HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-17, Page 7A STORE FULL OF BARGAINS: D:U 0003S. 50 domes of b yards each, all doable fold `wI's iii plata sad shot Wheat., at 41.50 • i . worth double the mosey. :10 dr..s mgr of b, yds. sate, full width, Tweed mine AIM VOIATBD. Pia. Black Worsted Tro.u.eriuga at 75c. • yard, or ate .d. to order, Eli 25. All. noel Cased& Tweeds, 28c 3b. , 40c , We Hui We. sod 75.. . . eke. 44 !1 for the dr... 6 pssuer of blwk MN'S AND a=te, SIMS. TILE I IGNAL: (:f)DERiCH, ONT., TRURSDAY, .MAV 1;. 1894. Pale Faces show Depleted Blood, poor nourishment, everything bad. They are signs of Anaemia. Soarietta in .,et anal Blue Blacks, blue' ter Heys' Flaaalatt_ shirts, 30e. stab. . key ,;, • goods you ever saw , our little, 5(L. Mai's y laneolette shirt., 344:. each. S,ODIZ6' 3111.11CIC Orsro 10 dos. Hsu'? Black Cashmere Sock., a Fare. Navy and Black , pexins„ so, beautiful goods, cheap at 40c. we are I t'oats. lour choice for fro melba, at 26c. a pair. lull range of 1•ottoo I Socks from 100 up.I the Cream of Cod-liver -0pain.f Ladies' Taffeta I:lot esiu!lank $gour )41„. luluof 1'aderwear tui! ave, With hypophoephlLea, •asSOcI •u:'. pear 1 J owl ladies' Cotton r, rear MILT LAT.. as•twl tact hick, aunt" Heel., 4,4,14. rot the want of room we are meg ng out of .-ors and doulde Toes. wanks 35c. sad >0., ibis line and claw the b•la.ce of our , parr ocr price is 25c.• stock of gl, li2'•ad s3 las at 50.:each. X171042,11. / Tits, lour a • basal •nal (au,y goods 1 and �T11 SO= Scott' mulsion GLOM AIM ZOdI11liT. , SUM >TDsiwsas o .ad t leer a odd pain d lanes, cal . of a line of rgtular'Marta y or the , • riches the blood, purifies sob we are clearing out at 10c. • `ems Cheeks ek at be. Swiss regular 10...04 12c. t •hkows kaoM ' lour chose. of any Tic in the store or :n FLANNELETTES. We have Just placed in Stock a case of Flannelettes, 25 pieces, shipped to us direct from the mill, all good Pat .erns in Stripe.. and Checks. We , have marked them 7c. a yard. JOHN T. ACHESON THI; PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. SPRINGk ECHOES. vires NOW IN STOCK : , turd 1'ql lfrl llsA. (the latest 1. CtitiVt•, u, usual up to ti.. Mark. HOSIERY . . . , r! 1; White, ('ream, SI$e, Fa.%n anal TIM Shades ini S.lk l 1 1:irea.1 ate/ Canl:n►Orti. t , Oil, en - the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicia►u, the world over, endorse it.s I.tf heel h ! hca 1 • It,.,.ow Isomile to oruseo.r tt,.a at. MARGARL1 L SHEPHERD. She LIIe tiler) as ew.i.0 se le ■ Toronto ( Jars or The following 'roc The Toronto Empire refers to the evidence of Margaret L !?hep herd ao the Marro* Vuutuaw case, re rntly trial in Toro•te • 3lagaret I. Shepherd was the teat wit. otos tailed for tits p'•intitt She is the somewhat celebrated awl -Romanist te.c:urer anal has a history that u Jrctdwlly irtereet Otic. rice atotes:cd tire -zed a black, and in answer to ,4o- Uo0o by pluutiffs compel told of eeriit, remarks that had been oak. 10 her by ti:e defendant &bus: the plaintiff's charade?. Th. witness was sharply cross - tsunami by 11r..lulius:on, counsel far Mrs Noumea*. and it •, as in rep:y to h m she told Iver s:raoKe a•..ry. Mrs ,S31.,yrd, *aid the had lte.'.l in Eaglau.l a certain protion tf her 'life, and while there had loon imprisoned in a f.mrlaou isd far ■ix Irewash* for ,te•:int• tw *ave the Ito of her starvtc;; chili she woe tried and acquit led tet other crirminaltr1e. Toe nano: under w •h rte went at the time of her convictlw I:.marl}:•Iger:•.n. This was mot her Is.!.a howeter. The' sante she had hor:.e from thl Soto) was ligan. ';. Wes your 1.. Co5.me Egan. No. i! 