HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-17, Page 5TUE SIGNAL.: CODERICII, ONT., TIIURSDLY. MAY 11. NUI. A PLEAAANT NURPR ISE is in store for you when you lily Doctor Pierces Pleasant Pel- lets. If you ever took the ordinary liver pill, big and bulky, nasty too, you'd appreciate a good thin, espe- cially when it is sugar- coated, tiny as a mus- tard seed but very effective. Other things being equal, the smallest is the best in liver pills - hence, "Pleasant Pellets." If you are troubled with Indigestion, Constipation, Iiiliou,nc:,, Bilious Headaches, aihd a hundred and one ills tthich depend upon an inactive liver, SSC Dr.- Pierce's Pellets. With these pills you get not lin!\' temporary relief hut a Ni•>ili\'c l,uc: they're ,turalran- ia tai give satisfaction in every case,- or your money ;, returned. For fat people who suffer from indigestion, f ,r hearty caters and high livers those whose livers are sluggish, this .pit! i. %Vh:lt is mulct needed. f:lks.:. a Pellet after dinner. DIED lLLIoTT la Roderick on Thursday. May 10. IMI, Wm. i Shutt. age M yeas. yoR./1..iete At Goverwer'e Island. N.i. lie' I'. ('Apt. Charles lifted Morrison: r -.A rie:Tires at the Island. May ltd. D. term• of at 3% ashs•gton. L C , on afternoon et .ave- dabs. THE: TALK OF THE TOWN. t• Prom the Reporter'. Notebook. ' 11 len'''. a ■ale la a' ser gents. 1 reds 1. net 11 t a 4'hlel's *maim le raLla' Setas, an' lalrh mein fugal It."-Mrnth Rsenee. to obtain bs.t results should be Mprat-•I now. Ilse tawny Want. at A. HI\(J Hk>t:l'• 1sr Ilcore .Arenbouse. 61 3. These f.' -.toe. The iileeketorte and Little Rs:k cr inc. newt S<• Har•ua ilkd coin,. on •tr sisr..•-t. To he tad aid; at W iI. a a pre +er,pt:ua ria %tote. 1(yuu wan: t-. bet • sail of clothes en the ole t)..e.. den'f fail to have the inn parch met at V. J. I'ndbam'.. He makes the best. .ad millet let et a good shape tor et:bar • brit or • Tey. u ro"s psuer. bwutt .l d• i res Barde'l-...ir*trb. c.7c.. 10e.a.d a Special Woo,tits mints. Ibk/al moi.ad, W arr. boar ws1 pipers. 8mab's. ass. D,s. 444 .h rr *WV.. iTtee:ection for It. 1 instal i.anoouroeA so lal,rJu. • 1. :.rd • bo • 111 be it • •uoreesful (.'listless it now the thought or the ane 01a deep Tiers i. so question about the te.po. tar etwo;rtptwr of florets. Hie name ie hence., ser. Montreal P. and Square. '.HAIR. TO ORDER.- There aro some pee tie elem ordinary epet•taplea will *ot M. 1f Jos ant one of these. we will make s glass t• .vt menu .pec:.l r.gnirra nits. lust the same 4114 Miler will make • neat to at • bamyhack ea ram %V. 1. welsh. ooticuo eod jeweller. gist: jt AllI)HIN.,,-(`beide •rider sad sates' r..t:ng., overcastings. Week end blue mets. w,,rsed oceans,. etc. Mese, badly seeded nose -quietly sir b.r atN la ordered (laking ('.JI and see the souls .ad eat .dare you will surely buy. B 10* -4 mars. Jo* ib.ak' A wl.Sow Made with tris e ousted on a .prlag roller for Mc. Otber ►reuse reek S, tied IS cents for them We here ttaisracet stuck of shade mater.al awl trim mals in the could, sial make any 'Ilene st,le tevsiiered. We have new end or heal deems* ad em ewe maks. a.d .old only at Smt'b•s ftrecua ruga A Bra: 4L,- Rev. H. Irvine denies the eatenieot circulated to the affect that he refused to preach to the Tempters if the tend le id the proe.riim. He said and did , whole to ;eerily such s rumor. His own preference was is favor of having the had. 1{'•1 ei TRwr1.At.. Go 10 Corer u. -A large number of the e.mbes of Eureka council ani several members from if 01.s- `dlet:wn.nl went to Victoria -et. church in a 1i'dy "...today moron last, where the humor, 1t.v H. Iroise, Preached tea exciti- ng gospel temperas*, memos te them. C.C.C.. Nom. --Regular meeting of ala 0. C C. C. WM be Mid on As Bret Monday le soh east A • \Vtraeday 0 The olulk wW run to Seeforth os nin t.UU of the 24th of May. All mem bfu.M Leal riders an weloome to the run gbh tis club. We invite all who ride I ti •. BIRTn DAT E*it'a*i is - Teken will be issued .t Weigle faro to all poets on the lies of the O. T. R., es the 13td sad 24th, good to renew np es May 25114 Tickets .ad all lettermen= cies be IW of U. Arnatr,sg, 0. T. R, tows ticket .gest, O led ween. Tickets, telegrams 'sod .spree to all parts of the world. 'airs. R.rtee MATIrA(Ttolt.-Masers. 3 H Weeseu a Ca, fl.4erieb, Out. - Ilov air Is reply to your request the trustees of North .e Methodist chnnk wish 10 or in reference to :be Hov.a. d furnace I_°1 paced is said geese& : That they are Phrased with It. It Inning gtvo. estM lotedsetw.lV wing to 118 large redlining eit .,mitiosesecal m festl nanny !NM_ fmm ns het Sal very sulky ••••••••• 1V. wind, V cheerfully reesetnsd the Hewerd tows to say penes ole may 1'eq.b'e IS.. NIone. Indy u Fa A. Rion, Soo. aked Trwwlse y.. r11R Bairn? or A*ot.gmr. Tb. ,,, ii prohibit: -1. Minis s Som - 7 2, emoting men tbw 60 trout by era Owns to otos day : 3, 004J.