HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-17, Page 8TUR SIGNAL': CODERICH, ONT a THURSDAY, M A 1 17, 1894. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE £ITAIDLMmso les;. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. rarall Pao ..) syll MlLLN)N DOLLARS 1141.000.004► • SI,100,000. I B. E. WALKER, Cinematic. MANAotlt. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTE! D181;0UNTEO. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL, POINt$ IN CANADA. ANO THE PR•NCIPAL CITIE3 IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA. au *AVMS* DANK DEPARTMENT. DEPOSITS OF $LOO ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOniO. INTEREST A00110 TO Mt P*INO 'AL AT THE (NO OF MAY ANO M' 'Silt IN EACH TUR. Spotlit' Attention given to the OoN+Olin•• and r at:viers' fatal' Mains. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. orTHE DISTRI'. T. Tories were a'1 going to vote for r Thu remark brought down the It has remained down ever *meg. Fie- rn our. ownCorrespondeutD, TIsr,.• I. I■f.r.sat►ea Mere Taal 11.14• 04 4111 Resod tat •Isere Else \ew..f tae 1 euuly nprrtslly tr/oeled far lbs astral. 4 . arrow. house and DUNLOP. Tra.utr. Hay 1 •. .l..hn I Ike) • I • p'.owing bee last week. Mrr. 1Cin -meth and Mrs. Geo. l:re•n,of {'ort .11t,crt, totted bele Stu:Jay Sit I•* week. A painter (root. the circufl r town Ii•s painted the inside of A. .Olen s residence. —__ __ the Iachemge hotel and also oui- post olio". Semi. 1'vnalt ('n.'II.Ltt1110,.. SUMO kw • AMBERLEY. months ago we n,tired that • rising you*. TrLspty. May 16. Amber'Qulewa is like • hes s fist') -few seed tar between. A great time is anticipated at Piss Point oa the 24th of Stan._ lioness' Tbnrnbara ranted kis Nara Mon- day, ioteml.a t to pot • Tousdatioa soder it. We are Verona to anouut:ce taut slim Agues shield', of Amberley, is improt-iag,is health --- !dr. (sy sad his ggang are busily esga/ed is bndJs.v s rereads to the front Id Ken meth McLesaau's hoose which will'greatly improve the sppt•rance of his residence. 11eo. Ihinn intends speedier the Summer under tha parental roof and perhaps by that . Give he will be taking away a bird to put in , • cars.. Ah there, Maggie, what does that mein' Itittr. COLBOlr NE. 11 t.t.%t;.net. J1ay l'.. Maty pure ago this cwmIcg admmer might be marked as the general settkmont of this township by its first pit/veers, wl:n, • like the forest of tree. are tow now. The few pioneers cam look back and see many .!-.im'.;i ma test: tial, pr)greis to the front Colborne by made aai►ng that space 41 Ouse. An.effnrt might Le made to havc a general gathering of the residents of the toraship, say at the l'oiut now,d for a gee day's amusement, •trent' tb wed with • ;riron-.the township's .others, by the council so as to have a jubilee t.f rejoice in, and a real- time of pleasure together. With the exeeptioo of agrfcul'ural shows no grants have bees made, we think, in Col- borne, outside ne annual expense•, and o0 tepeyer would grumble at • reaso.sWe to promote • g•:neral day of peas • tn. mark sixty years ago. . yNMILLER. A■ Eiesasa ttriab 1 . rarr.rs - Oast?Imtt e stag life I.a. ( -- ' Ti a` -i•1., `.lay 14. The lkomiller boys are still hs the swim and the Foustain %alley branch keeps the old chariot moving along. 1)a tVednpwl•y the 0th ins:. as per am; waacement, the Patios candidate was on detk in splendid trim, and after bund{ in- troduced by the indefatigable president, Thos l.lnthill, Farmer 1'onuoll► unfolded himself' and kepi his atiNeter On rapt at. tendo• listening to hi. remarks on the • burning topics of the dot, s'i. r The stand that the Patrons should take in the forth- -coming election, and the duty that every fkmor owes to himself. his country ■rad abode all to his candidate. The theme of of MI discourse treated ntarnly on the griesatites banging like the sword of l►sn:oloecpver the farm:ug community. be the makinl ni laws that farmed oowWn.s and the imposition td tariffs, that were altogether adverse to the interests of fatale's. Su fax everything went on well, until • ,..ung moo in the audience quietly asked the Wt•Y_!.. rateltilate if he wee goiog to ran ('if the r-'ts,du:oos or for the Local Hcuse, remarking that as the Local Parliament