'tad you any cti.rr Lame' don't remember. t! -Were you married at that time: A _X.. b Thep F:x:\a eau:d not be gnat. sonar. Wen yooOebrr baptised • A. --- les. V. Ci a, whet name '• ' Alwool Ego,rifer' ..f - i :you }warn ` :1. - In tato, She dial no• loos her f.tber's for milt.. It. cbrsuao rune wee 1'uil.p. .ail that !le knew about her' !mbar war shat {let nou.cr told 1.er. 4! What wee\ your mothers same 1: .1 Whaler' SPECIAL VALUE •1- A large range of Trimming �Rrai.l4,' in Silk, Mohair an.t Angora - +til wlil4lts in Serpentine and Creme Military. DRESS GOODS . . I'a•I:m(ree, Henriettail and Whip l'a,r'Is. C•a.4nnere.•1 to White, rr.-fttr, Skye utI emetiiwti. Leading ing';ha.t.., in Nun', \ t iiing. DBLAINETTES . . . 1': sera),, 1:u•:-, Spots ansl•stripee. line of Smallwarea. in; :ading Pearl and Linen But - tone, 2 and 4 holes. tt•e..ilea kindly ty11,11 4. Per 1 eat. bt.r.unt for (.-b. 244 M7.7NTRO Dralllelr and Haberda▪ sher. THE PROFESSOR OF SIGNS. 1.11 the *retch Atelier .sir the .forty■.. A4► / seersteed Math weir,. h ;he taiga lot James VI, u1 Moot/ t d. •fe `fast-k--Awtkassa+tor, • man 4,1 great insist, heal the i•s: that in a -t ry or nor. .tit, there ohon1d 1q • professor of dos, .hers d1'y would he to male n . n of rarest enuat lea un• .osteon 1.• h o:n,r ty ars/."thin dome away with the teturs and iab'I,uw progress of h .,roteg .1,11er. mt imply.. The ambassador w u 01..1 day larennne to the kola tins deficiency to our eel er 1•, e-Itseetwu, when he for • joke 041 aha' 14114 important branch was t.t s .reed mitt otlaad ; that Aberdeen had reit • professor. The SpeusrJ at once b l e d7;1.1 he would go and we his. 'be Flag wee unable to dissuade him : and Woe d.lm,rlf in an •wk weed ltoeitloe, WOW to as atm:•mitt sod showed Its pro• le en to male the beet a the .ttoatiou .m M. way Sartel•, hot the letter s00ouu•ing the artawsd.•r s elpelted arrival ruched Aher• Jae, who:. the an.h•ewlor himself appear• .d The p•ofeson had not bad tune to '+)reit err, ph•o, and they were at their e i:ei end t be of them ch.ineed to recount tam dtlemt,* to th. butcher, • wataish 'd.w, b:4.d in one eye and quiet a: rattier - 'St ,• Way. that a easy et.eoch, ' said he. ' I could do it fleecy, since •tie but W keep roll eel mak gigue." Well, a came about that the butcher was s'talls 1 is the university as professor of too, dimmed in • profeesiosal robe and • '' ai wi1 to.g. The aan{.asador wee p tts.ot• Re took • curvy of (111 bSletwe'. face, Mi thee produced aa orange !got. lass iu.ket. ah.1g denoted, the butcher thrust his load tete his emit pocket and produced a pee of oaten take, which be _hewed to the w' Spoilt/id The amb.ss•doe than up arse Boger. The professor of t N' hell up two : whereupon the am- torader bald sap three, or whieh abs bet. "or elinolud his hand and held it sternly .a the air. ileeosin( this the ambassador wiled in • mow mtih.1 manner, bowel profoundly eel left the presence of the preteede•l pro - The spaai.r.f reported to the professors, •k• ten lnsio:aly awaiting him, that the 1"4+04.r of sighs was • miracle and well snub c"atisg 600 miles to see. He'd be, Joie from my pocket• the ncbnew.othe country fro.wch ear R, showed me a piece of mew eke, Indicating that his country produced 't'e staff of life. 1 thew held up ore finger, F1eteor that there was but nue (cod. H• hid .p two showing that n at thewere two i re'ss 'a the l,odheed. 1 held up throe to owe tilers were throw i. the Godhead. Re .ftei"d 1.4 hand, to show that the three ..re owe " The hoteliers version of the interview ~1140: d,s The imp • what do ye tbisk did he Ns .tared me out o' .01.41..... rnt: after which piece o' i. be Whit from his murk an oeryor osis f to 'Y. Veto plot- oawety memo 'rodeos "11, r,� wall y hood into my p�a�� yhaa e' .ales mks, d•ris' sat o/ thowhe i•wlte iso Niue that Thee .' reseal dee? He held l'ay''err. w1Nwin' that 1 had hit aye "P twa,totellhimhehrdaoly these Re held up thew to elbow that we keN between sea i U... ,1eed,ed my sN wee its see a � u gq� ah• "at vin he hada. PettyIns 'teak 1 wed bee las.