( •.d retain 4 Ara le 6 lochs, •r Moslems tole w lira : 4, allewi.g sews t0 *St ew7 stream frekeseeed (Mthe eines ewes. : ti ft, lee dcig . Booms ; Tti tBib net bees 1ry lis 4rY 1ysze W I 1 11 r pdimul, 16 e1 flto. p T tl. 0i0 penemnies during prohibited *no,n.. '1b liebory wrist,, and isspeotors are dimermi.ed to saline these law* ler the Ialrisewhii.t ut which bea17 penalties al* peuvideal. 1;t taTLI:t 1 B.'t1(1 )1at.rl.... At the mutts( of the 4,1buseterly hoard of North at Methodist church beld Monday 'venom, May 7th, the membership and finances of the church were slows to be to • prosper- ous ooadittue. the total membership u 387. There was paid towards the wo- o f sound funds of the church, $508 81. The amuuat raised duriajp the year for churek 'spews soli pastors salary wee V2,676.55. The !fu•rd passed • resolution ;dames 00 ✓ ecord their high •ppreekat►uo of the labors of thine pastor, Rev. ,1 F: 1lowe!1, M. A., whose iiia, yeas' term aspired in Jose next. Tke services befit on Sash bath prone/MS Ihe d were well attend- ed. • Vt. r•*t t ST. ('11111. a The quarterly Ricotta, service. to Victoria at. church 0o Smoky, May 6, were well &Hooded, I.ad were the best of this conference )ear. At iho Isceptiou servlee as the clue of the Morning ..nice, the pastor and leaden ex- tended the right hand of membership to 12 mew members. Finw.:lally the circus,. u to rood ,tarsalia.. Zoos to over peed for the year. Rev. 11. !nine hu roomed $7'45 salary this veer, and Is paid in full. shoo. Gimes Roft l0 district meeting. The pastor, H. )rvise, received • hearty vote tet tbadka fur his year's work, .nd • nun. mous int Ration to return next conference Year. The lovitatios was acxpted tub jest to the scums 11 the Suttoolue Committee. COMING AND GOING Joe Porter i• visiting hie parents la town. R. A Graben), of IVlneham, was in town during the week. Mrs. •las. Addison has returneI from vi,- i•iog relativ.a in Toronto. Mm Francis !Villard, of :►nb•uo, is vatt- ing friends in (:oderich this week. 11v..1 M. M'f.e.xl has returned to town after having .neat several weeks at Detroit and other potets. John I:esiford Iv ft f.,r Buffalo, N. V., Monday last, where he was to meet Lu bust, the Eller tyard. F. %V. Tanner and N. H. Young, of Itlyth, has.• been appointed .) 1' '* in and for :he county of Huron. A young led named Mathes was sent to the Manion Loire for- hove Tuesday last, to charge of cow1hle \ ichofsoo. !'has. Haile, ■u old `i•.. *1. Iwo, returned to New York last week after having spent a couple of weeks .1 the home of hu parrots here. Mn. ,john Reid ret :trued from Kiaxat0n Tuesday Inst, whither she bed been attend • ter her reqs, Samuel .1., of that city, who had Ix en i11, but is now convalescent. John Shaw, .f t:*11, the cattle king, hu leased the Falls Reserve from S. It, ^bleu, dud, we undert►nJ, will pot a couple of hundred cattle tat to gran this season. W. W. Stoddart, who has b'.en one of THE Sm.%at. staff for several years. went to Ilut(slo, N. 1 , 1Vedoesday last, where he has secured • position in one of the printing satehliehmeets of that city. l'h a. 1; trio. sr , the veteran ex -reeve cf West llawanosh, paid • friendly visit to Tut St. . 11. ooe day last week, Although several years past three score and ten he is still u alert oo matters political as of yore. )1n. Copt. Wm. McLean and son, Nn. •las McArthur and daughter, lett for their homes In Detroit, Mich., Moody hut, !sav- ior been called hither on aocouot of the death of their relative, Alis Lizzie Redford. -E L cox and Harry E. Farquharson, of Chicago, 11!., are spading this week at the residence of the former', parents, Mr. and Mn. Geo Cox, Goderich. Tp young men have been touring through differnt,, ports of 1,s. tads, taking in the Niagara Falls, Leamington, and other points of interest to them. LOCAL BRIEFS. "All is not gold that glitters". lloa't be deceived. but buy • "White" or "New Wil. hams" Sewiog Machine of co.(lW. Thom moo. Liverpool lodge, No. 140, sons of Eng- land benevolent society, will hold their an- n ual church psrade to St I:eorgis chinch, on Sunday next, the 20th May, et 11 A. w. ileert 1►iae•.c Relieved is 3) Mirages - .411 cras, of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes •ad.11eickly cured, by Dr. Agoew's Cure for the Heart One dose marlines. Sold by Jas. Willem. Rheumatism t tired in • Day. ---South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cured in 1 to 3 days. Its actino os. the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at oras the cause and the dismiss immediately disappear. The first dose Erectly benefits. 