HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-5-17, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: GOD&RICII, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1694. hese wiles* de artaasst re wa:U hive ! Ultra's cowl, et New hear'. ; Liu os tee to all Kaesof tirar n7 seen ►11e qIt l 1 • less in the ranks white el mega M heed stress arm of the law &her Kw Mc. p I , e ee•ad. N. . t awl 1,.w Boas e PVaut'tum 1 j le cO ie.Jerl !.v *hitt* who aught stepped th ("swots has steed down sad oat free EVERT' THURSDAY MORNING toknswthat th.Iwmtolon'ketoses will be imaerehipofT•mmayHall. III D. alrellt.LNTNi. ' on 'aside of the nett three menthe. It r HAY.M.trhtirLlti, a 1. e:1 known Moe of Publieatten ant t t, v ,0th eine* also Mated that a new }Crrymander ,.f the tendon oomaten•el mail WWI ,n Iowa Tees ifi rev titan day, sad stated that • teeing prevails in tie'terkb, Omer*. uoosutueeeies ea. be is order. All of won 'ee to show the tar Terms or 0sb.rt5ptrou tie oes not mime nut looked upon by ae n ,orb. 1n ..',vases ..... ..... a love moeth.. .. .. nit On. 'ver. „ 1 It . re.tu i are. the petro pa reef wit he..:., 1 • Loeb MfwpfeMOL Tour lehrt *a steallee marde• of the dote b 'MTh you see paid tip. ils0 *het it Lod atl..e,•d t.. fall In:.sneer. W ,te h. -n a cheese of mistress Is .lrea. ho•b the o.1 end the new &dlre.* r)oo!d be glee* Ada 'flutes antes Lezal and other .saml advent/temrb•a. Mo. far floe ter llr t insert:, n. and 3 ocuu per . mimerr for each mime q:lent !neem:un. Hall...•4 be • 4'Mnar.•.! M'&r• It ,.la•se 1,r.:s of el Ener and .,ml.-. 1S *ler rear. Aweeoreteem•mtp Mof bear. iennd. Into ed tMetione Vacant. hty uatouot anteJ eat Mottoes. Cb.ice. Wanted. sot exemotia, lines mamma. Ill per tao.th, • Honore on t•at. airy.! firms on `tole. net te e:crvl 11 ham. $1 fur itrl month. 5L•. per sub t'1' at:Pt, youth... larger adore. in promortiap 1n+ seeeiel not,.. the obfeet of which ef '• ,050X00 the111•• 101a1T twoel)t of any 'oil se . %lanai or ropan!, to M eot..ldrred an ad vett torment 1.1.'1 ch.nn-d erect. llnelg. Lnr.I mottos in nonna►ci1typo en* cent per ward. 1,o s mens less than :Cie. lr Loral notices iu ordinary mead:1i1 t yin lilt'rents i r ware. !•o nodes* for lase 'Tan Mkt Notices fur 1 f..in due ped other rehire's,* id beveeole.t irst;tut'uat hilt rate. reasseerr4 1 ('wwtrart ldhe veet.ross. A netted .an.h.r of dlspiayed .'►vert'en trete silt be Mooted at th4 ifa::.,. ,: rotes : *ch.Pe*ch. o•.e in.'•rr.co....... .. pt to bra •' tour .rtI. r.+ . _... 1 t1 /tenths." three rths. .... •rel •• nit'w alias.....-... _ ' r►1 ' ere ye.tr. .... 3 or No aileet! ..tie ot Ism than two triols* i• le,.trh w.H Lr cah•aieled on ahoee heli,. i p. -r rest •lio•ount a!Io,rrJ fru' gash jai invent three ol on thrnutlii rnrottoct : lo per tett. or 'tett mouth.' ; .. ,i l i tis r cele. en • seer's. Theseeo'dltior•wblbeet-icilyr:,forego. Armen Arm**The mower" inettr 17. be• • ftn*seri► who fail to movie, Tun: '"Kat. i ►esr.,.eriy, w:lr.er 0y tv.rr:er e- by mail. wit) ronfrr a -(a vol• y a?tu•t,utiog W et the fan Di as elm a dater* poet tete. Reit • t.• I mar infinite eannet be rrturae.l. pn'. ',ire... len° usual int wri.teeuue ,v. 014. of ;riser only. • t Publisher's tootle,, J. e.Le Teazel. of Gaterteli, has !teen p1,p rinted Lomat Trarellin. Aorur for . he. toot.- whips of tiedericb, Colborne. Ashfind aid Wa• wennah. Ln 1,.l Matma^ten over t!., diet, let lire limo ew,puwer.4 to receive aubecriptioea is Tar Piot AL Ali enmmue : at lens must he addrtesed N D. MteILLiCt'UDY, Ten eis*ML Telephone (WI10 t;edarMlt, Qat. GODkRICH. THURSDAY. HAY SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS.. it is gr*tifyilg to know that alarger ib Dumber of sub.crets than ever before it. • tie history of Tot: St.:.r. t. hale paid in ad Vallee and '•11 such will •ecept our beat thanks for the pr.nnpt renew►) of their sub acriptions. A cousiderahle number how- ever, are still in .rear. Account• are being seat mut to all •nlwcribsre in arrear sod we trust that thaw accounts will ria. verve prompt attention. Remit by fust 1►dBi- press Mosey Order, a- prer Order or by Registered Letter, al. dressed to D. M'tat.lr, rpt,*, Tint Se Seism., • (,Ioderich: I r JOHN A)tltsric,, uy enthe labor emelt Mite in F:sat Toronto. doa't throw • whirl of duet in the eyes of Doctor Ih enaoz on •kctioa day it will be because the rote in Cabbage Town hasn't aw,.kened to a full reali,stioa of ita duty in the premises. What • Hoe. oe. Rvreere ever done in the cons* ofm labor, and what haven't our old and estee .d friend, .1.'u. Amos -rows, , 1 N Galt recently a Mrs. Campbell., who kept • disorderly house, was brought before the magistrate and sentenced to six weeks in the Mercer reformatory. 