•ke1 ttof room 4I•ks„ r'+r Twins. Word ty�(wrtin as it d PION tries" W- I.. Were you not "known at Louisa. Prolate, and indicted lady, that opine when oa w• rc convicted to London.' A. 1 oar t remember. la March, 181;0 she Hail rase to the S't acnes House, • church of Euglasd inati:n ice is Linden. and Chart had lie en her ams as I: niss Helen SVestIaa4. it. Shen, yon impnsoned at Cbmin. 'crcw'all, Eng., awaiting trial ou • charge, c'I there ka,an u Ge -setae Parise$' A. 1'ew: &her 1 hti married 1'aptatu •'ktu. u --\fere you ere- Went/tied with the oh-stiwt Army, and if so, under whir, acne.A 1 was with Mrs. Rooth for a sae as ller.arot Ifetbert. ' The ware her explained to his Lord hip and the jury that she had chanted her sine this last time to put away from her he errors of her put life, awl start anew-. he ha t, lived in Bristol, Egg., and in ire• rad also as (lcorgine I'arkya. She dritte.l on to the stage for • few tasks and thea eat employed for a time by . \S'. Stead, editor of the fall 5!411 arctie and the Review of Reytsws. She rat 11101 Mr. Meed in .10y, 1885, and greed to secure interviews with Mn. Arm trona and other Wonsan for pnblic.tiou to r. 'shard's series of •retch• on fallen omen. She was helping kir. Strad to prove that children were sold for immoral rlr,.rb to !stades. She drew no salary her sluices, but ger expenses, and terwards her paasaee to America. she derstoo.l was paid by Mr. Stead. The next remarkable event of her peculiarly eventful life was her separation from her husband, Crept, Parkyn, when • forgery chart* was brought against hum. She tame to America ender the auspice• of the Salvation Army, and after a time pro- ceeded to ('barlotIstowo, P. E. I., to con- duct • series of .rivioee for that body. Whi!e there she tet )Jr. Shepherd, herpre- sentbwbud, and wee married to him os April 4th, 1886. At that time she thought Capt. Parkas, her tonne, heobasd, tepee dead, and when she rowed that he was still living, she left Mr. Shepherd. \Vhile in Canada she belotaged to the Methodist church. She afterwards went to Bosnia and joined the BapWts. Thee she began her work as • leot.rer, speakisg in Bosom, Chicago, and ether large cities in the Stats. While in Chiago the ohsrgaa formerly mods sophist her by her essetis were agate seamed at • stem tweeting held is the Medea' wrest theatre. Chicago. 1-td_r further .nous-gsentissieg she so - k eowledged aksowledged that •1,e onajd set &sewer for her movements during three days et her so- journ s-journ in lushes. While .order the io/weooe of a drug, she wondered from her owe place of residesos earl wee brought book to to ber rooms flare. days later by • friend. What Me Masud taut. A lady, who ass shopping, noticed • tory small boy who was employed •, Yash " in the ,acre, sad hiring inter sated in him began to ark hi•n .Ins- t ions "• Would.'t you like to lice with ma and have everything my little boy has • " .he bwlutnd. " What does your lisle bey have • ' ark ed the child, fixing hie largo, serious eyes e pos her twee. rNl, Ilse W book.. and tope, and a posy;;' sod 111. 'unintended • lot of tki.1. " Ras he ..y papa asked lee child. "• (M, yes, he bee 4 dear. hied paps, who gives him all the things." "Then 1 wOsIl like to heour Tittle boy," said the AM mood " 1.w my papa in deed, awl 1 would rather have him thaw say et the other woos." Tis I.4y vibe m bed bees seemly tains whit the WY for asiseemeat. fwd bad weei to keep bank her tows e* (4* raw±re eos!s sten w '11Fatsity" sign/ r sill le lri4 lay visaed. Bel gwti Try It .d i A Mailgered Mune... 41 ! luno honor, I have a wino's' lit 'tie 11(•11, .) nem, who N slab. and ready to prove an t •'ibi for this man, sod the attorney for (ae sic ten,* e.,;erly. ( Very well, brag him in, cowman lel the a I judge. 