75 omit, Sold by J. Wilson and .11 druggists. 30-ly A Boon to Horsemen. Ora bottle of En.b*h Vpavio l.l.itl.eet oompleuly eel moved a curb frees sty bursa I talo pleasure .n recommending the rmissdy, se it • to with mysterious promptness to the re- moval from horsed hard, soft or calloused humps, blood sp•ein, splints, curbs, mossy, stairs eod etudes. Grosses Roue, Farmer, Sold by ,las. Wilson Markham, Ont. Relief is Six Hoar. --Distressing kid soy said bladder disown relieved is six hoer, by the " Nsw (lour Sor'T. Assat- cAlt Kloesv Cosi" This New remedy me mesa surprise .red delight to physicians Ise aeeosst nuts oxe.sdl.g prom in re- newer pais is the Madder, k back. sed every part of t4..rinary pausesen is sole or fussed.. It relieve' retention of water ..d psis iv paooisg it shame immede. ably. U yew wont quiet relief sad care this ie rear r.m4v. Sold by Jas. SVibo.. MARINE NOTES. Capt Ratter has put • flakier bridge from toe dock te the island. Sebe. Tcdaies arrired ear Banda from Marton with • Had of dab for the rage hero. S84.r. Carter left as Tooley for Gee. Bay to load Leber for firmest, of this pert. Ali. Cambria trailed ie here booed doves e'1 T.rday sad trek ow p•os..gers and freight. Tug Elite fad her bailer and m.oIi..,y put is last iron .ed is bevies bar tarda put le w. Msaseh elated le hese as W.dom- day boued op ..d took s sir oars of salt end we of hay. Str. Cambria shod in here s Friday, bound op. She wok se • toll lend of heroes, earrMgos, owns, Mildere easels sad p nangera The eonl silks c the Iowa lake' is felt severely hors The tip am bunny owl weed .d hnmleek slang Th. ,,.!;rete\ f 11 Ohs piers are building brake No be mad In Imiellog the nesse este the mew op ee the emery The wharf ..d peers are beeenn r gales growled. Mira WAthe tenet Tem, .loser uerdwoad seal .labs fur the tugs, .ad other Finns is Tool oa here at russet. I'apt. Wyles had • heal of 2400 lis. Nan Monday. Dredge Arnold" is working of the eod of the North pier. She le but • 240w worker where compared to Dredge Nu. Tug Debate awed a scow up to I'urt Albert oar Smudgy loaded 1•1111 m.torkals for building Ur) desk he loadio, the *lame. THE DEATH RECQRD. '4 ANSTONE A peculiarly sad peat wa$ the death ul (ding. A. E. \ aortooe, of t',tl Iwr.e,who died os Friday May 4fu tbe•b2ud year of his age. Deemed w.. seized 01 in- Ilaamsuun'anJ parsed away after a week'. Mend 11e 1 • wale sod two cht:dreu, `nudes Itis mother, sisters and a number of other relatives •,..t mourn 4u loss. Ili. re '-assns were interred in ('olbnrte cemetery Sundry, the obeegnice being performed by Iter. A. T4ibau.au. i)....e•asn.l woe a member of Auburn 1. die A. (► t'. t\' , •,d was buried by the brethren of that lodge, .misted by contingents from t • w.n,_:l, s:oderich t•Hwoship and lionleiller. IIEI►FC►RD After a lingering inns uf about a year sad • held, Liz..,., ynuuzeet daughter of the Isle John Bedford, dirt at the home of her mother, I.igitthouse at, I •..Jerich, o. '1'ue.d.y, Slay 8th, at the early age of 22 years and 6 menthe. A year ago last Fall she vetted her relatives in Detroit, mid while there contracted •severe cold, which developed into consumption, causing her untimely end. The sorrowing relatives end friends of the dusted young lady have the sympathy of the entire com unity in their bereavement. The toll'.wiog releasea from • distance were proven:. Mn. Will. Essen and daughter, t sseleton, Xurth I►akota : 31ra. fl'apt . Wm. Mclean and son, and Mrs. James McArthur and daugh- ter, I►etrott, Stich. : Hugh 31cKinnou, Gram ioreln. esti John Bedford, wino came liom p►ul.t4, Minn. M. I'ADDEN - Brussels Post : The mes- vh:er I►eath visited the home of Uriah Mc- Fadden, a well-known resident of grey town- ship, of Weshe.day. Slav 3. anal called him Away front earth. .Mr. McFadden was horn bear Keunpville, 1;.mbec province, of Irish i and Pennsylvania Dutch pareotage. He re- s.Je.l in Morniogtoo township for . number of year. and moved to grey about 20 years ago. I (.ceased was married to Mies Maria Hamilton in 1848. She died about .eves years ago. Ile wu elected to the Reeve. ship in Mnrotngton and since the inception of East Huron Farateri Institute he tilled the position of President In a meet efficient Inacner uutil last January, when i11 health pre.•luded his botanic the (Alice any longer. hour sons and two daughters Moses and Uriah, at Sault Sic. Marie : Mrs. S. Barr, Neeprwa, Man ; Aaron and John, at home ; and Mr•. 