HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-24, Page 5res a flirt of
Manger, when
pimpled, blotchets
and eruptions
appear ou the
Ale, DO Inatte•r
how alight. It
warus you that
/ 1 your blood isn't
parr. Heed the warning while
(tarn; u yet time; clear up your sys-
tem and purify the blood by taking
Dr. t'ierce's (;olden Medical Djte'ov-
rrv. It rouses every organ into
natural action, purities and enriches
tl;,. blood and through it (deanery
no i i....:orette the whole system.
1; 3tt.u'ks all acrofulotut, shin and
t, .1.!p ,I,.eastes in the right way --;by
(,,,rift iia
the blood.
Ili, diseases that it cure* eoete
from a torpid liver, or from impure
bio."1. For everything of this
natio-, it is tho only guaranteed
In 1)vopt'psia or Indigestion, Scour
Stemat li. li.bouenur; all Bronchial,
Throat, and Lung Affections, even
(',tea-::uiptieu (or Lung -scrofula) in
it• ,. rlier stager -if it ever faile to
benctit or cure, you have your
money back.'
MAKERA of Dr. Sage'* Ca-
tanli Remedy will pay you 1500 if
the t' can't give yew a complete and
pt n:,.tneut clime,
MAY 24.
lose( l'hotos- R. R. Sallow •
Leal -1'mil ,diff --F. J. Pr Wham
Itiemiads-C A. H..M•
t''abeam et -J. E Derr 5
Tae Substitute Y. Kddi Co.. 8
tar fur Sorsa. •-J. Harry 5
Still aro it --11. It. (: albiok. 8
A Kenterkeible Petr Falord t (:o3
filmy Ceased Mo - W Leas5
Crane, Carpet tired ohn T. Acreage7
ildess..b'. Ura O.sds - W. Acheson 4
`o• . 8
•' Faust ' (.coed Opera Howe .. 8
e t+. l.'nditere -C. B. Arm. trasg . 5
u•eutw, Locale - R. W. McKenzie . 5
F ft, n Yeare -('. G. Armstrong 4
Hu. i..r. it. W. McKenzie.... 8
Ws.* flur.0 Elsetios --Mr. (;arrew'e
rove logs .... .-. . 4
\,w i,ru,l Stews-(' 1) Wullume 5
ldluw•'ose !ill's Wild West show 8
••uroey Steens McIntosh &
harper 3
It 1)O'.itALi!-At Lirlanow, May 6k. de wife
P sd.liefereeM or a deign ter.
OTMA.l'-Yls,i Albert. on l(o•da7. May
etsr Ir't' MmrmnM, wife of Henry Otwar.
M .1 .1 years are U toads.
From the Reporter's Notebook
• It Isere • seas 1s i yrs teem. 1 rode
to t.•t is • meters Mumma t•
table' nese., an' rabbi N'11
'real U." -harem
feu 4hrived-.41aleber ist et Whiteout &
Mee aIanewe saterene. Taeee as. tis. Mo
11 es .tonere WO e A few tree sprayers
!M ga k••d. It. W. Nick E'.7. i.
If roe wolf to get • era campaign snit tklt
esti lapin) leer "mantra bottom" .a otvan-
t.s, d mea fest to earl epos r. J. Frldbam, the
;tootle • elo;hnr. on the lq.ais.
Then appears to br • oneaksu u the asked.
earns peep* as 'o woo e►0NWd he Premier of
usucur the sex• roar y tem:.•
oso nn M •n she is Ise e
Poulin is this seetlee. Ills memo 1s R. R.
bee DX TO t)RDER.'-Tisere ant sense psi
De aro,. ordinary .p.etoabe wig met at if
in ase .n. at fleas. we rut make a glass to
nut )cur special raaoirema•y. Joel the mama
'. • odor stn woke • eget re It n kenliwsc .
a was W. 7. welsh, optima W Jewear,
FINK TAILODINA.- Craha *reg and
`eeaer.anisgs. eve rmeow. Meek and Mas
Men, worsted oaaas. . etaMemo
seeded comeonw Mg borstal. .1"1"114
dahlia. Dell and see the *Ms •ad •d
roe won surety lief. Yae(Jarm(m,
Am. D To 17. -Kee" person having
fnut teras with Meek Janet 'rowing es
them shquld hairs it removed all glean Thor
are sheto • heav1itfise alfa a eel leas.
Tike • look over your Math •
A Waa•.lxa.-S, Martis wbbed~from
14.11'0 Exeter, • distaste of 21 miles. cm
'Stat�y morale( u two heirs and three
He was ooivey.d hem. the sect
day u • four -wheeler. -8t. Marys J.srsel.
Cowin. -Ry advertisement ng pews 8 It
will be men that yelkrwMom• Rill's Wild
Win Slew wdl exhibit at I;ed•rieh se
Tsed.7. May 29th, a hereon and eve-
1114- I'he assg efllst1ss 1a favorably spokes.
4{ tthe�y sad oil no doubt drew •
Il.. It.., ('Hallosn.---An important
'Meg* has hew made la the bill providing
teat ie rams of
seeker ler Jaagss vrinst,
'corporates oke menus* eel' pommel injury,
mom a me
est he at within 48 hears aftw
*ore. The time Limit has base ex-
truded to 20 then
T.1 Cuomo* -- Mesday srraiaj last
Ter bowl. was she we • top .grinne1- m .
e11ks by Jew R.ephe,, whim had (.rad it
se me ,d hie trees the preeseding 4517. U••
he • mien seem the fill powers for evil le
110111 tree, whisk she beet wee rep -
el, Iwo • elegy lfssa obis.