1'p here in Goderich the authorities give women of an her calibre the utmost freedom, d when public attention a called to the fact some of U1111 prostitutes' apologists claire that such action ie " rowing down the towo." AN( ►TiIER of the beauties of the tariff w. between Canada sod the I"eited -tater has been exemplified in the seizure ofm the Canadian tog Kitty Haigh reoIiy at Port Huron. The tug had been 'guilty of tee heinous offence of trading from one Patted States port to another, without stopping ata 1'ansdi.n port between trips. The law as it stand. t ;day u • disgrace to cloth oou.tn.. 1 - rALill AGE tabernacle. n Brookly, S. Y., was en lam Sunday ldestroyed by ire, teeetier with ether buildings, the whole make tsg • million dollar .oflagratien. This u the the s* third tiethe tabernacle be hems destroyed by fire, and it a birdie to he wondered at that the majority of the published sermons of the Rrooklye divine have as odor of .woke .boat them, [r he w gkung fir. for • loeg time. FOR • coustry that is alleged to he prospering by Hon. Ctn. R. Parma, ('asada does not exhibit any unusual signs of pros- perity. While the total of failures is de Geese* ie the t'.ited eters weakly, the l'aaedian total ea remelting up. last week n gu the Asiatic* tailors' we706 •est 2S7 deriag the corr.spo.ding week last year, whereas ('0.•da figured np 42 against 21. The ?f P , doesn't appear t.. be saving the oam* e.try le say great *stem these days, nee. Ta ic witheredi.g Hee. t:. F. Fo.aa', etes- tes. A SETTLEMENT hail leen reachedi. the sew e•Iekre r►ted homey tri.! of Prof W the tetattoo/eta 0.e • *is truckler Gad shield is a 1).leiataa election coateett.. ONTARIO ELECTIONS. THE 1 hailero Legislature has here dissolved and the writs have been issued for Tuesday, Julie 2.). The nominations soil take place • week earlier. 10 Huron the Liberals are ready and with I:Amgue in West Huren,.l:1o.u' in thee:ate aid M. (.r.. in :he Santh will pn1eat a strong front. 14.. party in the 1'roria a faces the bene. and is prepared under the IIID Leader to once more cease victory to perch upon its 'bwaer. Tim record of tier peat to the woe of touch., and no better provincial record has ever bleu nisi. than that of the more than more et years since M..0 a rook the legislative Leta' 1n hand. .111 over the Province the very beet men have been chosen to carry the pkrty stag dards, and with wool torn. an taviaciil0 leader and • party record that i' nsiaa- peseLable we will mice more mutt the eue:05 • and con.tuer .s tw the most. HOW THE MONEY 00Es.._ Al lttili:HT light hate lien shed up oei the way In whiehl:overoment moneys have been o•,uaa.ered on non -pay tog rodeo's .0 the Maritt et Provision. • Reosiitly Res. Duets 0, .... t.r ms•ie statement in the Heels concerning t het nra- geet r.uway t railway without an object, and which was •designed. trona drat to last, for the beeetet rt the pocket of a gentleman name' !ir ,'-, who•Dow hold. down • red :uehione 1 chair is the l'aa.dw Senate. From the statement made we learn that sit hough wn.e:Log like $500,J00was treat- ed by way of t:ovenmest subsidy to the eanryuet railway, and that additional aid was secured by hooding the road with 1' ag• dish capital, through tie tnrtrume•tality of Sir i',lI1:1.L. Trrrre, the entire tontines ot the road in 1893 amounted to $20,01.4 while the 'operating; expenses reached 022,095, !stein • deficit to .12,02.. -The tine is seventy mile in teagth, sod the receipts prove. conclusively that the pshtte money expended upoy or vias worse than wasted, as it caused the guileless British capitalist to invest his good pounds, shininess and pesos in a Canadian railway concern which will not only not pay o55 tent of dividend to -him, but from which he will never be able to realize upon tate capital to Guy shape or form. 1t 14 not to be wondered at, however, that Senator bo !is,. is a devoted admirer and supporter of the present government and he ratlwsv policy that has enabled him to be a mea et seiMaaee hem a armed brut - meat ma Ides part. Mr. Rrrrs esu always be dependen upon to he on hand in the in- terest of the party in power when the division bell rings, for Mr. Erns, has got his gruel. Rut what do our frieeds the patrols ay to the :'meanies 1.oyernment method of bleeding. the Caesdian electors and fleecing the Pettish enpitulet at one and the same time • REFORM MEETINGS IN HURON. 