11 Walker, Morris township, sur- vive and hold in fond remembrance the life of • kind father. CURRIE. Brussels Post: Sunday,May 6, the spirit of Donald Currie, an old and well known resident of this locality, winged its way to that bourne fpm whence to. traveller returns. Mr. Currie was ion at 4.lasgow, Scotland, and came to Canada when 11 years of age. He resided at 1►oon, Waterloo county, for shoot 12 pears .nal c.me to Morris township 33 years ago, par. chasing lot 28, con. 4, oo which he lived op to the time of his decease. Mrs. currie's maiden nine was Eliza Blackburn and she prn'ed herself to be a helpmate indeed. Three sons aid four daughters, with the mother, survive. Deceased had been poor.y tug ti, put six years and his death was no: an unexpected event. He was an honest, straightforward, hard working man, who was very highly respected by ail who knew him. His genial disposition made him hoeta of friends. While declining,,.ny public office he was school trustee for 20 years and was greatly toter*sted in the education of the youth. Fortuse smiled on Mr. C'urrie's hari work and as • result he and his, soon found themselves it. easy cirvumslence.. LIZARS.-Stratford Beacon : t las Satur- day.night, May 5, Judge Lizars, so well known throughout this county, died at the Windsor hotel in Stratford. In late years Judge Lizars had spent • cooaiderable portion of his time with his son is Rhode island. For several years he was afflicted with rheumatism and shout two month ago he hada most severe attack which coo. fined him to hie room in the Windsor Hotel, tin Saturday night, after haring partaken of supper. he was seized with a parovyism of p•iu which caused he attendant. to send for the doctor in great haste. Shortly alter Dr. D. M. Fraser arrived, he parsed away at 8.33 o'clock, the cause of death havingbeen rheumatism of the heart. Daniel Home Lizars and was a son of Daniel and Robina Lizars and was bon is the county of Ren- frewshire, Scotland, February 1822. Who. be was 11 years of age the family cane to Canada settled at Goderich, Co. of Huron, where his father was appointed to the office of Clerk of the Peace and held that office for many years, dying in March 1876. The son was educated in the Gode- rich Grammar school, and studied law with John Strachan, es of the distinguished Bishop Strachan. la 1848 he came to Stratford.aml opened a br.scb ethos and while seso:uud with Mr. Strachan was called to the bar i. Hilary term 1853, He was appointed County Crown Attorney of Perth io 1858 sod had for many years ssso- crated with him the keillis% young lawyer sad p.rliameetarien, Robert Macfarlane, M.P. in the early sixties, the practice of the firm who the largest and most lucrative in the district, so that when io 1864 the office of (',sty Jodi became vacant by the death of .lodge B.rritt, and the pan- ties* was offered to Mr. i4rAro, hs at first felt disposed to refuse it. bat after ton .iderwtion accepted. Soma few years later, on the retirement of George W. Lowman, be ran appointed Mester i. Chascery sod Deputy iet>utmr. He bold the office of Judge until Jam., 1987, whoa be ease sper- anenatM, sod • year or two lister relinquish ad the other of/toes, miring into, private life. le July, 1848, be was m'.n.d to Esther Longworth, of GOderich, who .ore riven him. They had six ohiWren, only tiroe of whom ere cow divine -Robina., widow o1 the kite dekko Robert Smith, of the Superior Court of Manitoba : Strachan Lizars, Shaman Beach, Rhode island, sad Mb. Kathleen Lizars Tbo funeral on Toe. - day was elesn/sI by the bur is • body and b7 • Mtge fuses),e d oitir•ss. NILE TI EADA', May 15. Sandy YOung is mikargiag hies ban wad petting • stow foaadatios radar it, Mr. Parrot and wife, of Blyth, were violin( •t her father's, John Bailie, last S.44.y. Rev. D. Rodgers, of Dungannon, said Rev. W. H. Moss wig ex*h..ge pulpits next Sabbath. Henry Echlin and site, of Toronto, are OWN% *4 his brother's, John Echlin, of Ali plow Nile. is growing. There i. • pride g gabs ,.reed is it. Anybody '*swiss Magee written eoU at the Aka Written god paned fres .f amp. 01*. them • gap, ass lap vise ser • Is sorwy ad put myy++ssr► nem. t• ie. That h their ►ua sies Edit„', Oxen Bu, NiM. A M waft. tip • 1ee(hiE twee anew te We pte.. He put his hese, is the cbeir e shed and west ever to the.ten to de Mee shoppers. Whsle u the sten tau yossg mien eume and looked in and thou went over to the shed and partly unhitched the hone and tools • lot of the harness spirt. They thea took leg hstl. Hut they were sees going in and coming out. Beware, young ,,n.. .lumbo ua't always asleep when rig eyes are shut. LEEBUHN. 