replied, "1st T ehe.ght --"
Yon have so tight to think of wlpa
does sot eoseers ou, sir," intenenp/sil Files
ho,weer. 1 want no mese ins toils
forging"Iamt ismd that ase, sir."
gird i ins
N ssw.n.s arpot. I was twr.ly peals,
Pose bless, and i observed it wee ire is
Ms rear, mod n eeerr d to mss that if you
hitt w Iswrsne. es It purf.ps you did est
whela es burs dews."
Taw whys the Ailey haid, but Mr.
�la�.e. S gdldsii%hear Mai Weil 1., .m*IS4d aHe nd
Met -Dank Frye Prem
Maytag •used over Mrs yews wish w-
e d W.w.sad the d to try
sin emmie its d
d M 1 ses.aad.d M
Iheters, sled Ware 1 wad .w bingo i Irmo
welt I 'an also r..ssinend Is Ur dek
and a furl la..• of
CL.\'F_h'.11 IIA! D1tr. 1it>1.',
tit Prices t.. Suit the
0.4 4 "'OM. r: w.t.ariMs.
Broken rr.srl.e.,
Mother You have broken your prompt•
to obey your papa. and I shall bare to whip
Little Son -Didn't you promise 4o obey
paps when you were married :•
" Did your Inamma whip yon when you
broke tt."
Joerralhrs wlfk a Bag J.
sleep.' (:real Editor 1 rot started on your *pecial
%wee ort lases.
Lionel, the Intin name is a little lion.
Isaac, a Hebrew name, means laughter.
Edith and Editha are Saxon--happinees.
I.ucy is the feminine of the 1.•tin Lucius.
Blanche is of French origin and signifies
the fair one.
Manfred, the German name, signifies •
great pewee.
Dennis is (.reek, meaning belonging to
the god of wine.
it-diget is of ('eltic origin and moos the
shining oche.
Toby, a hehrew name, means the good -
lass of the Lord.
Camilla is Min. The first Camilla was
an attendant at a sacrifice.
(;ertruoe was first used &ming the Ger-
mans and means all truth.
Salome was comma among the hebrews
and means the perfect one.
Orlando is Italian, signifying the counsel
for the people or the country.
Rhoda is 1.sok-the rose. Regalia. is
its Latin derivation- -a little rose.
Elizabeth and F:liza are of Hebrew deriv-
ation, meaning the ootb of (rod.
Lillian, Lily and the compounds are d
iatin derivation and ma. • lily.
l'ecil was originally from the loan, mean•
ing the dim Pythiad o0S It was ortrieelly
used as a oick.are.
Jobs wary extremely popular Hebrew
name, sigaitying the grace of Gott or the
(minions gift of t.od.
Arthur, a Celtic nave, sirni6es the strong
mho. It hair kept pais with Alfred is the
favor of the English.
Magd.le is • Hebrew or Syriac name,
uneasier magnidoet Magdale wee the
nage of • city in Pal..ti•e.
articles for the Fourth, of July
t'bief Pedder --They ate all done, sir.
" Plenty of illustrations '
• • Ten pages."
"Good. Run 'em in shout the middle of
May No as to vet ahead of the other papers."
t;leederre. l'wo years ago my husband
suffered from severe mdtre.tion, but was
completely cured by two bottle. of Burdock
Blood litters. I .;an truly recommend
to all sufferers from this disease.
MR. .Ion, Hioi.,
13 ('roes et., 'T••ro.to.
New Brunswick cedar shingles at Kiddie,
.N se the ram,
it'. Bolus -And how are you enjoying
life, my dear
Mie creels Toting (Oh, sot very well,
doctor ; you ere so
I'm not in meaty yet-
0,, Bolo- i. that possible• Why, 1
ball you remember being present at yodrat
it is • formate day for a .tan whim he
first discovers the value of A er's Sar-
saparilla se • blood -purifier. With this
medicine, he knows he has lewd • rented,
apes whioh be may rely, sod that bis life -
king malady is at let 'summered. Hot
oared where, win ears ye.,
Buchanan & Son,
r♦ N t'r•l 71'Nt:H.
1 .,.!ars in a:1 kinds of
And builder's% material of every drinription
School Furniture a Specialty.
Steam Boiler Works.
t1EitTA Itl.l-il k1t'/nl.i
A. S. C H R Y STA L,
Soceeabrto (Aryratif & Black,,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright .1 Tubular
Salt Paris, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers in Upright enitpttorizerdal Nude
Valve Keaises. Automatic Cut (MT Roviere
peelalty. All signs M pi is and ripe noise
amsenatiy on band. Kellumtes furnished or
Repairing promptly attended to.
WW1, P. 0. Box T, Ooderieli, tat.
Magmas--Opooelte O. T. It. Stat(.. Ooderiea.
hu just returoel from the cities where he
hea been seleeting
11! SPRING U00118.
He bali now;on hand s Large Line
of the Choicest Goods in the
Market and is prepared to
turn out work in the Best
Style possible, and at Prices to
suit the times
bow .ata uto
�'•iL! wv/ee with tab bad pew
ef s wises prtaelNss awe to
pottmeme t t ed even ts.rss. w1s
owls▪ & 1...,. ea we Ibis
.. a'a•r
Arils7 he
°�MOS°. �y
tso.Tte*OH?L, sew.
Tilormi-l5 • ta�uwA V. Ne+ Yura.
taloa set W r 1a brought before
/astir !r a moms 0,10 fres of charge in this
$ cientifjc American
wast MrreNtee M 7
ra.ire4eWn. t.rierklle paer
sti dedt.ftbet 11
imruesti=al ir•n t,theat
Tags.' A •ty�
IIc 4.. 4.
maw the kid-
•fy• ar• is
Mom Plrgliilael:
6 N
of at/sees* la
foist ...mise
dloore r.h-
right ea well
fri N have a Ofab•t•• and
healthy ,itr p
drilesed noir.•. 4.'! '11. abow •
: •e goof IUswome '.mist
who the •rief whore
Mb* • •r• Dole's kidney
they ere Pally ere send •'
~� +�tmma�ikiZ
the ocaveegere
of the"Desystem.
l •fdr
tremble* It. ft
in lad Shiest
/art. and
the most dan-