• Warrens-- Daehe the letter part
illitliessitthe oases in the weather was
eallsdiet arryallvas, reemtlg .l the toy
Mr esteems boomer hire ?lseedoy, la 4
river 9eAsrp dme alag.with heavy
bMwThe e wen.'w we-
fprimes thee Ws dislelel
at al the received as •eeemlipafy Il Ids
yCatv,.l 1. R Ie • Taws Trill -A sheen*
hdl ties will take pies oro Polley. WF 0
pa sevw 4 'rhea hews ad hems se.
,. ra • bet the diel olmai t wr be se
T►• lepaa .ret seer iigiT a r
gab r.r., will wee et 1:10 ; the rais-
ed whisk leaves at 4:00 r r. will leave et
3:30 r:r. i the eesu4ag tufted, brew strut
ford at 410 r u. and error' ttaewg u Oederesh
et 7.36 r. u. will be asaoelled.
Tits Hot is u, R4►tut Corrtt^res -
Keeve McM,rohie, of Crates ; H. kilter,
reeve d Strophes ; W. Milne, reeve of 4 trey .
and W Bowden, reeve d Exeter were u
town Wedaeeday e( bet week to vow
•linable sights for county house of refuge
in thin section. Reeve i'roudfoot, d Gude
rich, was the local metubse el the 0oouaittet
in I:oderich.
Worry .,y Pasts (ioderich, May 23rd,
11194, Mr. J 11. W oriel. sir,---'ll,e No. t
Howard forams, you pissed u any homes
Ma year Ito gt vein entire tat eleutiue : it has
is wall paper white they have pissed w
such a prise &hot it .elle dr..11. This la •
straight baslmees pease.
Kh.umatrm t erred u • ilea.--2iosth
Aar/rises Rheumatic Care, for Rhe.itrrttoo
and Nee:sista, radially oared is 1 to 3 days.
1st action or the system ie remarkable and
myeteriou.. 1t ISmuvee et quos the onus'
mad the dosses umtnedi.t.ly disappear.
The first doss meetly benefit& 75 Geeta
Sold by J. %aeon and all druggist*. 30 1 y
A linos to Horsemen. Oas bottle of
E•,l1.13 Spawn' Lntmeit 0umpletsly re-
moved • curb from my horse. I take
pleasure to reoumnreudtug the remedy, u it
a to with mysterious prostpt.sse in the re-
moval from hoieee of herd, soft or calloused
lumps, blood "peon, upiiats, curbs. sweetly,
*titles mad 'proms. (iareut gime Farmer,
kept our Mile house very ooatlw*ilile all sold by .las. WIM... Markham' I t
rules. There are eiebt registers leae'utr h:`peritu: Yfie v friends M t.
from the luruace and all the ruo.r Arehtlahl Htebop, 11. i I'. line Sneath Hetaem
0111 deeply regret to learn that he le s fler-
lag from 111 health, gad altboegk
around, as far from well We hep..
of .
wowed robust health will speedily 1s r1•
atnre,l to him, sad that he will be able to
take as active a part in the forthcoming
political campasgn Sm hie spirit and zeal fur
the muse would prompt loon to. It would
go hard with but to be laid up et wcn a
Relief in Sic Hoets.-UiaIeemiag kid•
my and biaddet dimness relieved is sic
hours by the " Now Ghia? SovTN Aleut -
vs N Kto.kr ('res" This New remedy op
Asst surprise end delight to physicians i.•
000oemt unto exceeding promptness in :e-
inem paq *u tn. bladder, kidneys, back,
sod every pars el the urinory peonage* in
ale or female. It relies retention of
water end pato 111 passing 11 &linnet immedi-
ately. II you want quick relief and cure
this is your remade. Sold by Jas. Wilson.
or:- evenly heated. It is very •.ay to re.
gelato end retain,' fire well, and is entirely
free from gas or dust, which to a very lm.
portant feature is • furnace. 1 ant wail
plumed with It .n.1 asu recommend the
Howard fugue.. es being a powerful mid
economical heater. Yours truly. W.
Persuditwt, reeve of t,ederich.
1;:' 1'.ifI. LITrKsar. -The let regular
meeting of this society was held 1n the As-
sembly h.11 of the Collegiate, ou friday
eveotug last. The program was • good one
and brought to a close • successful term to
the history of the society. The following
program was presentel: (-bores, 1.les
Cisb; reedier, Mr. Stirling; solo, blies
Wilkue.o: instrumental, Moses Mitchell;
question drawer, Mr. prang ; direr, gun
of ':let 1 lub : inatrumeitel, Mos Sahel :
awry, K. E. Hooper ; duet, Messrs.
Cameron and Sampson : selection. Miss W.
Holl ; solo, Mr. McKim ; address, Mr.
Moore ; chorus, tare Club. Mr. Moore,
coagrstuleted eta society on its success in
the past terns and •puk• lo c,w.plimemtary
terms of Mr Caesarea, who bass been for the
Slier Kathleen Sell r visiting in Larne.
Mrs C. A. Nairn is visiting friends in
past year director of the musical nepert. Galt
meet, and by whose painstaking •aorta the Meed M•ryr Maoarm u visiting her mother
in tows.