1l 1,0t1, May d 0.1 Tuesday of last week • number of !'reebyter ma ministers attended • meet's( 'p.i.l here to talk of the prospects of the shirk to their Master's vineyard. They were pleased with the hoanckal ■tandisp( sod1. prritual results of the Young People s Sande of Christian Endeavor, that was form hero lately, and which promises to tether *any sheaves for the Master's prim- er. Rev. 11. Mackay has been with us once last August, giving one sermon each sab- bath, and oils • week with us *1 prayer- meeting rayermeeting -the weekly. The mission grant which was promise a will, we believe, he confirmed. Thee •re amity families too far from other churches who are enabled to at- tend hero, but ca not give much toward, the financial exp. , and it helped by the mission fund will do good work. The at• ten•Iance at the 'testis of the member• warn fair and would have beelarger were It not that • number *Handed the funeral of • late member. Ilearrsoging e held was con- sidered and Day be further . .cu ed at the tacit Presbytery. T. t•n..S May 15. Inc bachelor party, gotten up y a quina tetys committee of young bxMl. of this 'rCtlep, was held at the residence f Geo. %'ulford on Thursday even:ng of last week Resides many in our social circle there wen guests from Kintail, fort .tlbert, Du lop and t:oderich. Dancing was the order of the evening. all present .over forty in nu her, having an enjoyable time. A waif, not from Old ('ountry cities, but from one of Ontario's infant cities 10 its tenth year Stratford - a lad abnut 12 years a` of age, has drifted up hare. lie says fats C"• name a Roes, and compl..us of Iiia isobar P'uk being addicted to drink which made hon:e and bt not pleasant. He has been taken in by a farmer here. During this week enyuiriea are being made about him. 11 t.othing mit- istectorily can be gained from the (Yass:c n ity to promo:e his welfare .orae of our residents wilt try to get a temporary home for his., and one of our local societies will try to furnish him with clothes. We hope the loci! press of Stratford will let us koow more .t the boy's surroundings. Slay Ib. The school grounds hese have been treat- ed to a new fence by the boar t cl education art this place. Willie I.inklater, an old l.eebun boy, @peat last weak here with relatives, and during his sojourn saw many et his old schoolmates of No. 5. The Christian Endeavor society formed here about At, months ago, we are glad to say, is progressing favorahly. Its weekly meetings see good attendance and nearly all eta members have taken a turn in coodnct- tog • meeting and prepart..g an address o0 the [Bile lesson of the. evening We hope its teachings to .11 will hn.l I r:p strong faith and trust to the workers in the cause of ('brit. A Nr'. 1.111t *' E'E.T.-- le the progress of improvements in fencing, Matthew Foley is the tint of our farmers to take the lead here by lying out a hedge for some die. Lane on his frontage of Rosewood farm, outside his board fence and putting a wire fewe four feet from it so as to have the hedge enclosed pro tem, se that its growth will be fully protected. In s few years time the hedge will he immovable to the the elements or frost .ad imputable to all. KNOWLEDGE Prince *or ►..rt and imprrreme.t la! tends to fit. t:,J ellj.nntent when rightly mend. The ninny, who live bet- ter than . -there aud enjoy lifo moo e, with Les expen.Ltur., by DN"re pr.•mptly a.hlplting the world'. hist prnducte to the needs of physical being, will atter" the value to health of the purrs liyu;d kixet.ve principles embraced in the remedy, Ry imp of Figs, la excellence in due to ba prorcnting 1n the form twist acvtpt.b a nosh 0.0s - ell' to the twee, the;Refre.h:ng end tru'y beneficial pr. ;.erties of it prrfrrh be- nt isu; effect u:tllyelirnsing the system, dinHtlling glial,, kcml:Deis, and fevers and plcruinns •itty east dug Ct'tiatipnti.'u. It hen riven esti"facti .0 t1 uiitliohs and met uith the ap,p'r..csl of Chu medical pr.'feaai..n, bt-eause it acts on the Kid- ney's, Liver end Bowels w'thnnt weak- ening them Sud itis pt tfcrtly (rhe from every ohj(•eti' i 1blelsubatullce. Byrne uf Figs is for eels by e11 drag- gle in 75e. bottles, but it is mono - tired by tho AVIiifortiia Fig Syrup ily, n hose simile is',tinted on every e, also the sane, Syrup of Figs. 'ng wall informed, you will not a substitute if offered. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. --_0OMMIth `Mies. Oooertcr. May 17. 1014 Spring Wheat,. standard 0 5.1 to 0 F.11 Wheat . '• 0 .SS to 0 CO Flour. family 000 to 000 Sborta, 0 toe 00 00 to00 00 Bran. 0 toe. ty' 00 to00 p Screenings 0 ton. 00 00 t.00 08 Chopped Feed Wbs•t a is 00 CO WOO OS Oats, new. 0 bush 032 to 0 111 Pee.,11 busk 0 SS te 0 M Barley. two rowed, •bask 0 10 to 0 N Barley, common ...... 035 to 0 M Hay., ton 530 to 7 03 Pwatoes, a bush 0 35 to 040 Qntter, to 15 to 0 17 Koen (rub unpacked, it 48., 0 to to 0 00 Cheese -. - 0 tI to 0 IS Wood 3 00 to 400 Wool 0 14 to 0 10 Hideo. " 00 to ! 