1 N the course of the next week or too a eeries of meetings will be held in West Huron. in the interest of the sitting member for the Legislature .1. T. i; %Room. So ter our friend the Petron andid*te has been having thmge practically to himself, but hereafter, and until the close of 11.e campaign, Mr. I:Aalu'e IS prepared to see and be seen of hie friends over the riding on every platform, w far u the time at his res• posed will permit. We learn, .leo, that he has soared • promo from the Hon. Joew Day east, Com meetooer of Agriculture for /Mario, to as- sist in the campaign in the last week of May. Two meetings will be held by the boa. gee. Homan, one .t i►segaa0o. and the other *5 • point to be chosen hereafter. A meeting at 1)uogaanoo will be much *p pteemied, sea loop agricultsr.l populauoe can wily attend a meeting held at that point, and the *ocomod.tion of the village for holding a erten meeting is repeal to the hest is the county. .. The tocsin has .oasded -the heather's on lire." THE WOOL CROP OF 1964. )N the firm pep. of this iuue will Is fumed extr•cte from manual (Premiers of two ef the largest wool buying firma in 1 •node, which anent but prove of interest to the d -1p rew.n of this section. Althea/0 • different re•sost.}R jrpi perwteate@ each of the siren ite, the mie result is .rived at, vis., that prier en likely le continue low, with downward ten- dency. tact is to be regretted. as farmers to kayo had to set outside of what raising to make their vecaties pro0table, and one of Me .wtaid* sseshode of helpsg to make things ro has keen wool (Towles, whieb,4s• der emitted/ cilcumat•aoee,annot be IMAMS remoras • valuable •aviliry. However, It is better to koow the semi; and leek the *ratter squarely to the tae& n the market leprose epee the prediestiee th of the upsets thee wiH be M tench Mee teen to Le thudded fee. 1 of Carmine& by the Presbyterian eyaod, of SNAP SHOTS. fa Meteleel, sad the sussed .ed hie a e.sev. ( At, the remelt Ruld)rTiatonal "kettle- b• da hove berme eommr e gren', op...hre1 Arent " •t Rideaua. 11a11, then Wes tet • bate set steed. The settkee.te..sere- reg*. I.b..t Winton' Moist. t)..e(!',tiff Load* that the l-iberal medidet* s111 play Hulas.. with the politics! ehaec.s of Wilt 1411 1:11.1'11 Serum -me at the nest electwa. The English authorities evidently are of opinion that Mn. MAI nu' 1. 1pitlty of the offence of polwnmg her ►usbsnd, for which she is now &erring a Ill, term, and all attempts to g.' • .t'wmut/aioe of her Nolen: a have tuled- Tl.e 1' 1'..1 contingent in the 111 1%ltitParltaaleat fpm to be after the .alp of (iso. Hol.nrItT for he reference to the reseak•t'atu.lue Pontificia! to sem 5111 11 sur is particular is punier au edge on hie 'sicker • sees. Teta Stti31AL i+ prepared to prose that the aaghtw$t.hrean s clock cannot Le et,t any deo 1,000 in the interest of thelowu. It is ncsdeJ, sn.i badly needed at present. More snob. If the Choi. (I.toR..i E. Feestde were not receiving 17.000 In good yoke of the realm a. • t .l,sd)1a Minister t: would take • p worfnl nu.tvcope fir him to di.uover who.. the ,o.,1 :ten in Caccia wen. l -p to the prom -tit .y. iniie the cheer fuL n•rrot-eke aerators of " Moe .y !lust /w, and " Hia Hose Has l ..sus," from the cul' moil of our estmtaed .wottmpor.ies of the Tory persuasion. Id spite of the fact that the .l.c nae for the 4intario 1.rrulatur. will be held in the Sommer time, the candidates are busily engaged "getting on their skates," Aceot,ling to G. W. se tit.tti. the veracious correspondent of The New Yolk Tribune, the R...cnIatny Government con- tinues to totter. The acquittal of Dor Axt,00us Inst wee: is a pretty sure indication that justice to the (omen City wean a heavy bandage over both eye. WHAT THE PAPERS ARE SAYING .0110 110.1 - \t e.T THE 4l'4TI.e Exeter Times Five tuitions Grrnracy, France, I:ua.ta, .lestria, Gad ttaly -tnaie- tatn'tan'ling monies which, :n the &Kerr. pt., number two Led three ou•rterl mil- lions et men. This smother would be iu. creased, in the event of war, to ten and iv half millions. 1Vhst an awfut burden to rest upon nations the combined papule( !on of which is only four rimes that of the Cooed States. •0h' 1.1. \10. .. {tt-.Int an 11r. l'etcrb,r.,ugh Times i Tory • We are of the opinion that Mr. Morrow should have done this 1000* ago. alr. Grundy may be an excellent penman and well •lual.fied to -perform the duties of the efli':e, but his con duct before the public uro0nnts committee -when he swore one thing and eublw.luent- ly " took it all hack' under oath .tamps him as either a knave or a fool. This may be considered rather severe language, but it is true, nevertheless, and aha journal is not afraid of calling things by- their re ht name. etTTcas.,v'. orlctow ret . *11111A. twin tits. Ottawa Free Preen klini.tr-Patterson's statement that there Is not an entice' in the Canadian militia capalle of filling the p ei- tion of qu.termaster