41e* Club has made noticeable proem's.
Mr. Ceseeroe, in acknowledging the nom J. R. Kennedy, of Clinton, was in tows
plimest, •ttrihatmd much of the success to Saturday.
'he i•dividual efforts of the club. lir. Mus Strachan Au returned from i. tont
Stresg acknowledged the receipt of $15 to relatives in New 1 ork.
from the athletic club to go tower& the Mum Tom armed home oa Friday from
piano fund , this leaves a balance owing on Helmuth College, London.
Ike piano of 545, wh•ch it is hoped will 11000 J. T Darrow, M. P1'., paid a Halog rmit
be wiped out. Mr. Hooper'■ away appears 10 chat., Mooday aftera000 last.
is •ootber *Musa.
"Far•aT."--local theater goers can con-
er•tebte themselves upon the engage nent
or the (:nod 1 opera House fur next Mon-
ey night of Mr. France Laborite and Mt s
Hattie Rowell and their sterling oostpaty
of actore end a,:treeeea. '!'hu aztapeny 1s
rise of the beat that has corns into ('anal•
in years std their production of "Faust"
which will be put ou here was especially
draatatzed for then from Goethe's im-
marte! poeni of that mune. The company
comes here d,rect from the largest cities m
the Ste' es where they hare beim playing
the past season with rem•rkmlle success,
despite the had limits which have prevail-
e d there. The scenic and in ehasicel effects
introduced in the play ere new and suvel,
rad their like las Dever yet been seen in
this place Th. detente* worn by the com-
pany are new, gor roue and cost,y. The
advance agent /lr. R. M. Sulymon, ensures
US that the salary tut of the company,
which u composed of artists of the highe.t
order, a over double that ..f the majority et
companies 000 las Camila. Stanger Hart
has assvasbed the town and secured
numerous subscribers for tickets. The re
item •41 seat plan will be open ti sub.cribers
cut Thursday and t0 the general public as
Friday morning at Fraser R Porter's book
store. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cent,.
PasasrTaay or Ht'so.. An adjourned
meau.g of this Presbytery was held at
t lant0u on Tuesday tike 22nd Met, with
the moderator, Ren. 1. A. Hamtl&oo, U.A.,
u the chair. The official trapder of Donald
lathes*, H.A., from,the Pregbytory of Mon-
treal to the Presbytery of Huron being read
by the clerk, the Presbytery proceeded to
hear his trial duoourees -• Greek critieel
exercise cm Acta 10, 3443. An expository
lecture on/t;.L 4, 1.7, •ad • popular sermon
o. Mak 1, 15. After the members a Pres-
resbytery tied e.pesred themselves in com-
mendatory terms it was agreed to proceed
to teems him to preach the Gospel- The
mnder.tor bating received satisfactory an-
swers to the que*tioes prescrubed for bosom,
led the pvsbyiery In prayer, and pro
. osseed the words of license. The right
hood of fellaw0up was then emended toile.
(;uthre, used he wed afterward, counselled
in suitable terms by Ret. 1'. !Ingram A
depilating consisting of Rev. A. McLean
and J. A. Hamilton was appointed
to emit Manchester end Smith-.
Hill, to asosrtau the mud of these
owere,.lioas towards aim teeing 1.. -
bars es • part of that charge in the event
of Mem church. (:oderiek township unit-
ing with Hayfield end Sotheby. The call
from Upton church, Brumfield, in favor of
Rev. A. .Stewart, of Clinton, was then
takes up. Kwon. for the traaalatiou of
Mr. Stalwart were read, and answers thereto
by the Clinton church. Comm korona' from
Broomfield were heard iorapport of' 'wood'.
Mr. Fotisrisghsm as gehalf of the sere ng
mad Mr. Graham from the OengeeP-
Gee. From ('lutes the 1011owine peewee
appeared to oppose the aril Mr. Hoe.etts
from the esesioe, lir. McMurobie, Mr.
1..0, Jas. Scott, Jobs Motemrva from the
oo.gregatine. and Mr. McTavish from the
Young people. Mr. Foth.ringham and Mr.
Graham ore them heard is reply, when
Mr. Stewart .ddre0nd the snort and left
the matter i. the Mads 04the prosy to
4.41. The presbytery ekes is
pryer led by the clerk. in ' h the
guidance d fled wen .°sed(, bad the
presbytery after osembleriair the mat
ter nflssd so translate Mr. Stewart, mai
aomrdiagly set Beide the call, at the same
t *n. expramhg ',empathy with the Rowe
tied to their present di apprent-
msenl wee groat rejoining at Clinton
because of the prarbytery'e dseisioa.
'•All b not gold that glitters". Deal be
deserved, bet beya "White" "New Wit
dame" IhneSway or "Now
of Geo. W. Thom
FUa►-tiaq there set sr( le is the asst
air by isinkag year sauna doers sad wisdom
somem M R W. McKRNZIR'S cheap herd -
were seem
lfi..et lib.... Relieved ie 10 Ml.atara
48 setas• of arp.ie row eympdbskie heart
Means relieved i. 30 seesaw arid quickly
ewrd, by Dr. Agarw'e Ogre lac she Been
Ons tees «.vises Sell by Jas. Wilmot
Parkhill A...U.: A beefiest kresght
ids we sews e. Tarlo'. a per mf .pompe
big d 114 Ib. of eel whisk he ev w tog
t.&s. here • hag of pewee' w►hh he pr-
emed the ..her day. As he paid 75. er
the beg the sett seat ham washy 10 etat
ebb& dearly dere a dse a b s Mem it rad
e en -
4,.. a1m_SLes is their seen eseemrtl.-
Percy Shepherd has been 111 with typhoid
fever in Turunto. His mother is attending
Mise Acheson, organist of St. o;eorgt•'s
church, has returneJ from Ler recent rise*
Mr. Seymour, of New York, is the guest
of his brother,o law, 1). ('. Strachan,
W -at erloo-st.