00 Sheep Skins 0'010U00 Live Bees ., 4 00 to 4 50 ll .mod Hogs 501 10 2 51 Montreal Mark lards. The receipts of live stock at the yards of the Montreal Stock Yard"' Company, Point St. Charles, for the week ending May 12, 1894, were as follows : - 10 x P 2 e II iso :1:11 311 727 1 eft over from pre. ions week 1 9/111Total for week .... 1 741 7861 7t Lott s Iniad _ 1 1100 Twenty-five hundred cattle rete red at the yards during the week of which .bout 700 wore for local coasomptioe, wh ch met with • fur deemed, everything being sold at fair priors ; about 60 changed hand. for export Five hundred bogs len than last week, closing10 to 15c higher. Medium receipts el ltsap and Iambs : priors firm. Calves -The market is glutted and sell at any oder. We goon *be following as heiog fair vales, : (7a*W export 110leltere' send Medium " ('.Bs Lambe • ( Calve, 131 .. 1 to to 10 to to to to 4 K 3 Se Mstr..d Mose 1lwnes. Reverted o, bbs Etstnilerree Kvebsapr POO The receipts' of bees., at these stable( for week ending May 12, 1894, were 163: lett over from previous weak, 102: total for w on, 966 ; shipped during week, 90 ; left for city, 36 : miles for weak, 31 ; s head 103. 163 bosses reeeived this week and 96 shipped. Trade dunes the week, slthosyb quiet, 31 horses were sold at fairly matinee - tory prima. W • rave still as hand tor este 103 berme free shier yes ens All ray 6011, and with the usual fresh arrivals istsdiug purchases would de well to swamies this noel' Snore Darebesing elsewhere. F,gmondvilh : Whit. .lames Collie, for marlyof aa wills, was i.ti.g twain ain S.w• lies is the Calumet i Rester stomp WA, Mie141 ., last week. • pier. fell on kin leg. tr.ot.rhg it jut above the amble He will be ebpged le My off work fur ..'well week., bet whom test board from was lint., se well es slid he up .ted. Myth : Or fi.Meday Debs Media, s Ad owl ahs • p.1.Is ee*4 p. - wdee ahead Imes, with the FFNsst t= Iss1N./eheroe t ►o aa..e4 away .t ).M err( two le the mew i*g He wee in kis 76th year, mid longs an eM praiser cork. W tee upep.eby of the eemeominy. The ftetlmil Melt plea es Te ell y w erwl•w le the twos ometsry. • Auburn hal • in the way of boiler in Collis 1t presume of 41teat the the larger porous of th nasi with it Portions thrown to a distance of 10 The c .ntents :d the boiler abomt teal .eemid.. 'The den been found. fortunately no on but Collis I4:0.. wi'l be •t- a c lose. AUBURN. Mo.,,a , May 7. tuition • few days agog et[doeskin. SVhile the ' mill was trader • heavy ante blew off, taking roof of the engine the boiler were hundred yard's. emptied in hu not yet wane hurt, siderabte Wau.r:•nar, Ma Mr. and Mrs. tell, sund*ycd with f •t Clinton. Mr. and Mn. Wray, of curie, are vis ing friends here. .1. Sowlar. of Westfield, spent Sunday with friends late. %In. 11r.) McLachlan ret:trued home Thursday from St. Thomas. Miss .4. Ferguson, 1: (' 1 , %pent a few days under the parental roof last week. L. E. Ihnxy. of I:oderich, addressed the C;impel temperance meeting, Last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Suell, tf Toronto, occupied the pulpit :n the Methodist church last Sunday evening. The' •oo.l Template intend giving; an ice stream sociat a-1._jrr. Knox on May 24th. The proceed, as. 10 go towards building a uta hull. A ped time is 'spewed. worl4'.l'eletebtan Esp.atiUes. Will be of ,slue to the world by illustrating the improvements in the mechanised sets and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medical .genu has been of eons! importasoe, and as a strengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs is far in advance of all ot4en. 16. s • - Servant Wanted. WANTED -A 000D, PLAIN ('O0K. Apply at ewe to 115-2 MRi CAM[R'JN. Boarding;. BOARD WANTF:II Fi1K I.AI►Y,NCtRSE 1) and tea children to a pr'v de tufty da the Watt gad d town. .tpply at Malt Tor. *luxe 1. Animal for MM' COWS FOR BALE. -TWO 000» MILK v cows ter .aIle. Abe saeno.f for not. about throe mils trent Appil100 L. 34 441 5 HNds BNr Nle. MAMMOTH AND ALL KINi)S OF Mengel Roods of superior quality, Swede and 1411. Tuner of all kinds. Ple ('.ora. Oarden ('ere. Sweet Own, Uarden Pmisn of all kinds. and Garden g/0de of every deecrlptloa. Give see •cuaIL 8. moat: K. 36-tt For Harvie, - 1)1' LL F(1R 4ERVICR.-THAT THOR 1) onlhlrsd Helete(. bell, " SN C. B. F, R. B," of rut clear milk .nd butter ...cm rerma 11.311. For service le lad 2. 1., R. W.. Colborne township. 30115 LA WSON, 13 1 m I►nalop, Courts of Revision. (IOURT 01 REVISION OF TRKTfIWN lJ OF AODSRICR.-A nesting oftbe ('cart of Revision w111 be held in the Town Hall, s T the nth day of Mar.It.l.at 10 o'clock le the em.a., for the purpose of hearing np peals •$•Inst the asess,ment. WM, MITCHtLL. Tows Clerk gad Clark of this Court of Revielon. O .4.rieh. May ISI i 1tOL 00-2 COI -RT OF REVISION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORN lt, - A meet ins of this eb.rt of Revbloa *1.11m held 1. the Township Hese. es Tosslar. Um !0.14 dee of May. Mt. .It M VoMk Mew o 1....... for the M of asssnls out:ssp m• Owlew, Mi. 1111 M_ west/. 