1t s a woman, ) oar beam.. , • 11'ell,�wnll,j,riag her ir. But, your homer, I cannot have the conned for t' a prn..cntion badger my wit no. e. :the Ism very nape_talle pfrms, sad has rev(r bees in a emit of justice bit,,, . • {:ran. hut: In. n The woman war brought in, and duly t I swum and 1•.1.1 t, elate what she knew, r land to remestber that she war under oath. la ! !abet gess *hent and read -laced, and hens ' volubly : w 1'•.0 roe, ;edge, it was this way, 1 ie, to 1' my darter, ter I t, Stop, atop. You are only to make a plain fi statetncut \\here was the prisoner when a you Hnt saw hint ` at That'. what 1 wu cettieg at. I u. to \! my clatter, err 1 w Never mind what you aid to your ' daughter. What day of the month was it pu that you last saw the m 1u now on trial' for 1 gulls 1 might ter know. It war the .f day our folks went to the onanty meetir.'. nn j itut what da • of the month, sate what day of the week was that Mame day 1 made Almy'e new age green rows %Venom, •se{aimeJ the outlet' for the proremit one, you evidently don't know amiable( about the case. You are *loured. -1 dentin a I'.a done anything to be ex- cused 1-.e. 1 only wanted to tell you 1\ by don't you answer a plain •ttteation' 1 nu are trifling with the court. No 1 ain't, nether. What tlteestios her you rot Can you teal the day of this month open which you tut saw the prisoner' Yes it's the 15th, sortie sore. Fifteenth Gf what' Why that is to -day. Aia't I eosin' him now . Look leen, said the wrathy attorney, rising end poie!ieg • long, lean finger at the witless, you o.rht to be able to answer • pimple outwies. • woman et your age. .I,r$e., said the witaos., facing round upon the Judicial chair, 1 ark the p.rtection of this court. 1 dtdi t tome hen to he in suited. feint ho called me a woman, then he teaks about m7 age. Tidal fear jedge, sad 1 ain't Senior to tell •11 1 keno while re's in the reor-t. There was • laugh at the exposes of the attorsey, and by diet .f much sooehieg the rood wom•a was at gut induced to toll a1) she knew. The 1.41. pin& A ' i.se of boys tw - boarding school were bane etamined in Soriptan. „ What eon you tell me shoot Mee "' "eked the is - 'pester : •, what art d . mow war he r " Please, sir, he wee a rentlerrnan," piped forth • pale heed, bright eyed Ind of eleven or theresshost.. Gestletsan . " repeated the inspector, with a look o/ surprise ; " what do ye. The little hey replied : " Please,eir, when the daughters of Jethro went to the well to draw water the shepherds name owl drove them away, mod Mose helped Ihi ►tore of Jsthew.•od amid to the Amphorae: 'Ladies p1.a... gees losses.' • R.rdoek Blood Sitters owe 111•Iiiiik Masa 1MMess .fids Berri ek Biped BIMw silt.. JIJ(JU•sea 1i .elk Blood N here env. TT. .Adel.. None► all the bwwb, thus .erisg .uwplalwt. - BLAS T8 FRbM' AM'S HORN. Words •n the overcoats of ideas A map a nut hated until sueos.slul. l uenorrow is the day that saver comes. The cheerful titer u the happiest mase sea earth. A godly life u • living pralcr that will serer end. The first lesson in deceit a often taken by going into debt. Some fellows get eery low down In get - :sag up a the world. Lamm.s leaned l the school of espci ie.ce are remembered the longest. The world pays more attention to what • man does than to what he says. 1;, Is not the bird with the brightest plumage that sings the .weeteet. The titan who votes to sustain • wrong is helping the devil, whether he knows it 0r not. 'rbere u more power to the influence of e Loy than t here is in all the .town in • lo- contotttre boiler. No church is ever toade a Lit stronger by having an unrepentant •:aper with a pocket full of mosey walk up and luta it. A t(al* Susie the Ph,seyw'. Nary. .\t Dight the weary ted doctor sat dow and noted, u usual, the coaditioa of h patients : The rag can --Picking rap. theelitor- Rapidly declining,. The dentist -fay pull through. The postmaster -?lust g,. The .le.f .lute --?til complaining. The painter -Mere Luh signs. The miser -Barely minx. 