R. t Hayes last week pummel his bars
rioter's elem. , standing eighth to • list of
twenty ...yeti,
Mr. and %Ire. Thee. Elmore, of Pricoeton,
and Willie Ehnse, of the Agricultural t oi-
ler, are visitup %..furrows, town.
Kentinel : Days Lawrence rode to I:nde-
rich ou Saturday. then to Clinton on Sun•
day and hack to Leeknow Mat might.
Sentinel Miss (.. Martin and Mise E.
Curran, of Goderi-h, are the enemas of Mrs.
H. Morrison and Mrs. W. J. Little, of this
The friends of Mise Williams, evangelist,
will be sorry to hear that she is laid up in
Grace Hospital, Toronto with an attack of
typhoid fever. -
Z,: R Arma eag, d L►ie , telt-. Este
tie iasolrent ..tate of (leo. A. Fert,s
arrived in town Atomise last and is at Wait
straightening np the bummer.
Sentinel Jame* Mullin, the veteran
stage driver between Lucknow and (-,Nle.
rich, left oo Saturday morning for • tnp w
Winnipeg and the Northwest.
The Elite's smoke -stack was put in this
The Craftsman u being caulked and
Sm. ()anthem called here on Wednesday,
bound down.
The S.ephie has begun to fit out and is
expected to leave soon.
Schr. Todutan, Capt, ',swoon, left Tues-
day to load cedar for !Semen.
Dredge No. y has began to fit nut. Her
boilers have been repaired end were tested
this week.
.tr. United Empire called in here on her
way up on Friday. and took on freight and
Work has been rostmenced on the third
.tens .cow. We understand 11 is to be
seemed the Apostle.
Mees the North pier, from the inner
!Mbtbane' gamely to the aleepe r paid with
slabs be N/ areal do taw
The sb i .w that built daring she
past few tl1}pk. by Wm. Marlton was sec•
oesslully kttissb.d last week.
Sir. Ceethrla arnvd on Friday on her
way up sad kid in here till `Sunday. She
took on p•esesgere end height,
Dredg Armlet* is staking far headway
working off the endo( the North pier: The
tug Ontario that works with her is nom.
mended by Capt 1 .sorely.
We nods in the Toronto papers thew the
City of Windsor, whoh roe on this route
het soon, made her firer trip on her sew
route last Friday. The sew routs is from
Toronto to St. (itberises.
Tie ('embers left as Senday .*.ening, Est
wee foreed to rue beak for test She hod
been burning hard oosl, hut it woeld not
work. She took on wood mid setae sof*
noel and left in the aftersous for the Sault.
A000rdiny to the Department of Marine
report the somber of r.Rie/ered verlmiele is
Camels., ie 7, 113, m•kiag a teseags of 912,-
539 tone,• decrease of 52,000 teas on that of
last year. Their vales is vitiated at 527,•
Marrs, Jos Reechoes amid D. McCoy
mask took the former's propeller ep the
river above Ronmiller see day kart week.
Owiay to the teeter boise se row they bad
• pretty rough trip down. They fished by
the way and made ..rest seed haul• ,
Owing to the heavy rains kelt week the
water is the river rose skeet a foot and •
hall. it wee roaster; through several boat-
houses, het, 1rtsaa1y, did sot wash say
away. Tose d mad tree Attriit'o beak
wen washed away and owned dews to the
The Ow.. !.end papers sere that the
Oeuvres est survey .te.taer B•yMW. Qty
M04 regsr, d Godorioh. es e msel r, Its. 1.-
p. Iter ".svgs's work. Lila Reew•rt, with
Mr. Aodere.s as hie 1..istast, will 13.w
Mvp of the hydregrsphie part of the
The Kkeeardlas Repartee them rebss to a
hese that 1e gttbg est here : The Mary ft
Coeds owned hy M. M.D.mi.N, of 0.eh-
ri* hes here said >t J. NemiMm, d UN-
eardimiet, for 1800. She wee balk se ehle
Mos ramp M
yoa age for Abs. Omge y
dw �/w
that Ira is bees • M weeks all• w hair
trey from Owen Seem! te Labe Rsie : The
l oeadua governors' setter Pre&rel seemed
Mete Moe pereseger heats, the Visitor rad
the Le sy liewek,of Bass lelrsd,asd breach%
there to Amh.rethurr, for alled tl1sRal
=BBesikiimagg u Co.adien waters There baste
oat el season Lest year&Mo,it r deem
Th. worst 00111 lea 1. the Soo passage for
two *ore occurred at the foot of i-ittl
Lek. (Mere* last week. The big sum-
e teenier 8. S. Curry, ui 4levelasd, buried
down with ore, and the whaleback steam er
A. D. Tbunipeoo, bound up light, errers tu•
ge'her with • tremeodou. crash Th.
Curry's bow was crushed in and her forward
compartment was filled with water. She did
sot sink, but her damage is about =30,000.