reneral is • serious reflection upon the eottre force and upon I'anadian manhood (generally. So f.a.can be aaoprtained the duties of ('ol. Lake, who has been imported from England to fill the office of quartermaster -general, aro Drsctic ally nil, and Mr. Patterson must have a very poor op tem of his oouutymen if be imagism that no Canadian eon be foiled cap•We of doing birthing in return for e salary of 13,200 • year. TR( 11 1. •..s. Torosto Telegram : June a the month for you, Sir Oliver. The seed is all in : the turnips an sot more than big enough to he hoed : the hay ie not ripe e0ough to cut the .ioee are not bendtag under the weight of potato bugs : the orchards .re a plume of bloeaome. That a the country side In the townie it is still better. Rhubarb mod the other fruits of early spring are gone The day fixed for the payment of the first Met•lment of taxes seems month. away. Strawberries are in the neighborhood of ten outs . box, and there is sot • wave of trouble in the flood of stitemer light that bathes Oet•rin. You could he had as you are good, Mir Oliver, and still hare a chance for life if you threw yourself upon your country in a Caeadise ,(use. A 0514 ati..1.TRlI,,i 1. T. Winnipeg Nora !*'ester The best fest• are of the ('chino Registration Act, Jest passed, is the feature rewiring that names shall be esrolled on personal sppltatios *o4 attendance only. There is to be no stuffing of Lets by party agents with names of per. eons tethered sp to • canvass, and who may or may not be entitled to vote. An ex- ception is made in behalf n( those who see s.ble to .tier4 through sickness* physic- al disability, or who are necessarily shunt at the time of registration. For these pro- vince' is made, but all others henn, to march the regtnrattoe o16ce and satisfy the registrars that they srsset Wad to have their wines entered. Then will he lees person - Mies at the seat election In Toronto, where eintedeatiee Wes grown* into m monstrous OPIL A.rlWId• THAT wn.'T enaa- 6111.8b Pen At the Fast Hurts Palentt:eniasetee, held • short t.m. ago 10 Restmelle So person wee more nntepo4M no • lite of isdep•nd.ac..ei ruttier aloof froom, old party fees than Thai. K. Hayes, Mekilkop township, Dor was then a same tiers fregaeaily ea.ec1ted with resolutions vnring the Doeiestion of • Pete* • ash te tlsas lel., and all this to the fees .f vise • t Oweerwerve asdid•te i. the 8e far es lend, but at the East area Ce.asrv.Uve Association teeetlag het Friday, the** Mr. flay. 1. appret- ed ebairmaa of lickillap and el immerse kis k..i..s will he to halm the ease. of Mr. 1. •pperan to 11. • Nei year for Dtekh.es. This s • saes of tore aide. t aMisaf hem* l7mdreilh the bsw with • mon... sad amid prime d will prove highly satisfactory to missy / brletM.s eared* et the Presbyteries body. feel MMeheed to kw sne.what .ton civil. said the withdrawal e1 the *hers ageism Pref. (!arinseu will eater the 1'reshyler lea Chardh le war The ewers. of a thee tee d Sem q to these days the lnemiters of the Cabinet may the meet *viral that talk b amp .ad thatthat the rent *0105 .d 500011,1 1.41. he sr. to est • Reform Puma as tit. k 1 meet* wee e.mply a dodrr with the rep rraBH CLE 1st ASN sf eek - up the Liberal rote. It wea't work this raw, geatleawa. DUNCIANNOfe. Nonce. The levet 5401101 to 1)uyaeaea ter Tea sarmL 1• at tae ogee of J. G. Ward. J.Y.en • evqrte. *ae, , wbe will rewire ee- 4.ra ter eakaer(ppaal1wa•asn., edvenWng tied Joh wart and h •etberis.d to airs receipt' ler .mounts paid for tks same Ti limns-, May la 1'1.rr.o. -Mn. Warnock Gad children, t:oder►cb, vested her mist, Mrs. McCaig, sled *tad • splendid time. ('u.TltZD. The forest looks gay is its 1894 venial oostssu, .ad a very attractive. The Spring of 1894 thus far for beteg early, wish be rug remembered by all. chit. tit. --Hamra. Wilkie, 1. 1) 4,, and 11'. Parley, 1.icenee Inspector, both of !'beton, paid our value an o*inal yinit last week, each of whom tretracted- buries is hie respective calling. !Avec. Gtoree Irwin, who, with kis faintly, has for some role base • residua of DoDganuon, has leased abs tarn, of Frank Morns, township of Colborne. Wo wish him suctese in hie new location. 'Tu*.1.4 -The thanks of the members of Dun •a.su.'. aleohaous" Institute are here- by temrienei to the Comity ('.100011 and the municipal councils of Aahbel.l and West Wswanoeh for their liberal grouts to tbo IO.'titute. S. 'sr G .1.14 AT Hong -11'm. McKay, who is •tteeding the ('attain Collegiate !Detour with a new to ob.ain a first clue certificate, visited the paternal hones on Sunday Imo. We wish him the beet of auc- te.l is his studies. i►et.h:Hrrrl_ What can he more delight- ful than the present some of Nature's vernal beauties. Should we be so furtusate as 10 have no vests front John Frost, iejurious 1L - set., etc., an immense crop of fruits *rd grain is is prospect. I'w.