'Che ,n.h.r - -Rallying. '11,0 ea.hier (bine, The actor -On the last 'stage. The butcher --Leu fat on bones. Tlw cobbler Mendlug. - The jail prisoner Will soon Le out. The two gr..cen t In t i:e t cr ie of disco:c- tion. The murician Toning up. The carpenter Improt'i( g. .looms' boy•---Itad and crowing worse. 'I'd, barber •Saved by a t1. se shave. The honker •!ruling Th. bootmaker-- Wilt not hat king; The pugilist -SI tikieg improvemeet. The ptjMer--Seuiag up. ur.loh alphabet. Tile aoitary .%seuc.atiou, of loon dose, give tL following utnplo rules for krepinr health, which v" ti'id coped in the fsanitarun : . 1-t►lnnu u vote are up shake Menke: and tett. L1--ot be without shots than bit with wet t' ' n, if( bea:ti.y, arc &dire, not �" aJl: ii --amp led" and d.yhp tIs`hts Will troth make you ill : E at a:ow•ly .tad always rheic ycur £a -d eta: F---rw.hcei the air is the ii•,a•e where you dwell ; 41 arments Inuit never Is. made too fight ; R --Dotes should Le healthy, airy and ht ; 1- -f you wish :o be wee, .s ',oar .lo 1•re se doubt, .1 --hitt nine op the windows before you to 0141; X--e,•p the r.. ens always tidy and clean : - L et duit on the furniture never be seen - uch thorn a caused by the want 0'f pure .'r : X ow to open your window be ever your care : i I - 1d rage and 01.1 rubbi*h !boob! never b.c kept : P eoph- shied.' see that the dorm are all seep'. t! -uick movements in children are healthy and right : R ememler the young cannot thrive with out light : S tee that the cistern is clean to the brim • T .Le care aha: your dress is a:l tidy sail trim : l• se your nese to aid if there Le a boa drain ; ✓ cry sad ere the ft •ra that coke in ire train 1V -a!k as much as you , ..n without reeling fatigue : t 1 • ur es could walk foil mauy a league : Y- our health is your wealth, which your wisdom must keep : sal will help a rood cause and 'be goo./ you will reap. •weeded, ear Weed sal. the te.wp••er. ,I'wsienr "sent `;acne, the famous and eotn'itric French compoeer, tells a graceful and interesting anee.lote of the helping Wand extended to hien by Retain' when ho sou only • •inner in his career. " 1 had oat cosi ," says he, "a frarnte.t for the Hate and clanooet. Rossini invited • great crowd of people to his house, and had my piece executed by ibrna and Leroy. As the author of • %Valliant Tell' had aid nothing, everybody conclndot that the piece war his own composition, and when it war over the applause war tmmultuens : ■11 hands were waved wooed Rossini : everybody eosgr.t- elated him with enthtuita.t. The twister, with • mischievous smile, took me by the han-1 and resented me to the company. • The work, he said, ' is by this young man. "The applauders were somewhat (Bacon oerted, hit it war too late to take lock the praise they had teetotal ns my fragment." n Is It ('weed Thew., This a the story of the way io which • bkstoo man cured his children of a senseless habit of .peech 0.. evening this gentleman came home with a budget of news. An aa!wintance had Ailed in betaiama He spoke of the incident sw " deliciously sad." Ile had ridden a town with • meted wit, whom he d,merite.d u " horribly entertaining," and, to e•p the climax, he spoke of the hotter which had been est before him at • h.ustry hotel u " t heirs!y rancid " The ynusg people attired, sad the eldest daughter pllid . •' Why, pipe, 1 .b.e'd think you were ont of your heed." "Not in the kart, my deer," he Paid pleasantly " I'm merely trying to follow Om fashion. i have worked nit 'divinely rwaeid' with a good deal of labor. it seem, to me rather mere effective than • •wildly sweet' 1 mean to hemp op with the oat of you hereafter And sow," he esatieeod, " let mei help you to • pieta of this ea genitals tough beef. " Adverts, he sate, are sot se Aebiesabte .e they were Is W /•telly. 11MIM'. Tlasleme. sten 1. r Tito' 'n• t^ , 'anoo,te, Tenn y. • •• 4hil.l.'. C'tel. nr ' avert ism Iaf. .weld., it the bet' remedy kw • debilitated ' system 1 ever need.