The Thompeoe was very seriously dim-
med mad had to he ton aground The ferry
returned 4' Sault Ste. Mane, Mich., and is
having • w. odes bulkhead put in. Th.
Thasmpeogi's stern hem in l6 feet of water
loth her nose on the book. Each boat has
• hole in the bow lase .sough to admit a
yawl boat.
Ti a,o*v, May 74.
.1. Sowler has failed in hie atterept to pro-
cure a bell for Westflell church.
Jugs Bennett, of Silver ''reek, intends
putting up a wood shad thus serum.
The stogie masons ase at work on the
foundation of Chas. 1Yightma0 a stew
J. Agnew, of the 'rib cos., was the guest
of his cousin, !Js. F. A, (fell, the greater
part of last week.
We are pleased to note that Jame* I;ras-
by, who was hurt at J. Cule's r.uug,u able
to be around again.
J. Vaoearep has been laid off with a
sore finger lately, but the doctors are in at-
teodamce and It is thought that he will soon
be well seals.
We understand that ,lame. took, Mayor
a Westfield, is negotiating for a couple of
cannon. from W a Lord Patte1e0o,the town
having promised to pay the freight.
11'e .roe by the Illyth Standard that Thos.
Edwards bas told leu trotting roan to Wm.
Brandon, at Ilelgrave, realizing 5250. We
might add to the above that lolly has •
record of 2 38, and 11 is the geuerel ohinioo
of ell that Mr. Brandon has nude a great
bargain, but Mr. Edwards wasoserstocked,
hence the .ale.
A terrible accident occurred on Saturday,
12th Inst, et the raising of .John Pole's
barn, coo 9, by which ,John Taylor lost his
life. While idjnstine a pillion plate, a
chain by which it was suspended broke, al-
lowing it to fall. striking Mr. Taylor a ter-
rible blow on the heal and koockinr him
off the beam on which he stool. He fell to
the floor, a distance of 13 or 20 ft., head-
foremost, cutting end bruising hu -face iw a
ternble manner. Doctor McAsh was
tnnoug the s tator. and after the wounds
were dree*ed the irjured man partly re.
covered .rn.ciousmess an.i hopes were en-
tertained for his recovery. Mut on Sunday,
at 7 o'clock t•. w., he breathed hu last, sur-
rounded by his friends who have the most
heartfelt .ympaby of the whole com-
munity. The funeral took Place Tue.day,and
was one of the Iargeet ever seen in this
vicinity, showing the hj+el; esteem in which
he was held by those Who knew him. De-
ceased leaves a wife, an mens son and •
hast of sympathetic friends to mourn his
loss. .lames (;rsby also fell from the
building • distance of thirty feet, hut fur.
then then • severe shaking, he was not
seriously hurt. !Ise kali
Trc.-nav, May 23.
l'tit'.sat_-Mr. and Mr. Hugh ('hi.holm
Mr. and Mrs. John Chisholm and Mr. and
Sirs. Ifaechler were in Stratford last week -
at .lames Chishholm's wedding. There
among the guest* they met Mr. and Mrs.
John 1.iokiater, formerly of this place, who
made many inquiries about old friends and
urighbor. tm Leeburm.
That small numbers in flock. of sheep
have always been the most prolific in lambs
was proved rather to a certainty the other
day. From seven ewes, John Horton had
fourteen Iambs : e h Ie H. Slchlanw, from
eight ewes, had nineteen lambs, there being
three trebles mud better .till, the ewes
were able to feed them and there being iso
pet lamb, which sometimes is the case in
these instances
11'Eopi'o Reil Tuesday of last week
our townsman, James Chisholm, second .on
of Hugh Chisholm, was marned to Mise
Sarah \Phalen, daughter of Wm. 1Vhaleo
of Ellice, Perth county. The ceremony
took place is St Joseph's R. C. church,
.:trstjord. The Rey. I)r. Kilroy, pastor .f
the church performed the ceremony in the
pprree seeoo •e of a large circle of relatives and
r(iend. of the contracting parties The
duties of groomsman were filled by Wm.
Chisholm, brother of the groom, and Mus
Louisa Whelan, cousin of the bride, was
the bridesmaid. The wedding verde were
stertaloai et the bode's father'. residence
A11 present wicked the young ample eve. y
mamma in the future before them. We,
with many here, extorted to the bride •
hearty welcome to Le.b.ro, who comes
amongst us as • stranger and give to the
bridal pair our bast wishes for a happy
vetoes on the mateimoniel sea.
4 )or lodge I. 0. G. T. No. 213, km daring
the lomat (smarter made • fair 'showing in ,1
10014$0.S and improved (te hall with • set of
roller blinds Other imto are is
view in the mew quarter Alt opened. The
officers installed are : C. T. , John Lawson;
R,K., John Horten ; V.T. Rachel (; oboe
W.T., H. A. usage • W. .., J. G. Clot -
ten ; 0.0.. Arehi. Hotton : W. Chep,, A.
H. Cletgtoe ; 1.0 H. Hotton ; W. M., 8. H.
Williams : F.W.C. , Win. Gordon : org•oiat,
Fdith Hortae. The district nesting of the
order was held at ('lutes ou the 19th inst.