0 S 1 W A/MIfs _ - AGgEENTS WANTED FOR De A R 1tlwtkedMitine.•.( *14. world et= of "THE STORY OF METIfODISM, T11.11)RUIN ARY IlAR1i.1I\'S-.:.»osNo bo, ia the trade can compote with IIli\ our prices. Leas (.'urtaias from 18: per SOU up to $4.5). 1t seen,s strange that we are selling Lace i 'Wales at lower puce. than other •tors• .:all buy them, yet such iit a fact. t►ac 'tore to town bought 1.aes t'urtaias from us during the past week at the elute pri,',. we 'ell toi our custemera. Prieto, 2:1 ind.se wide, fast .orlon, oe. per yard : also flannelettes, ' in. wide, .70. per yard, regular prier, 10..: a special Ilse of al! word Whip Cor.) Ike.s good., doubts width, 30•. per yard, worth 40.', : good Wool Tweeds from 23..' per yard, up; heavy yard wide i:rry Cot rim, 7e. per yard: • very tine 4'otton, e,.% per yard i• 30 yard end., worth 8.. 1'e - member, we are seUiug ;t spook I'uftus. Thread for 10;.: Pins, 2.i. per paper : beet t'ortio.11i Silk, i per spool. Other goods ..dually as cheap. J UIE3 A. REID. /creases Block. Osler:ch. M s, s lel. Properly ler Halo or for Rent. I)It1)PIRTl' FOI{ 8.11,E IN SALT - ROHM -Nine a. ref of lan'(, overlouaien the Vttlga,rfrieltfprst. tore- ,sera of orchard trees ten yeen growth, .11 winter fr sit. Un the lot tw a 18(1./0 ft 1311. 41(41 hsek kit`heo 12,1.; also• hares Itaa. The pr'•perty will be sold on reasonable teras. ►'ur further pert tett Ian atply to JOHN LEAN, (inderich. P,U. VALUABLE FARaS AND 'j't►Waf pltOP(ItTif-.1011 SA1.K O11 ItENT, - Lot s in the rst tellertaloa. lAo.ferteb Iowa. ship. county of Hume. 2 milt .• (ront-6awhcrk'h. ✓ seistfw; of 110 scree more n' les.. Hahn Nut I:J, neatly- new, good orchard of choice fruit. well watered with spring creek. as excellent ``razing Lynn, can lea bought en easy term/4. Appy to J011N KNox, Auctluueer, Lot 1 in the broken front, west sr the l.ke read in the Women dirls:an,Township of lb! tior.e,.ouuty of Herron. 3 mites Loth l.wter:ch comprising 11S sores. drift.' hook tans, Ko d Jeanie house If story kigi., nearly new and good o..•Mrd of choice fruit, can le• bought oft easy tonna. Apply tuJOhHN KNU\. Auction e sus Block A and 1i. lake range, in the township 1r ('olbotne, commuting 01 591 acres more or lane. 'there are .art' the premises a frame hour. frame barn and zcood slabltttg• About acres ycungoiohsed of choice }reit. Abort 1 . a.•n'a of bush, This farm is considered . • tir.rclase greziag farm. The farm can ire d„ Ideal to suit purchasers and boughl'gn easy terms. Appty to JOIIS KNU\. !blase and lot in the town of Clint.so, -1.ot 11. %Isry•ai., optwsite :1,e old woolen uuUrcon ;Hitting Ira,.' Iroise 1► story high, 9 roost". .dour roundation nab mood collar, all la g,.0.1 stow .f :emir. Apply to JOHN IINOX. 5S 44. A net few er. J OR SA LE.-N.LOT 31,2ND CON - AAA see iva. Kest W*wanouk, I .acres. This 1s • `ret -claw farm, Also town lot 479, 43.1.1e• nab. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. lwtf, (p ACRE F'AItI1 FOIL SALE -THF: old h0meateed of the late James Ca*.e- , of the township of Bast Wswanosh, be- t haat of lot 24, connns.'on 1, en the road that lead. from O.iderch to Wing - t is situated slogs W rode -front Aub duos, village with (our churches and r et hand. S comparatively new with erven large rooms dad , • liar IMO g uar hem. 140, at a .shool tram. ho w.th other e. nvegien,'e4. and good bank turn and about d00 rge bearing /nut trees art: on the pr idso built Wal a.•r•s aro cleared. The curl MO the hes Further iafurmattuu from *111!1, CAeSADA ' Aube P U. tt4t0 OE BALE AT BARUAIN.-THAT t ,emottoa4 140 4(0g on Kingat.. Bros- st prasrot octup •d s.0 • paint shop by emit! is On Sala .ta 5'. ii eco! t, Brtw.b 1'.raeasy. Apply to 01 NORT1l•11'EST LAN 4 FOR SALE. 5000 ACRES OF V - 1'AIBLE Improved and nnimpro farm lands at distances varying from 1 to mace from (lu'Appelle Station. N. W, T., t• sale very cheep. No better lands for mixed Ing aro to be found in Canada. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. 401-tf Qa'Appelle. Publlo Notion. 