- Ter d liver or Missy trouble it *mesh. Pelee 'R mats. Orli y all drwaista e w THE CAPTAIN'S STORY. ibe taller. t:.tY et.Mem b GIe ria IdlIes a atywa e .(ells, One of the oldest sea captains, who visit the port of New York, is • I:than, woo years ago left his fatherland to take service u use of the F:aglish vessels plying between b.or{aed sad the East Iodise. In c08Very- tion a few days ago he gave an account of his esciueg eap.rieace. A great shark, sail lie, had followed us our Vessel was not Tory large for five days, on one of the very early voyages. It was impossible to satisfy its revuou hon. ler, and he _wallowed almmteverything we threw overboard. We tried in vain to capture the animal rod almost decided to give up the attempt. 'I hen unhappily. say .alone boy died, and we, of course, made preparatn,us to bury him as anion wish to be but ied, in the depths of the sea. SVc watched closely for the shark on the mo. w- ing of the tuceral, naturally nm t wishing Hint to make • meal of the ship'slittle,(avor• rte. We bad not seen htm for an Lo ir or more, and believe./ the time favorable for the burial Ilut we had been deceived. The body, lorded with comma balls to carry It to the bottom of the see, had lust toucee.l the water when the great shark mewed his, mighty Awe and swallowed IL The sailors who had lowered the body were almost drool' overboard by the forceful p1141 of the shark. 'rho angered t1., seamen -beyond endur sore 4m1 they swore they would kill the creature.. They prepared a Lomb to ca• plods under the water at a certain time, en closed in a cowhide dud threw it to the shark when he ?vain appeared near the •',ip. The cowhide ;nicht• disappeared. As a rule the ,hark, after gettmg something, in its month, ■wan. away from t,.e boat • ton- aidenblc dial/new, to order to eat the owned 1Vet et course, expected it to do the same thing flus time, as the ship fright ba eo'taogered ).y the ,on.i,g expl(wiens. But to the terror of .l! til w the *hark re mut:td in clove prr,sirn:ly to the tei,.L Oct of the tailors suggested that the bite was not large enough to ir.twvete.ce the monster an.1 proposed that ee make a lar. g.',c {/signal for hie strmach. It was dune ash,,u. kh es ros.i1Flo. one of the sean.en trot a sack which Inas filled with old rage sad other useless thiole 'and threw it Into -the water. • l'he Iles opened, but he could 'mere the ,stat! down -he thrt•at easily, so ho swam sway, to the urea? delight of it! cn board. Ilut thli time Rad caste for • the explosion ao 1 we waited with 4MA beating hearts for 4t, praying that he would kcal) away from the ship '*Ve e:ou'.-1 just see the fish •tato below the surface, when a dull s iutef- was M'ar'l, the waters darted and 9.'w into the air. The stark wood:vide I into pi and our Jaeger was panel. 1 rhail never forret our terror while that dish remained neer a w•ttb that Iamb is Ins ■tuttnit'iI. The • tl1'wad'. Paper 14j'). -. 'rhese'lit4 .;',VS. paper mills in the world, sod they reedit,* ann'tahy 110,0')0 totes r f paper. .About halt this •;uantpy, or 4r.;,,..200 tons, is aged for pr:u'inl;"p':rpo•'e.. nearly 380,0(0 tons of it going f..j p, w.dial" r• sad periodicals alone. TKO terrinUtit tn of the world consume 100,1430 'togs, •the •chola 39,0X) tops, con.:.leteko 1:„000 (cos, sod trades abut 90,000'to,•,, whilst private 'Litters, eta, mate up 52,000. 'Thos. jasper milts employ 270,0)0 hand., too :Vida of whom are women. bat iwwat:rt,d 11141h the ffpewritrr. A go Lois drummer says that the t.y re. writer has coat hint • good many customers in the back wood districtaof Arkansas", Teras 'and the In,fias territory. He tors of visit that he made in the, country sonic thirty mile* from Newport, Ark , to a cos touter wh.. told always ret'cived tum gladly and enterta ned him royally. This time the merchant would hardly epesk to him, an:{ its wife and daughters tot-ne.l thur lacks .wJ **Ike.' out of the store when he enter, ed. The sitietl.n-Kiiesedu eap:ailed. raid