The delegates from here were Rachel Gor-
don, H. A Horb,.a, S. R. Wtlliarne and
Wm. Gordo., The latter was elected chap-
lain' for the district With the new officers
of this year also a former worker in temper
mace hers, Rood lawera.0e,1100 of Leeds -
bore, was re sleeted secy. - t reas. Weather
Ming favorable ou Thurday of this week
the mem' pieeic of the lodge will be held
ng the Baron farm at the lake. It is •:-
Val•d that the 1:. F.. Society will mien joie
afternoon 's phloem.
Tums*,, May 22
Osr architect is heilliag • kitchen for J.
H. Harker this week.
The ahem a fa dray is now an early
mor.tag visitor. among none balers b A. r.
emlleelieg the milk from its supporters.
Themes Sollars, vet Poplar Row, Ise the
es.erartt d drawing the milk to this Mas,
The reeeat rase have Worked potato
M4.g fair these disposed to do ea.
we tarot Webbed to caw till after the
bats ei awl resat►, as the experineoe 4
these why pleated et Mat period lame year
mks 1W they bad loss trouble with the
hogs, whish have dowdy meted their ap-
pesemees Ise 1194, sad are to ddeg be the
=et the realism the have hews
heady ebb sutra
Ihwee li t bIa. W.P. geswrt. Aiken
e ls0e . i the psmeaer d • ie.mitiid tesehia
The Las.Ng Were es lie salter Paid' epee ebb\ may be es6.W b10 bees..
Brings cromf,.rt and improvement and
Lauda to persodial enj.,yluct.t when
rightly used. The meny, who lice bet-
ter than ethers and eisjoy 'tij.y life more, with
IAN exlalulltu s by more promptly
adapting the we'nd's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure Gywd
lutative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
its excellence is duo to Its presenting
in the form most accept4b'e and pleas-
ant to the tame, the refreshing and truly
lwuefici:J p1 pertios of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling p,lds, headaches and 'eters
and perruuently euriug constipation.
It has given aatisfact ton to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
` g them and it is perfect!), fres L'uw
every object .sable substance.
Syrup of Fits. u for sale by all drag-
gles in 7:k. b,ttb•a, but it is manu-
factured by the Califnniia Fig Syrup
Cu. only, wlhose tame is printed on every
lackege, also the name, Syrup of Fuca,
and being well int"rmexd, you will not
accept ally substitute if offered.
The 'mess.
To Tilt F:menu or Tear St..�a.,-Sir:
la self-defence, the select oruucillor of
Eureka Council, No. 103, R. T. of T., re-
gret* very much that "A !linnet" in your
issue of last week Dake* it necessary to
puhlip4 the following letter which was re-
ceived on the 12th inst. "Dear air,- I
have lust head that it is proposed to have
the ilend heed the march on Sunday. 1
also find it is (beefing the'.emplars and vo-
ing to cause a little unpleasantnee* for me.
If you can avoid 'melee the Band, 1 shall
be obliged. H. les i'l►.."
Wrld'. r•letabta■ &:.pe.HNn.
Will he of value to the world by illustrating
the improvements in the meohaoisel .rts
•sd eminent physicians will tell Lou that
the progress in menccal agents hes been of
espial importance, end as a ■trengtheniug
lexaivr that Syrup of Figs is far in advance
of all other".
Cedertrb rrlees.
.u101('0, May -• *8*
Spring Wheat...... ..... standard • SS to 0
Fall Wheat . ads to 0 in
Flour. family 8 M to 0 .q
Shorts, le ton w-,-. .-..4000 tete 00
Bran. Y '--moi. 0't 00 too00
Screenings 0 ton .. 00 00 too- (p
Chopped Food Wheat 0 ton 00 04 tout) 00
00*., new. 0 bush 032 to 0 T;
Peas. 0 bush 055 to 0 OD
Harley, two rowed. p hese 0 to to u to
Ramey. common . . 0 15 to 0 W
Hay. I ton 050 to ; 00
Potatoes. • bosh ' 0 S5 to 0 vi
Dotter, a 1.1 to 0 1;
Kone, fresh unpacked, 0 dos.. . 0 0* to 0 09
('heeee 0 It to 0 IS
Wood 3M tot00
Wool u 15 to 0 Il
Hides, 100 to _ le
Sleep Skies 050 to 0 00
Live Hop 4 00 to 1 :i0
Dreeeed Herm 5 00 to 3.50
Servant Wanted.
At, at ores to
ab ! Mfp. CAM1140N.
For Bwv los. ---
oagbbrrd Hol.teis.btlll, "SISC. 0.?, 0.
H," of first class milk and butter oresdlpg.
reeves.'".5SX . service on let it. W..
Colliers. I AW
_ 110.0.
..' mod has for errri.'e 42 lel. pren.bes,
Kis ..rit'''e, s '1 used ilerkehlre r.
Torres, it 00 -to be paid at time of ret viae,
with privilege of returnis If nerat•e•ry,
101-11 K*n .hrida.,
Courts of Revision.
0*' OOI,EhI('H.--Ameeting Mile court
of Revision will he held i■ the Town Hall. on
Tuesday. the ah day of May.lr'kat 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, for the purpose of bearing at.
peels against the assessment
Town Clerk
and Clerk of the Court of 14v471oo.
Ooderieh, May 1.5tk, Imo 115-1
ing of the Penn of Revision 01 1 be held In the
Township Hall. os Tuesday. the Kith day of
May. list/, at 10 o cirkies 8113 forenoon. for the
Toweabin Clerk
sod ('bra of 4'onrt of trivi es.