1041 -- OWINI; T9 TER DAV- I age done by visitors to the perk aad pleasure grounds at Ridgewood Park. from sial after this date no one will he allowed op s the properly without permWion beteg tint Obtained. All parties found trespets.isg upon the sues/a wi11 he proorteutel. HPLKN F. ATTR11.1. r(JARROW ht I'ROULYoOl', h, 3)th April, Solicitors THE ATLANTIC AND LAKE SI'l'F:R der Railway Company w111 apply to rhe Parliament of caned. at its seat 'easiou for se art to confirm certain agrertnente tet wren It and the Rale dee chokers. Great Fasten, Montreal and Sorel, Uttawa \-alley sad On- tario 1'a:l6e hallway companies. and with Om Hoed veal *Hldge t'ompsa . to authorise the issue of debenture and preferential stock, to construct a hrwneb from the main litre of the t'ompany'■ railway t0 such harbor os. take Hurl is the ( aunt ita of Bruce or Huron as Okay be found most suitable and to •uthorize the ezteselon of its telegraphic lines to the Is Med of Newfoundland and to Iter J. R. THIHAI i RA1 , Montreal, 111 Feb..11111. *l President. Nom 'F:.- ALL PERSONS FOUND traspsising on ruy mode by shooting, bootleg. ,.ntrlog. camping. Oohing or other- wise w111 he prosecuted a.'oording to 1•w e ach 1•.ds are tb. Hart Mum. In the township of Colborne. and the property knew. as the Farb Reserve, in the town.hlps of lolbern• and Ood.rlob. 0, CAMl'ION, V.C.X. ItAb;c111.101, rebein Sulleiter, Proprietor. Hpeetal Nosh ass. N sR CHOPPING MILL. I am respired to dont "'.- .;0 Of Vain chop• plN 0n shortest notice. M111 le running at all hessu have the linen and best Improved for 41eeppaatch and etedeac)1. IR1eee N.4ecy le getting your chop horse .1Q8. iT m o. dity i7 Brltas,a4ae. T1N.g the rise led Drawee et wt weeder tti! rdlel0.n m4voeen4 which. Ilk. the Otalt Stream. W eves wvma to wide waters .ed reedere M essay 1•d• sad Riving Y .0.w.rt of In twices iroliceele ase iseetatlese d q dee. ..t1,1,1. *4454 "Tb .dery of Meth Ohm Is the mooed.. et Ossetia; be wee. Host Jetmaton. N.A.. L.D. and ' Thit qte. dmtaws.'y mi Rev. J.pb /, D.1►. Kmbaelsb ' with snarly u . boa 1.4 perorates sad views. *eh lades daismerle Me were..ARatls*b.W Mer atm•aasps Iso • Whe REef ci qt t ' , rM 1 peeteeNoa. n" ft w -r. Mese *5 jon wnl inti mraey. territory rue 'e01.0 set sew 1;a.N ,latah seeded. Wrhe as mite r r WILLLIAM' IRI P'Maher. lade a t..w.t. Qat. TOIL ODIRICH FOUNDRY AND MACRINK WORKS, To ttte puublc: 7 RUSCIma& Noe. 9 and 4 clews. es heed rotten and root cotters, swatters Rea 7..4 4 plows Asserts'•n .could Watford twits plow,4. b the best, W n w afflers, the leade, wsethherdd mi e.. t.mptemsto pMtr curses ' nrgjed Mies Ham seen 1. towhees mee te order. am. tee ell 46017 .11. RUNCiMAN. 1'PHEMiA A. M1.1.4ENNAN'S L1Nlxe8T For external useonty lore positive rare ter 0pl.al 4Mtor+.Hip d l.lam•tory Rhee, Mira. buss Meek Sore Threat, Weak sal leen Ler. Rupture sol all kin- dled dy@.sws, it has tae. Mud • cure for threat assetfon. 1. bees.. 75 n,onb, Nene ge see wlthst 14., wed UK" Merl es mot ea I,ra.ay Role rat- ~se IOrs,wing SIM. lave tie 11w1miA Jade, O. •. Fyar, N A. Me New YOI; BEEN o'Al'0TITINT11IIsnail* OFTOlLrti10A1t11 AT ( EAR:s I)Rt (: arum:, - Here ter genu:oe test, -- A 1 udoruer used one o: our 1.•. cakes of t►ldIS roan W iodise soap for fiv• weeks and one day. washing ";,n•.rlf three tamer r dry. t1'e have greater Lass.:as •n otter you now than we did before. Our 'longue' Soap. at Se, each dr 0 for -12.. regular orlon lee. ea.14. le \\,i)\Itltlt. Our i;!lcerine `sap at , each. rew.ler • a 1'a•, .Ilse our Glycerine soap at !(e/ 5c., reg Oar Puce :n each. We have full assortment re i t "aspiot res khn4s to.•lud,ug(aledk'ated and re• pe•nfully solicit your patr.piw, Itemembcr . FEAR'S ill•Itl►()CK .%Nt) \ N- i►R,1K ii R1 rrERs Is a les rpisg 1IMieine, 1 paeksge manse quart .nal only curryou 2.5e. Prepared eddy at FEAR'S PH ARM UULERICH. Tux cps or XCEI.SI( ►R BAKING )t1- S11CC•4' in the ul_11;k- iu.g,of all kin'T, I'.l$rl' R V. PREPARE!) 1tY •J. E• M.•.lical Hall, PHM. H/ - • Tf'T1NINt:OVER , Has leen Rn.ng In our upholstered stock. There is nothing is but the !•last and beet manufactured. Yet a fuel that we have :eo much of this one line and now you get tte benefit. 'mango prices farther than ever be- fore, and farther than they :1 e'er go tots r•• What • .Rance 3 ou have to (utaish L1•wag nuns or Parlors with elegaa• upbs:-vred g oods at price' which cannot is repeated. Furniture covering A large line .o Poet k. A11 sew PatterN. SMITH'S FURNITURE STORK. __Tin Pospie's Coiusetn. IDO'S PLANING KILL.- SAPR AND DOOR P&CTORY.- ON KAR O. T. NT. STATION.- NEWBRUNSWICKCiCDAR SHINGLK:R. Peru, 01.13. Chean. rio. led elan 111c Kelm Na 1. (11.00 fleas ci n' heavy shImstte. FLOOt11N0 aro 811)150, limo, ter M. DOORS. 8A5i1 Ano ALINUft, equally low. MAPLK alit BEEuf FLOORINO. kilo dried. 1►R? HEMLOCK. fee buildings. LATH P144 0TP. 0ATIM4 e'en., ate, DRAIN 7111, FIRR;fiRI g. (A ly JUSRPH.KIDD. ALL TUX LEADING AND POPULAR Opetes llled0slnen w heed. A new *rutsh S twelve. PRE.SCRiPTiON IIRI t; STIIEtE. Ma:v;na ( rim ter Tan .ad Ireckle% i rostella to- rough heads Belk Perfume Me. and Wt. per 05. J. W11.111031 T-1 >R IBWILL W i LI. eke three M N Pts MN4.w for wawa, P'IPeset the weese d Vwr term. Singly to IL 5Ot ct., 00412t'• a