the merchant, tossing • type -written docu- ment towards him : " You thiuk up alar ip St. Louis {het me an' my darter can't read rain do you an' 60 votive gone to Navin' my letters printed'" In vain the drummer explained the machine on which the work was done, and the universality of its taw by bushman houses. The man would riot believe that there was any such mach- in.', and persisted in considering the letter as a pr:uted circular and a perional affront. The Mull era. ■.u,e, Dr. Ityerwon, member tor Toronto, is now looked upon as an innocent tbroad by both parties in the Ontario Legislature, He frets and he fumes and he makes charter, but the veriest tyro in debate can trip him up. Some of the positions he takes up sug• test the necessity for an icyuiry into the health of the member for Toronto. Ilere is an extract from the debate, in which 11r. Ryerson falsely charged that Hon. Oen. tV Roes had bought up the chief high school wasters in the province : 1)r. Ryerson The deputy minister of Education is • nephew of the honorable minister. Mr. Roes- No, heel no relatite of mine. Dr. Ryerson He'. • nephew of your wife. Mr. Roes No . he's not my wife'. .e ew. )r. Ryeno.-Wahl, he's your fiat wite's w. _ r. Ito. . ; )r1r's so relative to my first wife. Dr. Ryoesi. Well, he's a relative to your 1e(0ad wife. Mr. Ross • No, nor to my third wife. 1/T. Ryerson Well, I thought he was. (Prolonged applan.e. . The mal who 'hicks with • heal empty of fetch es sure to be thoroughly discredited. The "Varrity" e:gar is, withont • doubt, sap rior to themajn,,ty of fes cent 'good.. Try it and be convinced. 2ctw *Ida. pmBanks Oust regtadoe. WM I Wt.'. .7telli all 01 . Tat L C Sues. Heart -ems. Tor meal Platt`s • • 7 SONLIGOT SOAP ilas prut'J l.y its enormous :ale that/it 1s The best value for the Corisumer of any soap jar the nt.uke:. Millions of women throughc.it the world c311 \otlt'l1 for this, as it is they \filo hair proud its value. It brings them lets labor, greater comfort. Testim.^sZials amnislir for Terne Plate Roofing put on by J. H. WORSBLL ib.Ti.,. Tern, flare Boot se' i•:, lata i•:..o-,' .n 1•.ohiuJ11:1, undent.iad hew Ise 54,..:•( t' on the flew arduito our -"1. era .1,4,- r Ir n,.tea th+'t clary rnaf. Herr•. Co.,., appear+ cu 1. ea'irw:7 11►.:1 axis Bled'Itateu. Newry. ward, 1'Rfdk, ori:' l.r.,ava,tore Mr �• i;l Ne ry. .lar,t:pet r..v to ol.Mr:•• 'r1M Terre 1'1.:14 Itad yeti, pet rn the f. s1 st iw ,tt1, , r4.'ino )1 ui*ii h,;. isiits The Trn,gp'late Roof Sou pat on our bar.- t, at a.`, -f o p.m, a+•J, is ivy iMini .u, is its i uguahe 11' *sct to rev's-. eruv,•I r.e xe, c,- S"'e4 0n 11 r m4rk.', wife, t int eddy:ion. Veil uta la w Hn t L,. w J. (k 1'It a. to tv. Uedrriel . job. 7. 1'. '1't.uau . rhe ivl, The reef yes lett 011 ser s••IJ. iw 1Mt Red 1 can chr.•tfuia rac�mmend the Tern. i la',-eiayt't, .-u an•t w 1u ,e s,..t•f'.-tory. Roof Jaw tor nn ra. Ww•L . i' 4 Nov.. dnuu% t\ . N'. F'a144*14 ClJntw•. imp! 1t bas Koren the beat W boleti/41"n Tb. Terne t'yte (toot nit, m. .i r.-, sots Juto:r4 \\V i.i4 kNkaii. (*lin' 95. i •tin e'er,' siil.fee'I .a ani it 1441;":01,',76, 't+le „r -,'1( ro 1411,1 "�.,,n. 1 r.WM w.d ),tr,, a"r seiner if 1 We ,.re t burouat,l es: • iaf(ad that Terre I'le'. .0414 stet a 44'•...f 40:1.1,41. to !t:y b., ':.: ,ivllua; fur tut t!isolate, wird )„a \C 1 .Ia.,it 1: IN,.b!M, 17(u!as, iI I ,pit a roo.1 It•.pf get 1.1-(ti;isELL, 'Elie Prooetiei.l `I'jusn,ii!• 1•Itt it Os . wor.1 to the wife 11 uciictt•i.t. SPRING HAS COME IMINNIMMIIMMOB Ih•..'t pursues« the following Goode unt11 you /tet, GARDEN TOQLS,- Lawn Mowers (ten inch drive'w'beel);Spades,Sliovels,Ht,>,er, Rakes, Poultry Netting 24, 30, 36 and 48 inches, blain, Barb, Galvanised, Oiled and Annealed Fence Kiri: e, anal w 1,'! line t • GE.NEI'AI, IIARb Il--', Ili Pr'iev4 t-• suit Ow shite.. • • ' DAVISON &. CO. ' •1.e r.inalt- Tee a. r. tattrt\•a 1 eF :a.