-ttL.ay. --e. Pentland'. large and commodious new hall, awl 1). Navies' Stately residence are rapidly •pprwcbiug atanpletioo. 11'0 presume when finished they will add Greatly to the appearanee of oar thriving village. Fr. tetat--Saturday ta*i 11. l'kadenning lett hello to attend the funeral ot his t.tother is -law, %Yin. Elliott, whose remains were interred in Idle:land t'emetery on that day. We •ympathizs with him in the bertavr- recut of the departed. 1)v M1, -1o. Woxt..--)!*.lore!. IL .1. Craeford and It 6. I:,ckle have been ap pointed eo delegate* to attend the I)stnct and. Women. Foreign Mission Society meeting to lee hold at Clinton un Thursday and Friday. May 17,h and 18th. Veil -nee. -lir. and Sirs.. Jas Walker, tesidcllta of the village, fait here on 'Tours day of last week, o1, a 1'isiung tour to snot the.r sons ('olvin and .1. H., who are carry iter on business& in St. al.,r,., (-'u. Perth 11'e wish them a pleasant visit and safe re- turn to their hone,. 1;i Ire P.rUI.*R. D.,id till.. wise has bio for fire yeses merged in diggieg wells sal afro cruise old ones, is, owieg 10 he%wg ei%en good satisfaction in enc past, becumio r z very popular, aid lie •sttc•plo'ei during this season a good pwoaa,e from thole who may need hu services. Wan.. -Mr. Forsyth, of I/:yth, who too• ducted the wool beware here last Spriog and Summer, will be here tin or about the 1st of June next. The business will be con ducted in part of the premises occupied by G. 1V. h :hlin, grocer, where he will ye, - chase wool from all who have Goy to Nth. 00111.i. fin Thursday of last week • meeting of the tvnmen's Erskine Atuillary of Home Mtssiors wee he:d at Mrs. Mc Cats residence. great interim is being taken in the work, u • godly number was present. The nett meeting will be held en the second Thursday in ,lune, at the reel deuce of Mr.. 11u;h Duff, Aalifiel4. A.•, Tro. 5 u., - Tuesday. 11,e • ' h i:.t„ i'1 ace irdsno• with ..d1ertueme.t,---the ale, ion sale of farm implements, stock •n•1, house.oio furniture, etc , took place eu the premises of W. P. Grierson, which he has reoently sold to Willis Bell. The weather was all that could be desired and in co tie queue. there was a large gathering of the leomen of the aurroundiug townships and vicinity preset. The popular auctioneer, .Ios al.11ough, did good and effectual work b making sale of almost every article offered, and fcr which good prices were rcal.,eJ, partic.larly cattle and sheep, as also fowls. It was pronour,csei to be toe of the best Wes In this vicinity (or • number of Years. Through means of the efficiet:t work of the anattooe.r. Me t: has realized a goodly sum for hie erects, etc. PORT ALBERT Trs•nat, May 15 Thomas lee of Vreeland, 1 thio, Is visiting his parents hen. Mrs. H. E. l)tway ie seriously ilL At present theme u no hope of her rooe0ery. H- Day, druggist, Lucksow, with • party of friends, tutted this village on Thursday last on • tithing exp•ditioo. They sae• cooled to catching • terse q.u.tity of suc- cors, noose speckled trout, and last but not least, • sturgere that tip the beam at 5isety•fiye poem* Ws not .incl, 'et' the accuracy of the above but it was gemes for publication in Tea St01AL 11117• man that , ever, told a lie. LANES.- ' 1 Trammel, May 15. Cattle are now nearly all net to pasture. .lack Hogan is fond of visiting on the lake shore lately Mr. Kerr our teacher .pent last Suaiday at his home near ( *mishit'. Mise Margaret Curtsey resumed her 00011 .ties as a milliner le 1;nderieh last week. 1' Wallace the milk hauler ns this route, started last Mnad.y morning, and "by nuke" be is a hustler. 111•grgn. The it... here which has been meant for some time past has hien repaired .0d repainted by lobe lane, proprietor, and he sew has in • toll line of goods. se of the geminates of the hook seats a+loH&ekett'e Church ably assisted 6y ear nwa meal terve mike things ister.stine is the back eta at the (Itemise Cale...,, s eetisp hen es Sunday evasion Dr. 'ralleaE.'. ('harsh for the Third '111110 Destroyed by Eire. ONLY THE WALLS STANDING as Adljuluing Nato.) .A1w linage', by the nausea sed Several t►leer Y.1ta- Ions !tad') Dawn's -el Tatar Lees About ■ 7111110. Dollars. Jtaaou.yx, May 11-llev. Lr. Tal- magti, nee tabernaok, at the corner of (Tinto:o and (:reeve avenue, Itreoklyu, -warebussed yerwrday. The Memel Retrial adjoining, and several dwelling houses In the rieinity were alai desttoyed. The lues is estimated at 11.000,00. This is the third tune Dr. Talmage has duet his chcreh by fire. Hi was in the *butch when the lire .