had nothing to do with tariff questions it was hard to know what Howe he was going to run for. This remark fell like • thunder• bolt upon the as,emWed audience, and amid shouts of laughter no definite decision come to by the aepiriov candidate, platfcrm last stands oa that osseous dation that it Dan scarcely be called form at a11, and looks ..a if the bottom had I fallen clean out of it. welter 1.3.1 been inot r midst with the view, r C. B. SHANE � CO.'T an}bewiag a full range of FZSM003b18 Rals NOVEL TIES —IN -- SUN SHADES-STYUSH PARASOLS IN We show this week a very tine lot of the Latest STRAWS and FELTS GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Full line• in ever; 1Mpartnlrai. .r('•11 and examine goods anal prices. C. R. SHANE & COI, Mel•s•s's Block. ('or. et,uarc and Mootrealst. possibly, of ertc.ing a grating mill here. For the pest ter• weeks he has been out here aga.o, taksug yule • survey of the Bourse of the riser. 55 It to choose • sate to have the mill run by water power some where on the south side of \ighungale at , mod, we behove. has consulted our architect about plans and spcclu,;atious for the co•t of building the mill BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. • .. pate 111.Tna, ne yr tk illu ">ic 3 EVE O 200 pages, cuataleiat nearly . 5 Illce ts. lions Cloth it, paper coycra 50 cents. No more useful handbook for any reader caa probably he found than Ha - 1 volume which The &fail is now Here's a Pointer !pnbli'hisgunderthe abuts title. The view of the politial events of kat year u suds au cot as to commend it to notice, Styles in Parasols, New Insertion, Trimmed, Plain i Moires, and Frilled, Light and Dark Colors ; Large choke of Plain Blacks with Stylish Handles at Low Prices. SCOTCH GINGHAMS& ZEPHYRS, FRENCH CAMBRICS AND CMALLIES. Oar selection and choice is immense and all Patterns confined to ourselves here. Wove Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Moire Silks, and New Dress Buttons Latest Noveltie^ rust opened Remember our Clearing Sa!e in Car )ets. Al! Grades of Wool and Union Carpets Selling off a' 20 to 25 per cent. reducti • W. ICIIESON & SON. Highsit Prion for Eggs sad Butte:. a When you ask for a 5 cent plug io cent plug' 2ocent plug white thy amount sf inf•;rmatioo at coattais. on • variety of eul.lects 1• such as to make I it an indi.peiisibie comp•nTon of those who would be abreast of the times. The gratify- ing reception It has met with is the best cri• tenon of its quality. Among other contri- butions there is a apirited sketch of the Worlds lair, by '• lit." the popular au'hor of The Weman'' Kiu.rdiom, while the illus tratioas are beautiful and numerous." 50 cents • copy- The Mai!, Toronto, t'anada. A oew $.'0 1») open hoax is being l►mflt ! in St. Thomw. OF rrE•( I �`', POPULAR :IIANY T1I4;VA S • -wee' A......e,s>r- YR�=� 1 for tela liie'ie atleatQ,► ettteadld to I me in my bp'j'IeM. DI6Y PLUG I kala •orae I•i:EAT;:ARI:SINS thio i week in WALL PAPERS - ' Smoking Tobacco -DOW SHADES. be sure that the retailer does not induce you to buy any other in order that he may make a Urger profit. XII AID SEE. MT Shades. for Meta., cotnpicte on rot •all place-) on your window, iiia, is •' ..rvsl to every one. I he everything in the line of Wall Papers. Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Sporting Goods, Books and Stationery. No Old -'te:. but e.rr3titing al! new. up to i date. and v. r1 Lbesp. D. B. CALBICK, The Topa tar took Mere. coderii b. NERS 3 Sterling- Souvenir Salvo; ts, i 1.2 5, . II%atcli, II arran/ea' I rear, : 7.5 o, AI irin Clo \II/al-ranted I Year, 98c. and otl.E r things in uni4on in the?. JEWELLERY LINE. ' -C.... HUMBER 8: SON. REPadIRING3 t7P '1'O Dr•TIs:. Just Received x x �a4s a ANOTHER CARLOAD Dc. White EnsilageCorn fat . ��li ret�at�azstts�� • AT VIDEAN'S East -St. Flour and Feed Store. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, • $12,000,000. REST, 6,000,o00, A Saving Department has been opened in con, vection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. H, LOCKWOOD, Manager Goderick Brand ++SPRING SEASON MSi2.