=y cn:allr :hemore. r qs !rating the y ieljties c•f man upon a angle �LA��I j paxtoh, egotism. .A • polis which count'w. them to.be R,i.Ghwrous or praline.uch EITTIIL?S!:L l I$S.t. / ' .. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. Buchanan & Zo++k. oses.rn•1.1411414 EPPS'S COCOA SASH, DOOR and ELAND De•ten Is as kin.'. n' • BREAKFAST SUPPER. ,\ (�:til 'any a thorough knowledge of I r e natnrai L M Q E H, 1 ANL 1, I-tl l it !nye which srenorn theoprrationsof digestion and cutpylon. end hy a tareiut application of And builder',•' o.•: • -:al of t, e:, d. .•, ipt :m the tine orot';'nteat of well-ecioctef locos, Mfr. Epos has pito it'.'d for our btw&f n t end 10w- - -- •"�Q11 p f1 have Mammy d,-I:.w".-4?�avy flavoured beret•llsu which May ('lnjynrl ^-,illi {?l!�,tli ti lir tlL• env. tar ttauy hi •ry dloton' btlls, It b by tM OYi1UU $1't! D • iudit less arae e.f such articled of dirt that w con Y ��• .(4tu1.•un WV b(- vacantly buil: up until servos -- -- - -. - -_ -nous* to resist every tendtuey to diem... Ci�DL!If',C x 11.adotds or ,uloid, m•Iadiw. tae Andm- - eronnd us ready to attack wh••rever there la a �r ,vaak poirl, ray nay eucaue seamy a lata! a�'f f'r►>'IL 1' ' l_ II 0T•h'•s, ,haft by keeping uureeltes well fortified with pure blood had at'roperly uourlst.ed (r.ueo.'- 1►, 1 .\.N.L.ilc;l, 1i,td.h A. 8. CHR`t'STAL. Circ/ /lupin• Uairffr. Mads simply with bOliwg water or Wilk. gold only in oscketa,hy- Uroet•rs, labelled thus: Jivers ern a f... tad., 1perrwoparhse (tinessiars. Losses, Sestared. Wham DUNN'S BAKING POWDER tH COOK'S BES T V RIEND LawGs:sT ,Au sN GANADA. HUGH DVNLLOP, THE CLOTH 1 EP, has Inst returne•I from th, cairn wh.•re he has been 'electing NEW SPRING GOODS. He he, nr,w;on howl a Lane Line of the Choicest 000.1s in the' Market and 14 pr.'pmreJ to turn out work m the 13e,t Style hn•tsible, anal at Prices. to ,nit the time, 11. DU N LOP. Patronise True Colnpetition. Tsls Ca*awta1 Portrsc RatLvr*T Oat viumenarn ha. bees eet•41lehed 41 gees the hake public • ant-elaes servlee with fair sad per sod manes* oempatltles. It lemogegw(ld ed en busbies prla'lptus and le L,atts Ttt th.19sp d eed ss Iretww. . pap gppra�gap�esp it eta�t�seet of every pevws wM A.TaR i 4l,- -' '. Basra w MI. r.oepg1. •1+ ..._-ra,,et tpws aM fifes F iTbRRN le11i1,s.N.1er1heeaw, fwuseserstsearl REMEDY. """!::as:•."•te*r ". a not .411=1 ilasse▪ ar. Oederlie S1:mrae"rtoClrysfm' 4- I7I.: -k,i Ment fit•_tarrn of all kiu,l, of st:Itiom. cry \i -scalar, 1'iirigl,r k Tut;µ1 tr. Salt I'»na, ktmxke Ktai,ktl, Sheet urge, etc., He. ALO dealtri fn 1'pr;Kht and lloriznau. .:ice We're Rwatare. Antoinette feud{1Q Kn.rin.w s aerially. Ad eines or pi a •tad pilar-flrri, w ooweta.117 on hand. Ketiesatee fornn.h.•d nn snort notice. Repairing promppttly ■rter,Ac,l to 13111.Iy 1'. 0. Box Si. poderich,('mb, Works -Opposite 0. T. It. talatim. Utalevier,. eAaterista AIMS fir PAT NTS TOADSsATO &maks waves P*Tatrd issmiRIONTS. etas. tar tnfaresern .sad vee 1 imIbnok waste 1n MVMM a ('r1. lm Anwar. Maw volts. 'ht4aa t'ee'm. for ..ruriM parent. 1•, Amar"sa pallet taloa out we et 1.• Arynwilt M'hwe WW puma be • raine stem bettor dump, to la. etc cientific American LwsR'e•t `:ntett rf anyalentt.l.. paw, ,n the ,w*4 • lila raie4, Vn} ,rat 111,, .4)1 //Lori SLID Ma months. adders.+. milieu ins. ail $nrarw•Mowr. .w t.,rs.• HAVE YOU BACK-ACH•E 00DOS KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE 'Y "4achache mutts the knit ne m are is erode. Dodd's Kidney Piliice p owrpt relief " 6 per cent 4 d! it �t MigN 1,1 gfpMtfered ^MOO as well b here e healthy e'er IrkAsatt sewe'r- ae geed Flit • aro drrhea tate e'w7fou. Nevem the r. ct.enyrn of the system "D. 'ay Is drie ee„w Neg- lected nide ivy froubi s result l m fled t/cod, Dyspepsia. Liver Coss aloe, and the west dna- "' Lights 0...a* Dish etes a Dropsy."' o the •fiat. • mammas comsat fxlst alar• Illel IIA ..t •ado ■1 dee14.,ese by marae T4 11 WS brig