•arced, surrounded by a uumber of his cuugregetion. but all escaped. 11e was moved to tears as be witnessed the deetructwu of the beautiful edifies. Four firelueu wereiujured daring the are. nut fatally however, and Were was great eicitenlent arid .cents ail panic a, the are previewed. The ate was Jocorerel just after the cuugreg/own 4a.l born animism(' frnw the wordling service. A entail boy rushed Tutu the (*hutch through one of the upen door* and informed the sexton that he had Peen smoke coming 0111 of tile wtudow. 011 the Waverly ateuao side of the church. The bey volunteered to go up in the back of the'.rgail to see if it was then. He did se, and a second later he appeared before the three gen 133111011 with 11.os face black- ened and almost onffo,cated from smoke. All Ise 001111.1 stay was that he diseover.d the fire in the back ..f the organ. 1►r. Talmage and Mean. Day mud Mundy then started for the organ, but before they ouutd get neat it. dames burst from the bp. 1'he gentlemen then male a hurried exit The flames spread with lightning rapid • ity, and the sparks dew u, .11 directious. The greatest exetteineut pre rat led. 1 he people living in the Hotel Regent were just getting ready for dinner when the Bre was discovered. They tied from their apartment. lr.trut2 ev.rytLung behju. them. rhe firemen Imre kept beery put• Ong out 'email fires which occurred iu the honer* near by, and in the vicinity of four biuoke u1 the chars and hotel. The Sutumerfltld M. K. church et t:reene and 1Veshingtou &relines, also cn,:dlit are from flying sparks ai„1 datnag'.l the build iug to the exte,:t . 1 t:1 i IPA). Despite the retort,. of oma hetueu the douses.preot quickly and the Adjoining honer. caught fire, tiye uu tirerue arenas sustaining damage all the way Irmo 85.0'"1 10 $14,900. Vi foie the t:reiueu were at work un the houses on 1traeti. eyehole filature were seen coIbieg front the roofs of the four houses on l%•aehiugtun. They were extinguished after having damage -d- em -It house to the extent o1*1,;rU'). Two 41,10..s and a stably uu. Waverly avenue veer:• Alen damaged to the extent of from $2,00010 113,000 each. The iiberu*r:e mei Hotel Regent wen gutted. Nothing remains but complete the walla little over a the Hotel Reg. Paintings. elu 111 will autumns to $604. Tabernacle is about j..tuiug baildtmis are aged to the *stent QM. Perhaps the loss which Talmage the ',host it t he. total Lett is estimated at a (!lion dull .re. The luss on Melanins the bnilJIu.4.- guests. household good. 0U0. The lose un the 02.000 and the ad, nlrted W be dea►- , ill grieve Dr. et of the memorial mousei.li he brehtght hum the east arm which -were net in tha well at the right of the organ. Raeil Sage) who bohlts7l"Smiorftag* un the tabernacle of 125,U10)end iutrrest amountlug tol15, trill the tabernacle was insured and would .land by the Mance and help them get on their feet again. - Dr. Talmage will start ou hie trip arouud the world *.,,lay. 'tie tabernacle was in- sured for $130,000 in four companies. THE EMBARGO QUESTION. 't Sir (1.1es Tupper end Mr. ('haplit. Ka- nsa. to a Controversy. LONDON, May 14 --The question of the admission of Venetian cattle iuto Great Retrain and the effort' to lift the existing embargo ba dereloped • controversy which to certain high circles bids fair to grow *Wltry. The letter which Sir (Merles Tupper addressed to the Times on the Sib inst., combating statements made in the !house of Commons on tit. 13th cif by Yr. Henry Chaplin. and to the effect that at tie imported from ('amelia in the years 1960. 1091 and 11(9'2 carried pliers pnefi soar with them and infected the o.rtl. In Swamis!, embraced an nngnalitied T. Dial of the speaker's assertions. Mr. (Caplin thereupon renews the at. leek In reply to Sir Charles' denial, and reiterates hie statement that the n.ponsi• bility for the disease in Scotland in 1891 was with Canadian cattle impacted that year. Scotland, he adds, was absolutely free from the dines prior to that. Re- garding the proposal to exempt ('*nedlan cattle from slaogbter at the port of dm barked*, Mr. Chaplin says that in his opinion such a course would expudie both owners end breeders to a great risk. •' No government," said h. " would be justified In sanctioning le" mod mincluded, 1 will resist a ch every Mem in my power any attempt to give asset to the views upon the Hoard of Agriculture by the Mergni. of Ripon." Demi' of amens Meati, .1 PeeL Baure05, May 14 - Alexander Forsythe Scott, late judge or the County Coar* of the County of Peel, died at Brasptoa ea Saturday morning after along and painful illness The jades was born in Brampton