Carlow. May 13,101, -!
apNlal Notions.
tam promos to dealt ki- nds of grain elms
unties. MW le saving at all
Wlatest gad beet Improved
b avid d 'time Prices
V gettl.g year Wog hese
J178. KiDD,
Mil; 17 Iteiteasiset.
'1 MACHINE WORKS T. the public
Bur Rese/.en Nor f and 1 plows. Reel
MIR bad .'epees and root cutters. %Watford
Nes, 7.1.4 4 plena American mouldboard*,
Watford tole dee, It is the beat. Watford
sea 1MIgHers, Watford hay rakes Al
sue Ptew points redenal b
prish roe merit lads, (Mottoes made t.
weer. Oath ter ayd taste(,
with fon.
M torerenl ese way. Is • pse*I.5 care far
s04.l dw.etis.Nip a l.sao••ery Rksre-
4. ssitLa ions a reek, Lem Sero srtl�slemst.
Rational* sod
sired Menem it W hews fs..d • bare be
threat .SetionPrime TS �. to .arses,
klark yaw (ton said
without !.E A reser wlas . i sod
i br Wdertal.
A. Me
Premtste..s New
haw the Umpiest
0. A. /'ear. wait
11A Rt: A 1 NS.
No house in the trade oma compete with
our polus. Laos ('urtalns front I8c. per
sett up to $4.51(, 1t seems strange that
we oro selling l,mce l'urtiigsl at lower
peaces then other stores can buy thrm,
yet such IS a fact- Uoc 'tore is tows
bought lace . urtems from ..e during the
put week at the sante primes vie sell to
our customers. Trots, 2l: taches wide,
fast colors, Sc. per yard : also F'Ltou•lette.,
'1 tea. wide, 5c. per yerrl, regular prism.
10e. ; a special hoe of el -wool Whip lord
Dewe o;node, al..uble width, 30:. per yard,
worth 40c, ; good Wool Tweeds from '`5c.
per yard. up : heavy yard -wide (:ray ('0t
too, sic. per yard ; • very line t tit ton, t.c.
per yard in 33 yard ends, worth 8c. Re-
member, we are selling 5 spools Cotten
Thread for 10c.: Pins, 20. per paper ; beet
*ortioelfi Silk, Sc.per spool. Other ;,vofls
equally es cheep.
Jordan's Mark. Dederick.
May a ISM.
Property ler Bale or for Rent.
PROPgItTf reit SA1.k ash ItkNT.
Lot f in the drat con.,•eaelun, lio,f.•rch toe..
ship. county of Huron.: unit• from Oadrnch.
oo0slalisg of 110 acres more ear 1K..s. (tare 41.0%
60, nearly 000. gaud ti r*,aj-,1 of choice fruit.
well watered with spring creek, se excellent
Rasing farm. can be hough* u.1 easy rerun,
ApWy to JOHN KNGX, Auctioneer.
Lot 1 1• the broken front, ora of the lake
rad in the Western division. Township of Col
borer, oouuty of Huron, 3 roles from Ooderich
comprising It* acres. Large tack barn, land
frame house t4 story high, u,arly new ad
good orchard of choice fruit, ria b- bought ou
easy terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction-
mock A and it Lake range. is the township
of Colborne, con.I.ting of 21(8 acres more er
lees. There are on too {premises • frame
house. frame barn std gond stabling. About
- acres foua,rmchard of choice fruit. About
01, acre of hush. This farm is considered a
Ont-ciess grazing farm. The farm also le
divided to suit purchasers and bought'on cosy
terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
Ileum and Int in the town of (Immo.- Lot
II, Mary -et., opposite tne old woolen mill. cote
prising frame house 14 story high, 9 rooms.
,none foundation with good cellar, .1* in good
.late of repair, 49114 to J01113 KNOX.
Shit. A volt inn.-. •
itWLHO awes, This
is a 4ysfarm. Also toweled
KSS, pada
Apply to PHILIP 1101.1'. 11.11.
old boeseatead of the lase Jamas (Mma-
dof, of the township of Eget Worsts**. he -
tog lost half of lo: ^11, coseoselon 1, oo the
gravel road that leads from (lu4rnch
hem. It is situatmd about 60 rude from Ans.
urn, a thri v u,g village with fuer chorale* and
a school seer et hand. 1 cumperativel) new
!tune hone with erten lenge rooms and cedar
with other conveniences, mid good hank barn
sod about MO Wee bearbag fruit trees are on
the premises. About li0 acres are clearc,l. The
soil is of the hest, Further ir.forruation from
MIME, l'ABSADAY Maim!o 1' 0. tf-to
r commodious building on King s:,, ileus.
sats, et present occupied as a taint shop by
Wre.tesntt, to un ole. Terror seq. AIM/ to
5'. s. R(SOTr, ltrussel. 1'. O. j
Improved and unimproved farm
leads at distances varying from 1 to 12 nines
from tlu'Appelle Station. N, W. T.,• for gala
very cheap. Nu better lands for mixed farm-
ing are to be found In Canada.
For full particulars apelf to
V a'A opens.
Publlo Notice.
Bounty of Huron will mist In the ('oast
Room in the Town of (iodeiich on Tueedat.
June..-.tb. next at 3 o'clock r..,
Oodgricb. Mae =rd. 1'63 m -C Mrk,
1 ter Reeser Company w(tl apply •••
1'arlleetent of Canada at Ito next sore
an .tet to confirm certain agreements Mai .-., . .