^�T£PY. Our Miss DONAGH has returned from t:.e Markets with a Large Assortment of the Latest and Best ill dpring and Summer Styles. Early Inspection Invited. MRS. R. B. SMITH, Glshaglow House. SPRING AND SUMMER 1MdYLLI�v ER.Y. flax u.;f l.tsh return,Ni from • trip to the leading Millinery Marl.. r.. where 1 have* ht'.•u purchasing a stock of all that is new awl artistic At tail:, ty Linc for this Season's Trade, I aua now prepan•u to ,how t,•ry Latest Styles in Shapes and Trimmings. A CALL N I4 srE(TrrLt.l SOLICITED. MISS CAMERON. THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD . °A Pin isa LittieThlng • found • plat The secretary at this stoge of the meeting called for names to join the branch and ass youog man stepped boldly forward, handed over his 50 con'.. sad duly registered as • 1'stroo. After • long pause our worthy reeve also handed over his specie and his same with the remark that it was a pity to have only one same in. so he would "throw in" his. to help the good cause slow, and thus it is that our brunch gave birth to one par of twins. I. ' w. are coming alms. famously. A more •iuiet A.1 or..erly meeting was never held here The esthusieem is 110111111 - Using intense. All are is downright ear- nest arnest Not to be • patron is simply to be • n obody, and we ware much amused when our friend from up the eonoeeioe, • confirmed Brit -after clearing his throat, asked the hsadsome candidata if he could inform the audience who the Tories were going to vote foe, seeing that the ominous were so di TidedAvans Iran away back immediately e asy prod that, "M • matter of coarse," the Yoi"tEIrlL[Ju► I.adie., if yon haven't yet made all your perch•ees of Millinery. Armstres,g■ secured lest week about 200 listrimmsd Hata, which will be 'old at Wm them owe half millinery price : also • big a"erttweat of Trimmed Hats, trimmed by emmpteint city milliners, at • similar 'avian to year pocket. 'they m11 everything to wear Mesa to Het et prise which leaven you meaty is (Y►MPL6TK OUTFITTERS 9 But it is the biggest little thing we know of. THE PURITAN PINS ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Every Paper of PURITAN PINS contains 360 Pins, and we sell them at 10 cts. a Paper. TO INTRODUCE PURITAN PINS — — We will Present to every Customer making a Purchase in our Store, including a Paper of PURITAN PINS, a Bea tiful SilverPlatedPin Tray, worth as much as we charge for the Pins, Ask to see the COMFORT SAFETY PIN. THE PIN PO/NT IS THOROUGHLY GUARDED. We have just opened up another lot of Lace Curtains from 18c. up to $4.- 50. In $1.80 Curtains We LEAD THE LEADERS. CO=LYGeste 151.1c@$_ 11 c .rill riot Ise undersold by any ((torr in the. Tr•tle Il tgho.r Trico' Pahl (or Butter aH1.ligga JAMES ROBINSON. OA= now:- : I'QZDAXII: iLOM • • THE OXFORD'. • OIL GAS COOK STOVE That will burn ROUGH WOSO and COAL ... Equ•Uy Mdl... Ih2 OXFOIJ �IIVUAIE 11—diIilt nas the Largest Own. IS A FARr%ER'S STOVE Is Everybody's Cook Stove. Iles It, sulOsset Makes and Bum Its Own Caste From t. omtncaa Coal alis. ISO DIRT, NO HEAT IN THE IMMUllif. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. The MINI FOUNDRY CO., Ltd., TORONTO. $ WHEN YOU STRIKE a match and it doesn't light--- an other, with the same result, and so on, you waste both time and money. Yon don't have to STRIKE HARD with EDDY'S MATCHES nor to strike often. One match, one light, every time. Eddy's Matches. Our Motto—Good Boots show prices. DO YOU KNOW how POLLOCK gives such Low Prices on Boots and Shoes ? BECA USE he has bought the Steck of T. Fowler A Co. ata bargain, and is ID' 'Mr the People the advantage. of the close bargain, and he is Selling till for Omit (primitively no credit), and this, too, enables hint to sell mock cheaper. You. Can 32313.7- Babies' 23tZ - Rabies' Boots is • doses dilatant styles at 50 ata per pair, regal': price 6' els. Gins' Sehoel Mesta, 80 ole., royalist pries $1. W.ea.'s Heavy Boots at 75a, regular pries 90.. Ai14ren'e Orford Tim for 600., regular price 75.. MYom' 4. Lamm' " " 75a , .. .. " (Oemtshtr Dowels KM wiM toe tie.) ret 51, ragmlar tsars fl Prussia a Gaiters 500., molar pries 6fith " Pas D_sagois Kidd " Moe f Hut" Beets regular pelta 51.50. M..ti Pish e ray, 11 R 96. sod all ether lines swear l 16117 i• tis koraised in pries oleos' 16 to 25 per nest A�sif� t115.Atr dtM�.s H. B. POLLOCK. rewires OM soma, Oode1M►