and passed all fid lite here, seaming cpm the preen** of his profession immediately after his call to the bra and building up a large *.4 Name* pr•et1.e. The ennewisedes traresaae I)tAyp --Oa Monday aftermmen of tut k. Prrsaouraa. Ma 14. -It le reported week Mrs. (Maley, who Liu resided with that the marriage of the Princess AM, of bee i.s la Imo, Huge Yms.iekk, pew Nr I Huse to the Cwwiteh wi11 take Alam tin November 10. The t'sarwlteb will seeom pauy the Cruise to the Caeeaors to w the *)rand Duke (1.0rp, who has long boon tens debt She was 75 years of • dew meet* previous to bar domino the suffered greatly. The f..er,l, which was Isrgely moulded, took place see Wde.etey M Rioted cemetery, Iter Mr. Amitrens - eendsetieg the last rites. **telae iter sense& Mo1ryasu.. May 11. -Lieutenant t •olos.l Mow te C.s • "..slag w - Plessey. Hughes, the cele[ of polios or this sky, Send 76 " Su.liwht ' Km" wrwppses bas taken sten f... $16,000 dam behrhe the tword. 1'• why oh„• Who. .qd.n the Montreal Herald on aeeouu L." old 9.e... Tour • Me. "t ta prior attacks made apo. hiss la wsats.a'tioa with Sem.. Ltd., 41 aew,teet. Tweet, add yes the .aektey tit Polio* tome .uttl renis* hy pen a pretty Omere, from esleertirdem. moil well worth framing. This ie an easy way to d.asr.ti year here The maple the beet is the urhea tied it we stay melt la anew to s.11 1. the wempere.M Ma Irsft the dist .pen. Wei yaw trams swift $y Ibewwiw4 nom Parry Men. PARRY flor we, (tat.. May 14. -Junes Wilson, • yea.g wase woribhg an • sew lag deism win drowned ytaleeday at Set - pent Rapids slats* mdse from hare. Teyhear wati nwewlt sum bow Ord MRS EVANS ANO OSMAN GUILTY. l.Mlet er sae l.rr 1. the 0haw r•deeehri cavo. Totems°. May 9. -The jury to the 4b.rou ease last eveuing returned a ver diet of guilty against Mrs. Evans and Owego (human of aduttoiaterlug pu,eeu to Walter Evans. busbawl of the female tett- sun When the jury senouuoed Hielr verdict Mrs. emus turned deathly pale awl al- most tatuted, but recover.' herself and submitted to being led from the bus with ate grant ealmueeo. Judge Robertson reeete d seuteuee. At rite wonting sitting Pegg was acquit- ted, the judge charging the jury that there was nu eridenee of platy 1u $D7 ta- Muttuu of admiubtertug puie,u. The jury returned .i verdict of " not guilty. - The bast sitting of this remarkable trial was held !n the a[teraouu, when elm l.'ruwu called on Wolter Evens to tastily as to whether he had over been afflicted with hydrophobia or hysteria The pnm,ner retepst«! iu the negative. This closed the ow rem. Judge Robertson commenced his charge to the jury by cauttouin,l them against be• inq; carnet away by the iloq.scuce of the lawyers 0n either side. He said that Mr. lturdoch's tole. of "a vile conspiracy on the let of the F:vaus' family'" agattu1 the female prts..ner to " tit defiance of tbe eve deuce. It would be an outrageous condi• tom of so'tety if that lewdly .4.210, of a great wrong *mg rpetrat.d upt'n their sou sod brother and num retrained quirt." Then the charge tr.verud the evidence, giving it a close walyrie; tete fact that Evans said tAfat the casters were "bitter" is:, tuu5( lwpurtaut [act if those uystent were w bad as to wake a man sick *could have smelt that they were elceowpueed. '• Was the sickness of Walter Evans the result of strychnine lloiwu ?" *AA the nest question ',:.cuss', by the judge. This' brought into judicial review the medical testimony gireu in this case, it etophastrod Dr. Huwe's evidence. The judge thought it an extraordinary thing teat medu al man invariably tale sidles and are pr.11ared to make tont a 1 so, for the adv on which they are call**!. " W1.at a lues they made of it," odd the Court , "no two .f them.i agree.!. •' ('owing to the gne.ti.n of motive, the Judge said ' that letter the unfurlanate *0)natl *tote in the arongrst t•orrobora tion of L:eggier kris study." Alts the { cr.urt lead truss tar lrtt.•rj, he quoted from the servau: girt r e1 donee to show that more than cep in the letter was ueemeary 1 "to kick up such a trouble.;speaking of the put. hate .of the sttrclinine by Itrmau, I his 1..,rd614 thouzbt that the fact that no foxes were there, 'by evid.nee, is an im- t..•rtA 1 I.'atnre. It is • thousand petite that Ostoeu is not *We to account for tris I having the poison. if you can't say the remotion are guilty jou tuset give them the benefit of the doubt" Th. Judge concluded by *eying ohm nothing sht.uld be considensI by the jury smarted Mr.. Evaur except es to the Mussy* now Attnihst her. The Cruwu, he said, should have established bow maim grain, there w 1,r. lu that but.le and wined thee have estabu•ael a stronger caw. ANTONIO LUCIANO HANGED. /saline Murderer hwtrr. the Peasant, for , 11111(54 • Compatriot. l: ,.t.. Man., May 10.