It and the Itaie des 4'baleurs Great K•atern.
Me heal end Sorel. (tr*we vette,, and On-
tario Pacific hallway Companies. and with
the= street Hridge 1'ontpmo)• to •uthoeire
the Nome of debenture and pMerennal mock,
to 6,metrnct a branch from tee mots lime of the
Company . railway to such harbor oa lake
Hurls in the counties of Bruce or llamas at
may he found most suitable and to authorize
the extension of Its telegraphic lines to the is -
lead of Newfoundland mad to Kar
J. 0. TlllIlACiH:A 1
Munt.ed.ItFe ..VOL 04e President.
N 4)Ti('1( -ALL PERM ►NS Ft )1' N
M ta t laid. he shooting,
hsnting, 00010(•1, 1.131*+. Or other-
wise will he prosecuted according to law.
Such lands are the Hart fern.. in the township
of Colborne, and the property Meows as the
M'a;le Iteeerve, io the tewnshIps of t'elboras
and (inderieh.
K'AStl'ION. *3,('., X, IIA6CIILg1t,
50dm 1olle(ter, Proprietor.
,gleets 111 OMdltors.
in (Ar Mailer of Groove A. Fryer, o6 the Toro
of Uoderiwt, •. Mr
of 1!.r, on.
Notice a he-eby given - that theaho., named
Oessige A Year has made an aesignmeol
*o rev„ under the orovisiauof Chapter Ill, R.
8. O.. syr;. of .11 his crate and ef*,cte in
trust '0* tee benefit of all hie eredltorv.
A meeting of the creditors of maid estate is
hereby eon retied and will he held at the law
o*eesef Dihbone. McNair k MnikernLondon.
on Monday. the .01h day of May. A. D.
1501, at 2 NOo'blork in the afternoon, tor the
appointment of Inspectors and the givtag of
direction" with reference to the disposal of
the said estate.
All creditors of the said estate are hereby
required to file their claims with my solicitors,
Gibbons. McNao& M.dkerw. London, ow d*r
acted the meld +tarot,' on or before tiled..
of Belk t -or. After Jury 1st 11•v•,IMall pe
',ed te distribute the said ..tae, navies: re-
tard ably to seta ceding a. I .hall hare .M4w
of. and 1 eel he or.sitsie for the atmete
of the said or any part thereof, to env
perms er minas wham claim or claims shad
sot b.s kerb filed.
Dated the MU day of May. A 1) 1161.
gsNeMew ton TnHMut London. ta tr ,
ALL THF: LFAI)IN4; AND i01'1'1.3It
eerie, Medicines as herd.
A Mw Meek ism remised.
Malebo Cream be 1111a erg Preelles.
r'raslelle tar ••egb tleefie
Bit Pensees Ilk rad dr. per a
C. 1).:WILL1.1' 1&
toll epee met
4(lratatw etetrt
lnrf.lc of the
1 'l I
Prevents( 10„ of fruit fr.lnt filn,;.,us
disease and n1,rl•t.,
J. 1.1. D 1 ..,
1111 31. lt.
Medical hall;
1 t' f : N I Ni; (1{TER
Has lx -en go,ng on in our upholtered roto.:►.
There is sweetie in it but the latest and beet
manntootured. Yet we feel that we nave too
much of this one lea and sow you get rte
benefit, !town go (.rice* farther Wm ever 1, --
fore. and farther than they'll ever re again.
What a r hence you have refurnish 1taw itsg
rooms Or Parlors with Ocean. upkot+tercel
goods at prices which cannot be renewed -
Furniture coverings -A large hoe roe Neck.
411 new Patterns.
Th. P.op Ws Ostomy
Litre 51x6. (hears. Ole. Ited clam cheese.
0r Izt a No. 1. 11.0 (1... cut,
heave Mlagle.
rU)oiclNu AND 811SINa, 116.00 per M.
D OOit/ 8AkIli AHD RLIN11te, mutiny low,
DRY HKMI.O('K. tor buildings, LATH PH:i.
rid, OATES. etc., etc.
DRAINT1L8. Filta:BRitg.
Agents Walated.
k t:KNTS WANTED FORi).: A it,
L V it51tE'0 'look, revering a hrs•ore et
Methodism lhrougbont the world, entitled
THE STORY OF MET11(i1)154,'
Tracing Metier and peacetime( that wondeeJ
ful religious movement which. like the flee
Iwresm, has gives warmth to wide waters W
sera en te moo, loads, and Moine ea ares.•"
of Reverters udwenriss std i stit.tioso of te-
AryTo which 1s added -' The leer..) Meth-
odism la the Itwhtoa of (`aned0," by Re..
Moab J4Msten. M.A.. 11. D , end •• The MSS,T
of t..
Ib* Epwesti I.,eeaaggrooss, bf i. Joseph /.
Barry. D.D. llanhelH.hod with *sort
deed portraits an *lestwith elassiied ogee.
of tasry n
3.1•r53Srooas. Ata..reboeld drop
all ere and fissure territory. Seek seri..,
rinnfe ably have he • Weems, :=1:117
1'•.3.�sue ., semi
aN lac will reale menq l.i.5 • -
eta speck now.
reptM! eN sew , se missal to eA. rlsu
Y .see tee perk' 10. le
WIU4AM 111110418414666.brelier. wr