-Antin:0 Luciano, one of the Italians eenteaced to death for the murder of the Italian acts .ora -minder. was banged this inoruiuc. Laoiaaa m/ An:srda thhhgt wen teeth asseaeed to 450th aur the a Ips asent.en, being putety ctrl Minos ss them .lautial. tlttinsequently, Leman. conferee to killing hie cuwprtriot, but cheated it was due to an aeoulent• The halias lioverunesut tuterreue4 ou behalf 0f the eandemued mea., The Uoveruor Dewed yesterday segued en urder•w 000(10(1 em, muting the seuterie• of Ih•gidw to Impel. uutueut ter life, but allowed the lets is take Its course with respect to Leciauu, !'lie rwtdetuae4 semi di.tlayel great on the scaffold, and appeared p,e pared fur death. After re}watlug :Le lit any after the pried, ),ueutiu made e speech iu br,k.0 English, as follows _ "1 would like everybody uul to behove what the papers say about the crime 1 die innocent, like Jreus Christ. He diad fur everybody, Idle 1,r my partner. !h gide). 1 made the c onfeeatuu w that 4,t► might not die. 11'0 are both innocent. mon a stranger in a strange ce witty, se. Leidy believes me, but Jesus. 1 pray y gentlemen, believe. nu timid bye. uu !till the mea, Nebeely believes no. but J.105 I leave my wife mint 1w., , u1: drew. He {ba told the Lai. 'eau h. was teeny. ash shortly after the'' .p felt TIP'S TRAGIC DEATH. The raesens Control Park .Aepka.., DMe by ratan.. New Volta, May i2. -rip, the 414 .e. tit 111 the ('entrit {lark teenage l'- Jowl last 0veuiog after many hour* of ag..•y Saris a botched piece of work ha. ,..ern been acwwplished by aur art 0t use:, who have professed to have the eL:gsmrt +jail in kthiteg wild animate or to rave ':.:nth from unnecessary cruelty and anffaiug From 6 a m. until l p. m. t:.e grim: flag of the forest went .hudderiu+ from use convulsion into another boder the luflueua of the erai,ble of 104las.um whirl, nal • bAu given to him. 't lie first dose of th, puree was not aafliclent to put a quirk eel painless) mud to his We. After many euusu:'atious between Sett. Scuath of the menagerie, Sept H.ultiiue,n of •,,.- S elegy fur the l'r'eeeutiun of cruelty •o Animal. 'met Secnluy (turns It was re. 5,1011 le :1 o'clock to aduuuistet .*tether* done of poison. The second due ?fuel'y ,n, red effective, IJgbteloa^. Werk hear Nrorurille\ Hsows.ouc.; &sat, May 1L -Ir,t evening while a very heavy storin w1,, }.wing ever, lightning struck acid brtrnol tit•s entire farm MI:hllugs covering 1'*) feet square, i:ic'udiug serene! ton, of bey uud one steer, owned 4r IIs. E. 14 Bre, NJ. Darius the afteruuou ha had tura," the who:e of his cattle, numbering thirty'slit aril several Loris, out 011 pasture for the 'rot time. 'flits raved him from wLa1 x0:(1.1 bale been a much heavier lex., a. •bs,luc.ls• notbirtgcuu1I be taken frune the cattle; sheds. tete yoke of uaeo las taken !runt th, driei ng - *bel art Ache,!, a eras tn. uulr tbtage •aye.! Lees over *1.(101), Urumqi for about Poet. '.04ered in Ms ('011, ItAat'ILAIA, Maly I1. -Marin Horne'. the anerchi,t, Who wee wan to be triol for 3.OH1 1•1terr iu the Attempt to Mil Captain General Markers de Campos. has bleu tonne' dead in ha paean ...U. The be:, - was b•d1y bruised and the Medical testa user believes be died fruit Hoke*_- neo/lie4 Doetrese4 la fsl.utt•iru itra:.nrrtt., nus . May 12. -lite cow pletely destroyed the house owned 15.1 uceupted by Edward Adair, trussed by des ssplusiou el • 1a1•µ \mires was .art You Can't Go Wrong in buying- from us, Amuse wove OAT L Y ON WAY o doing f business ; [111[1 ilial r to J M'e a DOL 1_ fl R r,1, good Quality and Quantity for a Dollar- o/' anybody 's money. Our Store is briar All of Bard airs. This eek (' show special :'alne in all lines of Dry Goody, Fnrnishrirz s, Clr'thin, 13onts Sh"eS M. H's Straw Hata, 3e. Mleit'o Flannelette Shirts tie Mrrr'T 3ti-tt'.w;tfi.,:'! .tto1T :1,.t• :itis •riwnx.1, :j.i. t('li &ire this liege r. ith what i.tlt. r ,Litre. aaL• 31, for Men's Cotton Sox, good w'eigIit, 4 pain for Sac. Mtn's Solid hip dace Booth, f;hoc store price $1 60) $1.49. No other Store in the County can sailed►' your needs iceith the same advantage to your purse that we can. (7«111 Floor Oilcloth, I yard wide, 4Se. Lace Curtains, Taped all nrol:nd, i' yards long, ?Sc. Fast Color yard -wide (linghtuns, Dc. We don't hang out 'a few lines for leis than Cost with the idea of snaking it up on something :else. All the way through our Pricer are equally attraclir'e. 1J you pay ready money we ofer you all the advantages of Cash Buying and Cash Selling. Ruiter and Ep, s taken as Cash. rird rakIVAt %%UN "OWevve fte COMPLETE OUTFITTERS.